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Which colors to mix brown from? How to mix paints correctly to get brown color. Pros and cons of mixing brown

Every person who has ever held a brush and paint in his hand knows that you can get a lot of shades from two or three colors. The rules for mixing and matching colors are determined by the science of coloristics. Its basis is known to many color circle. There are only three primary colors: red, blue and yellow. Other shades are obtained by mixing and are called secondary shades.

What colors of paint should be mixed to get brown?

Brown is considered complex; when creating it, you can use all the primary colors. There are several ways to get brown:

  • Classic: green + red in proportions 50:50.
  • The main trio: blue + yellow + red in equal quantities.
  • Mixing: blue + orange or gray + orange. You can vary the intensity of the hue by adding less or more gray.
  • Optional: green + purple + orange. This shade has a pleasant red or red tint. You can also mix yellow + purple - the color will have a yellowish tint.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get purple?

The easiest way to get purple is to mix equal proportions of red and blue. True, the shade will turn out a bit dirty, and it will need to be adjusted.

To make the tone cooler, take 2 parts blue and 1 part red and vice versa.

To achieve lavender and lilac, the resulting dirty purple needs to be diluted with white. The more white, the lighter and softer the shade will be.

Dark purple can be obtained by gradually adding black or green to the original color.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get red?

Red is considered a base color and is present in any artistic palette. However, you can get red by mixing violet (magenta) and yellow in a 1:1 ratio. You can also mix a carmine shade with yellow to create a more intense red. You can make it lighter by adding more yellow and vice versa. Shades of red can be obtained by adding orange, pink, yellow, and white to the base red.

What colors of paint should be mixed to get beige?

Beige is a neutral and independent color; it has many shades, which can be achieved by varying the amount of white and yellow shades added.

Most easy way get beige - mix brown and white.

To make the color more contrasting, you can add a little yellow.

Flesh beige can be obtained by mixing scarlet, blue, yellow and white. The ivory shade is created by mixing golden ocher and white paint.

Green color can be achieved by mixing yellow and blue in equal parts. The result will be a grassy green hue. If you add white color to it, the mixture will lighten. By mixing brown or black pigment, you can achieve emerald, marsh, olive, dark green shades.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get gray?

Classic tandem for receiving gray- this is black + white. The more white, the lighter the finished shade.

  • You can also mix red, green and white. The color will have a slight yellow tint.
  • A blue-gray shade can be created by mixing orange with blue and white.
  • If you mix yellow with purple and white, you get a gray-beige shade.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get black?

Black is a basic monochrome color. It can be obtained by mixing magenta with yellow and cyan. Also, artists often mix green and red, but the resulting shade will not be jet black. Rich black color is produced by a mixture of orange and blue and yellow and violet. To get the shade of the night sky, you can add a little blue to the finished color, and a drop of white to lighten it.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get blue?

Blue is the main color in the palette and it is quite difficult to obtain it by mixing. It is believed that it can be obtained by adding a little yellow to green, but in practice the result is more of a blue-green tint. You can mix purple with blue, the shade will be deep but dark. You can lighten it by adding a drop of white.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get yellow?

The basic yellow color cannot be achieved by mixing other shades. Something similar happens if you add green to orange. Variations of yellow are obtained by adding other tones to the basic one. For example, lemon is a mixture of yellow, green and white. Sunny yellow is a mixture of basic yellow, a drop of white and red.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get pink?

The easiest option is to mix red and white. The more white, the lighter the shade. It is important to know that the tone depends on which red you choose:

  • Scarlet + white will give a pure pink color.
  • Brick red + white - peach pink.
  • Blood red + violet give a fuchsia shade.
  • Orange-pink can be obtained by adding yellow paint to scarlet and white.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get orange?

Orange color can be obtained by mixing red and yellow.

  • A less saturated shade will be obtained if pink pigment is added to yellow paint.
  • Terracotta orange is the result of mixing base orange with blue or purple.
  • Dark shades are achieved by mixing red, yellow and black.
  • If you add brown instead of black, you get red orange.

