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Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call. Touching congratulations on the last bell to the class teacher in verse Touching phrases to the class teacher on the last bell

Our leader - you are very cool!
Allow us to say so in verse!
Love your subject and get along with children,
You know how to teach and convince.
You didn't choose the easy way,
You have achieved everything through your perseverance.
We want to wish you with all our hearts
Good luck with your class leadership!

Last call...
Summer will fly by -
But we won’t come to school like before.
Maybe we'll stand next to her somewhere,
Sighing under the September rain.

Whispering “Thank you...” - sincerely, heartily,
For every year of hard work...
Neither children nor parents, of course,
They will never be able to forget you!

You are a teacher from God, by calling.
So love children, and children love you!
Six years to mathematical knowledge
Taught our not always obedient class...

In room four hundred and four,
What's in the school on the fourth floor,
Children grew up and grew smarter next to you,
And now they are saying goodbye...

Sometimes they smiled radiantly,
They also knew how to be strict:
Three gold medalists for good reason
As a result, our class is graduating!

Not only the sciences were taught -
You interacted with children more often than we did...
You always answered our calls,
From autumn we walked side by side until winter,

And from spring, naturally, to summer -
This is the leader's regime...
Warmed by Irina Vasilievna,
We thank her for everything!

Our dear teacher!
What a pity that it’s time for us to part...
The eleventh "B" and his parents, lovingly, wish
Health, happiness, joy, goodness!!

Dear Irina Nikolaevna!
Let me thank you today for taking part in the fate of our children. On this bright day, we really want to express our admiration for how coherent and friendly the atmosphere at the school has remained all these years, which has allowed today's graduates to become leaders.
We also want you to know that all parents of students who graduated this year appreciate your commitment to teaching our children.
Looking back, we understand how much care and warmth was invested on your part so that our children could study in good and comfortable conditions, which greatly helped them in obtaining the knowledge necessary for later life. We would like to sincerely wish you health and success in your future work!

Our dear, (Name, patronymic)!
You are our class teacher, and a sage who skillfully guided our children, blind and inexperienced chicks, to the right path in life. Now, thanks to you, their eyes have been opened and they are ready to take their first flight into adulthood.
Now they all understand it. Forgive them, (full name), for the fact that they did not always listen to your advice, and, making mistakes, acted in their own way. After all, by doing so they made your kind heart worry and worry.
But they will forever remember the life lessons that you taught them. And your advice will help them in difficult moments of their life.
Thank you, (full name)! We and our children will always remember you!

Our dear teacher!
On this holiday, we want to express our gratitude for your kindness, patience and time spent on our children. We really want you to know that we are very grateful that you helped them pave the way from “darkness to light”, investing in them all the knowledge and skills that you yourself had.
Thank you so much for never passing by when they had any trouble, but on the contrary, always trying to help and lend them your friendly shoulder.
Of course, they have many different difficulties ahead, but thanks to you, they now know that any obstacle that stands in the way of life can be overcome with the help of hard work and perseverance.
We thank you on behalf of our entire parent team and wish you success in your work and personal life!

"You can handle children

And control the process

Maintain order in the classroom

And every day there is a surge of emotions.

You lead the class well

And you guys understand,

You will always help and advise,

And everyone in the class is happy to see you.

May life bring you joy,

You are always lucky in everything,

"AYA" company presents

Sketch: the creation of class teachers Scene "The Divine Comedy".

A table and three chairs are brought onto the stage

Sign on the screen "Heavenly Office"

(The class teachers carried the screen open from behind the scenes. Having covered it, they found themselves on stage)

Behind the screen are the class teachers, the angel and the devil.

God sits in front of the screen.

God(is reading). "Application. ...The administration of school No. 14 _ urges you to send class teachers to the 10th grade.

To be a woman, to master science,

So that she would be a classmate and look after the children.

(calls) Hello, help desk? What is cool?

Information. (angel answers)

This is a mother with kind, radiant eyes.

This is the one who is the most important in school life.

This is a heart given to children without reserve.

Next to him, all everyday life is just a fairy tale.

Well, you'll have to help:

make a cool mom!

Hey you angel, hey you devil!

(an angel and a devil appear from behind the screen)

There's already work waiting for you.

I will be in charge here -

I want to create a miracle!

The starting material is here (holds out the dough)

Sculpt, hurry up!

let everything come into it from us.

Let's get started, help!

