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Characteristics of the hero Antipych, Pantry of the Sun, Prishvin. The image of the character Antipych. What is the truth of Antipych? Pantry of the sun, what Antipych whispered to the grass

>Characteristics of heroes Pantry of the Sun

Characteristics of the hero Antipych

Antipych - minor, but very important character in M. M. Prishvin’s fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun”. This is one of most interesting works writer, in which he talks about the life of orphans. It should be noted that Mikhail Prishvin was not only a talented writer, but also an experienced ethnographer. He understood the language of nature well, which is why he so skillfully described all its phenomena. In “Pantry of the Sun” we meet Nastya and Mitrasha, rural children who grew up near forest lands.

Antipych is an experienced forester and hunter who lives all his life in a forest lodge with his faithful hound named Travka. It is this dog that subsequently saves Mitrasha, pulling him out of a peat bog. At the time of the actions, Antipych was no longer alive. The forester was too old. No one knew exactly how many years he lived. When they asked if he was eighty by chance, he answered that he was more. When they said maybe a hundred, he said less.

In any case, Antipych played his role in the fairy tale, since the narrator remembers him while still alive and notes that he was an amazing old man - wise, kind and caring. Outwardly, Antipych was unassuming, but everyone would have envied what a hard worker he was. He was a real hunter, and worked in the forest to supply firewood. He usually went hunting with Travka. Therefore, after his death, the dog was terribly sad. Fortunately, at the end of the work, Mitrash and Nastya will take her to live with them.

Antipych's mysterious aura is due to the fact that he was unusually wise. People did not immediately guess the meaning of the words he spoke, but they were all necessarily profound. The interlocutors could understand Antipych’s “riddles” in best case scenario after few years. This character was like a “keeper of the truth.” He knew the “truth of life”, he even promised to tell it, but at the same time he punished us to look for it ourselves. What was Antipych’s truth? In the fight for love.

He believed that under any trials a person should remain human, try not to become embittered towards another and selflessly give kindness and warmth. Antipych himself was like that. Perhaps that is why he lived for so many long years. After Antipych's death, Travka continued to live in the lodge and only occasionally ran out, noticing a hare or smelling food. After saving Mitrasha, she made friends with orphans, who became her new owners. Such stories help to understand and rethink a lot.

