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How to learn painting by numbers - real painting for everyone. My favorite hobby. Painting by numbers Painting pictures by numbers

Well, you have received your long-awaited box with the “Painting by Numbers” creativity kit.

First, familiarize yourself with the rules of working with brushes and paints; for this you can use

After reading, you are guaranteed to be able to understand whether the paints in your set are normal and whether there is a need to carry out additional manipulations.

After this you need to prepare workplace:

1) You will need a work table or easel. The surface should be large enough so that you have the opportunity to rotate the picture and nothing interferes with your creative process.

If this is not the first time you have been working with this type of creativity and you understand that you will paint pictures by numbers and beyond, it is easier to purchase an easel. Firstly, this will give you the feeling of being a “real artist”, secondly, your workplace will always be mobile, and thirdly, the strokes with this method will be more accurate.

2) You also need to keep a cloth or sponge on hand; if you get your desktop dirty in a creative impulse, it’s better to quickly wipe it off. After all acrylic paints After drying, it is quite difficult to remove.

3) You will also need a container of water to wash your brushes. After all, everyone new color should be handled with a dry and clean brush. If you have children, it is better to use a sippy cup, this will make it easier to avoid spills and other unpleasant surprises.

That's probably all the requirements to get started.

Let's spend a few more minutes on the colors from our set, or rather their classifications:

1) Paint without a number (with a blank sticker) is the so-called background color. Those. There should be quite large gray areas in your picture, also without numbers. These are the ones we paint over with paint without a number. It's simple - no number on the site, no number on the paint!

2) Double paints (two jars with the same number) - don’t worry, this is not a manufacturer’s mistake or even a defect. This means that one jar of paint is too little for your painting, and you will need an increased amount.

Almost forgot an important point:

Each Paint by Number kit includes a contact sheet with an exact image of your masterpiece.

Dear friends, this is not for training, this is your hint. When, in a creative frenzy, you paint over a section with the wrong number (yes, not “if”, but “when” you do this... believe me, it will happen) from this sheet you can easily understand what number this section should have had.

Note: to correct an incorrectly painted area, just wait until the incorrect layer has completely dried and apply a thick layer of the desired color on top. The colors overlap very well.

How to hold a brush correctly and make strokes?

The brush should be held in the same way as you would hold a regular pen. You also need to place your hand on the table so that it is stable and you feel comfortable.

You only need to take the paint onto the tip of the brush and just a little bit at a time. This will allow you to paint more carefully near the contours and thus you will avoid “drops of paint on the canvas.”

Strokes should be done in one direction. From right to left or from left to right – it’s up to you.

Also watch the speed, you don’t need to try to do it very quickly, because in front of you is a professional canvas and a rough surface. And the paint should penetrate every millimeter of your masterpiece.

How to draw a “Paint by numbers” correctly.

Strictly speaking, there are no special techniques. There are just a few tips on how to do all the work faster and more comfortably.

By numbers from 1 to last.

This method allows you to spend less time rinsing the brush and blotting it. Also, after the first paint you will understand that the amount of paint in the jars is more than enough. And this will give you confidence and make the process more comfortable.

2) From Light to Dark. Painting over inaccuracies along the contour of light segments with dark paint is much easier than using white paint to cover black “excursions” beyond the contour of a segment. This will also make it easier to wash your brushes, since it is much easier to wash light colors.

3) From top to bottom. At this method You will avoid the possibility of smearing a freshly painted segment as you gradually work your way down.

4) From the middle to the edges. Let's tell you a secret, this is our favorite method. It will allow you to rotate the painting around and work in more detail on each edge.

5) From largest to smallest. With this method, you paint the largest areas first and gradually move on to smaller ones. The main advantage is the ability to quickly assess how the painting will look when completed. After all, having colored the main large segments, you will almost immediately understand what joy awaits you ahead.

