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From the evil eye and spoilage, Thursday salt, how to cook in modern conditions. Thursday salt: healing and magical properties

How to prepare Thursday salt and what valuable properties it has - we share important information. This charged salt is used in many ways. folk rituals, used for protection and healing, helps to attract luck and love into life.

Thursday salt- this is ordinary table salt specially processed on Maundy Thursday. During processing, it turns black and becomes magical properties.

The differences between this salt and regular salt are as follows:

  • The black color it turns into as a result of calcination
  • Has a milder taste, gives dishes unusual flavor shades
  • IN traditional version cooked in a Russian oven. But this method is not available to everyone, so you can calcinate the white powder in a frying pan.

It is very important to prepare Thursday salt during Holy Week, because only during this period will it retain its magical properties. On any other Thursday you can also make “magic powder”, but its power will be much weaker.

The traditional cooking method is as follows:

  • You need to buy coarse rock salt, wrap it in a piece of natural cloth and put it in the oven. At the first stage, the salt is charged with fiery energy and turns black.
  • Then black salt kneaded in the kvass grounds and waited until the liquid had completely evaporated
  • The final and very important step is to read special prayer to charge the salt with positive energy. At this stage it acquires healing properties

IN modern conditions the cooking method will be slightly different.

Cooking at home

There are many recipes you can use at home. But first you will have to wait for Maundy Thursday in 2018. On this bright holiday, start cooking.

Let's look at the simplest methods.

With rye flour

You will need a cast iron frying pan with thick walls, salt and rye flour. Heat the stove, wait until the frying pan is hot, pour the flour mixture with salt onto it and mix well.

Stirring continuously, wait until the salt turns black.

Important condition: during the cooking process, repeat Christian prayer“Our Father” or read the spell: “Bring me health, love, luck, protect me from enemies and ill-wishers. I thank Maundy Thursday for fulfilling all my wishes.”

Monastic recipe without flour

As in the previous method, you will need coarse table salt. Also prepare oatmeal.

What do we have to do:

  • Leave the oats to soak in warm water for several hours first.
  • Place the mole and oatmeal mixture on a baking sheet and place it in a hot oven. You can wrap it in foil first to prevent it from spreading.
  • Wait until the mixture is thoroughly calcined and acquires a rich black color, then remove it from the oven and let cool.

Most likely, you will develop large black lumps. Grind them using a wooden mortar or a special seasoning grinder.

Beneficial uses of Thursday salt

If you have already prepared salt, you should know in what situations it can be used.

Directions for use:

  1. Cleansing from negativity. If you regularly add Thursday salt to your food, it will affect not only your body, but also your soul in the most favorable way. The “fiery” energy of black powder will relieve negative emotions and “bad” energy. Can gradually remove the evil eye or damage
  2. Healing. Add salt to the food of sick people, and they will recover much faster, thanks to the healing effect of the enchanted powder. It is also suitable for prevention.
  3. Charms. Thursday salt has powerful protective properties. It establishes a strong energy barrier that repels any negativity from a person. You just need to collect it in a bag made of natural fabric and keep it with you at all times.
  4. Beauty and attractiveness. A weak saline solution with water can be used for washing. Your skin will be transformed, and you will also be “charged” with attractiveness and become more noticeable to the opposite sex.
  5. Gardening. You can water your plants with a solution of Thursday salt, they will grow faster. You can also mix salt with ash and use it as fertilizer for a rich harvest.
  6. Cleansing space. Sprinkle salt in the corners of the house, after a few days, use a broom and pour it into the ground. This will clear the house of negative energy, peace and tranquility will reign in the family.
  7. Attraction monetary abundance. During the full moon, place a container of salt on the windowsill so that it is charged with the lunar creative energy. And then add it to your food - this will attract new financial opportunities to you.

Salt is also an excellent conductor of information. Therefore it is often used in folk conspiracies, rituals and whites magical rites.

Watch a video about where to get Thursday salt:

Consecration of Thursday salt

Many people are interested in whether Thursday salt should be blessed in church. There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the degree of your religiosity. If you religiously honor the Christian commandments, keep them and regularly attend church, sanctification is permissible.