Short-term plan No. 64 Section of the long-term plan: Section 4: Folklore elements in literary works Date: Grade: 5 Lesson topic Learning goals that are achieved in this lesson (link to curriculum) Lesson goals Assessment criteria Language goals Interdisciplinary connections ICT skills School: Full name of the teacher: Number of present: absent: Pravda” of the wise Antipych Write creative works(fairy tales, short stories, mini-essays on literary topics using key words, illustrations, etc.). Evaluation and comparative analysis Evaluate oral and written statements (your own, classmates and others) in terms of relevance to the topic. formulate the topic, problem and goals of the lesson. In dialogue with the teacher, develop criteria for evaluating your work. Through analysis and generalization of episodes of the text, give a holistic idea of ​​it. Bring students closer to understanding the idea of ​​the story: the relationship between people, man and nature Reveals positive and negative qualities character, supported by examples from the text; writes down figurative means of characterizing the hero to identify author's position and expresses his attitude and evaluates the characters; objectively evaluates his own work and the work of his classmates. Students will be able to use: A set of words/phrases for dialogue: hardworking, friendly, savvy, stubborn, determined, economic, character, peculiarity, compared, difference, similarity, characterizes, etc. I think... as for me, in my opinion, it is true that I agree/disagree Instilling values ​​Instilling a love of nature, work, developing respect for others through understanding the content of the work and analyzing the actions of the characters in the story. Communication with the oral folk art, natural history. Using ICT to prepare for the lesson and look up the meanings of words from Wiktionary. Preliminary knowledge In previous lessons, students were familiar with the author’s work and the content of the work. Progress of the lesson Planned stages of the lesson Planned activities during the lesson Resources Start of the lesson 8 minutes You got acquainted with the work of M.M. Prishvin "Pantry of the Sun". Let's try together to determine what this text is about: (Children's answers: about nature, about children, about the swamp, about cranberries, about war, etc.). Write down the keywords on the board. We formulate the topic of the lesson: Lost children Middle of the lesson 15 minutes 2 minutes 10 minutes Let's remember what the swamp is called? (Bludovo). Is it easy to get lost there? (probably easy). Are Nastya and Mitrasha walking without roads or along a path? (along the path) Why did they get lost? (out of stubbornness and greed) Work in pairs: we compose literary portraits of Nastya and Mitrasha, look for common features and combine them. Do you think the author himself had any relation to the characters in the story, and if so, what was it? Conception stage What is the truth? What is she like? Where does he live? How to find her? Why should everyone seek the truth themselves? 2) Check homework(story about Antipych). Antipych is one of the heroes of the fairy tale by M. M. Prishvin “The Pantry of the Sun”. Tell us about Antipych: Who is he? How old is he? Where does he live? What are you doing? Who does he communicate with? (The old hunter Antipych lived in a lodge in a dilapidated house, which was much older than its owner, supported by supports. Hunters came to Antipych. He could always give advice. He experienced a lot in life, but remained a disinterested man. This is a grandfather of 80-100 years old. He did not have a farm, only a dog, Travka. At first he called her Zatravka, because he took her to “poison” (chase) hares, and then the pronunciation of the nickname changed and began to be heard even more beautifully, Travka. Conclusion: this hero is really interesting and unique. A hero who, according to the author, died, but who appears and acts throughout the entire work. Is Antipych still alive or dead? (Died). Although Prishvin wrote that Antipych died, he talks about him as if he were alive "It seems that Antipych lived and will live forever." It seemed that "he would never die, you even forget that he died. People constantly came to him for advice (at first they actually came, then they tried to imagine what he would say, what advised)". What is Antipych's name? Antip antique Russian name, or maybe this is the middle name Antipych? Who do we call by their patronymic? Those we respect, those who are older; and when this form of address sounds, it also sets up Images google.ru Appendix “Didactic Material” http://resoc h.ru/sravnit elnaya xarakteristi kanastii mitrashiv tablice/ and friendly affection. 3) Conversation to reveal the topic of the lesson. Why do they go to Antipych for advice? Antipych knows a lot and has experienced a lot. He speaks in proverbs and sayings, and also in riddles. What proverbs did we come across in the work? What about riddles? “If you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the water,” “He who dares eats two.” How old is Antipych: 80 is not enough, 100 is too much? Outwardly, he is a low-key, unheroic person, but with the soul of a hard worker. He has a lot of experience and he shares it. That is why only after many years do interlocutors understand Antipych’s “riddles”, because what has not been tested is not understood. Antipych is the “keeper of truth” and secrets. What kind of truth is this? Antipych promised to tell this truth, but also punished them to look for the truth themselves. Prishvin pulls a dream out of a person. Now you and I will “pull out” the truth from the work “The Pantry of the Sun”. ? Work on the board and in notebooks. Cinquain card. (Truth Bitter, pure Pricks, walks, cuts Peaceful coexistence and struggle Truth) !!!Conclusion: a person throughout his life comprehends the truth in a harsh struggle for love for people, for the world around him, for nature. Everyone comes to the truth only through their own experience, specific deeds and actions. Can we assume that Antipych himself deeply knew this truth? What did