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How to make healthy soap at home. Making handmade soap at home. Homemade soap: step-by-step instructions. What is homemade soap made from?

IN Lately home soap making is becoming more popular. Soap made from natural ingredients is environmentally friendly and beneficial for the skin. There are two options for making soap. In the first case, the soap base is made by hand, but you have to work with lye and follow precise instructions. The simplest option is soap making using a ready-made soap base. For those who decide to make soap for the first time, it is better to opt for the second method, the technology of which is described in this article.

Ingredient Selection

Professionals add various components to soap, depending on what skin type the soap is intended for. The main components include:

  1. Soap base. For homemade ideal option It is considered a simple baby soap. It contains glycerin, lanolin, and natural oils that moisturize the skin and relieve irritation. For soap making, it is better to choose unscented soap.
  2. A base oil that improves the quality of soap. The most popular oils are jojoba, olive, and peach.
  3. Special or food colorings To give a rich shade, as well as fruit and vegetable juice, chocolate.
  4. Additives are used depending on the recipe. As additional ingredients you can take: honey, dried herbs and flowers, cream, ground coffee.


In addition to the listed ingredients, for soap making you will need:

  1. Grater. It is better to choose a grater that produces smaller chips.
  2. Iron pan.
  3. Two plates. One glass or porcelain plate for the water bath, the plate must fit into the pan. Another plate is needed to melt the butter.
  4. Knife for cutting soap.
  5. A few spoons.
  6. Buy molds for filling in a specialized store, or you can use disposable jars and baking dishes.


The soap making process of any soap consists of the following stages:

  1. Rub baby soap on a grater.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan on the stove. After the water boils, place a plate with shavings in it. The edges of the plate should not be filled with water.
  3. Stir the mixture periodically; the soap should not boil.
  4. When all the chips have dissolved, add 3 teaspoons of oil per 100 g of chips, half a glass of hot milk or water.
  5. Later we add additional ingredients according to the recipe: herbs, flowers, honey or chocolate. Cook the resulting mixture for a few more minutes.
  6. Remove the plate from the water bath, then add essential oil and dye.
  7. Pour the hot soap mixture into the molds. And you can combine various colors, the result is beautiful curls.
  8. We put the molds in the refrigerator so that the soap becomes solid. When the soap hardens, take it out of the molds and leave it to dry for two to seven days.

Pine massage soap recipe

Natural pine soap is one of the most useful. It gently cleanses pores and removes toxins. Also, pine soap has exfoliating, soothing and bactericidal properties. To create this soap you will need:

  1. 100 g of soap or soap base, preferably transparent;
  2. Chopped spruce and pine needles - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Loofah;
  4. Alcohol;
  5. Fir essential oil;
  6. Green dye;
  7. Molds.

The preparation technology is the same as for regular soap. During the cooking process, sprinkle pine needles or add pine decoction instead of water. At the end of cooking, add fir oil and dye. Pour into loofah molds. Sprinkle alcohol on top.

Cherry soap recipe

Cherry soap has a pleasant aroma and makes the skin silky. Compound:

  1. Transparent soap base – 100 g.
  2. Rosehip, fucus, grape seed, rose oil. Each oil – 1/3 teaspoon.
  3. Freshly squeezed cherry juice – 10-20 ml.
  4. Sugar – 1/2 teaspoon.
  5. Dyes: pink, red, burgundy.

Into the melted soap base pour warmed cherry juice with sugar, add oil and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into three glasses and add a different dye to each. Then pour the soap from the glasses into the molds, mixing the colors.

Soap making does not require any special skills. The variety of recipes, forms, additives makes the process fun and interesting.

It would seem that the need to make soap at home has disappeared thanks to the huge selection of this cosmetic product in stores. But soap making is gaining more and more popularity. Soap makers brag to each other about their own masterpieces, invent new recipes, conduct master classes and even earn good money from their hobby. There are also special departments and shops for soap making, which further proves the growing need for soap making. Is it so easy to make soap with your own hands?

How is homemade soap better than store-bought soap?

