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Blessed eggs are placed on the grave. Debunking Stereotypes: Do's and Don'ts for Easter

You found something similar to a magical lining on the grave of a deceased relative: coins, candles, packages, bags, a bottle, a scarf on a fence, or something else. What does this mean and how should you react?

A grave lining is a fairly common thing. They constantly write me alarming letters about certain finds discovered on the graves of deceased relatives. Here is a standard example: “Hello, Vladimir Petrovich! We were at the cemetery, and on a birch tree next to the grave of our father-in-law we found a white cotton scarf tied in a knot (grandmothers like to wear these). Please tell me, is this a cause for concern?”

There is no reason for the letter writer to worry. If the appearance of this scarf on the grave was of witchcraft origin (and, for sure, it is), a grave was simply selected that was suitable for a number of characteristics (gender, name, age of the deceased, etc.). For example, in some magical ritual it could be said that after certain manipulations, a knotted scarf should be left on the grave of a man with a name that coincides with the name of the object of witchcraft. Your father-in-law's grave met these criteria, that's all.

The vast majority of strange finds on graves have precisely this origin. With the help of cemetery magic, they cast and remove damage, make love spells and lapels, provoke or treat illnesses, solve the problem of alcoholism, etc. But, in any case, such things usually have nothing to do with the relatives of the deceased on whose grave a magical lining was discovered. A grave was simply chosen that was suitable for certain conditions of the ritual. For example, sometimes you need to do something on a grave located on the edge; on the grave where a man of such and such age is buried; at the grave where a woman with such and such a name is buried, etc. and so on. In order for my readers to better understand the essence of such phenomena, I will give specific examples.

One of the methods of causing damage to epilepsy is as follows: the attacker takes a certain number of chicken eggs to the grave where a person is buried who had the same name as the victim of the damage. A special spell is pronounced, then the eggs remain on the grave for a certain time. In compliance special rules, the eggs are taken from the grave and later given as food to the person destined for spoilage. Soon the unfortunate man suffers his first epileptic seizure. When the disease enters the chronic phase, the attacks intensify precisely on the day of the month when the described cemetery manipulations were carried out. In this case, the attacker, of course, is not at all interested in the relatives of the person buried in that very grave.

One of the love spell rituals is performed in a somewhat similar way. The photograph of a beloved person belongs to a grave where a person of a similar age who had the same name is buried. A series of manipulations are performed, special spells are pronounced, and the victim of the love spell begins to experience mortal melancholy without the object of his passion. If the relatives of the deceased “at the wrong time” visit his grave, they, of course, will find an unrelated photograph, remove it from the grave and, thus, this time thwarting the attacker’s plan, but they themselves will not suffer.

It should be noted that rituals of various directions are performed in cemeteries, black magic knowledgeable people are not limited. Graves can be used in the treatment of various diseases (including epilepsy), to rid a person of alcohol addiction, to relieve love languor, etc. If, after visiting the grave of a relative, you suddenly find a bottle of vodka on it, this may mean that someone is being spoiled for alcoholism, or, conversely, they are trying to save someone from drunkenness.

Thus, if you find some foreign objects (coins, chicken eggs, photographs, etc.) on the grave where your relative was buried, you should not panic. Most likely, this witchcraft has nothing to do with you. Why do I write: “most likely”? The fact is that sometimes some witchcraft linings on graves are still addressed specifically to the relatives of the deceased. Such deposits are usually discovered not at any arbitrary time, but the day before memorial day, celebrated a week after Easter (the so-called “Red Hill”). Or on some anniversary of death. That is, exactly when it is reasonable to expect relatives to visit the cemetery for cleaning or memorial services. For example, you can find chicken eggs, coins or anything else that quantitatively matches the number of members of your family.

What should be done with such finds? Without touching the thing with your bare hands (use gloves, a bag, paper), you just need to remove it from the grave. But remember that direct contact with these things is highly undesirable, so do not pick them up or step on them. If, nevertheless, you have the feeling that you “caught something”, or you reasonably assume that the lining was addressed specifically to you and your family members, click on the button below and write me a letter.

