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Coaching: what is it, types. Technologies and methods of training for development and achievement of goals. What is coaching

In this article I want to shed light on the topic of coaching, since in the post-Soviet space a lot of ambiguous information about coaching and coaches has gathered. Some people ended up with the right coaches and were very happy with the results, while others ended up with charlatans and realized that they simply lost money.

In addition, I will give you some tools so that you can experience what coaching is like.

In this article I will tell you:

  • Who is a coach (history, definition).
  • The difference between a coach and a psychologist, trainer, consultant.
  • How to distinguish a coach from a charlatan.
  • What questions do clients turn to a coach for?
  • How can a coach be useful to a client?
  • What does a typical coaching session look like?
  • How much can a coach earn?
  • Could coaching be beneficial for you?
  • Can you become a coach?
  • What does it take to become a coach?
  • My journey as a coach: how I became one and what it gave me.

I am sure that my thoughts will seem objective to you, since, on the one hand, I am a certified coach, and on the other hand, coaching is not a source of my income, since my main job is personnel management on the largest Ukrainian TV channel. In addition, I myself hire coaches to develop company employees and see different representatives of this profession.

I have been a certified coach for several years now. When I tell others that I am a coach, I am constantly asked the same questions:

  • Who is a coach? What is this, a personal growth coach?
  • How do you work with clients? You probably give them advice?
  • Is it true that clients pay $100 for one coaching session?
  • And are you really just asking questions?

Everyone has heard the word “coach” for a long time. Each of us has different associations when we hear the word “coach”. Some people imagine a personal growth coach, some a psychologist, some a charlatan information businessman, and some, perhaps, an avid NLPer.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with coaching. It’s just that all these people at one time caught the trend in the popularity of coaching and began, among other regalia, to attribute to themselves the newfangled word “coach”.

Real coaches don't teach anything at all.

But everyone will probably agree on one thing: coaches make good money. And this is really true. A coaching session even for a beginning coach costs $50, but experienced coaches charge from $100 to $200. But there are those who can charge $500 or even $1,000, but these are usually very well-known coaches who work with business owners, and this work is limited to either a series of intensive coaching sessions, with a pause of 6-12 months between them, or, on the contrary, occasional meetings once a month.

But what’s most amazing is that real coaches (and I’ll tell you who a real coach is below) don’t teach anything at all. They don't tell you what decisions to make, they don't force you to work better or harder. And what is no less striking is that they talk to the client not about his past, but, as a rule, about the future.

So why do people who ask questions about the future get thousands of dollars from their clients?

Let's try to figure it out. Let's start with the definition.

What is coaching?

Official version:

Coaching(English coaching - education, training) - a method of consulting and training, differs from classical training and classical counseling in that the coach does not give advice and strict recommendations, but looks for solutions together with the client.

My version:

Coaching- this is a special type of work of a coach with a client, thanks to which the client achieves outstanding results faster, more joyfully and easier than he himself would work to achieve them.

A little history


It all started with Timothy Gallwey, who was the originator of the concept of the inner game, which formed the basis of coaching. The concept was first outlined in the book The Inner Game of Tennis, published in 1974. This date can be considered the date of birth of coaching.

The idea of ​​the inner game came to him while working as a tennis instructor.

The opponent in your head is much more dangerous than the opponent on the other side of the net. The coach's job is to help the player eliminate or mitigate internal obstacles. As a result, a person's natural ability to learn and achieve effectiveness will emerge. The purpose of the "inner game" is to reduce any interference with the development and realization of a person's full potential.

Timothy Gallwey


He developed Gallwey's ideas as applied to business and management. John Whitmore is a British racing driver, one of the UK's leading business coaches, and the creator of the popular GROW coaching model.

John was a student of Timothy Gallwey. In 2007, he received the President's Award from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), which recognized his work in promoting coaching worldwide.


Considered the creator of coaching as we know it today.

Thomas was a financial consultant. One day he noticed that his most successful clients weren't asking him for financial advice so much as they were asking him for personal business advice. Business managers and top officials of companies were interested in learning how to quickly respond to a changing economic situation, how to effectively manage employees, and some simply could not formulate their future professional goals.

Here is just a small part of Thomas's achievements:

  • Founder of the Coach University (Coach University - www.coachu.com), the International Coach Federation (ICF), the International Association of Certified Coaches (IAC) and the CoachVille.com project.
  • Developed 28 personal and professional programs.
  • Author of six books for coaches and 14 internal exclusive works for students of the Coaching University.
  • Among the more than 28 programs he developed, Clean Sweep is a very popular one.