If not, it is not necessary to consecrate. It is enough to prepare salt at home and read a simple spell over it. The effectiveness of the action will depend only on your belief in the magical properties of the black powder.

To summarize: you can prepare Thursday salt at home. It is advisable to conduct the ceremony in Maundy Thursday, but not necessarily - any other Thursday will also work, but the magical properties will be weaker. There is no need to consecrate in church - only yours own faith charges salt and gives it benefits.

Magic black THURSDAY SALT.
Don't miss the only day of the year when you can make it!! (April 9)
She really is just magical!

Thursday salt is a kind of panacea, it has the STRONGEST protective, protective and medicinal properties, helps with illnesses, both physical and mental, “heals” and protects the family, brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

Thursday salt can only be prepared on Maundy Thursday. And use throughout the year until next Maundy Thursday.

If you eat Thursday salt, it helps to cure any ailments and protects against the evil eye.

Thursday salt harmonizes the space of the house and clears it of conflicts, quarrels, brings peace and harmony, and helps bring family members closer together. To do this, Thursday salt needs to be spread around the house in special places- corners and important sectors of the house.

When a husband and wife quarrel, you need to put a woven bag of Thursday salt under the pillow.

If a person leaves and does not return for a long time, then you need to throw a pinch of Thursday salt into the fire.

It is good to use Thursday salt for bathing children and babies - they will grow healthy, strong and smart.

To attract wealth and prosperity into your home, you need to put a salt shaker with Thursday salt on the table and always keep it full.

If a person comes into the house with bad intentions, then you need to treat him with food sprinkled with Thursday salt.
And after such a departure unkind person sprinkle his footprints at the threshold with Thursday salt so that no negative energy remains after him - Thursday salt absorbs all negativity well.

To maintain peace and order in the family, each family member needs to put a handful of Thursday salt under the bed, at the head of the bed.

So how to prepare Thursday salt in modern conditions?

Previously, magical Thursday salt was prepared in a Russian oven - baked on seven birch logs, with cabbage leaves. Nowadays it is difficult to find a Russian stove in the city. Therefore, many people ask the question: how to prepare Thursday salt in modern conditions? There is a possibility.

You can make Thursday salt in the city, on a regular electric or gas stove. Be sure to prepare Thursday salt on the night of Wednesday to Maundy Thursday. And for the first time it is used in practice and thus activated when cleaning the house on Maundy Thursday itself.

The best Thursday salt will be obtained if you take salts from three houses that have positive properties and the qualities of which you want to have in yourself. Ask your rich friends for salt, those who have happy family, health, success, wealth, prosperity, fulfillment.

Add 12 tablespoons of rye flour to this salt, you can add all sorts of tasty herbs that you like, and heat in a frying pan along with the flour until the flour turns black. Then sift and put in a cloth bag. It is ideal to use a cast iron frying pan for these purposes; if you don’t have one, then any frying pan with a thick bottom.

It is necessary to store Thursday Salt in the kitchen, close to the stove. But in such a way that no prying eye could see it, and under no circumstances tell strangers anything about it.

This kind of salt is a kind of panacea; it helps with many illnesses, both physical and mental, it “heals” and protects the family, and brings happiness and prosperity to the home.

I read about Thursday salt on the Internet, but many questions remain unresolved, and the most important ones: is it possible to prepare such salt yourself, but according to a real, ancient recipe? For a recipe that is not found anywhere on the Internet, it is believed that the recipes were lost and did not reach us in our time. But what exists cannot be understood, and many disagreements can be found in different sources, and the inventions - the inventions of the writing are noticeable and clearly visible) Can you give your opinion about this Thursday salt?

Alexander Tsvetkov


Thursday salt is rock salt prepared according to a special folk recipe on Maundy Thursday before Easter. That’s why this salt is called Thursday salt, because it is prepared only once a year, and that only day is Maundy Thursday ( Maundy Thursday) Holy Week on the eve of the bright holiday of Easter. Thursday salt is also called black salt, “Thursday salt.” Black because the specific process of preparing salt makes it dark in color, since the salt is baked in an oven or heated over a fire, on coals, which makes it black.

