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The dune group is where they come from. The group "Dune" is still in service: what the performers of the hit "Communal Apartment" look like now. Biography, life story of the group "Dune"

People born in the USSR remember well the era of the 90s, when on almost every corner one could hear songs distinguished by their unpretentiousness and simplicity. Among these compositions, ordinary people really liked “Country of Limonia”, “Greetings from a Big Hangover”, “Dorm” and others. The author and performer of these creations was a man named Victor Rybin, whose biography will be discussed in the article below.

Curriculum Vitae

The future musician was born in the city of Dolgoprudny, located in the Moscow region, on August 21, 1962. At the age of eight, Viktor Rybin, whose biography is quite interesting for many readers today, experienced a terrible tragedy: he witnessed how his father, Viktor Grigorievich, committed suicide. This incident affected the boy so much that after that he remained silent for six months, not communicating with anyone at all. Some doctors even expressed the opinion that he would never recover from the stress. However, as time has shown, the hero of the article not only returned to normal, but subsequently even became quite successful person in life.


It goes without saying that the mental trauma did not go completely unnoticed for the guy. Viktor Rybin (his biography is full of numerous hooligan antics) grew up problematic and difficult child. Although he loved his mother Galina Mikhailovna very much and always treated her with warmth and respect. At school, he often skipped classes and wandered around the streets. He became addicted to alcohol and smoking. It seemed like it would go down an inclined path. But music, and more specifically, the guitar, saved him. On this musical instrument the young man learned to play quite quickly, and also masterfully. His talent did not go unnoticed, and therefore he was invited to join the musical group.

Education and service

Who did Viktor Rybin study as? His biography says that he successfully graduated from the Naval School in the city of Severodvinsk. From the walls of this educational institution He emerged as a certified specialist in the operation of various ship installations. After which he was drafted into the Armed Forces and paid his military duty, serving on a submarine, where he was responsible for the proper use of a nuclear reactor.

After being transferred to the reserve, after some time, Vitya studied at the Moscow State Institute of Culture, where he studied sociology.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1987, Viktor Rybin (biography, personal life full of bright events) became an employee of the Dune group, the founder of which, in turn, was his friend from school, Sergei Katin, who worked as a bass guitarist in this group. Initially, Rybin sat behind the drum set and was also an administrator.

In their early days, the band played rock and roll songs. However, this venture did not bring significant success. Something had to be changed, and Victor and Sergei began singing a duet, radically changing the entire concept of their performances. Having become famous, the group became part of the Moscow Philharmonic and performed at concerts throughout the year.

On the top

In 1989, “Dune” performed the song “Country of Limonia,” which, in turn, became the leader of all charts in the country. In fact, this period can be called the most productive for the group. Then there was her whole series of successful songs, which allowed the team to firmly gain a foothold in the Olympus of fame. In 1992, Katin finally left Dune and Victor became the full-fledged and sole leader. The team performed very often, giving many concerts, tickets for which sold out in an instant. Albums also sold massively.

Note that the musical group still exists today. In 2017, he celebrated his thirtieth birthday in a magnificent and solemn atmosphere at a club called

Family status

For the first time, Viktor Rybin, whose biography and personal life is still under the radar of journalists, got married at the age of twenty. But this marriage fell apart very quickly. After young guy drafted into the army, his young wife did not agree to wait for him and left him.

The second attempt was also unsuccessful. In 1985, Vitya got married. However, the couple subsequently went their separate ways, although they did not officially divorce for a long period of time. The fruit of love ex-husband and their daughter Maria, who is a police officer, became his wife. Rybin maintains a normal relationship with her. Her parents gave her a good education.

It’s worth talking about the third marriage in more detail. Victor Rybin and women are also the object of study by many people) got married in 1998. But their acquaintance took place 8 years earlier. At that time, the girl was a dancer in Shubarin’s team. At some point, Rybin invited her to star in the “Dunes” video, but when she arrived, it turned out that due to problems with the cameraman there would be no shooting, and the whole team sat down to drink tea. After spending time together at the table, Natalya realized that she really liked Vitya.