If you need to contact me personally for any clarification, consultation, or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

Easter is the most main holiday christian church, because the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the basis of all Christianity. The Apostle Paul said: “If Christ were not resurrected, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is also in vain.” This holiday is celebrated by all Christians - Orthodox, Catholics, and Protestants.

Days before Easter, starting with Lazarus Saturday (Saturday before Palm Sunday) – special. It is better to finish everyday chores - cleaning, cooking Easter cakes and others - before Thursday, and spend the remaining days in the temple, and not in the pre-holiday bustle. It is prayer that will give understanding of this holiday.

This year the Annunciation falls on Holy Saturday (April 7). When this holiday is celebrated during Lent, it is permitted to eat fish. But Holy Saturday- the day when Christians observe the most strict fast, so this year you can’t eat fish for the Annunciation.

What needs to be sanctified

The blessing of food on Easter is permission to eat food after Lent. It doesn't give food supernatural power. Products that need to be blessed on Easter: meat, cheese, cottage cheese and eggs are mentioned in two prayers read at the consecration of Easter food. These prayers say nothing about bread, salt, vegetables and other foods. And it would be illogical to consecrate them, since there is no ban on eating them during Lent.

Why are eggs painted?

The main attributes of Easter are colored eggs and Easter cakes. Easter cakes and cottage cheese Easter symbolize the tomb of Christ from which life shone forth. And the eggs, which symbolize life, are connected with a story from church tradition: Mary Magdalene reached Rome preaching about Christ and was received by Emperor Tiberius. Maria brought it to him egg and said “Christ is Risen.” Tiberius replied: “I would rather believe that a chicken egg turns red before my eyes than believe your words.” And then the egg in Mary Magdalene’s hand turned red. In memory of this miracle, which confirmed the events of the Resurrection, Christians paint eggs.

Nowadays people paint eggs different colors. More appropriate, of course, is red, but other colors are also allowed. By the way, there is no need to peel eggs during consecration: God’s grace is omnipresent and can pass through the shell.

What cannot be sanctified

It is inappropriate to bless money in church, because this will not increase wealth. There is no need to put crosses and icons in the food basket. You should not bless honey, apples and water on Easter, because the church has separate days for this.

Is it worth going to the cemetery on Easter?

Easter joy must be brought to the dead when Bright Week ends - on Radonitsa. It is inappropriate to visit the departed on Easter, since these days should be spent in church and praying. You should not bring colored eggs and Easter cakes to the dead; feasts in the cemetery are a relic of paganism. The last funeral services before Easter are held on Maundy Thursday. Throughout Holy Week (until Sunday after Easter), no funeral services are celebrated. But it is possible and necessary to submit notes for the repose of the deceased, because it would be dishonest not to pray for them these days. You can submit notes anywhere Holy Week, except for Good Friday, when there is no liturgy.

Some people think that eggs and Easter cakes blessed for Easter are a shrine akin to Communion, well, at least like prosphora. Others, on the contrary, venerate food consecrated in the temple as an object of festive fun. An Old Believer priest of the Russian Orthodox Church tells readers of the site “” how one should really treat Easter customs. O. John Sevastyanov.


How is Easter celebrated in your community? Are there any special customs?

In our Community there is no single established Easter custom or tradition. Every year we organize something: either gifts for the entire Community, or a joint holiday meal, or a youth picnic in nature. The only thing that always happens is the glorification of Christ. Just like at Christmas, Christians go to visit each other and glorify the Risen Christ.

The main thought in the word of John Chrysostom, which is read on the very feast of the Resurrection of Christ, is the appeal to those who come to the temple to approach the calf, i.e. Communion. Why, in fact, do people never receive communion on Easter?

I believe that not receiving communion at the Easter Liturgy is some kind of spiritual impoverishment. In our Community, up to 50 adults and children receive communion on Easter. And even infants. People are preparing for Communion. Many people perceive this as the culmination of the holiday. We try to explain that the main thing in Easter is not the breaking of the fast, but Communion, not the Easter cakes, but the Body of Christ.

Some people go to the cemetery on Easter to visit the dead. Is this an Orthodox custom?

