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Characteristics of the heroes of Oblomov’s novel (description of the main and secondary characters). Ilya Ilyich Oblomov in the novel “Oblomov”: materials for essays (quotes) Goncharov’s hero in real life

The pinnacle of creativity of the talented Russian prose writer and critic of the 19th century Ivan Goncharov was the novel “Oblomov”, published in 1859 in the magazine “ Domestic notes" Its epic scale of artistic exploration of the life of the Russian nobility of the mid-nineteenth century allowed this work to occupy one of the central places in Russian literature.

Characteristics of the main character

The main character of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a young (32-33 years old) Russian nobleman who idly and carefree lives on his estate. Has a pleasant appearance main feature which is gentleness in all his features and the fundamental expression of his soul.

His very favorite hobby- this is apathetic lying on the sofa and meaningless spending of time in empty thoughts and dreamy thoughts. Moreover, the complete absence of any actions is his conscious choice, because he once had a position in the department and was waiting for promotion career ladder. But then he got bored with it and gave up everything, making his ideal a carefree life filled with sleepy peace and tranquility, like in childhood.

(Old faithful servant Zakhar)

Oblomov is distinguished by his sincerity, gentleness and kindness; he has not even lost such a valuable moral quality like conscience. He is far from evil or bad deeds, but at the same time it is confident to say that he positive hero, it is forbidden. Goncharov painted the reader a terrible picture of Oblomov’s spiritual desolation and his moral decay. The old and faithful servant Zakhar is a mirror reflection of the character of his young master. He is just as lazy and sloppy, devoted to the depths of his soul to his master and also shares with him the philosophy of his life.

One of the main storylines in the novel, which reveals the character of the main character in the best possible way, is Oblomov’s love relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. The romantic feelings that suddenly flared up in Oblomov’s heart for this young and sweet person awaken in him an interest in spiritual life, he begins to take an interest in the art and mental demands of his time. Thus, there is a ray of hope that Oblomov can return to normal human life. Love reveals in him new, previously unknown traits of his character, inspires him and inspires him to a new life.

But in the end, the feeling of love for this pure and highly moral girl becomes a bright, but very short-lived flash in the measured and monotonous life of the lazy gentleman. The illusions that they can be together are dispelled very quickly, they are too different from Olga, he will never be able to become the one she wants to see next to her. There is a natural break in the relationship. In the process of choosing between romantic dates and a serene sleepy state in which he lived most of his adult life, Oblomov chooses his usual and favorite option of doing nothing. And only in the house of Agafya Pshenitsina, surrounded by such familiar care and an idle, carefree life, does he find his ideal refuge, where his life quietly and imperceptibly ends.

The image of the main character in the work

After its release, the novel received close attention from both critics and readers. By the name of the main character of this work (on the initiative of the famous literary critic Dobrolyubov) a whole concept of “Oblomovism” appeared, which subsequently became widespread historical meaning. It is described as a real disease of modern Russian society, when young and full of energy people of noble origin are busy with reflection and apathy, they are afraid to change anything in their lives and prefer lazy and idle vegetation instead of action and struggle for their happiness.

According to Dobrolyubov, the image of Oblomov is a symbol of serf society in Russia XIX century. The origins of his “disease” lie precisely in the serfdom, in the technical backwardness of the economy, in the process of exploitation and humiliation of forced peasant slaves. Goncharov revealed to the readers the entire path of development of Oblomov’s character and his complete moral degradation, which applies not only to one individual representative of the noble class, but to the entire nation as a whole. Oblomov’s path, sadly enough, is the path of most people who do not have a specific goal in life and are absolutely useless for society.

Even such noble and lofty feelings as friendship and love could not break this vicious circle of laziness and idleness, so one can only sympathize with Oblomov that he did not find the strength to cast off the shackles of sleep and live a new, full life.

Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov worked on the novel “Oblomov” for ten years. The characterization of the main character is so convincingly presented by the classic that it went beyond the scope of the work, and the image became a household name. The quality of the author's elaboration of the characters in the story is impressive. All of them are integral, possessing the features contemporary writer of people.