We vary the intensity of the tone by adding more white or black.

Color mixing table

Primary colors (blue, yellow, red) are almost impossible to obtain by mixing other shades. But with their help you can create the entire color palette!

How to get a?



Green + red


Red + blue

Magenta (violet) + yellow

Brown + white

Blue + yellow

White + black

Magenta + yellow + cyan

Yellow + green

Green + orange

Scarlet + white


Red + yellow

Knowing the basic rules of color, it will be easier to understand the decoration and get the desired shade!

Instructions on what colors to mix to get brown are usually distributed among artists who lack a basic palette to create a masterpiece.

However, a similar scheme can also be used in construction or other fields.

Brown of the primary colors

The standard earth or tobacco color is present even in a small palette with watercolor or gouache. Before you make it yourself, it’s worth asking yourself: is brown a mixture of what colors? The answer suggests using three basic shades:

  • red;
  • blue;
  • yellow.

These dyes have acquired the title of “basic”, since they are the base ones used to create any other shades. Brown is only a derivative. Therefore, the instructions on how to get a brown color are very simple - you just need to combine all the paints listed above in equal proportions.

However, instead of basic paints, if they are not at hand, you can use “intermediate” ones:

  • orange;
  • green;
  • purple or violet.

Since you can get a brown color by mixing the main colors, and the intermediate ones are already the sum of two of them, all that remains is to add the missing tone. During the procedure, you can influence the final shade by increasing the proportion of one or another color. To get the perfect result, you need to choose a suitable base color and combine it with a clean base color.

Mixture of orange and blue colors

Orange is a mixture of red and yellow, so to get brown you just need to add blue. However, this color can have many variations from soft peach to dirty rust. The ideal shade should be quite dark - garnet or cinnabar. When combining yellow and red independently, a proportion of 1:10 is taken, with the latter predominant.

Very little rich blue is added to the dark orange. It is better to take the initial ratio 1:20. If, when experimenting with how to get brown paint, the achieved shade does not seem deep enough, it is recommended to mix in a little more indigo. You need to mix the latter in small portions so that you can see the difference and stop in time.

Red and green

Green is another secondary color, a product of the union of blue and yellow shades, so it’s easy to calculate what will happen if you mix green and red. Just as in the case of orange, for mixing it is better to choose soft dark tones, for example, moss. The ideal color can be extracted from the sum of dandelion and indigo in equal quantities.

Red is added to green in the same way as stirringblue and orange. First, a small amount of scarlet is taken, but as you mix, you can increase its share, changing the tonality of brown.

Yellow and purple

Purple color is quite difficult to mix with other shades, so this experiment is not used often. The initial shade should be grape or even eggplant; many people choose purple instead of pure purple. When mixing blue and red yourself, the primary colors are taken in equal quantities.

Dark purple and yellow need to be mixed in very small quantities. In fact, you need to lighten the resulting paint and slightly change the shade. Pure yellow is taken in small quantities - 1/10 of the amount of purple. If you use too much yellow, the final tone will be lighter than standard brown.

Prices for colors

Other ways to get brown

Brown can be made from a mixture of almost all the tones in the palette, provided that most of them are dark in shade. It is necessary to sum up equal parts:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • red;
  • yellow.

All colors are poured in one by one so that the result is even and uniform. The final result will be quite dark. If you need to lighten the brown, add a little more yellow. This method is ideal when asking how to get brown color from gouache.

Helpful advice! Another way to get brown involves mixing different shades of the same color. This option is suitable for selecting interesting color solutions for drawing on canvas, but is not used in construction because the result is too unexpected.

How to get certain shades of brown

There are more than 10 shades of brown. The most common ones are:

  • bistre;
  • sepia;
  • brick or umber;
  • terracotta;
  • brown;
  • chocolate;
  • ocher;
  • cinnamon;
  • cognac

Different areas may use different names for the same shade. Obtaining any of the indicated shades is achieved from medium brown by adding one of the primary colors. For example, using yellow you can achieve lightening, red is suitable for umber or brighter tones, and dark sky, on the contrary, will slightly deepen the existing color.

