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Popular thought in the work War and Peace. The idea is “folk. “People's Thought” as a leitmotif

Here is a magnificent essay on Russian literature on the topic “PEOPLE’S THOUGHT” in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “WAR AND PEACE”. The essay is intended for 10th grade students, but can also be used by students of other grades in preparation for Russian language and literature lessons.

“PEOPLE’S THOUGHT” in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "WAR AND PEACE"

Tolstoy is one of greatest writers Russia. He lived during a time of peasant unrest, and therefore he was captivated by all the most important questions of the era: about the paths of development of Russia, about the fate of the people and their role in history, about the relationship between the people and the nobility. Tolstoy decided to look for answers to all these questions in the study of events early XIX century.

According to Tolstoy, main reason Russian victory in 1812 was this “ popular thought ", this is the unity of the people in the fight against the conqueror, its enormous, unshakable strength that has risen, dormant until time in the souls of people, which with its enormity overthrew the enemy and forced him to flee. The reason for the victory was also in the justice of the war against the conquerors, in the readiness of every Russian to stand up for the defense of the Motherland, in people's love to his fatherland. Historical figures and unnoticed participants in the war, the best people of Russia and money-grubbers, careerists walk through the pages of the novel “ War and Peace". There are more than five hundred characters. Tolstoy created many unique characters and showed us a lot of people. But Tolstoy does not imagine these hundred people as a faceless mass. All this huge material is connected by a single thought, which Tolstoy defined as “ popular thought «.

The Rostov and Bolkonsky families differ from each other in their class status and in the atmosphere that reigned in their homes. But these families are united by a common love for Russia. Let us remember the death of old Prince Bolkonsky. Last words his were about Russia: “ Russia is dead! Ruined!". He worried about the fate of Russia and the fate of all Russian people. All his life he served only Russia, and when his death came, all his thoughts, of course, were turned to his Motherland.

Let's consider Petit's patriotism. Petya went to war very young and did not spare his life for his fatherland. Let us remember Natasha, who is ready to give up all her valuables just because she wants to help the wounded. In the same scene, Natasha’s aspirations are contrasted with the aspirations of the careerist Berg. Only the best people in Russia could perform feats during the war. Neither Helen, nor Anna Pavlovna Scherer, nor Boris, nor Berg could perform feats. These people did not experience patriotic feelings. All their motives were selfish. During the war, following fashion, they stopped speaking French. But does this prove their love for Russia?

The Battle of Borodino is the climax of Tolstoy's work. Tolstoy confronts almost all the heroes of the novel at the Battle of Borodino. Even if the characters are not on the Borodino field, their fates completely depend on the course of the War of 1812. The battle is shown through the eyes of a non-military man - Pierre. Bezukhov considers it his duty to be on the battlefield. Through his eyes we see the rallying of the army. He becomes convinced that the words of the old soldier are correct: “ All the people want to pile on ". Unlike Battle of Austerlitz The participants in the Battle of Borodino understood the goals of the War of 1812. The writer believes that the coincidence of millions of reasons helps victory. Thanks to the desires of ordinary soldiers, commanders, militias and all other participants in the battle, the moral victory of the Russian people became possible.

Tolstoy's favorite heroes - Pierre and Andrei - were also participants in the Battle of Borodino. Bezukhov feels deeply folk character war of 1812. The hero's patriotism is poured into very specific deeds: equipping the regiment, monetary donations. The turning point in Pierre's life is his stay in captivity and his acquaintance with Platon Karataev. Communication with the old soldier leads Pierre to “ agree with yourself “, simplicity and integrity.

The War of 1812 is the most important milestone in the life of Andrei Bolkonsky. Andrei abandons his military career and becomes the commander of a Jaeger regiment. Andrei deeply understands Kutuzov, a commander who sought to avoid unnecessary casualties. During the Battle of Borodino, Prince Andrei takes care of his soldiers and tries to get them out of the fire. Andrei’s dying thoughts are imbued with a sense of humility:

“Love your neighbors, love your enemies. To love everything, to love God in all manifestations.”

As a result of his search for the meaning of life, Andrei was able to overcome his selfishness and vanity. Spiritual quests lead the hero to moral enlightenment, to natural simplicity, to the ability to love and forgive.