1) Rules and sequence of drawing

2) Rules for using paints

3) Rules for caring for brushes

Of course, in this article it is impossible to tell and describe all the nuances that exist, since painting is a real art. We simply tried to summarize the practical drawing experience we have already accumulated along with the recommendations of various manufacturers and present it in the most accessible form. So:

Drawing Sequence Rules

Preparing paints

Before you start painting, you need to carefully prepare your paints. It is important to note that no mixing of paints is required to obtain the desired shade and effect: everything is already completely prepared and numbered, since the manufacturer took care of this in advance! Our paint sets are perfectly matched to color scheme and are presented in the right quantity so that your future masterpiece is guaranteed to be similar to the original.

Pay attention to the numbering of paints in containers

When painting by numbers, it is extremely important that the numbers on the containers match the numbers on the canvas. Some plots involve the use of several containers with the same color of paint, respectively, these paints have the same number. Therefore, the numbering sequence is as follows:

Opening bottles

Open bottles of paint carefully, without using force - this may damage the bottle. To prevent paint from drying out, always open only those paints that you really need at the moment.


For convenience, place the following items near you: an image of the finished painting, paints, a brush, a canvas with an outline, a control sheet, a glass of water, a piece of cloth and matches for stirring the paints. It is better to choose a place with good lighting. Outline large surfaces first with a thin brush, and then paint over the surfaces with a thicker brush. Make sure you paint over contour lines. It is considered normal if dark paint covers better than light paint. If the outlines or numbers show through, apply paint to them several times.

How to hold a brush

Hold the brush like a pen. For stability, place your hand on the surface and rotate the picture so that its location is convenient for you.

Drawing order

There is no single approach to the order of painting. There are several drawing techniques:

1) You can draw a picture using the "line by line" method, from the top edge of the picture to the bottom.

2)However, you can achieve better results if you paint using the "background to foreground" method, first painting the objects in the background and then the ones in the foreground. For example, you are drawing a landscape. In this case, the drawing order is as follows: 1. sky, 2. clouds, 3. meadow, 4. trees, 5. leaves, 6. flowers.

Sometimes the question may also arise: should I paint a picture by numbers or by colors? Empirically and experimentally (Attention: such conclusions were made by “practitioners” and are not official recommendations of the manufacturer), some users identified two options:

1) In the sequence of numbering of paints in the set:
from increasing the total number of areas and contours that need to be painted with one color to decreasing. Example: with paint No. 1 in the set you need to paint 15 contours, and with paint No. 2 - ten contours.
from a larger total area of ​​contours that need to be painted with one color to a smaller one. This can be assessed visually by eye.

2) In sequence from lighter shades and colors to more saturated and dark ones. This is due to the fact that if there is an error in coloring, it is much more difficult to paint dark segments with light paint than it is to paint light segments with dark paint. In other words, in order to paint a dark segment with white paint, you need more layers and vice versa: you can paint a light segment with dark paint in one layer, i.e. much easier.

As you can see, there are many variations and interpretations of the paint by number technique. Various combinations and alternations of techniques and methods are also possible, which provides us with an endless number of options. In other words, you are absolutely not limited by anything except your imagination, desires and skills. You shouldn’t get hung up on anything: you need to draw in a way that is convenient, pleasant and comfortable for you. Just start drawing a picture and in the process you will understand which technique and method of drawing is most pleasant and convenient for you.

For a perfect image of the finished painting, paint over the unpainted areas and visible numbers. As in art galleries, you need to look at the picture and evaluate it from a distance of 2-3 meters.

Notes to skilled artists

The painting effect can be enhanced by applying different thicknesses of paint. To do this, apply the remaining paint in a thick layer to the elements of the picture that you would like to highlight. This will give the picture a relief effect.


Acrylic paints, after drying, acquire a light gloss and beautiful appearance. The surface of the painting can be wiped with a slightly damp cloth. No additional care required. If desired, a week after the painting has dried, you can coat its surface with a special varnish for paintings. Glossy varnish will enhance the brightness of the colors, and matte varnish will remove glare. Varnish can be purchased in special stores for artists and craftsmen.

By placing the picture in an appropriate beautiful frame, it will become a real masterpiece! To preserve the effect of the painting, you do not need to place it under glass. You can decorate your painting with a regular frame from self-service stores, or an elegant frame from specialty stores or galleries.