It seems to me that the dispute in the Old Believers, whether it is necessary to go to the cemetery on Easter, is akin to a metaphysical clarification of what comes first: the chicken or the egg. Here in the south, it used to be that it was strictly forbidden to go to a cemetery on Easter Day. I remember old-timers saying that only Nikonians go to the cemetery on Easter. And we, Old Believers, will go to Radonitsa.

But now we learn that our Christians in Moldova, in the Moscow region, think the opposite - Old Believers go to the cemetery on Easter, and Nikonians go to Radonitsa. It is absolutely impossible to make out who is right and who is wrong. I think that in this matter everyone should act in accordance with family traditions and customs. As your ancestors did, so do you. If your ancestors did not do anything, then form your traditions in the image of the Old Believer Community to which you belong.

Is it true that eggs consecrated in the temple must be eaten before the rest of the Easter meal?

I believe that the products that are consecrated in the church after the Easter Liturgy, of course, should be consumed when breaking the fast, before other food. After all, this is the meaning of sanctification. We ask the Lord to bless us to break our fast. So you should not carry huge bags of provisions to the temple. One Easter cake and a couple of eggs are enough to consecrate to break the fast for the whole family. But also to compare consecrated Easter cakes And eggs with prosphora are also not worth it. Still, such reverence and respect as for prosphora should not be shown to eggs and Easter cakes.

On Easter, young people and adults not only exchange eggs, but also hit them to see who has the stronger one. In the old days, eggs were rolled down a slide to receive some kind of gift. Piety - are you these customs?

Painted Easter eggs are a kind of reminder of the miracle of Mary Magdalene - of her assurance of the pagan in the Resurrection. It would be a stretch to say that the Easter egg is a symbol of the resurrection. Therefore, putting such a meaning into this symbol, you should not use it as a baby rattle. If such an egg is perceived simply as a toy, then why not play with it. Especially children. The main thing is that while playing Easter eggs, they are not accustomed to the shrine and have not lost the fear of God.

Easter is an Old Testament institution. The Jews wanted to leave Egypt to return to their homeland. But the pharaoh, who had them captive, wishing to enrich himself with free labor, did not release them.

During the years of this captivity, the Lord more than once sent signs to Pharaoh through his servant Moses, so that Pharaoh would release the people to the Promised Land. The last thing God commanded the Egyptian people while the Jews were in their captivity was to slaughter an ang (that is, a lamb) and anoint the doorposts with his blood. This had to be done because the destroying angel was supposed to come that night and kill all the firstborn of the land of Egypt. But if the blood of a lamb is on the door, the destroying angel will pass by the house.

Jesus Christ became such a lamb, but already in the New Testament. “Easter” is precisely translated as “procession by,” procession past death. On the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, we, partaking of the Body and Blood of the Angle of God, as Christ calls himself, become anointed with His blood. And death passes us by. Easter is eternal life, liberation from death. Christians have found the recipe that makes a person immortal.

Why bless food for Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

The consecration of not only food, but also other material things surrounding a Christian is ancient tradition. When we sanctify something, we dedicate it to God and ask for God’s blessing on it.

On Easter we bring food to the temple. In villages at the beginning of the 20th century, in general, everything that was put on the table for Easter was brought to the temple, blessed, and the tithe (tenth) was left for those in need. And only after this did people break their fast - they reverently ate the consecrated holiday food.

I think it's very good tradition- ask God for blessings for everything.

How to fast before Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

IN Good Friday- the strictest post. According to the Charter, you are not supposed to eat anything at all on this day. If you can bear it for health reasons, try it. On all other days Holy Week Fasting is also strict, we eat only plant foods, and without oil.

When can you break your fast on Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

Breaking the fast (the first fast meal after the end of Lent) on Easter is usually celebrated after the Liturgy and Communion. If you were at the Liturgy at night, then after night service You can start your festive meal. If you came to the Liturgy in the morning, then you can break your fast in the same way - after communion. The main thing is that everything needs to be approached with a sense of proportion. Don't overeat.

If for some reason you cannot celebrate Easter in church, you can begin to break your fast around the time when the festive Liturgy ends in churches. What is good about the Church in this regard? We fast together and break our fast together. That is, we do everything together. This is what is sorely missing modern world, - generality.