After such thermal fiery treatment, the salt retains only its beneficial properties - it becomes pure or purified. And the salt crystals themselves are able to absorb light positive energy from prayers said during the process of preparing salt, charging, filling, turning into a wonderful and healthy product.

And the fact that the recipes were lost is not entirely true, because they were not lost, and exist to this day. Just not for everyone, but for those people who attach special importance and value to such things. Just as monks know recipes, some traditional healers or healers, some psychics and magicians know an ancient recipe for cooking. And the majority ordinary people they simply forgot them, did not preserve them, did not pass them on by inheritance. More due to the fact that life itself has changed and acquired other indicators in its guise - comfortable devices and equipment, appliances and household items that surround us every day.

Therefore, now in our time, instead of preparing Thursday salt in a Russian stove (or a stove of a different design, but in a stove), or on coals from birch firewood (alder), on a regular fire, but in a cast-iron cauldron or cast-iron frying pan, They cook on a gas stove, in a microwave, or on an electric stove, and even in simple saucepans or modern nano frying pans - tins. In addition, they are often prepared from fine white table salt powder, which is sold in stores in regular packs (you can buy coarsely ground rock salt - it is also on sale), and they are also prepared on other days - not on Maundy Thursday, but typical day. Thus, getting not Thursday salt, but simply salty black powder, which is essentially a caricature of Thursday salt, and does not contain any useful properties.

Thursday salt itself is a folk product, its roots go back to the distant past. But if we take for example the times of the 18th – 19th and early 20th centuries, we can describe the following picture.

In Rus' at that time, Thursday salt was used everywhere and traditionally - there was such salt in every house. The house owners themselves prepared Thursday salt from ordinary coarse rock salt once a year - on Maundy Thursday, on the eve of Easter itself. They prepared enough salt to last for the whole year, until next Maundy Thursday. And the preparation itself was done either at night after midnight on Wednesday - the night was already turning into Thursday, or it was prepared early in the morning at 5-6-7 o'clock on Maundy Thursday. Salt was prepared in a Russian oven on birch (alder) logs, in a cast-iron pot or cast-iron frying pan, or in any other thick-walled cast-iron form - utensils for cooking. Before putting the cast iron pot with salt in the oven or on the coals, the rock salt was crushed into medium grains with a wooden mortar - a masher or cast iron, in a wide and deep wooden bowl or barrel, but most often this was done in the cast iron pot, in which it was then placed in an oven in which they cooked by baking salt.

The process of preparing salt was completely accompanied by prayers ( different prayers, several) from the beginning of preparation to complete completion (thus the salt crystals were charged with light, powerful positive energy), in addition to its beneficial physical properties.

But the recipes for Thursday salt themselves were different, that is, there were several recipes, not just one, although they were all based on a single principle - preparing salt in thick-walled cast-iron utensils and on a live fire, reading prayers to yourself (prayers could be read in your own words, and not necessarily memorized from the prayer book), on Maundy Thursday morning. And the variety of recipes themselves differed in that they endowed salt with a function for a specific purpose:

1 – salt for treatment and prevention, including for pets;

2 – salt for a talisman and talisman for the home, family and the person in general;

3 – salt for everyday consumption, including for livestock;

4 – salt that unites and contains all of the above meanings.

Why did such salt have the same effect? various colors, and not one – dark or black. The color could be dark green, dark brown, dark with a yellow tint, or gray-ash color, dark with a bluish tint. Depending on the content of various additional components to the salt itself during its preparation and the method of baking or piercing over fire.

The recipes themselves were mainly used, as they say, by eye, during the preparation process. That is, for example, one of the recipes is:

