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Omsk paratroopers: four stories of those who returned from the other world. A paratrooper who survived the collapse of a barracks saves people, and a paratrooper who died saved a friend from death

13/07/2015 - 15:22

Sad news keeps coming from Omsk, where a building collapsed Airborne Forces barracks No. 242: The death toll has increased many times over. On the morning of July 13, 23 soldiers were rescued from the rubble. They all died. [] shook all of Russia. The large-scale emergency caused dissonance in military society - the matter is rich in pitfalls. Latest news from the scene: we publish a list of dead and injured, the causes of the emergency and important data, as well as photos and videos from the scene of the tragedy.

The collapse of the barracks in Omsk occurred on the evening of July 12. 4 floors in the left wing of the building collapsed. At the time of the crash, 337 people were sleeping in the building. 17 airborne troops managed to escape, almost all of them were seriously injured. As of the night of July 13, at least 37 people remained under the rubble. On this moment It was established that 42 people were injured or killed under the walls of the barracks.

Collapse of the Airborne Forces barracks in Omsk, last news:

The death toll increased to 23 people. Let us remind you that previously only 2 deaths were known. According to the latest data, the number of people killed in the barracks collapse increased during the rescue operation carried out by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and military personnel training center. On the night of July 13 [[In Omsk, the number of victims in the collapse of the barracks reached 18 people|18 deaths became known]], rescued from the rubble. In the morning, rescuers freed the remaining fighters; they were all dead.

Final data on the dead and injured: 23 victims, 19 people injured. Of these, 10 people were taken to the hospital with severe injuries.

A barracks collapsed near Omsk, latest news: list of dead and injured:

List of dead:

Altynbaev R., – 21 years old
Belov E., – 20 years old
Vakhrushev S., no data
German E. – 19 years old
Gritskov A., - 19 years old
Igoshev M., – 19 years old
Ivanov M., – 19 years old
Ignatenko M., – 19 years old
Kenich D., – 19 years old
Kortusov O., – 19 years old
Lomaev V. – 18 years old
Mamliev F., – 19 years old
Nafikov V., – 19 years old
Polegenko A., – 18 years old
Reshetnikov A., – 19 years old
Sudnikovich V., – 20 years old
Chemezov V., – 19 years old
Shaikhulin R., - 21 years old
Shingareev A., – 18 years old
Shokaev A., – 18 years old
Filatov S., – 19 years old
Filyanin I., – 19 years old
Yumagulov R., - 24 years old

List of victims:

Avkach S., 20 years old, various injuries and bruises
Avramov Yu., 23 years old, various injuries
Akylbekov A., 20 years old, a combination of various injuries
Andreev A., 20 years old, polytrauma
Andrianov A, 19 years old, abrasions and bruises
Valmukhametov R., 18 years old, various injuries
Vydrin V., 18 years old, various injuries
Dedusenko V., 20 years old, was in the operating room with a ruptured bladder
Zhulanov A., 18 years old, bruises and abrasions
Klysh M., 20 years old, traumatic brain injury
Kuandykov I., 23 years old, traumatic brain injury, neurosurgical intervention
Lebedev V., 18 years old, compression lower limbs, serious condition
Petrov V., 20 years old, traumatic brain injury, in intensive care
Sukhorukov M., 20 years old, fracture
Tugbaev D., 18 years old, neurosurgical department
Kharimov R., 19 years old, heel fracture
Shabanov R., 23 years old, a combination of various injuries
Shaikhulin R., 21 years old, polytrauma
Shalaev D., 23 years old, various injuries

Most of them are in Central District Hospital No. 1 and No. 2 in Omsk, 10 of them were transported by a special helicopter from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to Moscow for urgent operations.

Airborne Forces barracks No. 242 collapsed in Omsk, latest news: causes of the tragedy, assistance to the wounded and their families:

After the collapse of the barracks building in Svetly, the Ministry of Defense launched a call center to receive the latest data on the emergency, including the fate of each soldier. Telephone hotline: 8-3812- 92-67-66.

The Ministry of Defense reports that 13 injured soldiers will receive the necessary qualified treatment in the military hospitals named after Burdenko and Vishnevsky in Moscow.

Relatives and friends of the victims gathered at the scene of the emergency. The Ministry of Defense and the Government covered the costs of housing the relatives of the victims and the wounded. In the future, the Ministry of Defense intends to understand the causes of the tragedy and provide the grief-stricken relatives of the soldiers with everything they need.

