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Lopakhin. Lopakhin and Varya. Lopakhin and Ranevskaya. Characteristics of Varya from the play “The Cherry Orchard” Characteristics of Varya from the Cherry Orchard

Varvara Mikhailovna is one of the main characters in the play “The Cherry Orchard”, the adopted daughter of the landowner Ranevskaya. She is 24 years old and she runs the entire Ranevsky household, acting as both an adopted daughter and a housekeeper. By nature, Varya is a very modest and pious girl who conscientiously treats her duties. She is often busy with petty household chores and, unlike the gentlemen, she knows how to save rationally. A bunch of keys in her belt testifies to her homeliness. She looks at the circumstances soberly and understands perfectly well that

business on the estate is in decline. She knows that Ranevskaya is ruined, but she can’t do anything.

Varya’s dream is to have at least a hundred rubles and go to holy places or become a nun. In the play, the girl also has a potential groom, the merchant Lopakhin, who does not dare to propose to her. She herself understands that she has nothing to expect from this love, but Ranevskaya insists on their union. She considers him a worthy and good person, but says that she is not the first to propose to him. Varya dreams of marrying her sister to a rich man and worries that she will fall in love with Petya Trofimov. For this reason, he keeps a vigilant eye on the couple, but in vain.

After the sale of the estate, Varya leaves as a housekeeper to other landowners, without waiting for Lopakhin’s offer.

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transitions:1 “The Cherry Orchard” characteristic of Vare

Varvara Mikhailovna- one of the main characters in the play “The Cherry Orchard”, the daughter of the landowner Ranevskaya. She is 24 years old and runs the entire Ranevsky household, acting as both an adopted daughter and a housekeeper.
By nature, Varya is a very modest and pious girl, and conscientiously treats her duties. She is often busy with petty household chores and, unlike the gentlemen, she knows how to save rationally. Her homeliness is evidenced by the ties of the keys in her belt. She looks at the circumstances soberly and understands perfectly well that things on the estate are in decline. She knows that Ranevskaya is ruined, but she can’t do anything.
Varya’s dream is to have at least a hundred rubles and travel to holy places or become a nun. In the play, the girl has a potential groom, the merchant Lopakhin, who does not dare to propose to her. She herself understands that she can expect nothing from this love, but Ranevskaya insists on their union.

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Anya- a girl of seventeen years old, the daughter of the landowner Ranevskaya, a symbol of sincerity and spontaneity in the play “The Cherry Orchard”. Anya, like many other members of her family, grew up in a cherry orchard and received a noble upbringing under the guidance of governesses such as Charlotte Ivanovna, a former circus acrobat without a passport or a certain age. It is unlikely that such an environment could have given Ani a serious education, but the play shows that she grew spiritually, perhaps studying life from books.
She lived with her mother in Paris for several years.
Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya- landowner, has two daughters - her own Anya (17 years old) and her adopted daughter Varya (24 years old). She is easy to communicate and very sentimental and sensitive. “God knows, I love my homeland, I love it dearly...” she says about Russia. And returning to the estate, she cries at the sight of the fatherland of her childhood.
5 years before the moment described at the beginning of the comedy, she left for Paris after the death of her husband and the death of her little son. She lived luxuriously in the capital of France - she spent money without counting and received guests.
Anya- daughter of Ranevskaya, 17 years old. Captured by student Pyotr Trofimov and under his influence. Under the influence of his reasoning that it is necessary to atone for the past through suffering and continuous work, he says that he no longer loves the cherry orchard as before, and will certainly leave home. Consoling her mother after the sale of the estate, she recites in the same way as Trofimov: “We will plant a new garden, more luxurious than this...” - etc. She has a youthful faith in happiness, in her own strength. She sincerely rejoices at leaving her old home, because “a new life begins.”
Gaev Leonid Andreevich- one of the main characters in the play “The Cherry Orchard” (1903), brother of the landowner Ranevskaya. A man of the “old school”, like his sister, he is sentimental. He is very worried about the sale of the family estate and the loss of the cherry orchard.
By nature, Gaev is an idealist and romantic. He is not particularly adapted to the “new” life. He considers himself to be a people of the 80s of the 19th century. He is artistic and sincere. He can even confess his love to a closet, which for him has been the guardian of the family for almost a century. He talks a lot, sometimes not to the point.
Petya Trofimov- one of the characters in the play “The Cherry Orchard”, former teacher Ranevskaya’s seven-year-old son, a commoner, is 26 or 27 years old. Many call him an “eternal student” and a “school student” because he studies all the time and never finishes his course. Petya wears glasses and likes to philosophize about how to live. In his opinion, the nobility is last century. They were too lazy, and now the time has come for hardworking youth.
Trofimov wanders a lot from place to place.
Anya, her daughter, 17 years old.

Dunyasha, maid.
Firs, footman, old 87 years old.
Yasha, a young footman.
The estate of landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Spring, cherry trees are blooming.
Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna, landowner.
Anya, her daughter, 17 years old.

Charlotte Ivanovna, governess.
Epikhodov Semyon Panteleevich, clerk.
Dunyasha, maid.
Firs, footman, old 87 years old.
Yasha, a young footman.
"The Cherry Orchard"- lyrical play by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov from 1903. "The Cherry Orchard" brief retelling can be read in 10 minutes, but it is better to read the work in its entirety, because the abridged version misses a lot of details.
Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna, landowner.
Anya, her daughter, 17 years old.
Varya, her daughter is named, 24 years old.
Gaev Leonid Andreevich, brother of Ranevskaya.
Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich, merchant.
Trofimov Petr Sergeevich, student.
Simeonov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich, landowner.

A.P. Chekhov wrote his famous play “The Cherry Orchard” in 1903. In this play, the central place is occupied not so much by the personal experiences of the characters, but by an allegorical vision of the fate of Russia. Some characters personify the past (Ranevskaya, Gaev, Firs, Varya), others - the future (Lopakhin, Trofimov, Anya). The characters in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" reflect the society of that time.

