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Game tasks in Russian language lessons. Extracurricular activity "entertaining games in the Russian language"

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  • instill a love for great things Russian language,
  • improve the general language culture.
  • deepen students' knowledge of folklore genres;
  • enrich lexicon students;
  • develop oral and written speech students;
  • develop interest in the Russian language as an academic subject.

Equipment: computer, printer, screen

The music used is a composition by Igor Krutoy

Progress of the game

(Slide 1).

Teacher's opening speech. From the early childhood and until old age, a person’s entire life is inextricably linked with language. The child has not yet learned to speak properly, but his ear is already catching his mother’s songs and jokes, grandmother’s fairy tales. We grow up and go to school. A whole sea of ​​words, a whole ocean of speech, catches us.

(Slide 2). According to the definition of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, an amazing person who devoted his entire life to compiling his famous dictionary: “Word is a person’s exceptional ability to publicly express his thoughts and feelings: the gift of speaking, communicating with intelligently combined sounds, verbal speech.”

And today we will communicate intelligently and learn the rich Russian language.

Greetings from the teams.

The team name, emblem, and motto are evaluated.

Warm up.

To begin with, I offer a playful but tricky warm-up.

(Questions are asked to the teams in turn.)

  1. What is the heron in front and the hare behind? (Letter “C”)
  2. How can you list the five days of the week in order without giving the number or name of the day? (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.)
  3. In which word is the negation “no” heard a hundred times? (Moans)
  4. What do day and night have in common? (“b” sign at the end)
  5. What is between the mountain and the ravine? (Letter “I”)
  6. Use the word “language” in different semantic combinations. (“Long” tongue, Pushkin’s tongue, boiled tongue.)
Competition for experts on accents.

(Slide 3).

Words need to be stressed correctly.

  1. Agent, caterpillar, cakes, dabbling, combiner, meatballs.
  2. Glimmer, garbage chute, watchman, sorrel, silo, quart.

Competition for experts on proverbs and sayings.

The guys coped with the emphasis. Now we will see how well you know the proverbs.

(Slide 4).“It’s not without reason that the proverb says it.” We have the right to be proud of the proverbs that our people created, and we continue to use them in our speech.

To the suggested proverbs different nations We will select Russian proverbs that are appropriate in meaning.

  1. Dagestanskaya: “Hasty people lack wisdom.”
    (If you hurry, you will make people laugh.)
  2. Ukrainian: “And live until you are old, and study until you are old.”
    (Live and learn.)
  3. Kirghizskaya: “Slowly you will go far, but you will get tired of dancing.”
    (The quieter you go, the further you'll get.)
  4. Malayan: “I finished sewing and broke the thread.”
    (Business before pleasure.)
  5. Kirghiz: “What the dish is filled with is what will pour out.”
    (What goes around comes around.)
  6. Tajik: “No one has ever known roses without thorns, good luck without labor.”
    (You can’t pull a fish out of labor without labor.)

(Slide 5).

The next task is to choose endings for the sayings.

  1. Get lost yourself - ...(and help out your comrade).
  2. They meet you by their clothes -... (they accompany you according to your mind).
  3. Measure seven times -... (cut once).
  4. Eyes are afraid -... (and the hands do it).
  5. Who will you go with -... (you'll gain from that).
  6. Do you like to ride -... (love to carry sleighs too).

Competition of phraseology experts.

Let's remember the amazing legends Ancient Greece. After all, it was the myths of Ancient Greece that gave our language many bright and amazing phrases. What do some of them mean? (Slide 6)

  1. Ariadne's thread (a way to get out of a difficult situation).
  2. Sisyphus's work (useless, wasted work).
  3. Augean stables (very polluted place).
  4. Achilles' heel (weak, vulnerable place).

Grammar competition.

(Slide 7).

Grammar, grammar is a very strict science.
I always pick up a grammar textbook with trepidation.
She is difficult, but life would be bad without her!
Do not compose a telegram and do not send a postcard,
You can’t even congratulate your own mother on her birthday!

Grammar riddles await you.

  1. The first digit is in the middle,
    Letter from the beginning and letter from the end.
    But in general - forests, cities and plains.
    Hearts full of love for the whole.
  2. It is easy to extract the root from the filling,
    The attachment is stored securely in the container.
    You can clearly hear the suffix in the buzz,
    Together you write on various topics.

Game “Fourth wheel”.

(Slide 8).

A. subject
B. verb
In addition
D. definition

A. noun
B. adverb
V. predicate
G. verb


(Slide 9). Who was the creator of the first Slavic alphabet?

A. Cyril and Methodius
B. Boris and Gleb
V. Afanasy Nikitin
G. Minin and Pozharsky

(Slide 10). Who composed “ Dictionary living Great Russian language”?

A. Ozhegov
B. Efron
V. Dahl
G. Chukovsky

(Slide 11).