However the best way How to get a dark brown color involves adding not blue, but black. He intervenes in small portions. This shade can minimize the tonality of classic brown. White paint can be used in the same way for lightening, although yellow can be used to achieve more varied shades.

Mixing paints yourself to get brown, even if the proportions are observed, is a very unpredictable experiment. This is especially true for construction, since construction paint has a different appearance in liquid and dried form. It is best to initially buy exactly the color that is required rather than mixing different shades.

In the case when the instructions on how to make a brown color have become a necessary measure during repairs, you need to test the paint on a small area of ​​the wall. In about a day you will be able to see what the final result will be.

Artists mixing paint directly onto the canvas is a fairly popular and approved technique. In this case, you can change the tone at your discretion on a painting that has not yet dried. However, the instructions on how to get brown from acrylic paints, it is recommended to initially mix the colors with an angled brush on an unnecessary smooth surface.

Reference! Do not mix hair dye unless specified in the manufacturer's instructions. The result of painting often depends on the initial base, and therefore is even less predictable than when mixing building paints.

Helpful video: getting brown

Mixing colors to create brown is not an easy process and requires creativity. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to find a ready-made shade in the store.

During repair work, a person is faced with the need for substances. To do this, you need to know how to combine the compositions, in what proportions to take them and how to get a brown color when mixing paints (you can also create the desired palette from acrylic paint of different shades).

Table for obtaining brown color when mixing acrylic paints.

What colors of dyes should you purchase?

When mixing different colors you get additional color combinations. In this palette you cannot do without the following acrylic dyes:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • pink;
  • brown.

This amount of coloring compounds is enough for the desired shade.

How to work with a mixing table

The disadvantage of the acrylic dye mixing scheme is the lack of paint proportions. The compositions are mixed based on color perception.

Required Tone Colors to mix
Royal blue Drop of green, black and blue
Turquoise Green and blue
Dark blue Drop of green, blue and black
Grey Small amount of black and white
Brown Green and red
Beige Yellow, white and brown
Khaki Green and brown
Bodily Yellow, brown and white
Orange Red and yellow
Gold Yellow, red or brown
Honey Yellow, dark brown and yellow
Orange Yellow and red
Pink White and red
Ocher Brown and yellow
Terracotta Brown and orange
Crimson Blue, white, red and brown
Plum Red, white, blue and black
Burgundian Red, brown, yellow and black

The required tone is created by mixing paints in small quantities. The resulting composition is applied to a small surface and wait until it dries, after which the color may change. In this case, additional tinting is carried out using the acrylic paint mixing table.

Features of working with acrylic dyes

Acrylic is easy to use. It takes little time to dry completely, but it has a limited range of colors. For this reason, the shades are created manually. Mixing helps to obtain raspberry, turquoise, flesh and other tones.

  1. Before painting, the surface is cleaned of different types pollution. It must be smooth and clean, so the previous finish is removed. Before painting the walls, they are leveled with putty and treated with a primer, reducing the consumption of the paint composition and improving its adhesion.
  2. Before use, acrylic is diluted with a special solution or water. To do this, take a small amount of the substance and mix it with liquid in a separate container.
  3. Tools used for staining are thoroughly washed afterwards. The lid of the paint can is wiped so that it can be easily opened in the future.
  4. Coloring takes place in several stages. For an even coating, paint is applied in one direction. For ease of application, you can use a spray bottle.
  5. The room temperature should be +5…+17°C.

A mixing scheme was developed for painting with acrylic paints. It is divided into creating light and dark tones and producing green, lilac and violet, orange and earth tones.


To obtain light colors, white is used, to which another paint is added. The more coloring compound is added, the darker the color will be.

By adding a small amount of dye, a variety of light colors are obtained.