In February, the young family had a son, whom his parents named Vasily. Now he is already an adult, is a university student, and practices in the karate section. In addition, he became the founder of his own group.

In conclusion, let’s say that the children of Viktor Rybin, whose biography is given above, are no less talented than their father. It is worth noting that the singer is a ship owner. He owns a motor ship called M. V. Lomonosov", built in 1960. The ship's capacity is 242 people. The musician rents it out to host various corporate parties, weddings and banquets on board.

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Biography, life story of the group "Dune"

The Dune group was formed in 1987 and initially played hard rock music, which was fashionable at that time. As a “heavy” group, it did not gain much popularity, although it consisted of musicians who later became celebrities in this field. They were guitarist Dmitry Chetvergov, drummer Andrei Shatunovsky and vocalist Andrei Rublev. The other two members of Dune were Viktor Rybin and Sergey Katin. They were the first to sense that “the trick wasn’t working” and were the main ideologists of the changes that took place in 1988 in the stage and musical concept of the team.

Already focusing on simpler, but nevertheless cocky, hooligan material, the duet Rybin - Katin, which by that time had become the indivisible core of “Dune” and surrounded by frequently renewed session musicians, introduced the group into the Bosom of the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. From the Dune Philharmonic whole year traveled around the country and performed in the same program with other “philharmonicists” Alexander Serov and Pavel Smeyan. On these trips, the hit “Country of Limonia” was born, which played an important role in the development of the group’s success.

The New Year 1989 began very favorably for Dune. On January 6, the popular program “Musical Elevator” broadcast the so-called “video clip” (but in fact, a staged concert filming) with “Country Limonia” throughout the entire territory of the then USSR. For the next 12 months, “Dune” sang nothing but this hit. Nowhere! Only in December the songs “Firm” (“I don’t know a cooler word...”) and “Give-Give!” appeared. For them, as well as for the “lemon” hit, “Dune” shot a real video - these were the first Soviet music videos made in a “cinema” style.

In May 1990, Dune, as one of the “HEADLINERS,” performed at the “Soundtrack” festival in front of a full hall at the Olympic Sports Palace, where she created a sensation. At the same time, she had problems on television, as censors suddenly became more active and took up arms against “too uncomplexed” artists. And when, due to someone’s oversight, it was leaked onto the air new job“Drink, Vanya, don’t get sick!”, half of the management of the guilty channel “2x2” was stripped of their positions by the senior television authorities.


However, officials could not help but react to the massive popularity of “Dune”, and soon “Country Limonia” was included in the “Song of the Year” program, and the state-owned company “Melodiya” released a vinyl “forty-five” of the group, also called “Country Limonia” (maximum singleGL included 8 songs). “Dune” turned into the National Heritage of the Soviet Union, immortalized in all possible forms at that time.

Further events developed rapidly - in a kaleidoscope of numerous tours and fragmentary studio work. In 1991, the “forty-five” “Country of Limonia” with four added tracks was re-released on a regular long-playing gramophone record. A few months later, a completely new album, “Dolgoprudny Behind Us,” is released, famous for the provocative song “Greetings from Big Badun.” Unexpectedly, Sergei Katin left Dune, got married and went to “conquer” France as a musician.

Rybin did not grieve for long - under his leadership, the band spent the entire next year in endless concerts and published their first CD, “Dune, Dunochka, DunA, greetings from Big Badun,” consisting of old things. Finally, in 1993, when the time came to prove to everyone that the group could live without Katin, who wrote most of the “Dune hits”, Victor sat down in the studio for 20 days and single-handedly mastered a cycle of a dozen works: “Zhenya”, “Machine gun”, “Limpompo”... He called it in revenge on his former partner... “Vitek”. The face of "Dune" became even more hooligan, but this was greeted with delight by fans. The musicians' careers reached new round, when it was unlikely that anything could now hinder her progress.

