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What kind of business can you start in a small town? What kind of business is profitable to open in a small town?

Hello, friends! Today we will talk about such a popular topic for many as business ideas for a small town with minimal investment.

At a certain time, many people think about starting their own business. But along with this desire, a number of important questions arise: where to start your business , what business ideas are best suited for a small town And how to minimize risks ?

This article will be dedicated to providing detailed answers to these questions!?

⭐️ Checked!
In Russia (and the CIS) starting your own business is much simpler and easier than for residents of developed countries in Europe, the USA...

Please note that according to statistics, about 70% of successful entrepreneurs practically started their own business from scratch! I am proof of this myself. Having an initial capital (especially a large one) is not always necessary!

The main thing is presence desires, and everything else will follow!

Imagine, with the help of your business you will be able to work for yourself, and not for “your uncle”, not need money and spend more time not on work, but on your family and hobbies! You will have freedom!

Not to mention that doing your own thing is very interesting and, in addition, it will allow you to realize yourself!

By the way, we also recommend reading the article in which we have collected the most current ideas in the field of production: ?. From it you will learn about many popular and profitable niches in manufacturing, including those in which competition is still low (now is the time to take them)!

So, from this article you will also learn:

  • Which business idea to choose for a small town?
  • How can you start your own business from scratch?
  • What mistakes do new entrepreneurs often make and how to avoid them?

Let's not delay - let's go!?

1. Why is it important to start a business with minimal investment?

Before we move on to business ideas, I will explain a couple of very important aspects of starting any business. Believe me, this simple and key knowledge will save you a lot of money and time (tested on yourself)!?

First What you need to understand is that any business starts with small! In the beginning, all you need is to find out whether the business idea will be in demand in your city, i.e. will it pay off and bring in money!

Therefore, at first no need to invest all your money (especially if you don’t have many of them) into a business idea - especially if you are still a “newbie” in business. In the first stages you should have only the most necessary what it takes to make your business work!

For example, many people start their own business right at home, in the garage, in the country, on the Internet... - there is nothing unusual about this!

⭐️ The point is that the most Great risks of failure arise precisely at the discovery stage business, so first try to minimize your investment as much as possible. Because until you try, you won’t know whether this business idea will be profitable.

If you have very little money or practically none, then choose business ideas that only require an investment of your time (there are some - usually this is the service industry)! Some of these business ideas from scratch will be described in this article!

Now about second important aspect : no matter how it is, any business primarily exists due to sales Without sales there is no cash flow and therefore no business!

Therefore, when creating your own business, you need to seriously think about how you will sell your products/services. Many new entrepreneurs don't think things through this moment, and then they wonder why the business “doesn’t work”!

❗️ « Sales“This is the primary task when starting any business. You can produce the best products/services, but if no one knows about them, then such a business will be of little use. Think about it!

You can only forget a little about sales only when you already have regular customers who appreciate what you do and will not exchange you for competitors.

And from this it follows third principle - for a business to be successful, you need to do your job well, and for this you need love what you do ! This is why it is so important to choose a business you like!

Be sure to read more about these and other important details of the “correct” opening and running of your business towards the end of the article! Will you find a lot of useful things!?

By the way, about how easy it is to register an individual entrepreneur -. And if you are planning to open an LLC -.

Now let's finally get to the business ideas that are usually great for a small town!?

2. Business ideas with minimal investment in a small town: TOP-30 proven ideas

There are really a lot of business ideas - you can’t count them in one article, but we tried to select the most relevant ones for you and with minimal investment!

Of course, one article is not enough for a very detailed description of each of the ideas (and you probably won’t be interested in reading everything?), so we will provide the basic and most valuable information.

For your convenience, we have divided all business ideas into the following areas:

  • Trade;
  • Services;
  • Agricultural business.
  • Construction and renovation.
  • Seasonal business;
  • Internet.

We have already described some of the business ideas for women in one of our articles:. So don’t be shy, if you’re interested, read! ?

— Direction 1 — Trade

⭐️ Pay attention!
In trade from the location sometimes it depends on whether the business will be profitable or unprofitable! Therefore, it is very important to analyze the “cross-country ability” and the presence of competitors.

Business idea No. 1: Auto parts store (on order)

One of the least expensive ways to start your own business is to open your own custom auto parts store (this idea will be especially relevant for men).

I’m sure many of you have noticed that there is really nothing on the windows of such stores - almost all spare parts are carried out to order from warehouses in large cities.

In addition, all orders are made on an advance payment basis, which means the initial investment can be reduced to almost zero.

The only thing is that you should purchase only some of the most popular auto parts and consumables (although they can be purchased after the business has already begun to make a profit):

  • light bulbs, first aid kits, belts, wipers...
  • brake fluid, anti-freeze, oils...

❗️ The room is quite suitable in this case from 30 to 60 sq. meters — depending on the city and location, the rent will be on average 5,000 - 45,000 rub. .

It will still take about 3,000 to 20,000 rub..

Another important point— you will need to discuss all the details of cooperation with auto parts suppliers and conclude an agreement with them.

To avoid misunderstandings, initially choose trusted suppliers who have a good reputation and supply quality products (both original and substitutes).

Delivery of ordered spare parts is usually carried out once a week (if there are many requests, the frequency of delivery can be increased).

Business idea No. 2: Household goods store

Household goods will always be in demand, the main thing in this business idea is to choose the optimal location with good traffic and low rent.

Often, the clients of such stores are residents of nearby houses (dormitory areas), so it is advisable that there are no direct competitors at all or are further away from you, for example, it is ideal if competitors are located in another microdistrict.

Thus, the main thing in this business is:

  • find appropriate place(outlet from 8 to 40 sq. meters );
  • negotiate supplies with window manufacturers;
  • Find a measurer and window installers.

Moreover, measurers and installers often receive piecework wages - based on completed orders!

Your main expenses will be for rent and equipment of the premises.

Although the competition in this niche is usually above average, it is nevertheless more than possible to open a successful business!

?Example successful business!
In our city (about 100 thousand population) they very successfully opened a small office (total about 10-15 sq. m) selling installation of windows, as well as roller shutters, suspended ceilings...

But the most important thing is that it was opened right next to a large building materials store - that is, where there is a direct target audience! Accordingly, some of the clients who came to buy building materials order windows from them (by the way, I am no exception, I was also their client?).

Yes, and if you do not have your own suitable vehicle for delivering windows, then you can use the services of cargo carriers.

Business idea No. 7: Stock and second-hand clothing stores

Many people have a desire to buy quality clothes, but most people cannot afford it.

