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Characteristics of the heroes of the tale of the seven heroes. "The Tale of the Dead Princess" Plan for characterizing the image of the princess

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"Average comprehensive school No. 14"


Literature lesson notes
in 5th grade

The main images in “The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes"



Goals: 1) comprehend the content of the fairy tale;

2) introduce students to the literary terms comparison and antithesis;

3) develop the ability to do comparative characteristics fairy tale heroes;

4) develop students’ coherent speech.

Equipment: portrait, text “Tales of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, student illustrations for the tale, crossword puzzle on the content of the tale, Dictionary Russian language edited, Dictionary literary terms edited by.

Lesson Plan

1.Organizing moment.

2. Preparation for the perception of the topic.

3.Check homework(plan of a fairy tale).

4.Work on a new topic.

A) The image of the princess’s mother.

B) The image of a stepmother.

B) The image of a princess.

D) Working with illustrations.

D) Crossword on the content of the fairy tale.

5. Lesson summary, grading.


7. Reflection (filling out a questionnaire).

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

2. Preparation for the perception of the topic.

Teacher Guys, have you ever had situations in your life when you sincerely dreamed of magic and miracles?

Each of you and I believes that everything will be fine, good will win, and evil will be punished. In what works does this always happen?

Student In fairy tales.

Teacher Write down the topic of the lesson “Main images in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”.”

What goals will we set for ourselves today in class?

Student We will continue our acquaintance with the fairy tale, Special attention let's look at the main images in the work, highlight them common features and various.

Teacher First, answer a few questions prepared by a group of students based on the material learned in the previous lesson.


1) In what year were you born? (1799)

2) Tell me about his parents. (Father, retired major Sergei Lvovich Pushkin, belonged to an old but impoverished noble family. Mother, Nadezha Osipovna, was the granddaughter of Peter the Great’s favorite Arab, Hannibal.)

3) Thanks to whom did a huge number of fairy tales come from the pen of Alexander Sergeevich? (Thanks to nanny Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva.)

4) What is a fairy tale? Define genre. (A fairy tale is an entertaining story about extraordinary events and adventures.)

5) What types of fairy tales do you know? (Tales about animals, everyday, magical.)

6) How does a literary fairy tale differ from a folk fairy tale? ( Literary fairy tale- this is a folk tale processed by the author.)

3. Checking homework.

Teacher Now let’s check what plan for the development of the plot of the fairy tale you made at home.

Students Plot outline

1. Return of the king, birth of a daughter, death of the queen.

2. “The king married someone else.”

3. “But the young princess... meanwhile grew up...”

4. “But the princess is still nicer...”

5. “... here the little devil went into the forest...”

6. “Be a dear sister to us.”

7. “The evil queen... decided either not to live, or to destroy the princess.”

8. “... a poor bluebird walks around the yard with a stick...”

9. “I took the apple in my hands.”

10. “So they put the crystal corpse of the young princess in the coffin...”

11. “Meanwhile, Prince Elisha is galloping around the world after his bride.”

12. “The coffin broke. The maiden suddenly came to life.”

13. “As soon as she was buried, the wedding was immediately celebrated.”

4. Work on a new topic

Teacher What compositional techniques do you know about fairy tales?

Students Saying, beginning, ending.

Teacher Is there a traditional saying in “The Tale of the Dead Princess...”: “This is not a fairy tale, not a saying, the fairy tale will be ahead”, “It begins, begins good story from Sivka, from Burk, from the prophetic Kaurk”?

Student No

Teacher What events do we learn about in the beginning of the fairy tale?

Student The king left, but the queen was waiting for him, after 9 months a daughter was born, the king returned.

Teacher How does the mother queen appear to us? Let's collect material for characterization based on the text.


...The king said goodbye to the queen,

Prepared for the journey,

And the queen at the window

She sat down to wait for him alone.

He waits and waits from morning until night,

Looks into the field, inda eyes (inda – even)

They got sick looking

From white dawn until night;

Not in sight dear friend !

...Nine months pass,

She doesn't take her eyes off the field.