The year 1994 was marked by two discs at once, adding to the Dune discography. This is “But we don’t care” with the famous “Borka the Womanizer” and “Dream” (or “Sea of ​​Beer”, as it is popularly called) plus “Golden Childhood”, where Rybin and Co. sang their favorite children's songs by Vladimir Shainsky, Yuri Entin and others. In 1995, the “loser Frenchman” Sergei Katin returned to Rybin and confessed. Victor accepted his friend like a mother prodigal son, and the result of their reunion was the album “In the Big City”. She gave the public the hits “Communal Apartment”, “Lanterns”, “About Vasya”.

True, Katin did not pretend to become a full member of Dune. He remained behind the scenes, only occasionally writing some songs for Vitka and his associates. A year later, “Dune” was born with the album “Sewn a New Suit,” which Soyuz studio released in January 1997. And on March 8 of the same year, Rybin congratulated the women of Russia with his debut solo work, “Let's Talk About Love, Mademoiselle.” Absolutely all the numbers for her were created by Katin - Victor only voiced his ideas. But despite the “solo” nature, listeners still perceived “Mademoiselle” the same way as any other “Dune” album - that is, well!


added date: 24.03.2008

The Dune group was created in 1987 and initially produced hard rock melodies that were popular at that time. But it did not find success in this field, despite the fact that its members included people who later became popular as rockers. This is guitarist Dmitry Chetvergov, drummer Andrei Shatunovsky and soloist Andrei Rublev. Dune also included Viktor Rybin and Sergei Katin. Victor and Sergey realized in a timely manner that they would never see fame in hard rock, and by 1988 the style of music was completely changed.
Rybin and Katin have already paid attention to a less complex, but no less driving style. They became the main ones in the team, and the rest of the composition was constantly changing.
The Dune group managed to penetrate the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. On her behalf, “Dune” went on tour for 12 months; Alexander Serov and Pavel Smeyan were listed as the same “amateur” artists.
It arose on tour and became crazy popular song"Country of Limonia"

1989 On January 6, the famous program “Musical Elevator” showed a video with “Land of Limonia” to the whole country. And the next year “Dune” did not perform anything else - everyone wanted to hear only “Limonia”.
And only in December the compositions “Firm” and “Give-Give!” were released.
The group made a video for all three songs.

May 1990. “Dune” appears on the “Sound Track”, the audience is the whole Olympic Sports Palace. The performance turned out to be very successful.
But at the same time, the group began to have a showdown with television, because censorship called the group “too uncomplexed.”
And after the new video “Drink, Vanya, don’t get sick!” was shown on TV, many people responsible for the show were kicked out of the “2x2” channel. But what can you do if the people demand and the people love?
And now, after a very short amount of time, “Country Limonia” participates in the “Song of the Year”. An eight-track album is also being released.

1991 The album "Limonium Country" will be released in best quality and add four more compositions.
After some time, the album “Behind us is Dolgoprudny” appears, it was there that the song “Greetings from Big Badun” was written.
Everything is going well, when suddenly Sergei Katin leaves the group, deciding to start a family and emigrate to France in order to realize himself as a musician there.
“Dune” goes on tour a lot,” and then the first disc, without Katin’s participation, “Dune, Dunochka, DunA, greetings from Big Badun” comes out. It includes already known songs.
1993 - it was felt that the moment had come to demonstrate to everyone that even without Katin’s participation, he could do something on his own. Therefore, in literally less than a month, he writes 10 compositions, including “Zhenya”, “Machine Gun”, “Limpompo”. And the disc was called “Vitek”.

1994 - these are two albums: “But we don’t care” and “Golden Childhood”. The first included, for example, songs such as “Borka the Womanizer” and “Dream” (better known as “Sea of ​​Beer”). And the second consisted of rehashes of well-known children's songs written by Vladimir Shainsky, Yuri Entin and other authors.