The topic of this article is the characteristics of the heroes of Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Sliding on the plane of laziness

The central image of the book is the young (32-33 years old) landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a lazy, imposing dreamer. He is a man of average height, with dark gray eyes, pleasant facial features, and childishly pampered plump hands. The person living in the St. Petersburg apartment on the Vyborg side is ambiguous. Oblomov is an excellent conversationalist. By his nature, he is not capable of causing harm to anyone. His soul is pure. He is educated and has a broad outlook. At any given time, his face reflects a continuous stream of thoughts. It would seem that we are talking about if not for the enormous laziness that has taken over Ilya Ilyich. Since childhood, numerous nannies took care of him in small ways. “Zakharki da Vanya” from the serfs did any work for him, even small ones. His days pass in idleness and lying on the sofa.

Trusting them, Oblomov signed an enslaving agreement for his Vyborg apartment, and then paid fake “moral damages” to Agafya’s brother Mukhoyarov in the amount of ten thousand rubles through a fake loan letter. Ilya Ilyich's friend Stolz exposes the scoundrels. After this, Tarantiev “goes on the run.”

People close to Oblomov

Those around him feel that he soulful person, Oblomov. The characterization is a characterization, but the protagonist’s self-destruction through laziness does not prevent him from having friends. The reader sees how a true friend Andrei Stolts is trying to snatch Oblomov from the tight embrace of doing nothing. After Oblomov’s death, he became, according to the latter’s will, an adoptive father for his son Andryusha.

Oblomov has a devoted and loving common-law wife - the widow Agafya Pshenitsyna - an unrivaled housewife, narrow-minded, illiterate, but honest and decent. Outwardly she is plump, but well-behaved and hard-working. Ilya Ilyich admires it, comparing it to a cheesecake. The woman breaks off all relations with her brother Ivan Mukhoyarov, having learned about his low deception of her husband. After death common-law husband the woman feels that “the soul has been taken out of her.” Having given her son to be raised by the Stolts, Agafya simply wants to follow her Ilya. She is not interested in money, as can be seen from her refusal of the income due from Oblomov’s estate.

Ilya Ilyich is served by Zakhar - an unkempt, lazy, but idolizing his master and a loyal servant of the old school to the end. After the master's death, the former servant prefers to beg, but remains near his grave.

More about the image of Andrei Stolts

Often the theme school essays is Oblomov and Stolz. They are opposite even in appearance. Tawny, dark, with sunken cheeks, it seems that Stolz consists entirely of muscles and tendons. He has a rank behind him and a guaranteed income. Later, while working in a trading company, he earned money to buy a house. He is active and creative, he is offered interesting and lucrative work. In the second part of the novel, it is he who tries to bring Oblomov together with Olga Ilyinskaya, introducing them. However, Oblomov stopped building a relationship with this lady because he was afraid to change housing and engage in active work. Disappointed Olga, who planned to re-educate the lazy man, left him. However, Stolz’s image is not ideal, despite his constant creative work. He, as the opposite of Oblomov, is afraid to dream. Goncharov put an abundance of rationality and rationalism into this image. The writer believed that he had not finalized the image of Stolz. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov even considered this image negative, the judgment that he was “too pleased with himself” and “thinks too well of himself.”

Olga Ilyinskaya - woman of the future

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is strong, complete, beautiful. Not a beauty, but surprisingly harmonious and dynamic. She is deeply spiritual and at the same time active. met her singing the aria "Casta diva". This woman turned out to be capable of stirring up even such a guy. But re-educating Oblomov turned out to be an extremely difficult task, no more effective than training woodpeckers; laziness took deep roots in him. In the end, Oblomov is the first to give up his relationship with Olga (due to laziness). A characteristic of their further relationship is Olga’s active sympathy. She marries the active, reliable and faithful Andrei Stolz, who loves her. They have a wonderful, harmonious family. But the astute reader will understand that the active German “does not reach” the spiritual level of his wife.