- Which popular expression means a product that does not exist in nature, something unheard of, impossible, the limit of desires?

A. bird's milk
B. broken trough
V. cornucopia
G.pie in the sky

– What is the art of beautiful writing called?

A. pictography
B. calligraphy
V. cursive
G. cuneiform

Competition “Once! Two! Three!".

(Slide 12).

Fill in the missing letters and guess the words

Answers: phrase, bolt, swift, gape, dandelion, hatchet, story, mongrel, tourist, order.

Competition “Homework”.

Let's listen to short stories in which words begin with the same letter “P”.


(Slide 13).

The jury sums up the results of the game. (Annex 1)

Final words from the teacher.

(Slide 14).

Today we remembered figurative words and expressions. But this is only a drop in the ocean of words. Perhaps this drop will lead you to the vast ocean of words in the Russian language, and you will be able to appreciate its beauty and diversity.


  1. http://www.mista.ru/pogovorki.htm
  2. Grigoryan L.T. My tongue is my friend. – M., 1988.
  3. light.lifeisphoto.ru
  4. Vodolazkaya S.V. Competitions, quizzes, olympiads. – M., 2006.
  5. www.sprinter.ru
  6. Ashukin N.S., Ashukina M.G. Winged words. – M., 1999.

A valuable method of stimulating interest in learning is the method of using various games and game forms of organization cognitive activity in classes with students and schoolchildren.

The most budget-friendly game form is a language game, part of which is verbal (not acting) and verbal role-playing games.

It is also advisable to highlight linguistic educational games.

What is the difference?

Word game is a game with words. The game takes place exclusively through verbal interaction between the players. Verbal play is aimed not only at developing linguistic flair, but also at developing attention and memory.
Verbal role-playing games-- variety role playing games with a complete absence of a material component: the game takes place exclusively through verbal interaction between the players, describing the actions of their characters, and the master, describing the realities of the surrounding world and the reactions of the master characters.
Linguistic game is a language game associated with the study of language and the enrichment of speech, with the development of logical thinking, communicative features of speech from the point of view of taking into account the lexical, grammatical, orthoepic, syntactic features of speech.

Therefore, linguistic games are: orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, syntactic.

Linguistic game “Hidden Motives”

Surely, in the life of every person there was a situation when he committed some action and could not explain why he did this or that way. Unraveling possible hidden motives is possible through a consistent analysis of previous events.

What we are working on: logic of speech.

Rules: We divide the group into pairs (sometimes it’s easier to unite not in pairs, but in triplets). In each pair, one of the participants tells a situation that he cannot explain. The partner, through leading questions, tries to find out the facts and connect them into syllogisms.

A syllogism is “a form of inference, reasoning, when a third, conclusion, is derived from two given premises or judgments.”
For example, everyone students take exams in the summer. I'm a student, which means I have exams in the summer.

In the second round, the interlocutors change places. Then comes reflection.

Word game “One day in the life”

The essence of the game: choose any profession with your students. Together, you compose a story using only nouns (verbs, adjectives) about working day professional

For example, a story about a teacher’s day: bell-breakfast-lesson-question-answer-A-grade-teacher’s-principal-scandal-lesson-bell-home-preparation-sleep.

Important condition: Before naming a new noun, each player must repeat everything that was named before him. Then the story will be perceived as a complete work. To better remember the named nouns, I advise you to carefully look at all the speakers, as if associating the word with a specific person.

Word game “New Dictionary”

We usually play in a circle with students as a warm-up for any lesson.

The essence of this game is to come up with new meanings for ordinary and all familiar words.

For example: a boyfriend is a fish soup lover, a monster is a volcano, a priestess is a woman who loves to eat, etc.

The one who picks up the most wins interesting words. The time allocated for preparation is agreed upon in advance.

Word game “Taboo”

When I need to get listeners/students and pupils talking, or bring them to the topic of the lesson, or repeat previously studied material, I use the word game “TABO”.
The rules are simple: the student/student receives a card with a word written on it. It needs to be explained. And under this word, or next to it, there are several more that cannot be used in the explanation.
Other students must guess this word.

It is better to prepare cards yourself - for a specific topic (for example, an essay-reasoning - for students, or general scientific terminology - for students).

Linguistic game “Sound Images”

The teacher reads/displays the words of the writer E. Zamyatin:
“Every sound of the human voice, every letter, in itself evokes certain ideas in a person, creates sound images. I am far from attributing a strictly defined semantic or color meaning to each sound, however
The sound [r] clearly tells me about something loud, bright, red, hot, fast.

[l] – about something pale, blue, cold, smooth, light.

The sound [n] is about something tender, about snow, sky, night:

The sounds [d] and [t] are about something stuffy, heavy, about fog, about darkness, about something musty.

The sound [m] is about sweet, soft, about mother, about the sea.