Main characters

The heroes of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" are lyrical characters with special features. For example, Epikhodov, who was constantly unlucky, or Trofimov, an “eternal student.” Below will be presented all the characters of the play "The Cherry Orchard":

  • Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna, mistress of the estate.
  • Anya, her daughter, 17 years old. I am not indifferent to Trofimov.
  • Varya, her adopted daughter, 24 years old. In love with Lopakhin.
  • Gaev Leonid Andreevich, brother of Ranevskaya.
  • Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich, a native of peasants, now a merchant. He likes Varya.
  • Trofimov Pyotr Sergeevich, eternal student. He likes Anya, but he is above love.
  • Simeonov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich, a landowner who constantly has no money, but he believes in the possibility of unexpected enrichment.
  • Charlotte Ivanovna, the maid, loves to show tricks.
  • Epikhodov Semyon Panteleevich, clerk, unlucky man. He wants to marry Dunyasha.
  • Dunyasha, the maid, considers herself like a lady. In love with Yasha.
  • Firs, an old footman, constantly takes care of Gaev.
  • Yasha, Ranevskaya's spoiled lackey.

Images of the characters in the play

A.P. Chekhov always very accurately and subtly noticed his features in each character, be it appearance or character. Supports this Chekhov's peculiarity and the play “The Cherry Orchard” - the images of the characters here are lyrical and even a little touching. Each has its own unique features. For convenience, the characteristics of the heroes of The Cherry Orchard can be divided into groups.

Old generation

Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna appears as a very frivolous but kind woman who cannot fully understand that all her money has run out. She is in love with some scoundrel who left her without funds. And then Ranevskaya returns with Anya to Russia. They can be compared to people who left Russia: no matter how good it is abroad, they still continue to yearn for their homeland. The image chosen by Chekhov for his homeland will be written below.

Ranevskaya and Gaev are the personification of the nobility, the wealth of past years, which during the author’s time began to decline. Both brother and sister cannot fully understand this, but nevertheless they feel that something is happening. And by the way they begin to act, you can see the reaction of Chekhov’s contemporaries - it was either a move abroad, or an attempt to adapt to new conditions.

Firs is an image of a servant who was always faithful to her masters and did not want any change in order, because they did not need it. If with the first main characters of “The Cherry Orchard” it is clear why they are considered in this group, then why can Varya be included here?

Because Varya occupies a passive position: she humbly accepts the folding position, but her dream is the opportunity to walk in holy places, and strong faith was typical for people of the older generation. And Varya, despite her vigorous, at first glance, activity, does not accept active participation in conversations about fate cherry orchard and does not offer any solutions, which shows the passivity of the rich class of that time.

Younger generation

Representatives of the future of Russia will be considered here - these are educated young people who put themselves above any feelings, which was fashionable in the early 1900s. At that time, public duty and the desire to develop science were put in first place. But one should not assume that Anton Pavlovich portrayed revolutionary-minded youth - this is, rather, a depiction of the majority of the intelligentsia of that time, which was engaged only in discussing lofty topics, placing itself above human needs, but was not adapted to anything.

All this was realized in Trofimov - " eternal student" And " shabby gentleman", who was never able to finish anything, had no profession. Throughout the play he only talked about various matters and despised Lopakhin and Varya, who was able to admit the idea of ​​his possible romance with Anya - he is “above love.”

Anya is a kind, sweet, still completely inexperienced girl who admires Trofimov and listens carefully to everything he says. She personifies youth, who have always been interested in the ideas of the intelligentsia.

But one of the most striking and characteristic images of that era was Lopakhin, a native of peasants who managed to make a fortune for himself. But, despite his wealth, he remained essentially a simple man. This is an active person, a representative of the so-called “kulaks” class - wealthy peasants. Ermolai Alekseevich respected work, and work always came first for him, so he kept postponing an explanation with Varya.

It was during that period that Lopakhin’s hero could appear - then this “rising” peasantry, proud of the realization that they were no longer slaves, showed a higher adaptability to life than the nobles, which is proven by the fact that it was Lopakhin who bought Ranevskaya’s estate.

Why was the characterization of the characters in The Cherry Orchard chosen specifically for these characters? Because it is on the characteristics of the characters that their internal conflicts will be built.

Internal conflicts in the play

The play shows not only the personal experiences of the characters, but also the confrontation between them, which makes the images of the heroes of “The Cherry Orchard” brighter and deeper. Let's take a closer look at them.

Ranevskaya - Lopakhin

Most main conflict is in the pair Ranevskaya - Lopakhin. And it is due to several reasons:

  • belonging to different generations;
  • contrast of characters.

Lopakhin is trying to help Ranevskaya preserve the estate by cutting down the cherry orchard and building dachas in its place. But for Raevskaya this is impossible - after all, she grew up in this house, and “dachas are so vulgar.” And in the fact that it was Ermolai Alekseevich who bought the estate, she sees this as a betrayal on his part. For him, buying a cherry orchard is the resolution of his personal conflict: he, a simple man, whose ancestors could not go beyond the kitchen, has now become the owner. And this is where his main triumph lies.

Lopakhin - Trofimov

The conflict in a pair of these people occurs due to the fact that they have opposing views. Trofimov considers Lopakhin an ordinary man, rude, limited, who is not interested in anything other than work. The same one believes that Pyotr Sergeevich is simply wasting his mental abilities, does not understand how one can live without money, and does not accept the ideology that man is above all earthly things.

Trofimov - Varya

The confrontation is most likely based on personal hostility. Varya despises Peter because he is not busy with anything, and fears that with the help of his clever speeches he will make Anya fall in love with him. Therefore, Varya tries in every possible way to prevent them. Trofimov teases the girl “Madame Lopakhina,” knowing that everyone has been waiting for this event for a long time. But he despises her because she equated him and Anya with herself and Lopakhin, because they are above all earthly passions.

So, above it was briefly written about the characters of the heroes of Chekhov’s “The Cherry Orchard”. We described only the most significant characters. Now we can move on to the most interesting thing - the image of the main character of the play.