Travka understand that people didn’t seem to understand? Why is Antipych's truth the truth of a harsh struggle? Fight against what? Conclusion: people’s actions determine: on the one hand, love for them, on the other, selfishness towards them. Antipych's truth consists of the struggle for love, so as not to become embittered in severe trials, not to turn into a wild beast, and to survive. In any trials, remain a person who selflessly gives others love, kindness, warmth, light. This is what Antipych is for people. Did Travka recognize him? (For her, all people were divided into Antipych and his enemy.) One Antipych with by different persons, and the other person is Antipych’s enemy “with different faces”; this is no longer one wise, kind person, but these are all people, if they are kind, smart, strong-willed. So, what kind of person is Antipych? (Kind, wise, the memory of whom remains and helps to live, helps the living.) And who is Antipych with different faces? (People.) Conclusion: these are all people who are kind and wise, or rather, these are the people, their wisdom, their soul. It turns out that we are not talking about Antipych alone, but about all the heroes of the work. List all the heroes of the work, dividing them into groups: people nature. Mitrasha, Nastya, Grass, mother, father, Antipych, scouts of swamp riches (geologists) - spruce, pine, wolf Landowner, black grouse Kosach, elk, snake, sun, cranberry, grass, stump.) What one word can you call all these listings ? (Nature! Name the words of the same root for this word! (spring, Motherland, relatives, parents, people, relative) There is one of the listed objects of nature that is very similar to the hero man Antipych. Define it. What is it? This is the sun! Why, speaking about Antipych, are we talking about the sun or vice versa? What is similar among the heroes? (They unselfishly give warmth, kindness, light.) Don’t you find the truth of Antipych in the sun or the truth of the sun in Antipych? Look at the sun! (Appliqué of the sun with individual rays on board.) It shines equally on everyone: on the pantry (natural wealth), and on plants, and on good people, on pine and spruce, on evil people, on animals, on each of us, together and separately, it shines equally. We are all different, and everyone fights for a place in the sun, that is, we coexist together. What is the sun like for everyone? ": the hot sun was the mother of every blade of grass, every flower, every marsh bush and berry. The sun gave its warmth to all of them." The truth of the sun is the same truth of Antipych. The same essence: !!! hatred, evil, coldness darken and oppress her. Just as the sun unselfishly gives warmth to all living things, so Antipych gave goodness to the forest, people, and Grass. Antipych lived in harmony with nature, understood it, knew how to communicate with it, took care of it, treasured it, found the truth in it, encouraged every person to seek it. ! “After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people,” says Prishvin.) And what can a person take from the forest? (All). And specifically our heroes? (Berries, mushrooms, peat of wealth) The action takes place in 1945, in the first post-war years, women with children who were left without husbands especially suffered. love, kindness, warmth, light transform life, and (": went to Pine forest they collected pine needles to heat the hut, and in winter, in the bitter frost, they carried firewood from the alder thickets on sleighs. In the summer, children went to the forest to pick mushrooms, thorns, forest pears and apples. This rare post-war delicacy satisfied hunger and provided vitamins, and therefore health, until the new summer. The forest provided building material from which huts were built on the ashes. In the difficult post-war years, the forest provided warmth, food, and life. Nature is the nation's wealth. What is wealth? What do we mean by the word "wealth"? Jewelry, gold, money. Do you have wealth? No. What kind of wealth did children get from their parents? Students list animals from the story. What else, besides jewelry, do people consider wealth? Relationships between people (love, friendship, mutual understanding), dream. So do you have wealth or not? Everyone will answer this question for themselves mentally. When people become closer friend to friend? When do they give love, kindness, warmth or show hatred, evil, coldness? In nature constantly there is a struggle good and evil, as in people's lives, as in every person. The grass “needed, like any wild animal, to live for itself.” What does it mean to live for yourself? This means being selfish, not feeling sorry for anyone, not recognizing your neighbor, not sacrificing anything for anyone, loving only yourself. For whom does Grass live? Who does he miss? For the kind passerby who is wise, man of heart . The dog howled with longing for the man. Affection and love can cure this. Or: what “habits of ordinary animals” did the moose see in Nastya and “doesn’t consider her to be a person”? Habits of a snake. Nastya “turns” into a beast when she is overcome by greed and when she forgets about her brother. Where does a person, given his power, get greed even for the sour berry cranberry? Why is “the wolf, by its very malice, doomed to death”? Does this observation apply to humans? Yes! By fighting for “truth,” that is, by fighting for love, a person fights it for himself. ("But you, passer-by, do not believe the pity of the wolf, doomed to death by his very malice; save your pity not for the one who howls about himself, but for the one who howls, not knowing whom now to serve." ) Good and evil, love and hate, peace and destruction, struggle and indifference, everything that exists on earth is looking for a place in the sun. What role does the sun play in the life of nature and humans? Let's think about this. The sun is an inexhaustible source of heat, under the beneficial influence of which life develops, the world becomes kinder, comes to life, is filled with colors and light. Let's look at the "picture" of the suffering of pine and spruce, how do they fight for