Rules for using paints

To paint without problems, you must follow the rules for using paints. This is extremely important!
Therefore, we ask you to carefully read the following rules and follow the drawing instructions.
Important: Once the paint cans are opened, the paint has a limited shelf life!

Rule 1

Open paint cans just before you start painting. It is very difficult to package quick-drying paints in such a small volume (about 3ml) so that they can be stored in a store long time. However, once they have been opened, the paint may dry out. Therefore, the amateur artist should complete the painting as soon as possible after opening the paint cans

Rule 2

Using a brush, remove any stuck paint from the lid back into the jar. Boxes in a store or warehouse could be stored vertically. Therefore, when opening the jar, some paint may be on the lid.

Rule 3

Despite the fact that paint containers are tightly closed and are specially designed to preserve all the properties of the paint, the paint in them may thicken slightly during storage, for example, due to temperature changes. To “revive” paints and use them again, simply add a couple of drops of water to them and stir thoroughly. The paints are ready to use again!

Rule 4

Once the paint cans have been opened, try to complete the painting without taking long breaks. After opening the jars for the first time, there is a possibility that the paints may dry out. Therefore, after opening paint cans, try to use them within a maximum of 12 weeks.

Rule 5

If you want to take a break from working, close the containers tightly, first removing traces of liquid or already dried paint from the lid itself, from the edges of the lid and the sealing grooves of the lid.

Figures A and B show the principle:

In Figure A, the container is airtight because the edges of the container fit into the clean sealing grooves in the lid. The lid fits tightly to the edges of the jar.

Figure B shows an incorrectly closed jar. It can be seen that the remaining paint prevents the lid from closing tightly. Therefore, air entering the container dries out the paint. Therefore, clean each jar thoroughly before sealing it. Remove any remaining paint from the edge of the container with your fingernail or rag, and the circular sealing grooves with a toothpick or large needle. Before closing the jar, make sure its rims and lid are clean.

Rule 6

If you plan to take a break from painting for a few weeks, tightly seal the paint pots as described above, then wrap them in a damp cloth and place them in plastic bag or in a plastic box. This will help protect the paints from drying out. However, this cannot guarantee that already opened paints will remain ready for use and retain their properties for many months or years.

Rule 7

After each break in painting, the viscosity of the paints should be slightly adjusted to ensure proper application. After all, paints contain water, which quickly evaporates from open containers. Therefore, the colors thicken a little. But this is easy to fix: add a few drops of water and mix thoroughly.

Rules for caring for brushes

In order for the brush to serve you for a long time and with high quality, you must follow the recommendations below. Artists sometimes complain about the quality of brushes. However, in most cases this is due to improper brush care.

The most common mistakes:

1. Do not leave the brush in a glass of water.

2. Never clean your brush with aggressive chemicals.

3. Never use a brush to stir paint.

4. Never use your nails to remove dried paint.

The brush consists of three parts: a handle, metal fasteners and a fleecy part.

1. After painting, immediately wipe off any remaining paint from the brush.

2. Rinse the brush in clean warm water.

3. Gently lather the brush and then rinse it again.

4. Wipe the water off the brush using a rotating motion. Paint should not remain on the end of the metal fastener.

5. Use your fingers to shape the bristly part of the brush back to its original shape, forming the tip.

6. Put the brush down and let it dry on its own. Do not use a heater or hair dryer!

The most important rule is not to be afraid! Color for fun - Everything will work out! Happy coloring and shopping!

Coloring occurs as follows: a specific color is applied to each numbered section of the picture according to the number. Typically, canvas painting kits use durable acrylic paints. There is no need to mix different shades, so the work is not particularly difficult.

Images printed on canvas look most impressive. In the finished version, they represent a full-fledged picture, which, thanks to the stretcher and fasteners, can be hung on the wall. It can also be presented as a handmade gift.

Coloring by numbers on canvas is a great choice for beginning artists.

If you are interested in the opportunity to create a real artistic masterpiece at home, then welcome to the website of the AI-PA company. We have a large selection of paint-by-number paintings that can be purchased in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia with delivery or pickup.

In the painting catalog you will find a variety of themes:

  • landscapes,
  • still lifes,
  • flowers,
  • animals,
  • cartoon characters,
  • abstraction,
  • painting reproductions famous artists.

