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Strong intimate muscles: how to pump them up? How to train vaginal muscles - exercises

It is very important to take care of your women's health and know how to train the vaginal muscles. Kegel exercises will help with this. When you work out in a fitness room on machines or with sports equipment, sooner or later these exercises give a visible effect. Either it is growing muscle mass, or the body becomes more prominent and toned. In turn, intimate muscles are not visible from the outside, but the degree of their development affects many areas of life, especially the quality of intimate life.


  • First of all, those who have weak vaginal muscles should perform a set of exercises.
  • Secondly, these exercises are needed to prevent ruptures in the upcoming birth.
  • Another indication for exercise is urinary incontinence, which occurs on its own or when coughing and sneezing.
  • Uterine prolapse or prevention is also an indication for exercise.
  • Dissatisfaction with your sex life also encourages you to start doing Kegel exercises.
  • Correct and systematic implementation of Kegel exercises will also help you get rid of hemorrhoids.
  • If you regularly perform exercises, the aging process of a woman’s body slows down, and the onset of menopause is also delayed.
  • By systematically performing Kegel exercises, blood supply to the pelvic organs improves. In this case, all organs function more efficiently.
  • In addition, if Kegel exercises are performed, this will promote faster recovery after childbirth.


At the very beginning, when preparing, you should learn to feel the muscles of the vagina.

  1. This can be done by stopping urination. At first it will be difficult to do this, then you will understand how to do it correctly and feel the muscles. However, this cannot be done often, otherwise such an exercise will have the opposite effect, that is, weakening of the muscles.
  2. If you are unable to feel your muscles with this exercise, try another exercise. Insert your finger into the vagina and squeeze the muscles forcefully, as if trying to wrap your finger around it. In this case, you will certainly feel these muscles. Before you start doing Kegel exercises, you must completely empty your bladder each time. If this is not done, you may experience pain and slight urination during exercise. It can also lead to a urinary tract infection.
  3. During exercises, only the intimate muscles should be constantly involved. Always avoid straining your abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks. They are not involved in any way in these exercises.
  4. Your breathing should be even and measured. Under no circumstances should he be detained. To feel if the desired muscles are relaxed, place your hand on your stomach and you will feel that the abdominal muscles are not involved in any way during the Kegel exercises.

  5. The posture when performing exercises at home should be comfortable - sitting on a chair or lying on the floor. However, you will be able to perform these exercises while sitting on a chair only when you learn to completely relax and perform them correctly while lying down. When you lie on the floor, your arms should be completely relaxed and extended along your body, while your knees should be slightly pulled up and brought together.

Kegel exercises

Once you have absorbed all the information above, start training your vaginal muscles.

First, squeeze your muscles and hold them for five seconds, then relax for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times. In total you need to make three to four visits per day.

After a week has passed since the start of your workouts, start squeezing your muscles for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times, perform 3-4 times a day.

Pull in your pelvic floor muscles. If you have a hard time understanding how to do this, imagine that these muscles are a vacuum. Tense and push your legs up and inward. Hold this position for five seconds and then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Completing all approaches should take no more than 1 minute.

We squeeze and relax the muscles rhythmically. You should perform 3-4 approaches per day.

When you learn how to do the above exercises well while lying down, you will be able to do them both sitting and standing, which means that now you can do them not only at home, but anywhere, for example, at work, on vacation or while doing any household chores.

Exercise machines for intimate muscles

Experts agree that for high-quality and complete training of the vaginal muscles, exercises alone are not enough. As soon as these muscles begin to come into the required form, you should include the use of intimate exercise equipment in your classes. They are specially designed and created for these purposes. What types of simulators are there?


Most often, this simulator looks like this - two balls are connected to each other by a strong thread, and it also comes out of one of the balls so that by pulling this thread, you can remove the balls from the vagina. The material from which such balls are made can be very diverse - from simple plastic to exquisite glass. However, experts do not recommend using them, because their misuse is great and, as a result, the opposite effect occurs.