How to spend Easter correctly? Are there things you shouldn't do?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

On this day you cannot be sad, walk gloomily and quarrel with your neighbors. But just remember that Easter is not 24 hours, but at least a whole week - Bright Week. Liturgically, the Resurrection of Christ is celebrated for seven days.

Let this week be an example of how we should always behave in society, among people.

How should you spend Easter? Rejoice, treat others, invite them to visit you, visit the suffering. In a word, everything that brings joy to your neighbor, and therefore to you.

What can you eat on Easter and can you drink alcohol on Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

On Easter you can eat and drink everything, the main thing is to do it in moderation. If you know how to stop in time, you can help yourself to all the dishes, drink wine or some strong drinks - without getting too drunk, of course. But if it is difficult for you to limit yourself, it is better not to touch alcohol. Rejoice in spiritual joy.

Is it possible to work on Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

Most often, the question of whether to work or not does not depend on us. If Easter Sunday is your day off, that's of course very good. You can visit the temple, meet your loved ones, and congratulate everyone.

But it often happens that we find ourselves as forced people and, according to our work schedule, are forced to work on Easter. There's nothing wrong with putting in the effort. Maybe you can be sad about this, but no more than five minutes! Obedience is obedience. Do your work on this day conscientiously. If you fulfill your duties in simplicity and truth, the Lord will definitely touch your heart.

Is it possible to do homework on Easter? Cleaning, knitting, sewing.

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

When we read somewhere that on a holiday there is a ban on homework, we should understand that it is not just a ban, but a blessing for us to spend this time paying attention to the Lord, the holiday and our neighbors. So that we don’t get hung up on the vanity of the world. The ban on work on Easter is not canonical, it is rather a pious tradition.

Household chores are an integral part of our lives. You can do them on holiday, but only if you approach it wisely. So as not to spend Easter doing spring cleaning until the early hours of the night. Sometimes it is better, for example, to leave unwashed dishes in the sink than to be annoyed by household members who did not wash their dishes.

What does it mean if a person dies on Easter? Is this a sign of God's special mercy or a punishment?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

If on Easter or Bright Week a believer dies, for us this is truly a sign of God’s mercy towards this person. Folk tradition even says that the one who died on Easter enters the Kingdom of Heaven without ordeal, that is, bypassing Last Judgment. But this is “folk theology”; dogmatically, every person will be judged and will give an answer for their sins before the face of God.

If a non-believer dies these days, then, I think, this means absolutely nothing. After all, even during his life, the Resurrection of Christ was not for him a sign of deliverance from death...

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

There has never been such a tradition in the Church. She was born among people in times Soviet Union, when a person was deprived of spiritual communication and removed from the Church. Where else was there to meet the afterlife, about which the Church speaks and with the belief in whose existence the authorities fought so hard? Only at the cemetery. No one could forbid going to relatives’ graves.

Since then, it has become a custom to go to the cemetery on Easter. But now that churches are open and we can go to Easter services, it is better to go to the cemetery to visit loved ones on other days. For example, on Radonitsa - on the day when, according to tradition, the Church commemorates the dead. Arrive there early, put the graves in order, sit quietly next to them and pray. Read more about visiting the cemetery.

How should we greet each other on Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

Easter greeting is angelic. When the Myrrh-Bearing Women came to the Holy Sepulcher to anoint the body of the crucified Christ with incense, they saw an Angel there. He told them: “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?”, that is, he told them that the Savior had risen.

We greet our brothers and sisters in faith on Easter with the words “Christ is Risen!” and answer the greeting: “Truly he is risen!” Thus, we tell the whole world that for us the Resurrection of Christ is the basis of life.

What is customary to give for Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

On Easter, you can give your neighbors any pleasant and necessary gifts. And it will be good if you add an Easter egg, decorated or red, to any gift. The egg as a symbol is evidence of new life - the Resurrection of Christ.

Red color easter egg- This is a memory of the legend according to which Mary Magdalene gave an egg to Emperor Tiberius for Easter. The Emperor told her that he did not believe that a person could be resurrected, that it was as incredible as if this egg suddenly turned from white to red. And, according to legend, a miracle happened - in front of everyone, the egg turned red, like the blood of Christ. Now the painted egg is a symbol of Easter, the Resurrection of the Savior.