Leo Tolstoy paints the heroes of the partisan war with love and respect. And Tolstoy showed one of them in close-up. This man is Tikhon Shcherbaty, a typical Russian peasant, as a symbol of the avenging people fighting for their homeland. He was " the most helpful and brave person "in Denisov's detachment, " his weapons consisted of a blunderbuss, a pike and an ax, which he wielded like a wolf wields his teeth " In Denisov’s consolation, Tikhon occupied an exceptional place, “ when it was necessary to do something especially difficult and impossible - turn a cart out of the mud with your shoulder, pull a horse out of a swamp by the tail, saddle it and climb into the very middle of the French, walk fifty miles a day - everyone pointed, laughing, at Tikhon " Tikhon feels a strong hatred for the French, so strong that he can be very cruel. But we understand his feelings and sympathize with this hero. He is always busy, always in action, his speech is unusually fast, even his comrades talk about him with affectionate irony: “ Well, he's clever », « what a beast " The image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is close to Tolstoy, who loves this hero, loves all the people, highly values "people's thought" . In the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy showed us the Russian people in all their strength and beauty.

If suddenly the ants attack together,

They will overpower a lion, no matter how fierce he is.

The epic novel “War and Peace” is the largest work of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, covering the life of all strata of society before and after the War of 1812. It shows the ups and downs of the characters, but the main character is the people. Of the many themes of the novel, the author devotes Special attention"folk thought".

L.N. Tolstoy asked the question: “What moves history: the people or the individual?” And throughout the entire novel, history is created and influenced by the people. It is the unity of the Russian people, based on love and affection for native land, helped them defeat the French army. Anger for the disturbed calm and peaceful life, killed relatives and the devastation of the country motivated them during the battles. People tried in every possible way to help, to prove themselves, forgetting about everything that was holding them back, and were ready to stand up to the death for the Fatherland. War consists of small feats that have great importance.

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By performing them, they show the most important quality of the people - patriotism, which, according to L.N. Tolstoy, can be true and false. The owners of true patriotism are the Rostov family, Tikhon Shcherbaty, Kutuzov, Tushin, Pierre Bezukhov, Marya Bolkonskaya. The author also contrasts them with other heroes of the novel, whose society is filled with hypocrisy and falsehood.

For example, during the move of the Rostov family from besieged Moscow, all things were collected on carts. At this moment, the wounded soldiers ask for help. And Natasha, begging her parents, asked to leave carts for the needy wounded. Of course, they could have taken the chance and saved their property, but a sense of duty, compassion and responsibility took over.

But there are people who are not at all interested in the lives of the suffering population. A careerist, Berg was only interested in fashion and craved money. Even during a fire in Smolensk, he does not think about putting it out, but is looking for benefits in buying new furniture.

Pierre Bezukhov, who became the heir of the wealthy Count Bezukhov, equips the regiment entirely with inherited money. He could have spent it for personal purposes: at festivities and balls, but he acted nobly, helping the people. And the salon A.P. Scherer, on the contrary, does nothing. As usual, their conversations are full of gossip and empty talk about the war. The fine for using French words in speech could not help the people. Therefore their patriotism is false.

During the revolt of the Bogucharov men, Marya Bolkonskaya did not succumb to the temptation to remain under the wing of the French: she did not want to feel like a traitor. Helen Kuragina commits a completely different act. In difficult times for the country, she changes her faith and wants to marry Napoleon, the enemy of the people.

Not only the upper strata of society contributed to the victory. For example, the peasant Tikhon Shcherbaty of his own free will joins Denisov’s partisan detachment, which indicates his concern. Becomes the most active, catching the most “languages” and performing the most hard work. Boris Drubetskoy shows cowardice by remaining in the headquarters of Kutuzov’s opponent, Bennigsen. Despite all their hatred of their enemies, the Russians show humanism towards the captured French. “They are people too,” says Tikhon Shcherbaty.

The state of the army and the course of the war depend on the supreme commander-in-chief - Kutuzov. Unlike the narcissistic and indifferent Napoleon, Kutuzov is a very simple person and close to the people. He watches only the spirit of the army, inspires them only with news of victorious battles. He treats the army like his own children and acts as a “father” who shows care. He sincerely feels sorry for the people. It is with a good commander that the army becomes interested in winning with all its might.