The main character of "The Cherry Orchard"

The attentive reader has already guessed (or is guessing) that this is a cherry orchard. He personifies Russia itself in the play: its past, present and future. Why did the orchard itself become the main character of “The Cherry Orchard”?

Because it is to this estate that Ranevskaya returns after all the misadventures abroad, because it is because of him that the heroine’s internal conflict intensifies (fear of losing the garden, awareness of her helplessness, reluctance to part with it), and a confrontation arises between Ranevskaya and Lopakhin.

The Cherry Orchard also helps resolve internal conflict Lopakhin: he reminded him that he was a peasant, an ordinary man who miraculously managed to get rich. And the opportunity that arose with the purchase of the estate to cut down this garden meant that now nothing else in those parts could remind him of his origin.

What did the garden mean to the heroes?

For convenience, you can write the characters’ attitude towards the cherry orchard in a table.

A garden is a symbol of wealth and well-being. The happiest childhood memories are associated with him. Characterizes her attachment to the past, so it is difficult for her to part with itSame attitude as my sisterFor her, the garden is an association with childhood, but due to her youth, she is not so attached to it, and still has hopes for a bright futureThe same association with childhood as Anya’s. At the same time, she is not upset about its sale, since she can now live the way she wantsThe garden reminds him of his peasant origins. By knocking it out, he says goodbye to the past, while at the same time hoping for a happy future.Cherry trees are a symbol of serfdom for him. And he believes that it would even be right to abandon them in order to free himself from the old way of life

Symbolism of the cherry orchard in the play

But how then is the image of the main character of “The Cherry Orchard” connected with the image of the Motherland? Through this garden, Anton Chekhov showed the past: when the country was rich, the class of nobles was in its prime, and no one thought about the abolition of serfdom. In the present, there is already a decline in society: it is divided, guidelines are changing. Russia was already on the threshold new era, the nobility became smaller, and the peasants gained strength. And the future is shown in Lopakhin’s dreams: the country will be ruled by those who are not afraid to work - only those people will be able to lead the country to prosperity.

The sale of Ranevskaya's cherry orchard for debts and its purchase by Lopakhin is a symbolic transfer of the country from the rich class to ordinary workers. Debt here means debt for how their owners treated them for a long time, how they exploited the common people. And the fact that power in the country is passing to the common people is a natural result of the path along which Russia has moved. And the nobility had only to do what Ranevskaya and Gaev did - go abroad or go to work. And the younger generation will try to fulfill their dreams of a bright future.


Having carried out such a small analysis of the work, one can understand that the play “The Cherry Orchard” is a deeper creation than it might seem at first glance. Anton Pavlovich was able to masterfully convey the mood of society of that time, the situation in which it found itself. And the writer did this very gracefully and subtly, which allows this play to remain loved by readers for a long time.

Varvara Mikhailovna is one of the main characters in the play “The Cherry Orchard”, the adopted daughter of the landowner Ranevskaya. She is 24 years old and she runs the entire Ranevsky household, acting as both an adopted daughter and a housekeeper. By nature, Varya is a very modest and pious girl who conscientiously treats her duties. She is often busy with petty household chores and, unlike the gentlemen, she knows how to save rationally. A bunch of keys in her belt testifies to her homeliness. She looks at the circumstances soberly and understands perfectly well that things on the estate are in decline. She knows that Ranevskaya is ruined, but she can’t do anything.

Varya’s dream is to have at least a hundred rubles and go to holy places or become a nun. In the play, the girl also has a potential groom, the merchant Lopakhin, who does not dare to propose to her. She herself understands that she has nothing to expect from this love, but Ranevskaya insists on their union. She considers him worthy and a good man, but says that she shouldn’t be the first to propose to him. Varya dreams of marrying her sister to a rich man and worries that she will fall in love with Petya Trofimov. For this reason, he keeps a vigilant eye on the couple, but in vain.

After the sale of the estate, Varya leaves as a housekeeper to other landowners, without waiting for Lopakhin’s offer.

Other works on this topic:

  1. Ranevskaya Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna – main character play by A.P. Chekhov “The Cherry Orchard”, landowner and mistress of the estate with a cherry orchard. He died a few years ago...
  2. Lopakhin Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich is one of the main characters in the play “The Cherry Orchard”, a merchant, a descendant of serfs who worked for Ranevskaya’s father and grandfather. Lopakhin's father was uneducated...
  3. Anya Anya is a seventeen-year-old girl, the daughter of the landowner Ranevskaya, a symbol of sincerity and spontaneity in the play “The Cherry Orchard.” Anya, like many other members of her family,...
  4. Firs Firs is the most old character in the play “The Cherry Orchard”, a devoted footman on the Ranevskaya estate. He is 87 years old and has devoted most of his life...
  5. Gaev Leonid Andreevich Gaev is one of the main characters in the play “The Cherry Orchard” (1903), the brother of the landowner Ranevskaya. A man of the old school, like his sister, he is sentimental. Very...

It was this play that was the last that the writer was able to finish. In this work, he showed the reader the whole truth about the landowners, and what they really are. Chief, one positive hero plays - The Cherry Orchard, because only he tried to reason with all the inhabitants of this house. Unfortunately, nothing worked out. One of the main characters, in last job Chekhov, Ranevskaya's adopted daughter Varya.

After her mother left, she took over all the housework herself, because no one else needed it. However, no matter how the heroine tried to correct the difficult situation of the family, it still did not work out. Soon the owners of the house had to decide the fate of their house, and there was even a threat that it could be put up for sale.

At the beginning of the poem, readers are told that Varya would like to go to a monastery and be faithful to God. But due to the difficult situation of the family, she should abandon such an idea. Like all the residents of the house, they are waiting and hoping for Ranevskaya, because she has been gone for a long time and it is worth waiting for a miracle. Since the Cherry Orchard is very dear to them, they do not want to sell, especially it, until the last minute. It is he who reminds them of their past and childhood memories, especially of Ranevskaya.