…Early in the morning welcome guest,

Day and night like this long awaited ,

From afar finally

Came back Tsar-father.

Teacher So, let's write down in a notebook how the queen appears - birth mother princesses.

Student The queen - the princess's mother - is a faithful wife, loves her husband, and eagerly awaits his return.

Teacher Now let's turn to the image of the queen-stepmother. Who is the stepmother?

Student In the explanatory dictionary we read: “A stepmother is the father’s wife in relation to his children from his first marriage.

Teacher In what folk tales we meet the story of a stepdaughter who would like to be killed by her stepmother?

Student“Morozko”, “Little Khavroshechka”.

Teacher Now our task becomes more difficult. We will not just collect material to characterize the stepmother, but also compare her with the princess-stepdaughter.

Student Assistant working with literary dictionary, dictates.

Let's write down the term in our notebook: “Comparison is a figurative definition of an object, concept or phenomenon by comparing it with another. A comparison contains what is being compared and what is being compared to. Compare – find similarities and differences.”

The result comparative characteristics will become a table that we will fill out while working on the images. (Annex 1)

Teacher What does the queen-stepmother look like?

...well done

There really was a queen:

Tall, slender, white,

And I took it with my mind and with everyone...

Teacher What is admirable in the description of the queen?

Student This is external beauty.

Teacher Why doesn’t this beauty please others?

Student Behind the outer beauty hides an angry, stubborn, grumpy character stepmothers

Teacher Find the verbs with which he characterizes the queen, talking about her communication with the mirror.

Students role-play the dialogue in which the mirror praises the queen.

Verbs are noted: “showing off, she spoke”; “laugh”, “shake”, “wink”, “click”, “twirl”, “embossing”, “looking proudly”.

Teacher Now let's see what the queen is like when the mirror tells the truth.

Students show a re-enactment of the episode when the mirror tells the truth. Characters: queen-stepmother, mirror, author.

Students mark the verbs: “jump”, “swing”, “slam”, “stomp”.

Teacher How does the stepmother appear? Let's write it down in the "Difference Traits" column.

Student The stepmother is angry, envious, proud, wayward, lazy, rude, arrogant. She has no real friends, and even the mirror, with whom “she was the only one who was good-natured and sweet,” does not forgive the truth.

Teacher How did the stepmother take revenge on the princess and what prompted her to do this?

Student The stepmother ordered Chernavka to take the princess to the forest. And she was pushed to this by “black envy” - malicious, insidious, criminal.

Teacher How will the story of the evil stepmother end? Why was she punished?

Student“Then sadness took over her and the queen died.” She is punished for her cruel heart.

Teacher Let's write it down in the notebook: the queen is “hard-hearted.”

Teacher Is it possible to compare the queen-stepmother and the princess-stepdaughter?

Student Yes, they are both very beautiful externally, but the princess is also beautiful internally.

Teacher Let’s write down “similarities” in the table: royal origin, beautiful in appearance, smart.

We read and wrote a lot and we need to rest. Physical exercise.

In order to characterize the image of the princess, we will search for material in groups. Each group selects material for one point of the plan, which is printed on separate sheets. (Image characterization plan in Appendix 2.)

1 group Description of the princess’s appearance and her internal qualities.

...But the princess is young,

Silently blooming,

Meanwhile, I grew, grew,

Rose and blossomed

White-faced, black-browed,

Temper meek such...

...The princess walked around the house,

Cleaned everything up in order... (hardworking)

...She renounced green wine;

I just broke the pie

Yes, I took a bite... (well-mannered, reserved)

"…What do i do? because I'm a bride.

For me you are all equal

Everyone is daring and smart,

I love you all from the bottom of my heart;

But to another I am forever

Given away. I love everyone

Prince Elisha." (faithful to the groom)

2nd group Attitudes of other fairy tale characters towards the princess:

1) Chernavki:

... That (Chernavka), loving her in my soul,

Didn't kill, didn't tie up,

She let go and said:

“Don’t worry, God is with you.”