[a]- is associated with latitude, distance, ocean, haze, scope.

C [o] - high, blue, womb:

S [i] – close, low, squeezing.”

Assignment: come up with words starting with the letters RLNDTMAOI. Ask students to voice their sound images.

Word game “Letters-Letters”

One student thinks of a word for another, which he must explain to the others, but he can only use words starting with one letter, for example, “p” (any except those with the same root). That is, the word “house” will have to be explained, for example, like this: “built - I live.”

If you couldn’t guess right away, you can throw in additional associations: “building, room, space, the simplest concept...” And finally add, for example, “Perignon” - by association with Dom Perignon champagne.

If the guessers are close to winning, then the teacher will use comments like “approximately”, “approximately”, “almost correct” - or, in the opposite situation: “bad, wait!” Usually, after the word is guessed, the person explaining comes up with a new word and whispers it in the ear of the person who guessed it - he becomes the next leader.

Word and language games are a great way to enhance classroom learning. They can be used at various stages of the lesson: at the beginning - to create a favorable atmosphere and repeat material that will be used in the future in speech, in the middle or end of the lesson - to relieve fatigue, at the end of the lesson, when there are a few minutes left before the bell and there is no point start some more serious exercise.

Entertaining Russian

Slides: 22 Words: 926 Sounds: 0 Effects: 73

Entertaining Russian. Universal learning activities. Motivational stage. Knowledge. Tomato. Country of dictionary words. Funny rhymes. It was raining. Memos. Enormous cucumber. Who said that. Painting. Apartment. Potato. Techniques for memorizing vocabulary words. Botanical Garden. Moscow. Third wheel. Village. Vocabulary tales. - Entertaining Russian.pptx

Games in Russian

Slides: 8 Words: 317 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

Game in Russian language and literature lessons. F. Schiller. Game functions. Cognitive interest, increased activity. Development of VM, logical thinking, creativity. Communicative. Socialization, tolerance. Interethnic communication. Increased self-esteem. Terms of use of games in lessons: Possibility of use gaming technologies: - Games in Russian.ppt

Game in Russian language lesson

Slides: 14 Words: 375 Sounds: 0 Effects: 55

Game "lucky chance". Greetings. Find the second half of the proverb. Guess the riddles. A dark horse. Solve the puzzles. Puzzles. Meanings of phraseological units. Fill in the cells with synonyms. Prepare two questions. Answer the questions. Race for the leader. - Game in Russian language lesson.pptx

Russian language game at school

Slides: 47 Words: 455 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Participles. Active participles. Active present participles. Participial turnover. Particle. Participle. Adverb. Adverbs vary by category. In a sentence, an adverb is an adverb. Verb. Perfective verbs. Transitive verbs. How to write correctly. Who is the author of the picture? I.Popov. S. Grigoriev. How many voiced consonants? Name the work. Graphic arts. Folklore. Define the genre of CNT. Sunny, show yourself. Guess a riddle. - Russian language game at school.ppt

“Own game” in Russian

Slides: 29 Words: 1025 Sounds: 0 Effects: 46

My own game. Teams. Phonetics. Graphic arts. Spelling. Write down the words in the old spelling. Insert the missing letters. Try reading sounds. Water. Words with the same prefixes. Morphemics. Word formation. Pocket. Vocabulary. Phraseology. The word "thank you". Ruble. Step. Morphology. Syntax. Forms singular. Offer. Predicate. Additional tasks. Let's define it. Life bent me into an arc. Synonyms. Feminine noun. - “Own game” in Russian.pptx

Russian language competition game

Slides: 35 Words: 1356 Sounds: 0 Effects: 58

Dictionary. Received knowledge. Grade. Words-images. Sparks of feeling. Let's go back to the roots. Words. Grona. Envelopes. Anabiosis. Contest. Titles. Surnames. Joke. Accents. Antonyms. Who is faster. Top. Synonyms. Oppression. Winged words. Meaning. Delirium. Russian language. Pastoral. Soviet linguist. Assistants. Awards. Material. Head of the library. - Game-competition in the Russian language.ppt

Educational games in Russian

Slides: 10 Words: 518 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

Intellectual game in Russian language

Slides: 68 Words: 539 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

The word is the basis of speech. Questions. Return. Russian month book. Russian proverb. Ancient names of the winter months. The month of June. Dark alleys. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. I. A. Bunin. Literary page. Proverbs. Every day is not Sunday. The goose is no friend to the pig. Appetite comes with eating. Name the authors of the Russian alphabet. What does it mean to “walk with ferrets?” Day Slavic writing and culture. Novel "War and Peace". October. Traven. Cold. June. Theme of love. Nobleman. Lent. A horse on foot is not a traveling companion. Thirst goes away while drinking. Cyril and Methodius. Expression. - Intellectual game on the Russian language.ppt