This simulator operates in a similar way to a manual expander, but is designed specifically for training intimate muscles.

Vacuum trainer

This simulator is considered the most effective of all existing ones. With its help, you can achieve positive results much faster. At first it may seem that the device is very complicated, however, after understanding the instructions supplied with it, it becomes clear that there is nothing complicated in its use.

What should you keep in mind before exercising your vaginal muscles with Kegel exercises? What should you pay special attention to?

In any business you need to be thorough, however, you need to not overdo it. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect, such as pain during urination or even bowel movement.

You should stop urinating only to feel the intimate muscles; this exercise should not be included in your daily cycle. Otherwise, you can achieve such an effect as urinary incontinence.

Be prepared in advance for the fact that the first results will appear no earlier than in a few months. In the very best case scenario, if your muscles were not too weak to begin with, the effect will come faster, but not earlier than after 4-6 weeks.

If within the specified time you do not feel any results from the exercises, but at the same time it seems to you that you are doing all the exercises correctly and do not miss a single day, try contacting a gynecologist for advice. It will help you understand why the exercises do not have any effect.

When the first results appear, do not stop training under any circumstances. Otherwise, all your efforts will go down the drain. And, after a while, the muscles will weaken again, and you will have to start all over again.

Do not hold your breath while doing the exercises. You should breathe evenly and rhythmically.

Also, you should not strain the muscles of the thighs, abdominal muscles and buttocks. These muscles are not involved in any way during the exercise; they are relaxed.

Kegel exercises can be done during pregnancy. However, it is still better to play it safe and consult with the doctor who is monitoring your pregnancy. He is the one who knows you and the course of your pregnancy, so only he can say with confidence whether exercise will harm you and your unborn child.

Always empty your bladder before starting exercise. If this is not done, the vaginal muscles will eventually weaken and the risk of infection in the urinary tract increases.

If after doing the exercises you feel pain in the lower back, this means that you have violated the technique of doing the exercises. Here we can also recommend contacting a specialist for advice.

If you regularly perform Kegel exercises, and if you follow all the nuances, you will soon be able to feel that you have learned to control your intimate muscles. Your improved health will undoubtedly thank you, and will undoubtedly make your sexual partner happy! Good luck to you!

This information is only for those women who do not want to be content with ordinary sex life, but are trying to take it to a new level of quality, making it more fulfilling. Such ladies simply need to know how to pump up the vagina.

Functions of the vagina

The female genital organ, that is, the vagina, looks like a tube, the length of which is 8-12 cm. It is elastic and contains muscles. The muscles perform the function of adapting to the male penis, which is in a state of erection. It pinches the penis from all sides, due to swelling and muscle tension from increased blood supply when the sexual organ is excited.

Elasticity after childbirth

As we age, the vagina begins to change. Basically, after childbirth, it loses its elasticity, becomes more flabby and therefore cannot adapt to the man’s phallus. This leads to the fact that during sexual intercourse both partners do not experience the same vivid sensations as before. During labor, women's vaginal walls stretch, especially if the fetus is large. All this aggravates the tears and seams on them.


So that sex does not bring you one nerve disorder, it is better to find out how to pump up your vaginal muscles with special exercises. This way you will strengthen the muscles called vumena - these are especially intimate muscles located near the anus and vagina and contract during orgasm. If you make an effort, you can even control them during sexual intercourse, which will bring untold pleasure not only to you, but also to your partner.

Exercises for the vaginal muscles

Exercise 1

Lie on your stomach; if this is not possible, do the exercise in any position that is convenient for you. The muscles you plan to build must first be discovered. Imagine that you want to go to the toilet, reproduce this action and abruptly interrupt yourself, as if you were afraid of wetting yourself. Do the same with the anus. Remember how you feel. Then try to squeeze both groups of these muscles at once. During this exercise, your hips should lean forward slightly. Stay in this position for a few seconds. The sensations will not be pleasant, but you will not experience pain. You won't be able to squeeze your muscles for long, do it as long as you can. Squeeze your anus together with your buttocks to, among other things, tighten your gluteal muscles. Just don’t overdo it; for the first two weeks, repeat this movement once a day and no more. You should only feel slightly tired. Bring the number of repetitions to 100 times a day, five times a week, and within a month you will be pleased with an excellent result.

