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Cleansing the astral body. The human astral body - how to develop and purify

Lesson 7.1.Cleansing the astral body.

In this lesson we will learn how to cleanse our energy body from all kinds of attachments and inclusions of negative energy,
absorbing our physical and astral strength, in other words, from everything that interferes further development And
compaction of our astral bodies, we will learn transparency on the astral and earth planes, we will discover new sources of energy and
let's make our double even stronger, learn to stay in a lucid dream for a longer time, learn
reflect energy attacks from ill-wishers and methods of protecting your physical and astral body,
Let's talk about the difficulties that may come our way and methods of overcoming them.

1. So, a little theory. You all probably already know that there are such things, or rather entities, they used to be called larvae,
generated by such negative emotions like fear, anger, hatred... To be more specific, our aura is very
there are many such inclusions that absorb our energy, both physical and other bodies, and do not give us freely
develop, partially blocking access to the energy supply. Where do they come from? Yes, very simple, for example you to someone
you didn’t please, someone is jealous of you, someone wants you dead, etc. And when this is said in the hearts and frankly, the words are here
are not important. What is important is the feeling that comes from the whole heart. The husband has a mistress and the wife finds out about
This and from the bottom of my heart I told her - damn you, die creature! The essence is ready, it enters the rival’s biofield
and begins to deplete it, or rather, feed on its energy. This, of course, is not as scary as others think, because
the essence arose from the desire of an ordinary woman, that is, her words were not concentrated and directed, like
laser beam towards the rival, if this were so, the damned woman would have died in two or three days, from an accident
case or cardiac arrest, but our heroine does not own magic and can only create weak energy
being. Her rival, of course, will not die, she may experience a slight malaise. But if she decided to take up the spirits -
with other practices, for example, strengthening her dream body, this would have been very difficult for her, because
Such creatures block the influx of astral energy, which is necessary for this! And think about how many there are
entities can be in your energy body. Some of them are stronger, some are weaker, some last a few
days. others for years, causing all kinds of illnesses, both physical and mental. For a person who decides to stand on
the dreamer’s path, it is necessary to get rid of such entities and attachments in order to make your double strong and fearful.
helpful and open new ways to receive astral energy.

So, technique 1.

Having realized yourself in a dream, remember the task that you wrote on a piece of paper. And it says something like the following -
When I am in a lucid dream, I will remember and perform the following actions. Raise your hands up, palms
parallel to your shoulders, as if you were holding a large bowl above your head; it is empty for now, but you know that soon it will be full.
is infused with healing energy that will destroy harmful energy entities. Imagine that from heaven you should be
on the street, the astral one, of course, purple rain is pouring, and here it is important not only to imagine, but to see
this is for real, don’t rush, wish it with all your heart and it will happen, it may not be rain, but something violet-
the same color, liquid electricity etc. and the color may be different, the main thing here is to be sure that this energy will heal
you, perhaps it will be invisible, but you should feel comfortable and cozy. The bowl will gradually become heavier as it fills
energy. and it will become difficult for you to hold it, remember those essences that are in your body and that this healing
the energy that is in your cup will destroy them, pour the contents of the cup onto yourself.... The sensations can be very different, from heat,
to inexplicable lightness and euphoria. It is possible that at some stage of performing this technique, you will wake up without experiencing
Wake up and be persistent, waking up ahead of time only means that you have not mastered the previous lessons well and you
There is not much energy yet, maybe you are reacting too emotionally, if possible, treat this as best you can -
but calmer, and this will be the case after a few months of practice, it will be as ordinary as going to the store.

Technique 2.

Return to your body immediately after performing and record the results.

To be continued.

Next, cleansing techniques from the intermediate state will be given, this is easier than through a lucid dream, but it requires
certain skills, simpler because consciousness works more clearly and clearly, more difficult because not everyone has the experience of exiting
directly from the body, although in fact, it’s very easy to learn! Mikhail Raduga teaches this in three days!!!

Thanks to deep astral cleansing, many of the ailments that you have had for many years, such as headaches, back pain, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, sadness, fatigue, lack of clear thinking, as well as other energy blocks, such as difficulties in relationships, conflicts, problems with finances, problems with work, the inability to promote new projects, failures, all of this usually goes away within a few days after cleansing or improves significantly.