(they sculpt to music)


Hands and heads are ready (the hands and heads of the class teachers appear from behind the screen)


And the legs are coming

Let school be her family,

Good luck to her in her work.


Let him sing songs to the children,

Let him play the instruments.


And about vampires before bed

Reads with pleasure.


Let him enjoy sports.


And he falls in love with men.


Let her be charming.

And also attractive.


A little bit of devilry

We'll definitely add it.


A little melancholy

More optimism.


And we'll throw it in

a little selfishness.


Well, thank God, well done -

quickly everything was blinded,

Yes, but there is great talent

We forgot to give it to her.


Well, how to manage children?

You'll have to give up your gingerbread.


And I'll add a whip to it. (The angel and the devil go behind the screen)

And I will give her such a heart,

So that there is enough for everyone.

Let the soul move into him.

Well, miracles have happened.

We made some great moms.

The angel and the devil bring out the class teachers

Class teachers say:

- I got 10 a. Well, guys - anywhere!

Well, I’ll give you 10 b. Everyone is standing on their head!

(Together) They grew up with us - Not guys, just... cool!

(we speak in turns)

There is Masha,


three Irinkas.

Marina, and also Katerinka.

There is Christina,

-Olga and Dasha.


Yulka and Natasha.

There are also three Vlads,

-Artyom and Nikita.

Two Dmitrys in the class,

Ilya and Kirill.

Of course, our Ara,

-Roman and Vasily.

And Sasha and Yura, as well as Vadim.

Our biggest release yet.

Because double class

(To the tune of the song Someone Came Down the Hill)

Someone came down from the hill,

Eleventh grade is underway.

Seventeen beautiful youths

And twenty ladies, oh mein goth!

They are wearing outfits that are not simple,

And a graduation ribbon on them.

Why, why did I meet,

Your class on life's journey 2 times

Why, when morning comes

I'm waiting for you at the turnstile...

The girls are late again

And Vlad is not at school again! 2 times

We turn in different directions and leave slowly (to the music)

(To the tune of I'm smoking again, mom, again) Music sounds and we begin to walk towards each other. In the middle of the stage we stopped and sang.

Damn, what a sad moment

Let's go cleaning again!

It seems they promised that everyone would come,

But the probability here is nothing

It doesn’t matter that they didn’t come

It doesn’t matter how, but where

Do I clean it myself or not myself?

These are trifles and nonsense!

It's spring again in the country,

Cleaning again, again,

And there is silence all around.

Neither this nor that. 2 times

If you knew what kind of test this is

If you knew the answer is there,

Then he calmly celebrated his graduation

But I didn’t think and didn’t suffer.

It doesn’t matter that I didn’t teach,

After all, it doesn’t matter what, but how,

Did you do it yourself or not

These are trifles and nonsense

It's spring again in the country,

Unified State Exam again, mom, again,

And give it to you,

We need it before graduation. 2 times

The music continues, and we turn around and leave as we left.

(to the tune of Weather in the House) We go out to the music, go on stage to the side of the hall where my class sits and sing to them.

What is your forecast for these years?

Learn and create your own destiny.

Love your home, friends, country,


And never forget school.

Everything else is nonsense.

There are us and you,

And it’s not in vain

Do you remember how you signed up for the tenth?

Then you promised me to study.

Attend all physical education lessons

And for good measure, I believed you.

The most important thing is your class and awesomeness,

Everything else is nonsense.

There are us and you,

And it’s not in vain

We were together for many years - twice.

(quietly) The music continues to sound and against its background we speak the words (one at a time)

The solemnly clean school glows

Your very last lesson is over.

Tearful-sad, happy-cheerful,

Now your last bell will ring.

You will no longer sit at a school desk,

You won’t be worrying about flipping through the textbook.

You won’t go to the board, to the historical map,

Not knowing what to talk about and remain silent.

The teacher won't mark you

And the diary will no longer see two.

Last call - it happens so rarely!

In a lifetime - just a short moment!

Last call... Bored to death,

Eleven years of spoiling your nerves.

He seemed evil, but in reality, believe me

He was not like that... And now on this day

You hear him and go numb with sadness

It’s as if a farewell hand is waving

And there is nothing in the whole world more dear

The last school bell rings.

Your ship is built and under sail

He will sail into the distance to unfamiliar seas.

We believe you will pass the most important exam:

The sound of the music is increased and we sing the chorus:

The most important thing is your class and awesomeness,

Everything else is nonsense.