Therefore, more and more stores are appearing that sell fashionable and branded clothing mainly from Europe at discounted prices (stock and second-hand stores).

Stock stores offer discounted collections from previous seasons, and second-hand stores offer seemingly new clothes (without visible wear), but which have already been used.

This is a great idea for a small town, since competition in this area is usually very low.

To open this business, a premises with an area of from 30 to 100 sq. meters. It is important that the store is located in a public place.

You also need to carefully select clothing suppliers in order to create a suitable assortment. Suppliers, by the way, sell clothes in bags (usually from 20 kg) at a price from 100 to 500 rubles/kg .

This is very profitable business, which does not require large investments and pays off fairly quickly!

Business idea No. 8: Mini bakery

Another great business idea is opening your own mini-bakery.

Nowadays, bakeries are very popular among the population and all because there you can always buy fresh baked goods for every taste.

Even in small towns a mini-bakery can bring in a good income, since competition here is usually low.

☝️ If you choose a suitable premises (so as not to invest a lot of money in its reconstruction and especially construction from scratch), then you can invest within 200-300 t.r.

Average cost of one wash 250-600 rub.(depending on the city), cost is about 100-250 rubles. Total average income 150-300 rub. from one sink .

The income of a car wash directly depends on the location, so you need to take this seriously and analyze the main busy routes near hypermarkets, residential areas and choose a place with the highest traffic flow and optimal rent.

Also, additional services will increase the profitability of the car wash:

  • car polishing,
  • interior cleaning.

Payback 2-3 months - depends on the flow of customers, give discounts to regular customers.

Business idea No. 12: Hair salon

Hairdressing salons are very popular and in demand among the population. In addition, large investments are not required to organize such a business.

Despite the fact that competition in this area is usually great, there are still “blank spots” on the city map where you can profitably open a hairdressing salon.

In our city, 2-3 years ago, they opened a chain of hairdressing salons, which began to position themselves as budget ones (that is, aimed exclusively at an audience that tries to save on everything). It was this positioning that became their key to success!

This is about why in business it's important to be different !

It is better to place a hairdresser in a residential complex or shopping center, in general there is traffic there and at the same time the rent is not too high.

By the way, hairdressers are often opened by people who themselves have completed courses/training to become a hairdresser. In this case, you don’t even need to look for employees at first.

A mini-hairdressing salon for 2 places can be opened in just from 150 thousand rubles. Investments mainly involve:

  • Costs of renting premises;
  • Purchase of necessary equipment (hairdressing tools);
  • Purchase of furniture (chairs, mirrors, tables...);
  • Decoration of a hairdressing salon.

Optimal markup size 200-250 percent , the main expenses will go to rent and employee salaries.

Payback period is from 3 to 4 months in case of successful organization of the business.

Business idea No. 13: Children's playground

Many parents often have no one to leave their child with under supervision. A children's play area is an excellent and inexpensive solution to this problem.

In addition, opening a children's playground is much easier (and cheaper) than organizing a private kindergarten.

❗️ On average, it will take from 200 thousand rubles Costs will mainly be required for the purchase of rope ladders, bungees and rental.

Average ticket price from 100 to 300 rubles .

Rope parks can be located both outdoors and indoors. Outdoor rope parks, that is, in nature, are in great demand.

The costs of opening a ropes course indoors are usually higher.

— Direction 6 — Business on the Internet

? The good thing about the Internet is that it erases boundaries and therefore it doesn’t matter what city/town you live in! Plus, the Internet is a great place to start a business from scratch!

Business idea No. 26: Business on the Avito site

Avito is currently the largest free classifieds platform in Russia, which is visited by millions of people every day. Almost everything is sold and bought here!

It often even happens that for a business, Avito is the most important source of sales, and in most cases it is free. That is, the biggest advantage of Avito is that here you can build a business without any investments at all.

There are 3 main directions on how you can make money on Avito:

  • sell goods wholesale and retail (both new and used);
  • provide services (what you know how to do);
  • engage in mediation (find clients for business and take your remuneration for this).

⭐️ Personal example!
By the way, I started with option 2: I was looking for clients, working for myself on average 2-3 hours a day (about 10 days a month) and earning approximately 15-30 thousand rubles per month , at the same time I still had a lot of free time!

In my opinion, this is an excellent alternative to hired work.

But not only for private owners, but also for businesses, Avito is a powerful source of attracting customers. Many simply hire people who submit dozens and even hundreds of free advertisements a day (the more advertisements, the more calls, the more sales).

Here is an example of how even students managed to get out of debt and earn 300 thousand only with the help of Avito:

As for mediation, this is also a fairly profitable line of business. All you need to do is submit advertisements (find clients) and agree on a partnership with those who already own a certain business.

Business idea No. 27: One-page websites (dropshipping)

Another very popular online business idea today is selling goods through dropshipping through a special website - a one-page landing page.

In this case, you will also not need a large investment, since you do not need to have goods in stock - all goods will be sent directly from the supplier to your customer. In this case, you will make a profit from the markup on the product.

To do this, you will need to find the best-selling products (best sellers, usually sold for 990-2990 rubles), select several of them, create one-page pages for them and set up advertising (in social networks, teaser networks, contextual advertising, YAN...).

Some people, instead of one-page websites, open groups on VKontakte and other social networks and sell goods through them.

However, in this case it is very important to be able to work effectively with advertising (or find such a specialist), because it is the only source of sales.

Business idea No. 28: Information website

Another common type of business without investment on the Internet is the creation and promotion of information sites on a specific topic.

The topic can be almost any - besides, if you already like a certain area and are already well versed in it, then it is best to choose this topic (for example, cooking, tourism, construction, finance, gardening...).

❗️ The bottom line is that you create a website (you can create it yourself within 1-2 days), register the domain name of the site (usually costs from 99 rub.) and place it on hosting ( ≈150 RUR/month). However, these are all costs (if you do everything else yourself)!

Next, you write articles on popular topics for people, thus helping people understand certain issues. For those who do not want to write articles themselves, you can hire copywriters on freelance exchanges who will write custom articles for you for a fee.

As soon as the first users appear, it will be possible to connect advertising (for example, from Yandex Direct or Google Adsense) and receive income.

Over time, site traffic will grow, and along with this, your income will grow. Thus, by doing what you love and sharing useful information with readers, you can earn money.

In addition, you can buy a ready-made website that already generates income (for example, on the Tender platform - telderi.ru). You can also sell your websites here!

Business idea No. 29: Online store

Today, literally everything is sold via the Internet: from pens to large-sized equipment.

In addition, there is a clear trend that more and more people prefer to buy goods online.