Astral cleansing is a deep energetic cleansing of the physical body and subtle fields that make up the Aura. The human aura consists of seven layers, superimposed on each other and intersecting with each other, which bear the following names: Etheric field, Emotional, Mental, Causal, Etheric double and Celestial field.
Here is an example of a person's aura.

With the help of astral cleansing, clots of energy are removed that interfere with the proper functioning of our physical and etheric bodies (including chakras and meridians). This cleansing improves our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state, and the stagnations that have formed in our lives disappear.
In a broader sense, deep energetic cleansing can be equated to Soul Healing and a reboot of our Inner Self. Thus, our lives change for the better after cleansing.
Energy pollution can occur for many reasons. It should be borne in mind that, first of all, we ourselves pollute our energy due to injuries received, complex or conflict situations that we have experienced or are experiencing, due to illness, personal crisis, due to our own negative thoughts and emotions. At the same time, very often this is due to external reasons. This may be due to the fact that we are surrounded by negative people or we often communicate with such people, and such negativity can also come from third parties when carrying out magical and esoteric work. Unfortunately, today it is very common to turn to magicians and sorcerers for help.

These energies pollute us and cause blockages in our Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual fields. Often these energies are also the reason why many aspects of a person’s life are blocked: finances, projects, work, interpersonal relationships, health...

There are several systems for seeing the aura or identifying and interpreting the degree of energy pollution (photographs using the Kirlian method on biochemical film, photos using the Kirlian method on a computer and interpretation of the aura using special programs, quantum bioresonance devices). Although they cannot reflect the entire energetic spectrum, they can be useful in identifying pollution and its causes: psychological blockages, entities, external energies, and can even show which human organs are susceptible to attack. I won’t write about this in detail, since there is material on a separate topic here, but I think it will help you understand what I’m talking about.

Below you can see a photograph using the Kirlian method, where it is clear that a person’s aura is clean, it is quite compact and has a bluish tint (this photograph was taken after energy cleansing).

Another photograph, taken by a different device, shows holes and cracks in the person's aura. This indicates that the person has a psychological blockage, and is also subject to external energy attack.

On next photo you can see the state of a person’s aura before and after cleaning. In the photo on the left we see cracks in the aura and that some parts and organs of the human body are affected. The photo on the right already shows significant improvements after energy cleansing.

The following photo shows a very polluted human energy field.

The last photo shows a person's aura infected with entities. This man received the influence of African magic. The darker masses that are visible in the photo above and below are the entities.

Deep cleaning takes about eighteen days. You need to understand the difference between one session of any type of cleansing and deep astral cleansing. If you have already undergone an energy cleansing, you probably felt an improvement for a few days, but then your previous state returned.

In order for an astral cleansing to be truly deep and for positive changes to last for a long time both in us and in all aspects of our lives, it must be carried out for at least eighteen days, during which we will see gradual changes. After cleansing, positive changes continue for another two months. To understand the effect of such cleaning, you can compare it to an onion, from which layer by layer is removed until we reach the core.

In addition, astral cleansing must be complete; it is necessary to cleanse the physical and etheric body of a person, his environment, housing and, most importantly, the Astral field.

When energy cleansing is carried out, energy blocks go away and are replaced with new energy with a higher vibration. This is a kind of detoxification and implementation process new energy higher vibration.

As a result, balance arises within a person, healing and improvement of all aspects of our lives occur. The deeper the cleansing, the more old energy will be involved and positive effect will be stronger.
This cleansing occurs on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

During and after cleansing, some symptoms such as headache, back pain, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, sadness, lack of energy disappear completely or significant improvements are visible. Of course, the listed symptoms are not exclusively a consequence of induction negative programs, but may arise due to physical or psychological reasons. But I can say that when a person has negativity, most of these symptoms are present.

After deep astral cleansing, clients often say that they have finally become themselves, their vital energy has returned to them and they again feel like masters of their destiny. Many people report seeing improvements in many aspects of their lives, such as financially, professional and personal.

If you have any questions or would like more information about my energy cleansing method, I will always be happy to help!

What does it mean and what is it for? What does it look like, how to clean it, keep it clean and develop it? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What is the human astral body

First of all, it is necessary that the reader has a clear idea of ​​what the astral level or astral world is. - this is a certain part of the universe that exists parallel to the physical world, surrounding and partially penetrating the physical world, but not visible and not perceived by physical vision, since it consists of matter of a different order. This is the world of feelings, sensations and desires.

or Emotional body responsible for feelings, emotions, passions, drives, desires, aspirations and motivations. It is given to us so that we can gain a foothold and act at this level of the universe. Astral body stores information about all feelings, emotions, desires of a person, about negative ones such as: fears, anger, worries, discontent, etc. And positive ones: joy, serenity, love, etc. They are, as it were, recorded in the cells of the astral body in the form of energetically colored flashes.