Soap, which is sold in regular household chemical stores and supermarkets, does not contain natural ingredients. In fact, it is difficult to call it soap, since soap is saponified vegetable fats, and not processed petroleum products. Store-bought products often dry out the skin and can cause allergic reactions.

When making at home, you can use only natural ingredients that are suitable for your skin type. And if now it’s just a hobby, then later it can become a profitable business.

Soap self made can be of different colors, with beautiful stains and inclusions of scrubbing elements

What ingredients are used

You can make soap from scratch or from a ready-made base. As the latter, you can also use natural, fragrance-free baby soap. And for the budget conscious, there are ways to digest soap and turn “waste” into aromatic soap.

It is much easier to work with a ready-made base. It can be transparent and white. Organic bases for making natural soap are also available for sale. You can buy them in soap making stores. Working with the base is not difficult, but it still requires some skills. As for making soap from scratch, in this case you will also need knowledge in the field of chemistry, since you will have to work with alkali. Before you start making soap, be sure to familiarize yourself with safety precautions when working with alkali.

The amount of ingredients will depend on the method of making the soap and the recipe. Let's look at the list of necessary components for each case.

Ingredients for ready-made soap

All the main ingredients can be bought in a specialty store, and additional ones in a regular supermarket. You'll probably find some in your home. You will need:

  • ready base;
  • base vegetable oils;
  • dyes;
  • flavorings;
  • essential oils;
  • herbs, petals, honey, ground coffee - optional;
  • medical alcohol.

Bases from different manufacturers differ in price, hardness, hardening speed and other characteristics. There are organic bases that are used to make all-natural soaps.

Transparent soap is prepared from a transparent base

Base oils are used to enrich soap; they give it beneficial properties such as moisturizing, nourishing and softening. Without them, the product dries out the skin, and also quickly “dries out,” cracking and flaking. For the same purpose, you can add cream or body milk, cream or pasteurized milk.

Important! Don't overdo it with moisturizing ingredients and oils. If you decide to add fat milk, reduce the amount. Soap oversaturated with fats does not foam well.

Dyes come in liquid and dry form. It is most convenient to use liquid ones, since it is very easy to measure the required number of drops. Dry dyes are pre-mixed with oils or liquid and only then added to the finished mass. Try not to overdo it with dyes, as this will cause the foam to be colored when soaping. To begin with, it will be enough to purchase three basic colors: red, yellow and blue. By mixing them, you can achieve almost any shade.

In addition to purchased artificial dyes, you can also use natural ones. These can be spices (turmeric, curry), the same base oils (sea buckthorn, pumpkin), various fillers (colored clays, ground coffee, cocoa, strong herbal decoctions). Of course, with their help you won’t be able to achieve bright, saturated colors, but the soap will be as environmentally friendly and natural as possible.

For decoration, you can also use pearlescent pigments, glitter and various decor.

Using special dyes you can give soap any shade.

Flavoring agents are responsible for the beautiful aroma. You can use confectionery fragrances, or you can look for special fragrances for home cosmetics. Instead of artificial aromas, essential oils, honey, chocolate, coffee, dried zest, herbs, flowers and petals are used. The disadvantage of essential oils is that they disappear faster. They are usually added at the very end.

Alcohol is also used in soap making. It is used to remove air bubbles from the surface of the soap and connect the layers in multi-layer colored soap. To do this, pour alcohol into a fine spray bottle and spray the surface of the product.

You can add a decoction of medicinal herbs, dried chamomile flowers and natural essential oils to your homemade soap.

In order for the soap to acquire properties such as scrubbing, anti-cellulite effect, smoothing wrinkles, etc., various fillers are added to it. These are ground coffee, nut shell powder, clay, oat flour, crushed sea ​​salt and much more. All these are additional caring elements that will give the soap the desired useful properties.

Do not use fresh fruits, berries, cucumbers, ginger root and similar ingredients. They will rot and quickly render your “enriched” soap unusable. Instead, use dry herbs and leaves, petals and small dried flowers, ginger powder, dried fruits.

