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How to open chakras with stones. Vishuddha and her stones

The most important active centers located along the spine are the seven so-called chakras. They consist of nerve nodes, blood and lymph vessels. Chakras are original batteries and at the same time generators of Qi bioenergy. Each chakra corresponds to certain vibrations, such as color (wavelength) or the sounds of a special mantra (sound vibrations). The lower chakras (from the first to the third) resonate with the low frequencies of the Earth, and the upper ones (from the fourth to the seventh) respond to the high-frequency vibrations of the Cosmos.

Thus, the human body is considered as an open system, part of the general energy system “Earth-Space”. Indian healers knew how to influence the chakras with the help of precious stones, which also had certain frequency characteristics. Either “Yin” stones, which “draw out” pain and weaken excess energy, or “Yang” stones, which were able to “feed” energy, excite and stimulate, were placed on diseased organs, points or corresponding chakras. Below are brief descriptions of the chakras and their effects on humans.

In this regard, the technique of ancient eastern healers is fundamentally different from the practice of Western astrologers, who select stones for people only in accordance with the data of their horoscopes and date of birth. Often people do not even suspect that their illness is associated with the wrong choice of jewelry. Below is a list of the chakras along with the gemstones and minerals that can have a stimulating positive effect on them.

To balance your chakras, you need to lie down for 10 minutes and put crystals on them, pointing the tops towards your head. Do this twice a week. If you only have one crystal, start with the bottom chakra, moving up the body and leaving for approximately 3-5 minutes on each chakra, and ending with the crown chakra. But remember that the crystal healing process is strictly intuitive. You must understand that crystals themselves are only a tool with which you can improve your health. You have the power, not the crystal itself.

The safest and most universal for all chakras is colorless, defect-free rhinestone(crystals). But you can use for each chakra a stone corresponding to this chakra color(lilac amethyst or charoite on the parietal chakra, blue topaz or blue lapis lazuli on the third eye area, bright green emerald or amazonite on the heart area, golden citrine or tiger's eye on the solar plexus, bright orange carnelian on the umbilical chakra, red ruby ​​or carnelian on muladhara, etc.). The stone can also be held on your palms in front of a specific chakra. This is the most accessible and safe method of influencing the chakras. Meditation time is no more than 15-20 minutes.

Sahasrara (crown chakra)
An open, intact chakra promotes the development of high spirituality, religiosity, culture, connection with the cosmos and higher powers, and is responsible for the glands of the brain (hormonal levels of the pituitary gland, medulla oblongata, etc.).
Agate, diamond, anhydrite, apophyllite, brazilianite, rock crystal, danburite, pearl, iolite, calcite, cacholong, quartz, kyanite, creedite, morion, okenite, scapolite, stiblitite, tektite, topaz, ulexite, phenacite, fluorite, chrysocolla, cerussite , zircon, charoite

Ajna (frontal chakra)
An open, intact chakra affects the organs of the head, vision, this chakra is also associated with the meridians of the bladder and intestines. Helps to implement innovative and other ideas, stimulates activity in public life.
Agate, azurite, amethyst, benitoite, wulfenite, iolite, quartz, lepidolite, malachite, sapphire, carnelian, tanzanite, fluorite

Vishuddha (throat chakra)
An open, intact chakra affects the respiratory organs, throat, speech and hearing organs, skin, promotes the individual’s self-affirmation in society and his professional ambitions, his communication skills, helps to independently satisfy his needs and brings a feeling of satisfaction with himself and the world around him as a whole.
Agate, azurite, aquaaurite, aquamarine, alabaster, amazonite, angelite, apatite, turquoise, Herckmeier diamonds, variscite, verdelite, hessonite, dravite, dumortierite, pearl, kyanite, covellite, conichalcite, coral, cornerupine, cat's eye, creedite, sodalite, staurolite, stiblit, chalcedony, charoite, amber

Anahata (heart chakra)
An open, intact chakra affects the cardiovascular system, chest, spine and arms, promotes love for people, openness, sensuality, and strengthens the will to positively transform the world.
Aventurine, agate, actinolite, alexandrite, almandine, amazonite, andalusite, apophyllite, belomorite, beryl, bowenite, brazilianite, vanadinite, variscite, vesuvianite, verdelite, vivianite, heliodor, heliotrope, howlite, danburite, diopside, dioptase, jadeite, serpentine, emerald, calcite, cornerupine, lepidolite, moonstone, kyanite, kunzite, cuprite, malachite, morganite, jade, pyrope, prehnite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, rhodolite, rubellite, ruby, sagilite, seraphinite, stiblit, tsavorite, unakite, chrysoberyl, chrysoprase, charoite, zoisite, eudialyte

An open, intact chakra affects the liver, spleen, stomach and other organs of the digestive system; this chakra is associated with will, the ability to manage one's emotions and the development of constructive imagination.
Agate, apatite, benitoite, beryl, wawelite, wulfenite, jet, heliodor, goethite, jadeite, serpentine, calcite, flint, cuprite, labradorite, malachite, morganite, jade, onyx, peridot, prehnite, rhodonite, rutile quartz, sardonyx, scapolite , staurolite, tiger's eye, peridot, cerussite, citrine, epidote

An open, intact chakra controls the intestines, kidneys and genitourinary system as a whole, it is responsible for love for the opposite sex, sensual satisfaction and pleasure, sexuality, reserves of sexual energy are concentrated in it. This chakra can also be called the Hara, the concentration of energy of the physical body.
Agate, almandine, ametrine, anhydrite, hematite, heliotrope, crocoite, ruby, carnelian, spinel, citrine

Muladhara (sacral chakra)
An open, intact chakra affects the pelvic organs (external genitalia, colon), the musculoskeletal system (legs), promotes an active will to life and all its physical manifestations, active physical energy, high potency, causes a feeling of confidence in life and stability life position.
Agate, actinolite, jet, hematite, howlite, garnet, smoky quartz (rauhquartz), kyanite, cuprite, moldavite, neptunite, obsidian, petrified wood, rubellite, Apache tears, steatite, tektite, cerussite

General information about chakras and their properties

According to various spiritual teachings, before incarnation in the physical body, our soul is on the etheric level, where it consists of particles of shining white light. This light is often described by people who have experienced a state of closeness to death. Particles of light, or soul, are our individual vibration. It is as unique and inimitable as fingerprints or DNA. In our body, this white light is divided into seven colors of the rainbow, which are concentrated in seven chakras. Each chakra corresponds to certain characteristics and aspects of our life.