A string of Goncharov’s images passes before the eyes of the reader of the novel. Of course, the most striking of them is the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Having wonderful prerequisites for a successful, comfortable life, he managed to ruin himself. At the end of his life, the landowner realized what had happened to him, giving this phenomenon the capacious, laconic name “Oblomovism.” Is it modern? And how. Today's Ilya Ilyichs, in addition to the dream flight, also have impressive resources - computer games with amazing graphics.

The novel did not reveal the image of Andrei Stolts to the extent intended by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. The author of the article considers this to be natural. After all, the classic depicted two extremes in these heroes. The first is a useless dream, and the second is a pragmatic, unspiritual activity. It is obvious that only by combining these qualities in the right proportion will we get something harmonious.

The hero of the novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, is a young man not deprived positive qualities. He is kind, smart, simple-minded. Its main drawback is the inertia and indecision absorbed with mother's milk. His character is a direct consequence of his upbringing. From childhood, not accustomed to work, the spoiled boy did not know the joy of activity. An ideal life, in his understanding, is a carefree period of time between sleep and eating. Having matured, he does not see the point in work; it only brings him a feeling of annoyance. Under a ridiculous pretext, he resigns from his position.

The tragedy of the hero is that he is deprived of the urgent need to earn a piece of bread. The family estate brings him little real income. It, in fact, is the subject of his daily meaningless dreams.

The hero's inactivity is even more pronounced in contrast with his active friend Stolz, a hereditary German. They say about these that the wolf’s legs feed him. He gets his daily bread through painstaking work. At the same time, he reaps not only the difficulties, but, at the same time, the delights of an action-packed life.

In the novel, the author asks himself the question of what “Oblomovism” is? Is this the tragedy of the children of hereditary landowners, instilled in them from childhood or an original Russian character trait? Is it possible to break out of a vicious circle through an effort of will or to end a life that is meaningless for society without doing anything? What is the meaning of existence for someone affected by pathological laziness? And only a thinking reader will understand that the author is concerned about the future of the state against the background of the collective image of his character.

Having written his novel about an inert middle-class landowner, I. A. Goncharov introduced the term “Oblomovism” into the Russian language, on behalf of its main character. It means peacefully passive idleness, meaningless, idle pastime. Fear of going beyond the comfortable state of half-asleep.

Option 2

Ilya Oblomov - main character in the novel “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharova.

Oblomov is thirty-two to thirty-three years old. He had average height, small hands, a plump body and dark gray eyes. In general, he had a pleasant appearance.

Ilya is a hereditary nobleman. As a child, I was an active and energetic child, but my parents stopped this. He was not burdened with any problems. They didn’t let him do anything on his own; the servants even put on his socks. Oblomov educated person on law and legal proceedings. Now he is a retired official. He served in St. Petersburg, but he got tired of it, and Ilya left. Oblomov never had affairs with women. They started, but ended immediately. He only had one close friend– the complete opposite of Ilya – Andrey Stolts. The main character is a thoughtful and melancholic person. He often thinks about something while lying on the sofa. He doesn’t finish anything: he studied English and gave up, he studied mathematics and also gave up. Considers studying to be a waste of time. Its development has long stopped.

Now Oblomov has his own estate, but he is not involved in it. Sometimes Stolz takes over and resolves some issues. Ilya often and carefully thinks about how he could improve it, but it doesn’t come to practice.

He doesn't like to go out into the world. Only his friend Andrey manages to get him out into the public eye. Also, only because of him Oblomov can read a couple of books, but without interest, lazily.

The main character is very concerned about his health and is afraid of getting sick. However, he spends most of his time at home in supine position. His old servant, Zakhar, does all the work for him. Oblomov often overeats. He knows that this is harmful to the body, but he has done this all his life and is used to it. Doctors often examine him and advise him to completely change his lifestyle in order to feel better. But Ilya only uses this as an excuse to do nothing, claiming that he is sick.

Oblomov has a very kind heart, able to help people. Later he will marry Agafya Pshenitsina and adopt her children, whom he will raise with his own money. She will not bring him anything new; she will only be an addition to his usual way of life. Sometimes Ilya thinks about himself like this, and his conscience torments him. He begins to envy other people who have an interesting and luxurious life. Everyone tries to blame someone for their lifestyle, but finds no one.