There are us and you,

And it’s not in vain

We were together for many years - twice.

Kindergarten, school, college - all these are stages of our life that have a certain time frame. When moving to the next level, I always want to thank all those who helped to spend this time usefully, taught or educated me something.

Words of gratitude should come from the heart; convey in them everything you feel. Don’t be afraid to seem sensitive or sentimental, you are drawing a line under a certain period of life, so you shouldn’t limit yourself to any boundaries.

If you find it difficult to start, try continuing the phrases:

  • I saw you for the first time when I was...
  • I remember this meeting...
  • I expected that...
  • Thank you for all these years you...
  • Now I understand that...
  • I am sure that …

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers

The first serious stage in the life of every child is kindergarten. Some spend four years there, others three, but it is in kindergarten that learning to work in a team, mutual understanding and respect begins. Only first-class educators can lay the foundations of politeness, obedience and correct thoughts about good and evil in your child’s head.

The angelic patience that this profession sometimes requires is truly immeasurable; the teachers find time and care for each student. For all this care and attention, I need to say thank you to the teachers.

“Dear and beloved teachers! Sending a child to kindergarten is always difficult; it is difficult not only for the child, but also for his parents. After all, we entrusted you with the most precious thing we have! After the worries and excitement of the first days, we realized that our little children were in the most reliable hands, they would be dressed, shod and deliciously fed.

All those educational activities that you conducted with them helped them develop and explore the world. It was here that they found their first friends and our kids became very big. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love and care that you gave to our children. Thank you for your attention and instructions, warmth and responsiveness.”

Words of gratitude for the last call from students

The last bell is an important holiday in the life of every schoolchild. How many minutes do they spend waiting for the life-saving call, which means the start of fun and freedom! And now it will sound for the graduates for the last time. On May 25, ninth and eleventh graders will finish their classes and begin preparing for exams; school ended as unexpectedly as it began.

It is important to thank all the teachers who have taught you all these 11 years for their work, for their concern.

“Our beloved teachers, has this day really come and tomorrow we won’t sit down at our desks as usual, open our notebooks and start the lesson as usual? We cannot believe this even now. It seemed that 11 years was such an endlessly long time, but, looking back, it seems that they flew by like a few minutes.

You have been with us all these years, despite our pranks, endless absenteeism, mood swings and teenage antics. We want to thank you for never giving up and always finding an approach to us, you instilled in us a love of science and helped us make the right choice of our future profession.

The knowledge that you gave us will become the basis for our entire future life. We will always remember you and visit you, thank you for all this time, for teaching us to live and dream. We will try to meet your expectations and become graduates you can be proud of!”

Words of gratitude to the teacher in prose from parents

A child's graduation from school is an important event for any parent. I always want to thank all the teachers who helped me through this difficult and long path.

“Our dear teachers! It is difficult to express in words everything that is going on in our souls now; our children have already grown up and are entering adulthood. We are confident that they will succeed and everything will be fine, because the school has given them the necessary knowledge. We are grateful to you for all the work you have done, it cannot be appreciated! We would not be able to educate and raise our children as worthy members of society without your help and support!”

Words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation from students

School, 9 years at the same desk, fun, quarrels, first loves, calls, breaks, briefcases... So much in this one word “school”. Graduation in the 9th grade for some is an intermediate stage before another 2 years of school, and for others it is the last school holiday before the step into adulthood.

All these years, loving parents have been reliable support and support, to whom we need to say thank you.

“Our beloved parents! You gave us all your time, all your love and tenderness, and suddenly we became adults. Thank you for always being on our side, for believing in our strength, for unconditional love and patience. Because at home we could forget about all the problems and troubles that are so many in the life of every teenager. We appreciate all your efforts and we will never let you down! We love you very much, thank you for what you have done and are doing for us!”

Words of gratitude to the school director

The school principal is at the head of a complex mechanism, interacting with students, parents and teachers at the same time. On the one hand, it is necessary to make compromises, and on the other hand, remain an unbreakable example of a leader who will be remembered by all students.

Words of gratitude from students:

“Dear Tatyana Ivanovna! You are and have always been a role model and guarantor of justice for us. We understand how difficult it is to manage such a huge mechanism at once. We are grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to study here by once admitting us to this school. We will remember these happy school days with warmth and love!”