The chakras feed on the energy of the colors that we see in our homes, in nature, food and clothing (including overactively they perceive the energy of stones, minerals, crystals, stone balls and pyramids). By learning to stimulate and perceive this energy, you can change your life for the better. To understand how you can use colors to adjust your energy and create harmony and balance around yourself, you must first understand how the chakras are structured and operate. If you have a weak chakra and lack of energy in it, use or wear stones of the appropriate color as jewelry for its gentle and non-violent opening. This harmonizing method does not harm the body and is completely safe. Moreover, this the only safe method of direct impact on the chakras, which you can safely do on your own. Wear white and ideally colorless (transparent) stones to strengthen the entire overall aura of the body (united harmonization).

Color is one of the important natural and healing components that constantly affects us. Color influences almost everything in our lives - from the choice of clothes to our mood. The better you understand the mechanism of this effect, the more effectively you can use color to improve your life and the world as a whole. You can use the color of minerals in a targeted manner. If you have already experienced the general influence of stones on your chakras, you can meditate by calmly and relaxed holding in your open palms a stone (crystals, pyramid, ball, cylinders) of the corresponding color to the chakra at the level of the chakra whose color it strictly corresponds to and which you want to strengthen. This is also a fairly safe method, but requires more caution. To begin with, use only those colors that correspond to this chakra. Most often this is enough. For non-violent weakening or harmonization of a particular chakra, it is safest to use white stones that are pure, free of impurities and cracks, meditating with them at the chakra level (harmonization). Balls have the most gentle effect, while natural crystals have the most powerful effect.

Sahasrara (crown chakra)
The seventh chakra is the crown center. This chakra is located at the crown of the head and its energy resonates with the colors purple and violet. This chakra is responsible for the condition of the skull, brain and pituitary gland.
This center is responsible for connecting a person with his destiny, a unique path on earth. The crown center functions as a personal compass, helping a person navigate the path of life. The energy emitted by this chakra acts as a transmitter, attracting or repelling people to a person in accordance with his life destiny. On an esoteric level, this center connects a person with his higher self and provides energy for creativity and imaginative thinking. He is also responsible for unlocking spiritual potential.

Ajna (frontal chakra)
The sixth chakra is the center of the third eye. This chakra is located on the forehead between the eyebrows, its energy resonates under the influence of the indigo color (blue-violet color). This chakra controls the physical condition of the eyes, ears and nose.
This center is the eye of consciousness, responsible for intuition, or inner knowledge, when a person knows, without realizing, how he knows it and why everything should be this way. This is the center of truth, which allows you to intuitively predict the outcome of a given situation, leaving aside emotions or desires. Energy for clairvoyance and other extrasensory abilities accumulates here.

Vishuddha (throat chakra)
The fifth chakra is the throat center. This chakra is located in the center of the throat and resonates with the color sky blue. The throat center is responsible for the physical condition of the throat and neck.
It is the center of personality and individuality, but its function is somewhat different from that of the second chakra. The throat chakra does not store information like the social chakra, instead it actively shows the world who a person is. She is responsible for communication and all forms of creativity - from needlework to writing. This center generates everything related to authority, learning, leadership and organizational abilities, as well as voice, singing and speech. This center dominates in adolescence, that is, during the period of personality formation and its first manifestations.

Anahata (heart chakra)
The fourth chakra is the heart center. This chakra is located in the center of the chest and its energy resonates with the color green. This chakra governs the functioning of the upper spine, chest, shoulders, arms, lungs, as well as all physical and emotional aspects associated with the heart.
Thanks to this center, a person experiences self-love and unconditional love for others. It gives us the opportunity to feel unity with all living things - people, nature, animals, the mineral kingdom, the universe and God. From this center comes personal strength, confidence and faith. Healing also begins from this center, as it is directly connected to the two minor chakras located in the palms.

Manipura (solar plexus, chakra)
The third chakra is the center of will. This chakra is located in the solar plexus, in the place under the sternum where the ribs extend. Her energy resonates under the influence of the color yellow. This center controls the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, adrenal glands and mid-spine.
This chakra is responsible for willpower and the ability to concentrate on achieving a specific goal. Intellect and sound judgment are located in this center; thanks to it, a person analyzes and thinks, generates new ideas and activates his will. The chakra is responsible for optimism and perseverance in achieving goals. This is also where fear and anger accumulate.

Svadhisthana (umbilical chakra)
The second chakra is the social center. This chakra is located approximately 5 cm below the navel and its energy resonates with the color orange. This chakra activates sexual and creative energy and governs the function and health of the lower intestines, ovaries and lower spine.
This feeling center is responsible for our emotions. The energy of this center accumulates information about culture, family affairs, everything related to the father, as well as the perception of oneself. This chakra is responsible for a person’s self-esteem and how he perceives himself in relation to other people. Children's problems and traumas also accumulate here - from a feeling of uselessness to incest, alcohol or drug addiction of parents.

Muladhara (sacral chakra)
The first chakra is the center of survival. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and its energy resonates under the influence of the color red. This chakra governs the functioning and health of the genitals, legs, knees and feet, as well as the ability to reproduce. The beginning and basis of Kundalini.
She is responsible for aspects of life related to money, the ability to get things done and survival - taking care of oneself, providing food, shelter and work. This is the root center, the energy of which allows you to maintain clarity of judgment and the ability to concentrate.

Stones by typical color

  • Download an article in lithotherapy, with photographs, 2010, PDF format, 2.80 Mb (Presentation from scientific author K.305 photographs of very dangerous and potentially dangerous natural stones and minerals, which, due to malicious intent or criminal negligence, can be used illegally in criminal and “underground” “lithotherapy”.)
  • Scientific newsletter scientific author K.305(Ukraine, Kharkov) for 2009-2019 was completed by the author K.305 in full from Kharkov (Ukraine) and is currently completed.

Scientific articles and materials scientific author K.305(Ukraine, Kharkov) can be officially ordered at the address: st. Cooperative, 13, Kharkov, UA-61003, Ukraine (act. code K.305 2009-2019, Kharkov, Ukraine, passport citizens of Ukraine MM670618, was born on September 18, 1970 and permanently lives in Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1994 she graduated from the MMF KhNU named after. V.N. Karazin, diploma KZ N 002101, Department of Mathematical Physics of the Applied Department of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of KhNU from 1989 to 1994, Ukraine, Kharkov, certificate P N 586275 on graduation from Secondary School No. 9, Kharkov 1987 - maiden degree. Kanunikova Yu.V. until November 22, 2000, Dzerzhinsky district, Kharkov). I love classic hard rock and heavy metal ().

