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Definition of what it means to find yourself in life. Exercises to reveal hidden potential. Why is prayer done?

686 0 Hello! Many people have at least once wondered how to find themselves in life. Some mean by it the search for the meaning of life, others – their calling, others are looking for harmony in the soul. One way or another, this question is connected with awareness of inner values, self-realization and the desire to become happy. When we are happy, life is filled with wonderful moments. We are happy to wake up in the morning to meet a new day and the events it will bring. The food seems delicious, the music sounds wonderful, the people around you are interesting, your loved one’s family. But there are moments in life when the situation changes dramatically. The person feels that he has lost himself. There is a feeling that nothing pleases or brings satisfaction. Routine clouds consciousness, and people often do not know how to find a way out of the current situation and solve the problem.

What does it mean to find yourself in life?

Finding yourself in life means learning to enjoy your existence, learning to enjoy your life, experiencing joy from what is happening around you. This means having favorite hobbies, hobbies, satisfying work, and being in a psychologically comfortable state. Be able to quickly and productively cope with all difficulties and not get hung up on them.

For example, when a woman becomes a mother, she acquires the person who is most dear to her and every day, looking at him, she wishes that her baby would always be happy.

Each person is responsible for his own happiness to himself and to his loved ones.

If you haven’t experienced happiness for a long time or see that your loved ones are unhappy, then it’s time to urgently change something in your life. How to do this will be discussed below.

How to understand that a person has lost himself

This important question exists in order to be able to help yourself and a loved one cope in a crisis situation.

Most people find it extremely difficult to ask someone for help when it comes to internal experiences. Especially if we're talking about about the strong half of humanity. After all, from the very early age They are taught to cope with all difficulties on their own and not to complain. How can you recognize in time that your loved one needs help and how can you help your dear man find himself?

You can determine that a person has lost himself by certain signs:

  1. Lost man always unsatisfied. If you have known him for a long time, you will quickly notice that those things and events that previously gave him pleasure have become uninteresting.
  2. Very often lost people are angry or aggressive. This is especially evident in choleric people. They quickly get irritated, any little things make them angry. Even if something interesting and joyful appears, the positive feeling from what is happening quickly fades away. Work causes them indignation, and they often lose interest in friends.
  3. Another option is possible – apathy. Complete lack of interest in what is happening. In such a situation, a person constantly feels tired. He doesn’t want to put himself in order, the food doesn’t seem tasty, and the affairs of his family become a burden. A person may say that he sees no point in doing something, striving for something. Does not realize possible future prospects.

In such a situation, you need to try to pull yourself together, take all your negative emotions regarding the unstuck state loved one in your hands, make an effort and at all costs help your loved one find himself again.

This requires patience, love and affection, understanding and support. Unobtrusive recommendations from relevant literature on “how to quickly find yourself” are possible. If a person has no desire to read at all, you need to help him remember all his old hobbies and offer to take up them again. Use modern techniques to determine interests and priorities. And determine future plan actions to overcome the crisis.

How to find harmony and find purpose in life

To answer the question of how to find harmony within yourself, it is necessary for yourself to decide on goals and life priorities, which make up the inner core of every person.

Situations in which our core activities contradict our internal value system always cause internal imbalance.

For example, mothers (for whom their children are the first priority), forced to work many hours a day, perceive separation from their beloved child acutely and are constantly in a state of stress. It is extremely difficult for them to break out of the routine circle of life, look around and find a way out of a difficult situation.

In order to be able to solve such a problem, to find the right path in life, you need to create your own value system. Reconsider your life in accordance with it. Add everything you need to yourself into your daily routine, and exclude what is unacceptable.

The purpose of life is not an abstract concept, but a concrete plan of action. And in order to come to it and form it in your head, you must first clearly define your values, desires and beliefs.

By deciding on your own purpose in life and starting to follow it, you can find harmony. Whatever your goals are, whether it’s to build a career, be a family man, succeed in sports, or help others, realize them!

In order to be able to bring your plans to life and find inner harmony, follow the points suggested below:

  • Get rid of fear.

It is always very difficult for everyone to move. It is difficult to overcome your laziness, find resources to implement a plan, and overcome your prejudices and fears. It may be scary to start changing for the first time. But no one starts the second time.