An online store, unlike the same one-page websites, is aimed at selling not 1-2 products, but a whole group of products.

? Opening your own online store is much cheaper and easier than a regular store in the city. At first, it is not even necessary to have goods in stock and your own warehouse (you can work through dropshipping).

And, in my opinion, it’s even stupid to spend a lot of money on purchasing goods and a warehouse if you don’t yet have a built-in sales flow.

In general, 2 things are important here: SEO website promotion in search engines and competent advertising setup. If you are not familiar with them, then it is better to find a trusted specialist.

By the way, the well-known Yandex Market platform can also be an excellent source of sales.

Business idea No. 30: Infobusiness

Information business is the sale of valuable information via the Internet, that is, training for money.

By the way, the information business is one of the most profitable businesses in the whole world that you can start from scratch.

☝️ Information businessmen can earn hundreds and millions of rubles by simply sharing useful information with people.

4. The most common mistakes of novice entrepreneurs - TOP 7

Many novice entrepreneurs do not fully understand how a business works and, accordingly, often make mistakes when opening it.

Therefore, I decided to write a short section in which I highlighted the most common mistakes of novice businessmen. I really hope that this information will be valuable to you:?

Mistake #1:

Fear of competition. Don't be afraid of competition - having competitors is good! Firstly, this means that goods/services in this niche are in good demand. Secondly, it is possible to evaluate competitors (their weak and strengths) and gain valuable experience. Thirdly, competition forces you to grow your business!

Mistake #2:

Take out loans and borrowings. If you are starting a business for the first time in your life, then you certainly should not take out various loans and borrowings. Do you still have not enough experience! It’s a completely different matter if you’ve already been in business for more than one year and understand how it works from the inside.

Mistake #3:

It is not correct to prioritize in business. Let me remind you once again that business is not your personal office and not your status “ CEO", and this is primarily sales! Everything else is add-on. This is especially important to understand when you are just building your business!

Mistake #4:

Sell ​​something no one has heard of. Many newcomers to business think that they can make good money by selling some new product that is not yet on the market. This is partly true, but many ignore the fact that 8 out of 10 new products fail !

If you have experience and money, then please! But if you are just starting your first business, and you don’t have much money to test different niches and suffer losses at first, then this is not for you!

Mistake #5:

Act like everyone else (do not be different). You need to understand that consumers primarily strive for those entrepreneurs who offer them “maximum benefit”.

But consumers are also different - each of them has their own interests: some want cheaper, others better quality, others generally care about speed (of production, delivery...), etc.

Therefore, your task is to understand what exactly your “target audience” wants most and give them this maximum value.

Try to imagine "portrait" your client and think about how you can improve your product/service to differentiate yourself from your competitors!

? For example, even if you sell the same thing as your competitors, you can offer better service (customer attitude), expand product range, do fast/free shipping

Mistake #6:

Sell ​​low-quality services/products. Trying to make a quick profit on a sale low-quality goods and services will not lead you to anything good! Treat others as yourself and you will easily be able to build a successful business.

Mistake #7:

Don't know how to delegate. Being a jack of all trades and understanding all the nuances of your business is good, but only for the time being. Business should not become a place for you where you spend 24 hours a day!

At first, while the business is not yet strong and is at the development stage, it may be better to do everything yourself.

But when it already brings in a stable income, try to find the right people whom you can trust and delegate some of your responsibilities!

☝️ Important!
Business, like everything else, should be a joy and take up only part of your time, not your whole life!

And finally: even if you make certain mistakes, perceive them as incredibly valuable experience, learn from them! As a rule, only those who do nothing do not make mistakes!?

5. Conclusion

I hope now you are convinced that opening your own business with minimal investment or from scratch is very possible!

Once again, a guaranteed way to succeed in business is really love business what you are doing, then you won’t be afraid of any competitors! Plus, then you will never “work” again, but will only do what you like!

At the end of the article, I suggest you watch a short video:

I wish you good luck and success in opening your future business!?

Friends, leave your opinion in the comments below! I will also be very grateful if you rate this article and share it with your friends on social networks!?

As an entrepreneur, you understand better than anyone that the location of a business is extremely important. What kind of business will be profitable in a small town? There are significant differences between running a business in a small city and a large one that need to be emphasized.

On the one hand, the narrow market of a small town increases the risk of error, on the other hand, it provides an excellent opportunity to form strong connections with clients. The trick is to figure out what kind of business is right for a small town.

“You just have to pay attention to what people need and what hasn't been done” (Russell Simmons, founder of Def Jem Recordings).

Successful Business in a Small Town

Definitions of a small town vary, but on average, a small town is one with a population of less than 100,000. There are 935 small towns in Russia, home to about 30 million people - encouraging numbers for opening real business. However, it is necessary to take into account and evaluate a number of factors that can affect the success of the enterprise.

Disadvantages of small towns for starting a business

  1. Consumer habits: If a small town is close enough to a large town, people may go there for shopping. Both for savings and for a wider selection of goods.
  2. In a small town, the target markets and niches are much smaller than they would be in a large city. Fewer people means less business. Even if you snag an excellent location in the center, sales will be lower than in a comparable business in a large city.
  3. The level of salaries in the regions is lower than in cities with a population of one million, which gives rise to two problems: the outflow of qualified personnel and the low purchasing power of the population.

The advantages of small cities

  1. Personalized service - large chains follow their own standards, while small businesses respond more quickly to changes in residents' preferences.
  2. Limited competition - in small localities there are fewer entrepreneurs, and there is a chance to fill an empty niche.
  3. Advertising and marketing efforts are more cost effective in a small town. Word of mouth quickly spreads information about a new enterprise.
  4. A business for a small town can be opened with minimal investment, since the cost of real estate, rental and tax rates noticeably lower than in large populated areas.

Founder of a chain of stores Wal-Mart Sam Walton began retail trade in the small town of Bentonville with a population of 7,000 people: “ There are so many more business opportunities out there in small town America than I ever could have dreamed of." There are also plenty of examples of successful and profitable businesses in small towns in Russia, some of which we will discuss below.

What business to open in a small town

Where to start a business in a small town? Research, plan, implementation are the basic steps of starting a small business. Start from the needs of the citizens and your own capabilities.

They say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and the same can be said about best ideas small business. The options for starting a business seem endless, but the “best” idea will be the one that matches the personality of the entrepreneur.

  • What are your interests and skills?
  • What are you good at?
  • Who is your client?
  • What problems of potential buyers can you solve?

The answers to these questions will point you in the right direction. Defining the business concept – key moment at the planning stage. Where do you see yourself in a few years in business, and what benefits do you offer to the public?