In 2009-2019, from the Kharkov Ukrainian scientific author K.305 The following publications were published:
UDC 531.0 BBK 22.311 K.305 part 1"Bessel functions and cylindrical functions in an elementary presentation with calculation programs", 2009, Kharkov
UDC 531.0 BBK 22.311 K.305"Special functions of mathematical physics", part 3"Modeling of anomalous and extraordinary natural and man-made processes", 2009, Kharkov
"All about stones and minerals. Magical and healing properties of stones", 2009, Kharkov
Annex 1 To UDC 549:291.33 BBK 86.41:26.31 K.305"Contact and non-contact lithotherapy", 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author's video for the computer in 2010)
Appendix 2 To UDC 549:291.33 BBK 86.41:26.31 K.305"Magnetic therapy and treatment with magnets", 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author's video for the computer in 2010)
ISBN 966-7343-29-5 K.305, 1994-1999, Kharkov. Restored in 2010 by the author of K.305, the publication of the author of K.305 “Recurrence relations for solutions of second-order differential equations” (copyright protection of the author’s 1994 MMF thesis K.305, officially carried out personally by the author in 2010 - the seizure of the unauthorized extraneous illegitimate "left" BBK code, illegally introduced in 1999)
Other scientific and popularization materials of the Kharkov scientific author K.305(Ukraine) for the period 2009-2019, etc. can be ordered from Kharkov Universal Scientific Library at the address: st. Cooperative, 13, Kharkov, UA-61003, Ukraine. The author permanently lives and works in Kharkov (Ukraine).

Kaftanova Yu. V.
K.305 All about stones and minerals. Magical and healing properties of stones. Popular science publication. - Kh.: Private Enterprise Publishing House "New Word", 2009. - 264 p. ISBN 978-966-2046-92-2
Registration of the author of K.305 in the information system ORCID 0000-0003-4306-1738
Designed not only for mineralogists, but also for a wide range of trained readers.
2008-2019. Yulia Kaftanova, PO Box 10911, Kharkov, UA-61003, Ukraine, mob. tel. +38 050 0463643

Yu.V. Kaftanova. All about stones and minerals
Contact and non-contact lithotherapy(application)

Illustrated supplement to the base edition. Pocket format, can be downloaded and printed for personal use, 340 photos, 160 colors. pages.
Described main types of massagers and exercise machines, massage techniques jade massagers, druzes, balls, eggs and crystals, including the author's. History of reflexology and contact lithotherapy. Reflexology. Acupressure with crystals. Druze massage with the effect of Kuznetsov's iplicator. Intimate massage and its features. Treatment with water, magnets, magnetic therapy - typical mistakes and misconceptions. Complexes of therapeutic exercises, including for rehabilitation and prevention. 340 photos with work plans.
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The energy center of human self-expression is the Vishuddha throat chakra. Translated from Sanskrit “ shuddi” - cleansing. Full of purity, this chakra is located in the throat area and is responsible for communication. It transmits our true intentions to the outside world, and is also connected with all aspects of communication, including with our own “I”.

The Vishuddha chakra is responsible for human communication, his ability to communicate with other people, find a common language and compromise. The work of this chakra is extremely important, as it helps to convey one’s own thoughts, feelings, and sensations to others in a clear and accessible form. After all, it is important not only what we think, but also how we present it. Simply put, the Vishuddha chakra can be called a kind of translator, a transformer of one’s own consciousness. Thanks to it, a person gains the ability to formulate and express thoughts, ideas, and form images. The more developed the chakra, the more a person recognizes himself and is aware of what is happening inside him.

Another important quality of the chakra is the ability to defend one’s point of view. This is not only oratory skills, but also the ability to clearly express your thoughts without allowing yourself to be confused. Every person has a desire for truth and justice. Our individual feelings are often controlled by social norms, but blindly following rules is not always good. A person is able to act and think based on internal feelings, in accordance with his conscience and his integrity, without coming into conflict with social laws.

Vishuddha also stimulates a sense of responsibility. First of all, it is responsibility for oneself, one’s constant development, personal and social life.

The chakra of sexuality and creativity is closely related to Vishuddha and is also responsible for creative abilities. The throat chakra raises the creative principle to the level of direct creative expression. Thanks to her, abilities are embodied in a creative product: a dance, a song, a poem, a painting, etc.

The importance of the throat chakra is not only the ability to express yourself, it also allows you to hear. The ability to hear both oneself and others helps a person to more deeply understand what is happening. Listening skills develop calmness, confidence and the ability to make objective judgments. This is the only way to understand your inner world and the outer world.

Often, when the functioning of the Vishuddha chakra is disrupted, a conflict between the personality and the body arises. A person does not listen to his own body, its needs and desires. Another problem may be the inability to find a balance between emotions and logic. In this case, the person may have difficulty expressing their feelings or mentally prohibit the expression of certain feelings. Throat chakra disharmony can also result in low self-esteem and self-criticism.

Overactivity of the chakra manifests itself as fussiness, emotional incontinence, impulsiveness, inattention, tongue-tiedness, or, conversely, excessive talkativeness. Such people are ready to give advice to everyone, without thinking about what a person actually needs. On the other hand, the activity of the chakra with high personal growth gives a socially active active person. A deficiency of chakra energy manifests itself in isolation, shyness, fear of publicity and attention. The desire to remain unnoticed aggravates the situation, eliminating the possibility of somehow developing chakra energy. Such people have low sense of purpose, and it is not that they do not have a goal, but that they consider themselves unable to achieve it or unworthy of having it.

Each of the seven chakras affects certain human organs. In the case of the Vishuddha chakra, these are the larynx, thyroid gland, vocal cords, and the upper part of the lungs. Physical manifestations of disruption of its functioning may include speech delay, infectious diseases of the throat, vocal cords, inflammatory processes and hearing problems.

The harmonious color for the chakra is all shades of blue. They help a person to perceive incoming information more easily and simply. He becomes capable of a deeper understanding of the knowledge that he receives in communication with other people.

Stones affecting the Vishuddha chakra: azurite, aquamarine, amazonite, belomorite, turquoise, blue lace agate, blue topaz, blue calcite, pearl, kyanite, kunzite, lapis lazuli, sapphire, blue tourmaline, sodalite, chrysocolla, celestine.

from Persian “ firuza” - the stone of happiness is one of the most popular ornamental and semi-precious stones of bluish-greenish shades from ancient times to this day. This beautiful stone is valued by many peoples and is surrounded by secrets and legends. The ancient Egyptians carved scarabs from turquoise, which were symbols of peace for them. The Persians presented it as a gift as a sign of love and attraction. Among the peoples of Asia and the Caucasus, turquoise was and is an indispensable element of the bride’s wedding dress. Among the Aztecs, turquoise symbolized health, well-being and was considered a military talisman.

Turquoise brings happiness in love, establishes peace in the family, attracts friends and evokes sympathy for its owner. It brings well-being and prosperity, enhances intuition, gives confidence and positive emotions, and reduces irritability. Turquoise helps its owner to concentrate, understand the meaning of life, determine what goals he should achieve, and keeps him from vanity and fruitless actions.

Main deposits: Iran, USA, Brazil, Chile, Australia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China.