How coaching evolved

  • From the 70s to the mid-80s - the stage of the emergence of coaching in the USA.
  • Mid-80s - coaching began to spread in the United States.
  • Mid-80s - coaching intensified in Germany.
  • The end of the 80s - personnel development through coaching began in Germany.
  • The beginning of the 90s - in Europe and the USA, the division of coaching into specializations began.
  • Mid/late 90s - coaching is actively gaining momentum in Europe and America.
  • From 2002 to the present day there has been a phase of in-depth professionalization.

The difference between coaching and other types of assistance and consulting is shown in the graph:

So coaching is the only way counseling, in which the client is the expert, and the coach only asks questions.

How to distinguish a real coach from a real charlatan?

Coach Charlatan
Studied at a certified school
coaches (ECF or ICF) and can present their certificate
Didn’t study coaching at all, studied from books, studied with another coach, studied in an uncertified school
Inspires trust, does not impose pressure with his authority, does not impose services Does not inspire trust, convinces of the need for his services, uses manipulation techniques
Asks a lot of questions He talks a lot and gives advice.
When asked about the price, he gives a direct answer with a specific figure. Doesn’t name the price, asks how much you expect, offers to pay “as much as you can”
Has a specialization (career coaching, life coaching, business coaching) Ready to work with any request
Can talk about his own successful experience in the chosen field. For example, when offering executive coaching, it can tell
about your at least 5 years of experience managing a team of 20 people or more
Cannot demonstrate experience in the selected topic. So, for example, while doing relationship coaching, he himself does not have a partner

Separately, I would like to talk about the “coaches” who studied at Erickson University of Coaching.

It is worth noting that because Marilyn Atkinson spent many years of her life calling her former NLP teaching the newfangled word “coaching,” many students of this school are now perceived as coaches. I do not want to challenge their right to be called whatever they want, but I am obliged to shed light on this issue.

Who is Erickson, after whom his teachings are named:

  • So, Erickson Milton Hyland (1901–1980) is one of the most popular American psychotherapists XX century.
  • Wrote more than 140 papers on psychotherapy. In 1923 he developed a number of techniques hypnotherapy, including the hand raising method.
  • Erickson - founder and president of the American Society clinical hypnosis(American society of clinical hypnosis), founder and editor of the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. Regularly conducted his famous seminars hypnotherapy and a short straight psychotherapy.

Erickson's biography does not indicate that he was a student of one of the well-known coaches at the time (they are on the list above). In addition, Erickson himself did not call himself a coach or his science coaching.

But then Marilyn Atkinson appeared, who taught her followers NLP. However, at some stage she began to call herself a coach, without indicating who she studied with. Here is information about it:

  • Marilyn Atkinson - President of Erikson International University, Doctor of Psychology, coach, world-famous trainer, student Milton Erickson, a famous psychologist.
  • Marilyn is the author of many works, has been teaching and consulting in leading corporations in the world since 1985, and is the founder and president of Erikson International University (Canada) to this day.
  • Marilyn is the author of books on coaching: “Mastery of Life: Inner Dynamics of Development”, “ACHIEVEMENT OF GOALS: A Step-by-Step System”, “LIFE IN THE FLOW: Coaching”.

Therefore, internationally certified coaches often challenge Atkinson's right to call herself a coach, as well as her students.

What questions do clients turn to a coach for?

The range of questions with which clients turn to a coach is indeed very wide. Here are some of them:

  • Business planning, budgeting, goal setting.
  • Establishing a balance between work and personal life.
  • Solving difficult situations.
  • Achieving peak productivity at work.
  • Solving business and personal problems.
  • Making key decisions and developing strategies.
  • Increased sales.
  • Control my life instead of letting other people control me.
  • Increase my company's profitability by at least...
  • Take the adrenaline out of my life so I don't burn out.
  • Accelerate my own development.
  • Design a path for my own growth.

