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Exercising your legs at home is an effective way to work your quadriceps and calf muscles. Leg workout at home. It's easy to pump up your legs at home

Legs are the most important part of the body that should not be underestimated. It is to our legs that we owe the ability to move, stand, jump, kick and run. In other words, the legs do the difficult job of synchronizing with other organs in the body to perform the desired task. However, over time, the cartilage that connects the bones of the knee joint wears down. When the joint capsule wears out, the joint cannot function normally, causing knee pain. Regular and disciplined exercise to strengthen your leg muscles can protect against knee osteoarthritis. All exercises can be performed at home.

What are the benefits of training

The benefit of regular training is that strengthening the leg muscles requires volitional efforts, and it also involves a large number of muscle mass s. Intensive use of muscle mass during training increases the number of calories burned. Additionally, choosing specific leg exercises helps build lean muscles. Building lean muscle results in improved tone and firmness in the legs and buttocks. Another benefit of building lean muscle mass on your legs is a noticeable improvement in your metabolism, which helps you burn more fat from all over your body.

Make leg exercises an integral part of your Everyday life- and after a while you will be able to appreciate the benefits of such activities. The health of the body cannot be complete without strong healthy legs.

Exercises to strengthen leg muscles

These exercises can be done at home:

  1. Walk, run or jog - at least 30 minutes a day.
  2. Tiptoe raise: Stand straight with your toes pointing forward. Rise up on your tiptoes and lower yourself down.
  3. Curl your fingers as if you want to grab something from the floor.
  4. Walking on your toes for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Squats: hands on hips - exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale.
  6. Running in place on your toes, 30-60 sec.
  7. Jump on your toes 3-15 times.
  8. Lying on your back, swing your arms and legs at the same time as a beetle does when turned on its back. This exercise improves blood circulation and warms up the entire body.
  9. We freeze with our legs raised: starting position: lying on your back, hands under your head. Raise your legs at a 45° angle, point your toes out and hold this position for 5 seconds and lower them. Slowly bend your legs, gradually pressing them towards your stomach, and also slowly straighten them.
  10. Bike. Starting position: lying on your back. Raise your legs at an angle of 45° and make movements that imitate the process of riding a bicycle, first forward and then in reverse order. Repeat the exercise, leaning slightly first on your left side and then on your right side. Repeat 15-20 times for each position.
  11. Scissors. Starting position: lying on your back. Raise your legs at an angle of 45° and spread them alternately to the sides and crosswise, first lying straight, and then, similar to the previous exercise, alternately, slightly leaning to the side, left and right. Repeat 8-10 times for each position.

Over the past 10 years, I have seen many people perform exercises incorrectly and unsafely. gym. The vast majority of these exercises were aimed at training the leg muscles.

People rounded their backs and lifted weights that were too heavy, risking joint injury or loss of balance.

In fact, you don't have to go to the gym to get big, ripped leg muscles!

We know that one of the main disadvantages of gymnastics is the insufficient number of exercises for the legs, but we can give them an excellent load by working with our own weight and additionally using equipment.

In this article, I will try to change the way you think about bodyweight leg exercises.

I will give a series of exercises from beginner level (most of which you probably know) to advanced.

Try the advanced exercises and see how much effort they require from you. Share your experience in the comments. Also tell us what other gymnastic exercises for legs you know.

So let's get started.


Just because you can do these exercises at home doesn't mean you don't need to warm up properly. To protect yourself from injury, before training your legs, perform the following exercises 3-5 times. They are also great for running training.

Work at your pace. You should be sweating by the time you finish.

  1. Squats (10-15 reps)

  1. Leg swings (20 reps per leg)

Start with a small amplitude and gradually increase it.

  1. Lunges

Perform 10 reps on each leg, taking BIG steps.

Gymnastic exercises for legs

1) Squats (intermediate level)

EVERYONE of you, regardless of fitness level, should be doing some form of squats.

Squats are a natural movement for our body that help improve the health of our central nervous system.

Bodyweight squats are very flexible exercise, that is, you can execute it different ways(raise your arms above your head, put them behind your head, spread them to the sides, etc.).

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a DEEP breath. To protect your back, tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles.

When you squat, imagine that you are sitting on a chair (pull your pelvis back). The back should remain straight throughout the exercise. Your knees should be directly above your toes.

If you arch or round your back, or your knees move out of alignment, STOP or you may get injured.

2) Jumping lunges (intermediate level)

This exercise is performed in the same way as regular lunges, only here, as you rise from the bottom phase, you jump and land on the opposite leg. Everything is done in one quick movement.

If from my description you do not understand how to perform this exercise, then watch the video. In fact, it is not as complicated as it seems.