light? “Rising higher and higher,.. they dug dry branches into living trunks and in some places pierced each other through,” “: the trees moaned and howled so much,” “: they fought among themselves with roots for food, with branches for air and light.” How does nature change when “the first rays of the sun illuminated the ringing boreina”? ": the mighty trunks became like the lit candles of the great temple of nature", ": the singing of birds is dedicated to the rising of the great sun: ", "The braid began to bloom, the comb caught fire, the rainbow tail spread out like a lyre." “Show” how nature carefully stores and uses the solar heat given off during the day? ": a large black stump that kept the warmth of the sun: ", "everyone falls to the warmth." To feel the unity of nature and man, the indivisibility of the entire living world, the inextricable, close connection of everything that exists on earth, you need to think seriously. Can spruce and pine be likened to living beings? Why do we sympathize with crippled trees? Prishvin's trees have a soul. In a peaceful existence, the eternal harsh struggle for life does not stop. In what other episodes of the work do we see the struggle for life? ":the power of the great Antipych:", ":and the little man stopped his big heart in himself. He froze in the precise calculation of his movement, like a fighter: in the blow that determines the outcome of the fight: whether he should live or die", ": two hunters, a man and his worst enemy him (the wolf), met: "In trials, in the eternal harsh struggle for love, for Life is going man to truth. Man and nature are indivisible, both have a living soul. (Stories about dogs) What contents is this “pantry” filled with? Can this “pantry” be considered bottomless? No. How many years will peat last? For 100 years. What about the forests? Yagodnikov? Animals, birds, if not protected and replenished? For wise man , a zealous owner who takes from nature in moderation, wisely, giving her his strength, showing care for her, nature is a friend, an ally. If a person only takes, he will destroy first nature, and then himself. Who is the “sun pantry” open to? One who can take advantage of the wealth and treasures of nature is one who knows and loves it, who truly knows how to work, who wisely and wisely not only takes, but knows how to give and replenish, who is selfless in his actions. Was the “pantry” open for Antipych? Yes. He managed his wealth wisely. I took it in moderation. Protected and preserved the forest. Passed on the truth by inheritance. What does it mean to master Antipych's truth? This means loving nature, merging with it, unselfishly taking care of it, and that means loving the Motherland. Where in the work do we read lines about the complete harmony of man with nature? “Sometimes you bend down in the forest to the quiet backwater of a stream and there, as in a mirror, you see the whole man, big, beautiful: And so he is beautiful there, in the mirror, with all nature, with clouds, forests, and the sun sets down there too: "Together we will write a cinquain about the truth. Students write the syncwine in pairs. Let's remember the syncwine about Prishvin, we highlighted the main thing: Prishvin pulls a dream out of a person. - Now you and I will “pull out” the truth from the work “The Pantry of the Sun.” Work in pairs and in notebooks. Card - syncwine. (Truth - Bitter, pure - Stabs, walks, cuts - Peaceful coexistence and struggle - Truth) Conclusion: a person throughout his life comprehends the truth in a harsh struggle for love for people, for the world around him, for nature. Everyone comes to the truth only through their own experience, specific deeds and actions. - Can we assume that Antipych himself deeply knew this truth? - What did Travka understand that people didn’t seem to understand? - Why is it true? Evaluation criteria: Reveals positive and negative character traits; confirms with examples from the text; writes out figurative means of expression that characterize the hero to identify the author’s position; expresses his attitude and evaluates the characters. Group performance F Assessment sheets Teacher's comments. Reflection. Finish the sentence strategy. Students continue the phrase according to the given beginning. They can respond to phrases in writing, or these phrases can be reflected on the interactive board. Students will read them in a chain and express their opinion about the lesson, analyzing their activities. Evaluation criterion: http://900ig r.net/prezen tatsii/pedag ogika/Refle ksija/012 Refleksija dejatelnosti nauroke Lestnitsa uspekha.ht ml End of lesson 10 minutes volume of at least 5060 words correspondence to the text type disclosure of the topic compliance with grammatical norms of the language Differentiation – How do you plan to provide more support? What challenges do you plan to set for more capable students? Assessment - How do you plan to check students' learning? Health and safety By observing students as they complete formative assessments and against pre-determined assessment criteria. Students will evaluate each other and student self-assessment will also be conducted. Carrying out ephysmine Use this section to reflect on the lesson. Answer the most important questions about your lesson from the left column. Differentiation occurs when doing group work: students distribute responsibilities in the group, so students with weak motivation will listen to more motivated classmates. Lesson Reflection Were the lesson/learning objectives realistic? Have all students achieved the CoE? If not, why not? Is differentiation done correctly in the lesson? Were the time steps of the lesson met? What deviations were there from the lesson plan and why? Overall Assessment Which two aspects of the lesson went well (think about both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What could improve the lesson (think about both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What did I discover during the lesson about the class or the achievements/difficulties of individual students that I need to pay attention to in subsequent lessons?