Words of gratitude from parents:

“Dear Galina Stepanovna! Sometimes our meetings took place in connection with the pranks of our children, and we are grateful to you for the understanding and patience that you showed all this time. It is so difficult to teach a child about life, to make him realize that punishment is inevitable, but you can always fix everything. We are glad that we sent our children to your school, thank you and low bow!”

Words of gratitude to students from teachers

Learning is always a two-way process, which is why teachers are never bored, although they talk about the same thing year after year. Students always react differently, they also influence teachers by making them think about their methods, updating the material and much more.

“Our beloved guys, a big and bright life awaits you ahead, in which you will achieve any heights you dream of. You have grown up so quickly and turned from kids into adults and independent people. We wish that there are fewer trials on your way, that you preserve the friendship that binds you now and do not forget your native school, its doors are always open for you. Thank you for these wonderful years!”

Words of gratitude to teachers in verses from students

Congratulating all teachers, it is important to address everyone and not offend anyone! Make a list of everyone you want to contact and try to express the words that have accumulated in your soul over all your school years.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher from students

Throughout the years, the class teacher monitors the class; it is his responsibility to resolve all conflicts with teachers, talk with parents, organize class holidays and much more. It is the leader who the students trust with their secrets and come to him for support.

“Our beloved, Valentina Ivanovna! You became a second mother for us, protecting us and maintaining peace in our small team. Thank you for all the years you spent with us. We know how close you took all our problems to heart, and you always found words that inspired us to new achievements.

Sometimes it was very difficult for us to study, but you believed in us and this faith inspired us. You were not just our class teacher, you studied with us, experienced difficulties, and passed exams. We have loved you so much over the years that we cannot imagine how we will cope in the future. But the time has come to say goodbye, new roads await us, but we will always remember you and visit you! Thank you for everything!

Words of gratitude to teachers and teachers

Studying at a university and at school are very different. If your favorite teachers were ready to hammer home intractable material day and night, then at the institute it’s every man for himself. Therefore, it is important to thank those teachers who were not indifferent to you.

“Dear teachers! We came here as fledgling chicks with little idea of ​​what was really awaiting them. Thank you for the time you spent with us and the knowledge you gave us. All this will be useful in our future profession and life. What kind of professionals we will become is determined precisely at the stage of study; it was you who showed us who we really are, what paths are open to us and gave us confidence in our future.”

Words of gratitude on the diploma

A diploma is the last stage of university education. When writing, you will need knowledge of the entire course taken in order to present a decent paper.

“Dear commission! I would like to express my gratitude to you for your attention to my report. I also want to say thank you to my supervisor for his tireless help. As Newton said: “I have seen further than others because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” This saying applies to my supervisor; his experience and knowledge allowed me to complete the work at the level of a specialist, not a student. I also express my gratitude to all the consultants who helped translate all my ideas and ideas into the diploma.”

Don’t forget to thank all those people who gave you their love and care, were involved in your development and upbringing, your teachers, educators, educators. Find the right words, do not hesitate to say them out loud, because upon hearing gratitude, a person understands that his efforts were not in vain. Let your children learn from your example, then they too will grow up to be grateful people.

Video: Words of gratitude to teachers in 11th grade

Today you are releasing us into a big life. Our schooling has ended, but there will be many more different lessons in life. And we want to tell you that the experience and knowledge that you gave us are priceless. And we will remember your kindness, understanding and love more than once. You made the class a real family, you invested a piece of your soul in us. Of course, it’s sad to leave, but September will come, new students will come... We even envy them a little. We want to thank you for everything! Forgive us for the fact that at times we caused you anxiety and grief. We wish you future students who will be calmer than us, as well as inspiration, more joyful days, happiness and success!

The class teacher is almost a parent, and maybe, to some extent, even more. After all, it is rare when parents can see their child from the side from which the class teacher sees him. Thank you for your patience and affection, may this Last Bell not be the last for you and may future students also know what it’s like when you are their class teacher.

Our class teacher,
Last call from the heart
We will say: “You are the best teacher!
We will remember you forever!”

Thank you for being my soul
We were always there for you in everything,
We were taught to live with a dream
Go through winds and obstacles!

Our cool leader,
You're like a school lord
We were scolded and praised,
Taught wisdom!

It was like this when they scolded
Dad was called to school
For good deeds
We were praised, albeit sparingly.

We want to wish you
Receive less stress
Be happy and rich
May your salary be raised!

You are a great leader,
And you are a wonderful teacher!
In the full sense of the word, a teacher
And not at all a demagogue!