Coarse edible rock salt

In a cast iron frying pan or kettle, or in a wooden bowl, barrel, pound coarse rock salt with a wooden mortar, for example, placing one liter ladle (or jar) of rock salt in the cast iron, and crumble black or Rye bread(usually not cutting pieces of bread with a knife, but breaking off pieces with your hands) covering the entire surface of the salt with crumbs (approximately a ladle of salt, a ladle of bread crumbs); often they also added herbs - mint, oregano, etc., also by eye, finely crumbling on top so that the herbs covered the entire surface (about the size of a glass) then moistened everything with kvass, also by eye, but so that the mass did not become liquid, but remained thick, stirring the whole mixture with a wooden spoon clockwise, reading prayers to myself. The resulting thickening was placed in a kettle or frying pan in the oven to bake until the resulting baked cake burned out and smoke came out of it. That is, the cake turns out to be burnt black. Having taken the cake out of the oven or removed it from the heat, they let it sit for a while until it cooled completely, and then broke the cake into pieces, crumbled it and ground it into powder, pouring it into a pre-prepared rag bag and tying it up. Usually the ready-made salt was then taken to church along with Easter cakes and colored eggs to be illuminated. And on Easter, they put salt in a special salt shaker in the center of the table along with Easter cakes and eggs. The festive meal at the table took place in such a way that when eating eggs, they salted them with Thursday salt, and there was no other ordinary salt on the table (or in the house), they drank kvass adding this salt to it (or drank pure spring, well, illuminated water , with added salt).

Oven baked crust with rock salt

In the preparation of salt, they also used not only rye bread (usually baked by the owners themselves - homemade), but also made crumbs from flour - instead of bread crumbs, created a dough, also baking it to the state of a dry, burnt cracker-crust, and then ground it into powder. Various herbs could be added to such a dough, and additionally dry crumbs-powder of ground rye bread (crackers), adding, kneading the dough with well or spring water, milk or kvass.

But we need to take into account some differences, namely: what kvass was like then, and what it is now, what they sell in stores; what flour was like then, and what it is now on sale, including rye bread itself. Big difference.

If you want to prepare Thursday salt, then try it from the description above. Now I will translate one recipe for preparing Thursday salt into a more compact form, so to speak, into modern style. Well, I’ll describe some recommendations for using kitchen tools for cooking.

Quarter salt according to this recipe can be used as food, and used in the treatment or prevention of the body, and as a product used in cosmetology for the skin and hair, the whole body (masks, ointments, compresses, rinses, baths), and used as a talisman for home and family, military and travelers.

Cooking time: overnight from Wednesday after midnight (12 noon) or early in the morning of Maundy Thursday Holy Week, on the eve of Easter.

(For believers who attend church, you can then take and light the Thursday salt along with the Easter cake and colored eggs, and be sure to place this salt in the center of the table on Easter along with the Easter cake and colored eggs)

Thursday salt recipe:

1 – based on a liter jar – coarse rock salt;

2 – fresh crumb of rye, black bread in small pieces – a liter jar (even better if you bake the bread yourself in advance, rather than buy it)

3 – kvass (preferably homemade) – enough to moisten the bread without turning it into slurry (if there is no kvass, then you can replace it with spring water or clean, melted well water)

4 – herbs – finely crushed mint or oregano, Bay leaf, dandelion, other spicy ones (or both together - one glass, this salt is pleasant to the taste and aromatic).

Combine all the ingredients together in a deep bowl or in a saucepan, cup (not an aluminum one), mix with a wooden spoon, stirring clockwise, add kvass, soak everything well, and then put the whole mass in cheesecloth, wrap and squeeze out excess liquid, unfold the gauze and place the whole mass either immediately on a baking sheet, or on the table, on a cutting board, forming a thin cake or cake from the mass, then transferring it to a baking sheet (but it’s better to do it on a baking sheet right away), place it in a preheated oven at 250 degrees (preferably at oven) and bake the cake until it blackens (it will smoke, smoke in the oven will immediately go up the chimney, not in the oven), then remove from the oven, let the cake cool completely, break the cake into pieces, and then grind, or crush into powder using a mortar and mortar. While cooking, say prayers to yourself. Pour all the salt into a dry jar, wooden salt shaker or cloth bag. It is recommended to store it behind icons (but this is if you take the salt to the church and light it, along with Easter cakes and eggs).

Another recipe using rye flour:

We remember that the preparation time is Clean Thursday before Easter.

Take a cast iron frying pan, pour 1 kg of coarse rock salt into it, add one large glass of flour. Mix the mixture well clockwise with a wooden spoon or spatula (if you don’t have a wooden spoon, you can make one from a tree branch - for example, a birch stick). Place the frying pan on the fire and heat the entire mixture until it is completely blackened. Then remove from heat and let cool completely (if you cooked on Wednesday before 12 at night, then let it sit and cool until early morning, or the night after 12). Next, everything is the same as in the first recipe, grind the baked pie or black cake (burnt) into powder and pour it into a jar or bag. During the process of preparing salt, from the beginning to the very end, we read prayers to ourselves (or mantras, prayers in our own words, but sincerely).