Soviet writer, glorifying the nature of his native country. The writer's works are imbued with a love of flora and fauna, native land. In the story “Pantry of the Sun,” reality is combined with a fairy tale, and a folklore description of nature is adjacent to a description of life in the post-war period.

History of creation

In “The Pantry of the Sun,” fiction and reality are surprisingly intertwined. This is obvious at the level of language, vocabulary and plot. The heroes are saved from imminent death with the help of nature. Readers have no reason not to believe the logic of events, because similar things happen in life. But fairy-tale leitmotifs refer to the presentation of epics and legends.

The main characters of the work were orphans and the old hunter Antipych and the dog Travka. Nature here becomes an independent hero, capable of coming to the aid of other characters when the need arises. The author describes the reaction of the surrounding world to what is happening in the relationships of children. When Nastya and Mitrash parted, having quarreled, in different directions, the branches of the trees intertwined over their heads and obscured sunlight. A hurricane wind blew. The entire swamp howled and grumbled, experiencing the conflict between the guys and foreshadowing possible trials.

The image of Antipych resembles the description fairy-tale heroes, wise elders who speak in riddles. The hero keeps the secrets of nature, hears her voice and easily finds mutual understanding with Grass. Dying, the hunter trusts his faithful friend main secret human existence: we must live in harmony with nature. Mutual love with all living things helps to find help in difficult situations. Saving Mitrash in the swamp, Travka finds a new owner and transfers all the love intended for Antipych to the “little man.”

"Pantry of the Sun"

All information about Antipych is provided by the author in the format of a biography and life story of a hunter in the forest. The reader does not find the hero alive. He was too old, and no one knew the old man's exact age. The narrator remembers this character alive and describes him as kind and smart person capable of coming to the rescue. Like other heroes of the work, Antipych was known as a hard worker. The man lived by hunting and selling firewood.

Antipych (illustration for the story "The Pantry of the Sun")

The hunter's lodge was a dilapidated house, where local hunters and acquaintances often visited to get advice and listen interesting stories. The selfless old man helped as best he could. He had no farm. It seems that Antipych is a hero outside of time, and his house has become a haven for everyone who needs support. Wise advice was accompanied by proverbs and sayings, which became clear to listeners after a while.

Antipych has his own truth. The hero believed that a person’s actions should be selfless. According to this covenant, he lived, responding to people’s requests and existing in harmony with nature. He took care the world and treasured his gifts, which allowed him to survive in the wild forest without needing anything. The wise hunter tried to convey his truth to others.

Grass was Antipych's faithful companion. She lived with an old man in the forest, hunted and almost went wild. The dog became best friend hero, and these characters lived for each other. After the death of the hero, Travka terribly missed her owner because her life passed next to him.

Prishvin's logic is that everyone must comprehend the truth on their own, through certain experiences and trials, actions and mistakes. Truth is determined by a person's motivation. Antipych promotes love that cannot be lost in severe trials. In trying to survive, a person should not become an embittered beast. His the main objective– to preserve within yourself what is pure and correct, which is inherent in nature.

Dog Grass from the story "Pantry of the Sun"

The “Pantry of the Sun” was open to the hunter because he wisely managed its treasures and did not take from it more than he needed to live.

The main goal of the hero’s life was to fall in love with nature and merge with it. For him, taking care of the world around him meant loving his Motherland.


There are few quotes in the work that could describe the characters in detail. Prishvin creates images, painting them with general lexical strokes. The fabulousness of the character is visible in the speech patterns used by the author.

“...And the old man, I think, forgot how old he was, he kept living, living in his forest lodge, and it seemed that he would never die,” is how Prishvin describes Antipych’s age.

This is a sage whose death seems to be an impossible and unpredictable event. She becomes a great grief for the dog Travka:

“...Two whole years have passed since a terrible misfortune happened in Travka’s life: the forester she adored, the old hunter Antipych, died...”

The dog was saved from death by instinct and the fact that it spent its entire life under the wing of a skilled hunter and could find food itself.

The death of a hero becomes sadness for nature as well. She seems to react to his death with loud crying, foreshadowing terrible battles:

“...And then Antipych died. Soon after this, the Great Patriotic War began..."

Sections: Literature


  • (O) Through analysis and generalization of episodes of the text, give a holistic idea of ​​it. Bring students closer to understanding the idea of ​​the story: the relationship between people, man and nature.
  • (B) Formation of a sense of the Motherland and nurturing love for nature as part of it.
  • (P) Strengthen students’ beliefs in a careful attitude towards nature. Develop critical thinking through reading and writing (syncwine).


  • student drawings,
  • application about nature (signs, symbols),
  • cards with student answers from the previous lesson,
  • Dictionary.

Let's continue to explore topics based on M.M. Prishvin's work "The Pantry of the Sun". The purpose of the lesson is to answer problematic questions. We will discuss the topic in the following order ( this is a conditional plan that students will come to by the end of the lesson): Antipych - one of the heroes of the fairy tale - was M. M. Prishvin's "Pantry of the Sun".

The role of Antipych in the work: Antipych continues to live.

  • "Keeper of Secrets"
  • Antipych through the eyes of Travka.
  • Wisdom and soul of the people.

I. Explanation of the material.

1) Statement of problematic questions: - What is the truth? -What is she like? - Where does he live? - How to find her? - Why should everyone seek the truth themselves?

2) Checking homework (story about Antipych). - Antipych - one of the heroes of the fairy tale - was M. M. Prishvin's "Pantry of the Sun". - Tell us about Antipych: Who is he? How old is he? Where does he live? What are you doing? Who does he communicate with? (The old hunter Antipych lived in a lodge in a dilapidated house, which was much older than its owner, supported by supports. Hunters came to Antipych. He could always give advice. He experienced a lot in life, but remained a disinterested man. This is a grandfather of 80 - 100 years old He did not have a farm, only a dog, Travka. At first he called her Zatravka, because he took her to “poison” (chase) hares, and then the pronunciation of the nickname changed and began to be heard even more beautifully - Travka.

