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Orthodox saints of Montenegro. Ostrog Monastery in Montenegro: night at the walls. The path from the Lower to the Upper Monastery

This post will contain comprehensive information about the Montenegrin monastery Ostrog, and my experience of visiting it. I’ll briefly tell you how to get there, including on your own by public transport (see the link for more information).

The post will only contain personal experience and personal impressions of a place that undoubtedly deserves your attention. Initially, I wanted to write an article - an excursion, similar to those previously written (a tour of the canyons of Montenegro, a tour of the Bay of Kotor, etc.), but I decided not to focus on entertaining reading, but tried to convey the atmosphere of this place.

Who should visit Montenegrin Ostrog and why?

Reasons to visit famous monastery, located on a steep cliff, there may be several, both tourist and pilgrimage. To say exactly who else I don’t take there (it seemed to me that they were tourists).

Pilgrims go to the monastery to ask for health for themselves and their loved ones, venerate the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog and draw water from the Holy Spring.

Believers claim that the relics of Vasily Ostrozhsky, resting in the Church of the Presentation, have miraculous powers and are capable of healing hopelessly ill people. In places like this it all depends on the strength of your faith, if you don't believe in it then be careful what you wish for.

If you are a religious person, then you do not need to explain why you should make a pilgrimage to the holy places; the monastery is one of the three most visited shrines in the Christian world.

If you are an ordinary tourist, then I recommend you visit this place as a way to broaden your horizons, and the place itself is special.

I managed to visit many religious shrines on this planet, the temple in Bethlehem (the birthplace of Jesus), the temple in Jerusalem (the place of execution of Jesus), the Western Wall in Jerusalem (the most Holy place for all Jews), the city of Sarnath (the place of the first sermon of Buddha), the city of Varanasi (the holiest place of Hindus) and other places of power.

But in Ostrog there is a completely different, indescribable level of calm and harmony. It seems that there are crowds of tourists and pilgrims everywhere, everyone is in a hurry and in a hurry, but this does not concern you at all, you seem to be above all this vanity and frailty of worldly existence. There are not many places on earth where you can feel this peace of mind and emotional balance.

How I went to Ostrog Monastery

My first visit to Ostrog was spontaneous. I visited the monastery in a rented car, after a planned trip to Podgorica, I just drove a little north and looked into the monastery. Everything was according to the principle: you have a few hours of free time, a full tank of gas, so why not stop by to look at another Montenegrin attraction. I really liked the place, but the trip was short and very comfortable.

The second time I visited the monastery as part of a group excursion. You can book an excursion using the link, there are excursions to Ostrog and Podgorica (in addition you will visit the Cathedral Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica), there is an excursion to the Cetinje and Ostrog monasteries

I learned a lot on the excursion interesting facts about monastic life and about Vasily Ostrozhsky himself (depending on your luck with the guide). The guide said that real pilgrims climb to the Upper Monastery exclusively on foot and exclusively along the Vasily Ostrozhsky trail, and do not travel on a comfortable minibus (previously I did not know about the existence of the trail).

For the third time I went to Ostrog by public transport. It was the brightest and most eventful, but quite difficult trip. This option is not suitable for all tourists, since getting there is not convenient, you need to walk a lot, make several transfers, in a word, the path is full of hardships and inconveniences. How to go to Ostrog by public transport, read the link.

History of the Montenegrin monastery Ostrog

In this part of the post I will give brief information about the monastery complex, about its location and about its relics. The Ostrog monastery complex is divided into two parts, Lower and Upper. The Upper monastery is older, respectively the Lower one is younger.

Ostrog is an active Serbian Orthodox monastery where only 12 monks live (monasticism is not a very popular phenomenon in Montenegro). The monastery is located high in the mountains (at an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level), in the valley of the Zeta River. The shrine is located 15 km from the city of Danilovgrad, but you can drive through more Big City Niksic.

Nizhny Ostrog Monastery

The Lower Monastery was founded only in the middle of the 19th century; it consists of monastic cells and a small Church of the Holy Trinity. It is in this church that the relics of the holy new martyr Stanko rest.

The guy was only 12 years old when Turkish wars First they cut off his hands, and then executed him. This was exactly the punishment for the stubborn young man who did not betray his faith. Under no circumstances did he want to let go of the Holy Cross from his hands; the Turks solved this problem in a simple and barbaric way.