Tools and devices

You will also need:

  • enameled or stainless steel pan;
  • any other saucepan for a water bath;
  • plastic or glass container for microwave oven;
  • spoon;
  • whisk;
  • measuring cup;
  • kitchen electronic scales;
  • alcohol spray;
  • soap molds.

You can buy molds in the same specialized stores or use confectionery silicone molds. Children's plastic molds for playing with sand, containers for yogurt or sour cream, and other small containers made of flexible plastic are also suitable. Purchased molds are made of plastic or silicone. For beginners, it is best to use the latter, since they are the easiest to get ready-made soap from.

Soap molds come in plastic and silicone

As for cookware, you cannot use aluminum pans or cast iron cookware. Stainless steel containers with enamel coating, as well as heat-resistant glass and plastic containers for use in a microwave oven, are suitable for these purposes. To accurately measure the ingredients, you will need a measuring cup and a scale.

What ingredients are used to make soap from scratch?

The soap base is prepared independently using only three components:

  • alkali;
  • saponification oils;
  • liquid - distilled water, herbal decoction, milk.

To make solid soap you will need caustic soda (NaOH). It is sold in the form of flakes or small crystals. Alkali is needed to saponify fats, namely base oils.

Caustic soda is also called caustic soda

Making soap from scratch great importance has a so-called overfat. Since fats cease to be healthy after reacting with alkali, it is recommended to add additional oils at the end of cooking. This will be overfat. As a rule, valuable and expensive oils are used for it.

Any vegetable oils can be used. Pork fat is added rarely. The liquid is needed to pre-dissolve the alkali and prepare it for combining with fats. Using decoctions of medicinal herbs, you will give the soap beneficial properties, as well as natural aroma and shade.

To improve soap, its coloring and flavoring, the following components are used:

  • plasticizers - sugar, sorbitol, fructose, honey;
  • acids - lactic, succinic, stearic, citric;
  • lanolin;
  • glycerol;
  • oils for enrichment (superfat);
  • dyes;
  • flavorings;
  • various useful fillers.

The same dyes, flavors and fillers are used. Plasticizers are needed to make soap more plastic and also improve foaming. Acids will make the soap harder and give it bactericidal properties. Lanolin will have a softening effect on too dry and rough skin.

Using different base oils you can give soap caring, beneficial properties.

Auxiliary Tools

You will need:

  • two pans (one can be made of heat-resistant glass);
  • hand blender;
  • measuring cup;
  • glass stirring rod or regular spoon;
  • container for working with alkali;
  • forms.

Important! Tools that were used to make soap cannot then be used for cooking!

When working with alkali, great attention is paid to safety measures.

Ingredients for different types of soap: for face, hands and body

To give soap different qualities you will need the appropriate components. Some of them have softening properties, others have moisturizing and nourishing properties, and others are bactericidal and drying. It is worth noting that it is better to use the appropriate soap for each part of the body. It is not recommended to wash your face with body or hand soap. Also, not all components are suitable for every skin type.

Table: Recommended ingredients for making soap depending on its use

Components Hands Face: skin types Body
Normal Dry Fat Problematic
Base oils olive
shea (shea)
evening primrose
shea (shea)
wheat germ
sweet almonds
apricot kernels
peach pits
sea ​​buckthorn
shea (karite)
and etc.
any ylang-ylang
tea tree
tea tree
and etc.
Fillers, including
cosmetic clay
ground coffee
chopped herbs
cosmetic clay
powdered milk
herbal decoctions
chamomile extract,
mint, coltsfoot,
linden color
cosmetic clay
Activated carbon
camphor alcohol
infusions and decoctions
calendula and chamomile
propolis tincture
cosmetic clay
Activated carbon
eucalyptus leaves
infusions and decoctions of herbs
sea ​​salt
ground coffee
eucalyptus leaves

Geranium oil is recommended for aging skin as it helps smooth out wrinkles. Mint will save you from dryness, and juniper will nourish the skin. useful substances. For rough, dry skin, it is recommended to use lanolin. Orange oil, seaweed, loofah and ground coffee have an anti-cellulite effect and make the skin elastic.

Essential oils add a beautiful aroma and also “enrich” soap with beneficial properties.