And she went home.

2) Dog Sokolki:

Suddenly angrily under the porch

The dog barked...

...But I just left the porch,

The dog is at her feet and barks,

And he doesn’t let me see the old woman,

As soon as the old woman goes to her,

He is angrier than the forest beast,

For an old woman...

...The apple is flying straight...

The dog will jump and squeal...

...And with the princess on the porch

The dog runs into her face

He looks pitifully, howls menacingly,

It’s like a dog’s heart is aching,

As if he wants to tell her:

3) Seven heroes:

...Brothers, dear maiden


...Before the dead princess

Brothers in grief

Everyone hung their heads...

4) Prince Elisha:

...King Elisha,

Praying earnestly to God,

Hitting the road

For a beautiful soul,

For the young bride...

...No way! He cries bitterly.

...Dark Night Elisha

I waited in my anguish...

...Elisha, without losing heart,

He rushed to the wind, calling out.

...And about the coffin of the dear bride

He hit with all his might...

3 group The behavior of the princess: 1) in the mansion of the heroes;

2) in relation to the people around her.

1) In the chamber of the heroes:

...The princess walked around the house,

I put everything away in order,

I lit a candle for God,

I lit the stove hot...

...She won’t contradict them,

They won't contradict her.

So days go by.

And she is the hostess

Meanwhile alone

He will clean and cook.

2) The princess’s attitude towards Chernavka:

"My life!

What, tell me, am I guilty of?

Don't ruin me, girl!

And how will I be a queen,

I will favor you!

The attitude of the princess to the seven heroes:

...And the princess came down to them,

I gave honor to the owners,

She bowed low to the waist,

Blushing, she apologized,

Somehow I went to visit them,

Even though I wasn’t invited.

Attitude towards the blue beggar (nun):

Grandma, wait a little, -

She shouts to her through the window, -

I'll threaten the dog myself

And I’ll bring you something.”

Looking lovingly at the heroine, Pushkin shows both her appearance (“white face, black eyebrows”) and inner beauty(“the character of such a meek”, “beautiful soul”), emphasizes hard work, inner dignity, delicacy, patience, complaisance, sincerity, loyalty, inner simplicity, kindness. It is no coincidence that for the poet he is “the young princess,” “my soul.”

Teacher So, let's make an entry in the table. Which princess?

Student The princess is kind, selfless, modest, meek, hardworking, polite, simple, virtuous.

Teacher Which features are greater, similarities or differences? What technique helps reveal these images?

Student There are more differences, that is, the images are contrasted.

Teacher Let's write down another term from the literary dictionary in the notebook.

Student Assistant who worked with the literary dictionary. "Antithesis - opposition of words, images, concepts.

Teacher Give an oral description of one of the images using entries in the table and examples from the text.

The students answer.

4. Working with illustrations. How do your drawings correspond to our ideas about heroes? (Oral verbal drawing.)

What did this fairy tale teach you?

5. Crossword(prepared by a group of stronger students). (Appendix 3)

6. Lesson summary, grading.

7. Homework:

1) expressive reading by heart (according to variants) of Elisha’s appeal to the sun, moon, wind;

2) learn the terms;

3) oral description of images (optional).

Reflection.(Filling out the questionnaire). (Appendix 4)

Annex 1.

Comparative characteristics of the images of the queen-stepmother and princess

Appendix 2

Plan for characterizing the image of the princess

1. Description of the princess’s appearance and her internal qualities.

2. The attitude of other characters in the fairy tale towards her:

A) Chernavki;

B) the dog Sokolka;

B) seven heroes;

D) Prince Elisha.

3. The behavior of the princess:

A) in the mansion of the heroes;

B) in relation to the characters around her.

Appendix 3. Crossword.

By answering the questions horizontally, get the name of the magical object from the fairy tale.