Crystals for Vishuddha chakra:

Lapis lazuli helps its owner to easily and clearly express his thoughts and defend his point of view. It also has a beneficial effect on musical talent and allows one to achieve great heights in its implementation.

Aquamarine helps not only to confidently express your thoughts, but also to control other people, enhancing the power of speech and the power of speech. Journalists, teachers, writers, and those who engage in public speaking are advised to carry this stone with them.

Sapphire, interacting with the energy of the chakra, helps maintain mental clarity, making a person more resourceful. Facilitates the transfer of knowledge and information, makes human communication more effective, and thoughts more accessible to other people, protects a person from outside influences.

Despite the crazy pace of modern life, always find time for solitude and peace. Listen to your body, embrace your creativity, and advocate for your own point of view. Only by knowing yourself can you know the world around you. Manage and differentiate all your internal processes. Now you can decide which ones to send to the outside world, which ones to keep inside, and which ones to get rid of. 🙂

I opened a series of posts dedicated to chakras - human energy centers, channels of vital energy - prana. Today we will talk about Svadhisthana - the second chakra or the chakra of sexuality.

It is located in the groin area above the pubic bone and is associated with pleasure motives. If at the Muladhara level a person is concerned with primary needs: safety, comfort, then the Svadhistana level is the perception of the world through sensual pleasure, pleasure. Moreover, not only material pleasure (from sex, alcohol, food, etc.), but pleasure from life in general, because this is the chakra of cheerfulness. Svadhisthana is associated with the color orange. It excites, gives a boost of strength, improves mood, stimulates sexual activity.

Svadhisthana is called the chakra of sexuality and birth, but this should not be taken in monosyllables. In addition to sexual function, this chakra is focused on human creative self-realization. That is, birth is considered here as the direct implementation of what a person intended, the realization of his creative potential, the transformation of the energy of creativity into real embodiments. With the participation of Svadhisthana, potential is developed, ways and schemes for the realization of talents and personal characteristics are formed.

To develop this chakra, a person needs to cultivate such qualities as modesty, moderation in receiving physical pleasures, and control over one’s mental state. Otherwise, negative manifestations of chakra energy such as anger, greed, jealousy, fears, and possessiveness are also possible.

The overactivity of Swadhisthana manifests itself as restlessness, frequent mood swings, whims, emotional instability, and inconstancy of interests. This goes away when a person determines life priorities for himself and learns to direct energy in the right direction. A deficiency of chakra energy manifests itself in isolation, unsociability, shyness and isolation. Such people rely only on themselves and are afraid to show their weakness.

Each of the chakras affects the functioning of certain organs. At the same time, each chakra corresponds to a number of stones that affect it. Minerals, having an effect on the chakras, also have an effect on the organs controlled by it. In the case of Svadhisthana, this is the lymphatic system, kidneys, genitals and all fluids: blood, lymph, digestive juices, seminal fluid (since the element of Svadhisthana is water, it is responsible for the exchange and distribution of body fluids). The main stones that affect the sex chakra and harmonize and align its work are amber, tourmaline, amethyst, carnelian, carnelian, orange calcite, and onyx.

Amber(fossil resin, organic mineral)
There are about two hundred and eighty varieties of amber, ranging from almost white to red-brown and greenish. The name of the stone is rooted in the Lithuanian word “gintares”, which means “protection from disease”. Indeed, since ancient times, truly healing properties have been attributed to amber. For example, the Brandenburg-Prussian kings in the 17th century arrogated to themselves the monopoly right to collect amber, so residents of the coast were prohibited from doing so under pain of prison or the death penalty. In the thirties of the 20th century, biochemists managed to isolate succinic acid - a substance that stimulates the flow of oxygen into cells and has general strengthening and restorative properties.

Amber is the embodiment of Swadhisthana. Coming from water, poetically called the “tear of the sea” or “gift of the sun,” this organic mineral increases creative energy, sharpens intuition, reduces depression, helps overcome difficult emotional experiences, brings good luck, and promotes acceptance and realization of personal potential. Amber is found in Sicily, Romania, Myanmar, Canada, Mexico, but the most famous is Baltic amber. Its deposits in the Kaliningrad region account for at least 90% of the world's total.

Crystals for Swadhisthana:
Carnelian And calcite expand a person’s emotional potential, freeing him from shyness. They weaken the influence of negative emotions, such as fear, cruelty, despotism, and causeless irritability. Helps women maintain emotional balance during menstruation.
Tourmaline, placed on the chakra, helps eliminate psychological and emotional blocks associated with sex and intersexual relationships.

One of the highest manifestations of Swadhisthana energy is honesty towards yourself and others. Don’t let other people’s opinions influence your choice, develop your creativity, turn ideas (even the most incredible and ambitious) into reality. Express your individuality without fear of judgment and evaluation, and then life will begin to bring pleasure from the very fact of its existence.

According to ancient Indian knowledge, there are seven important energy centers in our body - chakras. The bioenergy of qi passes through them, and each of the chakras corresponds to a certain vibration of this energy. Indian healers knew how to influence energy centers with the help of stones, which also have frequency characteristics. Certain stones were placed on diseased organs or points, which aligned the energy, relieved pain and cleansed the aura.
Below is a list of chakras and the minerals that can have a specific effect on them.

It is important that all a person’s chakras are open and harmonized. Jewelry to activate the 7 chakras will help with this.

Muladhara is the lower chakra in the sacral area, which is responsible for vitality and confidence.

Muladhara is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is responsible for basic health, survival, instincts, basic vitality, taking care of your physical existence: food, protection, shelter, reproduction. It controls the health and functioning of the legs, genitals, and the ability to reproduce.

The muladhara chakra is in the red spectrum; red stones correspond to this chakra, including muladhara stones: agate, hematite, obsidian, shungite, ruby, garnet, coral

Svadhisthana is responsible for sexual energy and stamina.