After Varya’s mother and her sister arrived, nothing changed in good side. After all, as it became known, abroad all the money they had was spent on all sorts of entertainment. After the family borrowed money from Lopakhin, Varya’s mother begins to spend as before and sees nothing wrong with it. Varya was also very worried about such a difficult situation, and asks her mother to think about what she is doing and what all this is for. After all, you can spend this money for the benefit of the whole family, preserve your estate, but Ranevskaya only thinks about what she wants.

The most difficult thing in this situation is that Varya is trying to somehow prevent the loss, but none of her relatives listen to her and everyone hopes for a miracle. Unfortunately, as expected, nothing good happened without some effort.

At the end of the story, it turns out that her mother abandons her and does not even leave her money. I believe that in the future it will be difficult for her in life, since without money she will have to work hard to achieve something in life. After all, she didn’t get it easy way, but she already has the skills of a housekeeper. But it seems to me that everything will be very good for her, and she will be happy without her family, who did not support her in such a situation. It is this hero of the play who shows readers about strong character and about a difficult life.

Essay Image and Characteristics of Varya

Play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" was completed by the author in 1903. Already in the next 1904, after the play was staged, it began to gain fame and wide popularity. The work is lyrical in nature.

One of the characters in the play is the adopted daughter of the landowner L.A. Ranevskaya. A girl of twenty-four years old, left by her adoptive mother on the farm during her absence. While Ranevskaya was with her daughter Anna in France, Varya managed all the household affairs on the estate. The inability of her relatives to save and live within their means leads to the fact that Ranevskaya’s estate should be put up for sale for debts.

Varvara Mikhailovna is a modest, reserved, believing girl. Among her desires is cherished wish visit holy places. She also reflects on monastic life. All her efforts to put Ranevskaya’s financial affairs in order come to naught. Lyubov Andreevna, even on the verge of complete ruin, is not able to comprehend the scale of the loss. She is unable to lead a lifestyle that matches the size of her wallet.

Even money borrowed from the merchant Lopakhin flows out of Ranevskaya’s hands like water into sand. Varya sees all this and cannot influence her adoptive mother in any way. Lyubov Andreevna does not know how and does not want to limit herself. She literally wastes money left and right, not thinking at all that the estate is up for sale. The Cherry Orchard, which is supposedly so dear to Ranevskaya, may be cut down. But this fact does not stop a person who knows nothing else in life but to satisfy his desires.

Varya worries about the fate of the estate and the cherry orchard. But she simply cannot change anything around her. She was the only one of all her relatives who was worried and did her best to change the situation.

The merchant Lopakhin had views of this estate. After acquiring the estate, he wanted to cut down the garden and rent out the plots to summer residents. There was sympathy between Lopakhin and Varya. But Lopakhin never decided to propose to Varvara to marry him. But the heroine could not overcome her natural modesty and impose herself on a person dear to her heart.

After the sale of the estate, Varya is waiting for another house, where she will have to work for the owners. But that doesn't scare her. Unlike the cherry orchard, her life goes on.

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All characters in the play “The Cherry Orchard” have great importance in the ideological and thematic context of the work. Even casually mentioned names carry meaning. For example, there are off-stage heroes (the Parisian lover, the Yaroslavl aunt), the very fact of whose existence already sheds light on the character and lifestyle of the hero, symbolizing an entire era. Therefore, in order to understand the author’s idea, it is necessary to analyze in detail those images that realize it.

  • Gaev Leonid Andreevich. He reacts categorically negatively to Lopakhin’s proposal regarding the future “fate” of the cherry orchard: “What nonsense.” He is worried about old things, a closet, he addresses them with his monologues, but he is completely indifferent to the fate of people, which is why the servant left him. Gaev’s speech testifies to the limitations of this man, who lives only by personal interests. If we talk about the current situation in the house, then Leonid Andreevich sees a way out in receiving an inheritance or Anya’s profitable marriage. Loving her sister, she accuses her of being vicious and not marrying a nobleman. He speaks a lot, without being embarrassed by the fact that no one listens to him. Lopakhin calls him a “woman” who talks only with her tongue, without doing anything.
  • Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich. You can “apply” the aphorism to him: from rags to riches. Soberly evaluates himself. Understands that money in life does not change a person’s social status. “Boor, fist,” says Gaev about Lopakhin, but he doesn’t care what they think about him. He is not trained in good manners and cannot communicate normally with a girl, as evidenced by his attitude towards Varya. He constantly glances at his watch when communicating with Ranevskaya; he has no time to talk like a human being. The main thing is the upcoming deal. He knows how to “comfort” Ranevskaya: “The garden is sold, but you sleep peacefully.”
  • Trofimov Petr Sergeevich. Dressed in a worn student uniform, glasses, sparse hair, in five years the “dear boy” has changed a lot, he has become ugly. In his understanding, the purpose of life is to be free and happy, and for this you need to work. He believes that those who seek the truth must be helped. There are many problems in Russia that need to be solved, not philosophized. Trofimov himself does nothing; he cannot graduate from university. He pronounces beautiful and Clever words that are not supported by actions. Petya sympathizes with Anya and speaks of her as “my spring.” He sees in her a grateful and enthusiastic listener to his speeches.
  • Simeonov - Pischik Boris Borisovich. Landowner. Falls asleep while walking. All his thoughts are aimed only at how to get money. Even Petya, who compared him to a horse, replies that this is not bad, since a horse can always be sold.
  • Charlotte Ivanovna - governess. He doesn't know anything about himself. She has no relatives or friends. She grew up like a lonely stunted bush in a wasteland. She did not experience the feeling of love in childhood, did not see care from adults. Charlotte has become a person who cannot find people who understand her. But she can’t understand herself either. "Who am I? Why am I?" - this poor woman did not have a bright beacon in her life, a mentor, loving person, which would help you find the right path and not deviate from it.
  • Epikhodov Semyon Panteleevich works in an office. Considers himself developed person, but openly announces that he can’t decide whether he should “live” or “shoot himself.” Jonah. Epikhodov is pursued by spiders and cockroaches, as if they are trying to force him to turn around and look at the miserable existence that he has been dragging out for many years. Unrequitedly in love with Dunyasha.
  • Dunyasha - maid in Ranevskaya's house. Living with the gentlemen, I lost the habit of simple life. Doesn't know peasant labor. Afraid of everything. He falls in love with Yasha, not noticing that he is simply unable to share love with someone.
  • Firs. His whole life fits into “one line” - to serve the masters. The abolition of serfdom is evil for him. He is used to being a slave and cannot imagine any other life.
  • Yasha. An uneducated young footman dreaming of Paris. Dreams about rich life. Callousness is the main trait of his character; He even tries not to meet his mother, ashamed of her peasant origin.
  • Characteristics of heroes