Exercise 2

You must have the appropriate skills for this exercise. Lie down and make a stand (birch tree), if it is difficult for you to hold yourself like this, then lean against the wall. Start to spread your legs and then bring them back to the starting position. Do this smoothly and increase the amplitude little by little; you need to do 6-7 repetitions per minute. The first week, do this for 3-4 minutes, gradually increase to 10 minutes of exercise per day.

Exercise 3

Tighten your vagina as if you want to pull something in and hold it in this state until you count to five. Over time, you should be able to count to 30 while holding your muscles. Perform this simple exercise every hour, especially since you can do it anywhere, and in a month you will see the result.


Squeeze and relax your vagina. This is done very quickly, starting with 10 times and gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 50 times. After that, do the same with the muscles of the anus.

Exercise 5

Contract the muscles of the vagina first, and then the anus. Repeat alternation 20 times.


Count from 3 to 5. At three and five, squeeze your vagina and stop in each position. Relax in the same sequence, stopping at the same numbers. Do the exercise on the muscles of the anus.

The vaginal muscle training is over.

We all know that heels negatively affect our legs, which cannot be said about the vaginal muscles. It turns out that when our feet are at a 15-degree angle from the ground, the muscles of the genital organ are trained. Just don’t overdo it with a heel, a medium one is enough, you don’t need one that’s too high. However, the exercises listed above will bring you the best results.

Now you know how to pump up your vagina. I hope you will be able to please your loved one by giving him new, incredibly bright sensations!

A cycle of exercises designed specifically to maintain the vaginal muscles in ideal condition is called vumbilding. With their help, it is much faster to cure urinary incontinence, anemia and sagging muscles in the intimate area. Thanks to wumbling, full preparation for childbirth is carried out and recovery after it is facilitated. Exercises to strengthen the vaginal muscles are not at all difficult, and therefore they remain in memory very quickly and are even easier to perform.

It occurs during urination. To successfully carry out this exercise, it is necessary to interrupt the urine output at least 2-3 times and hold it for several seconds. This becomes possible due to the vaginal entrance muscles, and they need to be trained first.

After this, you should perform the presented exercise at least 25 times during the day. For this you will need:

  • draw in the primary muscles and squeeze them very tightly;
  • hold them in this position for about 10 seconds (this period of time should be increased to five minutes);
  • At the same time, you need to breathe evenly, without holding your inhalation and exhalation.

It is advisable to carry out these workouts for the vaginal muscles in each of the body positions: both standing and lying down. Therefore, if you perform them exclusively while sitting, then during childbirth it will be extremely difficult to “activate” them.

Exercise two

This lesson is aimed at relieving pushing. The key to proper implementation is to alternately compress the muscles of the anus and the entrance muscles to the vaginal area. You must first tense the anus as quickly as possible and just as forcefully relax it. After this, similar actions should be done with the vaginal area. The complex will need to be repeated 15 to 20 times.

To enhance the effect, the lesson can be carried out in combination with breathing training. This is done according to the following algorithm: exhale, hold your breath, squeeze the vaginal muscles, inhale, during which the muscles are still tense. Only after this is it permissible to relax them and exhale. It is best to repeat the presented cycle of exercises together with the sphincter.

Exercise three

It will be remembered by many because it can be performed as part of sexual intercourse. For correct implementation, you should imagine that something is being pushed out of the vagina due to its muscles. When performing this exercise, you need to feel what the difference is between the muscles of the internal and input value. Such easy exercise will appeal to each of the partners.

It is acceptable to use a small object, for example, a ball on a dense and durable thread (it can be purchased at a sex shop).

At the first attempts, it may be difficult to perceive the work of the muscles, but thanks to such an object it will be much easier to feel it. You should do this exercise at least 5 times a day and over time increase this number to 15 times. Over time, you can move from light balls to heavier ones.