Options for starting a small business

There are only three ways to create a small business in a small town:

  1. Open a small business on your own: a store or agency that is not in the city. If you are the first, it will generate interest among local residents in your company.
  2. Buy an existing business. The advantage of buying an existing business is a shorter period of attracting customers. Residents already know the place well and the path is well-trodden.
  3. . Big company offers support at all stages of starting a business, plus a recognizable brand, which is also to your advantage.

Foreign business brokers do a little research - they ask local residents what kind of business the city needs; consider the experience of neighboring small settlements.

Promising areas for small businesses

  • Serving the local market. Are there goods or services that are not available in the town? Residents travel to large cities for many goods only because they cannot be purchased close to home.
  • Complementing an existing business. If, for example, there are many farms near the city, equipment for the repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery will be in demand.
  • Selling locally produced products in another city.
  • Targeting tourists. If the city is highly attractive to tourists, it will make sense to work to sell local products, souvenirs and services to visitors.

For example, Suzdal, a small town in the Vladimir region, receives about one and a half million tourists a year.

The number of cafes, restaurants, bathhouses and hotels in the city significantly exceeds the needs of local residents and opens up great opportunities, including for new businesses.

Expert knowledge for your existing business.

Business owners often need help with accounting, facility cleaning, and more. This business in a small town will be profitable as long as there are trading and manufacturing enterprises.

The grand opening of a new business should not be accompanied by the echo of an empty room - after the essential stage of researching the existing state of affairs in the city is completed, you can begin to implement the plan.

Business ideas for a small town

What kind of business will be profitable in a small town? In order not to reinvent the wheel, you need to focus on those types of activities that are always in demand. Remember Maslow's pyramid and focus on meeting the basic needs of residents.

Grocery store

This is perhaps the most obvious choice for a business to open in a small town. It doesn't sound too sexy, but it really is one of the best recommendations and something the city always needs.

If there is any federal network in the locality, it is unlikely to compete on prices. The only way out is to look for lines that are not present in the assortment of the chain retailer: meat and dairy products from local producers, alcoholic drinks, corresponding to the tastes and wallets of residents, etc.

The “convenience store” format has survived in large cities, despite the arrival of large players, and is still in demand in small towns.

Lyubov Levicheva believes that a grocery store is a good business idea for a woman in a small town. It is women who puzzle over the question “what to cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner.” And who knows better what a housewife needs than the housewives themselves? Having opened a store in the city of Maloarkhangelsk, Oryol region, with a population of only 3,300 residents, she gradually achieved confident and stable profits.

« I can help you?” – in small towns, this sounds like a genuine offer of help, and not a cliché that the salesperson has been trained to do. Friendliness, knowledge of local characteristics and needs are the strengths of a small business.

“There is only one boss - the Client. He could fire everyone in the company, right down to the director, if he spends the money somewhere else.” (Sam Walton, Wal-Mart)

When thinking about what kind of business to start in a small town, evaluate how densely occupied the catering niche is. Very often in small towns there is one, maximum two establishments where you can celebrate an anniversary or just sit with friends.

The restaurant business around the world generates decent income and can stand the test of time if managed well. A big plus is that the owner has the exclusive right to set prices and menus, focusing on the financial capabilities of local residents or tourists.

Alternatively, you can consider purchasing a franchise. " Dodo Pizza» as an experiment in 2015, gave the franchise to an entrepreneur from the city of Velsk, Arkhangelsk region. If you have ever been to those parts, then you imagine deserted northern roads, deserted streets and a town with twenty thousand inhabitants. All financial indicators of the experimental pizzeria are now available online. An interesting fact has emerged: pizza delivery brings in more money than cafe visitors.

When opening a cafe or restaurant in a small town, think about services that bring benefits and convenience to customers: free delivery, a system of discounts for regular customers, etc.

  • In Italy, this system is popular - a cafe offers dishes at different prices: one price if you want to sit in a restaurant, and another, smaller one, if you want to take the packaged food with you.

Even Rapunzel needs hair care. Regardless of age and gender, people need to visit a beauty salon several times a year (more precisely, a dozen or several dozen times a year). Men get their hair in order about once a month, women need not only a haircut, but also a manicure, pedicure, and makeup. A beauty salon is a popular type of business in both small and big cities.

An additional plus that is worth taking into account is the sale of cosmetics in the salon. It's rare to find quality brands in small towns. The specialist’s recommendations and the presence of a choice of care products will increase turnover, if not by an order of magnitude, then at least several times.

Optical store

Another one profitable idea small business in a small town - an optical salon. If you open the site Rosstat, you can find information that the population of small towns " getting old": only 25% of students return to their native land. Age-related vision problems, plus the dominance of computers and smartphones among young people, open up broad prospects for small businesses in this area.

There are several options here. You can start by selling finished products - this does not require licensing or purchasing complex equipment. The retail space of such a “point” can be literally ten square meters. The cost of ready-made glasses, sold according to an ophthalmologist's prescription, starts from 300 rubles. The average markup on prescription glasses made in China varies from 150% to 300%. By opening a business selling finished products, you can assess the demand for the service without risking significant investments.

The second option is more complex and requires significant financial investments: open a full-fledged optical salon. You will need equipment, a licensed specialist and premises that meet the requirements of the Ministry of Health.

  • The optimal solution is to go from small to large. Calculate possible business prospects, starting with trading glasses, and either stay “with your own” or expand the business.

In general, medical services are in constant demand in both large and small cities of Russia. The lack of specialists, queues and lack of special equipment in shareware clinics leave wide scope forimplementation of small business ideas. Collection of tests at home or in the office under the franchise brand " Invitro" And " Gemacode”, which are widespread in medium-sized and large cities, is an opportunity to start your own business in a small town.

Fitness club

The gym does not have to be a primitive “rocking room” or an elite club for the elite. The inexpensive fitness club format is gaining momentum. An affordable subscription, competent instructors, and wellness programs are the key to business success in a small town.

In Chelyabinsk, entrepreneurs followed the experience of their foreign colleagues and opened a gym, which meets the best standards in terms of the quality of exercise equipment, but does not provide additional services. There are no towels or water coolers in the hall, but you can bring your own water and towels. The annual cost of a subscription, which is important for residents of small towns, starts from six thousand rubles.

Number of adherents healthy image life grows spasmodically, “catch the wave” is the best thing that can happen to an entrepreneur.

Interior items

A profitable business in a small town is based on the enduring desire of people to improve and decorate their lives. Most likely, if you do not have a network of retail outlets, you will have to turn to intermediaries who import large quantities of Chinese goods.