What to do with shells from blessed eggs and stale Easter cake?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

Pious tradition tells us not to throw away with the trash what is consecrated in the temple. All this can be burned, for example, on personal plot, and bury it where people and animals will not trample it underfoot.

Why can't you dye eggs until they're a year old?

How can this not be done? Who said that? It is possible and even necessary to involve children in this. They and you will be happy about it.

You need to be very careful if the watery phrase of some recommendation follows “but I heard that... and they told me...”. This analogy turns out to be a broken phone. Such advice will not lead to any good.

The Soviet era, of course, also brought something of its own, for example, everyone began to go to the cemetery en masse on Easter, and the holiday, which denies death, faded into the background. We already live in the victory of Christ. This is all, unfortunately, forgotten. Some buses, trips, drinks begin.

But this does not mean that you need to stop going to the cemetery, no.

Here we are talking about the fact that Easter is a great joy, so it is not a time to be sad, you need to leave all worldly troubles and worries and devote this day to God, the memory of His resurrection, the victory of life over death. At the same time, we can pray for our loved ones and share this joy with them with all our hearts. God has no dead, he gave us the prospect of eternal life, and we hope for his mercy.

When should you not clean your house before Easter?

Father Alexander Abramov answers

There is spiritual hygiene, it consists in the fact that during Holy Week we should really try to protect ourselves from all sorts of entertainment, routine affairs, and everyday vanity. We need to go to church more. And it is clear that it is advisable to put things in order in advance so as not to miss important events, Holy Week services.

But this is not an absolute prohibition, because life exists and common sense exists. The problem is that when people come to church, they have not yet acquired spiritual common sense, but their everyday common sense has already been turned off, and this creates such an excellent space for filling their heads with all sorts of nonsense.

Is it possible to get married on Easter?

Archpriest Alexander Abramov answers

The question is very clear and the answer will be clear. If you come to church on Bright Week, they will tell you that you cannot get married.

There are days established by the Church on which weddings take place - these are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

There are days of the week, regardless of the time of year, when weddings do not take place, for example, on fast days or on Saturday.

For example, why don't they get married on Tuesday? Because in this case, the first wedding day will fall on a fast day. Well, what kind of beginning of family life is this if the very first day is already fraught with restrictions.

They don’t get married on Saturday, the day before Sunday, because Sunday is a little Easter and, in a good way, a person on this day should lead religious life, not personal.

It is clear that many people tend to neglect all these traditions church life, but so that neglect does not become quite so wild character, these days they just don’t get married.

Bright Week is just like one day of Easter. Great celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. And all attention, of course, is focused on this.

Therefore, weddings do not take place during Bright Week either. This is the liturgical system.

This is not because the church abhors weddings or people who want to have their own family life. And simply because we completely devote this time to celebrating Easter - this is a time of universal joy.

Is it possible to remember on Easter?

Archpriest Alexander Abramov answers

If speak about church order, then the first memorial service is celebrated on Radonitsa (day special commemoration departed) is Tuesday of the second week after Easter. In many churches there was such a pious tradition - funeral tables, the place where candles are placed, are covered with cloth, thereby showing that God has no dead. And this is especially clear during Easter week. Easter is the most joyful Christian holiday; it displaces all sorrow and sadness from the hearts of believers.

As the scripture says: « God is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living» (Mark 12:27) Naturally, you can remember, that is, say “God rest…” and say the name of the person for whom you are praying. How can we not do this if we love our family and friends and of course there is a desire to convey this to God.

Funeral services in the church (requiem services) on Bright Week are completely abolished, since this is a time of our joy in the Risen Christ, and not sorrow. But this does not mean that the priest does not mention the repose of people during the liturgy.

Is it possible to bury on Easter?

Archpriest Alexander Abramov answers

If the death takes place on Bright Week, then the funeral service is performed with a special rite, Easter. It is especially touching regarding infants, because their sinlessness and belonging to Easter are immediately affirmed.

Is it possible to baptize before Easter?

Archpriest Alexander Abramov answers

A short excursion into history.