Making solid soap at home

First, the base is melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven. With the first method, the base takes longer to melt, but the result is an evenly melted mass. In addition, you will be able to independently control the entire melting process. When heated in an oven there is a risk of the base boiling. Therefore, set the power to the very minimum and heat for 1 minute, checking the condition of the base every 5-10 seconds.

From soap base

Having prepared all the necessary ingredients and equipment, do the following:

This is a standard algorithm of actions. The amount of ingredients and fillers mainly depends on the recipe.

  • base oils - 1/3 tsp;
  • essential oils - 3–7 drops;
  • flavoring - 3–4 drops;
  • liquid dye - 1–7 drops;
  • dry pigment - 1/3 tsp.

You can add other additives (herbs, clay, scrubbing components) as desired, as well as in accordance with the recipe.

Important! Esters are added at the very end to the warm, but not hot, “soapy” mass. They are quite volatile, evaporate quickly, and their properties are lost.

Video: How to make soap from ready-made soap base

Cold and hot production from scratch

This is real soap making. You can prepare only the base and use it in the future as a ready-made purchase.

Making soap from scratch is not the safest activity. You have to work with alkali, and as you know, it can leave burns on the body. That's why great attention is given to protective equipment and familiarization with the properties of alkali, its reaction with water, as well as chemical reactions, which occur during the saponification of fats and their transformation into soap.

Alkali, when reacting with water, emits a pungent odor and is very harmful to mucous membranes. Contact of alkali on the skin causes severe burns, so be extremely careful when working with this substance.

Safety rules when working with alkali

  • Be sure to use protective equipment: goggles, respirator, rubber gloves.
  • Clothes and shoes should be as closed as possible.
  • Dishes and tools that are used for making soap are not used for cooking.
  • It is best to work with alkali outdoors. If this is not possible, open the windows and turn on the hood.
  • Food should not be prepared in the kitchen. Children and animals should also not be present.
  • When reacting with water, the alkali becomes very hot as a violent reaction occurs. Make sure the water is as cold as possible, or better yet, with ice cubes.
  • The container should be glass, ideally a special container for working with alkali.

This is the minimum list of requirements to keep you safe while preparing your soap base. Next follow general rules making soap from scratch.

Another important point. An alkaline solution is poured into liquid oils and not vice versa! You also need to strain the solution to avoid the inclusion of whole soda crystals.

To make sure that the oils and lye have worked completely and the soap is absolutely safe for the skin, we recommend using special indicator strips (litmus papers). Just dip the tip of the strip into the soap and wait for the reaction. Next, compare the color of the paper with the color chart on the packaging. The darker the shade, the higher the pH level. Soap with a pH level above 10 is considered immature and not ready for use.

To prepare the base, they use ready-made recipes or develop their own using a special soap calculator. The latter can be found on the Internet on many soap-making sites. The trick is that you have to calculate the amount of oils and lye for the correct ratio. This is difficult for beginners to do, so we recommend using ready-made recipes from the Internet.

This is what an online calculator looks like for calculating the amount of ingredients for soap

Soap base is prepared in two ways:

  • Cold way. Simpler, but required long time for “ripening” the soap.
  • Hot method. More complicated at first, but the soap is ready to use within 24 hours.

Let's look at each of them.

Cold way

  1. Measure out the required amount of lye.
  2. Pour ice water into a special container.
  3. Slowly pour the lye into the water and stir immediately.

    The alkali is added to the liquid gradually, stirring gently

  4. While the mixture is cooling, start adding oils.
  5. Melt solid oils in a water bath or in the microwave.

    Solid oils are heated in a water bath until they are completely melted.

  6. Mix all the oils until smooth.
  7. Measure the temperature of the lye and oils - one should be approximately the same and be 37–38 °C (use an electronic thermometer).
  8. Add an alkaline solution to the oils, while straining it through a strainer.
  9. Stir gently.
  10. Turn on the blender and start blending the oil and lye mixture. Alternate beating and stirring in the off mode.

    Beat the oils with an alkali solution using a hand blender

  11. When the mixture becomes viscous, you can start adding various nutrients, dyes and flavors.
  12. At this stage, superfat, essential oils, and other natural ingredients are added.