  • Be consistent.

Don't quit what you started! Don't retreat! Don't rely on anyone. Make exactly as many attempts as necessary to get what you want. Be stubborn and stubborn. Make what is important to you an indispensable part of your life.

  • Get rid of bad habits.

Smoking, drinking alcohol and gluttony take a lot of physical and mental strength. Smoking and drinking people much weaker than healthy ones. They sleep worse and have many health problems. It will be more difficult and difficult for them to find the inner strength to fulfill their dreams and desires.

  • Don't get hung up on the opinions of others.

Only the opinions of loved ones and authoritative people can be important. What everyone else thinks is their business. You shouldn't be interested. You don't need to wait for approval from everyone. You must clearly understand that you started to change your life for yourself, this is your personal life. You should not waste it on the opinions of third parties. Better yet, don’t tell anyone about your plans and hobbies, so that no one can stop you from realizing your plans.

  • Learn to avoid negativity.

Identify the sources of your anxiety and try to get rid of them. Everything that irritates, infuriates, takes energy and time, should be possible ways reduce as much as possible in your life. If you can’t eliminate unpleasant moments, learn to ignore them and push them out of your own head.

  • Add positivity to your life.

Your favorite hobby should become an integral part of your life. Every day, devote at least a small part of your time to it and get joy and pleasure from it. Be sure to celebrate all your achievements and feel positive emotions which they cause.

  • Do good.

Good deeds fill every person with light and joy. Keep a calendar of good deeds. At least to a minimum. For example, once a week help your parents or the elderly. Or call your mom every other day. Or do one thing a day that is beneficial for your family (one that is not part of your daily responsibilities). It won't take much time, but it will add satisfaction to yourself.

  • Reflect.

Be sure to think through and evaluate the changes taking place and your own feelings about it. This will help determine the correctness of the chosen direction, take into account mistakes and look for additional ways to solve the plan.

  • Take time for yourself.

The daily grind is endless. It is impossible to list them all, much less redo them. Select something just for yourself. Let everything else disappear from your consciousness for this period. Concentrate in these moments only on your own joyful feelings from what is happening, and do not pay attention to everything else.

Start loving and respecting yourself and your life. Appreciate yourself for all your successes, love yourself for your efforts, accept yourself because your loved ones love you. Pamper yourself with pleasant moments every day and spare no time or money for your joys.

  • Discover something new every day.

Be sure to develop and read. Make it in your daily schedule mandatory item"learning new things." Read articles on the Internet, books, watch videos on topics that interest you and in which you would like to become a pro. By following this path, within a week you will be surprised at how much you have learned.

  • Set yourself up for success.

Believe in yourself. You will definitely succeed. Maybe not the first or the fifth, but the hundredth time. It's not going anywhere. If you do the same thing over and over again, you will simply practice and master a new skill.

  • Don't get discouraged after your first failure.

There is no productive meaning in frustration and negative experiences and there never will be. Don't waste your time on suffering and regret. Spend all your energy on new attempts until it turns out exactly the way you need it.

Follow these tips and you will definitely succeed!

How to find your calling

The ideal image of a modern successful person portrays him as certainly financially secure, established in family plan having a fascinating interesting profitable business. In fact, everyone knows that such people are few out of millions. But still this prototype " happy life"is in front of everyone's eyes. And everyone compares themselves with him every day.

There are several ways to find your calling:

  1. Remember what you wanted to become as a child, what you dreamed about. Answer yourself the question: what prevented you from realizing yourself in this role? Think, maybe now is the time to make your old dream come true?
  2. Analyze your strengths: what can you do, what could you do, what the job will do to implement your skills. Also think about what you would like to learn, what new skills to acquire. Learning a new profession and gaining knowledge always contribute to personal development, help you find yourself and acquire useful contacts.
  3. Listen to your feelings: what do you want? What do you like to do? What do you get true pleasure and joy from? Or maybe some activity resonates with you that you have not yet performed, but feel a strong desire to do? This can be an impetus to action.