Essay about Oblomov

“He was a man about thirty-two or three years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in his facial features.” Thus, with a description of Oblomov, I.A.’s novel begins. Goncharova.

At first glance, Oblomov is apathetic, lazy and indifferent. He long time can lie on the bed and think about something of his own or be in his dream world. Oblomov doesn’t even notice the cobwebs on the walls or the dust on the mirrors. However, this is only the first impression.

The first visitor is Volkov. Oblomov didn’t even get out of bed. Volkov is a young man of twenty-five years old, dressed in the latest fashion, combed and in good health. Oblomov’s first reaction to Volkov was: “Don’t come, don’t come: you’re coming from the cold!” Despite all Volkov’s attempts to invite Oblomov to dinner or to Ekateringof, Ilya Ilyich refuses and remains at home, seeing no point in traveling.

After Volkov leaves, Oblomov turns over on his back and talks about Volkov, but his thoughts are interrupted by another call. This time Sudbinsky came to him. This time Ilya Ilyich's reaction was similar. Sudbinsky invites Oblomov to dinner with the Murashins, but even here Oblomov refuses.

The third guest was Penkin. “Still the same incorrigible, carefree sloth!” says Penkin. Oblomov and Penkin discuss the story, and Penkin asks Oblomov to read the story “The Love of a Bribe Taker for a Fallen Woman,” however brief retelling makes Ilya Ilyich angry. After all, the story ridicules vice, contempt for fallen man, to which Oblomov reacts ambiguously. He understands that any thief or fallen woman is first and foremost a person.

However, Oblomov’s essence is fully revealed through love. Love for Olga Ilyinskaya inspires him. He reads, develops for her sake, Oblomov blossoms, dreams of a happy future together. But realizing that he is not ready to change completely, realizing that he cannot give Olga what she needs, realizing that he is not created for her, he retreats. He understands that he will not be able to find the long-awaited happiness with Ilyinskaya. But after a while, he develops a relationship with Pshenitsina, which will be built on love and respect.

The attitude towards Oblomov cannot be unambiguous. The character of the hero is multifaceted. On the one hand, he is lazy and passive, but on the other, he is smart, he understands human psychology, he knows how to love and is capable of much for the sake of love. In conclusion, we can say that all the qualities of a Russian person are collected in one character.

Option 4

The main character of the novel of the same name "Oblomov" A.I. Goncharova is about thirty-two or thirty-three years old. He is a young man, not without a pleasant appearance, and a fairly educated man, a hereditary nobleman. Oblomov Ilya Ilyich is kind, quite smart and childishly simple-minded.

However, everything positive features overshadowed by one negative one - pathological laziness settled in his thoughts and over time took over Oblomov’s entire body. The body of the young nobleman has become flabby, has become loose and feminine - Ilya Ilyich does not bother himself with either mental or physical activity, preferring to lie on the couch almost all the time and dream about how to do nothing more. “As if everything would happen by itself!” - this is his life credo.

Having inherited an estate that provides a small but stable income, Oblomov does not improve anything in it and does not strive to ensure that his affairs prosper. Out of laziness, Ilya Ilyich threw all his worries regarding the estate onto the manager, who mercilessly and shamelessly robs him. Oblomov's servant Zakhar performs minor daily chores. And Ilya Ilyich himself prefers to lie on the sofa all day and daydream - a kind of “sofa dreamer”.

His dreams take him very far - in his dreams he would improve a lot on his estate, becoming even richer, but his dreams are meaningless. He doesn't even try to implement them. Dreams collide with his inertia and infantilism and are broken daily, turning into unrealistic, foggy dreams that end up settling on the sofa, enveloping Oblomov.

Why is there an estate - Oblomov is too lazy to even go on a visit. When he is invited to go on a visit, he avoids visits under far-fetched pretexts, remaining lying on his dear sofa. Oblomov does not like to go out - it is lazy and uninteresting to him.

