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Cursor not working on lenovo laptop Why is the touchpad not working on a Lenovo laptop

One of the features work on a laptop is that it is not necessary to use a mouse for this, it is replaced by a touchpad. The question is why touchpad not working on laptop, worries many users, becausein the event of a breakdown, a lot of inconvenience arises, especially if you do not have a mouse at your disposal. The touchpad is a touch pad that responds to touch and movement of the finger, which moves the cursor along a given trajectory. The problems that arise often lie in its correct setting.

Step-by-step instructions for restoring the touchpad

1. No matter how funny it sounds, but first make sure it is clean. This panel is cleaned with a soapy swab. Then wipe with a damp cloth and let dry. About 5% of calls to our service center solved in this way. It is very important to remember that the touchpad does not respond to wet and greasy hands!

2. Make sure the settings are set to the correct sensitivity settings and that the touchpad device touchpad"works fine". In this case, it's an asus device. touchpad ps/2.

3. Check that you have all the necessary drivers for the touchpad. It is very important that the driver window contains entries from the manufacturer with a version higher than 1.0. Often, standard Windows drivers (especially common on 7 and 8.1 systems) do not function correctly.

4. When the touchpad does not work in general, then to eliminate the cause, you need to eliminate simple options malfunctions. First, make sure the panel is connected. In order to connect the panel, you can use several methods:

Fn key combination with one of the F1-F12 keys;

Press the touchpad on / off button (it is not available on all laptop models);

Enable using the utility that is displayed next to the clock;

Disable the mouse, which will automatically enable the panel (device conflict).

Other possible problems and solutions

This all refers to software problems, and if after the options provided the sensor still does not work, then the reason goes into the category of hardware ones.

First, make sure the cable is connected to the motherboard. There are times when the cable falls out of the connector during transportation. You can fix this problem yourself, but if in doubt, it is better to contact the service center.

Secondly, the sensor may stop working as a result of mechanical damage. In this case, it must be completely replaced. The exception is cases of slight mechanical damage that can be corrected.

If the touchpad does not work in conjunction with other devices (USB ports, keyboard, etc.), then the malfunction lies in the motherboard, intervention in which is carried out exclusively in the service center. As a result, if you find problems with the touch panel, before going to the service center, conduct a self-examination possible causes breakdowns, saving you time and money.

If only scrolling or finger gestures do not work

Often the problem lies not so much in the complete loss of functionality, but in the partial performance of the device, and if scrolling on the touchpad (the so-called scrolling) or special finger gestures do not work for you, the whole problem lies in the curvature of the installed drivers. If their reinstallation did not help, then you will have to contact the service center, since the physical failure of the panel cannot be ruled out (for example, after flooding with liquid containing solids). Another thing is if scrolling on the touchpad stops working for you for no apparent reason. In this case, these are 99% crooked drivers - such problems with scrolling are especially common on devices Acer, ASUS and Hewlett-Packard (HP).

By the way, a lot useful information can be read in the article "What to do if the laptop is flooded".

Problems on various laptop models

Thousands of people a month contact our service centers across the country and, thanks to this, we can collect very interesting breakdown statistics. touchpad devices.


The Taiwanese company produces excellent models that almost never break. If the touchpad does not work on your ASUS laptop, this is not a problem with the device itself, but with the operating system. However, not everything is so rosy - physical breakdowns are found in the asus K53S series.


Budget laptops from this manufacturer are a constant headache for the repairman. There is no need to sin on the OS here - the touchpad often does not work on Acer Aspire laptops for no apparent reason. We advise you to pay attention to the BIOS settings, and if you are able to disassemble the device yourself (which we strongly do not recommend), then check the cable connecting the panel. Unlike the previous brand, the only model suffering from constant problems with touchpad, is the 5750g lineup.


Once popular in the CIS countries, the American company Packard Bell is becoming less and less common on the market, which cannot but sadden the "old-timersilt" of the IT world. The most common problem due to which the touchpad does not work on Packard Bell laptops is accidentally pressing the Fn + F7 keys (the corresponding icon is drawn on it). Just press and everything will be fine. If it doesn’t work, try the combination fn+esc- this combination is also useful for avoiding false positives.