But the job may not be your calling. For most people on the planet, it is only a source of existence. In order not to lose yourself in such a situation, it is enough to simply balance work and personal life. That is, spend time free from work on hobbies and enjoyable activities.

If business doesn’t work out and you still haven’t discovered your financial creative streak, you’ll breathe out. Step away from this terrorizing thought and look for calling in other areas of your life.

How to find yourself: methods, techniques, exercises

Today there are many psychological techniques, helping a person decide on the type of activity that suits him.

Career guidance tests and questionnaires to identify a suitable type of activity

These techniques allow, based on individual psychological characteristics identify those types of activities in which a person will feel comfortable and be successful. As a rule, such concepts as type of temperament, features of thinking, development of logic, etc. become key.

Similar tests can be taken online on the Internet. They will help you choose the direction in which you want to start moving.

Methods of self-analysis

The principle of their work is that a person must answer for himself a number of questions related to his life. All answers must be recorded, periodically ranked in order of importance, and unnecessary ones removed from the lists. Thus, it is possible to independently determine guidelines in life.

For example, how to find a hobby for yourself:

  1. List of preferences.

Identifying your favorite activities will help you choose the most suitable and interesting for yourself.

  • Step 1. You need to take a sheet of paper and a pen. Then list everything you like to do (singing, cooking, eating, watching TV series, running, riding a bike, drawing, playing football and whatever else comes to mind). The length of the list is different for everyone. Some will get five points, while others will get fifty. This will not characterize you either positively or negative side. It's just a list. You can write it in five minutes or in a day, or even two.
  • Step 2. After the list is completed, you need to switch to other activities for a while and stop thinking about it.
  • Step 3. Then you should go back to the list and read it carefully. If the list is large, you should try to reduce it to 10 items. The most interesting and entertaining for you.
  • Step 4. Then take a short break again and return to work again. Now you will need to rank all the points in order of importance (first the highest priority, then the least).

As a result, you will receive an individual list of the most important and interesting activities for you, those things that make you happy and bring pleasure.

In order for this list not to remain just on paper, but to find its application in life, it is necessary to formulate a plan for further action.

Decide on your capabilities (financial and time). Take the first most interesting activity for you from the list and decide how much time and money you need in order to be able to do it. If funds allow, start now. Do at least a little on this point to make things move forward.

Let's look at an example. Your fitness turned out to be the most interesting. This is really what you want to do. So, decide now where you will train (at home or in the gym). If in a sports club, decide on the place, schedule, form and type of activity. And go ahead! On to the first lesson!

To begin with, engage in only one activity from your list, no need to get excited. The modern rhythm of life allocates little time for hobbies. If you do not have time to implement all your ideas, even greater dissatisfaction and frustration will appear.

You dealt with the first item on your list and began to successfully implement it, add the second, etc.

Note!The success of these methods lies in the obligatory honesty when answering questions. There is no need to list what is fashionable now, or what your friends are doing and advise you out of good intentions. Life is yours, the answers should also be exclusively yours.

  1. Analysis of the environment and identification of what is desired.

The point is to determine for yourself who you enjoy communicating with and who you don’t. The people around us have a huge influence on our lives. If you are not satisfied with life, you need to adjust the society in which you live and, if possible, stop interacting with people who are unpleasant to you.

  1. Identifying your own value system, establishing life goals and priorities.

To do this, you should also create a list of your values, that is, use a technique similar to that described in paragraph 1 (“List of Preferences”).

  1. Analyzing other things you would like to change.

For example, your ideal day, ideal job, ideal life, etc. The actions will be similar.

Of course, you won’t be able to completely change your life right away, and you won’t be able to achieve real success in one day or a single incident. But! It is possible to decide for yourself your place in life and start working on yourself every day. Get rid of unnecessary things that waste your precious time, and bring in what makes you happy and enjoyable.

Books on how to find yourself

To date, a huge amount of psychological, social and artistic works on the topic of self-development and finding inner harmony. It’s definitely worth taking a closer look at them and highlighting the information that may be useful to you, taking it from the whole variety important advice effective for yourself and start changing!