    1. Ranevskaya is a frivolous, spoiled and pampered woman, but people are drawn to her. The house seemed to open its time-bound doors again when she returned here after a five-year absence. She was able to warm him with her nostalgia. Comfort and warmth again “sounded” in every room, just as festive music sounds on holidays. This did not last long, as the days at home were numbered. In nervous and tragic image Ranevskaya expressed all the shortcomings of the nobility: its inability to self-sufficiency, lack of independence, spoiledness and tendency to evaluate everyone according to class prejudices, but at the same time subtlety of feelings and education, spiritual wealth and generosity.
    2. Anya. A heart beats in the chest of a young girl, waiting for sublime love and looking for certain life guidelines. She wants to trust someone, to test herself. Petya Trofimov becomes the embodiment of her ideals. She cannot yet look at things critically and blindly believes Trofimov’s “chatter,” presenting reality in a rosy light. Only she is alone. Anya does not yet realize the versatility of this world, although she is trying. She also does not hear those around her, does not see the real problems that have befallen the family. Chekhov had a presentiment that this girl was the future of Russia. But the question remained open: will she be able to change something or will she remain in her childhood dreams. After all, to change something, you need to act.
    3. Gaev Leonid Andreevich. Spiritual blindness is characteristic of this mature person. He remained in childhood for the rest of his life. In conversation he constantly uses billiard terms out of place. His horizons are narrow. The fate of the family nest, as it turned out, does not bother him at all, although at the beginning of the drama he beat himself in the chest with his fist and publicly promised that the cherry orchard would live. But he is categorically incapable of doing business, like many nobles who are accustomed to living while others work for them.
    4. Lopakhin buys Ranevskaya’s family estate, which is not a “bone of discord” between them. They do not consider each other enemies; humanistic relationships prevail between them. Lyubov Andreevna and Ermolai Alekseevich seem to want to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. The merchant even offers his help, but is refused. When everything ends well, Lopakhin is happy that he can finally get down to real business. We must give the hero his due, because it was he, the only one, who was concerned about the “fate” of the cherry orchard and found a way out that suited everyone.
    5. Trofimov Petr Sergeevich. He is considered a young student, although he is already 27 years old. One gets the impression that being a student has become his profession, although outwardly he has turned into an old man. He is respected, but no one believes in his noble and life-affirming calls except Anya. It is a mistake to believe that the image of Petya Trofimov can be compared with the image of a revolutionary. Chekhov was never interested in politics; the revolutionary movement was not part of his interests. Trofimov is too soft. His soul and intelligence will never allow him to cross the boundaries of what is permitted and jump into an unknown abyss. In addition, he is responsible for Anya, a young girl who does not know real life. She still has a rather delicate psyche. Any emotional shock can push her in the wrong direction, from where she can no longer be returned. Therefore, Petya must think not only about himself and the implementation of his ideas, but also about the fragile creature that Ranevskaya entrusted to him.

    How does Chekhov relate to his heroes?

    A.P. Chekhov loved his heroes, but he could not trust any of them with the future of Russia, not even Petya Trofimov and Anya, the progressive youth of that time.

    The heroes of the play, sympathetic to the author, do not know how to defend their rights in life, they suffer or are silent. Ranevskaya and Gaev suffer because they understand that they cannot change anything about themselves. Their social status fades into oblivion, and they are forced to eke out a miserable existence on the last proceeds. Lopakhin suffers because he realizes that he cannot help them. He himself is not happy about buying a cherry orchard. No matter how hard he tries, he still will not become its full owner. That is why he decides to cut down the garden and sell the land, so that he can later forget about it as a bad dream. What about Petya and Anya? Isn't it the author's hope in them? Perhaps, but these hopes are very vague. Trofimov, due to his character, is not capable of taking any radical actions. And without this the situation cannot be changed. He is limited to talking about a wonderful future and that’s all. And Anya? This girl has a slightly stronger core than Petra. But due to her young age and the uncertainty of life, changes should not be expected from her. Perhaps in the distant future, when she has arranged everything for herself life priorities, some action can be expected from her. In the meantime, she limits herself to faith in the best and a sincere desire to plant a new garden.

    Whose side is Chekhov on? He supports each side, but in his own way. In Ranevskaya, he appreciates genuine female kindness and naivety, albeit seasoned with spiritual emptiness. In Lopakhin, he appreciates the desire for compromise and poetic beauty, although he is not able to appreciate the real charm of the cherry orchard. The Cherry Orchard is a member of the family, but everyone unanimously forgets about this, while Lopakhin is not able to understand this at all.

    The heroes of the play are separated by a huge abyss. They are not able to understand each other, since they are closed in the world of their own feelings, thoughts and experiences. However, everyone is lonely, they have no friends, like-minded people, no real love. Most people go with the flow, without setting any serious goals for themselves. Besides, they are all unhappy. Ranevskaya experiences disappointment in love, life and her social supremacy, which seemed unshakable just yesterday. Gaev once again discovers that aristocratic manners are not a guarantor of power and financial well-being. Before his eyes, yesterday's serf takes away his estate, becomes the owner there, even without the nobility. Anna is left penniless and has no dowry for a profitable marriage. Although her chosen one does not demand it, he has not yet earned anything. Trofimov understands that he needs to change, but does not know how, because he has neither connections, nor money, nor position to influence anything. They are left with only the hopes of youth, which are short-lived. Lopakhin is unhappy because he realizes his inferiority, belittles his dignity, seeing that he is no match for any gentlemen, even though he has more money.