Exercise four

Training the abdominal muscles and thighs helps to further strengthen the vagina itself.

To carry out such an activity you need:

  • stand with your hands on your belt at the same level;
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your toes in different directions;
  • Slowly begin squats, bending your knees apart. Squats should be performed as low as possible;
  • stay in this position for 12-15 seconds and rise as slowly as possible.

It is necessary to feel in full force how the vaginal muscles function. This complex needs to be performed three to seven times.

An exercise can also consist of individual elements, but it will be most effective when performed all of them together.

Video - exercise for training intimate muscles for women

Other ways to train

The famous Latvian psychotherapist and sexologist Janis Zalitis advises female representatives to perform one exercise as often as possible. To carry it out, you should insert a finger into the vaginal area and tighten the walls so that they squeeze it. The force must be such that it is impossible to pull out the finger.

At first, achieving such a result will be very difficult, but over time, the vaginal muscles will be trained so much that it will be possible to hold any object solely with the strength of these muscles.

Known to many since school days, the “birch tree” exercise can also provide significant assistance in strengthening the vaginal muscles. It is a shoulder stand. In this case, the legs should be raised up. You can also use them to lean on the wall if you find it difficult to maintain your balance at first.

To strengthen the muscles in this position, the limbs must be brought together and spread apart with equal amplitude.

This exercise is also good because it will make it possible to optimize blood flow and restore the ideal level of hormonal activity.

Kegel complex

The classes, developed by American gynecologist Arnold Kegel, include several types of exercises. Those that are performed lying down, in a sitting and standing position. Kegel has developed a significant number of different exercises, some of which are carried out exclusively at home. The rest are universal, because you can do them even while traveling on a bus or subway.

Video - strengthening the pelvic muscles. Kegel exercises.

For example, “Hold”, which can only be performed at home. To do this you need:

  • lie on your back, placing a soft pillow under your head and neck;
  • bend the lower limbs at the knees and spread them apart;
  • tense your vaginal muscles and try to hold them in this state for at least a few seconds.

After this, you need to relax, rest, but not for long, and only then continue. For the first time, it is advisable to carry out at least eight approaches, and then it is permissible to increase the number of times to two or even three dozen.

Another exercise is called “Elevator”. It is known that the female vagina consists of a number of rings. Together they form a “tube”, so it’s easy to imagine that this is an elevator shaft. First of all, it is necessary to strain the lower muscle group as diligently as possible. After this, without weakening the pressure, reach the next group (or floor) and so advance, pausing for a certain period of time at each level.

This is just part of a Kegel series. The rest imply variations of the previously presented training with special balls, which must be performed in different poses.

Exercise machines for vaginal muscles

“Working” with the vaginal muscles will be possible thanks to special simulators that not only remove part of the physical activity. They also allow you to control the process itself, improving it and making it more efficient.

The first of them is pneumatic (operating thanks to compressed air) with a monitor. He takes over all the responsibilities of the trainer, indicating when it is necessary to activate the vaginal muscles. It also makes it possible to alternate between stages of relaxation and tension. There is also technology that determines how trained the vaginal muscles are: from one to nine. Depending on this, the intensity of the training process is selected.

An equally modern variation is the electric pulse simulator. It operates on a battery, like any smartphone. This simulator consists of two elements: a remote panel and a probe. The second is inserted into the vaginal area. A woman simply needs to select the required program on the display, which will determine the strength of the micropulses. After this, you can relax for several hours, during which the simulator will work.

At this time, the woman will feel how impulses enable the vaginal muscles to constantly contract. Such sensations are not associated with even the slightest discomfort and are perceived as minor vibrations that can even awaken erogenous zones.

Training the vaginal muscles is an activity that will enable a female representative to prepare for childbirth and restore her strength as quickly as possible after it. Also, strong vaginal walls are the key to a good sex life and slow down the natural aging process.

Gymnastics for intimate muscles are exercises specifically designed to naturally strengthen and restore muscles of the female pelvic organs.