Interesting article: Setting up routers for PB


Very often, the problems are increased sensitivity, clogging of buttons with food (everyone sins sometimes, don't worry), lack of adequate drivers. If your touchpad does not work on an HP laptop, it is better to contact a service center to keep the warranty on a very expensive device.

Interesting article: Cleaning an HP laptop from dust and debris


Lenovo equipment is rapidly gaining popularity in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. If the touchpad does not work on the purchased Lenovo device, download the latest drivers, this will help solve the problem. It’s also very common on Lenovo devices that people simply inadvertently forget to turn on the touchpad (the button is placed very inconveniently, and often people don’t notice how they create a problem for themselves).

Useful link: Software from the manufacturer


If the touchpad does not work on your Samsung, use it to troubleshoot. Most often on Samsung devices The touchpad does not work due to software defects. You can download the necessary data on the website technical support or update them directly in Windows.

Interesting article: How to turn off Windows 8


Sony produces many top models, including ultrabooks, the diagnosis of which is difficult due to the complex design of the case and microscopic connections (including the cable). It is especially difficult to make repairs if the touchpad on SONY VAIO is broken. The device is connected to the printed circuit board by ultra-thin cables. If the device does not function, it is better to contact the workshop.

Quite often, the problem lies not in the hardware, but in the settings of the operating system. In order to reinstall the drivers, you need to download their official website and run them in the OS.

For Windows - go to Device Manager and select the one you need. Then click on its properties and click "Update". If the driver is not found, remove it and restart the system. After restarting, Windows will automatically pull up the necessary software. Step by step photo instruction:

Repair in the service center

In the network of our workshops throughout Ukraine, you can solve any technical problem quickly and, most importantly, inexpensively. Call the manager right now, and we will immediately name the price of the repair!

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What to do if the touchpad on a laptop stops working? Do not immediately carry it to the service. The bottom line is not always a hardware failure: it may be incorrect operation of drivers or other software failure. Help to revive it simple steps which even an inexperienced user can do.

The algorithm of actions in case of failure of the touchpad

The touchpad is reliably protected from moisture and dirt, rarely breaks. Failures are mainly due to "glitches" of the program. As a result, the sensor does not perceive pressing, does not recognize gestures, its sensitivity decreases. Also, the cursor randomly jumps around or, conversely, slows down. There are a number of problems for which the sensor does not work. In this case, you must first identify the cause of the malfunction. The main ones are presented in the table below.


Probable cause of failure
Touchpad does not work when touched. Sensor disabled;
Loop break.
The cursor moves jerkily or very slowly. Panel pollution;
The sensor is blocked by a virus.
Scrolling does not work, the panel does not respond. System utilities are outdated or not working correctly.
In addition to the non-working touchpad, the keys sink. Electronic components are defective.

Before going to the service center, you should try to fix the problem yourself:

  1. Check if the touchpad is enabled, and if not, enable it;
  2. Clean the surface of the panel;
  3. Update or reinstall the driver;
  4. Enable touchpad in BIOS;
  5. Roll back OS.

To check if the touchpad is working, it initially makes sense to restart the laptop in safe mode, and then proceed to the described actions.

Turning on the sensor

It is necessary to check the activity of the sensor by simultaneously holding Fn + F2-12. Often the touchpad does not work because it was previously disabled. In different devices, an individual set of combinations is provided for performing actions, for example, in - Fn + F9, and in - Fn + F6. In some variations, the sensor enable key is displayed on the panel itself. It looks like a barely noticeable depression or dot. In this case, the touchpad is activated by double-clicking on it.

touchpad cleaning

Often the touchpad on a laptop does not work due to banal pollution. To remove grease and moisture, the sensor must be wiped with special wipes or a lint-free microfiber cloth. The sensor surface must always be kept dry and clean.

Activating the touchpad in the BIOS

In the case of a “touchpad stopped working” situation, it makes sense to also check the BIOS settings.

In the bootloader menu, for example, in or , the sensor is labeled as Internal Pointing Device. It is located in the Advanced tab. If Disable is written in brackets, switch to Enabled and save (F10 - Yes).

Update or reinstall drivers

As for software problems, they can manifest themselves in different ways: scrolling does not work, the touchpad does not respond to clicks. Functionality is usually only partially lost. In this case, you need to scan the system with an antivirus and see the status of the drivers.

You can update, roll back or uninstall the program in the Device Manager, tab "". The touchpad is referred to as a HID device or TouchPad. A yellow triangle indicates a problem. Installing official software expands the functions of the touchpad.