Conclusion: this hero is really interesting and original. A hero who, according to the author, died, but who appears and acts throughout the entire work.

Is Antipych still alive or dead? (Died). Although Prishvin wrote that Antipych died, he talks about him as if he were alive. “It seems that Antipych lived and will live forever.” It seemed that “he would never die, you even forgot that he died. People constantly came to him for advice (at first they actually came, then they tried to imagine what he would say, what he would advise).”

- What is Antipych's name?

Antip is an old Russian name, or maybe this is a patronymic - Antipych?

Who do we call by their patronymic?

Those we respect, those who are older; and when such a form of address is heard, it also incites friendly affection.

3) Conversation to reveal the topic of the lesson.

- Why do they go to Antipych for advice?

Antipych knows a lot and has experienced a lot. He speaks in proverbs and sayings, and also in riddles.

- What proverbs did we come across in the work? What about riddles?

“If you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the water,” “He who dares eats two.” How old is Antipych: 80 is not enough, 100 is a lot?

Outwardly, he is a low-key, unheroic person, but with the soul of a hard worker. He has a lot of experience and he shares it. That is why only after many years do interlocutors understand Antipych’s “riddles”, because what has not been tested is not understood.

Antipych - “keeper of the truth”, secrets.

- What kind of truth is this?

In the last lesson you partially answered this question. (Read from cards!)

Antipych promised to tell this truth, but also punished them to look for the truth themselves. Let's try to think critically about the subject.

- Let's write a syncwine about the truth together.

Let's remember the syncwine about Prishvin, we highlighted the main thing: Prishvin pulls a dream out of a person. (Read the card!)

Now you and I will “pull out” the truth from the work “The Pantry of the Sun”.

Work on the board and in notebooks. Card - syncwine. (Truth - Bitter, pure - Stabs, walks, cuts - Peaceful coexistence and struggle - Truth)

Conclusion: A person spends his whole life learning the truth in a harsh struggle for love for people, for the world around him, for nature.

Everyone comes to the truth only through their own experience, specific deeds and actions.

Conclusion: people’s actions determine: on the one hand, love for them, on the other, selfishness towards them. Antipych's truth consists of the struggle for love, so as not to become embittered in severe trials, not to turn into a wild beast, and to survive. In any trials, remain a person who selflessly gives others love, kindness, warmth, light. This is what Antipych is for people.

- Did Travka recognize him? (For her, all people were divided into Antipych and his enemy.)

One is Antipych with different faces, and the other person is Antipych’s enemy “with different faces” - this is not just one wise, kind person, but these are all people, if they are kind, smart, strong-willed.

- So, what kind of person is Antipych?(Kind, wise, the memory of whom remains and helps to live, helps the living.) - And who is Antipych with different faces?(People.)

Conclusion: These are all people who are kind and wise, or rather, these are the people, their wisdom, their soul. It turns out that we are not talking about Antipych alone, but about all the heroes of the work.

- List all the heroes of the work, dividing them into groups: people - nature.(Mitrash, Nastya, Grass, mother, father, Antipych, scouts of swamp riches (geologists) - spruce, pine, wolf - Landowner, black grouse - Kosach, elk, snake, sun, cranberry, grass, stump.)

- What one word can be used to describe all these enumerations?(Nature! - Name words with the same root for this word!(spring, Motherland, relatives, parents, people, relative)

There is one of the listed objects of nature, which is very similar to the hero - the man Antipych.

- Define it. What is this?

This is the Sun!

Why When talking about Antipych, are we talking about the sun or vice versa? What are the similarities between the heroes?(They selflessly give warmth, kindness, light.)

Don’t you find the truth of Antipych in the sun or the truth of the sun in Antipych? Look at the sun! (Applique of the sun with individual rays on the board.) It shines equally on everyone: on the pantry (natural wealth), and on plants, and on good people, on pine and spruce, on evil people, on animals, on each of us together and Separately, it shines equally. We are all different, and everyone fights for a place in the sun, that is, we co-exist together.

- What is the sun like for everyone?