Gynecologists recommend performing gymnastics for the intimate muscles to prevent gynecological problems, prepare for pregnancy, restore the tone of the intimate muscles after childbirth, increase sexuality and sensitivity during intimacy, and level the unpleasant factors accompanying the menopause.

Muscle condition testing

Before starting classes, it is recommended to conduct a simple test to determine the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair. Insert the index and middle fingers into the vagina, spreading them in the form of the English letter V. Then squeeze the pelvic muscles around the fingers, without using the abdominal muscles or squeezing the buttocks. The fingers should be connected. Remember the force of contraction of your muscles. Using this method, periodically, you can independently check the condition of your intimate muscles and determine how well they have strengthened.

You can learn more about how to correctly independently determine where the pelvic floor muscles are located and whether the exercises are being performed correctly by following the link provided.

Preliminary preparation

Exercise comfortably while lying on the floor. For comfort, you can put a blanket or fitness mat on the floor. Close the curtains. Turn on some nice music.

How much to study

The first classes continue until you are completely tired, usually 20-30 minutes. As your muscles strengthen, increase the duration of exercise to 40–45 minutes. You should not exceed the recommended time, this will not speed up the process of muscle development.

Your feelings

At first, after exercise, you may experience slight discharge and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Don’t worry, this is quite normal, this is how well-worked muscles that previously rested react, and the mucous membrane is thus renewed and cleansed.

Possibly due to weak pelvic muscle tone, even beginner-level exercises will seem difficult. The first week you can limit yourself to only the exercises Warm-up, Lift, Pulse, Sos. After a week of training, the muscles will adapt and become stronger, and the exercises will be easy and free.

The initial level must be completed completely until all the exercises at this level can be completed without difficulty.

Important! Muscles are strengthened at the moment of relaxation, the more the muscles were tense during the exercise, the more blood supply and oxygen supply they will receive during relaxation, they will become stronger and healthier.

We will only give a set of exercises to strengthen intimate muscles first level. You can study the full range of intimate gymnastics exercises for women, including those with the Egg vaginal exercise machine, on your own by downloading the electronic version or purchasing the printed edition of the book “Woman’s Intimate Health.”

A set of entry-level exercises

You should start your workout with a warm-up in order to prepare, warm up the necessary muscles, and disperse blood and lymph through the pelvic organs.

Intimate gymnastics - Warm-up

Exercise Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly at the knees and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Squeeze the vaginal sphincter and try to pull it up. In terms of time, one contraction with a tightening should take about 1 second. Repeat 100 times. Rest for 30 seconds. Do 2 more approaches.

At the beginning, the number of contractions can be reduced, but there should be at least 50 contractions in one approach.

While squeezing the sphincter, try to lift, pull the muscle high up and pull the sphincter inward.

Each contraction with an upward pull is followed by a muscle relaxation phase.

Breathe freely, don't hold your breath.

If you feel that the muscle is very tired, rest a little and start again.

Exercise Hold Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Tighten the vaginal muscle strongly, starting with the sphincter, and try to keep it compressed for 60 seconds. Then relax, rest for a few seconds.

Do 2 more approaches.

In the first classes, the time you hold the muscle can be slightly reduced.

Squeeze only the vaginal muscle, stomach, buttocks, do not strain your legs.

This article is intended only for women who are interested in a more complete sex life. Exercises to strengthen the vaginal muscles, by the way, are ideal for achieving this goal.

The vagina is a female reproductive organ, it looks like a tube, 8-12 cm long. It is elastic, contains muscles, their main function is that during sexual intercourse they adapt as much as possible to the tense male penis. Grasping it from all sides, due to their tension and swelling, and increased blood supply during sexual arousal, the vaginal muscles squeeze the penis from all sides.