Brown color when adding a certain percentage of paint.

Dark dyes are obtained by adding a little black tint to the base color. This procedure allows you to create different dark colors. Dark paint is used with caution, because... she can turn a dark coloring composition into a dirty one.

Green range

This color is not available in the palette, so it is obtained by combining yellow and blue. Tinting is affected by the ratio of coloring compounds. The required volumes are calculated during the mixing process. There are many color combinations of green. They are obtained by combining base and auxiliary coloring substances of the palette.

Lilac and violet

From blue and light pink or red dye, cold and lilac are obtained. White or black is added to the mixture to increase the number of different shades.


Yellow and red compositions, taken in the same volume, are used to create an orange dye. Its brightness is determined by the amount of initial color.

If orange paint is combined with white, you get a peach, coral or melon tone.


Methods of obtaining brown flowers a lot of. When burnt umber is mixed with each substance in the color palette, a large color spectrum, which includes coloring compounds from beige to dark wood.

How to work with a palette correctly

The color range is created using:

  • basic coloring compositions;
  • palettes for combining substances;
  • glasses of water;
  • brushes

White is placed in the center of the palette, and the remaining compartments are filled with selected dyes. Mixing is carried out carefully, introducing the color in small volumes. Brushes are washed after each mixing. Strokes applied to the test surface help evaluate the result.

There are several ways to obtain different shades of this color. In any case, in order to get brown, you just need to mix two primary colors and add an additional one to them. That is:

  • mix blue and yellow to get green, and then add red to it,
  • mix red and yellow to get orange and add blue,
  • mix red and blue and add yellow to the resulting purple.

So, we found out how to get a brown color when mixing paints. For this you will need gouache, watercolor, water emulsion, etc. in red, yellow and of blue color. But sometimes for coloring or drawing you need not just brown, but brown of a certain shade. Thus, interior items are usually decorated in light colors. The earth, for example, is depicted almost black in pictures. So how do you get a light or dark shade of brown? The answer to this question is also quite simple.

To get a dark brown shade, you just need to add a black component to it. But when mixing in this case, you need to use only very small portions. Add black to brown literally drop by drop. Otherwise, you can simply ruin the paint. In this case, the mixed mass must be mixed very well each time until it has a homogeneous consistency.

To obtain a light brown color, ordinary white is most often used as an additive. There is no need to be particularly careful when mixing in this case. After all, if there is an excess of white in the paint, you can always simply add a little more of the original color.

Brown, of course, is not only light or dark. This color can also vary in shades. So, for example, red gives brown a rusty tint. When yellow is added, the color becomes slightly "ochre". Blue makes brown more rich and contrasting.

So, we hope we have answered in sufficient detail the question of what colors need to be mixed to get brown, as well as how to make this color more saturated, lighter or darker. As you can see, getting the required result in this case is extremely simple. The main thing is to do everything slowly and carefully and, of course, not be afraid to try and experiment.

How to get brown color when mixing paints: several ways
?, Brown - a relatively discreet and dim color, but still quite popular.

What color pigments can be mixed to create brown paint?

To determine which colors need to be mixed to get the desired color, it is best to use a color triangle, which will very clearly show which colors you can mix to get the desired color.

To get brown, you need to mix green and red.

An artist can mix green and red paint to create a brown color. Additionally, there are several other ways to achieve different shades of brown.

Brown can be created by mixing a secondary color with a primary color. For example, you can mix yellow and red together to make orange, which produces a secondary color, and then add blue (the primary color), which turns it into brown.

Another easy way to create brown is to mix any shade of orange with black. You can add more black paint to create a dark brown, or add white to lighten the paint into a softer shade.

Get brown You can use several ways to mix colors:

To obtain a classic brown color, mix

  • red and green
  • red, yellow, blue(in equal proportions)
  • orange and blue
  • orange and gray
  • yellow and purple

To obtain different shades of brown in a mixture of red, blue and yellow, different proportions of colors give the following shades:

  • blue will add depth and contrast to brown,
  • the predominance of yellow will give an ocher color,
  • increasing the red will result in a warm shade with a touch of rust.