": the hot sun was the mother of every blade of grass, every flower, every marsh bush and berry. The sun gave its warmth to all of them." The truth of the sun is the same truth of Antipych. Is the same essence: love, goodness, warmth, light transform life, and hatred, evil, coldness darken and oppress it. Just as the sun unselfishly gives warmth to all living things, so Antipych gave goodness to the forest, people, and Grass. Antipych lived in harmony with nature, understood it, knew how to communicate with it, took care of it, treasured it, found the truth in it, encouraged every person to seek it. (- “Ask them: the oak, the birch,” says Yesenin. “Here in Russia, the forest is responsible for everything,” exclaims Leonov in “Russian Forest” - “I am, my friends, writing about nature, but I myself only think about people:" Prishvin speaks out.)

- What can a person take from the forest?(All). - And specifically our heroes?(Berries, mushrooms, peat - wealth)

The action takes place in the Pereslavl region in 1945, in the first post-war years, women with children who were left without husbands especially suffered. (The student reads an episode about the benefits and importance of the forest in human life. ": we went into the pine forest to collect pine needles to heat the hut, and in the bitter frost in winter we carried firewood from the alder thickets on a sleigh. In the summer, the children went to the forest to collect mushrooms, thorns, pears and apples. This rare post-war delicacy satisfied hunger and provided vitamins, and therefore health, until the new summer. The forest provided building material from which huts were cut down on the ashes. In the difficult post-war years, the forest provided warmth, food, life.)

Nature is the nation's wealth. - What is wealth? What do we mean by the word "wealth"?(Jewelry, gold, money:) - Do you have wealth?(No.) - What kind of wealth did children get from their parents?(Students list animals from the work.) - What else, besides jewelry, do people consider wealth?(Relationships between people (love, friendship, mutual understanding), dream.) - So do you have wealth or not?(Everyone will answer this question for themselves mentally.) - When do people become closer to each other?(When they give love, kindness, warmth or show hatred, evil, coldness?)

In nature there is a constant struggle between good and evil, as in the lives of people, as in every person.

The grass “needed, like any wild animal, to live for itself.” - What does it mean to live for yourself?(This means being selfish, not feeling sorry for anyone, not recognizing your neighbor, not sacrificing anything for anyone, loving only yourself.) - For whom does Grass live? Who does he miss?(For a kind passerby who is a wise, sympathetic person. The dog howled from longing for a person. Affection and love can cure this.) - Or: what “habits of ordinary animals” did the moose see in Nastya and “doesn’t consider her to be a person”?(Habits of a snake. Nastya “turns” into a beast when she is overcome by greed and when she forgets about her brother.) - Where does a person, given his power, get greed even for the sour berry cranberry? - Why is “the wolf, by its very malice, doomed to death”? - Does this observation apply to people?(Yes!)

By fighting for “truth,” that is, by fighting for love, a person fights it for himself. ("But you, passer-by, do not believe the pity of the wolf, doomed to death by his very malice; save your pity not for the one who howls about himself, but for the one who howls, not knowing whom now to serve." )

Good and evil, love and hate, peace and destruction, struggle and indifference - everything that exists on earth is looking for a place in the sun. - What role does the sun play in the life of nature and humans? Let's think about this.

The sun is an inexhaustible source of heat, under the beneficial influence of which life develops, the world becomes kinder, comes to life, is filled with colors and light. - Let's look at the "picture" of the suffering of pine and spruce, how do they fight for light?(“Rising higher and higher,.. they dug dry branches into living trunks and in some places pierced each other through,” “: the trees moaned and howled so much: “,”: they fought among themselves with roots for food, with branches for air and light.” ) - How does nature change when “the first rays of the sun illuminated the sonorous Borina”?(": the mighty trunks became like the lit candles of the great temple of nature", ": the singing of birds is dedicated to the rising of the great sun:" , “The braid began to blossom, the comb caught fire, the rainbow tail spread out like a lyre.”) - “Show” how nature carefully stores and uses the solar heat given off during the day?(":a big black stump that kept the warmth of the sun:", "everyone falls to the warmth.")

To feel the unity of nature and man, the indivisibility of the entire living world, the inextricable, close connection of everything that exists on earth, you need to think seriously. - Can spruce and pine be likened to living beings? - Why do we sympathize with crippled trees?(For Prishvin, trees have a soul. In a peaceful existence, the eternal, harsh struggle for life does not stop.) - In what other episodes of the work do we see the struggle for life?(":the power of the great Antipych:", ":and the little man stopped his big heart in himself. He froze in the precise calculation of his movement, like a fighter: in the blow that determines the outcome of the fight: whether he should live or die", ": two hunters, a man and an evil one his enemy (the wolf), met:".)

In trials, in the eternal harsh struggle for love, for life a man is walking to the truth.

Man and nature are indivisible, both have a living soul. - What contents is this “pantry” filled with? - Can this “pantry” be considered bottomless?(No.) - How many years will peat last?(100) What about the forests? Yagodnikov? Animals, birds, if not protected and replenished?