    When the soap base becomes viscous, you can start adding various fillers and benefits

  13. Pour the finished mixture into molds and leave to harden.
  14. Remove the soap after 24 hours and remove from the mold.
  15. Wrap in film and leave to ripen for at least 4 weeks.

A long maturation stage is necessary for the soap to move from the “trace” stage to the “gel” stage. If we talk in simple words, then during this time it will become what it should be.

Video: Cold process soap from scratch

At the “trace” stage, when the mass begins to thicken, you can stop and leave everything as it is. The frozen mass will become a soap base, which can then be melted and made into aromatic homemade soap.

Hot way

Until the “trace” stage, the soap is prepared in the same way as with the cold method. The fun begins later.

So, the viscous base is ready. Let's proceed to its next processing:

Video: Hot process soap from scratch

As you can see, hot way much more complicated, but has the advantage: the soap can be used almost immediately after its preparation.

Soap recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking different types soaps, differing in their purpose, properties, fillers and appearance. Let's look at several recipes using the base, but if desired, they can also be used when making soap from scratch.


  • organic base - 250 g;
  • carrot juice - 1/2 tsp;
  • decoction of string and chamomile - 1 tsp;
  • almond oil - 8 drops;
  • tangerine oil - 1–2 drops;
  • funny children's silicone molds in the form of little animals.

It's very simple: melt the base, mix with the rest of the ingredients, pour into molds and leave for 24 hours for the soap to harden.

These cute little bears can be made from soap base and other ingredients


  • transparent base - 100 g;
  • calendula oil extract - 1/3 tsp;
  • birch tar - 1.5 tsp. (sold in a pharmacy);
  • mint essential oil - 6–8 drops.

Add the ingredients to the melted and slightly cooled base in the following order: oil extract, tar and finally essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into molds.

Birch tar has antiseptic and antifungal properties, so this soap will be useful for problem skin.

This is what tar soap made from an opaque natural base will look like

Two-layer colored soap with honey

Using this recipe, you can make beautiful decorative soap from layers of different colors.

First layer:

  • transparent base - 50 g;
  • yellow food coloring - 3 drops;
  • flavoring “Honey” - 10 drops;
  • natural honey - 1 tsp;
  • grape seed oil - 1/3 tsp.

Second layer:

  • white base - 100 g;
  • avocado oil - 1/2 tsp;
  • pasteurized milk - 2 tsp;
  • pearlescent pigment - 1/2 tsp;
  • honeycomb shape.

First, prepare the first layer of transparent base, pour it into the mold and sprinkle with alcohol. When the layer has cooled, sprinkle it with alcohol again and cover the prepared white base.

This yellow-white soap has a unique honey aroma.

Using remnants

Agree, sometimes it’s a shame to throw away leftover soap or so-called soap remnants. We offer a simple way to “reanimate” soap remnants and prepare soap from them, which in the end result can even surpass its “original source.” From “soap” residues you can make both solid and liquid soap.

In addition to soap, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:

  • soap remnants - 200 g;
  • water - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • essential oils and flavorings for fragrance - optional;
  • grater for rubbing soap;
  • containers for a water bath;
  • spoon;
  • forms.

You can use a variety of soaps, except, of course, leftovers from laundry soap and various stain removers. You can use any fillers and fragrances. With their help, you will “enrich” the soap, giving it new beneficial properties and aromas.

You can make wonderful soap from colored soaps.

Glycerin is needed to obtain a more viscous consistency, it helps the components dissolve faster and maintains the required moisture. Instead of alcohol tincture For calendula, you can use rubbing alcohol.

You will need to melt the soap in a water bath. This way the contents will heat evenly and melt to the desired consistency.

So, having prepared all the necessary ingredients and tools, get to work:

Using the same method, you can make soap from leftover soap base and baby soap.

Video: How to make solid soap from soap remnants

How to make liquid soap

To prepare liquid soap from scratch, another type of alkali is used, namely KOH (potassium hydroxide). This type of soap is also called potassium soap. Liquid soap can be made from the same soap remnants, from baby soap, from the remnants of a soap base, or from any solid soap. Let's look at the cooking process.