War, bursting into peaceful life, shows the true face of each person and tears off masks. Possessing false patriotism and general insensitivity, someone will run and hide, making themselves a hero only in words. And someone with a real desire to help rushes into battle, no matter what. Each of them contributes something of their own to achieve the people's goal. Those who have true patriotism do this not for show, but for the sake of the land that their fathers and grandfathers once defended. And giving it up without a fight is shameful. All these people become a single whole, a people’s “club” that wages only a war of liberation. Because someone else's land is of no use - you need to defend your Fatherland. And this can only be done by uniting, having real feelings and concern for the future of the people and the country.

"People's Thought" in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

L. N. Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" was a unique result, a synthesis of the author's research into the Russian national character, which manifests itself with equal force in everyday life and during the years of great historical changes, during military defeats and victories. Before “War and Peace,” there was no work in literature that would so fully reveal the features of Russian national identity: adherence to Christian commandments, high morality, love for the Fatherland.

The value of each of the heroes of "War and Peace" is tested by "people's thought." It is in the people's environment that Pierre's best qualities are revealed - his unselfishness, simplicity, disregard for the conveniences of life, humanity. Communication with simple Russian soldiers and men gives rise to the desire in him to “enter this life, to be imbued with his whole being by what makes them like us.” Faced with the power and truth of the bloody events near Borodino, Pierre realizes the artificiality and falsity of his previous conclusions. Another truth is revealed to him, he comes to the ideal of people's life: “In captivity, in a booth, Pierre learned not with his mind, but with his whole being, with his life, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself, in the satisfaction of natural human needs, that All misfortune comes not from lack, but from excess." And this was understood by the count, who, along with the others, ate horse meat, suffered from lice, and trampled his feet into blood.

L.N. Tolstoy invariably emphasized the connection of his heroes, especially his favorite heroes, with the living life of the people. “Our prince,” the soldiers affectionately call Andrei Bolkonsky. And how his sister Marya transforms when, despite the proposal of the Frenchwoman Bourien, she refuses to submit to the conquerors!

And what, for example, forces Natasha Rostova, during her departure from Moscow, to throw her own property off the cart and give it to the wounded? After all, this is a true manifestation of mercy, compassion and kindness that Tolstoy sees in his people. Natasha Rostova reveals the same strength of the national spirit in Russian dance and admiration folk music. Admiring the dancing Natasha, the writer is amazed: “Where, how, when did this countess, raised by a French governess, suck into herself from that Russian air that she breathed, this spirit, where did she get these techniques from... But the spirit and techniques these were the same, inimitable, unstudied, Russians."

Talking about the unity of the Russian people. Tolstoy especially emphasizes the patriotism of civilians. Leaving Smolensk, the townspeople voluntarily burn their property, not wanting to give it to the conquerors. By order of Kutuzov, Muscovites are leaving their native and, of course, beloved city - the heart of Russia, not because they are afraid of the French, but because they do not want to live under the rule of the invaders.

"People's Thought" permeates the writer's thoughts about the Battle of Borodino and the partisan movement.

According to all participants in the battle on the Borodino field, it was a battle where you had to die, but win. The militia went into battle wearing white suicide shirts, knowing in advance and accepting their end. “They want to attack all the people, one word - Moscow, they want to make one end.”

The same “people's thought” checks the activities of historical figures: Napoleon and Kutuzov, Speransky and Rastopchin. For example, we like Kutuzov’s simplicity and everyday life, his wisdom and understanding of the people, his real concern for people. He always knew how to guess “the meaning of the popular meaning of an event.” “The source of this extraordinary power of insight lay in the national feeling that he bore in all its purity and strength,” - this is how L. N. Tolstoy will define the essence of his military leadership talent. And, on the other hand, we are disgusted by the egoism and pose of Napoleon, ready to walk over corpses to the heights of his own glory: “It was clear that only what was happening in his soul mattered to him, because everything in the world, as it seemed to him , depended only on his will." We cannot talk here about morality or humanity.

So, all the heroes of the novel are tested precisely by the “people's cause”: whether they are animated by a national feeling, whether they are ready for heroism and self-sacrifice. That is why Tolstoy did not need to prove the main “folk” idea of ​​the novel large number images from the folk environment. The “folk” is revealed in “War and Peace” as universal, national.