Russian language lesson game

Slides: 26 Words: 1593 Sounds: 0 Effects: 239

Didactic games in Russian language lessons in primary school. Collect the words. Say the word. The fourth one is extra. Magic transformations. Unscramble the nouns. The missing. Words in words. Check out Dunno. Write down the words. Word female. Joking questions. Find the definition. Who is faster. Collocations. The third is unnecessary. Restore justice. Puzzles. Replace the phrases with verbs. Tasks for smart people and smart girls. Determine the tense of verbs. Finish the proverb. Guess the word. Herd. Mom came home from work. Best wishes. - Lesson-game on the Russian language.ppt

Russian language quiz

Slides: 21 Words: 435 Sounds: 0 Effects: 84

Russian language quiz. "Who want to be a millionaire?". 1st level. 1. According to the Russian proverb, who is fed by the feet? 2.Who must whistle on the mountain for something impossible to happen? 3.Who is smooth because he ate on his side? 4. What kind of berry is a very good, free life compared to? 2nd level. 1. What plant exists? 2. What kind of banks do milk rivers usually have? 3. Which bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree? 4. What breed of shepherd does not exist? 3rd level. 1. Which predatory fish became the Russian heroine folk tale? 2. What kind of milk has no one drank? 3. Who is called Toptygin in fairy tales? - Russian language quiz.ppt

Quiz for 1st grade

Slides: 31 Words: 732 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

Russian language quiz. Make words from letters. Game "Echo". Name the cubs and their parents. Name it full name, for example, Natasha - Natalya. Use the first letters to form a word. Isographers. Guess the riddles. Not for a walk - for a hunt, and he, children, knows a lot about it. It knocks all the time, it hits trees. A ball is rolling through the forest. Gray little animal, cross-eyed, long-eared. Berries in sour cream for Vanya and Manya. In summer he walks through the forest, in winter he rests in a den. There are quite a few staghorns in the zoo and in the forest. I don’t walk or fly, but try and catch up. This animal is almost like a cat, but it is dangerous to play with it; it lives in nature. - Quiz for 1st grade.pptx

Quiz for 5th grade

Slides: 22 Words: 555 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

"Syntax" quiz. Sasha came to unfamiliar city. Make up any narrative sentence based on the picture. Which concept is redundant? Declarative Interrogative Exclamatory Impulsive. What questions does the subject answer? The guys take part in a quiz. White clouds are high. The wolf is a predatory animal. Write out the predicates from the sentence. Secondary members of the sentence. Addition. Definition. Yesterday a Difficult Task. Put the words into sentences. In which statement was there an error? Forests and fields were covered with snow. Petya dived, but didn’t reach the bottom. Boys and girls sang and danced merrily. - Quiz for 5th grade.ppt

Russian language competition

Slides: 72 Words: 1520 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

Know and love the Russian language. The fourth one is extra. The emphasis is on the last syllable. The stress falls on the first syllable. What adjective goes with the word research institute? What a feminine word. How to say it correctly. Which of the following words is masculine? Logic puzzles. Six-cell logicon. Color. Elephant. Tree. Wasp. Choose a synonym. Discussion. Arrogance. Conservatism. Establishing certain connections. Song - composer. Mountains - heights. Heat is vital activity. North South. A poem is poetry. Agreement more expensive than money. Every man to his own taste. - Russian language competition.pptx

KVN in Russian

Slides: 15 Words: 490 Sounds: 1 Effects: 92

"KVN" in Russian. My faithful friend. One is many. Primer. Homonyms. Crosswords on vocabulary words. Pick a pair. Be careful. Blitz survey. Finish the proverb. Puzzles. Restore justice. From male to female. Decipher the words. - KVN in Russian.pptx

KVN in Russian language

Slides: 10 Words: 473 Sounds: 10 Effects: 59

KVN Fun grammar. Greetings from the teams. We are cheerful guys, and we don’t like to be bored. We will be happy to play in KVN. Address to the jury: Glory and honor to you! We all love accurate counting! Warm up - who will answer faster. How does day and night end? How does summer end and autumn begin? Which word has 40 vowels? (Magpie). What word has 100 consonants? (Stack, groan, table). In which verb is no heard 100 times? (Moans). What note is put in the soup? What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron? (Salt). Erudite competition. Grammatical arithmetic. ditch + pose =? Kind of transport. - KVN in Russian.ppt

Lesson-KVN in Russian language

Slides: 17 Words: 726 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

KVN lesson in Russian language. Lesson objectives. Find dangerous places. Consonants in weak position. Helper rule. You have to remember the rules. Return the runaway consonant, find the treacherous word. Rule. Test word. Complete the missing syllables. After the hissing Zh, Ch, Sh, Shch you need to write the vowels I, U, A, A, not Y, Yu, Ya. Captain competition “Insidious b and b”. Captains competition. The separating b is written after the prefix. Spelling relay race. Assistants. - Lesson-KVN in the Russian language.pptx