1995 Return of Sergei Katin to the group due to failures in France. Together, friends are working on the disc “In the Big City.” From the disc, the compositions “Communal Apartment”, “Lanterns”, “About Vasya” became famous.

1996 - work on the disc “I sewed a new suit”, which was released in January 1997.
By March, Rybin presented the public with a solo album, “Let's Talk About Love, Mademoiselle,” all the songs for which were written by Katin.

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Melody, Union, etc.


Victor Rybin
Mikhail Dulsky
Andrey Apukhtin
Renat Sharibzhanov
Igor Plyaskin
Mikhail Yudin

Former members

Dmitry Chetvergov, Andrey Shatunovsky, Andrey Rublev, Sergey Katin, Leonid Petrenko, Sergey Kadnikov


Dune- Soviet Russian musical group, formed in 1987.


  • Victor "Fish" Rybin - vocals, percussion. Permanent leader from the creation of the group to the present day
  • Igor Plyaskin - guitar. In the group since 2002
  • Misha "Filyovsky Werewolf" Dulsky - guitar. In the group since 1992.
  • Andrey "Tolsty" Apukhtin - keyboards. He has been working in the group since 1991.
  • Renat "Grach" Sharibzhanov - bass guitar. In the group since 1993.
  • Mikhail "Mefodiy" Yudin - drums. In the group in 2006.

Former Members

  • Dmitry Chetvergov - guitarist, one of the founders of the Dune group, worked from 1987 to 1989.
  • Andrey Shatunovsky - drummer. In the group from 1987 to 1988
  • Sergey Katin - Vocalist. from 1988-1991, 1995-1999 one of the two creators of the second composition of Dune, 1988, the second - Viktor Rybin
  • Andrey Rublev - vocalist from 1987 -1989,
  • Alexander Serov and Pavel Smeyan, Moscow Regional Philharmonic - performers with whom the newly minted musicians of the group Dune Rybin and Katin performed.
  • Leonid Petrenko -

From the first time they appeared on stage, the Dune group immediately fell in love with the audience. They were “Ours”, and the humorous lyrics of comic songs instantly diverged into quotes and became “folk”. They became popular in 1987, but for now a little history. Viktor Rybin, the permanent leader and founder of the group, is from the Moscow region. His mother sang in the Pyatnitsky choir, and his father worked at a factory.

“I was born where I was useful - in Dolgoprudny. A banal story - they gave it to music school, the teachers called it not successful. I broke my arm and forgot about music. I went to sambo."

Music reappeared in the life of Viktor Rybin when he was about 12 years old. The yard boys told him about the banned Voice of America radio and what kind of music they listen to abroad.

“The concert from Washington... I even remembered their address for the rest of my life... I was amazed... this is 74... Queen, Deep Pierple, hard rock... we decided... we need to create our own group... we had a speaker ... we came up with our own songs...”

The amateur creativity of the young artists lasted for a year and a half, until Victor’s friend, Sergei Katin, transferred to the school. At the age of 14, he was considered a good musician and played the button accordion superbly. The young man easily joined the team, and soon the first name for the group was invented.

“BY LITTLE Mo”... What did it mean? No one knew. We opened an English textbook and sang the lines from it, because we couldn’t come up with words. But we became popular in a narrow geographical point... Dolgoproudny. People even came to see us dance.”

Since the guys were minors, and musical instruments were given to them right on the stages, they did not receive money for their performances. Then they enjoyed playing at discos. But they already understood that they needed to move forward in the chosen direction: earn money and buy good equipment. But as soon as they turned 16 and received their first income, the artists bought their first instrument.

“We bought Katina a bass for 450 rubles.... And we worked at weddings... then life scattered us... everyone went somewhere... it was ’79.”