You taught us faithfully,
We were praised very often
You weren't very strict
And they scolded us a little.

Be happy always
Let the years not age you,
For other generations
May you have enough patience!

The best teacher, the kindest,
We would like to say “Thank you!”
We wish you to be cheerful and patient,
Don't be sad and smile more!

You are the best teacher for our class,
And in unison we will shout that you are the “coolest”!
We wish you not to be bored without us,
And we promise not to forget you!

We often bothered you
But they also trusted secrets,
We didn't always live together
Your word was valued!

Years passed and everything changed,
But, as before, it was enough
To you from us, and to us from you,
But now we want:

To the new fifth grade
Became a joy for you,
May you live and not be sad,
We were happy to go to school!

The last call is a sad chord,
A sad trill rushes through the school,
So the mentor couldn’t resist,
I involuntarily dropped a tear down my cheek.

Thank you teacher, thank you our friend,
For your work, for your upbringing,
For intelligence and care, the warmth of your hands,
You will live with us in our memory.

Let us remember more than once your farewell lesson,
We will never forget parting words,
The last bell rings with a ringing trill,
Thank you cool for the ticket to people!

Here comes the farewell call.
Your class is a little sad.
You are our guide -
Class leader,

Like a parent to children.
We trust you wholeheartedly
We hope there will be meetings.
And we are waiting for our graduation evening

Be strong and healthy.
And finishing school -
No reason for anyone
Won't come see you again.

We have many congratulations for you -
We are glad that you are in our world.
On a beautiful day - last call -
Your children will sincerely congratulate you.

There is no better teacher, believe me,
We will be looking forward to meeting you again.
And wait for you to check the notebooks,
After all, you are our own mother!

We wish you rest on this day
From noisy classes, numerous activities,
After all, the holidays will fly by again.
Let us all hug you!

Congratulations to the class teacher on the last bell
Congratulations to the class teacher on the last bell, how to congratulate?
text of congratulations to Congratulations to the class teacher on the last bell

Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call

E that year flew by
Quick as if in a moment.
There was everything in him,
But still

Each of us managed
Love a hundred books
Get used to you.
You are dearer to us all.

From the bottom of our hearts we all love you
Thank you loudly.
A lot
We were taught.

And we thank you
We sincerely say
Are you with science?
We got engaged.

Z he called, bursting into tears
Our farewell
school bell,
Saying goodbye to us cheerfully,
It sounds from all sides.
We'll be scattered somewhere
Some to study, some to work,
But the soul does not forget
How cozy it was here
How you were brought up strictly
Your kind eyes.
Now the road lies ahead for us,
You can't turn around!
Well, we will say goodbye to you,
Our cool leader,
In the best words,
With the warmest language!


IN the last bell rings,
You, our cool one, don’t be sad.
Our common path, many years,
We will carry it in our hearts.

We will remember the smile
Let us remember the stern look
Let them make mistakes
You are a wall for the guys.

May the sun smile on you
Let flowers bloom for you,
Let happiness burst into your home
Unprecedented breadth.


TO our good leader,
We want to wish you
Joy, great happiness,
We will miss you
The last bell rang
And there are no more lessons,
You were with us all the time
They gave us their advice,
Thank you for this
You helped us a lot,
Lots of kind words of encouragement
You have found something for everyone!


IN we lived with our problems,
You always came to meet us halfway,
My school years have floated away,
But this is not a problem at all!

Let me congratulate you on your graduation,
Give you smiles, flowers...
To send you to the lives of other tomboys:
Both obedient and “difficult”.

Be forever young at heart
And do not know grief and troubles,
So that the same bright star
You shone for many more years!


IN you are a mother to us
Became a favorite at school:
Sometimes strict, sometimes kind,
Vulnerable at times.

You protected us
From any problems
“So that we study better,” -
They told us all.

Taken under your wing
Our class is fun.
Thank you for
Why did you love us?


IN you spared no time for us,
Sharing trouble and joy with us.
With a smile they entered the bright classroom,
Forgiving all antics and pranks.

You taught us to be friends and love,
They gave warmth and understanding.
We can never forget
Those days that we spent with you.


WITH Today we are already graduates,
This time flew by so quickly.
We are the best students for you,
We tried so hard, we wanted this!

Thank you for your knowledge, good
Which radiated all the time.
For teaching us everything,
Because we were never bored!