Realizing that he was not developing spiritually and could not give anything to his chosen one except maintenance, Oblomov even abandoned his love for Olga Ilyinskaya. At first, Ilya Ilyich tried to change for the sake of Olga, he began to read a lot in order to achieve spiritual development her level, dreamed of a happy future with the woman he loved. But he was not ready to change completely even with love - Oblomov was stopped by fear of irreversible changes and he gave up his dream. He was completely satisfied with his current life as a couch potato and even such strong passions as love and passion for a woman did not motivate him to get up from his favorite sofa.

Oblomov was made so inert and inactive by his own parents, who from childhood instilled in their son that all important things should be done for him by others. They suppressed any manifestation of the boy’s activity, and gradually Ilya turned into a desperate sloth. This is how not only Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lived in those days - many of his offspring lived this way noble family. Author created collective image sybarite noble origin of that time and called this phenomenon “Oblomovism”. The writer was worried about the fate of Russia and he was afraid that such “Oblomovs” would rule it.

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Oblomov Ilya Ilyich is the main character of the novel of the same name by I. A. Goncharov, a nobleman of a pleasant appearance, 32-33 years old, with the absence of a specific goal in life. Oblomov has dark gray eyes and a soft gaze, and his facial features lack any concentration. The main meaning of the novel is connected with the image of Oblomov. It would seem that there is nothing important in this story, but it reflects Russian life and the reality of the mid-19th century. It was after this book that the word “Oblomovism” appeared.

Oblomov is a kind of superfluous person in society, symbolizing the typical path of provincial nobles of that time. After serving for several years in the department, waiting year after year for promotion, he decided that such a worthless routine was not for him, deliberately choosing to do nothing. Now he lies on the couch all day long, not thinking about the future and not setting any goals for himself. He is not only unable to manage his estate, but he cannot even get ready and go to a party. This inaction is a conscious choice of the character. He is quite happy with this kind of life, and he is satisfied that there is no depth that touches the living. From time to time, only his friend Stolz, who is his complete opposite, is able to stir him up.

For a while, Oblomov is changed by his love for Olga. He even begins to read books, get out of bed, look through newspapers and put on neat clothes instead of a greasy robe. However, realizing his inability to active love, he himself initiates a break in the relationship so that Olga does not become disappointed in him. As a result, the hero finds an ideal life only surrounded by

Life always presents people with unpleasant surprises, sometimes in the form life situations, sometimes in the form of difficulties in choosing the path to follow. Swimming with the flow or against it sometimes becomes a predetermining event of a lifetime.

Childhood and family of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Childhood always leaves a significant mark on the process of personality formation and development. Small child imitates the behavior of his parents, adopts their model of perceiving the world and its complexities. Oblomov's parents were hereditary aristocrats. His father Ilya Ivanovich was a good man, but very lazy. He did not seek to improve the pitiful situation of his impoverished family, although if he had overcome his laziness, this would have been possible.

His wife, Ilya Ilyich’s mother, was a match for her husband, so a sleepy and measured life was common. Naturally, the parents did not encourage the activity of their only child - the lethargic and apathetic Ilya suited them quite well.

Upbringing and education of Ilya Ilyich

Ilya Ilyich was mainly raised by his parents. They were not particularly diligent in this regard. The parents looked after their son in everything, often pitied him and tried to deprive his life of all sorts of worries and activities, so as a result, Ilya Ilyich grew up dependent, it was difficult for him to organize himself, adapt and realize himself in society.

We invite you to follow in Ivan Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

As a child, Ilya from time to time neglected the wishes of his parents - he could go off to play with the village boys without their knowledge. This behavior was not encouraged by the parents, but this did not upset the inquisitive boy. Over time, Ilya Ilyich became involved in the life of his parents and abandoned his curiosity in favor of Oblomovism.