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    “Lopakhin. ...I forgot everything and love you like my own... more than my own.

    “Firs (cleans Gaev with a brush, instructively). They put on the wrong pants again. And what should I do with you!

    These subjective confessions are one of many possible points of view. The polyphonic sound of the play is given by the characters' statements about each other. Most often they are built on the combination of two contrasting assessments and express the internal instability of the image:

    In classical drama, heroes perform actions, pronounce monologues, win or die. In accordance with their role in the development of action, they are divided into positive and negative, main and secondary.

    The “undercurrent” of Chekhov’s play conceals hidden meanings and reveals the duality and conflict inherent in the human soul.

    “Trofimov. ...You know, we probably won’t see each other again, so let me give you one parting piece of advice: don’t wave your arms! Get out of the habit of swinging. And, too, to build dachas, to count on the fact that the dacha owners will eventually emerge as individual owners, to count like this also means to wave... After all, I still love you. You have thin, delicate fingers, like an artist, you have thin, gentle soul…»

    Chekhov's characters represent a significant deviation from these rules. Deprived heroic aura, they are paradoxical and unpredictable. The playwright is not so much interested in character or action as in the manifestation of the character's mood. IN Chekhov's play there are no main or secondary characters. Epikhodov is just as important to the author as Gaev, and Charlotte is no less interesting than Ranevskaya. Even the “random” Passerby, who appears at the end of the second act, an episodic person, from the point of view of traditional drama, plays a certain semantic role in Chekhov’s play.

    Each character in Chekhov's play is individual. It is simple and at the same time complex, it is not given initially. The idea of ​​him arises at the intersection of different points of view, expressed in the characteristics of the characters and the stylistic diversity of their speech, in the assessments of the heroes by others actors, in the author's comments contained in the stage directions.

    “Lopakhin. ...I forgot everything and love you like my own... more than my own.

    “Firs (cleans Gaev with a brush, instructively). They put on the wrong pants again. And what should I do with you!

    These subjective confessions are one of many possible points of view. The polyphonic sound of the play is given by the characters' statements about each other. Most often they are built on the combination of two contrasting assessments and express the internal instability of the image:

    In classical drama, heroes perform actions, pronounce monologues, win or die. In accordance with their role in the development of action, they are divided into positive and negative, main and secondary.

    The “undercurrent” of Chekhov’s play conceals hidden meanings and reveals the duality and conflict inherent in the human soul.

    “Trofimov. ...You know, we probably won’t see each other again, so let me give you one parting piece of advice: don’t wave your arms! Get out of the habit of swinging.

    And, too, to build dachas, to count on the fact that the dacha owners will eventually emerge as individual owners, to count like this also means to wave... After all, I still love you.

    You have thin, gentle fingers, like an artist, you have a thin, gentle soul...”

    Chekhov's characters represent a significant deviation from these rules. Devoid of a heroic aura, they are paradoxical and unpredictable. The playwright is not so much interested in character or action as in the manifestation of the character's mood.

    There are no main or secondary characters in a Chekhov play. Epikhodov is just as important to the author as Gaev, and Charlotte is no less interesting than Ranevskaya.


    Even the “random” Passerby, who appears at the end of the second act, an episodic person, from the point of view of traditional drama, plays a certain semantic role in Chekhov’s play.

    Each character in Chekhov's play is individual. It is simple and at the same time complex, it is not given initially. The idea of ​​it arises at the intersection of different points of view, expressed in the characteristics of the characters and the stylistic diversity of their speech, in the assessments of the heroes by other characters, in the author's comments contained in the stage directions.

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    The author's remarks in the monologues-confessions of the characters indicate a discrepancy between the external form and the subtext: “Gaev. I'll go on Tuesday and talk again. (Vara.) Don’t cry. (To Anya.) Your mother will talk to Lopakhin; he, of course, will not refuse her... And when you have rested, you will go to Yaroslavl to see the countess, your grandmother.

    This is how we will act from three ends - and our job is in the bag. We will pay the interest, I am convinced... (Puts a lollipop in his mouth.) I swear on my honor whatever you want, the estate will not be sold! (Excitedly.

    ) I swear on my happiness! Here’s my hand for you, then call me a crappy, dishonest person if I allow it to go to auction!”

    “Gaev. ...My aunt is very rich, but she doesn’t love us. My sister, firstly, married a lawyer at law, not a nobleman... She married a non-nobleman and behaved in a manner that cannot be said to be very virtuous. She is good, kind, nice, I love her very much, but no matter how you come up with mitigating circumstances, you still have to admit that she is vicious...”;

    Each participant in the dialogue leads his own speech part. Ranevskaya is silent or hides under the mask of benefactor Varya. This is her answer to the hero’s appealing prayers. Lopakhin will no longer dare to pour out his feelings: he will act.

    The purchase of a cherry orchard will result in Ermolai Lopakhin’s final break with the world that he was never able to get closer to: “So, until spring. Come out, gentlemen... Goodbye!..

    “This ironically vulgar expression of the character contains its own tragedy of misunderstanding and the comedy of “waving his hands.”

    Lyubov Andreevna. I can’t sit, I’m not able to... (Jumps up and walks around in great excitement.) I won’t survive this joy... Laugh at me, I’m stupid... The closet is my dear... (Kisses the closet.) The table is mine.”

    Along with direct (“voiced”) assessments of the characters, Chekhov also widely uses indirect ones in the play. Thus, the image of Gaev emerges not only on the basis of his enthusiastic monologues. Firs’s “random” remark, reinforced by the author’s remark, indicating the tone of the statement, exhaustively characterizes it:

    Lesya Ukrainka. “I wish I could become a song”


    “Lopakhin. ...My dad was a man, an idiot, he didn’t understand anything, he didn’t teach me, he just beat me when he was drunk, and that was all with a stick. In essence, I’m just as much of a blockhead and an idiot. I haven’t studied anything, my handwriting is bad, I write in such a way that people are ashamed of me, like a pig.”