The path from the Lower to the Upper Monastery

From the lower monastery to the upper one there is a narrow serpentine road. The road is so narrow that large tourist buses do not travel on it. There is a walking trail nearby, which is called “The Path of Vasily Ostrozhsky”, the trail is much shorter highway, but is quite complex.

If you are making a pilgrimage and not a regular tourist trip, then you should walk the whole way, rather than take a comfortable bus.

If you come to Ostrog by car, there is free parking at the upper monastery (sometimes there may not be any space). The road is very, very winding, and some “loops” can only be overcome with the help of the “U-Turn in Three Steps” skill.

Verkhniy Ostrog Monastery

The upper part of the monastery is built in a rock niche, which is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. Upper Ostrog consists of several tiers; this is where the most important sights and relics are located.

The Upper Monastery has two old churches: the Exaltation of the Cross (built in 1665) and Vvedenskaya (approximately built in the 18th century). In addition to churches and church shops, there are also monastic cells.

In what order to visit churches is up to you, look at the atmosphere and the size of the queue. Some go first to Krestovozdvizhenskaya, and a little later to Vvedenskaya. It was in the Vvedenskaya Church that Vasily spent 15 years in prayer, and his relics rest right there.

The Vvedenskaya Church is very small and is an ordinary cave in the rock; it is decorated with paintings and other Christian relics. The size of the temple does not exceed 6 square meters(3 by 3 meters), and maybe even less.

Ostrog on the map of Montenegro

On this Google map he indicated the exact location of the monastery, and also indicated several paths to it. You can choose a more suitable method for yourself (by car, by public transport), but you should take into account seasonality, since in different time, one way or another will be more preferable.

Pilgrimage or excursion to a monastery, which to choose?

Ostrog is a place of universal attraction; both believers and ordinary tourists come here. Depending on your attitude towards this holy place, your visit program will depend. In Montenegro, there are special pilgrimage tours for believers, and regular tours for everyone else, or you can make a pilgrimage/visit to the monastery on your own.

Pilgrimage to Ostrog

Every year thousands of pilgrims come to Ostrog to venerate the relics of St. Basil. Among the pilgrims you can meet not only Orthodox Christians, but also people of different faiths. It doesn’t matter here who you are, a Muslim, a Catholic or an atheist - what matters is the purpose for which you came here.

During the religious holidays(especially in the summer months), at the entrance to the monastery you can see hundreds of pilgrims, and the same number of tourists. Most pilgrims climb to the upper Ostrog exclusively on foot, without taking into account the possibility of using minibuses. The most convinced believers walk the “Path of Vasily Ostrozhsky” barefoot, and some on their knees.

On particularly sensitive dates for believers (the date of death of Vasily Ostrogsky is May 12), pilgrims spend the night near the walls of the monastery (mattress and pillow can be taken on the spot) in order to get to morning prayer. There is a small mini-hotel at the monastery, although calling it a hotel is not entirely correct; it is more of a pilgrimage room, which allows you to spend the night under a roof, but real believers sleep in the open air.

Excursion to Ostrog

Now I’ll tell you how a regular group excursion to this shrine goes. It should be noted that different excursion agencies conduct it in different ways, but no matter who you go with, you are guaranteed to see the main attractions.

All tourist buses arrive at the parking lot, which is located near the Lower Monastery. Large buses (for 50 people) cannot go up.

Further, all tourists have a choice: walk along the steep stone stairs (the length of the path is 600 meters), or take the monastery bus for 1 Euro. If you walk, it will take you 35-45 minutes to climb, by minibus 10 minutes.

Nizhny Ostrog

Construction of the Lower Monastery began in the 18th century. It is believed that Vasily Ostrozhsky bought the land to build the monastery; he later wrote about this: “I donated all this to the church, my efforts and property, I donated with cordiality for the benefit of my soul.”

On the territory of the Lower Monastery there are all conditions for organized pilgrimage. A little away from the temple you can see monastery cells and something resembling a guesthouse (but I’m not sure about this).

The territory of the monastery courtyard itself is well-groomed and it is very pleasant to be here. In a word, it is clear that order is being maintained.