From remnants

To prepare 1 liter of liquid soap you will need:

  • soap remnants - 50 g;
  • distilled water - 1 l;
  • calendula tincture or medical alcohol - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • essential oil - 3 drops;
  • liquid food coloring - 3 drops;
  • glycerin - 4 tbsp. l.

Place a pan of water on the fire and do the following:

Video: how to make liquid soap from soap remnants

Liquid laundry soap

It is used for washing clothes and washing dishes. You will need one bar of laundry soap (200 g), 1 liter of water, essential oils and fragrances - optional. How to cook:

  1. Grate the soap - the smaller the shavings, the faster it will dissolve.
  2. Pour the shavings into a stainless steel pan and add water.
  3. Mix the ingredients and cook over low heat until the chips are completely dissolved.
  4. Finally, strain the mixture through a sieve and cool slightly.
  5. Add about 20 drops of essential oil or fragrance.
  6. Pour the prepared liquid soap into a plastic bottle.
  7. The concentrated washing gel is ready.

The finished product is stored in a closed container.

Photo gallery: beautiful handmade soap

Soap with loofah has a scrubbing and anti-cellulite effect on the skin Soap made with a decoction of herbs is always pleasant to use. Pine soap has extraordinary healing properties and a beautiful aroma. Soap in the form of a jelly dessert looks very appetizing This soap is almost indistinguishable from a natural mineral. This soap not only looks beautiful, but also smells delicious. The main thing is not to confuse this soap with a real cake! Natural soap without artificial dyes and additives that is most beneficial for the skin Soap in the shape of a snowflake will be a great gift for the New Year Homemade colored soap with various additives will decorate your bathroom Handmade soap can come in a wide variety of shapes and colors.

Beginner soap makers are recommended to train on ordinary children's soap without additives or fragrances. If you are confident in yourself, then purchase professional soap base in specialized stores. They sell white, transparent and multi-colored bases with added oils in packages of 250, 500 and 1,000 grams.


What to buy:

Base oil

It can be anything: coconut, almond, olive, castor, grape and apricot seeds. The oil consists almost entirely of organic compounds: fatty acids, vitamins, waxes, microelements, which are extremely beneficial for the skin.

Add no more than ½ teaspoon of oil to 100 g of soap base. An overdose of essential oils can cause severe allergies, and the soap will stop lathering.

There are many varieties of base oils, each of which has its own therapeutic effect and imbues homemade soap with skin-beneficial properties.

Base oil Skin type Property
From apricot kernels Any Saturates the skin with vitamins: A, B, C, E, F. Moisturizes, softens, increases elasticity, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands
From grape seeds Oily and mixed Regulates the function of sweat glands, restores the natural oiliness of the skin
Castor Dry and mixed Removes pigment spots well, whitens and nourishes the skin, fights fine wrinkles
Almond Any Saturates the skin with vitamins E and F, moisturizes, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, prevents expansion
Coconut Any Protects skin from ultraviolet rays, smoothes and makes it softer
Eucalyptus Oily and mixed Used for skin whitening, treatment of furunculosis and acne
Sage Oily and mixed Smoothes wrinkles, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. An excellent remedy for combating acne and other skin problems
Palm Any Is an antioxidant and natural source of vitamin E
cocoa Any Accelerates the process of restoration of damaged skin cells, eliminating various cosmetic defects

What to buy:

Single-color handmade soap can be made using water-soluble food dyes.

  • Cocoa and coffee will make the soap chocolatey.
  • Chamomile infusion will give the soap a yellow tint.
  • Saffron and curry - bright yellow.
  • Spinach, dill and parsley - green.
  • Beet juice - red or pink.
  • Chamomile essential oil - blue.

Do not use red rose petals (gives a dirty gray color) or hibiscus tea (gives a dirty green color) to create red shades.

Natural dyes have low light fastness and fade quickly in the sun. Therefore, such soap must be stored in a dark place.