You can make a talisman: - pour a spoonful of salt into a cloth bag with a braid and tighten it on top, sew a loop, thread a chain or cord with a clasp through it to make it in the form of a pendant, and wear it on your chest.

Do not use a microwave or electric stove to prepare salt. The best thing is a Russian stove or a stove of a different design, but with wood and live fire. If this is not possible, you can use a gas stove in your apartment - cooking in the oven or in a cast iron frying pan on the top burner panel. An ordinary fire or barbecue outdoors or in the country is also suitable.

Other category materials:

What to do given beautiful piggy bank and there’s nothing to save?

Thursday, or black, is the name given to ordinary rock salt prepared in a special way. The only appropriate time for this is Maundy Thursday during the pre-Easter Holy Week. Characteristics real Thursday salt:

  • has a black color;
  • cooked in a traditional Russian oven;
  • has a much more pleasant taste than regular table salt.

This product is prepared immediately for the entire coming year. There are no restrictions on storage time: black salt never loses its beneficial properties. The classic method of preparation involved grinding coarse rock salt in a mortar, which was then wrapped in a rag and placed in the oven. Sometimes additional kvass grounds were added and only then the mixture was evaporated. On Mount Athos, rock salt was placed in soaked rye bread. In any case, a kind of fiery treatment took place, which explains the unusual properties of the product. Some housewives lit a fire using special “Sunday” firewood: birch logs, collected individually every Sunday of Lent.

Thursday salt is the embodiment of the basic attributes of life: salt and living fire. It was often carried to church for blessing along with Easter cakes and colored eggs. Black salt did not lose its place even on festive table: it was required to be displayed in a separate salt shaker.

Thursday salt: benefits and harm

Since black salt is prepared on the eve of a bright holiday and with good purposes, then in principle there can be no talk of any harm. Quite the contrary. At the physical level, such salt contains much less heavy metals and chlorine than the usual cooking water. At the same time, the Maundy Thursday product demonstrates an increased amount of iodine, magnesium, potassium, selenium, calcium and copper, i.e. elements that have a beneficial effect on the body. By consuming black salt in moderation, a person will experience only its beneficial properties.

Speaking about the capabilities of the product, one cannot fail to mention its following abilities:

  1. Cleansing the soul and body. Thursday salt is harvested at a time when positive vibrations reign in the world. It receives a positive energy charge, which helps a person get rid of everything negative, including damage, evil eyes, and curses.
  2. Fighting diseases. Traditionally, black salt was added to food, thereby providing prevention and treatment of digestive and cardiovascular systems, skin diseases, obesity. In the old days, Thursday salt was used to save weak livestock by mixing the healthy product into the animals’ food.
  3. Human protection. Black salt is a powerful amulet. It is enough to wrap a pinch in a piece of clean cloth and hide the bundle in your bosom so as not to worry about your safety. This was especially appreciated in war time and during long trips away from home.
  4. Improved appearance. Girls who care about their attractiveness can dissolve a little Thursday salt in water and wash their face with it. The product tones the skin, making it glowing and vibrant.
  5. Increased productivity. It is necessary to mix salt with ash and add it to the grain before sowing. And if the mixture is dissolved in water, then you can water the ground with it before planting plants.
  6. Establishing peace in the home. It is recommended to sprinkle black salt with inside threshold, in the corners of living rooms and near beds, and after three days, sweep it away with a broom and bury it. Such a simple event will allow you to forget about everyday problems and domestic quarrels for a long time.
  7. Return of the missing. If a person has left and has not made himself known for a long time, you should throw a handful of black salt into the fire. Very soon the missing person will get in touch.

There are many myths about Thursday salt. One of them is that it can be used for dark magic. This is a misconception: such salt is designed exclusively for positive effects.