Chinese furniture, vases, dishes and other interior decoration items have undeniable advantages - low price, acceptable quality and original design.

Folding and beautiful tables, chairs and sofas are a salvation for owners of small apartments. Affordable price, even in comparison with local manufacturers, is an obvious bonus.

Inexpensive clothing store

An inexpensive clothing store in a small town can be a profitable small business. Considering the low level of income of the local population, as well as consumption patterns, you can think about three options for clothing stores:

  • discanuter;
  • second hand;
  • commission shop.

All three types of clothing stores are experiencing a boom, which is associated with fluctuations in the dollar and euro exchange rates in last years. Cheap Chinese goods, European second-hand goods - finding suppliers and franchisors on the Internet is just a matter of a couple of clicks.

Twenty kilometers from Tashtagol, a small town in the Kemerovo region, is the village of Sheregesh - a center of attraction for skiers throughout the country (a million tourists during the winter is a lot). One of the few available options for leisure and additional education for children here is Mount Zelenaya. Ski clothes, shoes and equipment costquite expensive, which forces residents to sell what their children have grown out of. A consignment store is a way to save money, sell what you don’t need and buy what you need at an affordable price. Act as an intermediary and offer services for a commission - profitable business small town with special needs.

Trading as a business in a small town

Not everyone wants to live in a metropolis, and many people are actually doomed to exist in small towns and villages, where it is almost impossible to find work. Opening your own business in such places also often does not bode well: all the best niches are already occupied, and the markets are divided. Even if we take the popular areas of business for small towns, who needs another 10th building materials store or another pharmacy when there are already 3 others around the corner. What should a person with small capital invest in in such conditions in order to provide himself with a stable income for years? – the answer is obvious: into yourself.

Unlike most traditional types of business suitable for small cities, trading does not depend on the number of clients, has no seasons, and requires a minimum of investment. All you need is Internet access and a laptop with minimal specifications.

You can make great money both during economic growth and during the most severe crises, since you can make money on stock exchanges not only when prices rise, but also when prices fall.

For a professional, his work is a real business, in which you work only for yourself, bearing full responsibility for the decisions made. As in traditional entrepreneurship, you will need a certain start-up capital ( $300-3000 ), the larger the size, the faster and safer trading in financial markets will be and the larger the profit margin will be.

Trading is not a casino or a game of toss, where you can rely solely on chance, just like in serious business, it is important to constantly set clear goals, analyze markets and correctly assess risks, because otherwise you can quickly be left with nothing .

Our site is dedicated to the topic of making money with your mind on stock exchanges; in the menu you can find many headings for different assets and markets.

Brief summary

If you have read the text up to this point, you have probably thought about the peculiarities of business in the small town in which you live. What is missing, what can be done better? The possibilities for starting your own business are truly endless if you clearly understand the trends and your own preferences. Small towns are a great place to start your own business if you know the market and see a lack of goods and services.

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Creating a business in a small town is often more difficult than in a metropolis. A novice businessman needs to take into account the specifics of working in a small locality. How to choose a business direction? What to consider in order to withstand the competition? What benefits can you expect? The answers to these and other questions are in our article.

What will you learn about?

Features of business in the province

In a small town of 52 thousand residents, the Kitchen to Order salon opened. In the first months there were many clients, the investment paid off, but after a year the company turned out to be unprofitable and went bankrupt. Why did it happen? Perhaps the entrepreneur did not take into account the specifics of doing business in a small town. Families who needed a set of individual sizes purchased it in the first months of the salon’s operation. The rest go to order kitchens in the regional center or buy inexpensive mass-produced furniture.

To open a business in 2018 and not go broke, take into account the features of a small town:

  • Low purchasing power. Wages in the province are low, so essential goods and services are in demand.
  • Low level of competition. There are two reasons for this: either local entrepreneurs have lost sight of promising direction, or the products are not in demand among the population of a provincial town.
  • Minimum costs for opening and maintaining a business in a small town. Rent and advertising are cheaper than in large populated areas. Staff salaries are also low.
  • Lack of qualified personnel. Highly qualified specialists do not see prospects for growth in a small town and leave the province.
  • Rapid dissemination of information (word of mouth). In a small town, word of your business spreads instantly. If you pay attention to the quality of service, you will quickly gain a good reputation and increase the flow of customers.

Besides general rules, you need to take into account other features: proximity/distance from the regional center, local traditions and established habits of residents.

Choosing a business area and market niche in a small town

When choosing a direction for a small business in a small town, they rely on the same rules as everywhere else:

  • Income. Activities that satisfy people's needs will bring money faster.
  • Professionalism. It is easier to develop a direction in which an entrepreneur is an expert.
  • Interest. A business that does not bring pleasure to the owner is more likely to fail.

A successful business lies at the intersection of three areas

The choice of field of activity is not limited. The status of a small city makes only some adjustments to the business project.

Trade: food, clothing, household goods

It is necessary to identify products that are in demand in a small town. If there are chain stores in the region, it will be difficult to compete with them, so you need to come up with your own “trick” for your business. For example, a 24-hour store or convenience store so that the buyer can purchase daily necessities within walking distance.

Approximate investment for opening a grocery store in a small town:

Premises – from 50 sq. m for 300 rubles = from 15,000. Equipment (racks, refrigerators, display cases, online cash register) new or used - from 400,000. Staff salaries - 2 salespeople 15,000 each, cleaner 7,000, loader 10,000. Insurance contributions - 30% in the Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, social insurance. Total: 47,000 salary + 14,100 taxes. Goods - minimum 300,000. At the start, the entrepreneur is unlikely to be shipped goods with deferred payment, so the assortment must be paid for immediately.

TOTAL: minimum RUB 776,000.

Services: hairdresser, tire service, master for an hour, laundry, coffee shop, taxi

Exclusive business offers are unpopular in the province. At the same time, standard services in a small town are always in demand. For example, a spa with salt caves and silk baths will be empty most of the time, but a good manicurist or experienced hairdresser will not be left without work.

Approximate investment for opening a tire shop:

Premises – you can use your own garage. Equipment (balancing stand, pneumatic impact wrench, tire changer, rolling jack) - the cost of the set is on average 100,000 rubles. Staff salaries – two shifts of 2 craftsmen at a piece rate wage of 10–15% of the order. Contributions to funds – 30%. The amount of deductions depends on the money earned by the staff: more in the season, less in the off-season. Consumables (sealant, rubber cleaner, patches, weights, etc.) – from 50,000. Utilities – 5000–7000 per month.