  1. “What will you choose?”- Harvard Tal Ben-Shahar's book will help you make the right choice, overcome fear and take action.
  2. "Important Years"- Mag Jay's book about why you shouldn't.
  3. "Be the best version myself"- a book by Dan Waldschmidt, who went from suicidal thoughts to the pinnacle of success, becoming a strong personality.
  4. "From urgent to important" Steve McCletchy. A book for those who are tired of running from themselves and want to find their way.
  5. "Rice Storm" by Michael Mikalko. A book about the most interesting ways of thinking outside the box leading to success.
  6. “Building business models. Handbook for strategist and innovator", the authors of which are Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur. The book helps you find ways to develop yourself and your business.
  7. “Between need and want. Find your path and follow it" El Luna. The book helps you find yourself and your calling.
  8. “Don't be afraid to take action. Woman, work and the will to lead" Sheryl Sandberg. The book helps you learn to become sincere, alive and emotional.
  9. “Hygge. The secret of Danish happiness" Mike Viking. The book talks about how to find yourself and increase satisfaction with your own life.
  10. “What are you doing with your life?” essay by Elizabeth Gilbert. The book helps you accept your not so favorite work and find an alternative solution to your expression.
  1. “What to dream about. How to understand what you really want and how to achieve it" Barbara Sher. An interesting, informative and instructive book about how a person can find himself.

Appreciate every minute of your precious life, enjoy your loved ones and what is happening around you. Leave despondency behind. Don't waste your time! Change and rejoice! Find your goal and follow it!

Useful articles:

Most people wonder how to find themselves in life and understand what to do. Psychological tests were created by specialists so that a person could know his purpose and choose a profession. Not all of us are born with a clear understanding of the meaning of existence. And sometimes it’s quite difficult to decide what you need. There are several stages in identifying goals, inclinations and activities that bring pleasure to a person. It is necessary to undergo various tests aimed at solving this problem.

It’s better to start by identifying your needs and priority goals, for example, by taking the psychological test “What do I want from life?” Defining them allows you to understand yourself and choose your life’s work. To find something you like, you need to figure out what a person is interested in and in what direction he should move. A favorite activity is a chance to combine business with pleasure. If you make it a profitable job, then such work will not only be for the benefit of others, but will also become a pleasant outlet or even the main meaning of life. A few simple tests will guide a person, help him set a goal and find himself.

Everyone wants to get a place in the sun. But how do you know which path is best to choose? Interesting test How to find yourself in life and understand what to do? will tell you what is more suitable to a specific person. Favorite hobby will definitely bring success.

There are so many amazing roads in life, full of obstacles and unexpected gifts. But how to find yours? The test “What do I want from life?”, developed by psychologists, will point in the right direction and open up new opportunities for any person.

A life goal is the basis for a person’s self-realization. But it is very important to immediately set your priorities correctly. Psychological test“How to find a purpose in life?” will help you better understand where you need to go. This approach will ensure future success.

It is not always possible to adequately determine whether we are doing the right thing. Psychology can be of significant help here. Test What am I doing wrong in life? will allow you to look from the outside at the established way of things and pay attention to possible mistakes person.

It would seem, who can know us better than ourselves? But this is not always true. Sometimes we ourselves do not understand what we need, getting lost in unnecessary thoughts. Psychological test “How to understand yourself?” will help you truly discover your personality and find the key to the innermost doors of the soul.

Every person has a lot of obvious and hidden talents. It’s great when we know about them and constantly develop them. But sometimes just a psychological test: “What can I do best?” allows you to discover unknown facets of your personality. This Right way to self-improvement and self-realization.

There are so many interesting things to do in the world now! How to choose one of them? Psychological test “How to find your business in life?” will help you decide on activities that are to the greatest extent will correspond to the person’s personality and inclinations.

There are so many exciting and entertaining things in the world! But what is better to devote your life to? Sometimes the best answer to this question is modern psychology than the man himself. By taking the test “What am I interested in in life?”, you can learn a lot of useful things and direct your efforts exactly to what will bring success.

Sooner or later the moment comes when you begin to think about your purpose in life and your own realization. Despite the simplicity of the question and the freedom of choice given to a person, not everyone can choose the right solution. Our main task is that everyone can find themselves and understand what is worth doing in life.