Sometimes the touchpad does not work after downloading new programs. Then a system rollback will help restore the device to working order.

In rare cases, the touchscreen on a laptop does not work due to a system error. The problem lies in the program code of the disk, which is necessary for loading. Two standards are presented: GPT and MBR. The first one represents the GUID partition structure, which contains information about the partitions of the hard drive. This is part of UEFI, which is used by newer PC models instead of BIOS. The second one acts as a memory segment containing the loader for . MBR is a traditional structure and is compatible with all operating systems. The first option has a drawback - this standard does not support older systems, which is why a system conflict arises.

The error is fixed as follows: you need to see which segment is implemented on the laptop using the command line. The window is opened by pressing Win+R. Enter "diskpart" into the line, after - "list disk" and "Enter" to select the transformation structure. If in the list that appears in the last column "GPT" there is an asterisk, then this is the first version of the standard. If there is empty - the second. In the first case, it can be assumed that the touchscreen is hindered by a systemic conflict. The standard of the system disk is changed without data loss using special software. As an option - AOMEI Partition Assistant.

If you follow the instructions, performing the steps step by step, the result will be to quickly fix the problem.

If all the recommended actions are done, but the sensor on the laptop does not work, the problem is in the hardware. As a result of the jolts and vibrations that a laptop is often subjected to, the touchpad cable is disconnected or the connector latch breaks. Also, a number of problems can interfere with the operation of the sensory model:

  • poor contact between elements;
  • connector oxidation, etc.

This is precisely determined only by a specialist after diagnosis. Therefore, the only solution left is to take the laptop to a service center.

Almost all laptops are equipped with a touchpad, and most people use it without connecting additional peripherals. Therefore, if the touchpad on the device stops working, this can really become a problem. Below we will consider what the causes of such a malfunction may be and how to deal with them.

The main causes of touchpad failure

Touchpad clogging

Most often, the cause of the failure of the touchpad lies in the software part, but the very first thing to do is to clean the touchpad with a damp cloth and let the device dry. The fact is that the touchpad does not respond well to wet and greasy fingers and over time can become covered with a thin layer of fat, as a result of which it stops working.

Power button

Some laptops have a separate touchpad enable/disable button. Check if it is stuck. If this button is not provided in the laptop, then you should check the combination Fn + F1 ... F12 (depending on the model of the device, the key differs, but it is always marked with a special icon).

Software reasons

If the above methods did not help in solving the problem, go to the software part. Here the variability of the reasons that the touchpad stopped working can be several at once.

To find and solve the problem, you still need to connect a separate mouse either through special abilities system enable pointer control using the NumPad arrows.

Software inclusion of the touchpad

Often, additional software is installed on laptops for the functioning of devices, including the touchpad. Therefore, first you should check if the touchpad is enabled in these utilities. You can find the application in the taskbar (located next to the clock in the lower left corner) or through the control panel.


Often the reason for the failure of the touchpad is the failure of the driver. To check this, you need to go to the device manager through the control panel and find the corresponding device. It is referred to differently in different laptop models, but usually it is “notebook_Touchpad model” or “Mouse and other pointing devices”.

If the desired device is not in the list, then the driver is not installed and it will need to be installed from the disk that came with the computer or downloaded from the Internet.

If there is a driver, right-click and open Properties. In the window, look at the "Device Status" item, if it indicates problems, you will need to reinstall the driver.

If everything is fine in this menu, go to the "Driver" tab and open "Details". The software version must be higher than 1.0.

The reason that the touchpad stopped working on the device may be that the driver from Windows is automatically installed in the system if you have a system version of 8.1 and higher. Then you need to reinstall the original driver from the manufacturer.


Sometimes the touchpad can be disabled in the BIOS. To fix it, we want it (usually, this is the F2 key when you turn on the computer, but on different models may be another combination). In the tab "Advanced" we find the column "Internal Pointing Device". The value “Enabled” should be set here, if it is different, change it to the required one and save the changes.

Partial touchpad failure

It happens that the touchpad stops working partially, that is, the pointer moves, but various gestures like scrolling do not function. In this case, the problem lies in the driver, reinstalling which should solve the problem.