TOTAL: 150,000–200,000 rub.

Production: building materials, furniture, windows, doors, food

A business area in a small town is chosen based on the needs of local residents or for sale to other regions. In the second case, it is necessary to include delivery costs in the pricing. With expensive delivery, the product will lose to competitors in price. In a small town, you can start processing local resources, which will allow the businessman to save on the cost of raw materials. For example, by producing bottled water from a source or canned wild mushrooms and berries.

Director of the Russian School of Management Anastasia Borovskaya

Work through three possible scenarios: negative, realistic and optimistic. You need to plan your every step and assume that not everything will go according to plan. In this case, you need to have a financial and time cushion, as well as the ability to attract employees whom you initially did not intend to hire to the team.

Approximate amount of investment for opening a workshop for the production of foam insulation (insulation and sound insulation):

Room – 60 sq. m for 150 rub. = 9000 Preparing the premises (ventilation, lighting) - 20,000 Equipment (gas-liquid installation, molds) and tools - on average 110,000 Staff salaries - 3 craftsmen 15,000 each. Deductions - 30% to the funds. Total 45,000 salary + 13,500 taxes. Transport for finished products - we need a GAZelle 2012–2014. for 350,000–400,000. Materials for production (urea-formaldehyde resin, orthophosphoric acid) - from 100,000 TOTAL: from 700,000 rubles.

Farming: breeding farm animals and birds, growing flowers, seedlings, vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs

The popularity of farm products is increasing. Therefore, it is not difficult to find buyers. On the basis of an agricultural enterprise in a small town, you can open processing shops (sausage, ham, canning, semi-finished meat products and others). This is an excellent business option with costs of up to half a million rubles.

Approximate amount of investment for the development of rabbit farming in a small town:

Land plot - from 5 acres. Renting land for a year costs 30,000–100,000 depending on the region. You can adapt your own plot for a rabbit farm. Cages for rabbits – fattening cages for 6 heads – 20,000 each, mother cages for 2 rabbits – from 10,000. If you make the cages yourself, the consumption will be 2–2.5 times lower. Livestock - 50 month-old rabbits for 500 rubles = 25,000 Feed (hay and mixed feed) - from 70,000 TOTAL: 350,000–500,000 rubles.

Online store: any goods in high demand

Starting an online business from scratch is cheaper than a brick-and-mortar store. The owner does not pay rent for retail space, does not order outdoor advertising and does not hire salespeople. The main thing is to think about delivery. If you sell food and children's products to residents of a small town, you need a courier. Parcels are sent to regions by transport company or Russian Post.

Manager of the Avira group of companies Alexey Zagumennov

An entrepreneur's best friend is quality analytics. This applies to both a small town and a business in a metropolis. If you want money, arm yourself with statistics and look for an unoccupied niche. Analyze your competitors to offer something new to the market. According to experts, today business in hostels, convenience stores and children's entertainment centers pays off the fastest.

Two ways to select a product to trade:

  • View popular selections on Amazon. The “Bestsellers” section contains the most purchased items.
  • Enter a search query (words by which users search for a product on the Internet) in the Yandex.Wordstat service.

In small towns, life is more relaxed, the way of life is traditional, and the population is not very wealthy. But this does not mean that you cannot open your own business here.

These people are no different from residents of megacities. They also want to eat deliciously, dress beautifully and be able to relax in comfort. This means that organizing your own profitable business in a small town is quite possible.

Everyday goods and household services are in demand in small settlements. Investments here can be minimal; the low cost of rent allows you to develop several areas of activity at once.

Your main task is to correctly determine which business will bring profit and which will not take root at all.

It must be said that business in a small town is no different. The same economic mechanisms operate here as in the metropolis. The success of any enterprise is determined by several factors, such as:

  • profitability;
  • competitiveness;
  • quality of goods and services;
  • personnel qualifications;
  • convenient location.


The first thing to start with is market monitoring. Find out what goods and services citizens are more interested in and what is missing. In this case, you need to focus not on personal feelings, but on the needs of the future target audience.

If your city is dominated by middle-aged and elderly people, a pharmacy will be more profitable than your own nightclub.

Take a look at your competitors: who they are, what range of services they offer, what distinguishes their pricing policy.

If you can give your customers more, better and cheaper, feel free to start working. Not sure you can handle it? Then it's better to do something else. Find a free niche and dictate your terms.

Quality of goods and services

The quality and price of goods depend on manufacturers and suppliers.

One of the first things you should ask before opening your business in a small town is the opportunity to purchase products at reasonable prices close to home.


The professionalism of employees decides a lot. No matter how chic the interior is, a cafe without a good chef, or a store without a polite, competent salesperson, is unlikely to exist.

Finding a place to locate a store, club or hairdresser is a very difficult task. It is unlikely that potential clients will sacrifice time to learn about you.

Therefore, you will have to take care of being closer to the target audience yourself. As you know, rent in the city center is more expensive, so with a reasonable approach you can save on this. It is not at all necessary to open your own store; you can rent a small area in a shopping center.


If you decide to start your own business not for fun, then your goal is a profitable business. It is quite difficult to determine what the profit margin will be.

Even when calculating using the example of a similar enterprise or production, name exact numbers it won't work. Therefore, it would be more correct to take into account the lowest indicator.

Owning your own business in a small town has its positive and negative sides. When opening your own business here, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to fight for every client.

But if you can offer the most profitable terms, most of the population will learn about this without any advertising.

You won’t be able to show off your original ideas either. It is unlikely that an elite salon or an exotic restaurant will become profitable in such a locality.

What business is better to open in a small town?

You need to do what you are good at. This is a truism. Can you do something better than others? Then the question of what business to start has already been decided for you.

A teacher will be able to work with children, a good cook will open the best restaurant in the city, and a hairdresser will open a beauty salon. Basic knowledge of taxation, marketing, and pricing will serve a novice businessman well.

There are plenty of areas in which you can open your own business in a small city. Here are just a few of them:

  • Trade;
  • Provision of services;
  • Construction and repair;
  • Public catering;
  • Own production.

You can start from scratch in any of these areas, having a small capital to start with, enthusiasm and a desire to work.

Selling goods

Produse store- a banal idea, but quite workable, especially in a small town.

People do not stop buying milk, sausage, bread and other foodstuffs even in the midst of a crisis.

You can supplement your assortment with household chemicals, inexpensive cosmetics and other necessary little things, and the outlet will bring in a small but stable profit.

Stock and second-hand stores are equally popular in big and small cities. The main thing is to correctly determine your target audience so that unsold goods do not remain in warehouses.