An open, intact chakra controls the intestines, kidneys and genitourinary system as a whole; it is responsible for love for the opposite sex, sensual satisfaction and pleasure, sexuality, reserves of sexual energy are concentrated in it.
Swadhisthana chakra stones are traditionally orange in color, as well as agate, ruby, garnet, rhodonite, jasper, tourmaline, citrine, amber

Manipura - solar plexus chakra (responsible for the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract)

The Manipura chakra is in the yellow spectrum, this chakra corresponds to yellow stones, including Manipura chakra stones: agate, carnelian, citrine, tiger eye, topaz, cacholong, serpentine, malachite, onyx

Anahata - heart chakra (responsible for the cardiovascular system)

It affects the cardiovascular system, chest, spine and arms, promotes love for people, openness, sensuality, strengthens the will to positively transform the world.
Anahata chakra stones: aventurine, agate, serpentine, rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, malachite, jade, jadeite, emerald, chrysoprase, peridot, amazonite, charoite

Vishuddha - in the throat area (the chakra is responsible for the respiratory system and coordination)

This chakra affects the respiratory organs, throat, speech and hearing organs, skin, promotes the individual’s self-affirmation in society and his professional ambitions, his communication skills, helps to independently satisfy his needs and brings a sense of satisfaction with himself and the world around him as a whole.
Vishuddha chakra stones are green in color, including: aquamarine, turquoise, agate, pearl, lapis lazuli, sapphire, sodalite, blue aventurine

Ajna - frontal chakra (responsible for reason and intuition), third eye chakra

Ajna is located on the forehead at the point between the eyebrows. This chakra is responsible for inner knowledge, intuition, memory, wisdom, understanding the situation as a whole, operating with images, superconsciousness, global vision, awareness of existence, clairvoyance, conscious perception. Ajna governs the health and functioning of the nose, eyes and ears.
Ajna chakra stones of a blue hue, including.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the health stones?

    Which ones are more suitable for a woman's health?

    What health stones to buy for a particular zodiac sign

    Which stones should not be chosen, as they will lead to death

From time immemorial, people believed in the healing properties of stones. These days, stone treatment is no longer as widespread. The benefits and healing effects of stones are undeniable. Of course, treatment with health stones should not be regarded as an alternative to medications, but it is quite possible to use such procedures as additional therapy.

How do health gems work?

People have been using gemstones for many centuries. At first these items were amulets and talismans. People believed that they helped to resist negative influences, protect the health of their owner, attract good luck, and bring happiness. Each gem had its own purpose. Some protected from evil spirits, others from diseases, others from poisons, and others provided the location of higher powers.

The benefits and harms of stones for human health and destiny are described in ancient legends and confirmed by modern scientific research.

Wealthy people of high position skillfully selected jewelry from precious stones. In ancient times, people were considered rich who owned jewelry specially selected for them, because stones have the ability to bring good luck to their owner.

The symbol of state power - the crown of the ruler - was certainly decorated with precious stones. And such a headdress, made in accordance with certain canons, had powerful power and protected its wearer from evil.

To this day, precious stones are used on special occasions and are of great importance. For example, they richly decorate elements of the vestments of religious figures (the breastplate of the Jewish high priest, the traditional headdresses of the Pope and bishops).

And today, famous jewelry brands have no shortage of clients. Does this seem like a simple tribute to tradition and fashion, or do people subconsciously feel the strength and power of jewelry?

The whimsical shimmers of light in the prism of the facets of gems are mesmerizing; the precious stones seem to have a secret power of attraction. Even in ancient India, they believed that they carried the power of distant planets. This property allows gemstones to improve the mental and physical condition of people. Many believed in this property, which has many confirmations in history. For example, when feeling heaviness, Ibn al-Jassasa placed precious stones on his lap, and this helped him cope with disturbing thoughts.

In ancient times, they believed that planets with powerful energy, through precious stones, not only influenced the general condition of a person, but were also capable of changing his destiny.

The ancient sacred books of India - the Vedas - contain information about ways to enhance the beneficial effects of planets through the correct selection of semi-precious stones.

There is life in stone.

The Vedas say that a stone can contain a soul under certain conditions. A spirit striving to exist in inaction can pass into such a form of life. In its enjoyment of inaction, the soul passes into the depths of the rock and can remain in this state for thousands of years, since stone is the only form of life suitable for such a substance. This vital force imparts certain properties to the stone.

Even a plant is in constant action, germinating, reaching for the sun, breathing and giving seed. However, a soul that wants to live in inaction can only be placed in a body such as a stone. The life cycle in stone is incredibly long - hundreds of thousands of years, which is difficult to comprehend from the point of view of human life.

By what signs can you recognize a living stone?

Confirmation of the existence of living stones can be found without studying Vedic sources; some signs will help with this. First of all, this is a certain ordered structure of the body, which can be viewed in its cross section. So, on a cut of a tree, plant or other organism, you can find diverging concentric circles.

A similar structure in both a living body and a stone indicates the presence of certain life cycles. Many semi-precious stones have a layered structure in the form of circles (layers) or are crystals. This form indicates the presence of certain life processes. Stones can “multiply” through a process similar to budding. A formation appears in the structure of the main crystal or cocoon, from which, like from a bud, a new mineral develops.

Stones are associated with planets.

The powerful positive effect that stones have on human health can also be explained by the fact that they have an energetic connection with nine planets, which have a strong impact on the mental and physical state of a person. These are the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu (ascending lunar node in Western astrology), Ketu (descending lunar node in Western astrology).

The energy of these planets can not only heal the soul and body, but also influences the development of a person’s destiny. Their effect extends to the flora and fauna of the Earth, as well as to stones, because the latter in their natural state, like animals and plants, are also living, and the planets influence everything that carries life.

The energy of the planet contained in the gem is transmitted to all living things. Thus, plants, under the influence of the energy of the Sun, receive the power of fire, giving them tart, bitter, pungent tastes. And the Sun gives people protective immune forces, digestive fire, joy, and encourages action. The planet imparted all these properties to such gems as garnet and red tourmaline.

You may have noticed that the flavors mentioned above can whet your appetite and stimulate digestion. Jewelry made from health-promoting garnet and ruby ​​stones has a similar effect: they stimulate the immune system and add cheerfulness. Thus, solar energy fills not only the direct light of the Sun, but also herbs and minerals.

Stones, which in their natural state have accumulated the power of celestial bodies for tens of thousands of years, when they fall into human hands, begin to give it to all living things. Such a powerful force can be beneficial, but it can also cause harm. People have long noticed that mountains, rich in reserves of all kinds of species, make some people's health better, while others, on the contrary, worse. Only the correct use of jewelry will provide a positive effect.

How do planets have a therapeutic effect on a person through gemstones? If a one-component mineral is painted in one color, then it contains the power of one planet. For example, red rubies and tourmalines, as well as garnets, received their beneficial properties from the solar power of fire. It is this that helps the person who chose these stones to stimulate digestion and the body’s defenses, improve blood circulation and the condition of bone tissue, and accelerate metabolic processes. The soul is filled with joy, the desire for an active lifestyle, confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.

The internal connection of ruby, garnet and tourmaline with the Sun has already been discussed above. By the same principle, all precious stones interact with one of the nine previously named planets. The energy of the Moon is contained in pearls and moonstone, Mercury - in emerald, Venus - in white topaz and diamond, Jupiter - in yellow sapphire and yellow topaz, Saturn - in blue sapphire and amethyst, Mars - in red and pink coral.

What are the different types of stones for human health?

All health stones have a healing effect for a specific disease, so they are used to help with specific health problems.

Helps with cardiovascular and colds, ailments of the circulatory system, high blood pressure, and bronchitis.

