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How to quickly clean your apartment: simple cleaning rules will help. How to clean your apartment quickly and correctly

Cleaning in an apartment or house can be of two types: routine and general. Let's talk about current cleaning. To quickly and effectively cope with this task, you need to follow simple rules house cleaning services that will help you finish the job in a short time and with the best results.

Rooms and corridor

In terms of time, complete cleaning of a standard 3-room apartment, even a very neglected one, will take 3-5 hours with the right approach. The main thing is to follow simple cleaning rules.

Where to start:

  1. Make all the beds in the apartment.
  2. Place things one by one in each room and in the hallway: put clothes in a closet, put shoes on shelves, put children's toys in a large box (a large bag, a box under the bed, etc., the main thing is that they do not lie under your feet), arrange books, combs, cosmetics, polishes - all in one large cosmetic bag.
  3. Along the way, carry a large trash bag with you so you can immediately throw away trash - candy wrappers, banana peels, unnecessary papers and other rubbish.
  4. If you come across dirty dishes, immediately take them to the kitchen, throw the dirty laundry first in one corner, and then put everything at once in the dirty laundry basket (washing will come later).

The following point is important here: when putting things in their places during the current cleaning of the apartment (house), do not try to immediately clean everything in the closet, chest of drawers, sort books, photographs or preserved food. There will be time for this later. If you get caught up in cleaning in one place, the whole apartment will remain uncleaned for another couple of days. And our primary task is a clean home! You'll get to the cabinets later. This - important rule cleaning the house, it must be followed.

So, we looked around - the beds were made, everything was in its place, dirty linen and dishes were not visible in the rooms. Next - to the kitchen.

Kitchen cleaning

Cleaning the kitchen quickly is easier than it seems at first glance. The following cleaning procedure will help:

  1. Free up space on at least one table, putting everything even on the floor in a corner, thoroughly wipe the table, cover it with a clean towel or install a dish drainer on it. The workplace is ready.
  2. Remove all dirty dishes from the sink where they fit (you can also just put them in a corner on the floor, just so they don’t get under your feet).
  3. Clean the sink with cleaner and start washing dishes (preferably with liquid grease remover). Place clean plates, cups, spoons, etc. directly on a clean table or in a drying rack. Once the table is full, put the dishes back in their places, again emptying workplace. And so on until there is not a single dirty vessel left. If you have a dishwasher, then everything will be easier. But the goal is the same - first of all, get rid of dirty dishes.
  4. Now sort out your groceries - what goes into the closet, what goes into the refrigerator, what goes into the trash.
  5. Thoroughly wipe down all tables, wash the stove and sink. Take out the trash and put a fresh trash bag in the bin.

Now the kitchen is sparkling! Advice - don't start cleaning the refrigerator. This will take up a lot of your time. It's better to put it in the queue with the cabinets, for example, for tomorrow, when you wake up fresh in clean apartment and with renewed vigor you will begin to restore order.


Now the rules for cleaning an apartment involve putting the bathroom in order. The algorithm of actions here is as follows:

  1. Fill the toilet with the product for 30-35 minutes.
  2. Place bathing, soap and shaving accessories in places.
  3. Wash the bathtub, sink, mirror.
  4. Rest for 15-20 minutes, during which time the product will have time to take effect and the toilet will be easy to clean.

At this stage, you can throw the laundry into the washing machine. Why not earlier? Because you will be busy sorting/loading laundry, and the dirty dishes will be waiting in the kitchen. And at this stage you already have an almost clean apartment!

The final stage

Remove the bedspreads from the sofa and armchairs and shake them out on the balcony (it’s better not to do this on the landing - the neighbors will not be happy). If the weather is bad outside, just walk over the bedspreads with a wet cloth (your hand) to collect lint, hair, and dust.

Walk with a damp cloth through all the rooms and wipe off dust everywhere - on window sills, tables, chests of drawers, open shelves, bookcases, TV and computer. At the same time, wash all switches, sockets, and door handles. Quickly, with one wave of your hand, wipe the polished surfaces with a special product (if there is no product, leave it like that, this item will be in line with cleaning the cabinets and washing the refrigerator). Be sure to wash the mirrors in your apartment! Stains on mirror surfaces are very noticeable and will ruin your home cleaning efforts. But under no circumstances start cleaning windows or chandeliers! These items relate to general cleaning. Water the flowers.

Now the procedure for cleaning an apartment involves a vacuum cleaner or a broom. Afterwards, be sure to wash the floor (you can add a cap of white to a bucket of water to disinfect the room). Open the windows to let in Fresh air, and go take a shower yourself.