Areas of new buildings, as a rule, are inhabited by young people, which means that children's items and original clothing models will be in demand.

If the population consists mainly of pensioners, buy more “classics”, shoes, home textiles.

Children's goods store or simply the toy, shoe or clothing department always attracts customers. Various sets for needlework and creativity are in good demand.

Regular or educational toys are also selling briskly. “All the best for children” is the slogan of marketers, which works successfully anywhere in the world.

Providing services to the public

This area of ​​business is considered the most profitable. Therefore, if you can offer the best price-quality ratio, you are guaranteed a stable income.

Repair of household appliances- a profitable business for a master with “golden hands”. When a familiar item breaks down, few people rush to the store to get a replacement.

Almost everyone, even wealthy people, first checks to see if the breakdown can be fixed.

You can extend the life of anything: furniture, household appliances, shoes, umbrellas, bags, an old cast-iron bathtub. Repairs can be carried out at the client’s home, in a room specially rented for this purpose, or in your garage.

Salon with good professionals and low prices will be popular in any area of ​​the city. Despite the abundance of offers, finding a haircut or manicurist with an artistic flair is still difficult.

Therefore, if you have such specialists in mind, feel free to open a salon; you definitely won’t need clients.

Studio for cutting and sewing clothes, curtains, car covers. The latter are sewn both to order and for free sale.

In small towns, where the choice of fashionable outfits is not so large, a good tailor will not be left without a piece of bread and caviar. By the way, a cutting and sewing club based in an atelier is also a good idea.

Orders for sewing curtains can be taken not only from individuals, but also from organizations. The main thing is not to be shy about offering your services to schools, kindergartens, and various companies.

Private kindergarten This is far from a new business idea. You can find something similar in a small town.

But groups for older children, where the child will be fed a hot lunch after school and will calmly start cooking homework, still very rare.

Free “after-school” programs have been canceled almost everywhere, so parents of elementary school students will probably use the service without the risk of leaving their child unattended.

Passenger transport service is in demand in any locality, regardless of the number of inhabitants.

However, the competition among taxi drivers is the greatest, since Cars Many people have it, and the way to earn extra money as a “cab driver” has been familiar to everyone since the 90s of the last century.

A passenger Gazelle is a completely different matter. Such a car is used in servicing weddings or when transporting employees of enterprises, as well as as a minibus.

Photos of the documents anyone can do it. You don't have to have extraordinary talent. It is enough to master the basics of the Photoshop program, acquire a computer, printer, digital and lighting equipment, and a tripod.

Having a photocopier, you can earn extra money by making copies of documents. Add here additional services for restoring old photographs, creating photo books, personal calendars, and you already have your own profitable business.

Weddings, anniversaries and other special events in the traditional style are unthinkable without toastmasters and musicians.

If you feel creative and artistic talent, feel free to offer your services to your friends.

If you think you are ready to work more, find like-minded people and open an agency for organizing holidays.


The way of life in small provincial towns has always been slightly different from the capital, but this does not mean that such settlements are inhabited entirely by backward people.

They also want to have fun, play sports, play bowling. Decide for yourself which option to choose.

Night club will certainly become a favorite place for young people to spend their leisure time. Of course, today you can’t attract the public with color music and a couple of speakers. Stylish decoration, themed parties, invited DJs - all this will raise the prestige of the establishment.

To open your own club, you will need considerable financial investments. Moreover, only creative people with remarkable imagination can do such a thing.

Gym or cardio room, a dance class, will become popular with locals if they are attracted by affordable prices.

Rental of bicycles, roller skates, skateboards and more sports equipment, as your own business, can also generate income. It is better to locate it near a park or a working stadium.

Catering point

Cafe, restaurant, coffee shop or pastry shop is a place where people not only satisfy their hunger, but also have a good time. If you can organize your work in such a way that it is interesting for people to come to you, there will be no end to clients.

Imagine how many events in every person’s life that you want to celebrate outside the home: birthday, anniversary, graduation, wedding, anniversary of marriage.

Don’t bet on the exotic, it’s unknown what the reaction to Mexican or Korean cuisine will be, but many will want to try familiar dishes in an unusual interpretation.

Own production as a profitable business

The idea of ​​making something yourself, rather than reselling someone else's goods, is undoubtedly attractive. Especially if your hands are growing as they should, but you are absolutely not in the mood for trading.

However, it is easier to produce a product than to later attach a finished product. Therefore, first of all, think about how to organize sales.

Making soap at home is the most attractive for beginners.

Considering the relatively low cost of ingredients (alkali, liquid and solid oils, flavorings), as well as the lack of expensive equipment, the profitability of such a business is quite high.

Most likely, you won’t sell many products in your city; homemade soap is not cheap. Therefore, look for distribution points in larger populated areas. You can also sell products via the Internet.

Production of keys- own business that does not require large investments.

This cannot be called a full-fledged production, but the profit is quite good, especially if you open several points at once in “busy places”.

All you need is a machine, costing about 2 thousand dollars, files and various key blanks.

Home-based workshop Sewing bed linen, original fabric packaging, kitchen accessories and other textile products in a small town is not difficult to organize.

There is a big problem with jobs here, and women are more willing to work without leaving the household. Which product is more profitable to produce depends on the market.

Mini bakery will also be a profitable investment. Everyone loves hot bread without exception. In addition, even if you get tired of doing this business, the equipment can always be rented or sold.

As you can see, opening your own profitable business in a small town is not at all difficult. The choice of ideas is quite rich. All that remains is to decide what business to do.

What you can open in a small town: weighing the pros and cons + 3 tips for choosing your business + 40 business options in a small town.

Do you live in a small village or town and have a commercial background?

At the same time, you think what can you open in a small town?

Then the article is written for you.

Of course, there will be fewer potential buyers, but the costs of opening a project will also decrease (compared to a metropolis).

Competition in small towns and villages is usually low.

A small town is a populated area with a population of 50,000-100,000 people.

There are more than 80% of such towns, cities and villages in Russia.

Experts believe that opening a business in such towns is more profitable than in megacities.

What to open in a small town: taking into account the pros and cons

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the idea of ​​opening a business in a small town:

Lower capital investments than in a metropolis: lower rental costs, lower advertising costs.Low purchasing power reduces profits.
Lower employee salaries.It is difficult to select qualified specialists.
Word of mouth will reduce advertising costs.Word of mouth can quickly destroy a reputation if it gets screwed up. A personal negative reputation can also affect a business.
Cheap local raw materials.Expensive imported raw materials.
There is less competition: it is easier to open something that is not yet available in the locality.There is higher competition for the main, traditional groups of goods.
When competition is low, the demand for goods and services is higher.Fewer buyers means less profit.
Starting a business has fewer obstacles than in a metropolis. There are preferential programs.A narrower choice of business ideas due to conservative tastes. It is better to refuse exotic ideas.