“The subject of history is the life of peoples and humanity,” this is how L.N. Tolstoy begins the second part of the epilogue of the epic novel “War and Peace.” He further asks the question: “What force moves nations?” Reflecting on these “theories,” Tolstoy comes to the conclusion that: “The life of peoples does not fit into the lives of a few people, because the connection between these several people and nations has not been found...” In other words, Tolstoy says that the role of the people in history is undeniable, and the eternal truth that history is made by the people was proven by him in his novel. “People's thought” in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” is indeed one of the main themes of the epic novel.

The people in the novel "War and Peace"

Many readers understand the word “people” not quite the way Tolstoy understands it. Lev Nikolaevich means by “people” not only soldiers, peasants, men, not only that “huge mass” driven by some force. For Tolstoy, the “people” included officers, generals, and the nobility. This is Kutuzov, and Bolkonsky, and the Rostovs, and Bezukhov - this is all of humanity, embraced by one thought, one deed, one purpose. All the main characters of Tolstoy's novel are directly connected with their people and are inseparable from them.

Heroes of the novel and “folk thought”

The fates of the beloved heroes of Tolstoy’s novel are connected with the life of the people. “People's thought” in “War and Peace” runs like a red thread through the life of Pierre Bezukhov. While in captivity, Pierre learned his truth of life. Platon Karataev, a peasant peasant, opened it to Bezukhov: “In captivity, in a booth, Pierre learned not with his mind, but with his whole being, with his life, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself, in the satisfaction of natural human needs, that all misfortune occurs not from lack, but from excess.” The French offered Pierre to transfer from a soldier's booth to an officer's, but he refused, remaining faithful to those with whom he suffered his fate. And for a long time afterwards he recalled with ecstasy this month of captivity, as “a complete peace of mind, about the perfect inner freedom that he experienced only at this time.”

Andrei Bolkonsky also felt his people at the Battle of Austerlitz. Grabbing the flagpole and rushing forward, he did not think that the soldiers would follow him. And they, seeing Bolkonsky with a banner and hearing: “Guys, go ahead!” rushed at the enemy behind their leader. The unity of officers and ordinary soldiers confirms that the people are not divided into ranks and titles, the people are united, and Andrei Bolkonsky understood this.

Natasha Rostova, leaving Moscow, dumps her family property on the ground and gives away her carts for the wounded. This decision comes to her immediately, without thinking, which suggests that the heroine does not separate herself from the people. Another episode that speaks of the true Russian spirit of Rostova, in which L. Tolstoy himself admires his beloved heroine: “Where, how, when did she suck into herself from the Russian air that she breathed - this countess, raised by a French governess - this spirit, where she got these techniques from... But these spirits and techniques were the same, inimitable, unstudied, Russian.”

And Captain Tushin, who sacrificed own life for the sake of victory, for the sake of Russia. Captain Timokhin, who rushed at the Frenchman with “one skewer.” Denisov, Nikolai Rostov, Petya Rostov and many other Russian people who stood with the people and knew true patriotism.

Tolstoy created collective image people - a united, invincible people, when not only soldiers, troops, but also militias fight. Civilians help not with weapons, but with their own methods: men burn hay so as not to take it to Moscow, people leave the city only because they do not want to obey Napoleon. This is what “folk thought” is and how it is revealed in the novel. Tolstoy makes it clear that the Russian people are strong in a single thought - not to surrender to the enemy. A sense of patriotism is important for all Russian people.

Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty

The novel also shows the partisan movement. A bright representative here Tikhon Shcherbaty appeared, who with all his disobedience, dexterity, and cunning fought the French. His active work brings success to the Russians. Denisov is proud of his partisan detachment thanks to Tikhon.

Opposite to the image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is the image of Platon Karataev. Kind, wise, with his worldly philosophy, he calms Pierre and helps him survive captivity. Plato's speech is filled with Russian proverbs, which emphasizes his nationality.

Kutuzov and the people

The only commander-in-chief of the army who never separated himself and the people was Kutuzov. “He knew not with his mind or science, but with his whole Russian being, he knew and felt what every Russian soldier felt...” The disunity of the Russian army in the alliance with Austria, the deception of the Austrian army, when the allies abandoned the Russians in battles, were unbearable pain for Kutuzov. To Napoleon’s letter about peace, Kutuzov replied: “I would be damned if they looked at me as the first instigator of any deal: such is the will of our people” (italics by L.N. Tolstoy). Kutuzov did not write on his own behalf, he expressed the opinion of the entire people, all Russian people.