If at some point you cannot follow the technique or begin to lose your balance, then it’s time to stop and take a break.

3) Leg curls with gymnastic rings (intermediate level)

If squats and lunges are aimed at developing quadriceps, then bending the legs in rings works the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh.

Place the TRX rings or loops so that they are approximately 30 cm from the floor. Lie on your back and put your feet through the rings of the apparatus.

To protect your back, tighten your buttocks and back muscles. Bend your legs, bringing the rings to your buttocks. At the same time, lift your pelvis up (as if you were doing a bridge). To better work your hamstrings, pause (2-3 seconds) at the top of the exercise.

Advanced leg exercises

1) Squats on one leg (“Pistol”)

Single leg squats are a real test of flexibility and strength for your legs.

Don't be discouraged if you can't do this exercise!

Stand up straight with your arms extended in front of you. Lift one leg off the floor and slowly begin to squat. As you lower into a squat, extend your raised leg in front of you. If you feel pain in your knee, stop immediately.

If you can't do this exercise, change it. To do this, place your raised leg in a gymnastic ring suspended in front of you. This will help you maintain proper form and also provide support as you rise from a squat.

2) Bulgarian split squat

This name hides regular squats, but with the leg pulled back.

Stand with your back to the bench about 60 cm away. Take one leg back and place it on the bench. Keeping your upper body straight, lower yourself into a squat as low as possible (without discomfort).

Ideally, the thigh of the front leg should be parallel to the floor. Complete the prescribed number of repetitions (usually 8-12), and then switch legs. If the exercise seems too easy to you, then pause for 2-3 seconds at the bottom of the exercise, raise your arms above your head, or do both together.

3) Squat jumps

Stand up straight, take a deep breath into your stomach, tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles.

Lower yourself into the squat as deeply as possible and start jumping on your toes WITHOUT LEAVING this position.

Jump as long as you can follow the technique of doing the exercise (usually about 30-60 seconds).

Entry-level leg exercises

1) Half squat with emphasis on the wall

This exercise is a great way to build quadriceps strength. It will prepare you for more advanced forms of squats.

Lean your back against the wall and place your feet at a distance of about 30-45 cm from it. Lower yourself into a half-squat position. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor.

Hold this position for as long as possible without placing your hands on your hips.

This is a great drill for basketball players who want to improve their defensive game.

2) Gluteal bridge

If we do not have access to rings and TRX loops, or your level of training does not allow you to perform leg curls with these apparatuses, then such a bridge will help you to perfectly work the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thighs.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your hands on the floor along your body. Tighten the muscles of your buttocks and abdomen, and then, pushing your heels off the floor, lift your torso up.

If you do everything correctly, you will immediately feel the work of the gluteal muscles.

3) Assisted squats

Like I said, EVERYONE of you should be doing squats. But some may need help at first, and that's okay.

As with the pistols, you need to hang rings or a rope in front of you. Holding the apparatus for support, lower yourself into a squat and then rise out of it.

If you find the exercise too easy, pause (2-5 seconds) at the bottom of the exercise to better work your quadriceps.


There are a large number of bodyweight exercises designed to strengthen your leg muscles. You must understand the main thing - your legs need to be trained.

Many athletes neglect leg exercises and train mainly the upper body. You shouldn't do that. After all, our legs help us move.

Take care of them and they will take care of you!

6 exercises with dumbbells to train your leg muscles at home

Don't have access to a power rack for squats? No problem! You can effectively tone your quadriceps and hamstrings with this home dumbbell workout program.

Program description

Description of the workout

Reading sports forums where everyone is advised to do squats with a barbell, you may get the impression that it is impossible to organize effective training legs It is not true.

This home workout involves working with dumbbells only, and can be completed in about 1 hour. The break between workouts should be 4-5 days.

You can use this program as part of a 3-day split (lifts/presses/legs) and it also works well as part of a 4-day split to build muscle.

Try to perform as many quality reps as possible in each set. Don't train to muscle failure. Stop the exercise as soon as your technique begins to deteriorate.

When you can complete the prescribed number of repetitions, increase the weight.

Advanced leg fitness programs consist of classic techniques. If you wish, you can master them yourself and build up your calves without leaving home.

It is better for men to start a training program for legs with, so as not to get sprains and other injuries during training.


  • we run in place with our knees raised high;
  • We throw our legs back on the back of the chair;
  • Long jump at a fast pace.

We spend 1 minute on each action.

Calf raises

This is the best exercise for adding volume to your calves. Makes the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles work. With its help, men can pump up their calves and make them voluminous.