The preliminary causes of the collapse may be hidden in negligence in construction. As previously reported, the construction crew carrying out the repair work consisted of incompetent workers.

The company that supplied labor for the construction of the barracks was the Nizhny Novgorod company RemExStroy, which has a very dubious reputation for fulfilling labor obligations.

Employees of the Investigative Committee in the Nizhny Novgorod region conducted searches in this company and seized necessary documents for check. It is worth noting that Chief Accountant RemExStroy hastily left the office as soon as the investigators had time to leave with the documents. Currently the office construction company closed, the management left it in advance, nothing is known about the location of the director.

As it turned out later, in 2013, a major renovation without redevelopment of load-bearing structures. As explained by the architect Boris Uborevich-Bororvsky. According to him, the reconstruction of the barracks was carried out, but the relative dilapidation and wear and tear of the building was not taken into account. The architect believes that the overhaul could not have caused the collapse, despite the reputation of the performing company.

An Airborne Forces barracks collapsed in Omsk - this became the reason for initiating a criminal case under the article “negligence”. Such “negligence” led to the death of 23 people.

It is known that those responsible for the tragedy at the Airborne Forces training center near Omsk face 10 years in prison. The Main Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation informs that everyone involved in “sloppiness” will be punished and “removed from positions” - we're talking about about high-ranking employees.

Collapse of the Airborne Forces barracks in Omsk on July 12, latest news: assistance to the wounded and their families, compensation to the families of the dead:

The main leadership of Omsk, represented by the mayor, calls on concerned citizens not to pass by: wounded soldiers need blood to save their lives. The mayor's office, employees of the Ministry of Defense and fellow military personnel, by their example, help collect blood for transfusions. Requires blood of different types. For this purpose, medical centers always operate blood collection points. To directly donate blood for wounded soldiers, you need to check the blood collection locations by calling the hotline 8-3812-92-67-66.

The families of the airborne conscripts who died in the collapse of the barracks will receive more than 2 million rubles, since all military personnel are insured by the SOGAZ insurance group. The families of those who were injured will receive more than 200 thousand rubles at a time.

It is likely that in the story of the collapse of the airborne conscript barracks in Omsk there are still many pitfalls and more than one criminal case will be initiated, but this time against the perpetrators.

Collapse of Airborne Forces barracks No. 242 in Omsk, Svetly village: photos from the scene of the tragedy on July 13, 2015:

Video from the site of the barracks collapse near Omsk, from 07/13/2015:

Video, eyewitness testimony:

What the barracks looked like before the crash, archive video:

The Ministry of Defense, military personnel, the Government and all of Russia expresses sincere condolences to the families and friends of those who died or were injured under the rubble when the barracks building collapsed.

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On July 12, one of the largest man-made disasters of 2015 occurred - the collapse of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Training Center in the Omsk village of Svetly. Then split seconds turned the lives of many young guys from different cities of Russia upside down. Let us remind you that on this day in 2015, at about 22:45, the roof and wall collapsed in the 4-story building of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Training Center in the village of Svetly. Part of the building collapsed, from the 4th to the 1st floors, and under the rubble were soldiers who were sleeping after lights out. Under the rubble of the building, 24 people were killed and another 18 were injured: most of them were 19-21 year old boys. On the eve of the tragedy, July 11, they took the oath. Note that the barracks from the 2nd to 4th floors housed the 7th–9th companies: conscript soldiers slept on single-tier beds. Everything happened instantly. The moment of the collapse was captured by a surveillance camera in the barracks: the soldiers were getting ready for bed, communicating, sitting on their beds, and walking around the room. At the time of the emergency, some guys miraculously managed to jump out of the collapse zone.


2 years after the collapse, a video of the rescue of one of the soldiers from the rubble from NGS.OMSK was shared by Omsk rescuer Vlad Davydov, owner of the “I am a firefighter” channel on YouTube. Davydov didn’t post this video online for a long time: it’s hard for the soldiers’ loved ones and impressionable people to watch. In the recording, rescuers pull the last surviving paratrooper out of the rubble. Rustam Nabiev, a paratrooper from Ufa, recognized himself in the video. 26-year-old Omsk resident Yurik Avramov also found himself under the rubble of the barracks. He suffered pelvic fractures in 4 places, broken ribs and many other injuries, but was able to recover in six months and went back to serve in the army. This amazing person ended up in a room with Rinat Khalimov from Chelyabinsk, who lost part of his heel - the soldiers encouraged each other in difficult moments.