Slides: 6 Words: 274 Sounds: 0 Effects: 40

Lesson-travel through the country of Terra Ligua. Subject: Russian language. Create a dialogue environment that initiates the need and motive to engage in the proposed activity. Stimulate cognitive activity students. Learn to work with dictionaries. Systematize students’ knowledge acquired in 5th grade. Types of activities in the lesson. - Lesson-travel.ppt

Journey to the land of knowledge

Slides: 9 Words: 167 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

Journey to the land of knowledge. How good it is to be able to read. Read it station. Delicious words. You are rude, I b lo z shi ki sli ar. Grammar station. Count it up station. Station "erudite". Music station. - Journey to the land of knowledge.ppt

Lesson-trip through the Russian language

Slides: 39 Words: 1267 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

Linguistic journey. Travel route. Outpost of spelling. How to speak correctly. Chicken. Place emphasis. Let's look in the dictionary. City of morphology. How many parts of speech are there in the Russian language? Let's look at the textbook. Spelling castle. Insert letters. We check it in the dictionary. Posad syntax and punctuation. The stone fell into a deep river. Place punctuation marks. Crossword. Bastion of phonetics. How many vowels and sounds are there in the Russian language. 10 vowels, 6 sounds. Strength of morphemics. A repeated base word or root is indicated by ~. World. Dialogue in the store. -

Game "Letter Got Lost"

Target: learn to distinguish consonant sounds and letters by ear and writing, develop attention, wit, and resourcefulness.

Description. Before the teacher begins to read the poem, he asks the children to listen carefully to all the words and, where an error is made, pronounce the correct word in unison.

It is unknown how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Dropped into someone's house

And he rules it.

But I barely got there

Naughty letter

Stranger Things

Things started to happen.

The hunter shouted: “Oh!

D Believe me, they’re chasing me!”

In front of the kids

Kry With The painters are painting.

Throwing the doll out of my hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There's green creeping there l uk

With a long mustache!

They say one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river,

But then he

Got hooked d ohm

Look at this, guys:

R they grew up in the garden!

The snow is melting, the stream is flowing,

The branches are full V crabs.

We collected cornflowers -

On our heads sch enki.

Old Grandpa Pakhom

On ko h e rode on horseback.

Bug boo d I didn’t finish it:

Reluctantly, tired of it.

On yellowed leaves

Drops le V your foliage.

Mom with b I went with glasses

On the road along the village.

Misha didn’t cut the wood,

stove To he drowned with epoxy.

The sea turns blue before us,

They fly m aiki over the waves.

L. Shibaev

Game "Typography"

Goals: expand children's vocabulary; develop ingenuity, thinking, erudition.

Note. The teacher can offer children any key word in terms of letter composition and interpretation, corresponding to a particular age of the children.

Description. Two teams of 8 people each take part in the game. For the participants in the game, you need to prepare two sets of cards with letters that form the word “literate”. The cards of one set differ from the other in color. The teams line up one against the other, each player has a card with a letter that he must remember. The teacher names one after another the words that can be made from the letters included in the word “letter”. For example: hero, sea, theme, thunder, atom, company, March, mountain, grotto, volume, mouth, din, magician, bargaining and others. Team members whose letters are included in the word called by the teacher take a step forward and line up so that each word can be read. The team whose representatives “form the word” faster is awarded a point. Then the players return to their seats and wait for the next word to be called. The team with the most points wins.

To make cards, you can choose other words in which all the letters are different. For example, from the word “file” you can make the following words: drops, paws, packs, sticky. From the word “tributary” - portico, tropic and others. For each class, words are selected that correspond in level of difficulty to the age of the students.

Game "Words on the topic"

Goals: to develop logical speech and thinking of students, to contribute to the creation of a favorable climate for collective and competitive work of children.

Note. With each age category the given topics are complicated by the teacher.

Description. The teacher asks the children to choose words related to a specific topic, for example: “The house where I live”, “Our school”, “A walk in the forest”, “At the grocery store”. The one who starts the game names all the words that he can remember (words that are not related to the topic are not written down). Then the teacher invites other children to add to this list. When all the additions have been made, the teacher invites someone to name at least one more word related to the topic that has not been named yet. The winner is the one who named large quantity words, as well as the one who added the last to the already named words.

After this, the players begin to select words for another topic.

Game of Fives

Goals: learn to combine words into a general topic, develop the ability to interact with team members.

Description. 25-30 people can participate in the game. According to the number of participants, it is necessary to prepare cards with words (or drawings) on certain topics: “Plants”, “ Animal world", "School supplies", "Vehicles" and others. For each topic, 5 words or pictures are selected. The cards are shuffled and distributed to the players. The tasks of the players: unite in groups of 5 people, so that in each group everyone has cards on the same topic. Find among all playing holders of cards with in the right words(or pictures) is not at all easy. The first five, who correctly selected the words (pictures) and came to the teacher, receive six points, the second - five points, etc.