The astral body permeates the physical and etheric body, spreading further in all directions from it, like a colored cloud. His color and shape depend on the inner nature of a person- from those feelings, desires and aspirations with which a person fills himself every day.

The internal process (thoughts, feelings, desires, aspirations) has a powerful influence on the body itself, shaping it from what a person fills himself with. The more often a person is in one state or another (feelings, desires, aspirations), the deeper it penetrates into him and becomes part of him. In fact, we build our astral body from what we feel and what emotional states we are in!

The astral plane is divided into two levels, lower and higher. The lower astral is the center of low, negative, animal emotions, feelings and desires, the highest is the abode of sublime feelings, desires and aspirations.

What it consists of attracts materials similar to the body from outside, like attracts like. If the body is accustomed by its owner to pure and sublime feelings and thoughts, then from its environment it will attract to itself, like a magnet, materials of the same kind and from the same matter as itself.

The astral body of a spiritually undeveloped person is characterized by smaller auric dimensions, has insufficient light saturation, and the centers of higher consciousness are practically invisible. As one advances spiritually, the astral body becomes purified, the chakras first become visible and then turn into rotation. During sleep, the astral body can move in the astral world, perceiving impressions of this plane and imprinting them as prophetic dreams or visions.

The astral body is the bearer of human kamic consciousness, the seat of all passions and desires, the center of feelings in which, as already mentioned, all sensations arise. Being created from astral matter, it readily responds to the influence of thought, reacting to it with vibrations, regardless of whether this thought comes from the outside (from the mind of another person) or from the inside (from the mind of the owner of the body). Accordingly, it responds to its thoughts more readily, and with certain training and installation it can be protected from outside influence. A pumped up astral body does not respond to negativity, because it is completely built from the matter of the higher astral!

What does the astral body look like?

Describe the fully formed human astral body- not difficult; imagine that a person leaves his physical body and all that remains of him is a more transparent, luminous copy of the body, having a glow on the sides in the shape of a cocoon, clearly visible to a clairvoyant, but inaccessible to ordinary vision.

An insufficiently highly developed person resembles an embryo in his astral body. Its contours are not yet defined and precise; the material from which it is made is dull and friable; and if you separate it from the physical body, then it will appear in the form of a shapeless cloud that changes its shape, clearly unsuitable for the role of an independent carrier; in fact, it is rather a clot of astral matter than a formed astral body.

P a fully formed astral body indicates that a person has reached a certain level of intellectual culture and spiritual development. The appearance of the astral body is an indicator of the level of progress achieved by its owner; by the completeness of its contours, the brightness of the materials of which it is composed, and the perfection of its organization, one can judge at what stage of evolution the Ego using it is located.

The astral body of a person whose thoughts are of a low and animal nature looks rough, dense, opaque and has a dark color, sometimes so dark that it almost hides the contours of the physical body. In a highly developed person, the astral body - clean, transparent, shiny and light, has a wider glow - is a truly beautiful sight. In this case, low passions are transformed into more sublime ones and the purposeful activity of the mind purifies astral matter.

It is mobile and capable of changing its color and shape. Both depend on the emotional state the person is in. Primitive and coarse vibrations make it of indeterminate shape and dull color. Vibrations of malice, aggression, anger make it red and black, and as if thorns are erupting from it and spots appear; if a person loses his temper, it becomes covered with scarlet spots. Higher vibrations of joy, love make it brighter, wider and purer, having a bright glow around it. When a person is in love, pink-red waves flow through him.

If a person’s thoughts and feelings are sublime and noble, then they correspond to a more subtle and pure astral matter, and then the astral body begins to lose the coarsest and most dense particles of its astral matter of all sublevels, replacing them with particles that are more subtle, perfect and beautiful.

The astral body of a person with a very low, animal nature will consist of the most dense and coarse astral matter, which will retain him within the lowest level of Kamaloka; and until this shell is completely destroyed, a person will have to remain a prisoner of this part of the astral world and endure all the inconveniences associated with this far from enviable position.