    Chekhov's characters are usually revealed not in actions, but in self-characteristic monologues: “Dunyasha. ...I’m such a delicate girl, I really love gentle words”; “Lyubov Andreevna. ...I always squandered money like crazy, and I married a man who only made debts.

    My husband died from champagne - he drank terribly - and unfortunately I fell in love with someone else, got together, and just at that time - this was the first punishment, a blow right to the head - here on the river... my boy drowned, and I went abroad, completely left, never to return, never to see this river... I closed my eyes, ran, not remembering myself, and he followed me... mercilessly, rudely. I bought a dacha near Menton because he fell ill there, and for three years I did not know rest, day or night; the sick man has tormented me, my soul has dried up. And last year, when the dacha was sold for debts, I went to Paris, and there he robbed me, left me, got in touch with someone else, I tried to poison myself... So stupid, so shameful... And suddenly I was drawn to Russia, to my homeland, to my girl ... (Wipes away tears.) Lord, Lord, be merciful, forgive me my sins!”;

    The storyline of Varya - Lopakhin should be supplemented by a third character - Ranevskaya, who acts as the organizer of Varya's fate. This is the external plot of a comedy, in the depths of which it plays out internal theme Ermolai Lopakhin’s unrequited love-admiration for the “magnificent” Lyubov Andreevna. The confession was made already in the first act, but they did not hear it or did not want to answer:

    In developing the plot of the play, it is necessary to take into account the importance of off-stage characters. Many people flock to them storylines comedies: Ranevskaya - “Parisian Lover”; Anya - Yaroslavl grandmother - Ranevskaya; Lopakhin - Deriganov; Simeonov-Pishchik - Dashenka. They all participate in the development of action.

    Lopakhin and Varya in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard"

    To better understand the difficult relationship between Varya and Lopakhin, it is necessary to have a good understanding of what each of these characters represents.

    Lopakhin is one of central images plays by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard".

    Ermolai Lopakhin is the son and grandson of a serf.

    For the rest of his life, the phrase Ranevskaya said to a boy beaten by his father was probably etched in his memory: “Don’t cry, little man, he’ll live before the wedding...” He feels like an indelible mark on himself from these words: “Little man... My father, it’s true, was a man.” , and here I am in a white vest, yellow shoes... and if you think about it and figure it out, then a man is a man...” Lopakhin suffers deeply from this duality. He destroys the cherry orchard not only for the sake of profit, and not so much for its sake. There was another reason, much more important than the first - revenge for the past. He destroys the garden, fully aware that it is “an estate better than which there is nothing in the world.” And yet Lopakhin hopes to kill the memory, which, against his will, always shows him that he, Ermolai Lopakhin, is a “man”, and the bankrupt owners of the cherry orchard are “gentlemen”.

    With all his might, Lopakhin strives to erase the line separating him from the “gentlemen.” He is the only one who appears on stage with a book. Although he later admits that he didn’t understand anything about it.

    Lopakhin has his own social utopia. He very seriously views summer residents as a huge force in historical process, designed to erase this very line between “man” and “gentlemen”. It seems to Lopakhin that by destroying the cherry orchard, he is bringing a better future closer.

    Lopakhin has the features of a predatory beast. But money and the power acquired with it (“I can pay for everything!”) crippled not only people like Lopakhin.

    At the auction, the predator in him awakens, and Lopakhin finds himself at the mercy of the merchant's passion. And it is in excitement that he finds himself the owner of a cherry orchard.

    And he cuts down this garden even before the departure of its former owners, not paying attention to the persistent requests of Anya and Ranevskaya herself.

    But Lopakhin’s tragedy is that he is not aware of his own “bestial” nature. Between his thoughts and actual actions lies the deepest abyss. Two people live and fight in it: one - “with a subtle, gentle soul”; another - " beast of prey».

    Lopakhin has a desire, a real and sincere thirst for spirituality. He cannot live only in the world of profit and cash. But he also doesn’t know how to live differently. Hence its deepest tragedy, its fragility.

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    The image of Lopakhin in the play “The Cherry Orchard”

    One of the central characters in the play “The Cherry Orchard” is the merchant Lopakhin. Despite the fact that the action takes place around the estate of Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya and her cherry orchard, Lopakhin can confidently be called a character equivalent to the landowner.

    His fate is closely connected with the Ranevskaya family, because his father served with Lyubov Andreevna while still a serf. Ermolai himself managed to get out of the “men”, becoming a merchant and independently, without the help of his parents, making a fortune for himself.

    Lopakhin's energy, diligence and hard work deserve undoubted respect.

    However, Ermolai himself in his soul cannot tear himself away from his origin, sincerely considering himself a fool and an ordinary man, illiterate and stupid. He says he knows nothing about books and has bad handwriting.

    But the reader perceives Lopakhin as a hard worker, because the hero cannot imagine his life without work. The merchant knows how to make money, knows the value of time, but at the same time he is not a tight-fisted grabber - he is just as easily ready to part with his money if it can help someone.

    Lopakhin sincerely worries about Ranevskaya and her garden, helping to find a way out of the situation.

    A. P. Chekhov's play “The Cherry Orchard” is rightly called his most mature work, in which his dramatic and psychological mastery. The plot of the play is extremely simple - in the 1st act of the play Ranevskaya arrives from Paris, in the 3rd act the fate of the cherry orchard is finally decided, and in the 4th act Ranevskaya leaves back to Paris. At first glance, it may seem that practically nothing happens in the play, but this is not so. Behind the apparent absence of events, the purely personal, private experiences and intense spiritual life of the characters are clearly visible.

    Ranevskaya’s estate - a house and a magnificent old cherry orchard (“What an amazing garden! White masses of flowers, blue sky!..” - says Ranevskaya enthusiastically) - they survive last days, and soon, in case of non-payment of interest, the estate will go under the hammer. The entire action of the play is focused on the story of the sale of the estate with the cherry orchard.