Thursday salt: how to prepare it at home

The real recipes for black salt are mostly forgotten. This is due to a change in the rhythm of life. At a minimum, it has become impossible to use a traditional Russian stove: in what apartment or even private house would there be a place for it? The requirement to prepare on the eve or morning of Maundy Thursday is often ignored: people bake salt when they need it. The disadvantage of this approach is the loss of a powerful energy impulse.

In modern conditions, quaternary salt is prepared either in the oven or in a frying pan. In both cases, there is no “living” fire, which was considered the main condition for obtaining the desired result. But there is no point in worrying about the unattainable: magical rituals develop with the world and adapt to its realities. If you want to get closer to the classic method of making salt, you should heat it over a fire, after wrapping it in foil.

Today the most common recipes are:

1. Thursday salt with rye flour. You should light the stove and start cooking. You need to pour a pack of coarse salt and twelve tablespoons of flour onto a cast-iron frying pan, then put the pan on the fire. It is recommended to say the spell: “Come Clean Thursday, drive away the reptiles, take away the worms, and save me from troubles.” The mixture must be stirred with a wooden spoon until the flour burns and turns black.

2. Thursday salt with rye bread. You will need to turn on the oven and let it warm up to 230-250 degrees. At this time, you should grate or finely chop four loaves of rye (or Borodino) bread weighing 1 kg. If desired, you can add any herbs you like. The crushed bread is mixed with 1.5 kg of salt, poured onto a baking sheet and placed in the oven. Every 10 minutes you need to check the condition of the “dish” and stir it. The completion of cooking is indicated by the appearance of blue smoke.

3. Thursday salt with oatmeal. The recipe is called monastic. You need to mix rock salt with the simplest flakes without additives. Proportions can vary from 1:1 to 1:3 - as you like. It is recommended to first soak the flakes by keeping them in water for half an hour. The mixture is placed on a hot surface - a baking sheet or frying pan. You can wrap the “dough” in foil and send the resulting “pies” to a real fire. When the composition burns out, the black salt will be ready.

The cooled salt can be ground in a meat grinder, blender or coffee grinder. It is poured into a linen bag, which must be tightly tied. During the cooking process, it is recommended to read your favorite prayers, mantras or spells to charge the crystals with energy.

Thursday salt is a unique product, the memory of which we inherited from our distant ancestors. Everyone should try to diversify their diet with such an unusual “delicacy”. The magical properties of black salt are undeniable, and they can radically change a person’s life, filling it with light and positive emotions.

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Thursday salt - a means of protection against the evil eye


Salt restores the strength we have lost, heals holes in astral body. A evil people and especially those who have taken on the soul the sin of corruption or witchcraft cannot tolerate salt. It was not for nothing that our ancestors took salt with them on the road as a talisman.


In “unclean” places it was thrown over the shoulder so that evil forces could not harm a person. Salt was also used in magical rituals - white crystals restored happiness and removed evil witchcraft from a person.

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Cooking method:


Heat a pack of coarse salt in a frying pan, stirring, with the prayer “Our Father” for 5-10 minutes.


Store in a linen bag, the effect is similar to holy water.


Add to food. Use for frequent scandals in the house (at night, in a thin stream, around the entire perimeter of the apartment);


for depression and chronic fatigue(a handful in the bath), you can carry a pinch with you.

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Thursday salt


On Maundy Thursday, on the eve of the Great Easter holiday, in Rus' they always prepared “black salt” or, as it was also called “Thursday salt”.

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Black salt was blessed in the church along with Thursday bread, Easter cakes and eggs. This salt is considered unique and medicinal. This salt differs from ordinary salt even in its appearance- she's black. Such salt was prepared in an oven - from a stone coarse salt, kvass grounds, herbs and cabbage leaves.



Thursday salt was tasty and healthy because after burning it contained such useful material like potassium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, magnesium, in addition, black salt gave the products a special aroma.


In addition to taste and availability large quantity elements beneficial to the body, Thursday salt was considered magical, and healers and sorcerers resorted to its healing and magical properties.

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First of all, Thursday salt can cope with any black energy, cleanse not only a thing or room, but also a person’s aura. Magic salt was used in ancient rites to scare away dark forces and protect a person from damage from the evil eye, etc.