On the third anniversary of the collapse of the barracks in Svetly, NGS recalls how a year earlier he spoke with Omsk soldier Yurik Avramov, who found himself under the rubble - he survived, despite the fractures, and six months later he wanted to serve again. We publish full text, which our correspondent wrote after communicating with Yurik in July 2017.

Omsk paratrooper Yurik Avramov kept himself in good shape even in the hospital

Reference: Yurik Avramov - 25-year-old senior inspector of the Main Directorate of the Contract System Omsk region, graduated from the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University. F.M.Dostoevsky. My father is in real estate, my mother is a housewife. Yurik has a younger 17-year-old brother.

Before the tragedy

“At the recruiting station they offered me to join the Airborne Forces, so I went. Everyone in my family served in the army, even my great-grandfather. I received my [Omsk State University] diploma on Thursday, and on Friday I was already at the recruiting station. My parents didn’t know that I was going into the army, they only found out the night before: I quietly passed the commission,” Yurik began telling his story about himself. He was preparing for the army: he developed endurance - he ran a lot and worked out since childhood weightlifting and swimming. After the army, the Omsk resident planned to go to the prosecutor's office.

“I heard a crash and thought it was hailing”

On the eve of the tragedy, parents and relatives of the soldiers came to the barracks. “The oath took place, my parents came into that same barracks and watched how we lived. It’s good that at that very moment it didn’t collapse,” Yurik began to recall. “On the evening of July 12 we were getting ready for bed. My bunk was by the window on the right on the 2nd floor, I even left a photo. The 1st floor was empty and I fell through there, this saved me. It was curfew time, I was minding my own business: I received the position of platoon commander and I collected military records - and before that I washed my face and shaved. I was in the cockpit at the time of the collapse (here we mean the barracks room where the soldiers slept. - NGS.OMSK), everyone was in their beds. I collected my military books, approached my bed and heard a crash. For some reason I thought it was hailing. I looked [out the window] and saw that everything was dry.

And then suddenly such silence [came]: those who were not sleeping naturally froze, because they did not understand what had happened. And when everything started to collapse, a crack appeared near my bed.

My friends were lying on the beds next to me - we were drafted from the same district, Leninsky, and we lay down next to each other. I managed to kick 2 beds so that my friends woke up, and next to me, the guy who was sleeping with me, I only managed to grab the hand, and we collapsed,” Yurik calmly says and adds: he thought that the floor had just fallen in.

“I didn’t lose consciousness. Collapsed. Everything was very calm. Silence, then everyone started screaming. I fell between the slabs. I was lucky that something like a “pocket” formed above me. I found myself in the fetal position, involuntarily. I sat and sat. The dust has settled. And I have a backlit watch on my hand (it remained intact, by the way) - I looked at it and saw that everything was fine. I looked around and decided that I needed to get out. I dug it out with my hand. Crawl. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me, I thought - I fell and fell, everything is fine. I crawled under the slabs and under debris that looked like slag. I realized that I was sitting in a hole with my back to the street, I saw a lantern. I couldn’t get through directly; we had a rubberized covering [on the floor]. He felt the hole with his hand and began to crawl. I groped for my comrade, his nickname was Girya. Didn't know it was him. I dug it up and took it chest and began to drag, and he sighed, but his eyes were closed. I pulled it to the middle of the corridor, which survived - we called it the “take-off” (Smiled.), - and when the lantern illuminated, I saw Giri’s face. I started to bother him, but I saw that that was it. I tried to bring him to his senses, but... it happened (Sighs.).

Yurik received a reward for pulling his friend out of the rubble

I put him in a corner, crawled and heard the screams of a familiar soldier from my cockpit, his nickname was Kazakh, I don’t even remember his last name. There was also Rinat Khalimov and another guy. We talked to him, he was in the corner: from the 4th floor he flew to us on the 1st. I crawled through the corridor towards them all, and Kazakh heard me.

Here, the funny thing is, no matter what condition a person is in, you shout “Company!”, everyone falls silent. I shouted and asked to pay for the first or second. It turned out that there were 5 of us

Those who heard me. We talked to them very calmly,” Yurik says in detail.

In the first minutes after the collapse, sitting in the corridor with a broken head and fractures (Yurik could not get up and stand on his feet, it later turned out that his pelvis was broken in 4 places), the Omsk resident talked with the soldiers who were under the rubble and joked.

