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Unconventional drawing techniques. Unconventional technique of drawing with wax crayons (candle) and watercolor Unconventional drawing on the theme of winter candle watercolor

Wax and watercolor drawing. Drawing technique

All children love to draw and create their own masterpieces. Today we will tell you about the magical, unusual, unconventional drawing with wax and watercolor on paper and we assure you that your child will be infinitely happy that he will succeed and he will probably want to show off his drawing.

Today we introduce you to an unusual technique - drawing with a candle. This drawing technique usually delights children, captivating them with the final effect of the image appearing on a sheet of paper. Drawing using this technique gives the child confidence in working with paint, develops imagination, fine motor skills, which is very important for preschool and younger children school age. This is even, in a way, a game that does not tire the kids, but rather gives them positive emotions.

Drawing with a candle

First, you need to draw a picture of a candle on a white sheet of paper. We take a piece of a candle and create an outline of the future drawing. By the way, you can draw not only with a candle, but also wax pencils, the effect will be the same. Since children do not know about the property of wax to repel water, for them this method of drawing will seem magical and incredible.

To make it easier to create a sketch, before moving on to the second step of work - drawing with watercolors, you can invite your child to first draw a picture with a simple pencil, and only then trace it along the contour with a candle. You can simplify the task even further - take a regular coloring book and trace it along the contour with a piece of wax or a candle.

We invite you to look through our section and choose the drawing that your baby will like best.

Magical candle painting

This fish is drawn with a wax colored pencil.

Drawing with a candle

Next we will paint with watercolors. Better to use more dark colors watercolors: blue, black, purple, so the effect will be more noticeable. We take more paint, but less water. Take a wide brush, dip it in watercolor paint or gouache and cover a sheet of paper with large strokes. The paint will slide off the created outline, since the paraffin from which the candle is made is greasy. The drawing will appear as if by magic!

Drawing with a candle

After the drawing has dried, you can additionally draw some elements using felt-tip pens or markers.

For your information: now many children have a lack of self-confidence, poorly developed imagination, and lack of independence. The child is afraid to do something and create on his own; it seems to him that he will not succeed. But the work carried out in kindergarten, carried out using this drawing technique, showed very positive dynamics in psychological mood kids.

Here's what the specialist says:

“I watched with pleasure how the guys in our classes, holding their breath, looked at their drawings and when something appeared on the sheet, there was an explosion of emotions in the group from what they saw.”

Let your child feel positive emotions both from the process itself and from the result of wax painting!

Drawing daisies with wax crayons and watercolors. Video

Painting with wax and watercolor ladybug. Video

Happy creativity!

Drawing with candles and watercolors. Magic drawings

Drawing with candles and watercolors. Magic drawings

Drawing with candles and watercolors. Magic drawings

Drawing with candles and watercolors. Magic drawings

Drawing with candles and watercolors. Magic drawings

Drawing with candles and watercolors. Magic drawings

Municipal budget preschool educational

institution kindergarten No. 104 “Dawn”

Unconventional technique of drawing with wax crayons (candles) and watercolors

Completed by: 1st category teacher

Mansheeva Aryuna Viktorovna



I won’t reveal a secret if I say that children love to draw. Draw with everyone and on everything. And it doesn’t matter so much whether it’s a pencil or a felt-tip pen, a brush or chalk, the main thing is to create their own masterpiece, which they are happy to show to their household.

If the drawing process itself is magical, unusual, unconventional, the child’s joy will know no bounds.

Nowadays, many children have a lack of self-confidence, poorly developed imagination, and lack of independence. The child is afraid to draw, it seems to him that he will not succeed, so he is afraid to mix paints, often uses an eraser, and in coloring books he cannot always shade in a given outline.

This problem can be solved by offering unconventional methods of drawing, allowing you to feel positive emotions both from the process itself and from the result.

Today I want to introduce you to an unusual technique - drawing with a candle. It delights children, captivating them with the effect of an image appearing on a sheet of paper. I watched with pleasure how the guys in class, holding their breath, looked at the drawings, and when something appeared on the sheet, there was an explosion of emotions in the group from what they saw.

Such activities can be called fabulous, because the child does not see what he can do at the beginning of the work, and then the drawing miraculously appears. This technique is in some way a game that brings positive emotions. It does not tire, children remain highly active and efficient during the lesson.

How to draw with a candle?

The technique is absolutely simple.

To work you will need:

1. Candle or wax crayons.

2. Watercolor or ink.

3. A blank sheet of paper.

4. Wide brush or sponge.

To begin with, you need to clean slate draw a picture with a candle on paper, warning the child that at this moment nothing will be visible.