Helps cure diseases of the bronchi, throat and teeth, asthma, chronic cough.

Blue aga health stone helps get rid of osteochondrosis.

It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid gland, and has a weak diuretic effect. Produces a healing effect for various diseases of the throat and teeth, oral cavity, colds and bronchitis.

Improves the functioning of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, helps relieve tension during stress. Helps purify the blood, heals kidney and liver diseases, diseases of the urinary and gall bladders. Under the influence of amethyst energy, brain activity increases, especially the pituitary gland and pineal gland. Helps eliminate sleep problems and headaches from nervous tension.

Helps with all kinds of disorders of the kidneys, liver, pancreas.

Gives a therapeutic effect for dysfunction of the spleen, liver, kidneys and pancreas, and has a positive effect on the blood system.

It has a wide spectrum of action, in particular, helps with ear diseases, as well as eye, heart, bone ailments, gynecological diseases, etc.

It is good for the health of the eyes, heart, bones, lungs, nervous and lymphatic systems.

Improves the functioning of the kidneys and digestive organs, and helps with throat diseases.

It has a beneficial effect in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and gallstones.

Helps get rid of diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, nervous system, eyes, and corrects visual impairment.

Relieves joint pain due to radiculitis, treats blood and spine diseases.

The health effects of this stone have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune and digestive systems, pancreas, kidneys and spleen, joints and spine, heart, and normalizes blood pressure.

Prevents the action of toxic substances, treats skin ailments.

Treats nervous system disorders, helps with depression, stress, and also stimulates rejuvenation and potency. Has a positive effect on memory.

This stone for health and longevity optimizes the functioning of the entire body. Improves vision and the functioning of the pituitary and pineal glands, and is also used to prevent infectious diseases.

Helps in the treatment of anemia, treats diseases of the digestive and immune systems, promotes the proper functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver, eyes, and is good for the ears and bones.

Used to prevent diseases of the eyes, ears, lungs, throat; relieves joint pain, nervous conditions and sleep disorders.

Promotes rapid healing of wounds, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, cleanses the blood, removes swelling and tumors, restores appetite and relieves insomnia, restores the reproductive function of women and the potency of men.

Promotes the restoration of biological tissues, relieves stress and nervous exhaustion, cures diseases of the digestive system, liver, gallbladder, spleen.

This health stone has strong healing properties. Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, improves physical condition, relieves phobias and anxiety.

This stone is also a talisman for health and longevity. Use is indicated for disorders of the liver and gallbladder, organs of the urinary system, and reproductive system (for example, female infertility and inflammation of the prostate gland in men). Red jasper is especially effective against viral infections.

Stones for women's health

The unique bright color of amber gave it its second name - sun stone. Amber jewelry is necessary for all representatives of the fairer sex, as this stone is a wonderful talisman for pregnant women. It alleviates toxicosis, discomfort during hormonal changes, and prevents pregnancy loss. And if you have frequent headaches and problems sleeping, you should put it under your pillow.

Turquoise radiates the energy of harmony; it is also called the “lucky stone”. In the old days, it was believed that turquoise warded off the evil eye, and in addition, its owner would be able to have many children. In addition, the “lucky stone” helps to get rid of eye ailments - to do this, you should look at turquoise for two to three minutes every day. Turquoise will also help with allergic manifestations, sleep disorders, rheumatism, and normalize the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland.

Smoky quartz is an excellent remedy for those suffering from depression, obsessive thoughts, phobias and apathy, as well as bad habits. Will help those who are on a diet. It has vital energy and gives a charge of strength. The optimal use is to use it as a neck decoration. Combination with lapis lazuli will enhance protection against negative energy.

Heliotrope is another stone for women's health. It is a remedy for many gynecological diseases, including infertility. It is also a female talisman for achieving professional heights. But you should be careful with this stone, since its help should be resorted to only when a person clearly defines what he is striving for and does not give in to doubts.

Stones for health according to zodiac signs

There are some patterns of compatibility of gemstones with zodiac signs. When choosing the mineral that is right for you, in addition to its external attractiveness, take into account the position of the Moon at the time of your birth, that is, your individual horoscope.

  • Aries(March 21 - April 19).

Those born under the sign of Aries have a solid and strong character. And quite naturally, the stone of Aries is diamond - one of the strongest substances on the planet. This precious stone, a carrier of masculine energy, conveys to its owner firmness, determination and perseverance, which helps to achieve his plans and maintain perseverance and inflexibility when it is especially necessary. In addition, the diamond symbolizes innocence and purity, giving its owner spiritual clarity. This mineral is also a symbol of wealth; it will provide abundance in many life manifestations.

Additional stones for Aries health: carnelian, bloodstone, garnet, ruby.

  • Taurus(April 20 - May 20).

Amber has a special, non-mineral origin. This is tree resin hardened to the state of stone from the shores of the Baltic Sea. These “plant” roots make amber especially close to nature lovers – Taurus. The golden color of this stone provides representatives of the sign with a stable flow of higher spiritual energy. Under the influence of amber, a person receives both calmness and activity, patience and harmony. The stone becomes a reliable protection against negativity, giving the body the opportunity to restore its own strength.

Additional stones for Taurus health : red coral, turquoise, sapphire, emerald, rose quartz.

  • Twins(May 21 - June 20).

Geminis, who have the ability to overactively think, may benefit from the calming effect of agate. Carrying the energy of the Earth, agate imparts masculinity and resistance to stress and energy imbalance. This stone promotes harmony, so it will help Gemini achieve internal harmony and balance. It should be nearby when Gemini has to make a responsible decision, since the stone will help the owner maintain his own understanding of what is happening, activate intellectual potential and relieve phobias.

Additional stones for Gemini health : pearls, white sapphire, chrysoprase, citrine, moonstone.

  • Cancer(June 21 - July 22).

Moonstone is a precious mineral, a carrier of the energy of the Moon, the patron planet of Cancers. The main purpose of this stone is to absorb all the power of the planet, so it works best during the full moon. On the one hand, moonstone protects sensitive Cancers, on the other hand, it activates intuition, feminine energy and psychic potential. Moonstone is responsible for spiritual development and perception, so it is an assistant in personal relationships, business, and is also an indispensable attribute for meditation.

Additional stones for Cancer health : emerald, ruby, pearl.

  • a lion(July 23 - August 22).

Tourmaline affects the heart, the part of the body associated with the Zodiac sign Leo. Tourmaline evokes and enhances heartfelt feelings such as calm, love, compassion, and happiness. Leos are creative people, and tourmaline stimulates them, gives them a creative impulse, and inspires them. This stone helps to determine goals, which in turn ensures development and prosperity. Tourmaline also often accompanies meditation.

Additional stones for Leo's health : golden topaz, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx.