“I roughly understood that everything was not very good. The guy who fell from the 4th floor - we talked and talked, and then he fell silent and did not answer me. We later realized that he had died. We talked to another guy, he said that his legs were pinched (it turned out that this was Rustam Nabiev from Ufa. - NGS.OMSK). I told him: “Lie down, everything is fine,” Yurik continued the story and became slightly cheerful, remembering each of the soldiers and showing photographs.

“I realized that it was pointless to get up, and I crawled towards the guys. The light turned on and I saw the guys. I told them: “Everything is fine, don’t worry.” The Kazakh said that he would get out tomorrow and go somewhere, and I answered him: “Lie down, everything is fine, tomorrow you won’t go to physical therapy, you won’t run. Sit quietly, now they’ll come and pull you out.” We sat there for maybe 10-15 minutes, talking. They joked with Khalimov - he joked that he was standing under the rubble in an interesting pose. The Kazakh joked that he was lying on his side and it was comfortable for him,” the Omsk resident continued the story and added that he understood: in such a situation it is better to calm people down so that there is no panic. Suddenly he heard the sounds of someone trying to break down the door. He crawled there, but the soldiers asked him to stay with them. Suddenly, another part of the building collapsed, which continued to crumble. “I leaned my head against the wall so I could see them all and talk to them. And I realized that I was starting to “fade out.” I heard the glass being broken, our paramedic ran in and asked if anyone was alive. I showed him where everyone was. And I lay there while the guys were being taken out. And then they wrapped me in a sheet and took me to the hospital,” Yurik finished the story.

In the hospital, doctors fastened the pelvic bones and internal organs of an Omsk resident with special knitting needles

“I had a wild desire to return”

At the hospital, he asked the nurse for a phone number and called his father, to whom he calmly told him that he had broken his leg and 2 ribs. In fact, everything was much more serious. Months of rehabilitation dragged on: after the examination, he woke up in Moscow, he and other soldiers were transported to the hospital named after. Vishnevsky. The doctors told the young Omsk resident that he would succeed if he wanted to. The paratrooper was forbidden to get up - he was literally assembled in parts - and for 4 months he was chained to his bed. Yurik couldn’t feel his left leg. Every weekend, a girlfriend and mother flew to Moscow from Omsk to give him a massage so that his leg could recover. Then the doctors thought that Yurik would have to amputate his toe, but the Omsk girl forbade the doctors to do this. Together they were able to restore blood circulation and the finger “came to life.”

In the ward, Yurik trained his arms and pulled himself up with elastic bands tied to the bed post. And then he gradually learned to sit and walk again - he took crutches from his roommate and, through clenched teeth, stood on his feet again. The Omsk resident’s quick recovery surprised the doctors. One day, a crowd of parents of boys who had suffered in Svetly came to his room and thanked the surprised paratrooper. Recalling that time, Omsk notes that he was very strongly supported by his friends, family and girlfriend. Yurik's goal was to get back into action.

“They wanted to write me off to the reserve. I tried in every way to convey to management that I needed to recover and that I could. I wanted to serve. I had a wild desire to go back. If I want and I didn’t succeed, I will achieve it,” said Yurik. After 6 months, he was able to undergo a military medical commission and, according to the doctors, he fully recovered. Omich served in the Moscow region in the 38th Guards Airborne Regiment.

How life has changed after the tragedy

“Since then, I sleep very lightly and every rustle wakes me up - on the one hand, it’s good: I’m not late for work (Laughs.). The instinct of self-preservation has become more acute. When entering any room, I listen and for some reason quickly assess the situation, where to exit technically. I don’t have nightmares: I’m a calm and cheerful person,” admits a paratrooper from Omsk and adds that sometimes in cloudy weather the places where there were fractures ache. Now Yurik is a civil servant. He often corresponds and calls with soldiers who survived the barracks collapse.

Omsk, to the surprise of doctors, was able to quickly return to duty and served a year in the Moscow region in the 38th Airborne Regiment

Who is guilty?

Omsk answers this question without hesitation - builders. He believes that the building could not withstand the weight after the renovation: the floor of the barracks was filled with concrete, a ventilated facade was installed, the brickwork was drilled out, and this became the cause of the collapse. Speaking about the problematic side of the issue, Omsk boils: “Nothing has changed in Svetly. The new barracks were built from sandwich panels: they couldn’t withstand the recent hurricane and are being demolished. My personal opinion is that there are officers and there is Shoigu, who gave the order to do the repairs. So you need to control this! What kind of control do we have? Couldn't you just look with your eyes? It’s not for nothing that people get an education, that it was impossible not to notice? My opinion is that the deputy unit commander, and not the unit commander, should bear full responsibility: the deputy signed the documents<…>. They will find the culprits, so what? Do you think I just work in government procurement? I don’t want to let this happen again.”