Let's analyze the table and try to decide on the choice of case:

    Are there not many entrepreneurs in the city selling basic consumer goods (food, clothing, shoes)?

    Choose this particular line of business.

    Basic goods should be understood as products that you cannot do without in everyday life.

    There is always a demand for it.

    Occupying this niche means ensuring your success.

    Let's say the niche of traditional goods and services is relatively occupied.

    Then you need to determine what there is demand for, but what competitors do not yet have.

    You can offer these products to your fellow countrymen, simultaneously expanding the range of consumer goods.

    The highest profits can come from organizing a small plant or production using local raw materials.

    But you should immediately take into account one very important point characteristic of.

    The main end consumer is not city residents.

    Such an undertaking will bring profit when producing large quantities of products aimed at delivery to regions.

    This is the most capital-intensive type of business in a small town.

Options for starting your own business in a small town

You are not the first to think about the question of what to open in a small town .

Let's look at various projects that have already been successfully implemented more than once in different localities of Russia.

Maybe one of these business options will appeal to you and will suit the area.

Its business in food and agriculture

“A man who is lucky is a man who has done what others were only about to do.”
Jules Renard

Therefore, selling food is an eternal business.

If you are located near a major city, you can arrange deliveries there.

Sell ​​the surplus products in your village.

What kind of business can you do?

    Prepare pickles, marinades, preserve vegetables, fruits and berries.

    They are sold to factories, cafes, and restaurants.

  • Engage in milk processing (cottage cheese, cheese, cream are in demand).
  • Open a small cheese making shop.

    A business in a small town can easily be positioned as an eco-economy.

    And this topic is popular now.

    Semi-finished products are also in demand today due to the total employment of people in large cities.

    Good quality minced meat, dumplings, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, meatballs, meatballs, cutlets, dough is the key to your income.

    Take up baking bread and baked goods.

    The service will definitely be in demand.

    Grandmothers now are not what they used to be: working and not in a hurry to burden themselves with grandchildren, knitting and staying at home.

    A young mother often has no one to entrust with looking after her child.

    Service station with driving school services.

    This endeavor can be combined with a store selling auto parts and car resale services.

    Photo salon.

    Business can be combined with organizing the design and holding of special events (video and photography, production of booklets, photo books, portraits, toastmaster for parties, corporate events);

    Sewing and clothing repair studio.

    Additionally, you can open paid training courses.

    Shoe workshop.

    An establishment that, in times of total price increases, only becomes more popular.

    Business can be combined with shoe making.

    Creative activities for children.

    Fitness, yoga for kids, foreign languages, drawing.

    "Green tourism".

    If a small town is located in a picturesque place.

    Internet cafe.

    With photocopying services, printing photos and texts.

    Additionally, you can open training on using a PC.

    Repair service for household appliances and appliances.

    Like a shoe workshop, the business will definitely be in demand.

    Workshop for reupholstery, repair and production of furniture.

    Household services service.

    An analogue of the “husband for an hour” business: chop wood for a client, dig a garden, hang a chandelier, fix a faucet, an electrical outlet.

    The demand will be not only from single women, but also from retirees and busy young people.


    You can start such a business without any start-up investment at all.

    It is only important to have sufficient qualifications.

    Vet clinic.

    It also requires a specialized education.

    It’s a big plus if clients have the opportunity to contact us around the clock.

    After all, in small towns few people have such a competitive advantage.

How to open a business in a small town in the field of trade?

Trade is a simple and popular line of business.

Often in small towns and villages, one store offers different product segments at the same time.

In this business niche you can open:

    Flower shop.

    In addition to arranging bouquets, they organize the sale of indoor plants, seeds, household and garden chemicals, tools, and related literature.

    The organization of banquets and celebrations can be combined with the services of a toastmaster.

    Baby food and goods store.

    In especially small cities, it is better to present this product segment in a regular store.

    Classic store (grocery or clothing).

    Online store.

    You can organize the delivery of large equipment and other goods, and the buyer will not need to go to another locality to pick them up.

Your own business in handicrafts

You can try to make money from your hobby or skill, teach your craft.

But here the final consumer of the product will definitely be in large populated areas.

You will have to participate in fairs and outdoor events.

This will incur shipping costs.

If you don't have any ideas for what to do, take a look at these ideas:

    Wicker weaving.

    There is a prospect of expansion into furniture production.

    Demand, however, cannot be called high.


    You can present products not only at exhibitions and public events, but also in online stores.

    Blacksmith craft.

    A promising business that can be combined with welding work.

    At the moment, the trend is voluminous scarves - snoods.

    They are easy to produce and the demand for the product is high.

    Making soap and candles.

    It has become especially popular in recent years.

    Involves making original blankets, pillows, bags, and panels from scraps.

    Making jewelry and jewelry.

    They use cold porcelain techniques, quilling, soutache embroidery, wool felting, wood carving, beadwork, tatting, and a traditional set of jewelry made from beads and stones.

    Leather production.

    Such products (saddles, harnesses, belts) are sold only to special categories of buyers.

    Finding sales points is not so easy, and this needs to be understood.

What else to do in a small town and how to generate business ideas,

explained in the video:

An example of what you can open in a small town: your own apiary

Capital investments (30 hives): 130,000 rubles.
Payback period: from 1 year.

Let's look at how to open your own business using the example of an apiary (for central Russia and further south).

To begin with, you can purchase 10 hives and work without assistants.

Such an apiary will allow you to become familiar with the business, especially if you have never dealt with it.

You will pump out honey for yourself and sell the excess.

But in fact, such a volume of production is not a business yet, but only additional income.

An apiary of 20-30 hives is the minimum volume for self-employment status.

Such an enterprise can become the main source of your income.

As a rule, this is a family affair.

Apiary staff

We can talk about 50-100 hives.

Such a business cannot be opened without additional workers.

You will need at least 2 people for every 20-30 hives during the honey harvest season to look after them.

Duties need to be organized in shifts.

What tools will you need for your business?

  • overalls (gloves, suit, mask with mesh);
  • frames, wire;
  • foundation;
  • beekeeping chisel;
  • bee knife;
  • smoker;
  • fork;
  • drinking bowls, queen cells;
  • preparations for the treatment of bees;
  • honey extractor;
  • wax refiner;
  • hives.

From the second season, the apiary can generate an average of 20% to 150% net profit.



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