  • Virgo(August 23 - September 22).

Blue sapphire is a sacred gemstone for Buddhists. The mineral will help organize and clarify the mind, opening the way to spiritual wisdom. This stone is all the more necessary for Virgo, since people of this sign are anxious and restless, often distracted by extraneous and unnecessary thoughts. The blue color, as a reminder of the sky, constantly returns Virgo's thoughts to a high goal. In addition, blue sapphire increases mental flexibility, stimulating Virgos to get rid of outdated stereotypes and look for new potential in themselves.

Additional stones for Virgo health : moss agate, jade, carnelian.

  • Scales(September 23 - October 22).

Lapis lazuli is a stone of truth and friendship. It makes relationships harmonious. The stone helps Libra express themselves and their spiritual quests, which is most difficult and important for this sign of peaceful balance. Lapis lazuli is valuable for its influence on the spiritual essence of a person. It expands the limits of consciousness, helps to gain spiritual experience and free the mind and soul from unnecessary things.

  • Scorpion(October 23 - November 21).

Aquamarine is a blue gemstone associated with the sea and connects Scorpio with this element. The water element helps to understand the spiritual component of the personality of a person of this sign, the essence of which can be very difficult to discern. Aquamarine helps to calm down, extinguish strong emotional outbursts and absorbs negativity. The stone helps Scorpios to think about lofty things without departing from the earthly.

Additional stones for Scorpio health : coral, beryl, topaz, black obsidian.

  • Sagittarius(November 22 - December 21).

Turquoise is a sacred stone for many cultures. It helps interact with higher consciousness and comprehend truth, activates eloquence and creative vision of issues. Turquoise stimulates mental activity, intuitive perception, and helps to think positively. As a result, Sagittarius manages to achieve a calm inner state in which they are able to show wisdom.

Additional stones for Sagittarius health : ruby, amethyst, sapphire, topaz.

  • Capricorn(December 22 - January 19).

Ruby develops in the owner courage and the ability to trust, gives a feeling of joy, which will help Capricorn overcome his characteristic melancholy and negative perception of reality. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their hard work, so they need ruby ​​to replenish wasted energy, enhance the flow of vitality, the stone makes people more resilient. To its owner, a ruby, among other things, gives generosity, abundance and prosperity. The rich red color of this stone has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity and inspires others to love its owner.

Additional stones for Capricorn health : agate, black onyx, garnet.

  • Aquarius(January 20 - February 18).

Pomegranate helps Aquarius maintain a balance between physical and mental life, tones the body, promoting the influx of sexual energy, and makes Aquarius sensual and passionate. For Aquarius, who highly values ​​friends and life in society, the power of the pomegranate gives the necessary stability in relationships and being in demand. In addition, this gemstone helps the owner become successful in business, opens up prospects in learning and achieving professional goals. In spiritual terms, pomegranate helps to discover superpowers and clairvoyance, and achieve high goals.

Additional stones for the health of Aquarius : amethyst, opal, moss agate.

  • Fish(February 19 - March 20).

Amethyst protects sensitive Pisces from unnecessary and harmful influences. Amethyst is also called “nature’s tranquilizer”; it relieves nervous tension and anxiety, relaxes the mind. Amethyst stabilizes emotions, so it is especially effective when experiencing grief or obsessive behavior. This stone activates spiritual perception and helps with meditation.

Additional stones for Pisces health : rock crystal, aquamarine, jadeite, sapphire, bloodstone.

Read also: Compatibility of Zodiac signs of men and women

Which stone to choose for health according to chakra

When the balance of one of the seven chakras is disturbed, this problem can be corrected by the influence of the gemstone responsible for the energy channel. For this purpose, biostimulating stones are combined with a point of a given chakra on the body, used as decoration, or simply brought into one’s home.

– the red chakra, located at the level of the sacrum. Proper functioning of the chakra provides vitality and confidence and corresponds to the human physical body. Biostimulants of Muladhara are hematite, rauchtopaz, obsidian, shungite, morion, bull's eye, ruby, garnet.

– orange chakra located at the groin level. Proper functioning provides sexual energy, stamina, and corresponds to the mental body, that is, a person’s emotionality. Swadhisthana biostimulants include ruby, garnet, rhodonite, red jasper, tourmaline, spinel, citrine, and amber.

Manipur a – yellow chakra, located at the level of the solar plexus. It is associated with the work of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract. It corresponds to the astral body, that is, the energy of life. Manipura biostimulants include carnelian, citrine, tiger's eye, carnelian, topaz, cacholong, selenite, yellow sapphire, beryl, zircon.

– green chakra located at the level of the heart. Its functioning ensures the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It corresponds to the human subconscious, that is, the sphere of feelings and desires. Biostimulants of anahata are rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, red and green tourmaline, malachite, jade, jadeite, emerald, chrysoprase, peridot, amazonite, uvarovite.

– the blue chakra of a person, located at the level of the throat. Its functioning ensures the proper functioning of the respiratory organs and vestibular apparatus, and adjusts logical thinking. Aquamarine, turquoise, chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, sapphire, blue agate, blue topaz, and sodalite act as biostimulants of Vishuddha.

– blue chakra, located at the level of the forehead (the so-called “third eye”). Its proper functioning makes a person wise, responsible, and allows him to receive intuitive answers to questions. Biostimulators of ajna are sapphire, amethyst, lapis lazuli, fluorite, lapis lazuli, charoite, blue aventurine, sodalite, alexandrite, blue tourmaline.

Sahasrara– violet chakra, located at the level of the crown. Its functioning adjusts to the proper functioning of the brain, nervous system and psyche; the karmic tasks of the individual in each incarnation, solving issues of life and death depend on it. Biostimulants of Sahasrara are diamond, rock crystal, opal, adularia (moonstone), and amethyst.

Which stone is NOT good for health: TOP 10 most dangerous minerals

Place number 10. Coloradoite.

This crystalline mineral was found in magma veins not so long ago. It consists of mercury telluride, which is derived from an alloy of mercury and tellurium, a rare, highly toxic metal. Such a mixture causes irreparable harm to human health and, without following safety rules, can cause severe intoxication. When thermal and chemical effects are applied to a mineral, steam and dust are formed that are dangerous to life and health. This stone is mined to extract tellurium from it. In nature, tellurium is often combined with gold in rocks, which no one knew before. Coloradoite began to be mined in Australia when, as a result of the “gold rush,” it became known that unwanted tellurium nuggets with gold inclusions that no one noticed were falling into potholes on the roads.

Place number 9. Chalcanthite.