The teacher can announce the topics on which the A's should unite when all the cards have been distributed. But you don’t have to name the topics - let the guys guess for themselves. The game will be more difficult, but more interesting.

Game "Let's Play Words"

Target: expand students’ vocabulary and speech, their idea of ​​wealth native language, about the possibility of composing (folding) many words from the same word.

1. Guess the word that needs to be entered in the cells to get new words:

2. Guess the word that needs to be entered into the cells to get new ones

Answers. 1) fox; 2) chalk; 3) onion; 4) port; 5) goal; 6) anthem.

Note: You can offer tasks to teams, you can use this form to individual work students.

Game "Parade of Literacy"

Exercise: determine whether everything in these statements is correct; put all the sentences in order.

The cat ran quickly on one leg.

She was so frightened that she fainted.

The painting depicts a middle-aged student.

His right cheek smiled cheerfully.

My father was walking towards me. The girl and the dog barked joyfully.

The younger sister wore a scarf on her head, the older sister wore boots.

He mounted his horse and rode off on foot.

He went to bed and slept as hard as he could.

When my friend was drowning, I rushed to save him because he was wearing my swimming trunks.

My friend has a snub nose that blends smoothly into his neck.

Some monkeys hang upside down in trees.

When the fog cleared, the prince saw the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

The hunter closed his eyes wide and fired.

We slept, but we couldn't sleep.

Repin walked along the banks of the Neva and saw barge haulers on the Volga.

The boy licked his lips to his ears.

My favorite corner of nature is the sun.

There were a lot of pigeons on the roof, about forty people.

During breaks we rode along the railings from the first to the third floor.

Shyly smiling with only his eyes, he sniffed with one nose.

Misha looked in the mirror for a long time until he recognized his face.

He wanted to say something, but his tongue was dumbfounded.

A shot rang out and he was wounded in the right head.

A boy and a girl entered the class; they were brothers.

The Northern Ocean is very icy.

Darwin worked on his theory like a beast.

His face was oval, like a right angle.

I felt at home in my boots.

Vova has a black eye, which suits him very well.

He had a sword with one cartridge.

Sister loves to help her sister Tanya when she eats chocolate.

I love books so much that I even read them.

Finally we saw birch grove, where there were only oak trees.

Various ideas came to my mind, but the best ones settled on a jar of strawberry jam.

He was very scared, and his soul went into his shoes.

I quickly stood in one place.

Behind the numerous freckles on his face, it was impossible to discern his character traits.

His white teeth peeked out from under his black curls.

Suddenly he heard someone's gaze.

Olya ate a bagel with the dog running next to her.

And then he took a knife and shot himself.

There was something blue behind the bush.

He recognized her by the mole on her right nose.

Having fallen asleep, sitting on a horse, Sergei merrily sang a song.

His ears stick out in all directions.

His favorite time of the year was the holidays.

Thoughts, as luck would have it, did not want to think.

I was so cold that I was sweating.

On the left the forest is sparse but dense.

At first his forehead began to sweat, and then a lump appeared.

A thought struck me.

Seryozha’s hands itched on his knees.

Sasha left to the loud mooing of the entire class.

He hit his head hard and limped for a long time.

Game "Collect words"

Exercise: connect the words in the columns so that new words appear.

Problems with letters and words “Down the stairs”

Exercise: select words as their letter number increases (that is, the steps of the ladder increase) and get a vocabulary ladder.










social activist






enemy fortification

Game "Friendly Family"

Goals: consolidate the concept of parts of speech, practice composing examples (words) denoting all parts of speech.

Description.“Friendly family” is ten parts of speech. The presenter calls a word consisting of 10 letters. For example, literature. You need to write it down vertically and select a word (part of speech) for each letter.

L- whether - particle.

AND- or - union.

T- three hundred is a numeral.

E- go - verb.

R- joyfully - adverb.

A- a - union.

T- that is a pronoun.

U- u - preposition.

R- pink - adjective.

A- ah - interjection.

Another example with the word is hard work.

T- you are a pronoun.

R- is it a particle?

U- to be surprised is a verb.

D- ten is a numeral.

ABOUT- oh - interjection.

L- easy - adverb.

YU- spinning top - noun.

B- without - preposition.

AND- or - union.

E- unctuous - adjective.

Game "Find the numbers"

Exercise: read funny poems by Wanda Khotomskaya. Indicate the numerals: how many are there, in which words are they found?

We have three ses three tsy.

Don't you know them?

How would I like your ears three there is

Talk about three.

The one in C three jove,

I lived above the window with three and.

WITH three whose craftswoman she is -

Come see her, baby!