Strong experiences and feelings can leave a deep mark on our Emotional body. Rough feelings of anger, fear, irritability, etc. can form clots (blocks) like splinters stuck in the emotional body. Such clots can interfere with the free flow of energy, and over time, if they are not healed, they lead to physical illness. diseases.

For a person living in constant worries, stress, anger, constantly arguing, this body can not only be dirty, but it can be full of holes or torn like torn clothes on the body. This may be due to a targeted flow of negativity towards the person. In a developed, healthy and pure at heart human shell of the astral body is protected, it begins to miss a “blow” when it is unbalanced and fear, anger, aggression, self-doubt and other rough vibrations arise inside a person.

Healing and cleansing occurs when we stop saturating the astral body with heavy and negative feelings and free ourselves from them, and begin to nourish ourselves with more sublime and pure materials. Thus, with your With noble feelings and thoughts we transform and purify our own astral body without applying any special measures.

Cleansing the astral body. How to cleanse, restore and heal the astral body.

Just like physical. the astral body requires care, attention, love and periodic cleansing. It is necessary to maintain purity and a calm, natural and harmonious flow of energy. Periodically check yourself for the presence of various kinds of blocks and clamps, stuck deep emotions, feelings (anxiety, dissatisfaction, aggression, fear, etc.) and try to cleanse yourself of them.

As a rule, with As people age, their astral-mental accumulation becomes full, and if it is not unloaded, then over time it becomes difficult to live fully and change your life, thinking, behavior, navigate new information, for example, change profession, view, opinions, get rid of dependencies and influences of other people, forces, various sources.

Overcrowding of the astral-mental layer can be different: both energetic and informational. Bodies lose their saturation, their ability to emit energy, visually become darker, inside, as a rule, certain clots of information or energy are formed that look like dark spots, different shapes and density. If you approach the compaction on a subtle level, you can read information (emotion, sensation, memory), understand what it’s about we're talking about and what has accumulated in a particular place.

Because information is distributed along the entire perimeter of the body, then physiology and psychosomatics are added to this, the location of information affects the organs and systems around, creating certain connections.

Negative and rude feelings, emotions, desires have a detrimental effect on us and on ours . Stuck feelings - anger and aggression, old unforgiven grievances, anger, fear, depression - all this unbalances, creates blocks and pollutes our Astral body and disrupts the natural flow of energy.

Pollutes and weakens our astral body:

  • Negative emotions: aggression, anger, aggression, anger, envy.Dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction, resentment.
  • Emotional stress and trauma. Internal conflicts.
  • Fear, self-doubt.Depression, despondency, pessimism.
  • Too many desires.Lustful and conflicting desires, lust.
  • Excessive tension and fussiness.
  • Excessive relaxation and “looseness”.
  • Pride and Selfishness.
  • Pollution of the physical body, mind.
  • Communication with negative people. Negative emotions of other people directed at a person.
  • Not healthy sleeping at inappropriate times, for example, during the day, getting up late and going to bed late.
  • Spraying on superficial emotions.

With noble feelings and thoughts we transform, purify own astral body. Awareness, sublime, pure and beautiful feelings of Love, Joy, Happiness, Friendliness, Inner Peace heal us.

Promotes healing and strengthens the astral body:

  • Sublime feelings and emotions: Unconditional Love.Feelings of Joy, Happiness, Mercy, etc.
  • Ability to maintain elevated mood and positive thinking almost constantly, regardless of the circumstances and events occurring in life.
  • Overcoming the tendency to negative emotions and feelings.
  • Meditations. Spiritual practices.
  • Clearing the mind.
  • Working through emotional pressures, traumas and fears.
  • Healthy o rest. Healthy sleep and maintaining the correct “daily routine”.
  • Emotional openness and positive interaction with people and the world.
  • Communication with harmonious and pleasant people. If possible, stop communicating with negative people.
  • Moderate physical loads.Cleansing physical body, fasting, hardening.
  • Be in good shape.
  • Pleasant and harmonious music.
  • Reading pleasant books.
  • Visit beautiful places. Stay in nature.

All this can nourish us with pleasant feelings and contribute to the healing of both the astral body and our entire system as a whole!

How to cleanse the astral body

First of all, these are fears, these are the deepest pollutions, but they are not so easy to get to. And that's why you first you need to clear the upper layers, remove all thoughts without exception that carry negativity: condemnation, rejection, hatred, division, anger, irritation, envy and so on. All of this, on the one hand, is the work of malware and viruses, but all of this is accumulated experience and information recorded in your body. And you can remove this, since you have such feelings either with a certain person or with a certain event.