You can choose these and many other stories for both adults and children. For convenience, use online filters: with their help, you can select the desired canvas size for painting by numbers, the theme of the drawing and the price category. Have fun creating and discovering new talents in yourself!

The dream of many is to draw beautifully and easily transfer the picture from your head to a sheet of paper. It was inaccessible to me, no matter how I tried to bring out the beauty, it was all in vain. And then one day I became acquainted with “coloring books for adults.” That is, by numbers.

Everything ingenious is simple, and nothing could be simpler than making a large canvas with regular coloring, and stretching it onto a frame, and instead of children’s cartoon characters, apply an image beautiful still life, landscape. And voila, this is already suitable for older people. And then I caught fire! You, yourself, can create beauty with your own hands!


I painted my first picture for about six months, but the details in it were very detailed and small, I drew each leaf separately. At the time of purchasing the first painting, coloring by numbers was just gaining popularity, the paints in the set were very bad, half-dried, and this affected the long-term coloring process. It took effort to tear apart one leaf. But the result is worth it, I love this picture.

Canvas size: 50x40

Price 1200 rub.

Article MG287

Title Zolotya autumn

Number of colors 24

Difficulty 5 out of 5 ★★★★★


I take the choice of paintings very seriously; the complexity of the drawing is important to me; the more complex it is, the smaller the fragments on the canvas will be. Small particles make the picture more detailed and beautiful. I don’t like paintings in which one part can be filled with purely one color. Although in the sketch it doesn't look solid at all. Therefore, before purchasing, I always try to find a photo of the finished painting. For example, this is an unsuccessful option for me; the sky is divided into huge pieces, which I myself tried to somehow reduce and dilute with other colors.

At that moment I was looking for a picture that reflected the love of two hearts. In these pigeons I saw this love, not paying attention to the other components. But from now on I will avoid such pictures.

Canvas size: 50x40

The price of this painting is 650 rubles. + delivery by mail 225 rub.

Article 7704756

Name Pigeons

Difficulty 3 out of 5★★★☆☆


My third beauty was a spontaneous purchase in a shopping center on an island that was selling paintings. I fell in love at first sight. I am a Leo by horoscope and I treat this animal with special love, so it was simply impossible not to take such a handsome man! The details of this painting are average, the colors are bright and rich. And in general everything looks harmonious. I painted this picture by numbers in one go.

Canvas size: 40x50

Price 999 rub.

Article K008

The name is Narnia. Painting by Chebokh A.

Number of colors 24

Difficulty 4 out of 5★★★★☆


The next choice has already fallen on composite paintings - a triptych. These are paintings that depict different drawings ody topic, but there are those where one drawing is divided into different parts, and when connecting 3 canvases, the drawing will be one.

Triptych is a work consisting of three paintings, drawings, etc., united by one idea, theme and plot.

I liked the triptych "Lavender Field" from paintboy. IN Lately I got hooked on lavender/violet/lilac colors and decided to take the painting in this color too. In the process, this purple seems endless, at first a little darker, then lighter, and even lighter, darker again... But there is a sky, the sky dilutes this lavender field. The picture looks bright and lush, I’m ready to dive into this field and smell the lavender.

Third painting in progress...

Canvas size: 50x50

Article: PX5167

Difficulty: 4 out of 5★★★★☆

Cost: 1057 rub.

Number of colors: 46 colors (60 paint jars)


In addition to canvases, the set of paintings includes:

  • 6 brushes (2 wide, 2 medium, 2 small). Single paintings always have three brushes.
  • Fasteners for each of the paintings so that you can hang them on the wall.
  • Check sheet.
  • Acrylic paints.
  • One of the paintings also had varnish. (picture with a lion)

Some coloring books (usually from Aliexpress) can be sold without a stretcher; if you make a purchase in an online store, read the description carefully. I don’t think anyone wants to bother with frames and stretching the canvas.


Acrylic paints dry quickly, you must not forget to close the jar, and you need to close it tightly. In the lavender field set, 2 jars were dried out, one was completely dry, and one was very thick, but still alive.