  1. Maintaining balance, we rise onto our toes and smoothly lower onto our heels.
  2. After 1 approach of 30 times, we take shells weighing from 10 kg, ideally above 20.
  3. We focus on moving down.
  4. If we manage to maintain balance, we stay at the top point.

When performing seated lifts, only the soleus muscle works. It is better to pump it at a slow rhythm so that the shortened muscle fibers have time to fully contract.

We repeat the movements many times until tired. For efficiency, we place a load of 10 kg on our knees.


  1. On a low platform (wooden beam up to 8 cm), place the left sock.
  2. Squeeze a dumbbell in one palm.
  3. With maximum amplitude, we perform springy lifts with both legs, holding onto the wall with a free hand.
  4. We change the position of the legs.

Repeat 3 times. We gradually increase the time (from a minute).

  • If you point your fingers to the sides, the inner part of the lower leg will be pumped.
  • When placing your feet straight, the load will be focused on the middle one. We rise with emphasis on our thumbs or little fingers.
  • To activate the work of the muscles on the outside, we connect the socks and distance the heels.

Training barefoot gives a different feeling.


Tones the buttocks and thighs, including quadriceps, loads the calves, lower back, and abdomen. Performed with a barbell or dumbbells. First we do it without complications.

  1. The feet are wider than the hips, the knees are slightly bent, the lower back is slightly arched, the chest is in a wheel, the abs are tightened, the arms are lowered with a load.
  2. We step forward with one foot, shifting the body weight to the abducted limb, and squat.
  3. The knee is bent evenly, the other leg, with emphasis on the toe, hangs a few centimeters from the floor. We feel the tension in the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh. We hold our breath, lean on the abducted limb, and rise.
  4. Changing the position of the legs repeat 12 x 4.

You can alternate legs, perform a series for the left, then the right side.

Back lunges

Relieves stress from knee joints. Place the barbell on your shoulders or take dumbbells. We work from a classic position.

  1. We step back with our left foot.
  2. We sit down on the right with support on a straight knee.
  3. With a focused movement, we straighten the right limb and place the left one in the starting position.

Until the technique is mastered, we don’t lift heavy weights! Watch the position of your knees!

The number of repetitions is identical.


A series of exercises is aimed at deep working the inner and outer thighs, pelvic muscles, buttocks, and calves. Repeat 12 times in 3-4 sets.

Cross lunges.

  1. With the projectile in our hands, we take a step with our right foot to the left with a straight knee, and slowly sit down.
  2. The left limb is extended behind.
  3. We come back and duplicate for the opposite side.

Low lunges:

  1. Let's stand up straight.
  2. We grab the dumbbell with both hands and bring it to our chest.
  3. Push your hips forward, shift your body weight to one limb, and lower yourself low.
  4. After a pause of 3 seconds we rise.

Instead of dumbbells, you can place a barbell on your shoulders.

To the sides:

  1. From this position, we take the shells with a neutral grip and lower our arms along the body.
  2. We step wide to the left, with a straight leg we lower ourselves into a squat until the thigh takes a position parallel to the floor, tension is felt in the groin.
  3. The heel is static.
  4. When exiting the lunge, do not tilt your torso forward.
  5. The push when lifting is performed from the foot.

Alternative exercise:

  1. We stand on the disc with one foot.
  2. By bending the knee and lowering the pelvis, we perform a deep sliding movement to the side. As the body moves, we bring the dumbbells to the chest and straighten our arms.
  3. The center of gravity shifts to the heel of the dominant leg. We don’t bring our knees together, we don’t tear off our heels.
  4. When returning to the starting position, lift the dumbbells up and then lower them.

We do it for both sides.

doing different variants lunges, you will understand in practice how you can pump up your legs at home without exercise equipment. The main thing is to stick correct technique performance!

Super effective squats

The exercise shocks the joints of the ankle, knees, and pelvis, strengthens the tendons, and is indispensable for gaining muscle mass and developing strength.

  1. Legs at shoulder level, hands pubescent.
  2. We lower our body and at the same time stretch our arms forward.
  3. Focus on your heels, do not bring your knees behind your toes.
  4. Move the pelvis back.

After the warm-up set, we pick up the weight. As we go down, we lift the dumbbells up. Returning to the starting position, lower the hands along the body (15x3).

Complication. Jumping puts serious stress on your calves. Extending your arms with dumbbells up, jump from a squat up or long (10x3).

Other exercises


  1. We get into a lunge position.
  2. We jump up as high as possible. In the air we change the position of our legs.
  3. The outstretched leg becomes the supporting leg.
  4. Land softly, repeat 15 times.

Leg curl with dumbbell

  1. Now we lie down facing the floor, holding a dumbbell between our feet.
  2. We pull the projectile to the buttocks


Leg stretching exercises for men at the end of a workout speed up the muscle recovery process.
We stretch the legs, buttocks, and lower spine.