Therefore, you need to consistently remember all these events and remember these people, what exactly and when caused these feelings in you, just observe without clinging and judgment. You need to clear your perception, remove all accumulated negativity yourself, accept, understand, forgive and let go. And after the work done, you yourself will feel relief in every sense. And therefore, every person, every event that brought you negative emotions must also be thanked and forgiven, precisely in order to close this energetic interaction and repay debts. And then, if you thanked from the Soul, even if you were still able to send love to this person, then your debt will be closed to him, and you will not have to return again to untie energy debts, which are called karma. And in this way you will also partially cleanse your Causal body, and increase the degree of your energy level and freedom.

Further, when you begin to clear away the rubble of negative information accumulated in your astral bodies, you will get to the deep programs - to your fears that have been cultivated in you for millennia and which will not be so easy to part with. There are fears that sit in you as very strong programs. For example, the fear of losing the physical body or the survival instinct. Such fears are instincts. And it’s harder to work with such fears. They are destroyed collectively and gradually.

This means that in order to remove the fear of death, you need to go through the experience of death consciously, which is what esoteric sacred schools do - they offer their students to go through the experience of death through various stressful situations or complete renunciation from the world. This includes the practice of burying people in graves, walling them up in crypts, jumping into ponds with crocodiles, and many others. But these practices, with rare exceptions, in most cases only increase your fears.

Therefore, you just need to consciously go through all your deaths, remember them all, remember what happened at these moments, and realize that death is simply a change in the form of manifestation of consciousness. But don’t just believe this fact, BUT EXPERIENCE IT AGAIN IN A CONSCIOUS STATE and return to physical embodiment with a consciousness cleared of this program. The same applies to all other instinctive fears, that is, to those fears that are recorded in the cellular memory of each of your bodies, including the physical one.

Serious practices should be carried out under the supervision or after consultation with a competent person!

The astral body also partly depends on the physical body, and therefore it is also influenced by the purity (or, on the contrary, impurity) of this body. Her nature, in turn, is reflected in the nature of her astral shells.

If, being careless with our physical body, we allow impure particles of dense matter to penetrate into it, then we will thereby attract to our astral body the same impure particles of matter, which we would call dense astral.

And, on the contrary, if we build our dense body from pure particles of dense physical matter, then the same pure astral particles will be attracted to our astral bodies. By cleansing our physical body, providing it with pure food and drink and refusing to include in our diet unclean foods, such as animal blood (always present in meat), alcohol and the like, which pollute and coarse our bodies, we not only improve the qualities of the physical carrier our consciousness, but also to some extent we cleanse our astral body.

The positive results of this process are important not only for the current earthly life, but also influence the post-mortem state and the qualities of the body that a person will acquire in his next earthly life. The astral body is given to us not only for one earthly life, it also forms the type of astral body that will be given to us in the next birth.

How to develop the astral body. Training and development of the astral body.

We train and develop our astral body when we take control of our feelings, emotions and desires. Stop wasting your energy on momentary excessive emotions and empty momentary desires and passions. By transforming superficial momentary emotions into deep, sublime feelings, we save and prevent the waste of energy.

Staying in awareness and filling with pure sublime feelings such as unconditional deep and sincere Love, Joy, Inner peace we increase our energy and pump up our astral body.

To start you need to learn to be aware, monitor your feelings, emotions and desires. Keep track of them when they occur, what causes them and whether you like them. Repel the unnecessary and rude (low vibrations), but do not block or internally fight them, simply ignore them. Pleasant and appropriate (higher vibrational) ones, support them and feed them with attention, but don’t get too attached to them, keep track of them. Concentrate on elevated feelings such as unconditional love, and consciously immerse yourself in them.

Helps develop the astral body:

  • Awareness, control of feelings, emotions and desires. Track your sensory and emotional states! Remove the negative ones, cultivate the positive ones!
  • Deep and sincere sublime feelings of love, joy, mercy, etc.
  • Meditations.
  • Development and purification of the mind.
  • Physical activity, sports.
  • Willpower, courage, responsibility, self-discipline.
  • Fasting, physical cleansing bodies.
  • Friendly communication and discussions with people.
  • Transformation of superficial emotions, staying in deep feelings.

By filling your astral body with good quality energy (love, joy, mercy, inner peace, etc.), you improve not only your well-being and appearance and mood, you improve the events of your life! Because like attracts like.