It is interesting that in ancient times the church did not baptize individually at all. This is what we have now. We are transferring consumer habits to the church.

For example, we came to the clinic and it seemed completely crazy to us that we would be seen at the same time with four other people. And we think the same way about christenings. But before they were baptized completely differently.

Firstly, people were baptized not in a church, but, as a rule, in open reservoirs, and two or three days a year were chosen for this. People were prepared, talked to, they were taught in the faith, if we are talking about adults, and then either on Christmas Eve, Epiphany (Epiphany), or on Holy Saturday everyone was baptized together.

There are days when it would be inappropriate to talk about Baptism, say on Good Friday, when we are entirely focused on the Passion, the suffering of Christ. Although I, simply even for reasons of some kind of piety and reverence for God, would not baptize during Holy Week.

But generally speaking, you can receive the sacrament of Baptism at any time, including during Bright Week.

Why can't you dye eggs for Easter?

In general, it is customary for us to illuminate Easter cakes and eggs on Holy Saturday, that is, immediately before Easter.

Therefore, we are preparing for this day in advance. But since situations in life are different, you can consecrate your holiday gifts on the day itself Great Easter, it will not be considered something unnatural. Previously, even before the revolution, Easter cakes and eggs were blessed just after the night Easter service before breaking your fast.

As for preparing for the holiday, it is advisable to do everything in advance so that you have time for the most important thing. To meet the Light Christ's Resurrection you could joyfully, with a light heart, you could come to meet God, leaving behind all your troubles and worries.

A Great Event took place and it is necessary to remember it, it must become the center of everything.

Why can't you eat eggs before Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

The bright days of Easter are preceded by Lent, when we tried to abstain as much as possible from heavy food (of animal origin), that is, to keep ourselves in a certain focus, one might even say in tone, pushing ourselves to inner work. That is, we do not eat not only eggs, but, in principle, all products of animal origin, as we observe fasting. There are no other superstitious reasons not to eat eggs.

On Holy Saturday we come to the temple to bless eggs, Easter cakes, and Easter cakes, which will decorate our holiday table.

And after the Easter service with our family, we break our fast, that is, now we can allow ourselves to taste the festive dishes without a twinge of conscience, but it is also important to observe the measure, not to eat too much right away, since this is a very big burden for our body.

We rejoice, the holiday has come and now it’s time to feast.

What should you not do on the Saturday before Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

There are no clear prohibitions. Each person has his own unique life. It is shrouded in so many circumstances and nuances that it is difficult to say anything in advance. Just as it is impossible to condemn anyone for this reason.

But, of course, it is worth remembering that Holy Saturday is a day of sacred extinction. It is also called “Sabbath of Rest.”

We still grieve over the death of Christ. We remember His removal from the cross and His placing in the tomb. One of the key chants of this day contains the words “Let all human flesh be silent.”

But we are all already standing on the threshold of the Great Day and Holiday.

We are waiting for the hour when we can exclaim “Christ is Risen!”

But now we have to kind of freeze. There is a lull on the eve of something very significant.

And of course, on this day we should not talk about any fun festivities or excessive troubles and worries.

Everything needs to be postponed if possible. Be at Liturgy in the morning. And maintain silence and peace in your soul until the start of the Easter service.

Why can't you celebrate a birthday on Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

Easter is the greatest day of the year. A celebration of life. We glorify our Savior Jesus Christ for His boundless love and kindness, for giving us eternal life. And of course this event in the life of every person should become central.

Therefore, celebrating a birthday cannot be more important than Easter.

On the other hand, there are no prohibitions on this either.

You just need to remember that this is a Bright Day.

And I wouldn’t want to overshadow it with excessive drunkenness, for example, or other indecent things.

Because many people, unfortunately, associate their birthday with having a blast. And Easter is not the right time for this. Even based on respect for the traditions of the church and reverence for God.

Is it possible to hunt on Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

If you hunt for fun, then definitely not on any day. After all, this is the killing of living beings.

Sometimes people hunt in order to simply not die of hunger, then this is acceptable, there is already a question of survival.

Or, for example, when it is a matter of earning money, which also allows you to survive. The main thing is that this does not become mercantile entertainment.