All women have the same anatomical structure of the vagina, with the exception of developmental anomalies. But there are individual natural qualities: flora, temperature, acidity, elasticity, lubricant secreted and its quantity, etc. All these properties can change depending on the woman’s age or previous diseases. For example, the vagina of young women is different from that of older women. It is more elastic and strong due to the vaginal muscles, which are well supplied with blood. During sexual intercourse, they tightly clasp the penis, thereby the couple has the opportunity to receive the highest pleasure.

Over time, the vagina undergoes age-related changes, not small role Childbirth plays a role in this. After them, the vagina loses its ability to adapt to the male phallus, the muscles become flabby, sluggish and inelastic. Naturally, sensations during sexual intercourse lose their brightness. During childbirth, the walls of the vagina are stretched, especially with a large fetus, and also if there have been tears and stitches. In the turmoil and fear of bleeding, the doctor hastily applies them, caring little about aesthetics, as a result, the woman’s genital slit does not gape beautifully, the vagina ceases to fulfill its main function - maximum adaptation to the male penis during sexual intercourse.

Whatever sexual intercourse causes negative emotions and discomfort, every woman should know how to strengthen the vaginal muscles through exercises. They are aimed at strengthening special intimate muscles, which are called vumena, located around the vagina and anus (anus), they contract during orgasm. It turns out they can be pumped up with exercise, like any other muscles in the body. If you try hard, you can learn to control them during intimacy, contracting the muscles, thereby delivering the highest pleasure to your partner and yourself.

These exercises train the muscles of the vagina, anus and perineum, keep them in good shape, and serve as a preventive measure for many diseases: hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, as well as some gynecological diseases. After all, exercise increases blood flow to the pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, intestines), nourishing them and restoring them. Some of these exercises are good because they can be performed anytime and anywhere: at home, at work, in transport, etc. without interruption from business.

First exercise

The preferred position is lying on your stomach, but it can be performed in any position. The muscles needed to be trained must first be found. To do this, just imagine that you want to urinate and perform this action, then stop abruptly, as if you are afraid to wet yourself, then do the same with the anus area, remember the whole process. The next action, try to squeeze both of these muscle groups together, during this the hips seem to give in slightly forward. Your task is to stay in this position for a few seconds. At the beginning, the sensations are unpleasant, but they will not bring pain, because you will not be able to keep your muscles tense for a long time. It is advisable to squeeze the anus muscles together with the gluteal muscles. This will make your buttocks look more beautiful and toned. You should not get too carried away and be zealous, and it is recommended to do this exercise no more than once a day in the first two weeks, until you feel slightly tired. Gradually increase the number of exercises to 100-150 times a day and no more than 5 times a week; after a month of regular exercise, the vaginal muscles will strengthen.

Second exercise

It’s quite difficult to do if you don’t have the appropriate skills. You need to take a shoulder stand (birch tree); if it’s difficult to hold such a pose on your own, take a wall as an assistant. After acceptance starting position, smoothly spread and bring your legs together, gradually increasing the amplitude, perform 5-7 movements per minute. During the first week, perform the exercise from 2 to 4 minutes, gradually increasing the exercise time to 10 minutes per day.

Third exercise

Imagine that you are pulling some object into yourself with your vagina, perform this action, and try to keep your vaginal muscles in such a tense state as much as possible, slowly counting to five. Gradually increase this period of time from 10 to 30. It is recommended to perform the exercise hourly, and the result will be in just one month.

Fourth exercise

Quickly squeeze and relax the vaginal muscles, starting from 10 times and gradually increasing to 50 times. Then repeat the same with the anus muscles.

Fifth exercise

Alternate contraction of the vaginal muscles and anal muscles, 20 times.

Sixth exercise

In your head, count from 3 to 5, on the count of three and five, squeeze the vaginal muscles, stopping in each position, then relax them in the same sequence, stopping at the same count, then do these actions with the muscles of the anus.

An interesting fact, everyone knows that high heels have a negative effect on the health of the legs, but, oddly enough, they have a positive effect on the vaginal muscles by training them, the best option is to place the foot from the ground at an angle of 15 degrees, but you should not abuse high heels, it’s enough wear medium. It is better to do exercises to strengthen the vaginal muscles.



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