Cleansing of thin bodies

Cleansing the astral body

The human astral body covers the area of ​​emotions, which are understood as special states that are a person’s reaction to the world and the processes occurring within it.

Showing emotions is a natural trait. healthy person. Positive emotions enhance his sense of well-being and harmony, while negative emotions are felt as harmful and difficult to bear. This encourages a person to constantly adapt to internal signals and changes in the surrounding world, which contributes to his development.

It is normal for a person to strive for positive emotions and desire to avoid negative emotions. The search for positive emotions usually requires significant intellectual and material costs. But due to the fact that all bodies of living beings are interconnected and changes in one of them lead to changes in others, a person is able to experience emotions not only due to the functioning of the astral body. For example, satisfaction or ignorance leads to the emergence of corresponding emotions biological needs physical body, emotions can be caused and regulated by the volitional effort of the mental body.

The downside of this human feature is the ability to receive positive emotions and weaken negative ones artificially with minimal effort through drinking alcohol, tranquilizers, smoking, overeating, taking drugs, unconventional sex, and self-hypnosis.

The listed and some other features of the functioning of the astral body lead to the fact that in most people the adequacy of the emotions of the information received is impaired. This significantly complicates the decision-making process and their behavior, sometimes quite strongly, differs from rational.

To restore a person’s natural reaction to the environment and inner world necessary at the expense healthy image life, natural balanced nutrition, cleansing procedures to free the physical body from accumulated toxins to normalize the functioning of the senses, as well as improve the functioning of the channels for transmitting their information. After this, one should identify and remove astral blocks, which by their nature are conclusions from outbursts of emotions in a variety of favorable and unfavorable life situations.

Restoring the normal functioning of the channels for transmitting information from the senses is facilitated by systematic, targeted training, during which it is necessary to repeatedly recall incidents associated with receiving visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory and tactile information.

The main stage of cleansing the astral body, removing blocks is a rather complex procedure that requires patience and perseverance. The astral block includes not only a record of output such as (+), (-) from the corresponding emotional outburst, but also everything that contributed to its onset and accompanied this state. In general, this is a picture, sound, smell, taste, tactile sensations, position in space, time, participants in the situation. Their changeable characteristics can be size, color, intensity, rhythm, tempo, duration, personal participation, and participation of others. It is also necessary to take into account that most often there is not one, but several emotions at the same time.

1. Identify the specific emotion you will work on.

2. Take your usual working position and enter an autogenic state.

3. Remember the immediate situation that caused the corresponding emotional outburst.

4. Restore in your memory the picture, sounds, smells, taste and tactile sensations, your position in space, time, participants in the situation. Remember all this until you begin to really experience the emotion caused by this situation.

5. If this is a natural emotion that causes discomfort, mentally strengthen or weaken to a harmonious state everything that you like or dislike in this situation. Having achieved harmony, stay in this state for the time necessary to consolidate it in your memory.

6. If you are working with positive emotion caused in a way that is undesirable for you, while maintaining your emotional state, replace its individual components or, if this is not possible, the entire situation in such a way that it satisfies you. Follow step 5.

7. If you are working with an emotion that is negative for you, change the situation in such a way that you can replace the emotion with the opposite one or calm down. At the same time, gradually change your real state. Having achieved the desired result, follow step 5.

8. Mentally remove yourself from the situation, stop being a participant in it, seeing everything as if from the outside. Reduce the picture in size with a corresponding weakening of all components of the situation until it completely disappears, return to the autogenic state.

9. Repeat steps 3...8 for other situations.

10. After finishing work, focus your attention on a pleasant subject for a few minutes, then remember your loved ones, teachers, and spread the feeling of love and respect for them to everything around you.

Cleansing the mental body of the body

The mental body of a born person is similar to Blank sheet paper on which, during the course of his life, all kinds of information received from parents, friends, acquaintances, gleaned from textbooks, conversations and lectures of worldly and spiritual teachers, films, books and other sources will be recorded. In addition to this, a person remembers conclusions from life situations, pleasant and unpleasant moments of your life, winning lines of behavior and much more. All this as a whole has a decisive influence on the algorithms for a person’s processing of incoming information and his decision-making process, in other words, on his behavior.

Much of the mental information is vital. But a significant part is not only useless, but also harmful to health and spiritual development. These are impressions from negative and unnatural emotional outbursts, unflattering conclusions about the behavior of those encountered life path people, outdated dogmas instilled by society, idealization of certain life values, negative attitudes.

