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Board game for children “Grandfather Mazai and the hares. Russian folk game "Grandfather Mazai"

Aselya Zhumagulova
Russian folk game"Grandfather Mazai"

Purpose of the game: introducing children to folk traditions


Introduce folk holidays , with the history of their occurrence;

Development of moral qualities, physical, mental, labor and other aspects of culture, development of intelligence, speed of reaction,

Developing will, moral feelings, a sense of responsibility to the team, the ability to act in a team.

Game task

Playing They show the actions to the driver, who must guess this action and catch one of the ones showing.

Game actions

The driver is selected (grandfather Mazai) . The rest of the participants agree on what movements they will show him (threshing, harvesting, etc.) they approach the driver (Grandfather Mazai) and sing. Then they depict the movements that were agreed upon earlier.

Rule of the game

If the driver (grandfather Mazay) guesses, the children run away and he catches them. Whoever catches it first becomes the driver (grandfather Mazaem) And the game is repeated. If he doesn’t guess, he is shown another movement.


Have a conversation on the topic Russian national traditions and holidays

Folk games are national wealth, and it is important that preschoolers know and love them

Publications on the topic:

Case "Russian folk tale".Introduction. “Don’t be afraid of a fairy tale, be afraid of a lie, but a fairy tale, a fairy tale will not deceive. Tell a fairy tale quietly, there will be more truth in the world.” These are words.

Short-term project “Russian folk toy”. Problem: Raising the younger generation on the culture and history of their ancestors. Project objectives. 1. Cultivate interest in your own culture.

Currently, children are little familiar with arts and crafts, so I decided to make a lapbook to make it more interesting.

Lapbook “Russian folk doll” “Without her, without the doll, the world would crumble, fall apart, and the children would no longer resemble their parents, and the people would no longer be like them.

This master class is a collective work of children and a teacher based on the work of N. A. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.”

I introduced the pupils to the wonderful poetic work of N. A. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”. Then based on this poem.

Generalized work experience “Russian folk outdoor game as a means of introducing preschool children to a healthy lifestyle” Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 31 of the Vichuga urban district Generalized experience of working as a teacher.

Video report “Russian folk melody “In the forge” As part of a competitive event recommended by the Department of Education - II Open City Festival folk art For.

Grandfather Mazay

This game was renamed several times, and therefore its content changed somewhat. Previously, it was called the “Game of Kings” (the leader is the “king”, the rest of the players are his “subordinates” or “children”), in Soviet time the game was called "Zateinik" (the driver - "entertainer", which did not quite correspond to the content). Now the guys have turned this game into “Grandfather Mazai” (named after the children’s literature hero beloved by children). It is carried out independently by children of preschool and junior age. school age. Number of participants - from 3 to 40 people.

Description. They choose a driver - “Grandfather Mazai”, the rest are “hares”. “Grandfather Mazai” is located on one side of the site on a bench, against a wall, near a tree, etc. This is his “home.” The “hares” are placed on the opposite side of the site in their “house”, limited by a line. There they agree on what they will perform in front of “grandfather Mazai” (for example, “picking mushrooms in the forest”, “swimming”, pretending to be an orchestra). Then they go to “Grandfather Mazai” and say in unison: “Hello, Grandfather Mazai!” He replies: “Hello, bunnies! Where were you, what were you doing? Everyone answers in unison: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did!” And they begin to depict what they have planned with their movements and facial expressions. “Grandfather Mazai” tries to guess what they are showing and reports (loudly) about it. If he guesses right, everyone shouts: “Yes!” - and run away to their “house”. "Grandfather" catches them. If he doesn’t guess right, everyone shouts: “No!” - and continue to portray their plans. When “grandfather” guesses right, everyone shouts “Correct!” - and run away to their place. Whoever the “grandfather” catches goes to his “house”. They play 2-3 times, after which they choose a new “grandfather”. And so on several times. In conclusion, “hares” that have never been caught are noted.


  1. The “hares” can run away only after “Grandfather Mazai” guesses what they have planned. Whoever runs away before the answer “yes” is considered caught and goes to the “house” of “grandfather Mazai.”
  2. “Grandfather Mazai” catches “hares” only up to the edge of their “house”.
  3. Those caught are at “grandfather Mazai’s” “house” and do not play until “grandfather” is replaced. You can release those caught. Then for each caught “grandfather Mazai” gets 1 point. In this case, they play with the same “grandfather” 3-5 times, then replace him with one of the most dexterous “hares”. The winners are the “grandfather Mazai” who catches the most “hares” in a set number of times, and the “hares” who have never been caught.

Number of players: any

Additionally: two paper oars, paper ear caps

This game brings children together, introduces them to fairy tales, poems, and riddles about hares.

Before the game, the teacher introduces the children to A. N. Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”: talks about the content of the poem, reads excerpts from it or reads it in full. After this, he invites the children to play, imagine that a flood has suddenly begun, and the children are bunnies in trouble.