Oblomov’s parents had a skeptical attitude towards education, but they still realized the extent of its necessity, so they sent their son to study at a boarding school with Stolz when his son turned thirteen. Ilya Ilyich had extremely negative memories of this period of his life - life in the boarding school was far from his native Oblomovshchina, Ilya Ilyich endured such changes with difficulty, with tears and whims. Parents tried in every possible way to minimize the child’s stress, so Ilya often stayed at home instead of going to classes. At the boarding house, Oblomov was not known for his hard work; some of the tasks were carried out instead by the son of the boarding house director, Andrei, with whom Oblomov was very friendly.

We invite you to read the novel of the same name by I. Goncharov.

At the age of 15, Ilya Ilyich leaves the boarding school. His education did not end there - college followed the boarding school. Oblomov’s exact profession is unknown; Goncharov does not detail this period. It is known that the subjects studied included law and mathematics. Despite everything, the quality of Oblomov’s knowledge has not improved - educational institution he ended "somehow."

Civil service

At the age of twenty, Ilya Ilyich begins civil service. His work was not so difficult - writing notes, issuing certificates - all this was a feasible task even for such a lazy person as Ilya Ilyich, but things did not work out with the service. The first thing that Ilya Ilyich categorically did not like was the daily routine of his service - whether he wanted it or not, he had to go to service. The second reason was the presence of a boss. In fact, Oblomov was very lucky with his boss - he turned out to be kind, calm person. But, in spite of everything, Ilya Ilyich was terribly afraid of his boss and therefore work became a real test for him.

One day, Ilya Ilyich made a mistake - he sent documents to the wrong address. As a result, the papers went not to Astrakhan, but to Arkhangelsk. When this was discovered, Oblomov was overcome with incredible horror.

His fear of punishment was so great that he first took sick leave and then resigned altogether. Thus, he remained in service for 2 years and retired as a collegiate secretary.

Oblomov's appearance

Goncharov does not go into detail about the appearance of his hero until the development of the main events of the novel.
The main array of events occurs when the hero is 32-33 years old. 12 years have passed since his arrival in the city, in other words, it’s been 10 years since Oblomov left any service. What did Ilya Ilyich do all this time? Nothing! He enjoys absolute idleness and spends his days lying on the sofa.

Of course, such a passive way of life affected appearance character. Oblomov gained weight, his face became flabby, although he still retained attractive features; this image is complemented by expressive eyes gray.

Oblomov perceives his fullness as a gift from God - he believes that his fullness is predetermined by God and his way of life and gastronomic habits have nothing to do with them.

His face has no color; he seems colorless. Since Ilya Ilyich does not need to go out anywhere (he doesn’t even go to visit), there is no need to buy and maintain a suit. Oblomov’s home clothes deserve the same treatment.

His favorite dressing gown has long lost its color, it has been repaired several times and does not look its best.

Oblomov is not concerned about his unkempt appearance - this attitude towards wardrobe and appearance in general was characteristic of his parents.

The purpose of life

A person somehow follows a certain goal in life. Sometimes these are small, intermediate landmarks, sometimes they are the work of a lifetime. In the situation with Oblomov, at first glance, it seems that the situation is the other way around - he has a complete lack of purpose in life, but this is not so - his goal is a measured life, he believes that only in this way can one feel its taste.

Ilya Ilyich tries to fully comply with this goal. He is sincerely perplexed how his friends can strive to get promoted, work late, and sometimes even write articles at night. It seems to him that all this is killing a person. When to live? He wonders.

Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolts

Based on the position of Ilya Ilyich, it is difficult to imagine that such an apathetic person could have real friends, but it turns out that this is not the case.

So real and selfless friend Oblomov is Andrey Stolts.

The young people are connected by memories of the years spent in the boarding school, where they became friends. In addition, they share some character traits. For example, they have a good disposition, are open-hearted, honest and sincere.

Both Stolz and Oblomov love art, in particular music and singing. Their communication did not stop after the end of the boarding school.

From time to time Andrei pays visits to Oblomov. He bursts into his life like a hurricane, sweeping away his friend’s beloved Oblomovism on its way.

During his next visit, Stolz watches with puzzlement as his friend spends his days aimlessly and decides to radically reform his life. Of course, Ilya Ilyich does not like this state of affairs - his sofa way of life really impressed him, but he cannot refuse Stolz - Andrei has a unique degree of influence on Oblomov.