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Unfortunately, many recipes for making Thursday salt have been lost, but several proven cooking methods have survived to this day. Even though black salt was prepared in ovens, it can be cooked in the oven, over an open fire, or in a frying pan over low heat.



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Different ways to prepare Thursday salt

Black salt can be made from herbs, leaven grounds, and cabbage leaves. You need to prepare salt on Thursday between sunrise and sunset.

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Oregano and mint are mixed with rock salt and soaked Borodino bread, then this mixture is burned in the oven.


If you want to use kvass grounds as a base, then mix it with rock salt and also bake in the oven until the mixture turns black. The ratio of salt to bread or leaven grounds is 1:5 (for 1 kg of salt - 5 kg of Borodino bread).


You can also use cabbage leaves, for this you use the top green leaves from a head of cabbage, chop them finely and mix with rock salt, then roast in the oven until the mixture turns black.

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Charmed salt


After you have prepared the salt, you need to speak it


Pour the prepared salt into a new bowl and place this dish on a clean scarf. Then light a church candle and read the prayer:


“God, our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and so through salt, made harmful water healthy! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God, and we send glory to you, to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages.

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The salt is ready, now it can be eaten.

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Blessed salt

This salt is prepared from ordinary table salt, performing a special ceremony using gold and silver jewelry.


It is believed that such salt has stronger cleansing properties than salt that was spoken through prayer.

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Gold jewelry that is needed to perform the ritual must be without stones; it can be a bracelet, chain, ring, earrings, or brooch. The most suitable decoration for the ceremony is a cast bracelet, wedding ring, massive chains. Magical actions must be performed for three days in the morning.

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The first day
Table salt needs to be heated over the fire in a frying pan for half an hour, without letting it cool, pour the salt into a glass container with a lid, it can be a jar, the salt will be stored in this jar. Place a gold decoration on top of the salt, close the jar tightly and place it in a dark place for a day.

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Second day
Remove the gold jewelry from the jar and heat the salt again over the fire for 20 minutes, then pour it back into the jar, and put the silver item on top, close the jar and hide it in a dark place for a day.



Day three
On the third day, the salt must again be calcined over an open fire for 10 minutes, after removing the silver item from it. After this, while the salt is still hot, you need to place the frying pan in front of you and, stretching your arms over the salt, charge it with your energy for 10 minutes. To do this, just relax and feel the warmth coming from the salt. After this, pour the salt into a jar, now it can be used to cleanse a person and his home from dark energy.

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Magic salt against damage and love spells


The use of black salt is one of the most effective methods rid a person of evil influences.


You will need a liter of spring water and a teaspoon of magic salt. Dissolve the salt in water and give it to the person you think has been jinxed or damaged to drink. You need to drink 1 liter in 30 minutes. If a person begins to vomit or has an upset stomach, this indicates that the cleansing process is working.


Every day a person should drink 1 liter of water with salt until gagging or diarrhea stops after drinking water with Thursday salt.


For those who find it difficult to perform the above rituals for preparing Thursday salt, you can prepare it using a simplified version:


Pour plain salt into a canvas bag and place in a preheated oven or oven for 10 minutes before sunrise.


Then take it out and read the prayer “For the sanctification of every thing” on the salt:
“To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, it will help those who want to use it for bodily salvation and intercession and help, about Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen".
You can also read the following: “Creation of the Earth, honor your creator. In the name of God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and his son Jesus Christ, our Savior, I consecrate you to the service of God, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


Store salt in a hidden place.

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Thanks to Oksana Tkacheva for the material provided.



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FGBOU VPO Volga State Technological University

FGBOU VPO Volga State Technological University

License series A No. 282175, reg. No. 10093 dated March 28, 2008. Certificate of state accreditation, series AA No. 001367, reg. No. 1334 dated June 23, 2008...

Trichomonas colpitis: symptoms and treatment, causes and diagnostic methods

Trichomonas colpitis: symptoms and treatment, causes and diagnostic methods

Or vaginitis, an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa caused by the single-celled protozoan bacterium Trichomonas. The most common...

What is cystadenoma of the left ovary

What is cystadenoma of the left ovary

Cystadenoma as a benign tumor of the ovary. Cystadenoma (outdated name cystoma) is a benign epithelial tumor of the ovary,...

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