We will remember our school years
And you, as a dear teacher.
And may luck be kind to you,
And a new road has been opened for us!


WITH Today you are releasing us into a big life. Our schooling has ended, but there will be many more different lessons in life. And we want to tell you that the experience and knowledge that you gave us are priceless. And we will remember your kindness, understanding and love more than once. You made the class a real family, you invested a piece of your soul in us. Of course, it’s sad to leave, but September will come, new students will come... We even envy them a little. We want to thank you for everything! Forgive us for the fact that at times we caused you anxiety and grief. We wish you future students who will be calmer than us, as well as inspiration, more joyful days, happiness and success!


WITH Today memory turns back time -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
We hasten to say for your invaluable work
Thank you, our great leader!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, making you believe in yourself,
We managed to unite our class through friendship
And they taught unchanging truths,

Patriotism, honesty, kindness,
Love and mercy... Forever
We are indebted to you, our teacher.
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day after day
We wish you the trill of the last bell!
And know that we will not let you down,
What we remember, adore and miss!


IN Of the teachers, you are dearer to us than anyone else,
After all, we ran to you with our misfortune and happiness.
You rejoiced with us when there was success,
And we settled our differences.

Saying goodbye to you is the hardest thing for us,
After all, for so many years under your leadership
Our class learned friendship and work,
Patience, the science of nobility.

We are grateful to you for your enormous work,
Rest assured that it was not in vain.
We wish you strength for many years to come.
You are, by vocation, a great leader!


Z The bell rings and the class falls silent.
We will be sad to part with you!
The leader is great, you are for us
It’s as if a mother has become over the years.

You, Master, are simply a super teacher,
We don't know a better teacher.
Our last bell rings in honor of you.
Thank you! Thank you! Congratulations!


N do not overestimate your contribution to the development of children,
On this day we congratulate you, class teacher,
You have achieved a lot with your wisdom -
We wish you many more discoveries,
You gave me a lot of knowledge! Last call
Says it's time to leave
You and your children, and everyone could suddenly become better
You taught them to obey, to try,
We thank you very much, we wish you well,
Patience, health - joy, success,
And collect a lot of positive emotions
We wish you joy in life and joy!


ABOUT you, with us, were tormented,
Or maybe not,
Last bell, school bell,
Gives us a ticket to life.

And we'll leave school
And keeping sadness in my soul,
Thank you very much
During the school years.

Our class teacher,
Hearts, you light up.
Good luck and patience.
We won't let you down. You know.


P murmured our last call
And there is no homework...
Ten years is a long time -
You were with us.

For kindness, love, care,
That protected us from mistakes,
For your hard work
We say: “Thank you!”


WITH You have lived and experienced so much,
We were saved, you always understood,
We came to you for advice,
Our school years have flown by.

You led our class,
And for this I bow to you very much,
Our lives were filled with happiness,
And now our last call.

We are leaving school on this day,
We say goodbye to you forever today,
We will come to visit often,
We will always remember you.


WITH We came to you with all the kids,
Oh, how much care you have invested in us.
We have always been a second mother,
They never left us in trouble.

Today the last bell will ring,
He tells us to leave school.
But we will never forget you,
You and I are now like a big family.

We are children, growing by leaps and bounds,
Wait, and our children will come to you.
We wish you health from the bottom of our hearts,
Thank you very much for your efforts.


IN from and again the time has come for you
Partings and light sadness.
We were sitting at our desk just yesterday,
And today they suddenly became adults.

We wish you only love and goodness,
May they live happily ever after.
Well, it's time for us to leave,
We say “thank you” to you for everything!


IN s is a second mother for us,
And there is no need to lie here,
Taught us everything
Giving all of my
Warmth, love, care...
Even though this is work for you,
But we love you like a mother,
You are the best teacher!


IN from and the children left the nest,
Grew up quickly - just blink your eye,
Everyone is different, but my heart is warm,
They are yours, these miracle chicks.

We wish you success in your hard work,
Let your heart ache pleasantly in your chest,
When in September for shabby desks
New babies will sit down.


IN to your second mother today
We want to say thank you.
We say goodbye to school life -
Ready to walk as an adult.

You have given us a lot
They rallied and were able to make friends.
And the years that have passed here,
We will keep it in memory.

Thank you for your tenderness and affection,
Care, warmth, and comfort.
Today we have become adults,
Different roads await us.

We will come to you often,
Tell you everything.
A little later, their children too
We will bring you to study.



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