An example of specific queries that I worked with:

  • Which career path to choose?
  • How to eliminate your weak sides to become a marketing director.
  • Learn to manage a company (the person recently became a partner).
  • How to talk to a shareholder about your development.
  • Increase your income by 50% in 6 months.
  • Creation passive income in the amount of $200 for 10 months.
  • Purchase of a car (not on credit) for 1 year.
  • Career growth to the position of manager in 1 year.
  • Reducing the level of stress and tension so that work is fun.
  • Find a boyfriend by the end of the year.
  • Finding life balance (so that work does not come at the expense of other areas of life).
  • Increased level of well-being and energy.
  • Learn to manage your time, determine your capabilities and effectively determine deadlines for completing tasks.
  • Bringing order to life (instead of the existing chaos).
  • Lose 5 kg in 3 months.

What does a typical coaching session look like?

A typical coaching session lasts 60–90 minutes. If meetings are frequent, it may be reduced to 30–45 minutes. Meetings usually take place in a cafe or restaurant, as well as at the client’s workplace (in his office or meeting room). Less often, the client comes to the coach’s office.

Before the coaching session, the client forms his request - a certain task for the duration of the session. During the session, the client and the coach will have to find a solution to their request.

The result of a coaching session is a clear understanding of the client what to do to achieve his goal, and an action plan, usually for a week.

During the session, the coach asks the client questions and uses various coaching tools.

A typical coaching session follows the GROW model, which Whitmore came up with:

  • Goal - what is your goal? What do you want to achieve?
  • Reality - describe your situation now.
  • Options - what are the options for achieving the goal? Who can help you? What do you need? Let's brainstorm.
  • Will - what needs to be done to achieve the goal? What are the next steps? When could you do this?

One of the tasks of a coach is to raise the client's bar. That is, helping the client set higher goals so that he achieves more in life.

Now, as promised, I’m giving you one of the coaching tools.

This is a tool for a comprehensive assessment of the client’s life and searching for weak points in it.

There are 30 questions here. Each question must be answered “yes” or “no”.

Now calculate your score separately in each area. If an area scores less than six “yes,” it means there are problems there. If eight or more, everything is fine. Between six and eight - it would be worth improving.

Now your goal is to get all 30 “yes” in 90 days. Weak? ;)

How much can a coach earn?

Most often, a coach will charge $100 per coaching session.

Clients do not apply once, but buy on average 5–10 coaching sessions (private clients usually take five, corporate clients - 10). In such cases, the coach can make discounts.

The coach is not 100% busy all the time. A load of 40–60% is considered good, since the remaining time is required for moving around the city, attracting new clients, maintaining websites, and so on.

Many coaches provide training, which generally also charge about $100 per hour.

Let's take a person's normal working day - 8 hours. At 40% load, our coach will work 3 hours a day. This will be three coaching sessions of 60 minutes each. For such a day, the coach will earn $300 (provided that the coach did not give discounts).

In 20 working days, a coach earns $6,000.

This is a person who does not engage in any other activity other than coaching. There are not many of them, but I know several representatives.

More often, a coach’s income ranges from $3,000 to $10,000.

If coaching is not the main activity for a person and besides it there is Full time job, such a coach conducts no more than one session per day. And he doesn’t have clients for all 5 days. Usually this is 3–4 days. Which gives $300–400 per week or $1,200–1,600 in additional income per month.

There are also coaches who practice coaching solely to maintain their experience and conduct one session per week. Which gives 400 dollars a month.

Can coaching be beneficial for me?

Are you ready for coaching?

Rate it from 1 to 4, where 1 is false and 4 is completely true.

You can count on me to be on time for meetings. 1 2 3 4
I will honor agreements and keep my word 1 2 3 4
I want to listen and take advice from my coach 1 2 3 4
I speak directly and promise my coach a “no games” relationship. 1 2 3 4
I will immediately tell the coach that I am not getting the desired result,
if I get this feeling
1 2 3 4
I guess I have limiting beliefs
my development, and now is the time to take steps
moving forward
1 2 3 4
I am ready to expand my scope and replace ineffective
behavior more effective
1 2 3 4
I'm totally ready to take my life to the next level. 1 2 3 4
I want to experiment with ideas and concepts
which the coach will offer
1 2 3 4
I will immediately tell the coach that he is crossing my personal boundaries,
and in this case I will ask him to change his approach
1 2 3 4
I am ready to change HERE and NOW 1 2 3 4
I know what I want and will use a coach to help me achieve it. 1 2 3 4
I am fully aware that all responsibility for the results lies with me 1 2 3 4
I want a coach to always tell me the truth under any circumstances. 1 2 3 4
I have the necessary resources to pay for coaching,
and I consider coaching a worthwhile investment in my life.
1 2 3 4

___________ total score


  • 60–53. You are a very good candidate for coaching!
  • 52–47. Are you ready. A slight resistance holds you back. This is where coaching can begin.
  • 46–39. You're in a wait-and-see position. Before we get started, it's best we first talk about why you're thinking about coaching.
  • 38–0. Come back when you're ready to make a decision. Now you are not ready to take responsibility and make significant changes in your life. Coaching for those who are READY. Now may not be your time yet. This slice gives you an understanding of where you are now.