For multi-color pour-over soaps, liquid or dry pigment is used in standard and neon shades. Pigment dyes give a bright, rich color and make the soap slightly matte. Before adding to the soap base, the dry pigment must be ground with oil or glycerin.


Mother of pearl, a mineral dye in powder form, gives homemade soap a beautiful shimmer and shine. It perfectly emphasizes the relief of the product. Mother of pearl is used in soaps with a transparent base and is applied to the surface of the product with a brush or fingertip.


This dye does not need to be pre-dissolved and is added dry to the molten base.

What to buy:


To give homemade soap additional properties, various additives are used: glycerin, cream, honey, herbal infusions, dried flowers.

For example, during the preparation process you can add finely ground coffee, oatmeal, and ground nut shells to the scrub soap. Some of these compositions are easy to prepare yourself. But, for example, you will have to purchase bamboo or baobab fruit powder.


What to buy:

What tools are needed?

  1. Heat-resistant containers with a spout that can be heated in a microwave oven or in a water bath.
  2. Silicone 2D and 3D molds for soap.
  3. Alcohol for lubricating the surface of molds and better connecting soap layers. The alcohol must be kept in a spray bottle with a volume of 30–150 ml.
  4. Glass or wooden sticks for mixing the soap base.
  5. Thermometer for liquids.

What to buy:

How to make homemade soap

Step 1

Prepare all the necessary components in advance: dyes, oils, fillers, and so on. Cut the soap base into small cubes and melt it in a water bath. Make sure that the base temperature does not rise above 60 °C. Otherwise, bubbles will form in the soap and its quality will deteriorate.

Step 2

When the soap base is completely melted, add any base oil you like, dye and one teaspoon of filler, for example, ground. In this case, coffee will act as a dye and give the product a deep chocolate shade.


Step 3

Pour the mixture into the mold, after sprinkling it with alcohol from a spray bottle. If you are working with several layers, then when pouring a new one, do not forget to spray the previous one with alcohol and lightly scratch its surface for better adhesion of the layers. The surface of the soap can be decorated with whole coffee beans.


Step 4

Place the mold in a cool place for 2 hours (never in the freezer!). Then remove the soap from the mold, immerse it in hot water for a few minutes, and place it on paper to dry for 1-2 days. The finished soap must be stored in breathable packaging. For example, in cling film.


Bonus: 4 homemade soap recipes

Homemade face soap

  • white soap base;
  • 2 tablespoons lanolin oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of any aromatic oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped oatmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon ground almonds.

Chocolate and vanilla

  • soap base;
  • a few drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil;
  • 1 teaspoon ground coffee;
  • a few drops of honey and ylang-ylang oil.

Strawberries and cream

  • opaque soap base;
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil;
  • ½ teaspoon strawberry seed oil;
  • red or pink dye;
  • 2 tablespoons cream;
  • strawberry and cream flavorings.

Pink dream

  • white soap base;
  • 1 tablespoon pink clay;
  • 1 teaspoon apricot essential oil;
  • 5 drops vanilla oil;

View Mode

Theoretically, making soap is easy: one - melt, two - color and scent, three - pour into a mold and you're done! In practice, many nuances are revealed that can not only harm appearance soap, but also completely ruin it. We reveal some of them in ours, describing in detail all the intricacies of the process, but there are things that are better shown visually. For those who find it easier to see once, we have prepared recipes with photos.

Our collection contains best recipes soap making at home for both beginners and experienced soap makers. Simple recipes You will find soap making recipes in the “soap from base” section, and if you are looking for something more complicated, look at the next section and choose your favorite soap making recipe from scratch.

In addition, from the components on sale you can make not only soap, but also cosmetics, candles and even cookies, cakes and candies. And the “packaging” section will help you present your masterpiece beautifully.

Our collection is constantly growing, and if you find something unusual on the Internet and don’t know how to do it, leave a request for our forum, and we will be happy to prepare a photo recipe.

We carefully check and repeatedly test every product we offer you. All soap making recipes for beginners are the result of many years of experience of our masters, just like you, who are in love with home soap making. Recipes contain not only cooking technology, but also full list necessary materials and tools, so all you have to do is prepare everything you need and enjoy creativity!