Try to buy paintings at large outlets where the paintings do not sit for years, as the paints can dry out and you will simply waste your money, or you will be exhausted by painting with thick colors (as happened to me with the autumn park).

Light shades are best applied at the end, on top of brighter shades. There are always difficulties with white color, in all the paintings where it was, I had to go through one area several times since it is always translucent.

I also do not recommend paintings of bed flowers; again, the colors can be transparent,


You need to draw in a well-lit place, you need to take care of your eyes! I always draw at my desk, we don’t need a back wheel either, and with a desk lamp!

You will also need a glass of water to wash the paints off your brushes, rinse well, otherwise the brush will dry out and turn into a useless stick.

And a napkin to dry the brush, otherwise the water from the brush will dilute the paint.


I like to paint over areas in a thick layer, like brushstrokes, I AM AN ARTIST.

There are several coloring techniques that I know:

  1. Color gradually from top to bottom;
  2. First paint only one color, then another, a third;
  3. Color the largest parts first, and smoothly move to the middle ones, then to the smallest ones;
  4. Color from the edges to the center.

I usually mix all these techniques, but the main rule is to go from the edges to the center, so the finished painting looks more voluminous to me. And first I fill the large areas, then the smaller ones, always moving towards the center.


All paintings have their own complexity; for beginners, it is better to choose easy paintings. The complexity is usually marked on the box - a sketch of the picture. But remember, the lighter the picture, the fewer colors it contains. And the larger the parts of the picture that you paint over will be, which can lead to solid spots of the same color.

The more detailed the sketch, the more complex the picture. And the more it will look like the finished version from the box.

The optimal option is a difficulty level of three, such paintings are made of medium-sized pieces, there are also large and small parts, there are not many colors, and the painting is painted over quickly. The best thing is if you don’t know whether this type of creativity will suit you or not.


Dust, of course, accumulates on paintings, and to make it easier to deal with it, I recommend covering all paintings with a layer of transparent varnish, which will also protect the paints and give the painting a beautiful shine, the colors will become brighter.

I also recommend painting the side edges, on which the outline is not applied, with the same colors as on the front side, this gives the picture completeness.

And for special connoisseurs, there are also framing workshops that will be happy to make a beautiful frame for you and enclose your beauty in it.


Painting by numbers is suitable for diligent people, those who are ready to sit for hours and fill in pieces of one whole. (My friend, for example, was never able to finish painting the painting, and the painting was very simple)

This is a hobby for those for whom drawing remains an unfulfilled dream. Drawing calms me down, I think it's a great way to escape, forget and just relax.

The finished painting can be used to decorate your interior. Paintings by numbers will be a great gift! Try to become an artist, you will definitely be hooked!

Hello, friends! Tell me, do you have any hobby for your soul? Such that you do something, and at the same time your soul sings songs and smiles) I have it. And it appeared relatively recently. About a year ago I learned what painting by numbers is. I learned and fell in love with this business deeply and for a long time.

This happened when I got a job in a small store that sold paint-by-number kits.

In general, people call them whatever they want: coloring by numbers and painting by numbers. But the essence does not change from changing the name. This is a type of creativity that allows every person to feel like a real artist.

And I didn’t hear any questions from my dear customers during my time working in the store. In this article I want to consider the most popular of them, let’s say, the top 12 questions about drawing by numbers. Maybe my knowledge will be useful to you too. But first, let me brag) My first work) It’s called “In Anticipation.”

Lesson plan:

Question No. 1. What is it?

These are drawing kits. Especially for those who want to draw, but don’t know how. If you follow the rules, everyone will succeed. The plots may be different. There are landscapes, there are still lifes, there are portraits. You can also repeat the creations of famous artists, Van Gogh, for example.

The subject you have chosen is already drawn on the canvas with gray lines in the form outline drawing, each piece of which has a number. The numbers are also on the paints. If in the picture you see number one, then this piece needs to be painted over with paint number one, etc. And so, piece by piece. Somewhat reminiscent of embroidery.

Question No. 2. What's in the box?