Can I become a coach myself?

You can safely give a positive answer to this question if you can answer “yes” to all points:

  • You want to help other people achieve their goals.
  • We are ready to become a model for them and to achieve their goals in different areas of life.
  • We are ready to devote time to training and basic coaching practice (more than 100 hours).
  • You have time for coaching sessions after completing your training.
  • Ready to learn, train, conduct sessions in the presence of others, and receive feedback from the trainer.

What does it take to become a coach?

The algorithm here is as follows:

  1. Choose a school that suits your needs based on location, course timings, reviews, and ICF certification.
  2. Raise money for the course ($1,000–$2,000).
  3. Complete a training course (average 1-3 months of intensive classroom training for 2-3 days per week or 10-12 months of online classes once a week for 60-90 minutes).
  4. Start hosting free coaching sessions. You need to spend at least 100 hours.
  5. Start telling others that you have become a coach.
  6. Create your website.
  7. Start attracting clients.

My path as a coach: how I became one and what it gave me

Initially, I went to study coaching not at all to practice coaching, but to improve my leadership skills. My team grew from 2 to 10 people, and I needed to learn how to manage them effectively. Since I had read all the main books on management at that time, I looked for management advice in the field of leadership.

Leadership training didn't spark my interest or respect, so I switched to coaching. I met a coach who told and showed me what coaching is, and my training began. I studied at International Academy MAXIMUM coaching (don’t consider it an advertisement) with Maxim Tsvetkov for 10 months, every week for 90 minutes in webinar format.

After completing all my homework, I began to set goals for myself, work to achieve them, and saw the effectiveness of coaching as a way to achieve goals (even though I just wanted to learn how to manage people).

Coaching works like magic: you just need to set a goal and understand the ways to achieve it, and you automatically start working on it.

At the end of the course I already had clear goals in all areas of life. In addition, my employees noticed changes in my management style, and our relationship became much better.

To obtain a certificate, I needed coaching practice, so I began coaching everyone I knew. It so happened that many of them achieved their goals very quickly. One of my subordinates, after a month of coaching, left for more high position to another company with wages twice as high. :)

I realized that coaching works like magic: you just need to set a goal and understand the ways to achieve it, and you automatically start working on it.

I received the certificate and began to inactively coach those clients who came to me mainly on recommendations. Over time, the number of such clients increases. But for me, the main priority is my career: I want to become a CEO in 5 years, so I don’t devote as much time to coaching as I could. For me, this is rather an opportunity to earn pocket money for my favorite toys (phone, laptop) on the weekend.

What coaching gave me:

  • Achieving a number of goals (career, health, salary).
  • Experience managing people in a more democratic style.
  • Meeting new and interesting personalities.
  • Awareness of your purpose.
  • A more balanced life.
  • Improving relationships with others.

Additional information on coaching and development can be found on my website. :)

Coaching – what is it? In this article we will talk not just about this concept, but about its pros and cons, about what coaching differs from regular training. You will learn, who is the best coach in the world, how to choose a good coach.

From the article you will learn:
  • Definition and types of coaching.
  • Differences between coaching and regular training.
  • Who needs and who doesn’t benefit from coaching?
  • How does coaching work?
  • How to choose a good coach?
  • Examples of life goals that require the help of a coach.
  • Who is the best coach in the world? Founder of coaching.
  • + VIDEO: useful EXAMPLE THE “INNER GAME” that led to success.

Coaching ( from English coaching - training) first emerged in the 70s of the 20th century in America at the intersection of sports, management, and psychology. This specific method training, as a result of which the “coach” (trainer) helps his student achieve a specific professional or life goal. In that main feature coaching and how it differs from other types of education and training. The coach and his coachee are focused on achieving a clearly defined goal, and not on overall development.

Types of coaching.

By number of students— group coaching and individual .