Now we are close to making cold process whipped soap.

For decorating our prepared bases, as well as for independent holiday (and not only New Year's) cupcakes, whipped soap is perfect.

Whipped soap is loved with tender love for a number of advantages:

  • It is definitely more gentle than regular classic toilet soap.
  • Its airy texture melts into the skin, leaving only pleasant sensations after washing.
  • It doesn't sink in water. And for children it can become another toy in the bathroom.
  • It looks very attractive compared to the smooth and even classic soap from scratch.

But at the same time, whipped soap has several inconveniences:

  • It washes off somewhat faster than regular toilet soap.
  • Longer maturation compared to regular classic sodium soap.
  • You want to come back to it again and again, thereby forcing yourself to make new batches of soap!

Soap making is one of the most popular hobbies recent years. Many modern housewives are wondering how to make soap at home, and today they will be given a very detailed answer. Of course, you can buy a ready-made soap-making kit, but it’s more interesting to do everything yourself.

How to make soap at home

Making soap at home will help you get not only a beautiful piece of soap, but also a useful one, because if you wish, you can add components to it that have a positive effect on your skin. But first things first.

Soap making for beginners is a very simple but very exciting process. The main thing is to approach the task correctly. Initially, you need to master the technique and only then move on to making bars with multi-layer color schemes.

Ingredients needed for soap making for beginners:
  • Mold

At first, you don’t have to buy special molds for making soap at home. Silicone baking molds or any other molds are quite suitable, from which it will be easy to remove the finished bar later.

In online stores you can find a fairly large assortment of molds: from the most primitive to entire compositions.

Pour the prepared soap composition into a mold and leave it in a cool place to harden for at least 24 hours. Then the soap is removed by lightly pressing the bottom of the mold, turning it over. If this does not help, put the mold in the freezer for a few minutes and then under hot water. After this manipulation, the soap is removed quickly and easily.

  • Base for soap making

Buying soap base is not a problem. But for your first experience, it is better to use simple baby soap without additives. Before painting it and pouring it into the mold, you need to thoroughly melt the base soap in a water bath.

Next time you can switch to a special soap base. There are three types: creamy, white and transparent. It’s better to start with a transparent base, and then try to mix them together.

The shelf life of the base is 1.5 years, so it is very important to check the date of its manufacture. The base should be stored in a dark place.

The base is cut into small pieces and melted in a water bath, the temperature of which reaches 80 degrees. Constantly stir the composition.

You can also heat the base in the microwave; if it overheats and bubbles, carefully spray it with alcohol from a spray bottle.

  • Soap dye

Any food and cosmetic dyes are suitable for making soap at home. Before adding them to soap, the dye must be diluted in a minimum amount of water.

Dyes, glitters, sequins, rhinestones, dried flowers and other decorative elements are added to the soap last.

  • Essential and base oils

The last step is to introduce additional components into the colored soap. You need to choose a base oil for your soap. You must choose the oil very carefully, since it is it that will determine what properties the soap will have.

Jojoba and apricot oils bones ideal for any skin type. They moisturize and nourish it, enriching it with vitamins. The first of them also has an antibacterial effect.

Avocado oil nourishes the skin, toning it. It heals small wounds and microcracks well.

Macadamia and shea butter start the process of skin regeneration, renewing cells. These oils are good for dry skin that is prone to early aging. Avocado oil has similar properties.

The easiest one is grape seed oil. Regulates fat balance and is most suitable for oily skin types.

For 100 grams of base, a third of a teaspoon of oil is enough. Do not neglect the rule, otherwise the soap will not harden and foam well. Additional oils should also be added according to the norm: 6 drops are enough for a good aroma.

You need to add oil to a slightly cooled base, but before it begins to harden. Mix all components thoroughly with a plastic spatula and pour into the mold.

Soap making kits

Sold in online stores a large number of soap making kits. They provide everything you need, as well as instructions that must be strictly followed to get a high-quality result.

You can also order a soap making kit for children. This is very exciting activity for them, you just need to do everything under the supervision of adults.



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