The image of Kutuzov is contrasted with the image of Napoleon, who was very far from his people. He was only interested in personal interest in the struggle for power. An empire of worldwide submission to Bonaparte - and an abyss in the interests of the people. As a result, the war of 1812 was lost, the French fled, and Napoleon was the first to leave Moscow. He abandoned his army, abandoned his people.


In his novel War and Peace, Tolstoy shows that people's power is invincible. And in every Russian person there is “simplicity, goodness and truth.” True patriotism does not measure everyone by rank, does not build a career, does not seek fame. At the beginning of the third volume, Tolstoy writes: “There are two sides of life in every person: personal life, which is the more free the more abstract its interests are, and spontaneous, swarm life, where a person inevitably fulfills the laws prescribed to him.” Laws of honor, conscience, general culture, general history.

This essay on the topic “People's Thought” in the novel “War and Peace” reveals only a small part of what the author wanted to tell us. The people live in the novel in every chapter, in every line.

Work test

Tolstoy managed to reflect all aspects of life in Russia in the 19th century in his epic War and Peace. Popular thought in the novel is illuminated especially brightly. The image of a people in general is one of the main and meaning-forming ones. Moreover, it is national character is the subject of depiction in the novel. But it can only be understood from a description of the everyday life of the people, their view of humanity and the world, moral assessments, misconceptions and prejudices.

Image of the people

Tolstoy included in the concept of “people” not only soldiers and men, but also the noble class, which had a similar view of spiritual values ​​and the world. It was this idea that the author based the epic “War and Peace”. Folk thought in the novel is therefore embodied through all people united by language, history, culture and territory.

From this point of view, Tolstoy is an innovator, since before him in Russian literature there was always a clear boundary between the peasant class and the nobility. In order to illustrate his idea, the writer turned to very harsh times for all of Russia - the Patriotic War of 1812.

The only confrontation is the fight the best people the noble class, united with people from the people, with military and bureaucratic circles, unable to perform feats or make sacrifices for the defense of the Fatherland.

Depicting the life of ordinary soldiers

Pictures of people's lives in peace and war time are widely represented in Tolstoy's epic War and Peace. Popular thought in the novel, however, manifested itself most clearly during Patriotic War, when all residents of Russia were required to demonstrate resilience, generosity and patriotism.

Despite this, descriptions of folk scenes appear already in the first two volumes of the novel. This is an image of Russian soldiers when they participated in foreign campaigns, fulfilling their duty to the allies. For ordinary soldiers who came from the people, such campaigns are incomprehensible - why defend not your own land?

Tolstoy paints terrible pictures. The army is starving because the allies it supports are not supplying provisions. Unable to watch the soldiers suffer, officer Denisov decides to recapture food from another regiment, which has a detrimental effect on his career. This act reveals the spiritual qualities of a Russian person.

“War and Peace”: popular thought in the novel

As noted above, the fate of Tolstoy’s heroes from among the best nobles is always connected with folk life. Therefore, “folk thought” runs through the entire work like a red thread. Thus, Pierre Bezukhov, having been captured, learns the truth of life, which is revealed to him by an ordinary peasant man. And it lies in the fact that a person is unhappy only when there is a surplus in his life. You need little to be happy.

On the Field of Austerlitz, Andrei Bolkonsky feels his connection with the people. He grabs the flagpole, not hoping that they will follow him. But the soldiers, seeing the standard bearer, rush into battle. The unity of ordinary soldiers and officers gives the army unprecedented strength.

The house in the novel "War and Peace" is of great importance. But we're talking about not about decoration and furniture. The image of the house embodies family values. Moreover, all of Russia is home, all the people are one big family. That is why Natasha Rostova throws her property off the carts and gives them to the wounded.

It is in this unity that Tolstoy sees the true strength of the people. The force that was able to win the War of 1812.

Images of people from the people

Even on the first pages of the novel, the writer creates images of individual soldiers. This is Denisov’s orderly Lavrushka with his roguish disposition, and the merry fellow Sidorov, hilariously imitating the French, and Lazarev, who received an order from Napoleon himself.