Mechanical failures and other problems

If the above methods did not help fix the problem, or the problem is clearly a mechanical failure (for example, the touchpad was flooded with tea or coffee), then the laptop should be taken to a service center, since the device is built into the motherboard and it is impossible to disassemble it for repair without special tools .

No matter how small and comfortable computer mice, the touchpad must work on the laptop. There can be many reasons for its failure, and they can be different for each version of the laptop, so you should know how to solve this problem.
But first you need to check if the driver for the touchpad is installed on your laptop. It's pretty easy to do this:
1. Right-click on "My Computer" and select "Manage";
2. In the window that opens, on the left, select "Device Manager";
3. Then, in the list of drivers that appears, find the touchpad and if a question is lit next to it or it somehow differs from the rest of the icons, then the driver is not installed or not installed correctly. Now you need to install it;
4. Right-click on this icon and select "Properties";
5. In the window that opens, click the "Details" tab, where in the properties select "Hardware ID" and copy the value that appears;
6. Paste this value into the search bar of any browser and click "Search";
7. From the search results, select the appropriate one and download the required driver;
8. After installing the driver, restart your computer.
This problem is most common when the touchpad is not working, so this solution should most likely help you.

Note: You can download the required driver in another way. Simply download the Driver Pack Solution Online program and after installation, click on the "Check Computer" button. This program will check all installed drivers by itself and if it finds any inaccuracies, it will download the required driver and install it.

Samsung, Aser, Asus

Some laptop manufacturers add the ability to disable the touchpad to their models. Samsung, acer and asus are just among such laptops. This is done so that when typing, the touchpad does not interfere with typing, because. when typing, hands fall directly on it, which causes some inconvenience.
To enable and disable the touchpad, you need to use the hotkey combination set by the manufacturer. This will be the "Fn" key, which is found on almost any laptop, and one of the top row keys (from F1 to F12), depending on the model of the machine. You can find out the desired key by the picture located on it, or by asking Google.
If you have found everything and performed all the actions, but the problem is not solved, then you need to reinstall the driver, as described above.

Lenovo, HP, Toshiba

The laptops of these models rarely provide the ability to turn off the touchpad on their own, or this feature is heavily conspired.
Look closely at the touchpad. If there is a small rounded dent on the top right or left of it, then quickly double-click on it, like a double-click, and the touchpad should work. If this is not possible, then you need to restart the computer and enter the BIOS.

Note: if you are an inexperienced user, then it is better not to enter the BIOS yourself, because. there is a high probability not to help, but to harm your computer, since all the system settings of the computer are located there.

To enter the BIOS, you need to press one of the keys when booting the computer: Enter, Del, F10, F1, F8. After logging in, find the “Advanced” tab, where set the Enable value in front of the Internal Point Device item, then press F10 and save the changes. Now the touchpad should work, otherwise, you need to reinstall the driver.

Note: if reinstalling the driver did not solve your problem, then there is a possibility of a broken board or touchpad cable. In this case, you need to contact any service center.

Often many users mobile computers-Laptops are experiencing a problem when scrolling on the touchpad does not work, as well as the device itself. What steps can be taken to resolve this problem, and how can it be eliminated? What to do if scrolling on the touchpad does not work, as well as the laptop touchpad itself? We will try to give answers to such questions in the course of this article.


Problems of a similar nature can arise after the laptop operating system has been reinstalled. It would seem that the assembly is stable, no “troubles”, as users of the Internet audience like to call problems of this nature, were observed. But the device stubbornly does not want to work. In this case, the question arises: why does the touchpad not work on a laptop? The user instantly takes up the backup device and breaks into the open spaces of the international network in order to enlist support from regular visitors to the relevant sites and forums.

Be able to formulate the problem

But you need to understand that by asking the question “Why does the touchpad not work on a laptop?” Without specifying the situation and its description, you are unlikely to receive any specific answer that will help you solve this problem. In order to find the answer to the question, from the user will need to remember what happened to the device a couple of days before the touchpad stopped responding on it.

For example, have not been inflicted accidental damage touch panel. As mentioned earlier, the reason for the incorrect operation of the touchpad (if it can be called work at all - the device does not respond to touch) can be reinstalling the operating system.

It is important to be able to think

Computer problems are well understood by people who can think logically. The system was reinstalled, which means that some system configurations associated with the touchpad were deleted.