Let's start our story with famous phrase: “Without a goal, a person ceases to exist.” Our life path, in essence, represents the road from birth to death. During this period, everyone sets important goals for themselves and tries to leave an imprint behind themselves.

What to do if I can’t decide what I want from life

Let's look at a specific situation when you can't decide what you want from life.

There could be several sources for this problem:

Firstly, medical problems (regular psychoneurological stress over many years, duality of choice, depressive states when you have lost loved ones);

Secondly, the complexity in the decision-making process.

In any case, the right path in life requires the activation of inner strength, good energy and a clear mind. In this case, you will not need any additional thought.

Therefore, we recommend that you start working, first of all, with your internal state. Elimination of depression (medication), stress, etc. After normalization internal state we can begin to address the question of self-determination. It is very important not to oppress yourself by focusing on failures.

Your life path is only in your hands:

Set yourself a goal and never deviate from it;
be an example for many and forget yourself in the past (uncertain and uncertain);
do what you love;
experience new sensations regularly.

Remember that all situations that do not kill us - they make us stronger. Imagine that you are in trouble again. But from all this you can take away the most valuable thing - experience that cannot be purchased with money. Experience is what elite companies need and what a mother should have. Life does not give us tasks that we cannot cope with.

During the entire developmental stage, the butterfly larva experiences difficulties in order to overcome the walls of the cocoon and flap its wings. Don’t you really want to see yourself new, cheerful and happy?

How to help an adult son enroll for free;
how to start a new life after divorce;
your purpose, how to realize yourself, will change;
professions that are right for you, ways to find a job, etc.

Even before implementing the recommendation, many readers claimed that it was difficult in their souls and only the desire to live forced them to move on. A year or two later the goal was achieved: old work began to be liked and generate income, many received satisfaction from their favorite business and found their purpose, despite their age.

Many people worry about the loss of a person they consider important, but only a few know what is already beginning new life and you will have to take care of yourself. The point is that you will find a match and it will be a happy moment. Now you will start working and not devote a single day to the past. This is certainly an important period (time) that will determine some meaning in life. Now you must want to be simple, to search good way get distracted and new activity, become simple and understand that the passage of time will change everything. Soon you will become interesting to men, you will begin to enjoy your favorite activities, the problem will go away, and your soul will begin to understand that you should always choose yourself.

Everything that the article describes needs to be done several (once or twice) times a day. Every person has an excellent ability to overcome obstacles. It is important to want this and know that the main thing is not to give up.

It's never too late to change your life

Especially for you, the best coaches and psychologists have prepared a series of exercises that will help you find yourself in life.

Let us remember the magnificent story when Macedonian met the philosopher Diogenes. Despite the fact that the latter was completely naked and simply basked in the rays of the Sun, the commander envied him that he was “living.” In this case, the question arises: “Who is the real king of life: the one who enjoys it or the one who constantly looks back and doubts.”

In any case, changing yourself and achieving your goal is the most important task for everyone. Let's look at several effective ways to implement it.

5 magic rules from a psychologist:

Love yourself. Each person is individual and unique and you are no exception. Tell yourself this every day while standing in front of the mirror.

Everyone has problems. Look around - dozens of sick people in the final stages, cripples and disabled people. Your problems may seem very insignificant.

Fight back all troubles. Now, if you have a difficult life situation, then regard it as an opportunity to gain experience.

Favorite hobby. Remember that the path to self-realization comes in the process of life. If you do what you love, then it will play for you.

Development and hobbies. Pay attention to yourself and your own skills. If you don't have a hobby yet, get one.

How to find yourself in life - “my calling” test

If you want to take the test, there are a lot of them online today for every taste and color.

You will have to answer several questions, during which algorithms analyze the type of activity that is suitable for you. This will help you make the right decision on the way to your cherished goal. Remember that there are no easy roads in life - search and you will always find.

Here is an example of good tests:

  1. Who am I really? https://psi-technology.net/psytest/samopoznanie/
  2. Get to know yourself in 5 minutes http://test.passion.ru/poznai-sebya/uznai-sebya-za-5-minut.htm
  3. Which job will bring you more satisfaction? http://www.psychologies.ru/tests/test/550/

Everyone at least once in their life has been faced with the impossibility of making a choice, deciding to take an action, the consequences of which would turn their whole life upside down. Quitting a job, ending a relationship, expressing dissatisfaction are standard life situations, but resolving them requires global psychological efforts. A person is influenced by his own fears of uncertainty, psychological attitudes, and is dominated by society with its stereotypes about how to live.