In addition, to obtain the desired shade, you need to add black paint drop by drop to red, yellow, and orange paints. And to get a lighter shade, add a little white.

What colors mix to make brown?
To determine which colors need to be mixed to get the desired color, it is best to use a color triangle, which will very clearly show which colors you will get from mixing which colors.

This shade is not too bright, but popular. It is actively used to decorate the interior of a room, when painting furniture, makeup, while painting canvases, and also to change hair color. Based on this, the question of what needs to be mixed with what to get the desired result is very relevant.

What colors make brown?

Proper mixing is a whole science, but today the task is made easier by a ready-made color wheel, which can be seen on the Internet. It gives an understanding that the main colors are yellow, red and blue. The circle represents the result when each of these options is mixed with each other - secondary colors. If you combine them, you get tertiary ones. There are three main laws when mixing:

  • Law No. 1. Each color of the circle is a symbiosis of those opposite to the center, which, when mixed, give an additional color, that is, achromatic. Complementaries are clearly defined, for example, red has green, and yellow has blue.
  • Law No. 2. Used in practice, it indicates that when mixing paints that are close to each other on the color wheel, new colors of the main color are formed - the one that is located between the mixed pigments. So, to get orange, you should combine red with yellow, and green - mix yellow with blue. By combining the three main components in the form of red, yellow and blue in ambiguous proportions, you can achieve any effect.
  • Law No. 3. When mixing the same shades, similar mixtures are obtained. This result is achieved by combining colors that are identical in tone, but different in saturation. Another option: mix several colors through a symbiosis of chromatic and achromatic.

What colors should be mixed to get brown?

Artists who work with gouache know that when different paints are combined, new colors are born. Even a special synthesis table has been created that helps make the necessary shades. The most basic way to get brown is to add red to green. These tones are available in any hardware store or in the office supply department. However, you cannot mix dark red and dark green, because you will get a dirty shade that will vaguely resemble black.

Don't know how to get a brown color when mixing paints if there is no green in the palette? In this case, you can use three colors: red, blue, yellow. This is due to the fact that green is obtained through the synthesis of blue and yellow. Another mixing option will use gray paint plus orange, or purple and yellow. Thus, the missing pigments that make up the basic formula can always be replaced.

How to get dark brown color

It’s easy to get the desired result: add a little black pigment to red, orange or yellow. Brown can easily be given different shades: you need to take yellow, blue and red as a basis, and then add other colors. For example, red helps create a warm tone with a hint of rust, while blue helps ensure the final result has depth and punch. Saturation can be achieved by combining different proportions of yellow, blue and red according to the following scheme:

  • Mustard can be obtained by combining red, yellow and black with a drop of green.
  • Dark brown will be achieved by mixing red, yellow, white and black.
  • Red-brown (known as marsala, similar to dark pink) should be obtained by mixing two shades: chocolate and red in large quantities.

What colors to mix for light brown shades

To create café au lait, a beautiful copper brown, an unusual taupe, or a honey brown, you should use white. How to make brown from light shades of paint? You need to add a little white to the mixture consisting of the main colors. If the consistency presented above is dominated by yellow, the result will be ocher, that is, a light shade of brown. Training with compatible proportions will help you understand how to get a brown color when mixing paints. Only in this case can you get the perfect result.

How to get brown color when mixing paints
Find out how to get a brown color by mixing paints - relevant information for those who want to dye their hair or decorate their interior. There are several ways.