1. “Black...full.” (Envy)

2. The name of the prince. (Elisha)

3. Who led the princess into the forest? (Chernavka)

4. The position of the princess's beloved. (Korolevich)

5. What kind of family relationships were the heroes? (Brothers)

6. To whom are the words “You walk” addressed? all year round across the sky"? (Sun)

7. What is the dog's name? (Sokolko)

8. Magic object in a fairy tale? (Mirror)

Appendix 4. Questionnaire sheet.

1.What sparked your interest during the lesson?

3.Positive point of the lesson.

4. Negative moment of the lesson.

5. Give yourself a mark for your work in class.

6. What from the lesson will be useful to you in life?

List of used literature

1. , eva. Lesson developments in literature. 5th grade. – M.: “VAKO”, 2003.

2. Literature. 5th grade. Textbook-reader for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock. Author-compiler and others - M.: “Prosveshcheniye”, 2009.

3. . . Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2009.

4. . Dictionary of literary terms. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2000.


The queen-stepmother and princess represent two opposites in this fairy tale. human character. The queen is a beauty with a disgusting character and painful pride. She considers herself better than everyone in the world and wants everyone to worship her. Noting the beauty of the queen, the poet believes that she is “proud, brittle, capricious and jealous.” The queen is ready to defend her right to be the first beauty in the world at any cost, even at the cost of the life of another person.

The princess-stepdaughter has a completely different, opposite character. She is no less beautiful than the queen, but at the same time she is also modest and kind. The princess does not boast at all about her appearance and does not attach much importance to it. She does not believe, like the queen, that the whole world should recognize her as the first beauty. The princess “to the character of such a meek one.” She would never be able to harm another person just for the sake of being considered the first beauty. For her, the main thing is the human soul.

When the magic mirror says that “the princess is the cutest of all, the most rosy and white,” the stepmother, “full of black envy,” orders the princess to be given “to be devoured by the wolves.” She doesn’t care that her stepdaughter is not to blame for anything, that a painful death awaits her. The queen's egoism is so strong that no sacrifice seems unnecessary to her. Her cruelty is limitless. The “Evil Queen” finally wins - the princess dies.

But the author claims that good, in the end, always triumphs over evil. The love of Prince Elisha brings the princess back to life. Her loyalty, integrity and modesty are rewarded. It all ends with a wedding and a luxurious feast. And the evil stepmother, seeing that all her machinations led to nothing, dies of envy and malice.

Do good, and it will come back to you, the poet wants to say. And evil only begets evil and turns against an evil person.


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Pushkin A.S. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

The main characters of "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" and their characteristics

  1. The princess, the king's daughter, was very beautiful and kind, loved the prince Elisha, was honest and hardworking.
  2. The king, after the death of the old queen, married a young beauty
  3. The queen, very beautiful, but angry, envious, proud, wayward.
  4. Seven heroes, knights in full bloom, all fell in love with the princess, but behaved with her like brothers
  5. Prince Elisha, the princess's fiancé, searched for her all over the world, asking the direction of the sun, moon and wind.
  6. Chernavka, the queen’s servant, took pity on the princess.
Plan for retelling "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"
  1. The birth of the princess and the death of the mother
  2. The Tsar's new wife
  3. Miracle mirror
  4. Queen's Envy
  5. Chernavka in the forest
  6. Princess of the Seven Knights
  7. The queen gives an apple
  8. Crystal coffin
  9. Sun, month and wind
  10. Elisha finds the tomb
  11. Death of the Queen
  12. Wedding
The shortest content for reader's diary"Tales of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" in 6 sentences.
  1. The king marries the queen and she considers herself the most beautiful in the world, and therefore dreams of marrying the princess.
  2. She sends the princess into the forest, but Chernavka does not kill the princess, and she finds shelter with seven heroes.
  3. The queen learns that the princess is alive and gives her an apple, after biting into which the princess dies.
  4. Elisha is looking for the princess all over the world and the wind tells him how to find her
  5. Elisha breaks the coffin and the princess comes to life
  6. The queen's stepmother dies of melancholy, and the newlyweds are getting married.
The main idea of ​​"Tales of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"
Envy and pride are very terrible human vices.