The first step to success is to hear yourself
Personality psychology is an endlessly interesting science, because by comprehending it, you will recognize yourself. Each person is a unique set of skills, desires and needs; the role of inheriting talents and life goals from parents in society is greatly exaggerated. Often the repetition of the fate of family members has nothing to do with genetics - it is only a consequence psychological attitudes that children are exposed to from infancy.

Relatives, and especially parents, always expect very specific achievements from us; from childhood they begin to guide or push us towards their choice, towards the realization of their desires. It is extremely difficult to destroy this established way of life: we live the rest of our lives living up to other people's expectations, and all our actions are the result of one thing - the fear of disappointing loved ones.

If you feel unhappy at work, if you don’t see your place, or if you secretly dream of a completely different life, don’t be afraid to change it. Bring out the child in you, the one who knew exactly what he liked. Think about what you enjoyed as a child - writing stories, singing, exploring nature, whatever. Absolutely every person has talents, you just need to realize which one you have.

If you want to change something, take action
Achieving any goal is a process that requires hard work and gradual movement. Few people can afford to give up everything and start from scratch. But inaction will be disastrous for you and your desires.

No matter how crazy your goal is, start gradually moving towards it. Think of your work as a means of realizing your plans: it brings you income and gives you the opportunity to establish social contacts.

The most difficult thing is to decide to take the first step, to start realizing your goals. Difficult - because at this stage you are endlessly hindered by fears. Opportunities that you could have taken advantage of become the reasons why you won't succeed. However, even if your first attempt is not successful, making a second one will be much easier. If you want to become a dog handler, sign up for courses, get a dog, join a kennel club, talk to those who have already realized this dream. It can subsequently transform into a completely different desire, the main thing is to move to where you have dreamed of developing all your life.

Stop criticizing yourself
People are so often afraid of facing condemnation on the path to making their desires come true that they do not understand the main thing. The worst critic is you. It is you who decide whether to accept the criticism of others or not, to live the way they want, or to allow yourself to live your life on your own.

We so often scold ourselves for our own failures, for not meeting the requirements of society, for our inability to live within artificially created boundaries, that we drown out our own voice. Think about why you are doing this: perhaps in this way you are only justifying your fears, convincing yourself of a hypothetical failure. After all, if you are absolutely sure that you will not succeed, you will not even try. You think this is pointless, but in fact you are only dooming yourself to a pointless escape from what is truly dear to you.

Summing up
To become happy, to build a career, to stop being angry with others and constantly grumbling about own destiny, you need to stop delving into the present: turn to the past, remember what you dreamed of, find a new thing in your life. Make an effort - a negative result can give you much more than no result at all. Don't scold yourself, don't get angry or criticize any mistakes - program your mind only to achieve success.

Since ancient times, people have been asking themselves the question, how to find themselves in life? After all, his life depends on how early a person realizes his purpose. This article provides seven simple ways how to find yourself and at the same time save time, which is better spent on realizing your main life goal.

Remember your childhood dreams

Trying to find themselves in the gray whirlpool of everyday life, people very often slide into a depressive abyss, completely forgetting about the bright colors of life. But, after all, there was a period of carelessness, dreams and fairy tales. Childhood! And each of us during these years wanted to become someone when we grew up. I imagined myself as a specific hero while playing with my peers.

Perhaps children's dreams contain a hint that will help everyone find themselves in life. In those years, we still didn’t know a lot about it, and, dreaming of becoming an astronaut, we didn’t even imagine the existence of an otolaryngologist or merchandiser, but our main interests were laid precisely then. This means that there is a rational grain in trying to remember your childhood dreams, talking with your parents or those people who took the main part in your upbringing. Perhaps this conversation will make key adjustments and tell you how to find your true and authentic self.