By application:

  • Business coaching. Designed to achieve company goals. A coach works with managers and employees.
  • Life coaching. Designed to achieve personal goals, to change oneself, relationships with others, and increase self-esteem.

2. Differences between coaching and regular training

So, the main difference between coaching and training aimed at general development, we discussed above.

The main distinguishing feature of coaching is its focus on achieving specific purpose, and not for general development.

Let's look at one more distinctive feature training. Coaching is fashionable type of training now. And it’s clear why. After all, coaching always aimed at change. It's special relevant now, in the digital, information era, when the world is rapidly changing.

The difference between coaching and other types of training is that they are aimed at learning from past experience, and coaching is created today, now, in the present, and therefore is directed, future-oriented, aimed at change!

Coaching is designed to tune the individual to the flexibility of perceiving changes in the world. In fact, coaching is the science of changing the world, organization, and person.

You can’t argue with the fact that the world and our lives have changed dramatically. The concept of mainstream has been replaced by the importance of being different. To be always different, unpredictable, unique, always new.

Life has become bright, colorful, the value of peace and stability has been replaced by the value of movement. People no longer go on vacation only to visit relatives; they prefer to see the whole world. People began to work in one place many times less than before. People are no longer afraid to change not only their place of work, but also their profession several times in their lives.

Freelancers used to be seen as loitering, but are now seen as resilient. An idle and free lifestyle, which was previously condemned, has now begun to be seen by everyone as reliable and desirable.

So, new rules in society arise before the old ones die out. There are always people who strive to keep up with the times, to be at the forefront. Can they help themselves with this? Or is it better to trust a specialist? Is it faster with a coach or on your own?

3. Who needs and who doesn’t benefit from coaching?

Suppose you decide to make a move and change your life. It remains to be seen whether you can do this on your own or whether you will need the help of a coach. Now you will get the answer to this question.

Reasoning out loud: how to be the first when you need to do many things at the same time, to be in the role of an employee, father/mother, husband/wife, son/daughter, friend, etc. How else can you add things and tasks to this daily merry-go-round of tasks? changes and changes? How not to go crazy, not to develop schizophrenia, doing everything new and new every day new choice among so many directions and possibilities? Which path to choose, which goal, which job, which car, phone, etc.

So, does everyone need a coach and coaching? Change is wanted by those who want more. Therefore, coaching is only for those who crave changes in themselves, for those who crave to get more than they have, but at the same time are aware of the risk and likelihood of losing something.

The new era requires new knowledge and skills, new professions. Our personality traits do not always meet the requirements of a new business, new conditions, new life. Change yourself, adapt to your new business, become greater than you were before, meet the new demands of life. Moreover, do it quickly.

You guessed it, you'll need a coach here. This type of coaching (to change yourself) is called life coaching. If we're talking about about changes in any professional qualities, necessary for a specific company, then we are talking about business coaching.

Who can't benefit from coaching? To the one who knows everything and can do everything and to the one who wants nothing. If a friend or mother brought you to a coach, coaching will not help. Coaching is needed for independent people with a clear goal and definitive by decision achieve it.

4. How does coaching work?

A coach is in many ways a journalist who has the art of asking the right questions. He, as it were, leads a person along the map of his life to complete insight, to recognizing the brakes and driving forces in himself. A coach helps direct a person's gaze to the most important thing that will lead him to achieving his goal. It is difficult for every person to look at his problem from above in order to present it as manageable and somehow “manual”. The person does not know how to approach her. A coach can transfer a person from the state of “I don’t know where to start” to the state of “I know what to do.”

If we talk about technology, coaching is built on 4 main stages:
  • Setting a goal.
  • Checking the reality of the goal.
  • Preparing a plan to achieve the goal.
  • Realization of the goal is called the will stage.

5. How to choose a good coach?

How can you be sure that your coach is a true professional?

With a good coach, you won't notice how time flies during the conversation. If you feel comfortable, natural, not tense, if problems open up to you one after another, then know that you have found a truly professional. An important sign of a good coach: during conversations you do not notice that he is “working.” The work of a real coach is always invisible, like the work of a good driver or a good bank.

6. Examples of life goals that require the help of a coach.

“I was appointed director; I used to be an excellent sales manager. I know how to convince, but I don’t know how to lead. How do you learn to manage people?

“I want to prove to myself that I can do something and earn a million. I’ve started many times, but apathy always sets in. I do not know what to do?"

“The company is on the verge of bankruptcy. But there is still a chance to restore everything. How to get out of depression and get ready for a breakthrough?