Sergey Katin continued his musical career, first working in the State Television and Radio Orchestra, and then in popular group Arsenal, and Viktor Rybin continued to work as a submariner in Kamchatka. However, he did not forget about music. We probably would never have known about the Dune group if it weren’t for chance meeting old school friends.

“It was ’85... I said, Seryoga, we need to start our own group.”

The “Hard Rock” format did not bring much popularity to the group, especially since in those years such luminaries of heavy music as the groups “Aria”, “Rondo”, “Black Coffee” had long been playing on stage. But remaining “not the destiny” was not in the plans of the artists, so a new stage and musical concept for the team was developed at the creative council.

“In 1987, the times had already changed... perhydrol on the hair, tight pants and jackets with wide shoulders... the material needed to be changed... Katin did a great job - he sat down and wrote “The Country of Limonia.”

Few people know, but for the first time this song was performed by Larisa Dolina, who was then just gaining popularity.

“About the Valley... Seryozha slipped this song to her and she performed it at the Musical Ring.” The song didn't get any resonance...the tuning didn't suit it. Seryozha did it on the sly... I turn on the TV and I see... I call him and he doesn’t answer...”

The artists had an important task - to declare themselves as a new group, which has, at a minimum, the right to exist. This needed a name stage image and repertoire. The song “Limonia”, performed by the group “Dune” in 1989, immediately “shot”. This is not surprising: it very accurately reflected the mood of society in the late 80s, and the unusual and somewhat arrogant image of the performers themselves brought a smile.

“We dressed in what we had.”

“About Limonia... then our country was this country... all the musicians then wrote songs “between the lines.” Of course, we sang about foreign miracles, how to make money... it was then that she became... funny... We were not funny, but prickly... Russian cacti. We have remained that way; the audience makes any artist.”

“The story of the song is ordinary... reflected the state... of the Soviet Union... Seryozha Katin, with whom we created the group, says, let’s be dissidents. I tell him - you better give the music, and I’ll perform it frivolously...everything is forgiven for clowns.”

Throughout the next year, “Dune” traveled all over the country with this popular hit. Of course, they had other songs that fans appreciated. But here’s the paradox: despite their obvious popular popularity, the artists did not receive support either on TV or radio. The censors took up arms against “too uncomplicated musicians.”

“They hardly played it on the radio... we need TV. We don’t fit into “Morning Mail”... you won’t fit in there... and here’s the “2*2” channel... we paid for a month. And then they didn’t take money from us...”

Music colleagues Anzhelika Agurbash, soloists of the group “Na-na,” shared their memories of the bright project of those years.

“Once they showed up, it was a lot of fun.”

“As soon as “Limonia” came out, everyone started dancing just like them...”

But officials could not help but react to the massive popularity of “Dune”, and soon “Country Limonia” was included in the “Song of the Year” program, and the state company “Melodiya” released vinyl record group, also called "Country Limonia". The album “Dolgoprudny Behind Us” will be released soon. Until 1996, the musicians released new albums, and their concerts were sold out throughout the country. During this time, one of the founders of the group, Sergei Katin, left the band, got married and went to conquer concert venues in France. Then, under the leadership of Victor, a new CD “Dune, Dunochka, DunA, greetings from Big Badun” was released, and then such hits as “Zhenka”, “Machine Gun”, “Vitek”, “Dream” and the famous “Borka the Womanizer”. By the way. , it is the “womanizer” that Viktor Rybin believes best song about love in the repertoire of his group.

“Borka the Womanizer” is a love song... there are different ones... both to have fun and to make you cry... I call it the best love song.”

Simultaneously with his growing popularity, Victor also met his other half - Natalya Senchukova, who worked as a dancer in the 90s. It was a classic love affair at work, which developed into a romantic feeling.

The secret of the success of the Dune group, according to Viktor Rybin, lies in the work itself, which for his team is the meaning of life.

“In the love of listeners and spectators, musicians, nothing depends on you.”



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