A few words in conclusion

We forgot about the washing machine: the laundry was still spinning there. It's OK. It will be washed automatically, and you can hang everything up later. After a shower, it’s great to drink a cup of green tea with lemon (you can’t drink coffee: you’ve already worked hard, you can’t put additional strain on your heart) and lie down for an hour. You can watch a light movie - your home sparkles and you deserve a rest!

And just one more tip: to make cleaning the house more fun, play your favorite energetic music. You can arrange something like a relay race: set yourself the goal of overcoming a certain stage of cleaning in one song.

As you can see, the rules for cleaning an apartment are very simple; they will help every housewife quickly clean up full order in the house.

Women have moments when they urgently need to clean the house.

For example, guests should arrive soon. Panic arises in your head, and you run around the apartment, grabbing at everything.

As a result, you will completely waste your energy and will not have time to do anything. We will show you how to learn to keep the situation under control.

panic, gradually and while maintaining strength!

Emergency cleaning trick

The trick to emergency cleaning is that first of all need to tune in to a positive wave. To do this, we turn on music, sing, dance, but we cannot turn on the TV. He's distracting.

Housewives who know from experience will say that ideal silence and solitude also help a lot. The person is focused and does everything mechanically. In general, choose an option, depending on the circumstances and mood.

Where to start putting things in order? Definitely experienced housewives, sharing a secret, agree that it is necessary start with hard work. Then it will gradually become easier, and the process will speed up.

Use the law of appearance of perfect cleanliness, and save your enthusiasm for other things. This rule will absolutely help solve the problem. You can do general cleaning later, and when minutes count, clean only visible areas.

Place the accents correctly and the problem is solved!

It is easy to create a feeling of comfort and cleanliness by focusing on the little things. For example, in the bathroom, hang a fresh white towel and put a new bar of soap in the soap dish. Naturally, you should definitely think about these subtleties in advance and prepare them for a rainy day.

Let's remove the excess! Take garbage bags or just bags and remove everything that is not in the right place or does not have a specific place. Place the bags in a closet or other secluded place. This little trick makes it much easier to put things in apparent order.

It is enough to arrange things correctly and the task is half done.

Learn to save time!

Secrets of emergency cleaning

Learn to be a great emperor by doing several things at once, otherwise cleaning dilemma will remain unresolved.

While dinner is cooking in the oven, vacuum and dust. The main thing is not to forget yourself in the process. Set reminders in your phone, alarm clocks. It is convenient to have equipment with a timer, but in any case, keep everything under control to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.

Innovation to the rescue! Scientists have long been thinking about making life and everyday life easier, so they have already come up with special means. For example , sponges soaked in a special solution, which do not need to be wetted. It seems like a trifle, but it saves a lot of time. But worry about them

Does the appearance of your home at the end of the week terrify you and make you sad? How to quickly clean an apartment and where to start is especially important for young mothers and working women. Perfect option– connect the whole family. If you have to cope with household chores yourself, take on board valuable tips on how to clean quickly and enjoy it.

Where to begin

Oddly enough, from myself. Try to change your attitude towards cleaning as a routine, tedious and difficult task. It can be easy and even fun!

How to quickly clean an apartment without excruciating pain...?

When starting a ruthless fight against dirt, dust, mountains of rubbish, accustom yourself to simple rules:

Only positive

Open the windows slightly, turn on fun, catchy music. Or maybe someone is inspired by hard rock? The choice is yours. The main thing is to make sure that you can handle the cleaning quickly and easily, and the house will be perfectly clean.

Small things every day

Do not accumulate mountains of dishes; wash them immediately after eating. Laundry should also not be put off until the weekend, making it an event of the week.

Cleaning time: one hour

Determine that you will complete all tasks in a certain time and fulfill this condition.

A clear plan for slaughter

Develop a system that is convenient for you for how to quickly clean your home, and stick to it.


Come up with a pleasant reward for yourself - buying the necessary little things, going to the cinema or going to a long-awaited party with friends.

Several things at once

Don't know how to quickly clean your house? Learn to combine several things. It is better to start with the more contaminated places that require thorough cleaning - the kitchen, toilet and bathroom.