Brown can be obtained by mixing different colors: since this tone is complex and all primary colors are involved in its creation. There are also a huge variety of shades of brown. To obtain them, tones such as yellow, red, blue, white, and black are added. You can always easily transform one Tone into another, since the tone is very sensitive to components, and the eye perceives a wide range of them.
Using paint, you can mix brown shades in 4 ways, 3 of which are based on the theory of complementary pairs, which implies that when mixing such colors, a gray tone is obtained, but this effect works if the color carrier is a light wave. For pigment paints there is a different layout:

Mix additional colors to get brown

A couple of additional tones: yellow + violet, where the latter is the sum of red and blue. The tone turns out to have a yellow tint.

Pair: red + green, where the second is the sum of yellow and blue.
The shades are closer to red - with medium green - rich red-brown, with emerald - dark chestnut.

Pair: orange + blue, where orange = yellow + red.

In this case, the result is a gray-brown tone: paired with blue - medium brown with a chocolate tint, paired with indigo blue - dark brown - dark chocolate.

Do we get brown and its shades from primary colors?

If you break down the colors from which brown is made into its component parts, you can understand that it is formed only when yellow, red and blue - the main shades - come together. Therefore, it is more logical and easier to create it by mixing these three tones together. In addition, it will be much easier to control its shades by changing the amount of one of the components.

How to get medium brown?

Mix three colors to get brown - the shortest way to the classic shades of tree bark: red + yellow + indigo blue in the proportion: 1: 1: 0.5

How to get red-brown?

Red-brown can be created by mixing red, yellow, blue in the ratio: 2:2:0.5.
How dark color– a little indigo is needed for the tone to change; yellow and red, on the contrary, need more, since they are light. To simplify the approach, you can always correct the resulting brown color by randomly mixing it with red and yellow, while yellow is needed to make the overall tone lighter and more saturated.

How to get dark brown?

To get dark brown, add blue (indigo) or black to the resulting arbitrary tone. Since dark brown hides the saturation of the shade, there will not be much difference between the resulting shades.

How to get taupe?

In order to get taupe, you will need any medium tone of brown to which you need to add white. If you need a darker brown: add black to it.

How to get light brown?

To get light brown into an arbitrary color you need to add white. However, this mixing often results in taupe, as we see in the previous version, so red and yellow are mixed into the resulting light taupe.
As a result, the resulting color is darkened again (due to the darker red), but if you add more white to it, the result will be more attractive (even beige):

The brightness of the resulting shades can also be enhanced:

So: let's summarize:

How to get shades of brown? Table

Let’s combine all the data into a table so that we can clearly see the relationship:
Darken brown - with black,
For red-brown - add red,
Yellow-brown (orange-brown) – yellow,
Olive brown – yellow + blue,
Purple-brown – red + blue,
Light brown – white.

The scheme of interaction of shades with brown, influencing the final tone, will also be interesting.

In the scheme, the center is the brown color, from which the shade will be built. Around it are tones for mixing. The next circle will be the resulting tones when mixing the main color with the shade-forming color, in the amount of 30%. Then shades with 10% admixture + additional: darkened (+20% black) and lightened (+20% white) from 10% shade.

How to get other colors and their shades: theory and practice. Click on the icon.

How to get brown color by mixing paints
How to get brown? You need to mix red, yellow and blue. To achieve the desired shade, change the proportions. Photos, tables

What is needed to create beautiful picture or drawing? In addition to the ability to draw, there are also coloring skills. One of the most common means for this is gouache. But the classic palette of colors is not too rich. So, when getting down to work, it’s worth studying the technology of mixing paints, in particular, how to get brown from gouache.

The color wheel is a friend to beginners

It’s good to be an experienced artist: you know all the intricacies of mixing tones to obtain the most intricate shades. But beginners can rack their brains for a long time about what colors to mix to get brown or some other color not included in the traditional set. However, you shouldn’t despair: the color wheel will come to the rescue. In gouache sets good quality The packaging always contains a table describing the components to be mixed. Having studied it, we can breathe a sigh of relief, since it is possible to get a beautiful brown color by mixing paints, and even in several ways.