What does "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us goodness, that goodness will still turn out stronger than evil. She teaches us perseverance and loyalty. She teaches us that the main thing in a person is his soul, and if the soul is ugly, then no amount of external beauty will make a person beautiful.

Signs fairy tale in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

  1. Magic assistant - mirror
  2. Magical creatures - sun, moon, wind
  3. Victory of good over evil.
Review of "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"
I really liked the fairy tale “About the Dead Princess” by Pushkin. In it main character, the princess, is so beautiful and kind that everyone around her loves and pities her. And her stepmother, the queen, is so angry and envious that she dies of melancholy because someone turns out to be more beautiful than her. This is very beautiful story, with many adventures and happy ending. It presents very beautifully the images of heroes who defended the Motherland from enemies.

Proverbs for "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"
Good glory is hateful to evil.
A good deed does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.
All's well that ends well.

Summary, brief retelling"Tales of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"
The old queen waited nine months for the king to return, and when he returned, she gave birth to a daughter and died.
A year later the king marries someone else. The new queen turns out to be very beautiful, but also very angry. She constantly asks the mirror who is the most beautiful of all.
The young princess grew up, she had a groom with a good dowry, and the mirror told the queen that now the princess was the most beautiful of all.
Enraged, the queen orders Chernavka to take the princess into the forest and destroy her there. Chernavka gives in to the princess’s requests and lets her go.
The princess does not disappear in the forest, but finds a beautiful tower. She cleans it up and lights the stove.
The seven heroes return and see the order restored. They invite a stranger to live with them. The princess comes out, the heroes recognize her and show her various honors.
The princess lives with the heroes and they fall in love with her. They ask if the princess will choose one of them, but the princess admits that she has a groom.
Meanwhile, the queen finds out that the princess is alive and is eager to kill her. She dresses up as an old woman and goes to the tower. The dog barks at her, but the princess throws bread to the old woman. In response, the queen throws an apple. The princess bites the apple and dies.
So the heroes find her and put her in a crystal coffin.
Meanwhile, Prince Elisha is looking for his beloved. He asks the sun and the moon about her fate, but they cannot help him. Then Elisha turns to the wind and the wind tells him about the crystal coffin.
Elisha finds the coffin and in grief hits his forehead against it. The coffin breaks and the princess comes to life.
At this time, the queen, as usual, talks with the mirror, and the mirror talks about the young princess. The queen is overcome by melancholy and dies.
Elisha marries the princess.

Illustrations and drawings for "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” was written by Pushkin in Boldino in 1933. You can read its full text. This is a work about good and evil, about love and hate. Goodness and love win in it.

The main characters of “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”:

Second Queen , the king's wife is a beauty. Negative hero.

Tall, slender, white,
And I took it with my mind and with everyone.

Narcissistic egoist

proud, broken,
Willful and jealous.

She had a magic mirror, which for years pleased her exorbitant pride. One fine day the mirror refused to assure her that she

the cutest of all,
All blush and whiter.

And the wayward, cruel queen slammed the mirror on the ground. Black envy became the meaning of her life. She set herself the goal of killing the young princess. And when she still failed to get rid of the princess, anger overwhelmed her with such force that she died.

Princess a girl with a kind, open heart. Hardworking and caring. Once in the mansion of the seven brothers, she put the house in order, and only then settled down to rest on the bed.

Chernavka hay girl who served the queen . The girl was kind and loved the princess in her heart. But she was forced and afraid of her mistress, the queen. She led the princess into the forest and released her. But the cruel queen forced Chernavka to poison the princess.

Prince Elisha - the princess's groom. Purposeful, loving. A real man, passed all tests. His determination was rewarded. He found his bride and revived her.

Seven heroic brothers - good fellows. Hunters and brave warriors:

Brothers in a friendly crowd
They go out for a walk,
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse your right hand,
Sorochina rushes to the field,
Or head off broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar,
Or chased out of the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian.

The brothers accepted the princess as if they were their own, and felt in her that she belonged to royal family. They treated her warmly and sincerely, and buried her with honor in a crystal coffin.



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