...Among the paratroopers in Svetly there is a story that well illustrates everything that happened: when Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu flew to Omsk to inspect the new modular barracks, erected shortly after the tragedy, he liked the freshly painted building. But suddenly he noticed that in one part of the barracks the floor was creaking. “They took a board, placed it under the place that creaks, and that’s it. Now the floor doesn’t creak,” the soldiers say.

) and a list of victims (more details at) during the collapse of the barracks.

Omsk News. Happened Collapse of a barracks in Omsk. In the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center in the village of Svetly, at about 20-00 Moscow time on July 12, the walls and roof of a four-story building partially collapsed. A total of 23 people died. A criminal case has been initiated under Part 3 of Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence).

19 people were rescued from the rubble of the barracks. The Minister of Health of the Omsk Region Andrei Storozhenko shared this.

The Russian Ministry of Defense previously told Telegrafist that only 18 people were rescued. Just for a moment collapse of the barracks in Omsk there were 337 people. 38 people were trapped under the rubble. The department also initially reported 2 deaths.

An Airborne Forces barracks collapsed in Omsk

According to the latest updated data, 20 people were rescued from the rubble. The demolition of the collapsed building continues. All victims are provided with medical assistance.

There is a preliminary version that Collapse of a barracks in Omsk could have occurred due to violations during repair work. Renovations to the building have only recently been carried out. Law enforcement agencies also added that mistakes could have been made during the repairs and changes were made to the design of the building.

Over the past 7 days, this is the second major building collapse in Russia; on July 11, 4 floors of a 5-story residential building collapsed in Perm in the city center (more details at), killing two people and injuring at least 5 people.

Collapse of a barracks in Omsk 07/13/2015 video

Omsk tragedy, how it happened

On July 12, 2015, at 22:40 local time, in the village of Svetly, spans and ceilings collapsed in the four-story barracks of the third parachute training battalion. At the time of the tragedy, there were 337 people in the building.

According to the first reports from the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations, more than 20 people were trapped under the rubble, and two people were said to have died. Immediately, the street in front of the first checkpoint of the training center was cordoned off by the military and police. More than a hundred people gathered in front of the cordon - local residents and relatives of the recruits who came to them for the oath. According to those gathered, after the emergency, at least 30 ambulances, as well as special vehicles from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, drove into the unit’s territory. Later, heavy construction cranes were also driven there.

The situation near the checkpoint was heating up every minute: people were screaming, mothers were crying, trying to call their sons, but in vain - all phones were turned off. Every now and then they asked the soldiers from the cordon about the fate of their relatives, but they stubbornly remained silent. There were no reports of dead or injured for more than three hours.

Meanwhile, information appeared that a special commission of the Russian Ministry of Defense, created on the orders of Sergei Shoigu, flew from Moscow to Omsk. Vladimir Putin was also reported about the situation in Svetly. The mayor of Omsk, Vyacheslav Dvorakovsky, and governor Viktor Nazarov, who headed the operational headquarters, arrived at the scene of the tragedy.

At about 03:00, the deputy head of the training center for working with personnel, Lieutenant Colonel Vitaly Medinsky, appeared at the checkpoint.

« At about 10:40 p.m., the barracks of the third training parachute battalion collapsed. There were 337 people in the barracks, 38 were under the rubble. At the moment, 21 people have been rescued from the rubble and taken to hospitals. The fate of another 19 recruits is still unknown. Now all parents and relatives will be taken by bus to the headquarters of the training center, where they will be provided with lists of the dead and injured. The reasons for the collapse are still unknown, but it is definitely not a fire or an explosion."- said Medinsky.

The clearing of the rubble continued until the morning, when information appeared that a total of 45 paratroopers were under the rubble. For 23 of them, the barracks became a mass grave. Another 19 people were hospitalized in Omsk hospitals. The very next day, 18 of them were taken by special plane to the capital’s clinics. Two days later, another victim died in City Hospital No. 1 named after Kabanov, and the death toll of that terrible night increased to 24 people.

Debriefing: arrests, investigation, examinations

The next day, July 13, 2015, a criminal case was opened regarding the collapse of the barracks in Omsk. A day later, the head of the training center, Colonel Oleg Ponomarev, the head of the Remeksstroy company, which carried out major repairs of the barracks in 2013, Alexander Dorofeev and his partner Dmitry Bayazov were detained. The flywheel of the investigation began to spin, and numerous examinations began.