In the playroom, chairs are placed - these are islands in the water, and the Bunnie children sit on them. Grandfather Mazai (teacher) is sailing a boat around the hall. The bunnies squeak, tremble, and ask for help. Mazai collects the frightened Bunnies one by one, puts them in a boat - the children huddle tightly together and follow the teacher. After all the Bunnies are saved, the teacher tells the children poems, asks riddles, and sings songs about bunnies.

The following material can be used in the game.

Bunny (M. Sorokina)

A bunny is jumping along the path,

For some reason he is crying bitterly.

What's the bunny's problem?

Who offended and when?

"Red-tailed fox

She took away her mittens.

The bunny's paws are freezing,

Help me, kids!

We'll take a ball and knitting needles,

We will knit mittens for the bunny.

How warmer your paws will become,

The bunny will stop crying.

Bunny (A. Barto)

The owner abandoned the bunny,

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

Russian folk song

Bunnies run across

Either a meadow or a forest.

Strawberries are being collected

Jump and jump! Jump and jump!

Here the clearing is softer than silk,

Look around, look around!

Beware of the dashing wolf

Beware, beware!

The bunnies fell asleep sweetly,

The forest is noisy, the forest is singing!

– Run away without looking back:

The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming!

Note: For older children (5-6 years old), the game can be made more difficult.

When Grandfather Mazai saves a bunny, he must sing him a song, recite a poem, or ask a riddle about the bunny.

Number of players: 2-6
Extras: deck of cards
If two or three are playing, each person receives six cards, if there are more people, five cards each. The remaining deck is placed face down in the center of the table.
The game is to collect as many cards of the same value as possible - all jacks, all aces, etc. If you think you need a ten, you ask the next player for it:
- Give me ten, please.
If he has a ten, he is obliged to give it away, if not, he says:
- Go to the market!

Number of players: any
Additional: no
Many children take part in the game. The leader is blindfolded and stands in the center of the circle. At the signal (clap) of the leader, the players begin to move in a circle. The repeated clap stops the movement. Now the presenter must point to one of the players and try to recognize him. He has the right to touch the player and, if he cannot guess, ask him to say something (pretend to be an animal - meow, squeak, yelp, crow, etc.). If the leader does not recognize the child, he leads a second time.

Lucky ticket - game for children

Number of players: any
Extras: tickets
This game is convenient to play on public transport. A ticket received on public transport whose six-digit number contains the amount first three numbers coincides with the sum of the last three.

Magic mixture - game for children

Number of players: any
Optional: corn starch, water
Take cornstarch, add water and stir until the mixture has the consistency of bread dough. Tell your child, "Let's sit quietly and watch a magic trick." If you roll the mass, it will take the shape of a ball. If you leave it lying still, it will become liquid. Sing your child a song to any tune while you roll the starch into a ball.
Let's take a little of the "magic" mixture,
Let's roll a ball and sing a song.
And the one who waits quietly then,

Attach the clothespin - educational game for children

Number of players: any
Extras: jar, clothespins
This game is for the little ones.
Remove the lid from a large jar or similar container that does not have sharp or jagged edges. Show your child how to attach a clothespin to the edge of the jar. Give him some clothespins for this exercise, and then show him how to throw the clothespins into the jar.
Children are fascinated by this game, which perfectly develops coordination between the eyes and hands.

Make up a number - game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: desk calendar
This game is played while dancing. Before the start of each dance, the leader calls any number from 35 to 55, and the players must gather in pairs so that the sum of the numbers on the sheets of their calendar is equal to this number.
Let's say they named the number 37. This means that a pair consists of players who have calendar sheets with the numbers 30 plus 7, or 18 plus 19, or 25 plus 12, etc. In all cases, the one who completes the task before others wins.

Kuzovok - educational game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: basket
Everyone sits down at the table and puts a basket on it. The host says to his neighbor at the table:
- Here's a box for you, put what you have in it - ok, if you say anything - you'll give the deposit.
The neighbor says the word -ok, followed by everyone else in a circle. Anyone who can’t find something to say or say something, puts a pledge in the basket: a badge, a scarf, a pencil, etc.
For example:
- I'll put a handkerchief in the box.
- And I am a castle.
- I am a ball...

Match the words to the fairy tale - game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: posters with words
The presenter hangs up posters with words written on them. Need to name a suitable fairy tale Andersen.
1. Snow, robber, crow, glass, mirror, rose, friendship. ("The Snow Queen")
2. Grass, brothers, nettle, ring, toad, patience. ("Wild Swans")
3. Hollow, wind, princess, trumpet, dog. ("Flint")
4. Beetle, frog, field mouse, swallow, elf. ("Thumbelina")
5. Mattress, chair, carriage, downpour, night, princess. ("Princess on the Pea")



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