  • Soak any accumulated dishes in the kitchen in water and detergent. At the same time turn on washing machine and fill the bathroom with steam by turning on the water and closing the doors. While the dishes are soaking, go over the cabinets, refrigerator, tiles, and table surfaces with a cloth. Wash the stove, remove pots, pans, etc. from the surface into cabinets. All that remains is to rinse the dishes, clean the sink and mop the floor.
  • Thanks to the steam, cleaning the bathroom will take just a few minutes. Apply the cleaner to the plumbing fixtures, and in the meantime wash the tiles, furniture, mirrors, and polish handles and faucets until they shine.
  • Cleaning the remaining rooms comes down to putting things in their places, wiping off dust, and vacuuming the carpets and floors. Refresh houseplants, wash the floor, paying special attention to the areas under the radiator and furniture. That's it, you are free!

To clean up as quickly as possible, take care of purchasing convenient tools and cleaning products, and teach your household to put things back in their place. A washing vacuum cleaner, mops with various attachments, several pairs of gloves, and wet and dry wipes will come in handy.

A little every day

I really want to devote my weekends to myself and my family, and not to cleaning. Spend more time with your children, go for a walk with your family, and engage in your favorite hobby. Experts know exactly how to quickly clean an apartment. effective use time. They recommend spreading out your cleaning throughout the week, doing some tasks every day. If you are not busy late at work and have half an hour of free time, a well-thought-out schedule will allow you to make your home ideal, and relax on Saturday and Sunday with a clear conscience.
The effectiveness of planning depends on the even distribution of cases. The apartment is divided into 5 zones, the cleaning of which takes no more than 15-20 minutes. To somehow quickly remove a house from several floors, start from the top, gradually going down.

  • On Monday, you can start cleaning the kitchen, including all the cabinets, pantry, hood, cleaning the sink and stove.
  • Set aside Tuesday to put things in order in the bathroom, bathroom and hallway. Wash the plumbing, wipe the tiles, shelves, shower faucet, mirrors. Sort through the clothes in the closet and on the hanger in the hallway, wipe off your shoes, front door and furniture.
  • Set aside a Wednesday for cleaning your bedroom. Change the bed, put things in their places, wipe off the dust thoroughly. Then you can vacuum, polish the furniture, and wash the floor.
  • On Thursday we will take care of how to quickly clean the nursery. If your child helps you, cleaning can be combined with putting things in order on the balcony and doing laundry.
  • Well, we'll leave the living room for Friday. Wipe off dust on all equipment and furniture, vacuum, wash the floor.
    By following a schedule like this, you will completely free up the weekend from cleaning, or there will be small tasks left that can be dealt with in a minimum amount of time.

Now you know how to quickly clean your apartment and not feel like a squirrel in a wheel. There are so many surprising and interesting things in life. Proper management of your time will help you maintain peace in your home and enjoy unique moments.


In which men from different times promised women a star while they washed the dishes? And the story in which the husband brought a maid to a French woman, bought the most modern technology, and the Russian got it in the eye for refusing to lead? The moral is: Russian women do everything themselves. It’s rare that anyone can boast of a domestic servant or a full range of new equipment. But the task of cleaning the apartment remains. And we have to solve it every day.

Every day, women (and increasingly men join them) clean up their homes. It takes a lot of energy and leads to despair.

Can you clean your apartment quickly and easily? Room parameters

But you can clean the apartment without universal suffering; first, you should evaluate the room that the owner plans to treat according to 6 criteria.

Square. Soviet era left a legacy of cramped “Khrushchev” apartments, and people locked in them dream of a big house. But an impressive area means household chores. Lots that let light through means a whole day of washing them and an incredible amount of washing of curtains. A studio apartment has another drawback - there is no storage space.
State. The level of dirt in the apartment depends on the type and quality of finishing. There is old whitewash on the walls - every week visible surfaces are covered with white dust. Wooden windows from the mid-twentieth century - every spring and autumn they need to be nailed down, painted, and framed. An old wooden baseboard is a haven for cockroaches. And in a renovated apartment you can breathe easier and you have to wash the floors less often.
Number of people in one apartment. After all, if there are two of you, then it’s very easy to understand where whose mess is. And if in one place (even if it is big house) lives for three generations, it’s easy to hide your untidiness behind the flaws of your relatives.

Age of people living together. If this is a young couple, then cleaning is the easiest thing to do. If people have children living with them, it means chaos. Older people with increased forgetfulness don't help either. The most difficult option: when there are young and old people who confuse orange jam with ketchup, and a refrigerator with a wardrobe.
Level of perceived cleanliness. Every housewife thinks that only she does everything as it should. However, what is ideal for one is a dirty, cluttered barn for another, in which it is absolutely impossible to live. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define what cleanliness means for an individual family.
Amount of free time. Sometimes relatives suffer because of cleaning; there is no time for sleep or beauty. And this is wrong, because the dust will remain until tomorrow, but good mood- the thing is in short supply, and it’s better not to waste it.