“I want to be a good leader for everyone, both for former friends and now for subordinates. Previously, everyone was in the same team, but now they don’t understand me. I can't punish people. How to switch to a new style relationships. I do not know what to do"

"I want to find new job. There are a lot of offers, but I’m bored with my work, I want to change my profession, I want a new drive.”

7. Who is the best coach in the world? Founder of coaching.

At the beginning of the article, I already mentioned that coaching appeared in the 70s of the 20th century at the intersection of management, sports and psychology. So, the founder of coaching, like specific type training is considered Timothy Gallwey (Wikipedia). He described the concept of the coaching method in the book “The Inner Game of Tennis”, 1974 and “Work as an Inner Game”. He was then coaching tennis players and noticed that the main obstacle to victory and achieving the goal was not the athletes’ rivals, but “the enemy in the head.” A coach helps a person overcome internal obstacles. To overcome them, Gallwey introduced "INNER GAME" method.

It is worth mentioning the followers of Timothy Gallwey's coaching method - Jonah Whitmore a (applied the method to business and management) and Thomas J. Leonard(founded the University of Coaches).

And now the main thing: the best coaches in the world are children.

Listen to their questions: why? Why? How? how? What? They have not been trained in coaching techniques, but somehow they are naturally given the ability to ask questions in the right sequence. It’s as if they are carrying out a task - to take us to a higher level. If you answer these questions, you will be able to resolve many of your internal problems that prevent you from achieving your goals. You can ask your children: “coaching – what is it?” I am sure that their answer will reveal some secret about yourself.

Watch in this video A useful EXAMPLE of an “INNER GAME” that led to success at work:


Coaching Basics. Basic coaching tools and steps of a coach in working with clients and employees. Understanding the processes occurring in the human brain. Coaching approaches used to increase productivity and improve quality of life.

The main question of the module: What do you want?

As a result, you will learn:

1. Create a clear vision of goals for clients and employees;

2. Formulate effective goals leading to quality results;

3. Build deeper trust with employees and clients;

4. Set effective open questions;

5. Compliance with the format of the coaching session;

6. Learn tools for managing motivation and commitment to goals and values;

7. Encourage customers and employees to engage in self-reflection, open feedback and development.

Discounts for prepayment:


Development and implementation of projects. Tools aimed at successful implementation of projects: planning, prioritizing, time management, uncovering creative strategies.

The main question of the module: How can you achieve your goal?

As a result, you will learn:

1. Creative strategies for the successful implementation of plans;

2. Plan efficiently and effectively, leaving yourself enough freedom and flexibility;

3. Coaching tools for working with requests from clients and employees on the topics of implementing plans, time management, and decision making;

4. Technologies for revealing the internal in-depth knowledge of clients and employees;

5. The skills to manage your resource state and you will be able to help clients with this.

Cost of training, 1 Module 48,000 rub.

Discounts for prepayment:
5% - upon prepayment for 2 modules
10% - upon prepayment for 4 modules, for regional participants
15% - for parents with many children, for 3 or more participants from one organization


Working with values: unlocking the potential of teams and people through values. Individual process exploring deep values ​​and helping others do the same. Spiral Dynamics by Claire Graves: The Evolution of the Values ​​of People, Organizations and Society.

The main question of the module: Why? Why is it important?

As a result, you will learn:

1. Determine the deep motivation of both your own and your clients and employees;

2. Technologies for connecting people with their deepest values;

3. Discover scripts that block effective communication and discover methods successful work with them;

4. Conduct coaching sessions to develop values ​​and commitment to goals;

5. Strengthen team meeting skills based on everyone's values.

Duration of the coaching course module: 4 training days.
Cost of training, 1 Module 48,000 rub.

Discounts for prepayment:
5% - upon prepayment for 2 modules
10% - upon prepayment for 4 modules, for regional participants
15% - for parents with many children, for 3 or more participants from one organization


The art of completing projects. Technologies for integrating mastery. Express diagnostics and effective communications with clients. Tools for increasing stress resistance. Integration of coaching technologies and skills of a professional coach.

The main question of the module: How will you know that you have achieved your goal?

As a result, you will learn:

1. Effectively complete projects and summarize results;

2. Create a map of success for yourself and clients;

3. Build effective communications with different types clients;

4. Be in a resourceful state and help clients get into it;

5. Express diagnostics: forecasting people’s behavior, assessing the competence of employees, conducting interviews for the development and assessment of personnel.