At the end of August, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the cause of the collapse was poor-quality masonry of the walls back in 1975 and errors in repairs in 2013. At the same time, it was decided to demolish the remaining five barracks, built according to the same standard design.

Only a month ago, an additional commission of construction and technical forensic examination, which was carried out by experts from the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, was appointed Investigative Committee RF, established the final cause of the incident, which gave investigators the basis for bringing final charges against all persons involved in the criminal case.

According to the conclusions of experts, as reported by Kommersant, in 1975 the barracks were built with unacceptable defects, which significantly reduced the load-bearing capacity of the building structure, and major repairs carried out in 2013 further reduced the strength of the barracks.

« The strength of the walls was also affected by the fact that from May to August 2013 there were heavy rains in Omsk. At this very time the barracks stood without a roof. As a result, one of the supporting walls, already damp due to rotted communications, was thoroughly soaked with water. The subsequent frosts and sudden warming completely destroyed the poor masonry - bricks simply fell out of it in some places and,” according to the publication’s article.

Now, not only Dorofeev, Bayazov and Colonel Ponomarev, but also his deputy for the rear, Vladislav Parkhomenko, who has until now been involved in the case as a witness, may have to answer for the deaths of 24 people. In addition to them, several heads of regional divisions of the now liquidated Spetsstroy may also find themselves in the dock.


Just like last year, today a memorial service for those who died in the barracks will be held at the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Svetloye. On the territory of the educational center will take place funeral meeting. It is expected that the former head of the training center, Oleg Ponomarev, will also attend.

An additional commission of construction and technical forensic examination, appointed by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the collapse of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center in Omsk on July 12, 2015, not only established the cause of the incident, but also gave grounds for bringing final charges against those involved in the criminal case regarding the death 24 military personnel as a result of this tragedy, the Kommersant newspaper reports.

This time the expert was the Moscow State Civil Engineering University (MGSU). According to new expert findings, responsibility for the Omsk emergency can be assigned not only to civilian and military builders and the officials who supervised their work, but also to the former head of the training center Oleg Ponomarev, the publication says.

According to the participants in the new study, the barracks was originally built in 1975 with unacceptable defects, which significantly reduced the load-bearing capacity of the building structure, and major repairs carried out in 2013 by Remeksstroy LLC further reduced the strength of the barracks.

The situation was aggravated by the fact that from May to August 2013, during the period of heavy rains, the roof of the building was dismantled. As a result, one of the supporting walls, which had previously been abundantly wetted with water from rotten communications, was saturated with moisture. Subsequent frosts and warming completely destroyed the poor masonry - bricks simply fell out of it in some places, the article reports.

MGSU experts indicated that Ponomarev and his deputy for logistics, Vladislav Parkhomenko, as well as employees were responsible for “ensuring mechanical safety” of the barracks. Based on the new conclusions of experts, the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation may in the near future bring charges for the final reaction against Ponomarev and Parkhomenko, who has so far been a witness in the case. According to investigators, they could have committed negligence or exceeded their official authority (Article 293 or Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) by moving paratroopers from tents to barracks during the cold season, which collapsed a year and a half later, the publication writes.

Also involved in the case are the general director of Nizhny Novgorod LLC "Remeksstroy" Alexander Dorofeev and his partner Dmitry Bayazov, who are accused of "violating the rules for carrying out construction work during the renovation of the barracks, which resulted in the death of people" (Part 3 of Article 216 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the investigation established that Bayazov, who led the project to repair the barracks, had a fictitious diploma of graduation from the South Russian State Technical University with a degree in industrial and civil engineering. According to the university, student Bayazov was expelled for academic failure.

In addition, several heads of regional divisions of Spetsstroy are involved in the case, who were supposed, in particular, to supervise the work in the barracks.

Omsk tragedy

The collapse of the floor spans in the four-story barracks of the Airborne Forces center in the village of Svetly near Omsk occurred on July 12, 2015. At the time of the tragedy, there were 337 military personnel in the building. 23 of them died on the spot, 19 were hospitalized, one of the victims later died. As a result, the number of victims reached 24 people.

At the end of the same month, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that, according to preliminary data, the tragedy occurred due to poor-quality masonry of the walls in 1975 and errors in repairs in 2013. Later, a military investigation revealed a direct connection between the emergency and the repair work carried out in the barracks a year and a half before the tragedy. Later, all five barracks built according to the same design on the territory of the training center were demolished.



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