As for exactly Easter days, then any believer Orthodox man, will try to postpone the hunt for this period, unless he is in emergency conditions, when he needs to act according to the situation.

Is it possible to receive communion on Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

It is possible and even necessary. It’s just worth preparing for the Sacrament of Communion in advance. And the point here is not only in fasting, but, most importantly, in cleansing the heart and mind.

It is necessary to go to Confession. You can do this on Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday of Holy Week. But a more detailed schedule should be checked with the temple where you are going to come.

In any case, you need to look at the circumstances. If suddenly, for some reason, you did not have time to prepare in advance, then you should ask the priest for a blessing for Communion, explaining your situation.

Recently, official permission has appeared to allow people to receive Communion on Easter without confession. But this right still remains at the discretion of the priest. Because people are all different.

The main thing is not to be silent, do not listen to someone else’s advice, if you have a question, then go directly to the one who will help resolve it, in this case - to the priest.

Is it possible to go to the Cemetery on Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

In the life of the Church, everything is arranged very wisely. Each tradition or ritual has its own meaning. And everything has its place in it.

We can remember our relatives and friends who have died in our own prayers, this is our right and, moreover, it is very important both for us and for those whose memory we honor.

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery on Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

Pregnant women can go to the cemetery, like everyone else. But, according to Orthodox tradition, for Easter don't visit cemeteries.

Since Easter is not the time to remember the dead. This is general joy, general rejoicing and glorification of our Savior Jesus Christ. The first commemoration of the dead after Easter takes place on Radonitsa.

When can you go to confession before Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

Of course, it’s better to come to confession early and not put it off until the last minute.

It will be possible to confess in Great Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday of Holy Week.

But you will need to check more accurate information about the time in the temple where you are going to come. Since each temple has its own way of life.

What to wear to church for Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

You can choose any outfit to suit your taste, but it is important to remember where you are going. And try to look neat and not too provocative.

Is it possible for pregnant women to cook Easter cakes and Easter cakes?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

Of course you can, but only carefully. In the sense that expectant mothers are very vulnerable and they need to be more careful about their health. So as not to get too tired.

And preparing for the Great Holiday is always a pleasant and joyful thing.

Is it possible to work the week after Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

Work is a very individual matter. Someone has the opportunity to take time off, take a short vacation during Easter week and completely devote this period to God. Get to know the traditions of the life of the Church better. But some people simply don’t have this opportunity. So it is difficult to take any categorical position here. Ideally, of course, it would be nice to attend the Easter liturgy again in the first days of Bright Week; in many churches religious processions are held throughout Bright Week. This is the Joy that it is a pity to deprive yourself of.

What can you do on Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

In principle, there are no specific restrictions here.

Lent has ended as a period of deprivation and severity towards oneself.

The time has come for Great joy; now is not the time to be despondent and sad.

Do what brings you joy. Communicate with your loved ones and friends, share with them the joy of the Risen Christ.

Just don’t forget about the most important thing that we have been moving toward through all these weeks of Lent. Try to attend the Easter Liturgy at least once more (many churches also celebrate Processions of the Cross throughout Bright Week) - do not deprive yourself of this joy.

Is it possible to guess before Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

You can never guess. Yes friends, that's true.

What's so bad about fortune telling, you ask.

Firstly, this is disrespect for the Will of God. Secondly, this is a disregard for the freedom that the Lord has endowed each of us from birth.

When we use even a comic, as it seems to us, fortune-telling, when we receive an answer, we program ourselves for certain actions.

And the most interesting thing is that this happens unconsciously.

IN social psychology There is such a thing as a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” In childhood, parents can impose some kind of attitude on a child, for example, “you are incompetent.” And this attitude will greatly interfere with his life. Unconsciously, he will act in such a way as to confirm it in every possible way, dooming himself to failure in advance.

Many years will pass before he tries to figure out what's what.

And here the scheme is very similar. We learn some prediction about ourselves and at this moment we are deprived of freedom of choice, freedom of action, since everything will now work for this installation.

If you identify with the world of the church, you will have to make a choice.

What and who do you believe in? If you are with God, then you must trust Him, otherwise there is no other way.



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