Subtleties of mixing

It would seem that it was complicated: they combined two or three tones and stirred them. It turned out to be a very dark color - they added white paint, too light - they mixed in black gouache. Meanwhile, mixing shades is a much more complex process that requires certain skills. But you can cope without experience if you follow these recommendations and take into account the following:

If we combine 2 tones from the palette of a circle, then it is called secondary, and if the resulting mixture is added to other shades, then the result is already tertiary;

To obtain a brown tone (and all others too), you should not mix more than 3 colors;

Too much black to darken will simply "eat" the shade you want;

When adding white, it is worth considering that the tone turns out cold. In the case of brown, this can do a disservice, since the color itself belongs to the palette of warm shades;

When working with gouache, we must not forget that 5-7 minutes after application the color brightens significantly. So, when combining shades, you need to make the tone a little darker than what was originally intended;

Before mixing colors, you need to dilute the selected tones and combine them in strokes - then you can evaluate the result of the mixture;

To obtain a beautiful, uniform paint of the required shade, do not mix gouache different types. For example, a regular one and one with fluorescent pigments added, since the final shade will turn out to be very dull.

7 and 1 way to “make” brown gouache

Our life is a series of black and white stripes, accompanying us in all manifestations of existence. So in color scheme These paints are required for painting. There are also three shades in the color palette that cannot be made by mixing. These are sky blue, bright yellow and scarlet or red. All other tones can be created on this base. And the easiest way to get brown is to mix three base colors.

But what if you need not just brown, but its undertones? To do this, you need not only to change the base set, but also to monitor the proportions: by adding a little more or a little less, you may not get what you wanted.

1st method

Mix green with red. And here the question arises: where can I get green if it is not in the database? In fact, everything is very simple: you need to combine blue and yellow. And then, by mixing red, we end up with tertiary brown.

2nd method

Add blue paint to the orange paint. In order to have orange at your disposal, you need to mix red and a little yellow. To obtain a beautiful shade of brown, add a little blue at a time.

3rd method

We combine red with blue and get purple. Now all that remains is to add yellow paint - and the noble brown is ready.

4th method

This deep brown option is multi-step. To implement it, you will need to mix two secondary colors - gray and orange. The first is obtained by mixing classic white and blue-black, and the second - scarlet and bright yellow.

5th method

Coffee brown with shimmer is obtained by mixing purple paint with muted yellow and acid orange. When combining tones for the base, make sure that they are not pale, otherwise the desired tone will be too washed out.

6th method

To the orange we add light green and bright purple. This is a rather painstaking way to create the desired shade, but the finished result - a slightly shaded brown - is worth the effort.

7th method

This option will appeal to those who love the creative process on a palette. You will have to mix blue, yellow and red. But not all at once, but first two tones (any), and then little by little we add the remaining 3rd tone.

...and 1 more

Mix greens with blues. Then we introduce strict black, scarlet, and at the very end - rich yellow. It is the last component that is responsible for the shade.

Getting beautiful tones

Just describing what colors you need to mix to get dark, light, pale or bright brown will not be enough. We need to indicate what tones we get in certain combinations:

The more yellow is mixed in, the more the color will resemble ocher;

To give a chestnut tint to red, yellow, orange, add black;

Dark brown is the result of mixing yellow with red and black with white;

Light undertone is the result of adding white paint to the finished mixture.



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Russian breakfast: millet porridge with milk and pumpkin

Step-by-step recipes for preparing aromatic millet porridge with pumpkin, raisins, nuts, apples and meat 2017-12-19 Rida Khasanova Rating...

A simple recipe for shanezhki with step-by-step photos How to bake homemade shanezhki from cottage cheese

A simple recipe for shanezhki with step-by-step photos How to bake homemade shanezhki from cottage cheese

Surely you have heard about such a dish as shangi with cottage cheese. This delicacy has been very popular in Russia for a long time, it is also known outside...

Beet salads: delicious recipes with photos

Beet salads: delicious recipes with photos

The general principle of proper nutrition for a practically healthy person says: if you are faced with the choice of eating a vegetable raw or boiled, say...

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