Duration of the coaching course module: 4 training days.
Cost of training, 1 Module 48,000 rub.

Discounts for prepayment:
5% - upon prepayment for 2 modules
10% - upon prepayment for 4 modules, for regional participants
15% - for parents with many children, for 3 or more participants from one organization

Author of the program: Doctor of Psychology Marilyn Atkinson - coach, trainer and outstanding specialist, certified trainer, student of the unique Master - Milton Erickson. Marilyn is the author of many works, since 1985 she has been actively teaching and consulting in coaching education in the world's leading corporations, and is the founder and president of the International Erickson University (Canada), which has representative offices and leading coaching courses in 28 cities in 10 countries.

Who is this program for:

Key results for you:

  • Mastering the coaching profession;
  • Ability to effectively develop strategies, set priorities, complete projects and achieve goals;
  • Acquisition and integration of coaching and self-coaching skills; High Performance Coaching;
  • Developing the ability to ask questions with ease and inspiration;
  • Deep systemic professional and personal growth in the learning process;
  • Discovering the resources of your own leadership style;
  • Developing the ability to think strategically, which allows managers to become leaders in their field of business;
  • Ability to create a Vision, inspire teams and achieve results;
  • Mastering coaching methodology for application in all areas of life, to achieve balance and harmony.

Program delivery methods:

The program provides the latest developments in the field human development, high performance coaching. You'll accelerate your professional growth and personal development with new concepts and elegant techniques that you can use almost immediately. Training in high performance coaching is interactive, the trainer demonstrates coaching methods that each participant can work in practice as a client and as a coach-manager (consultant). During the coaching learning process, you will be able to ask questions and receive qualified advice from the trainer and program assistants - certified coaches.

The course includes testing and certification of coaches.

Upon completion of the coaching training course, passing testing and certification, you will receive an internationally recognized Coaching Certificate from Erickson University (Canada). Testing and certification according to the standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Studying at Erickson University in Modules I – V provides the opportunity to obtain a certificate of completion of the ACTP program and submit documents for accreditation to the ICF.

The Science and Art of Transformational Coaching program (Modules I – IV) has the status of an ACSTH ICF accredited program (ACSTH is an ICF-certified number of hours of coaching training), and is the first stage of training in the ACTP program.

Coaching training. High performance coaching. Coaching courses.

Large companies and reputable international organizations rely on highly qualified personnel. Employees are sent to advanced training courses, training sessions, specialized seminars and programs. Many of these activities prove to be truly effective in addressing issues of management, marketing, human resources and strategic development. Employees who have attended practical training courses begin to better understand what is required of them and in what form.

Without detracting from the benefits of open seminars and classes, it is worth noting that corporate trainings have much greater potential. At them, more specific issues are discussed and worked out, specific problems of managers and managers are solved, the specifics of the company’s activities are taken into account, and traditional models and business process schemes are adapted taking into account specialization, trade and commercial activities enterprises.

The customer of corporate training, represented by the company’s management, sets a number of tasks for the business trainer (coach) that need to be solved during the period the employees undergo training; issues are discussed that the trainer/coach needs to go over together with employees in order to change the situation in the company, be it hot sales, corporate behavior, performance of duties, or the working spirit of the team.

However, at present, most people who are in one way or another connected with business education make a distinction between the activities of a business trainer and a trainer-coach. In the first case, we are talking more about the development of a person’s professional competencies, while in the second, the emphasis is on the individual’s abilities and potential. Based on the names themselves, a business coach helps a person understand business and professional activities, and a coach acts as a mentor, supporter and assistant, appealing to the internal qualities and properties of the nature of a particular individual.

A true coach is a trainer and consultant rolled into one. It will help you decide on goals, set priorities, realize unused internal resources, and see new opportunities in a situation that is unpromising in anyone’s subjective opinion. Trainer-coach will identify internal obstacles and barriers, counterproductive attitudes and views that pull you back all the time and interfere with personal development.

A coach works not only with a person, but also with situations that a person cannot cope with on his own. Diagnostics, forecasting, control are the main ways to solve problems both in personal life and at work.

Coping with difficulties that arise on your own professional activity, perhaps only a few. These are those who have willpower, spirit, determination, and receptivity to new ideas and proposals. Often such people do not have problems in this area at all. A coach and trainer is needed for those who are unable to look at the situation from a detached perspective and see with fresh eyes possible ways out of a personal or professional crisis.

