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10 types of women unsuitable for family and relationships

The enormous experience of unsuccessful relationships tested many times on millions of men has led to the fact that quite specific lists of women with whom it is better not to mess with began to appear to warn men. I decided to study this experience and chose the most valuable and practical, preparing for you the most useful list of women with whom it is better not to start a serious relationship, and certainly not to create a full-fledged family.

So, here we go:


1. A woman with bad habits. The presence of these in a woman immediately signals two of her shortcomings: the first is the risk of giving birth to unhealthy offspring, the second is her weakness of will. Therefore, a woman who drinks and smokes is not an option. In addition, a drunk woman, as people say, is not the owner of her cheesecake, so the risk of betrayal here is extremely high.

2. Not a business woman. This is expressed in her reluctance to clean the house, inability to cook and lack of even the desire to learn, as well as mountains of dirty laundry and unwashed dishes, things and objects scattered in disarray around the house. All this suggests that life with such a slob and inept person under one roof will not bring a man any advantages, only disadvantages, chaos, chaos and unnecessary problems. And there can be no talk of family and children here at all.

3. A woman with a dubious profession. Normal women do not tend to visit various bars and nightclubs, and certainly would not work there. If a woman works in this dirty, depraved and immoral industry of primitive animal entertainment (as a waitress, dancer, etc.), then she herself will one day be drunk, corrupted and fucked in the toilet.

4. A woman with hypertrophied female instinct. This instinct is expressed in active communication with other men, constant comparison of them with their man, bright makeup and revealing clothes to constantly attract the attention of surrounding males, spectacular or even vulgar photographs on Instagram, flirting with surrounding men, exchanging phone numbers and online correspondence. All this will sooner or later lead to deer antlers.

5. Divorced woman with a child. The time to love for such a woman has passed. The time has come to look for a sponsor to raise offspring from a previous husband. But why would a self-respecting man waste his precious life being a wallet for raising a child from someone else? As a rule, neither the woman nor her child will say thank you for this, they will only use it and throw it away when the need for you no longer exists. By the way, no matter what she says about ex-husband, but her previous marriage fell apart precisely because of her fault - either she turned out to be unsuitable for the family due to one of the above/below points listed, or she was too stupid not to see who she was marrying and who she spread her legs for. So a divorcee is not an option for family and relationships, only for occasional sex and free borscht.

An adequate man must remember that the phrases: “ Children are the flowers of life ”, “There are no other people's children ”, “The father is not the one who did, but the one who raised ”, “If you love a mother, you will love her child too ” - this is just manipulation of women in order to force a man to spend time and resources on what he does not need, is useless and even harmful.

6. Domestic prostitute. Such a woman views relationships not as a union of two people who are ready to work on equal terms to achieve common goals, but as a source of personal enrichment and freebies at the expense of her partner. This is expressed in a reluctance to invest in a relationship at all, or to invest at a minimum - like I give you socks, and you kiss my iPhone, fur coat and apartment. You work two jobs, and I don’t work either. My money is my money, your money is our money. A man always owes me everything, but I never owe him anything.

7. Marriage swindler. This is a woman who needs to get married solely for her own selfish interests. Starting with posting a photo shoot in a white dress from an expensive wedding to the envy of your friends and ending with sawing off more material wealth from a man during a divorce. For a normal woman, an official registered marriage and an entertainment event with fights between drunken guests and competitions in a vomited entrance are not necessary; for her, the main thing is the man himself, so she will agree to live with him even without a stamp in her passport. The marriage swindler will demand a stamp and a wedding, and threaten that she will leave if all this does not happen. That's where she goes.

8. I am in charge. Dominant women who want to be the head of the family should also be avoided. In such a family, your status will be equal to a hamster peacefully eating its food in a cage in the corner of the room, you will find yourself forever in debt, obligated to everyone around you and constantly to blame for everything, especially for the fact that you earn little, even if you earn much above average and work hard day for wear and tear, if there is relatively a lot of money, then you will be accused of not paying attention. As Comrade Stalin said, if there were a person, the article would be found. From such a life, you will be the first to run to file for divorce, or you will gradually become drunk, or you will die a year before retirement from the wear and tear of all organs, including the nervous system.

9. From the woman's pit. Such a woman simply does not have an understanding of how to behave correctly with a man, because she grew up in an environment of women - mother and grandmother, where there was never a father. Since children unconsciously copy the experience and behavior of their parents, most likely such a woman will do everything to turn out to be a divorcee, like her mother. Therefore, preference should be given to women from a complete family, and one where the father is in charge, and not a deer and henpecked in the role of earn-bring-give, go to hell - don’t interfere.

10. A woman is older than you. Such a woman will not suit you for two main reasons. Firstly, just imagine that you are now, say, 20, and let her be 25. In 15 years, you will only be 35, which is just the beginning of life for a man, and she will already be 40, which is already the finish line for a woman. Waking up in the prime of your life next to a faded forty-year-old woman is not the best prospect. Secondly, such a woman simply will not take you seriously as a leader and head of the family, because... will assume that if she is older, it means she is more experienced.

Which woman is worthy of attention?

Instead of concluding, let's just reverse all the points and understand which woman might be worthy of your attention. She must be from a complete family, where her father and mother showed her the correct position of men and women in the family hierarchy, she must recognize your leadership, be younger than you in age, build a relationship with you not for the sake of a stamp in your passport and counting on your assets, and achieve everything together as equals. Of course, she should not have previous marriages or children before you, have a minimum number of sexual partners or their complete absence, she should be deprived of unhealthy habits and work in a normal job that does not cast a shadow on her reputation.