As everyone is well aware, the operation of individual laptop and computer devices is ensured by the presence of appropriate programs called drivers. Therefore, the solution to the problem in case of reinstalling the operating system may be to install drivers on the touchpad of a laptop of the corresponding model.

Check the cleanliness

Many users are wondering what to do if the touchpad does not work, without even realizing that ordinary touchpad contamination can become the cause of unstable operation. Check if the touchpad is clean.

You can clean this device with ordinary wet wipes. After you wipe the rectangle, give it a little time to dry. According to statistics, 5 percent of calls to various service centers (which, of course, are related to the problem of the touchpad) were resolved by cleaning the device. The user must also understand that touching with greasy or wet hands will also remain unresponsive from the device.

Check function keys

Modern laptops are characterized by the presence of so-called function keys. They are intended for operational activation / deactivation of certain, as it is clear, functions. For example, the F1 key may be responsible for enabling/disabling wireless communication modules (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). Key F2 - for turning on / off the screen. Other keys may have the most different meanings(volume up and down, screen brightness adjustment and much more).

In any case, the activation or deactivation of the function occurs by simultaneously pressing the F button with its corresponding number, as well as the FN button (function - function). Usually the last key is located on the bottom of the laptop keyboard. Why was this conversation started? The fact is that some users are wondering what to do if the touchpad does not work, not suspecting that it is simply disabled.

Users are strongly advised to first look at the laptop manual, if available, to see the assignment of the function keys. It is possible that there are buttons in row F that are also responsible for turning the laptop touchpad on and off.

Check if drivers are installed

One of the reasons why the touchpad button does not work is the lack of drivers for the touchpad. A similar error often occurs in cases where a “clean” version of the operating system has been installed. Programs for laptop spare parts in this case are simply absent, which prevents them from working correctly.

To check if the touchpad is detected at all by the system, you need to go to the laptop control panel. Next, you need to go to the category called “Hardware and Sound”. After that, follow the link to "Devices and Printers". Some devices defined by the system should be displayed there.

Among them, you need to select our laptop, go to its control center, and then find a menu called “Keyboard and Mouse”. There you can just see if the touchpad is detected by the system. If it is there, just check the box (in the sub-item called “Built-in pointing device”), marking the activated state of the touchpad.

ASUS laptops. Touchpad not working

This Taiwanese company knows a lot about making mobile computers. Enough is produced every year a large number of Asus brand laptops, and they have good technical equipment. But sometimes there are problems with the touch panels of these devices.

In most cases, if the touchpad does not work correctly on an Asus laptop, attention should first of all be paid to the operating system. Mechanical damage to the touchpad in laptops from this manufacturer is minimized, so it is highly recommended to check the system settings. The way out of many situations in which the touch panels of laptops from this company are involved is to install the original drivers specifically for your model. You can download them from the official websites of the manufacturer.

Acer laptops. Touchpad not working

The company produces a considerable number of budget laptops. And it should be recognized that such devices become a real headache for many repairmen of service centers.

An interesting fact is that if in the case of ASUS laptops, the first thing to do is check the operation of the system, then this “trick” will not work. Very often in budget Acer laptops, touchpads do not work at all for no particular reason, visible to the eye user. It's simple: they wanted to - they turned off.

The solution to the problem in such cases can be BIOS check articles. It is possible that some settings just suddenly changed there. It is quite possible that the problem was caused by incorrect connection of the panel. You can check this by disassembling the laptop. But for those who do not have much experience in this, disassembly is highly discouraged.


As mentioned earlier, incorrect operation of the touchpad in technical terms can be caused by incorrect connection of the touchpad cable to the laptop motherboard. Sometimes cables can fall out of the connectors intended for them, which creates a problem literally out of the blue. In order not to harm the device even more, it is better, of course, to contact a service center.

The sensor can also turn off as a result of causing mechanical damage to it. If this happens, and you know for sure that this is the problem, you will have to fork out to install a new touchpad for your laptop. There are exceptions here, as elsewhere. With minor damage, stable operation of the touchpad is still possible.

It is possible that situations arise when USB ports do not work together with the touchpad. In this case, you can rely on the breakdown of the motherboard.

Generally speaking, before contacting a service center, you can carry out diagnostics at home. But if you think that you can’t do it (or just don’t want to risk the “health” of the laptop), then it would be better to contact a service center.



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