Near the parking lot there are several monastery shops and other shops. I guess they are aimed mainly at tourists.

Path to the Upper Monastery

A rather complicated serpentine road leads to the Upper Monastery, so if you are traveling by car, you should be extremely careful. The total duration of the serpentine is no more than 5 kilometers.

There is an opportunity to take a ride on the monastery's transport service, the price of the service is 1 Euro. If you are a true pilgrim and decide to climb on foot, then there is a short trail for you (only 600 meters) - “The Path of Vasily Ostrozhsky”. The trail is quite steep and difficult in places, but if you take your time, you can climb it. The approximate time for a leisurely, walking ascent is 45 minutes.

“The Path of Vasily of Ostrog” will lead you directly to the parking lot in front of the Upper Monastery. There are all conditions to rest and drink water from the holy spring.

Upper Monastery

It should be noted that Ostrog is active monastery, so please follow the dress code. By the way, in Montenegro and Serbia, women do not need to cover their heads, but their shoulders and knees must be covered.

  • visit Vvedenskaya Church;
  • visit the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross;
  • venerate the holy relics of Basil of Ostrog;
  • make your deepest wish at the evergreen vine;
  • buy a few candles and send notes;
  • buy church souvenirs;
  • draw water from the holy spring for free;
  • ask for a bottle blessed water and oils (they give 1 free per family);
  • enjoy beautiful mountain views;
  • be positive.

Taking photographs in churches and on the territory of the monastery is not recommended, this is a requirement of the locals. They won’t particularly scold you for taking photographs, but you should still follow this unwritten rule.

Acoustic systems are installed throughout the entire territory of Upper Ostrog, from which the divine service can be heard. And the whole monastery seems to be drowning in the sounds and smell of incense, a very pleasant and memorable atmosphere.

There are several observation platforms on the square in front of the monastery. More precisely, the entire area is one large observation deck (you just need to stand higher), but there are also specially equipped places. While you wait in line, and sometimes (especially in summer) the lines can be quite long, you can take a few photos of the Zeta River Valley.

On the opposite side (right in the rock), there are monastery and souvenir shops, you can also visit them while you stand in line. The assortment in the shops is huge, try not to get lost there, as the line moves quickly and there is every chance of missing out, then you will have to go to the very end and stand again.

The queue will sooner or later lead you to the Church of the Presentation. The church is located in a tiny crypt, the walls of which are decorated with paintings, centuries-old smoke and prayer. A very atmospheric place. When entering and exiting, be careful, the doorway is very low and deep (very non-standard design) - watch your head.

In the tiny church (it can accommodate no more than 5 - 10 people) there is a sarcophagus with the relics of Vasily Ostrozhsky, next to which there are monks.

If you are a believer, you can venerate the relics and ask for the most important things; you can leave notes for health and peace. If you are not a believer, then you will be just as interested here; the very structure of the church is surprising.

A vine grows opposite this church, and if you look under your feet, you will notice the place of death of Vasily Ostrozhsky marked with a cross. It is believed that the vine sprouted precisely from that place and at the time when St. Basil passed away.

You can spend some time on the balcony with the vines and look at the beauty that surrounds the monastery. It is from this place that you can get excellent panoramic photographs of the Belopavlichi valley.

You can book a similar excursion via the link, an excursion to Ostrog (in addition you will visit the Cathedral Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica), Cetinje and Ostrog monasteries (in addition you will visit the Cetinje Monastery).

I wish you bright impressions and good mood!

Route: Rustovo - Daibabe - Ostrog - Cetinje (on the map )

Travel time: 8 -10 hours

42°16"08.1"N 18°54"37.4"E

This place is located 20 minutes drive from Budva in beautiful place in the mountains. Rustovo - convent, where 14 nuns live, one of them is Russian, the rest speak our language tolerably. It has an old 14th century Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. And in 2005, a new church was consecrated in honor of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers of the Romanovs, it is the only one on the entire Balkan Peninsula. On July 17, Glory takes place in honor of the Romanovs, which attracts many Russian emigrants, Montenegrins and Serbs from the coast. Montenegro has Russian Empire a very close relationship dating back 300 years.