For a wise person, a zealous owner, who takes from nature in moderation, wisely, giving her his strength, taking care of her, nature is a friend, an ally. If a person only takes, he will destroy first nature, and then himself. - Who is the “sun pantry” open to?

One who knows and loves nature, who truly knows how to work, who wisely and wisely not only takes, but knows how to give and replenish, who is selfless in his actions, can take advantage of the wealth and treasures of nature.

Was the “pantry” open for Antipych? (Yes. He managed his wealth wisely. He took in moderation. He protected and preserved the forest. He passed on the truth by inheritance.) - What does it mean to master Antipych's truth?(This means loving nature, merging with it, unselfishly taking care of it, which means loving the Motherland . ) - Where in the work do we read lines about complete harmony, the fusion of man with nature?(“Sometimes you bend down in the forest to a quiet creek and there, as in a mirror, you see the whole person, big, beautiful: And so he is beautiful there, in the mirror, with all nature, with clouds, forests, and the sun there below sits down too:".)

4) Comment on your grades for the lesson.

II. Homework.

Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson.

What did we talk about today?

What does this sequence look like? (To the points of the plan.)

List the points of the plan.

State what the purpose of homework is? (Write your homework according to plan.)

what is the truth of Antipych from Prishvin’s story “The Pantry of the Sun” and received the best answer

Answer from Zinaida Zhenchevskaya[guru]


Answer from Andrey Kresh[newbie]
Antipych, the owner of Travka, said that one must live in truth. But the truth was that the dog and its owner lived for each other.
Antipych promised to tell this truth, but also punished them to look for the truth themselves.
A person throughout his life comprehends the truth in a harsh struggle for love for people, for the world around him, for nature.
Everyone comes to the truth only through their own experience, specific deeds and actions.
People's actions are determined by: on the one hand, love for them, on the other, selfishness towards them. Antipych's truth consists of the struggle for love, so as not to become embittered in severe trials, not to turn into a wild beast, and to survive. In any trials, remain a person who selflessly gives others love, kindness, warmth, light. This is what Antipych is for people.
- Was the “pantry” open for Antipych? (Yes. He managed his wealth wisely. He took in moderation. He protected and preserved the forest. He passed on the truth by inheritance.) - What does it mean to master Antipych’s truth? (This means loving nature, merging with it, unselfishly taking care of it, which means loving the Motherland.) - Where in the work do we read lines about complete harmony, the merging of man with nature? (“Sometimes you bend down in the forest to a quiet creek and there, as in a mirror, you see the whole person, big, beautiful: And so he is beautiful there, in the mirror, with all nature, with clouds, forests, and the sun there below also sits down: ".)

Answer from Iuslan Levshenya[active]

Answer from Kirill Belov[newbie]
))))))))),not with anything

Answer from Ivan Torpanov[newbie]
The old hunter Antipych lived in a lodge in a dilapidated house, which was much older than its owner, supported by supports. Hunters visited Antipych. He could always give advice. He experienced a lot in life, but remained a selfless person. This is a grandfather about 80 - 100 years old. He had no farm, only his dog Travka. At first he called her Zatravka, because he took her to hunt (chase) hares, and then the pronunciation of the nickname changed and began to be heard even more beautifully - Grass.
A hero who, according to the author, died, but who appears and acts throughout the entire work.
Prishvin wrote that Antipych died, but talks about him as if he were alive. It seems that Antipych lived and will live forever. It seemed like he would never die, you even forgot that he died. People constantly came to him for advice (at first they actually came, then they tried to imagine what he would say, what he would advise).
Antipych knows a lot and has experienced a lot. He speaks in proverbs and sayings, and also in riddles. If you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the water. He who dares eats two. How old is Antipych: 80 is not enough, 100 is a lot?
Outwardly, he is a low-key, unheroic person, but with the soul of a hard worker. He has a lot of experience and he shares it. That is why only after many years the interlocutors understand the riddles of Antipych, because what has not been tested is not understood.
Antipych is the keeper of truth and secrets. Kind, wise, whose memory remains and helps to live, helps the living. Just as the sun unselfishly gives warmth to all living things, so Antipych gave goodness to the forest, people, and Grass. Antipych lived in harmony with nature, understood it, knew how to communicate with it, took care of it, treasured it, found the truth in it, encouraged every person to seek it.
Grass hunting dog. Antipych picked her up. They were friends. After the death of her owner, Grass was left to live in the forest alone. She hunted hares and almost went wild. While chasing a hare, she came across the drowning Mitrosha and pulled him out of the swamp. Everything ended well.



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