In the box you will find:

  • canvas or cardboard, with a numbered contour pattern applied;
  • paints with numbers;
  • tassels;
  • a paper control sheet with the same pattern as on the canvas (cardboard);
  • color reproduction of your future painting.
  • fastenings that are screwed to the subframe using small self-tapping screws, and then a string is tied to them for hanging.

There is also a small sticker with a reproduction located directly on the box. And on this sticker they indicate:

  1. Difficulty level.
  2. Canvas size.
  3. Number of flowers.
  4. Vendor code.

Question No. 3. What is the difficulty level?

There are five of them. The first level is the simplest work. The fifth is the most difficult. These levels are indicated by asterisks. I would call this not the level of complexity, but the level of painstaking work. The higher the level, the smaller the painted pieces. The more beautiful it turns out.

Question No. 4. About sizes.

As I already said, the size of the future painting is indicated on the packaging. Sizes may vary. The smallest ones are 10×15. Can be 20x20, 20x30, 30x30,30x40. The most popular size is 40x50.

Painting by numbers | My-shop.ru

Also on sale are diptychs, triptychs and polyptychs.

A diptych is a painting consisting of two parts.

Triptych - of three.

Polyptych - four or more parts.

How is the size indicated in this case? Let's say a painting consists of three parts, each of which has a size of 50x50. In this case, the manufacturer will indicate 50×150 on the box.

Question No. 5. Which is better, canvas or cardboard?

Here, as they say, it’s a matter of taste and color... Whether on canvas or cardboard, the paintings look great. But I can say that most paint-by-numbers fans prefer canvas. And me too. It's somehow more pleasant.

The canvas is real cotton. It is already primed and stretched onto a wooden stretcher. Fully ready to go. Although there are sets where the canvas is rolled into a roll, and the stretcher is present in disassembled form. Most likely, such a picture will be big. And it is not convenient to transport it in large boxes. In this case, the subframe must first be assembled. And then stretch the canvas over it and secure it with a construction stapler.

It also happens that canvases are sold without stretchers at all. For example, polyptychs, in which each part of the picture has a different size. In this case, the subframe will have to be ordered separately.

Some manufacturers offer textured cardboard as a basis for drawing. It's very dense. But it still bends a little. Previously, sets with cardboard were cheaper than with canvas, but now big difference There is no price between them.

Question No. 6. Why do we need a checklist?

A control sheet is a piece of paper on which the same drawing is applied as on the canvas. The first thing that comes to people’s minds is that they need it for training. This is wrong. It is needed so that you can check yourself if you suddenly make a mistake. You can daydream about something while drawing and accidentally paint over the excess. And when the piece is painted over, the number is also painted over. How to determine what color should be here? Using a checklist.

Question No. 7. What paints are in the set?

The finished works look as if they were painted in oil. It's a delusion. In fact, the paints in the sets are water-based acrylic. They don't smell and dry quickly. Very comfortable.

They can be in tubes and jars. It's better in tubes because they don't dry out. And the jars must be closed very tightly to prevent drying out. If necessary, the paint can be diluted with water.

Both tubes and jars are numbered.

There can be the same number of colors as there are colors in the picture or less. In the first case, you don’t have to mix the paints; everything is already ready and mixed before you. And in the second case, to obtain the desired shades you need to mix two, and sometimes three paints in certain quantities.

On the diagrams these areas are designated as follows:

  • 2/9 - means you need to mix one part of paint No. 2 and one part of No. 9;
  • 2/2/9 - means you need to mix two parts of paint No. 2 and one part No. 9.

It is more convenient to paint with ready-made paints, but some people are attracted to the process of mixing them.

The number of colors is calculated so that there is enough of them. Usually they still remain.

Question No. 8. What kind of brushes are they?

The set must include a brush. Often not alone. Nylon brushes. It is convenient to draw with them, they are quite tough and elastic. After changing color, the brushes need to be washed, just like after work. Wash them with water and wipe with a napkin.

There is no need to heavily wet the brush in water before dipping it into the paint. If the paints are fresh, then there is no need to wet it at all. If there is a lot of water on the brush, the paints will spread and become more faded. It won't be pretty.

Question No. 9. Where to start?