Oblomov appears in in public places and over time he notices that this way of life has its charms

Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya

One of the reasons to change my attitude was falling in love with Olga Ilyinskaya. An attractive and courteous girl attracted Oblomov’s attention and became the subject of a hitherto unknown feeling.

It is because of his love that Oblomov refuses to travel abroad - his romance gains momentum and captivates Ilya Ilyich with greater strength.

Soon there followed a declaration of love, and then a marriage proposal, but the indecisive Oblomov, who cannot tolerate any, even the most insignificant changes, failed to bring the matter to the end - his love fervor is tirelessly fading, because the role of a husband is too much for him drastic change. As a result, the lovers separate.

Falling in love with Agafya Pshenitsyna

The break in relations did not pass by the impressionable Oblomov, but he did not kill himself for a long time. Soon, somehow unnoticed by himself, he falls in love again. This time, the object of his charm was Agafya Pshenitsyna, the owner of the house Oblomov rented. Pshenitsyna was not a noble lady, so she was not aware of the generally accepted etiquette in aristocratic circles, and her requirements for Oblomov were extremely prosaic. Agafya was flattered by the attention to her person from such a noble man, and the rest was of little interest to this stupid and uneducated woman.

Thanks to Stolz, Oblomov did not need to think about his financial situation - Andrei managed to restore order to the family estate and Ilya Ilyich’s income increased significantly. This created another reason for carelessness and carelessness. Oblomov cannot marry Agafya - this would be unforgivable for an aristocrat, but he can well afford to live with Pshenitsyna as his wife. They have a son. The boy was named Andrei, in honor of Stolz. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Stolz takes little Andrei to be raised by him.

Attitude towards servants

The life of an aristocrat is integrally connected with relationships with the people who serve him. Oblomov also has serfs. Most of them are located in Oblomovka, but not all. The servant Zakhar left Oblomovka at one time and followed his master. This choice of servant was predetermined for Ilya Ilyich. The fact is that Zakhar was assigned to Oblomov during Ilya’s childhood. Oblomov remembers him as still an active young man. In fact, Oblomov’s entire life is inextricably linked with Zakhar.

Time has aged the servant, making him like his master. Life in Oblomovka was not lively and active, future life only aggravated this state of affairs and turned Zakhar into an apathetic and lazy servant. Zakhar can safely snap at his owner - he is well aware that any comments addressed to him are a temporary phenomenon, and within a couple of hours Oblomov will forgive and forget everything. The point is not only the kindness of Ilya Ilyich, but also his indifference to the attributes of life - Oblomov feels comfortable in a dusty, poorly cleaned room. He doesn't care much about the quality of his lunch or dinner. Therefore, sometimes the complaints that arise become a fleeting phenomenon that can be ignored.

Ilya Ilyich is not biased towards his servants, he is kind and condescending towards them.

Features of farming

As the only heir of the Oblomovs, after the death of his parents, he had to take over the reins of the family estate. In Oblomov’s possession there was a decent estate of 300 souls. With an established system of work, the estate would generate significant income and ensure a comfortable existence. However, Oblomov, with all his apparent interest in improving things, is in no hurry to reform Oblomovka. The reason for this attitude is extremely simple - Ilya Ilyich is too lazy to delve into the essence of the matter and support established order, and the road to Oblomovka is a completely impossible task for him.

Ilya Ilyich continually tries to shift this activity onto the shoulders of other people. As a rule, hired workers successfully take advantage of Oblomov’s trust and indifference and work not to enrich Ilya Ilyich, but to enrich their own pockets.

After the discovery of hidden frauds, Oblomov entrusts the affairs of the estate to Stolz, who also continues to deal with Oblomovka after the death of his friend, for the benefit of his son.

Thus, main character Goncharov's novel of the same name is not without positive character traits. He definitely had the potential to develop his talents and abilities, but Ilya Ilyich did not use it. The result of his life was a time spent aimlessly, devoid of any progressive aspirations.



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