You can clean your apartment easily and quickly only by taking these “little things” into account. The next question is how to properly clean the apartment? There are no universal recipes here. But there are tips. Let's move on to them.

You need to clean the apartment with a precise plan

The main thing is organization. Determine storage locations and the order in which things are arranged. Calculate how much space is needed for winter coats, warm boots and heavy blankets in the summer and how much for bicycles and scooters when autumn comes. If a new addition to the family is expected, then think in advance about where and how the child will live when he goes to school. People forget about this because they hope that everything will work out on its own.

When a person has assessed the condition of the home and realized that the old furnishings and furniture are sources of endless dirt, it is necessary to make repairs. No half measures will help here. New modern windows and doors will prevent entry into the premises. Properly made floors without a single gap with technologically advanced skirting boards will make wet cleaning easier. Smooth walls and clean, non-crumbling ceilings will prevent spiders and cockroaches from infesting. Thoughtful built-in lighting will eliminate the need to endlessly wipe chandeliers. Curtains made from lightweight modern fabrics will make them easier to care for.

It’s better to invest a lot once, so that you don’t have to think for decades about how to clean your apartment so that it doesn’t hurt excruciatingly.

How to quickly clean an apartment? Throw out all the trash!

An effective and simple step is to throw away everything you no longer need. Guides easy cleaning advise: ruthlessly get rid of trash! But I want things to serve, if not us, then someone else. After all, they are still suitable for business. The Internet provides a wide field for this kind of charity.

Communities, groups, blogs are looking for who gives what for free.
Distribute creative materials to craftswomen.
Adult clothes for those in need.
– mothers who have financial difficulties.
The employees of the shelter for homeless animals will be happy with woolen blankets and old jackets,
The dacha will gratefully accept old furniture into its arms.

An important rule: if something has not been needed for a year, it is considered unnecessary and is looking for a new owner.

Not only will this principle make cleaning easier, but it will also help you save money. When shopping, a person thinks from now on, do they need something, maybe in a year it will go into the wrong hands or be recycled? Of course, we are not talking about large items that are needed only occasionally. We don’t turn on the heater every year, and we don’t take out our alpine skis every season either. But such things should also have a shelf life; if they didn’t need them for five years, then they don’t need them.

Someone will think that in this way the problem of how to quickly clean an apartment is radically solved. Maybe, but it's effective.

Who should clean the apartment? Everyone who is in the house!

If many people live in an apartment, then distribute responsibilities.

Children can be entrusted with something in the form of a game and a stage of growing up, because helping an adult means becoming older yourself.
Older people can also probably take apart books and sweep up the staircase. Occupational therapy is useful both for them and for those who manage the progress of household work.

A classic mistake of overly conscientious women: They get worried at the sight of chaos and take on responsibilities given to others.

But this is absolutely forbidden to do. If wiping off dust is a child’s responsibility, then let it lie there until he sees for himself that this is no longer possible. Endure these layers until your daughter or son understands that if they don’t do it, no one will. Please do not rush to fix problems as soon as they arise. Let others realize their contribution to the common cause of cleanliness and take up this themselves, without coercion or prodding. A woman’s task is to organize general coziness and comfort. When done correctly, each family member contributes to a positive environment. And the woman has more free time for herself.

The answer to the question of who should clean the apartment is everyone who is there. No one should shirk, everyone should take part in the common fight against dirt.

You need to clean your apartment using convenient means

A person washes the floors with a towel wrapped around grandma's wooden mop? In vain. The adjustable handle and rotating nozzle will greatly facilitate this difficult but necessary work.
A modern microfiber cloth will pick up much more debris in one pass, reducing the amount of bending and squeaking in your spine.
Newspapers have no place here. After all, rubber devices have been created that will wash off any dirt in two movements.
You scrub the tiles with a pig bristle brush, why? Replace it with a melamine sponge and the effort will be reduced tenfold.

Each action necessary to restore cleanliness is modern world they strive to facilitate, to justify every effort. Sponges and mops are different now than they were ten years ago, not to mention the last generation. Even if a woman washes by hand, there are special ergonomically shaped basins so that she has to bend over less. And clothes lines for drying clothes have evolved from a fishing line stretched across the entire balcony or bathroom into a convenient compact set that is attached with two screws, has an adjustable height and takes up little space. Don't skimp on these little gadgets that make cleaning easier.