In what order do I do the work? I paint the largest areas first. Then the smaller ones, and then the smallest ones. That is, first the sky, then the clouds, and then the birds that fly against the background of the sky and clouds.

Painting by numbers | My-shop.ru

But this is not the only option. Some people find it more convenient to work with one color first, and then take the next one.

There is an option to start from the top left corner (for left-handed people from the top right) and move further. This is to avoid moving your hand over already painted areas. Although the paints dry quickly, and your hand won’t do anything bad to them, it won’t smear them.

Everyone develops their own way. Start drawing and find out how you feel comfortable.

The main thing is to use thicker paint. Do not smear it, but apply it to the canvas. I have often heard complaints that the numbers show through the paint. This is especially true for light colors. How to deal with this? Light areas need to be painted over several times. And then the numbers will hide.

If you accidentally make a mistake, there is nothing wrong with that. You need to check the control sheet and paint the area with the correct color directly over the wrong one.

Question No. 10. At what age can I start?

Paint by number kits are often considered as gifts for children. Everything here depends on the child. Some children love this very much and paint one picture after another. But for others, such work tires them. But to find out you need to try.

To begin with, you should choose small paintings with a low level of complexity. And then move on to more serious options. There are also coloring books for children. The same canvas with a pattern, but there are arrows in the center, and a clock mechanism at the back.

Well, according to age, from 8 to 10 years old. But there is no upper limit. The main thing is that the person has normal vision so that the numbers and contours of the areas can be seen.

Question No. 11. What to do with the finished painting?

Give her a week to rest. Let him lie down. And then you can cover the picture with acrylic varnish. It makes colors more rich and vibrant. The varnish can be matte or glossy. I prefer glossy acrylic varnish.

When you apply varnish, work in one direction, for example, from top to bottom. It is better to take a flat and wide brush.

Question No. 12. What to pay attention to?

If you decide to purchase a drawing set for yourself, be sure to ask to open the box. And pay attention to this:

  1. Is the canvas stretched well on the stretcher? It happens that the canvas sags in the center or somewhere on the side.
  2. If the subframe is disassembled, then try to assemble it in a store. This is not easy, and sometimes it is simply impossible, since the grooves of the slats do not fit into each other in any way.
  3. Check the presence of brushes, paints, fasteners, and a check sheet.
  4. Check the correspondence of the articles. The article number on the box and the article number on the canvas (written on the side) must be the same. It is rare, but it happens that manufacturers confuse and put the canvas from the wrong set. And then nothing will definitely work out.
  5. If the paints are in jars, check that they are securely closed.

Paint by number kits can be an excellent gift for creative people. And the finished paintings are a wonderful interior decoration. And the author’s pride, of course!

Painting by numbers | My-shop.ru

This video shows the paint by numbers process. Look, it looks a lot like magic)

Friends, if you have any questions that I haven’t answered, then don’t hesitate to ask. I'll tell you everything I know.

Or maybe you have some unusual hobby of your own? Then tell us about it in the comments. For example, I also like to make various crafts with the children. Recently, we learned how to do it, now we are going to make some.

I wish you pleasant creativity!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!



How to solve the problem of shortage of qualified personnel?

How to solve the problem of shortage of qualified personnel?

The Siberian Federal District can be considered one of the most attractive regions of Russia for business and investors, at least from the point of view...

What all the first ladies of our country looked like. The president's flirtations with the wives of other heads of state.

What all the first ladies of our country looked like. The president's flirtations with the wives of other heads of state.

Powerful men are always attracted to beautiful women. Therefore, it is not surprising that exceptional beauties become the spouses of presidents....

Candid photos of the main cook of the State Duma Main cook of the State Duma

Candid photos of the main cook of the State Duma Main cook of the State Duma

Russian State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein published photographs of the new “chief cook of the State Duma” on his Twitter. According to the deputy, in the Russian...

Conspiracy on the husband: to return, to the desire of the wife, so that he misses and obeys

Conspiracy on the husband: to return, to the desire of the wife, so that he misses and obeys

Conspiracy against male infidelity Husband and wife are one Satan, as people say. Family life can sometimes be monotonous and boring. This can't help but...

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