You can draw using this technique from the age of 3. You can offer to make drawings on various topics. It could be “Starry Sky”, “Snowflakes”, “Salute”, “Chamomile”, “ Frosty pattern on the window", "Fairy Forest", etc.

You can draw not only with a candle, but also with wax pencils, the effect will be the same. Since children do not know about the property of wax to repel water, this method of drawing seems magical to them.

For the image to appear, you need to dip a wide brush or sponge into paint or ink and cover the sheet with large strokes. The drawing will appear as if by magic! After drying, it can be supplemented using felt-tip pens or markers.

This technique gives confidence in working with paint, develops imagination and fine motor skills, which is very important for children of preschool and primary school age.

Unconventional drawing- the basis of many art therapeutic techniques, it allows you to overcome feelings of fear, instills self-confidence, and gives freedom of expression.

Target : introduce this technique and teach how to perform work using this technique.

Tasks : - introduce the “wax crayons + watercolor” technique, teach how to convey the beauty of the surrounding world using this technique;

Continue to develop in children a sustainable interest in visual arts, develop creative imagination;

Development of creative imagination, fantasy, memory, eye;

Foster creative independence and activity; introduce you to the beauty of nature.

Wax crayons (oil pastels) are one of the the best materials for drawing, which is distinguished not only by a wide range of creative possibilities, but by the safety of their use by children. They can draw with younger age(large triangular ones for kids).The main advantage of wax crayons (oil pastels) in preparation for class is that you don’t have to sharpen them!

The technique of working with wax crayons and watercolors is very simple, but effective. At first glance, the two materials appear to be incompatible because wax repels water. But it is precisely this property that allows one to achieve amazing results - pictures drawn with wax crayons and watercolors are unusually expressive.

There are no special secrets in this technique: first you need to draw a “wax” picture, and then paint over it with watercolor paint. The watercolor rolls off the thick brushstroke of the pastel and remains only on a blank sheet of paper. The emerging pattern is very bright, all the strokes and lines are visible. The only wish is that the paper be special, that is, intended for painting with watercolors, since a regular landscape sheet can become deformed from moisture, swelling with waves. “Emerging drawing” - the drawing seems to appear, appears.

Drawing unconventionallymethod using a candle andwatercolorsArouses interest among children and appeals to adults. The result is not always predictable, but with trial and error, image skill is developed. Children especially enjoy the process of unexpectedly revealing a hidden image. Suchtechniquepromotes the development of interest in the properties of materials, develops skills in working withwatercolor, contributes to the formation of a sense of color (the ability to select colors in combination,technicalvisual skills, develops imagination, promotes observation and interest in native nature.

It seems that modern Art- This is, first of all, an “arms race”. Everyone competes not only in skill and quality of workmanship, but also in how, where and from what to create their new masterpieces.

And if some attempts cause best case scenario a slight smile or bewilderment, others are truly impressive or at least arouse genuine interest.

Drawing with a candle

This time we'll talk about French-Canadian artist Steven Spazuk, who also could not keep his creative imagination within the proposed framework and tried the new kind art of painting - drawing with candles and watercolors.

Immediately, somehow involuntarily, associations emerge with old Soviet entrances, where on the ceilings one could find many “creations” with fire, or rather with matches or cigarette butts, but here there is really something to see.

The pictures are beautiful. And most importantly, in most cases they are unpredictable. After all, fire is not the most malleable element, but it is very capricious even in matters of creativity, and it is simply impossible to plan the thickness of lines and strokes with centimeter accuracy. Therefore, the artist invents in his imagination only a general direction, a theme, while the candle and the paper already create their own art.

Therefore, not only the works themselves are interesting, but also the technique of drawing with a candle itself - it is too unconventional and interesting.

Prophetic Vision

Thanks to in an unusual way drawing images, the paintings look as if shrouded in a mysterious haze. This is more reminiscent of a dream - the same one in which, according to the artist, they received the clue higher powers about what he should do.

Stephen said that in that prophetic vision, he walked through an amazing art gallery created with the help of fire, gradually realizing exactly how he would work. 14 years have passed since then, and the artist has received recognition all over the world. His works, painted with a candle, delight and inspire lovers of everything unusual and beautiful; they are confirmation that not everything has yet been created and invented - perhaps the higher powers will one day have a good offer for us.

JOURNEY INTO HISTORY The history of the invention of candles can be traced back to the heyday of the Roman Empire, which gave the world many useful inventions. It was the Romans who first began to use wicks in the manufacture of candles, which they used to illuminate their homes and temples, and also used them to move through dark city streets and trees.

JOURNEY INTO HISTORY Wax candles do not produce soot and unpleasant odor, they burn brightly and evenly. But fat in large quantities It's easier to get than wax, so wax candles were expensive and were used only in the homes of wealthy citizens, nobles and the royal court, this is how the history of the wax candle began.