The other one, in Us three tsakh,

No mustache three no,

But then three Well

Served for lunch!

And the third, in Bys three tse,

Bys three on on the river,

And they frolic three tones

At night on the sand.

About one hundred th watchman -

Not about one hundred city ​​house:

Cha one hundred there's a centipede in it

Wanders under one hundred scrap.

Treasured one hundred leg

Chi one hundred toe legs

AND one hundred personal polish

Cleans one hundred boot.

Together one hundred two are not easy

Clean everything one hundred,

Straightaway one hundred only shoes

Nobody wore it!

About one hundred th one hundred legs

One hundred let's stand,

You can have one hundred legs

Learn from experience!

Translation by L. Kondratenko

Game “Who can make up the most words?”

Goals: expand vocabulary, develop observation, attentiveness, thinking.

Guys! Help me read the words that have been composed. I guess that there was a fox here, she wagged her fluffy tail and mixed up all the words. It’s not for nothing that people say about a fox: “It wags its tail and covers all its tracks.”

In this game, the one who composes the most words wins.

(Words: perch, cat, whale, movie, window, note, etc.)

Game “The record in words will be broken: we are making the alphabet!”

(on topic: Common nouns and proper names nouns)

Exercise: Write 33 words of common nouns in the nominative singular case. Each word must consist of 5 letters. From the middle letters you should get complete alphabet. (The task can be modified: make words of 7 letters so that the fourth letters form a complete alphabet.)


  1. Test the knowledge and skills of students in grades 5-6 on general issues of the Russian language.
  2. Develop students' creative imagination using problematic situations, develop students’ emotions, develop students’ cognitive interest.
  3. To cultivate a sense of collectivism, love for the Russian language, and the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

Equipment: presentation, posters.

“Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture...
That is why studying and preserving the Russian language is
not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but an urgent necessity.


“Language, our magnificent language,
River and steppe expanse in it,
It contains the screams of an eagle and the roar of a wolf,
The chanting and ringing and incense of pilgrimage.
It contains the cooing of a dove in the spring,
The lark takes off towards the sun - higher, higher.
Birch Grove. The light is through.
Heavenly rain spilled over the rooftops."

K. Balmont

Progress of the game

I. Presentation of commands.

Team 1.

We answer together
And there is no doubt here:
Today there will be friendship
Mistress of victories.

Team 2.

And let the struggle rage more intensely,
Stronger competition:
Success is not decided by fate,
But only our knowledge.

Teams give the jury their logos, pronounce their names and mottos.

II. Warm up.

Leading: Answer who or what is being said.

  • “Personal file” of the student for the official use of his parents. (Diary.)
  • What is a pen storage? (Pencil case.)
  • A land that anyone can spin. (Globe.)
  • Its long-awaited sound is divine music for a schoolchild who has not learned his lesson. (Ring.)
  • What is the name of school limestone? (Chalk.)
  • An object that refutes the saying: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.” (Eraser.)
  • The word white in relation to the word black. (Antonym.)
  • It's written the same way, but the meaning is different. (Homonym.)
  • What is the meaning of a tree growing in the forest and the word tree written on paper? (Root.)
  • It happens between the root and the ending. (Suffix.)
  • In which letter should the consonant word be placed to obtain the product of melting snow? (Oh yes.)
  • It was with this “tool”, which is part of the speech, that A.S. Pushkin called to “burn the hearts of people.” (Verb.)

III. Main part.

Competition 1. Comprehension of folk wisdom.

Leading: For a long time now, no one has argued with the statement that the Russian language is the richest in the world. One of its values ​​is the huge number of proverbs and sayings that have come to us from time immemorial and are still created verbally. folk art. They express folk wisdom, and using them in your speech will help make it more vibrant, original, and interesting. Now I want to invite you to answer the questions, remembering the relevant proverbs and sayings and formulating them verbatim. The task may also contain phraseological units that are close to sayings.

  • He is healthy in healthy body. (Healthy mind.)
  • The part of clothing that is recommended to be kept wider. (The pocket is wider.)
  • His eyes are big. (In fear.)
  • Only there is free cheese. (In a mousetrap.)
  • They are waiting for her, sitting by the sea. (Weather.)
  • This part of the item can be gold. (Middle.)
  • What kind of food do shoes sometimes ask for from their unlucky owner? (Porridge - “the boots are asking for porridge.”)

Competition 2. “What is this? Who is this?"

Leading: In this competition you will have to solve a crossword puzzle.

Prepared students read A. Shibaev’s poem “Words, words, words”:

Everything has a name
Both the beast and the object.
There are a lot of things around,
But there are no nameless ones!

And all that the eye can see
Above us and below us
And everything that is in our memory
Signified by words.

They are heard here and there,
On the street and at home:
One thing has long been familiar to us,
The other is unknown...

Language is both old and eternally new!
And it's so beautiful -
In a huge sea - a sea of ​​words -
Swim every hour!