The Rustovo parking lot is located 100 m from the monastery, don’t miss the sign. Walk to the gate with a bell and ring it to make yourself known. A nun will meet you and give you clothes if you came in open clothes. By the way, a headscarf is not a mandatory element in Montenegrin churches; you don’t have to take it. In front of the entrance to the monastery and on its territory there are part of the graves of the Pashtrović family, who died in a battle in the 14th century with the army of the Hungarian king Louis. On the bones of the sufferers, a new temple was built from wooden beams, in the Russian style. The monastery has its own workshops where nuns make useful souvenirs and cosmetics self made, dry herbs and offer healing alcoholic drinks.

What to see nearby:

I recommend taking the first pause at a panoramic point Chelobrdo (42°15"51.5"N 18°54"00.8"E), which offers an incredible panorama of the island-hotel Sveti Stefan, its royal beaches and the Budva Riviera. Here you will see the end of the old path, built 200 years ago by the Russian monk Yegor Stroganov. It originates from the monastery Praskvica (42°15"44.6"N 18°53"50.8"E). Also pause for a photo or morning coffee at the hotel restaurant Adrovic on the panoramic platform (42°15"22.0"N 18°53"50.9"E).

42°24"14.1"N 19°13"56.9"E

Further, the road bifurcates above Petrovets. The first option is through a mountain pass along serpentines, but with beautiful panoramas of the sea and lake, the second is through the Sozin tunnel along a direct road (you pay 2.5 euros after driving through it). Here you can take a break in Virpazar or at the bridge near Lake Skadar for a photo. Another 20 minutes and you are at your destination - the Daibabe Monastery, hidden in a cave in the shape of a cross. It was built by Simeon Daibabsky at the end of the 19th century, a student of the Kyiv Theological Seminary. Exactly at Kiev-Pechersk Lavra he took monastic vows and then returned to his homeland, where he erected an unusual monastery at his own expense. Simeon painted the frescoes in the cave with his own hand, and now his body rests in the monastery in an open shrine. It attracts a lot of pilgrims, because... Simeon was recognized as a saint (in the world his name was Savva Popovich).

42°40"30.2"N 19°01"48.3"E

The main place in Montenegro for a believer is Ostrog. This monastery was built in the 17th century in a steep cliff; Turks and even communists repeatedly encroached on it. But thanks to the vigilant Montenegrins, the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog have survived to this day. During his lifetime, he was considered a wise advisor and Healer, and today pilgrims travel to ask for health, healing, and long-awaited offspring. Miracles happen in Ostrog all the time!

42°23"16.2"N 18°55"17.9"E

Parking at the Cetinje Monastery is free, located next to the Theological Seminary and the Billiards Palace. You only have to walk 100 m, and you are at the gates of the very “heart” of Montenegro, as the Cetinje Monastery is commonly called. For many centuries, metropolitans ruled the country from here, and even in the 21st century, church power has great strength. The most important relics for everything are kept here Orthodox world - right hand John the Baptist, with which he baptized Jesus Christ on the Jordan River, as well as a piece of the cross on which he was crucified. They ended up in a small mountainous country due to heavy historical events in the form of two World Wars and close family ties with the Romanovs. The third relic, the Philermo Icon, is also located in Cetinje, all of them skillfully decorated with gold and precious stones by order of the Romanovs when they were in Russia.

When entering the territory of the Cetinje Monastery, first of all, cover your legs and neckline; on the table in the center they hand out free stoles. Then go to the priest (on the left), tell where you came from, listen to the history of the monastery, leave notes about health and repose, buy candles and souvenirs. Having placed candles on the street in a specially designated place, you will be asked to wait 10 minutes until the opening of the shrine with the relics of Peter Cetinje, metropolitan and ruler of Montenegro in the 18th-19th centuries. And only then will you be called to the church, they will open the tomb with the relics of the ruler, where also lie two arks with the Hand of John the Baptist and a piece Life-giving Cross. Evening service in the summer at the Cetinje Monastery it takes place at 18-00. It is advisable for you to be in time before it, so as not to wait another hour.

The Filermos icon is kept nearby in the People's Museum under an alarm system and bulletproof glass, it is very expensive thing, dating back almost 2000 years (written by the Apostle Luke in 46). On the maps this building looks like Vladin Dom or the Folk Museum (42°23"21.4"N 18°55"22.8"E). Buy a ticket only for the second floor at Art gallery for 4 euros. Admire the paintings of Montenegrin artists, after which you will find yourself in a room with icons (all donated by Russia), opposite it there is a dark room with the Philermo icon, illuminated by fluorescent lamps. You can read about the history of the icon and the long journey of the three relics around the world from a brochure in Russian that will be given out at the museum.