Analyze your skills and abilities

Instead of constant sadness and philosophizing, like “I can’t find myself in life,” it’s better to spend significantly less time just trying to get to know yourself. Set aside at least one evening or any other time of day for introspection. Take a walk in the park, go fishing, or stock up on cookies and wrap your head in a blanket. The main thing is that it helps you relax and tune into a dialogue with yourself.

Ask yourself a question about your calling in life and try to hear the answer of your subconscious, which, quite likely, contains information that can help a person find himself. What kind of work interests you? What's nice to do? What to do? Analyze representatives of which professions most often appear in your favorite films and television shows. Who is interesting to read about and learn something new? And most importantly, at such a moment a person must be honest with himself! It is important to answer the question, what can he do? After all, any of us is sure to be able to do something better than others.

Understand what environment it is comfortable to be in

It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are.” After all, all the space around us, every person with whom we communicate, shapes us as a person. Therefore, when trying to find yourself, it is advisable to use not only introspection, but also look at those people who are nearby. First of all, this concerns friends, because relatives and work colleagues are not chosen, but those with whom to be friends are a conscious decision. It is easier to analyze others emotionally than to analyze yourself, so it is worth looking for yourself in life through the knowledge of others.

Think about what you like to do in your free time

Work, study, and household responsibilities are not always chosen by us voluntarily. Sometimes people are forced to do something not by their own will, but by coincidence. But sooner or later it appears free time and how a person conducts it depends on him personally. At such moments, you should listen to your desires. Where do you want to go, where do you want to be? In a noisy campaign at a party, or in a secluded place with a cup of tea. Read a book or ride your bike like the wind somewhere along a country road?

Perhaps understanding your interests and hobbies will help you better know and find yourself. By the way, most truly wealthy people achieved success when they did what they loved, turning their hobby into work. This is how the world came to know many great writers, artists, performers and representatives of other creative professions.

Educate yourself and expand your worldview

New knowledge is one of the best ways find yourself and your place in life. For example, how can a person determine that he wants to become a marketer if he has never even heard such a word? Or perhaps, on the contrary, having heard about a village in the Himalayas, someone will decide to sell their entire business and go there in search of universal harmony and peace. And there he will find true happiness, far from the bustle of the city, imperfect laws and daily responsibilities.

To come to such decisions, you need to know that they exist at all. And without constant self-education this is not possible. And sometimes “I can’t find myself,” say people who simply don’t know enough about all the opportunities open to them in this world.

Understand what makes you feel happy

Another reliable way to find yourself is to understand what exactly in this life gives you a feeling of joy and helps you become happy. After all, you cannot deceive your inner microcosm. By the way, there is a term called “procrastination syndrome”, simply laziness! This concept is a kind of evolutionary adaptation that prevents us from wasting time on unnecessary things.

It is worth thinking about why a person takes on some tasks with joy and pleasure, while he is too lazy to even think about others. ? Perhaps it makes sense to exclude from your daily to-do list those that bring negative emotions. Or, just try to change your attitude towards such work.

Draw your own world

An original way to find yourself is to draw your own world in which you would like to live. Think about your desired environment, work, friends, hobbies, and generally your ideal self! Feel free to let your imagination fly in any direction, without any restrictions or rules. It is advisable to fulfill only one condition - a person needs to feel happy in an imaginary world! Then you should compare your fantasy with reality. See what's missing in real life to make your desires come true.

Perhaps not so much? Determine the main guidelines that a person not only would like, but could also improve. As a result, instead of fantasies and dreams, a rough action plan will appear. Next, all that remains is to review it again, leaving the most important things and begin to implement it. It's important to remember that real world is also created by ourselves, our thoughts, words, actions. And no one else has the right to prevent a person from finding himself in life, just as no one else is obliged to help him in this! This is a personal task for everyone and therefore a person must cope with it himself, first in his head, and then in reality.

This article discusses seven ways to find yourself, understand your purpose and the meaning of life. The main thing in this search is to rely on your heart and mind, as well as your intuition. Listen to your inner voice, take a closer look at the people around you, realize what exactly causes a feeling of joy and happiness. If someone does all this, then finding himself in this world will not be difficult for him. And having gained this understanding, everything else will be much easier to put into place.



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