Leading: Answer the questions: what is it? who is this?

Leading: This competition requires a certain imagination and a large vocabulary from you. But first, remember which letters are called vowels.


Air flows freely through the mouth,
There are no different obstacles.
The voice is involved, the voice is calling,
The sound is vowel.

The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,
They may cry and scream
They can cradle a child in a crib,
But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.

Leading: Now, please, arrange the vowels in the constructions offered to you, for example, as shown on the board. (Slide 9)

Letter E

SVR – Sever
VR – VeeR
Tick ​​- Tick

Teams receive a task on cards:

Letter O

KN – window
GRKH – peas
KLKL - bell
TPT - stomp
BLT - bolt
PKY - peace
GRN - forge
TRN – throne
KRK - ham
GLTK - sip

Letter U

SD - court
ShRP - screw
KSS - vinegar
KST – bush
BRNDK – chipmunk

Letter A

BRN - ram
TK - attack
RF – harp
MRK – brand
STR – aster
KRMN – pocket
DBK - barracks
SLSH – hut
FNT – phant
SHRM – scar, charm

Letter I

PRZ - prize
PC – rice
LLYa – lily
FLN - eagle owl
PC – iris

Competition 4. Editor.

Leading: In this competition we will test your ability to construct sentences correctly. You are offered excerpts from children's essays. Find the mistake in each sentence and explain why you can’t write it that way.

The facilitator distributes texts to the teams:

Competition 5. Oral speech.

Prepared students read V. Shefner’s poem “Oral Speech”:

This is so, and not otherwise,
You, my friend, don’t contradict me:
People began to live richer
But the speech became poorer.
Oral literature fades away -
Conversational beauty;
Retreating into the unknown
Russian miracle speeches.
Hundreds of native and apt words,
Drooping, losing my voice,
Locked up like birds in cages,
They doze in thick dictionaries.
Let them out of there
Return to everyday life,
So that speech - a human miracle -
Not poor these days.

Leading: In this competition you need to connect phraseological combination on the left side of the board with his explanation on the right. (Slide 12)

Answers: 1E, 2D, 3B, 4A, 5G, 6B, 7G, 8Z.

Competition 6. Find the mistakes.

Leading: Now we can check which team has the most attentive and competent children. Here is a dictation written by a student who rarely attended Russian language classes. Correct errors in the text.

For each corrected error, the team is awarded 1 point.

Competition 7. Fun grammar."

Prepared students read a poem by O. Vysotskaya:

Noun - school,
Wakes up- verb.
With an adjective funny
A new school day has arrived.

Got up We– pronoun,
Beats the numeral seven.
For learning, without a doubt,
Everyone needs to be accepted.

We will name Great
We appreciate in the lessons.
We comply as usual
Discipline and regime.

Not And neither we have particles
We need to repeat them
And wherein Not be lazy
AND neither one o'clock Not lose!

After school, as you know,
We are riding in a sleigh.
Particularly appropriate here
Interjections Oh And Oh!

And then
By the warm stove
We repeat
Parts of speech!

Leading: Let's work with parts of speech. Form nouns from the given adjectives. (Slide 15)

IV. Summarizing.

While the jury sums up the results, students act out a skit.

Linguistic joke "Absurd things."

- Hello!
-What are you talking about?
- I’m carrying different things.
- Awkward? Why are they awkward?
- You yourself are absurd, as I can see. I carry different things. Different! Understood? Here I bring chalk...
- What did you fail?
- Leave me alone.
- But you say: “I couldn’t!” What did you fail?
- I’m bringing chalk!!! You need to listen. I'm carrying chalk. Mishka. He will need it.
- Well, if his wife gets it for him, then why are you talking about it?
- Which wife? Is this Mishka’s wife?! And you are a joker! I said: “He’ll have to.” It will be necessary, that is.
- That's it...
- And I also have good news for Mishka: I found the brand that he has been looking for for a long time.
- Tamarka?
- Yeah.
- And nothing, pretty?
- Beautiful! So green.
- So how?
- Green color.
- Wait, wait... What is it: her hair is green or something?
-Who has hair?
- Yes, at Tamarka.
- What?!
- Well, you said it yourself: “Tamarka was found.”
- Ta! Mark! Mark, do you understand? The one that Mishka has been looking for for a long time. Understood? It's so green... There's an arch drawn there.
- Yeah, Tamarka is still drawn? It means Tamarka is depicted on the stamp, right? That's what I would say!
- Get rid of your Tamarka, you stupid head! There's an arch drawn there! Arch!!! Can't you even understand this? For now, I have no time.
- Bye! Be careful not to lose your awkward things.
- Come on...
- Yes! Stop, stop!
- What else?
- Say to him hello.
- To whom?
- Known to whom: Tamarka, Mishka and Mishka’s wife.



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