Relax. If you don’t have time to do something, leave it as it is. There is no need to take time away from your life just for the sake of an even cleaner carpet or a washed pot. Purity achieved by overcoming desires will not bring joy to anyone. If you are tired during the cleaning process, rest. If you're tired of scrubbing the window, go home tomorrow. If you notice a piece of dust in the corner, but don’t have the strength to get up and clean it up, leave it. Most women still finish what they start and overcome fatigue. But in addition to the actual result, they get a spoiled mood. There is no need to forcefully clean the apartment. As Count Leo Tolstoy said: “You shouldn’t live like this literally.”

16 January 2014, 16:47

It is perhaps impossible to find a person who, without lying, can say that he enjoys cleaning the house. In order for this so unloved by many but certainly necessary Homework did not turn into a heavy labor duty, you need to know a few simple rules and try to follow them.

How to clean properly

Rule one: clean more often

Typically, a thorough cleaning of the house is carried out once a week, most often on Saturday. In order not to start thinking about the nightmare of the upcoming day off on Friday, do not put off all your work. Don't accumulate things, try to solve all problems as they arise. If the milk has escaped, wipe the stove immediately, and don’t say to yourself: “I’ll clean it on Saturday.” You go to the bathroom and see dirty socks lying on the chair - take them with you and put them in the laundry basket. Wash dirty shoes immediately after coming home, rather than leaving them to dry until the weekend. If you train yourself and all household members to follow this simple rule, the work on the day of general cleaning will be significantly less.

Rule two: the whole family participates in cleaning

Actively involve all family members in cleaning. It is unfair when the mess is created collectively, but only one person cleans the house. Find something for everyone that they can do, and the work will go much faster, and after that the household will litter less, because other people’s work is usually not as valuable as their own.

Rule three: 15 minutes every day

Every day after work, devote at least a quarter of an hour to cleaning. Spending fifteen minutes putting things in order is not at all burdensome, but on the weekend there will be much less work.

Rule four: get rid of unnecessary things

Get rid of everything unnecessary in a timely manner. Ruthlessly throw away broken toys, leaky shoes, out-of-fashion items and other unnecessary items. Moving them from place to place and flattering yourself with the hope that all this will come in handy someday is a waste of time. All this stuff just collects dust and dirt, which you then have to reluctantly wipe off.

Rule five: choose cleaning products

Don't skimp on household chemicals. If possible, try to purchase high-quality detergents and cleaning products - even if they are slightly more expensive than usual, their use will save your energy and time. In addition, they are consumed much more economically, and the effect of their use is much better. The same can be said about brushes, sponges and other cleaning products.

How to properly clean an apartment: instructions

  1. On your big cleaning day, the first thing you do is walk through the house and put everything in its place.
  2. Cleaning must be done in the following order: dry cleaning is done first, and then wet cleaning.
  3. You need to start from the “upper floors” of your home. First, sweep or vacuum the ceiling with a soft brush, wipe off dust from the surfaces of cabinets and shelves, and restore order on the mezzanines.
  4. Next, wipe and, if necessary, wash the chandeliers and lamps.
  5. Brush off the dust from the walls and use a sponge to wipe away any possible dirt on them. Wipe down outlets and switches.
  6. Use a soft brush to sweep figurines, paintings, vases and other interior details. Wipe the dust off your TV.
  7. Clean windows and doors. Wipe down heating radiators.
  8. Clean cabinet doors and walls with special products.
  9. Vacuum upholstered furniture. Use a sponge moistened with a special product to remove stains from it.
  10. After that, proceed to cleaning the floor. Vacuum it thoroughly and then clean it depending on the coating laid on it.

How to clean the kitchen

The principle of cleaning the kitchen is the same as for residential premises. Special attention When cleaning, pay attention to the stove, microwave and oven. To clean them, use special products. If they are very dirty, leave the cleaner on them for about ten minutes and in the meantime start cleaning the refrigerator.

How to clean a bathroom

There is usually a lot of work here. Spray the toilet, bathtub and sink with plumbing cleaner and leave for a few minutes. At this time, wipe down all the shelves, bottles and jars that are usually stored in the bathroom. Clean the faucets. Wipe down the tiles on the walls. Wipe the mirror and lamp with glass cleaner. Once everything is sparkling clean, wipe the floor.



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