Without removing this information that forms mental blocks, the process of transformation of consciousness will be stopped or lead to nervous disorders and serious illnesses. To remove mental blocks, you need to deeply analyze your life, identify what stereotypes, attachments and beliefs determine it. Then you need to realize which of them prevent you from leading a full life and abandon them.

Cleansing the causal body

In the process of each of his life, a person, whether forced or voluntarily, comes into contact with by different people, performs all sorts of actions, makes and implements a wide variety of decisions.

Moreover, any physical, astral or mental action aimed at limiting another consciousness in its development is remembered in the causal body as negative information in relation to this consciousness. Any action aimed at eliminating a limitation, helping another consciousness in fulfilling its task of earthly incarnation neutralizes negative information or, in its absence, is recorded as positive information.

When the causal body disintegrates after physical death human information enters the monad. Subsequently, on its basis, the causal body of the next incarnation is formed with the corresponding cause-and-effect relationships that determine what and in what life conditions a person will do and with which people he will interact.

Complete purification of the causal body is possible only after the merging of a person’s center of consciousness with his spirit. However, even at the stage of transformation of consciousness when traveling in search of the soul, a person can remove a huge layer of negative information contained in his causal body.

The most important moment of cleansing the causal body is repentance, that is, confession to God or another person and repentance for sins committed, which refers to all actions and thoughts that hinder the development of oneself or another person. Repentance must be deep, sincere, coming from the heart. The criterion for purification during repentance is a person’s inability to repeat negative actions or thoughts for which the person repents.

Many people interested in the occult and esotericism come across the concept of the astral body. You will learn how to work with it and influence your future through it in our article.

What is the astral body and how can you work with it?

The astral body is a concept that passed into occult and esoteric teachings from Eastern religious teachings. It is now used not only in yoga and Tibetan Buddhism, but also in many occult practices. People who are interested in them believe that living beings have not only a physical shell, but also something that is vital energy.

What is meant by the term astral body? This is the psychospiritual component of man and all living beings in general. It can be compared to a nesting doll, because according to the ideas of this teaching, it consists of several parts. The astral body is of interest to those who practice lucid dreaming. It is with the help of the astral body that this unique phenomenon occurs.

Why is it important to work with your astral body?

As is already clear from what was written earlier, the astral body is something that every living thing has. Because for normal life and the full development of one's skills and abilities requires balance, the astral body must be periodically cleansed. After all, a person’s physical health depends on its condition. Moreover, the astral body is precisely what allows reincarnation to occur. In modern esoteric teachings it is believed that with the onset of physical death, a person continues to live in this form. Then she can transmigrate to another body.

People interested in esotericism know that everything that happened in past lives remains and passes into a new life. That is, if you made some serious mistake, then in the future, when you transfer to a new body, you can repeat it, ruining your life again. All your actions will be “transferred” to your new self. To avoid negative influence, brought on by yourself, it is necessary to at least periodically cleanse your astral body. Then it will function normally and you will always feel good. And you can find out about past lives through fortune telling.

Meditation to cleanse energy and solve problems.

By using this meditation and influencing your touring body, you will find answers to your questions and solve problems. After all, it is the astral body that is responsible for the mind and feelings. Having brought them back to normal, you will feel a kind of insight, unexpectedly solving the problem.

Turn on music that you feel comfortable meditating with: calm, smooth, not irritating. Do this only if you are not distracted by it, otherwise meditation will not be of any use. Sit on the floor and place stuffed animals or decorative pillows around you. Sit comfortably and concentrate on breathing. The most important thing is to try not to think about anything in particular. Now use your imagination. There are a lot of soft things around you: toys or pillows.

Imagine holding one of these items in your hand and the pleasant tactile sensation it gives. Hug this object, pressing it to your heart, feel how it becomes warm in your chest. At the same time, feel how something black, heavy and unpleasant goes down the entire spine from the head down, straight into the hard floor. Imagine that your soft toy/pillow seems to push out this negativity with its warmth, which goes down your spine. Let go of all sad and angry thoughts and succumb to the pleasant soft feeling of warmth that from the pillow/toy goes straight to your heart and completely fills you. It is with this feeling that you spend the rest of the day.

If you are new to meditation and you didn’t succeed the first time, then practice meditation for beginners. Best wishes and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.09.2016 03:05

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