Water, sulfur, copper and several other substances form attractive crystals of chalcanthite, a stone that immediately catches the eye due to its rich blue color. In this composition, copper, which is needed by living beings, becomes very dangerous. As part of chalcanthite, it easily dissolves in water, entering all organisms in huge quantities. With such an excess of copper, many body systems fail, and a living creature quickly weakens and dies. Non-professional researchers should remember that any manipulation with this stone can result in a huge dose of copper entering the body and cause serious harm to health. Mining chalcanthite destroys flora, which threatens serious disturbances in the ecological balance. The attractiveness and low abundance of the mineral still makes it in demand. In connection with this, the geological community organized production for the cultivation of artificial crystals equated to natural samples.

Place number 8. Hutchinsonite.

Thallium, which is part of the mineral, is similar to lead in appearance and physical properties. But unlike its counterpart, thallium is a rare and extremely dangerous substance for humans, and the harm of this stone can be very great. It occurs in nature as part of toxic compounds and even after normal contact with the skin causes severe illnesses that are highly likely to be fatal. Hutchinsonite is a combination of lead, thallium and arsenic and requires extreme care. The stone was named after a major representative of mineralogy from Cambridge, John Hutchinson. Hutchinsonite is found in European mountainous areas, usually in ore deposits.

Place number 7. Galena.

The stone seems to be composed of cubes of amazingly regular shape with a silvery sheen. This type of mineral is a consequence of the cubic fracture process: when struck, galena breaks up into smaller copies of its original shape. Lead is mined using galena. The sulfur contained in the mineral transforms lead, which is naturally flexible, into a fragile metal that reacts well with chemicals. By ignoring safety rules, everyone in contact with galena is exposed to severe toxic effects. The danger comes from getting into the lungs dust generated during the work process both in mines and in laboratories.

Place number 6. Asbestos.

Asbestos is an extremely dangerous naturally occurring mineral. If other stones have a poisonous effect from the chemicals contained in their composition, and the harm of a stone to human health is often isolated and accidental, then asbestos causes severe mechanical damage to the lungs on a different scale. Asbestos is made up of sodium, iron, oxygen and silica (the most abundant mineral on earth). In the natural environment, asbestos is found in the form of an accumulation of a huge number of microscopic crystals in the form of a thread, which have the ability to be transported by airborne droplets. That's how it ends up in people's lungs. This organ gradually ceases to perform its functions due to continuous irritation of the tissue with the formation of adhesions. Asbestos inclusions can be found in any silica rock; for this reason, when developing the latter, it is important to comply with safety requirements. Erosive natural processes contribute to the transfer of asbestos microparticles of this mineral in the atmosphere. Therefore, many people have asbestos particles in their lung tissue.

Place number 5. Arsenopyrite.

Arsenopyrite is a type of pyrite (fool's gold or iron sulfide). Outwardly, it can be mistaken for gold, so many people take it into their hands, not knowing that they can cause irreparable harm to their health. Arsenopyrite consists of a mixture of iron sulfide and arsenic. Any impact on this stone provokes the release of life-threatening, highly toxic, corrosive and carcinogenic fumes with the odor of garlic characteristic of this very toxic substance. Interaction with this stone (handling or touching food after arsenopyrite particles get on the skin of the hands) leads to the entry of easily disintegrating arsenic sulfur salts into the body. You can avoid a fatal mistake: when you hit a stone, the characteristic smell of garlic, inherent in arsenic, is released.

Place number 4. Torburnite.

Torburnite is truly one hell of a stone. Crystalline formations of a deep green color in the form of a prism occur as inclusions in granite deposits and contain uranium. Arising from the complex interaction of phosphorus, copper, water and uranium, these stunning crystal compositions excite collectors who want to add this unique piece to their home collections. The mixture of radioactive uranium, infamous for the Chernobyl disaster, and the deadly radon gas, which causes lung cancer, makes storing this stone incredibly dangerous. Torbernite is often found in granite substances, so granite products found in everyday life may have inclusions of torbernite.

Place number 3. Stibnit.

Stibnite is antimony sulfide. Its sword-shaped crystals resemble the spiers of miniature buildings. Externally, the stone looks like silver. This forced people to make beautiful dishes from large, shiny nuggets that looked like metal. Unstable connections caused the death of people using these dishes. Much time later, they found out the extent of the harm this stone can cause to human health and learned that stibnite, due to the inclusions of antimony, provokes serious intoxication. When holding stibnite under normal conditions at home, you must strictly follow the recommendations for safe handling of this stone: thoroughly wash the skin of your hands after touching the mineral.

Place number 2. Orpiment.

The mineral contains arsenic and sulfur. Orpiment deposits are formed in the ground next to thermal water springs. Orpiment attracts people with its bright and rich colors, but the substances included are highly chemically active and deadly. It is enough to touch the stone with your hands to expose yourself to the carcinogenic and neurotoxic effects of arsenic. Orpiment and cinnabar, ground into powder, were used to treat arrowheads in China. The substance has a garlicky odor characteristic of arsenic and can turn into a powdery state that is aggressive to humans from exposure to sunlight. Previously, this stone was the main element of ocher and had a poisonous effect on the artists who used this paint.

Place #1. Cinnabar.

Cinnabar is bright red crystals of mercury sulfide. The name translates as "dragon's blood". Cinnabar is the most dangerous to process; the harm of this stone to human health is irreparable. Cinnabar deposits are formed near volcanoes and are a source of industrial production of mercury, posing a threat to human life. Whenever cinnabar is processed, pure mercury vapor is formed, under the influence of which a person begins to have convulsions, loses sensitivity and dies. During the Middle Ages and until the end of the 18th century, the death penalty was synonymous with exile to Spanish mines, the depths of which contained cinnabar. In Ancient China, artisans made beautiful dishes and various decorative figurines from this stone, unaware of the mortal danger. Ancient doctors attributed healing properties to cinnabar and actively used it in medical practice.

But let’s not talk about the bad, but again return to the stones that help in healing people. We looked at which of them help against certain diseases, and how to select gems according to your horoscope and chakras. All that remains is to tell us where to buy these stones for health. We are glad to present to your attention our online store “Witch’s Happiness”, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. If you have found your unique path in life, are actively changing the world around you and are not afraid to be responsible for your actions either to others or to the Universe, our online store will be of interest to you.

You won't have to spend long looking for a health stone. In our online store “Witch’s Happiness” you will find a stone that is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

In addition, our store offers various esoteric products. You can purchase everything you need for magical rituals: fortune telling with Tarot cards, runic practices, shamanism, Wicca, Druidcraft, northern tradition, ceremonial magic and much more.

You have the opportunity to purchase any product that interests you by ordering it on the website, which operates around the clock. Any of your orders will be completed as soon as possible. Residents and guests of the capital can visit not only our website, but also the store located at the address: st. Maroseyka 4. We also have stores in St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Taganrog, Samara, Orenburg, Volgograd and Shymkent (Kazakhstan).

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