However, the house in the novel “War and Peace” occupies a key place, so most of the heroes from among the common people can be found in descriptions of peacetime. Here another serious problem of the 19th century arises - the hardships of serfdom. Tolstoy depicts how the old Prince Bolkonsky, having decided to punish the bartender Philip, who forgot the owner’s order, gave him up as a soldier. And Pierre’s attempt to make life easier for his serfs ended in nothing, since the manager deceived the count.

People's labor

The epic “War and Peace” raises many problems characteristic of Tolstoy’s work. The theme of labor, as one of the main ones for the writer, was no exception. Labor is inextricably linked with people's life. Moreover, Tolstoy uses it to characterize characters, as he attaches great importance to it. Idleness in the writer’s understanding speaks of a morally weak, insignificant and unworthy person.

But work is not just a duty, it is a pleasure. Thus, the arriving Danila, participating in the hunt, devotes himself to this task to the end, he shows himself to be a real expert and, in a fit of excitement, even shouts at Count Rostov.

The old valet Tikhon has become so familiar with his position that he understands his master without words. And the servant Anisya is praised by Tolstoy for her homeliness, playfulness and good nature. For her, the owners’ house is not a foreign and hostile place, but a native and close one. A woman treats her work with love.

Russian people and war

However, the quiet life ended and the war began. All the images in the novel “War and Peace” are also transformed. All heroes, both low and high class, are united by a single feeling of “inner warmth of patriotism.” This feeling is becoming national trait Russian people. It made him capable of self-sacrifice. The same self-sacrifice that decided the outcome of the war and so amazed the French soldiers.

Another difference between Russian troops and the French is that they do not play war. For the Russian people, this is a great tragedy in which nothing good can come. Unknown to Russian soldiers is the pleasure of battle or the joy of the upcoming war. But at the same time, everyone is ready to give their life. There is no cowardice here, the soldiers are ready to die, because their duty is to defend their homeland. Only the one who “feels less sorry for himself” can win - this is how Andrei Bolkonsky expressed the popular thought.

Peasant sentiments in the epic

The theme of the people sounds piercingly and vividly in the novel “War and Peace”. At the same time, Tolstoy does not try to idealize the people. The writer depicts scenes indicating the spontaneity and inconsistency of peasant sentiments. Good example This is due to the Bogucharov riot, when the peasants, having read the French leaflets, refused to let Princess Marya out of the estate. Men are capable of the same self-interest as nobles like Berg, who are eager to receive ranks thanks to the war. The French promised money, and now they have obeyed them. However, when Nikolai Rostov ordered to stop the outrages and bind the instigators, the peasants obediently carried out his orders.

On the other hand, when the French began to advance, the people left their homes, destroying their acquired property so that it would not go to the enemies.

People power

Nevertheless, the epic “War and Peace” revealed the best folk qualities. The essence of the work is precisely to depict the true strength of the Russian people.

In the fight against the French, the Russians, despite everything, were able to maintain high moral qualities. Tolstoy saw the greatness of a nation not in the fact that it can conquer neighboring peoples with the help of weapons, but in the fact that even in the most cruel times it can preserve justice, humanity and a merciful attitude towards the enemy. An example of this is the episode of the rescue of the French captain Rambal.

and Platon Karataev

If you analyze the novel “War and Peace” chapter by chapter, these two heroes will definitely attract your attention. Tolstoy, including them in the narrative, wanted to show the interconnected and at the same time opposite sides of the national Russian character. Let's compare these characters:

Platon Karataev is a complacent and dreamy soldier who is accustomed to resignedly obeying fate.

Tikhon Shcherbaty is an intelligent, decisive, courageous and active peasant who will never resign himself to fate and will actively resist it. He himself became a soldier and became famous for killing the most Frenchmen.

These characters embodied two sides: humility, long-suffering on the one hand and an uncontrollable desire to fight on the other.

It is believed that Shcherbatov’s principle was most clearly manifested in the novel, however, Karataev’s wisdom and patience did not stand aside.


Thus, the people are the main active force in War and Peace. According to Tolstoy's philosophy, one person cannot change history; only the strength and desire of the people are capable of this. Therefore, Napoleon, who decided to reshape the world, lost to the power of an entire nation.



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