CANDLE MAKING TECHNOLOGY They took a twisted thread - the future wick, twice as long as the candle and tied it to a stick, folding it in half and weaving the ends. On one stick there were several blanks for candles. Next, these wicks were dipped into melted lard, removed and allowed to cool. This procedure was repeated several times until the candles of the required thickness were obtained.

MODERN HISTORY OF CANDLES Massive extraction of paraffin made it possible to make cheap candles, since it cost much less than wax and similar substances. At the same time, paraffin burns as brightly as wax, without emitting an unpleasant pungent odor.

LESSON EQUIPMENT You will need: - candles - white paper - watercolor paints - brush - oilcloth (newspaper) on the table Creative task: 1. Cover the table with newspaper. 2. Spread a sheet of white paper and, pressing firmly, make some design with a candle. 3. Paint over this design with watercolors

What you need to know! Watercolors WILL adhere to, or be absorbed into, the paper, but not where it is covered with wax. Watercolor paints are held to paper by a force called AGRITION. But this did not happen where wax is present, because between it and the paper there is a great strength, which is called STICKING. Game 1. You can draw several different simple drawings and offer children 2-4 years old using watercolor paints find out what is drawn. 2. Children can draw their own designs with a candle and develop them with paint.

Olga Alexandrova


Formation of an aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art, and artistic and creative activities.


1. Continue introducing children to the landscape.

2. Strengthen children’s ability to use a brush and watercolors: select shades of blue, purple and brown colors, paint the sheet evenly, leaving no empty spaces.

3. Develop imagination and creativity.

4. To cultivate an aesthetic perception of nature, its images in non-traditional techniques: candle and watercolor.

5. Induce a feeling of joy from the results of the work.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the rookery. Examination of the paintings: “The rooks have arrived”, “Spring has come”. Observations of birds, snow melting in the sun, in the shade, the appearance of thawed patches, the first streams. Listening musical works P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons”. Compiling stories and descriptions on the topic: What has changed lately.”

Educator– Children, Queen Tassel has come to visit us.

Showing the sequence of work:

Educator– “Queen Brush” invites you to an art workshop where we will perform magic. To do this, take the “magic brush” with your thumb and middle finger, holding it on top with your index finger.

1. Dip the brush in water, then in blue or purple paint and paint most of the sheet with a movement of the hand from left to right, evenly distributing the paint, diluting with water so that the sheet does not get wet. This is the main background of our picture.

2. For the lower part of the picture, select a shade Brown. These will be spring thawed patches.

Educator- Children, look - what have we done?

Children's answers.

Educator- That's right, a boat is sailing along the stream, in the lower part on the right there are bushes, spring thawed patches, birds are flying above.

Children examine and complement.

Educator– Here is a picture about nature, which is called “landscape”.

Before we begin the magic of creating a painting, let's massage our hands with a pencil.

Hand massage

Take the pencil in your hands, hold it between your palms and roll it,

Bring your palms to your right ear

Bring your palms to your left ear,

What do you hear? (he rustles).

Put the pencils down, place your palms on your cheeks and forehead. What do you feel (warmth).

Educator– Take your seats in the workshop and let’s begin the “magic.”

Doing work by children.

Educator– We wash the brushes, dry them on napkins, and put them on a stand.

Finger game "Five and Five"

Five and five went for a walk (arms in front of you, palms wide apart, fingers of both palms bent and extended).

It's fun to play together (rotation of hands).

Turned around, turned around (turn palms left and right).

Curled into a fist again (they form a fist with their fingers).

Well done guys (knocks fist on fist).

We guys are brave!

The exercise is performed 2 times.

Educator– What wonderful pictures about nature – “landscapes” you have created.

What secrets of creating paintings will you tell your parents at home? (children's answers).

What is shown on the right and left in the picture?

Children– On the right is a tree with swollen buds.

What is shown against the sky?

Children– Migratory birds are above.

What do you see on the bottom of the sheet?

Children– Spring thawed patches.

What's going on with the bunny?

Children- The bunny hid near the animals not far from the tree, because he did not have time to change his white coat to a gray one and he was not visible.

Educator– We have a real art gallery. Well done to all of you!

Publications on the topic:

"Winter Forest" Drawing using the poking method. White fluffy snow swirls in the air and quietly falls to the ground and lies down. And in the morning the field turned white with snow.

To draw the vase, cotton swabs were made from cotton pads and clothespins. We drew a vase, using a cotton swab to follow the template.

Lesson topic: “Magic circle” or “Magic mandala” (Salt drawing) Purpose: Teaching children an unconventional drawing technique (aqua.

Non-traditional drawing technique - drawing with napkins Non-traditional drawing allows you not to limit the manifestation of your creative abilities.



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