But since this entire set of qualities and characteristics was encountered much more often before than it is found now, the chances of stumbling upon such a woman are very low. But for a self-respecting man, this is not a reason to choose just anything. An illiterate and hasty choice will only lead you to the loss of time, resources and health, as proven by millions of men ruined by unsuccessful relationships and marriages. Therefore, respect yourself and your choice, make both these and your own demands on women, and if you do not meet them, do not settle for less, but simply live for your own pleasure and use women for the only purpose they have left. Otherwise, they will deceive you and use you for all possible purposes.

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How to dress for a photo shoot? If you have a family shoot ahead, then this question has probably affected you.

You need to take the selection of clothes for shooting seriously and preferably in advance, so that you have time to select several outfits and, if necessary, can buy something in addition.

The color scheme of clothing depends on the shooting style, location and interior. It is not necessary that all family members wear the same color. You can add color accents or details that will be echoed in the clothing, and that will look harmonious in the overall plan.

In any case, consult with your photographer on how to prepare for a family photo shoot.

1. Which color scheme to choose

If you want to hang photos at home, pay attention to which color scheme room completed. Some people won’t attach any importance to this, but for others it is fundamentally important that everything matches in style and color.

If your photo shoot takes place outdoors, then choose clothes based on this, because each season has its own color combinations. Think in advance where exactly your shooting will take place: on the beach, in the forest or in a stylish interior.

2. Add a "pattern"

Don't be afraid to add "pattern" to your little ones' looks, for example. These could be floral dresses, skirts or plaid shirts. Your photos will look different.

3. Choose 3 colors

Try choosing 3 main colors, and then choose matching clothes based on shades.

4. Accessories and “layers”

Jewelry, scarves, tights, hats, ties - accessories complete the look, add texture and completeness. general form. “Layers” in clothing are a jacket or cardigan thrown on, an unbuttoned shirt, a vest. All these techniques make your image more interesting and rich.

5. What clothes to choose for a photo shoot

As a rule, on family photo session Mom gathers everyone. Mom selects clothes for everyone and tries not to forget anything. But the main rule of a successful photo shoot is that they should like the clothes of our heroes. This is when they will feel comfortable and more confident in front of the camera.

6. Harmony in the frame

It’s okay if not all participants in the shooting have the main color of clothing; the photographer’s task is to harmoniously distribute everyone in the frame.

7. Prepare your outfits in advance

If you have thought through all the images, draw up a visual picture. Even if you are confident in your thoughts, do not be lazy to hang everything on hangers or lay it out on the bed, and you will see what image you can further refine.

Photos in the article are for example only and belong to the authors: Munchkins and Mohawks Photography, Lina Jarmond Photography, Heather Armstrong Photography, Shine Photography by Karen, etc.

Address: Fedorovsky Embankment, 7
Opening hours: 9:00 - 23:00
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Agree. He himself was married twice to Muscovites from normal families, with two children from each wife. Not one of them applied for alimony (I help myself, naturally, and actively communicate with the children), and the first one actually registered with me, this was about 15 years ago, in order to get on the waiting list for housing, so after the divorce she immediately checked out herself.

We are publishing a response to " personal experience» our reader. - ed.

And after 30 years, I met a girl who was born in the provinces, and brought here as a child by her mother, who, by the way, also won an apartment from her ex-muscovite husband. The girl is pretty, tall, slender and blonde.

So what, we met for 4 years, we have all the material benefits, we generally supported her, but there was no love. I repeatedly suggested that she get together and get married, she answered that she was not ready.

I ask - do you love her?, she answers - yes, and, to put it mildly, she did not disdain other people’s attention. Well, okay, I myself am not without sin.

I think we’ll wait and see, but I recently broke up. I don’t want to date anymore, she’s already 27, and she’s still not ready to live with me, I see, of course, that she doesn’t love me.

As the hero O'Henry said, the farmer has a weakness, no matter how he disguises himself, the primitive instinct will still awaken.

So girls from the provinces say that they are always looking for love, and sometimes they don’t know how to contain their feelings. Me too, when I go to fashionable clubs, I like half the girls there, but I have a duty and responsibility to my family.

Of course, it’s good to follow your loved one to the ends of the earth and leave everything behind, but it’s better to watch these stories on a talk show rather than experience them yourself.

Yes, love among girls from the provinces comes and goes very spontaneously, which is fraught with a broken life, fatherlessness, etc.

For family life We need calmer and more predictable people, with a traditional Moscow upbringing, because a person with roots in our city will not perform many actions.

There are laws of love, and there are laws of life - never register real estate, business or anything very valuable in the name of a woman until she has given birth to two children for you (gold, a car, etc., of course, you need to give it for your firstborn, if any opportunity).

I always adhere to these rules and advise others, and when “loving” eyes full of tears look at you, then say better that you bought a house or apartment on credit (print the documents yourself on a printer and show her), and that as soon as you pay , in 5-7 years, then you will immediately give everything to her with pleasure.

By the way, a girl from the province recently left a friend of mine - on the advice of friends, he did not register her immediately after the wedding, he said let’s do it in a year.

It’s not a year old, but within a week she packed her things.

So there are stories with a happy ending, if you think about it for at least 10 seconds. before giving an answer to his provincial passion.



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