    The paths of the characters are closely connected with this central episode: the owners of the estate - Ranevskaya and Gaev, as well as Varya, Ranevskaya’s adopted daughter, who lives in her house as a housekeeper. Varya is essentially an extremely lonely person, trying to fill her life with “material” worries. She is constantly doing something, taking care of everyone, busying herself around the house, and together with Firs, she looks after the other servants. She has the keys to the farm, and the entire estate and cherry orchard are, by and large, in her hands. She conducts her affairs quietly and calmly, and her whole life is concentrated on the estate and consists in “serving” the interests of Ranevskaya, who says about her that “she is used to getting up early and working, and without work she is like a fish without water.” Maybe that’s why Lopakhin singled her out from everyone - she’s just as active and hardworking a person.

    In fact, it is not Varenka who lives at the expense of the Ranevsky family, but they, completely unadapted to life, live thanks to her cares. In the third act, a bunch of her keys will ring, hitting the floor, symbolizing Varya’s refusal to serve the new owner and the new order in the house. And the new “master of life” is Ermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin.

    The unadapted nobility, accustomed to living exclusively by dreams and conversations, is being replaced by Lopakhin, an intelligent, energetic businessman of the new era. A true merchant, industrialist, who emerged from the ranks of the serf peasantry, he managed not only to make money, but also to increase his capital. Ebullient energy and thirst for education - all this sharply distinguishes Lopakhin from the background of those lifeless moods that live and breathe the nobility. But it would be wrong to consider Lopakhin a greedy merchant, rapaciously rejoicing at his new acquisition. Not at all, and it would be extremely wrong to downplay Lopakhin’s role in the structure of the play.

    Lopakhin is certainly a merchant, but the merchant (as strange as it may sound) is decent and intelligent, wanting not only to increase his wealth, but also to become cleaner, better, smarter... Despite the fact that all his interests are concentrated around business and money , his soul did not harden. It’s not for nothing that he says to Petya Trofimov: “We’re pulling our noses at each other, but life just goes by. When I work for a long time, tirelessly, then my thoughts are lighter, and it seems as if I also know why I exist.” In this, the image of Lopakhin is extremely similar to the image of Varya, for whom the meaning of life lies in “busyness.”

    Lopakhin, as a businessman and financier, is well versed in the situation of the owners of the cherry orchard, tries to help them and gives practical advice— divide the estate into plots and rent them out as dachas. However, Gaev perceived this advice as real “rudeness”, a lack of understanding by the “man” of all the beauty and significance of the cherry orchard. But what seems rudeness to Gaev and Ranevskaya is, in essence, a sober and realistic approach to reality. What does the “beauty” of a cherry orchard mean if it overshadows the interests of the future? And Lopakhin, in contrast to Gaev and Ranevskaya, lives precisely in the future. “We will set up dachas, and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see new life“, he says, trying to convince Ranevskaya that he is right.

    Lopakhin buys an estate created by the hands of his ancestors. With difficulty containing his joy, he triumphantly says: “If only my father and grandfather would get up from their graves and look at the whole incident, like their Ermolai, the beaten, illiterate Ermolai, who ran barefoot in the winter, how this same Ermolai bought an estate, the most beautiful of which is nothing.” not in the world! I bought an estate where my grandfather and father were slaves, where they were not even allowed into the kitchen. I’m dreaming, it’s only imagining it, it’s only seeming...”

    But Lopakhin still does not resemble the traditional image of a predatory fist. Yes, he is uneducated, is not interested in literature, cannot “discuss the nature of things” and falls asleep over a book, because he believes that this is not the main thing in life. But at the same time, he admires the picture of poppies blooming in his fields, discussing with real lyricism the meaning of human existence: “...Lord, you gave us huge forests, vast fields, the deepest horizons, and living here, we ourselves should -to truly be giants!..”

    “Eternal student” Petya Trofimov says about Lopakhin that he has “thin, gentle fingers, like an artist... and a subtle, gentle soul.” And such a person cannot be heartless and evil. Chekhov showed us the dual image of his hero. But still, Lopakhin’s true role as a representative of capital is characterized by the words of Trofimov: “Just as in the sense of metabolism, a predatory beast is needed that eats everything that gets in its way, so you are needed.”

    No, Lopakhin is not shown as a negative character. This is simply a man of extraordinary energy, with whom it is difficult to keep up with Ranevsky and gay. Lopakhin, like Varya, are representatives of a new time, an era who, first of all, think about the future. In order for it to be bright and rosy, it is necessary, first of all, to work, and not talk idle talk and live with the dreams and illusions with which the nobility fills their lives. But still, Varya and Lopakhin’s life paths diverge; they are not on the same path. Why? It's difficult to answer this question. On the one hand, they are people of the same generation, hardworking and purposeful, but on the other hand, many things separate them.

    Throughout the play we see how different they are. Yes, everyone calls Varya Lopakhin’s bride, but this does not sound like sincere joy for her, but rather irony. Thus, the stage directions repeatedly emphasize that Petya teases Varya, calling her “Madame Lopakhina.” How does she perceive this? With resentment, with tears, with irritation, but not with joy. Is this how a happy bride would behave?

    An explanation between the characters never took place, although Lopakhin was pushed to this by Ranevskaya: “... I dreamed... to marry her to you, and from everything it was clear that you were getting married... She loves you, you like her , and I don’t know... why you really avoid each other. I don't understand!" And Lopakhin himself believes that it is necessary to somehow decide on these relationships, but he himself does not dare to do this: “Everything is somehow strange... If there is still time, then at least I’m ready now... Let’s finish it right away and that’s it , and without you, I feel I won’t propose.” As you can see, Lopakhin does not look like a happy groom.

    What's the matter? Most likely, the fact is that, although they belong to the same generation, they will not be able to go through life together. They are not destined to be the “generation of the future”, the author’s hopes are not connected with them, and it is not for them to revive the “cherry orchard” of Russia. Lopakhin is a prudent owner, but he is still far from idealism and romantic ideas, since he considers all this “frivolity.” Lopakhin will care about increasing his capital. And Varya is accustomed to “living with strangers”, taking care of the household, so she will build her destiny according to a once and for all defined outline, having become a housekeeper for the landowners Ragulin. The interests of the heroes are in different planes of life, which is why their explanation did not take place and their paths diverged.



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