  1. From a straight position, bend the left limb, reaching towards the right knee.
  2. We go down even lower, trying to touch the foot.

We freeze for 25 seconds. Repeat for the other side.

  1. We sit on the mat, leaning on our wrists.
  2. Legs are straight.
  3. We lower the upper part of the body, reach out with our hands to our toes, hold them towards us, without lifting them from the surface.

Ekaterina Palienko Author

12:35 21.03.2017

Home workouts - perfect option for those who don’t have a lot of time and money for themselves, but don’t want to get out of shape. In general, for everyone! The most important thing is to force yourself and do it regularly.

The legs, especially their upper part, are one of the most problem areas among women. It’s so genetically determined that fat is deposited here. But this can and should be dealt with, and there is only one recipe - regular, daily training at home.

15 minutes a day - and you always have slender legs! Remember these 5 exercises and get yourself a new healthy habit this spring.

Side lunges

This exercise works all the most important muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Lunge back, but slightly to the side, not straight, then swing your leg in the starting position.

15 reps on each leg.

Plie squats

This type of squat ideally works the inner part of the legs, which is most often flabby. The most important thing in plie is to keep your back straight and make sure that your knees “look” to the side and not inward.

25 reps.

Back lunges

This is a basic exercise for the back of the legs and thighs. If you find it difficult to maintain balance, move the leg on which you are lunging slightly to the side and parallel to the supporting leg.

15 reps on each leg.



For this exercise you will need a bench, step, chair or any elevation. You need to take a step, raising your leg high, and then return it to the starting position.

15 reps on each leg.



This exercise works the buttocks well. Lie flat on your back, place your feet on the floor and lift your buttocks up, then lower them to the starting position. Try to tense your buttock muscles as much as possible.

30 reps.

Now repeat this complex two more times!

To make your legs slim and beautiful, you need to play sports, this will remove excess fat and pump up muscles. You can exercise not only in the gym, but also at home. Eat simple exercises for slim legs, which is important to do according to existing rules. It is best to combine aerobic and strength training, which will allow you to get good results. It is enough to include 5-7 exercises in the complex, which should be performed in 3-4 approaches, doing 17-20 repetitions.

Leg exercises at home

  1. Rocking up. This exercise allows you to warm up your muscles and tone them. Place your feet as wide as possible and hold your hands in front of you, clasping them together. Lean to one side, bending your knee until it forms right angle, while the other leg should remain straight. In this case, you should try to move your pelvis as far back as possible. Hold the position for a few seconds, and then return to IP and repeat the exercise on the other side.

  2. Wall Squats. An excellent isometric exercise for the legs, which additionally works the gluteal muscles. Stand near a flat wall and rest your back against it, pressing your spine tightly. Lower yourself down until your knee forms a right angle and your thighs are parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for as long as possible.

  3. Jumping Lunges. You can, of course, do classic version exercises, but to improve results, it is best to supplement lunges with jumping. This is an excellent exercise for those who want to get rid of. If desired, it can be performed with additional weight by holding dumbbells. Take a deep step forward and squat, but make sure that your knee does not go beyond your toes. It is important to pull in your stomach and keep your back straight, leaning forward slightly. From accepted starting position as you exhale, straighten up, leaning on your front leg and immediately jump. During this, bring the knee of your back leg forward and raise your opposite arm up. Once you land, immediately lunge back.

  4. Taking the leg to the side. This exercise to strengthen the leg muscles is usually performed while standing on all fours. Place your hands so that they are slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise one leg across the side until it is parallel to the floor, while maintaining a right angle at the knee. Having fixed the position, lower your leg, but do not touch the floor with it.

  5. "Scissors". This exercise to lose weight in your legs has been known to many since school days, and if you do it correctly, you can put a good load on it. Lie on your back and raise your legs up, and keep your hands near your body. Perform “scissors” by spreading your legs apart and bringing them together. This exercise gives a good load on the abs.

  6. Mahi. The best exercises for the legs are swings, which are best done with a load, for example, you can use special leg pads or sports elastic bands. Swings allow you to effectively work your hips. Stand near a chair and grab the back with your hands. Raise your leg to the side, and then take it back. You should not put your foot on the floor, which will allow you to constantly maintain tension. It is important to do everything smoothly, without jerking.

  7. Sumo squats. Stand straight with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and your feet turned outward. You can take a dumbbell in your hands and hold it in front of you so that it passes between your legs during squats. Inhaling, squat until your hips reach horizontal. Move your pelvis as far back as possible. Don't bring your knees together and keep them in the same plane as your toes. You should rise while exhaling.



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