The coach gives advice, explains the reasons for deadlock situations, possible consequences further incorrect actions of employees, suggests new approaches to performing duties if the old ones have ceased to bring positive results. In addition, in the arsenal of every experienced coach there is a lot of tasks and exercises for training and developing useful skills that stimulate the adoption of new behavior patterns, mental attitudes that improve self-motivation.

In any endeavor, including business, you can achieve much more if you use all resources, use all available opportunities, and take into account all related factors. A qualified business coach, psychologist and business strategy consultant Igor Vagin will help you or your staff develop such abilities. The invaluable experience of an expert can become part of your personal experience, which will benefit not only you, your company, but also all subordinates.

Have you ever been invited to coaching? Surely at least once you received a letter in the mail with a similar offer.

A lot of things have migrated into the modern Russian language English terms, used in business communication, and coaching is one of those words.

CoachingEnglish word, directly borrowed from this language, where "coaching" means training, teaching. This is what the technique is called today individual work coach with a client, during which the client receives a new, broader view of his capabilities, frees himself from stereotypes and uses his new state for professional or.

Coaching appeared in the late 80s of the twentieth century. Its author is considered to be the American T.J. Leonard, who developed this system during his time as a financial advisor. Clients constantly asked him for advice not only in the field of financial management, but also in various life situations.

Summarizing this experience, Leonard began his coaching practice in 1982. This trend gained popularity first in the United States and then spread to the rest of the world.

Coaching practices an approach to each person as a mature personality, which already contains its goals, aspirations and ways to realize them. Therefore your main task The coach sees it not in formulating ways for the client to solve his problem, but in the joint search for these ways, individual for each person.

Coaching is perceived as a process leading to increased professional competence or growth personal qualities coachee. But main goal is not the achievement of some material results, but the development in a person of the ability to see paths, make decisions and bear responsibility for them.

You cannot perceive the position of a coach as an expert who approves or disapproves of certain actions of his client. Its task is to strengthen the coachee’s ability to make independent decisions, to set their own plans, and not those imposed by someone else, and to take full responsibility for the result of their implementation.

Coaching techniques have found extremely successful applications in education. They help the learner to realize his or her potential and achieve the highest results without any coercion.

Coaching forms students’ readiness for self-development, designs and constructs the educational environment of a school or university, helps to build educational process taking into account the individual personal qualities of the student.

Teaching the principles of coaching carries great benefit for teachers, since they can build the learning process in a new way, focusing not on forcing students to learn mandatory methods and systems for solving problems, but on free implementation different approaches, including non-standard ones. As a result, the teacher helps to develop a broad-minded, self-development-oriented, responsible and independent personality.

As a matter of fact, coaching as a practice was formed in the business environment and for the business environment. Naturally, for entrepreneurial activity its technologies are adapted as well as possible. With the help of a coach, a businessman gets the opportunity to understand business processes, formulate new goals and outline ways to achieve them.

At the same time, the coach, as a rule, is absolutely far from the specialization of the coachee and only helps him learn to solve his problems using easier, simpler and more accessible means. A coaching course, as a rule, brings the ability to be a true leader for your team, find witty and innovative solutions to the most difficult problems, be self-confident and carry full responsibility for your actions, without shifting it to others.

A competent manager will definitely organize coaching for his staff, i.e. most responsible in his company. The more competent and organized employees are, the higher their motivation and opportunity to succeed, the more effective their activities will be.

Coaching is successful if used for those employees who, due to their occupation and job responsibilities, must make independent decisions, but at the same time be able to work in a team. It enables the employee to more clearly see the purpose and meaning of his actions, relate them to the common benefit and ultimately become more successful and effective in his place.

A coach can be either an outsider or an employee of the company; in the latter case, he helps to shape the style of communication between the manager and subordinates so that the staff acts with maximum independence, but for the benefit of the company.

The concepts of coaching and training are close, but far from identical. During the training process, a person masters new approaches and new techniques, but the trainer presents them in a ready-made form and actually imposes them on his client. At the same time, the student accepts these methods on faith, without wondering how suitable they are for him.

A coach, on the contrary, does not impose anything on anyone, but only helps a person independently find the optimal solution for him. Coaching is emancipation, instilling the skill to independently analyze a situation, form conclusions and draw up an action plan.



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