If after a long trip to the monasteries you still have energy and time, then take a walk around the historical and cultural capital of Montenegro. central square Cetinje and the pedestrian street Njegoš will leave a pleasant impression.

Ostrog (Montenegro) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Prison is not the best ancient monastery in Montenegro, but certainly one of the most famous. Orthodox pilgrims visit it almost as often as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Within its walls are kept the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog, as well as an ancient prayer book from 1732 and church candlesticks from approximately the same period.

The fort was built in the 17th century, but caves in the local rocks have served as a haven for monks since time immemorial. Nowadays Ostrog is a functioning monastery, 12 monks live there, but this place is also open to tourists. The monastery consists of two parts - upper and lower, with the upper one built into the rock at an altitude of almost 1 km above sea level.

How to get there

The monastery is located in the mountains, at the base of the Ostroška Greda rock, 8 km from the highway connecting Podgorica and Niksic. From Danilovgrad you will have to drive 15 km, and from Podgorica - 30. You can get to Ostrog by bus or car, but you should take into account that the road is mountainous, which means it is narrow and winding; an experienced driver can overcome it.

Organized excursions with licensed guides come here from many tourist cities of Montenegro, who will not only tell you a lot of interesting things about the monastery and its life, but also explain the basic rules of behavior. Since every tourist usually wants to take with them at least some little thing consecrated in Ostrog as a souvenir, there is a church shop at the monastery where you can buy candles, icons, incense, prayer books and souvenirs.

Ostrog Monastery is the third most visited pilgrimage site in the world after the Tomb of Christ and the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem.

Ostrog Monastery

The history of the monastery dates back to the end of the 17th century. But for the first time, unknown hermits settled in the caves in these places, wanting to live in solitude, away from temptations. In honor of the mountain towering above it, the monastery received its name - Subostrog. It is connected with the life and work of St. Basil of Ostrog, revered not only in Montenegro, but also far beyond its borders.

The whole life of St. Basil of Ostrog was connected with monasteries. IN early age he was sent there for training, then he took monastic vows and quite quickly began to advance through career ladder: already at the age of 28 he was ordained bishop, and later became Metropolitan of Serbia Orthodox Church. At this time, the Turks' persecution of Orthodox Christians intensified, and Vasily tried in every possible way to improve the situation: he turned to the Vatican for help, restored destroyed monasteries and churches, and built new ones at his own expense. Turkish oppression forced him to move to the caves of Ostrog. This is how the monastery was founded, which is still considered the spiritual center of Orthodox Christians in Montenegro. On its territory there is a shrine with the relics of the saint. Memorial Day of Vasily Ostrogsky is April 29, the date of his death (according to the Julian calendar).

Now it is an active male Orthodox monastery; in Montenegro it is revered on a par with the shrines of Jerusalem and New Athos. Being the largest religious center in Montenegro and a popular place of pilgrimage, the monastery is widely known outside the country. Believers believe that the relics of its founder, St. Basil of Ostrog, stored in the monastery have great miraculous power and heal even the hopelessly ill.

Ostrog is the only functioning Orthodox monastery, where not only Christians, but also Muslims and Jews come for pilgrimage purposes.

Visit to the monastery

The monastery consists of two parts - upper and lower. A forest road about 5 km long runs between them. But most often, pilgrims follow a shorter walking path, covering the distance between parts of the monastery in 20-25 minutes. Usually the first place to visit is the lower monastery, founded in the 19th century. It consists of monastic cells and the Church of the Holy Trinity, where the relics of the holy new martyr Stanko rest.

The Turks cut off both hands of 15-year-old Serb Stanko because he was holding the holy cross in them and did not obey the order to throw it to the ground.

After the lower one, they usually go up to the upper monastery, the main part of which is built into the rock at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. It consists of two churches, Holy Cross and Vvedenskaya. It was in the tiny Church of the Presentation that Vasily Ostrozhsky spent 15 years in prayer. Nowadays the ark with the relics of the saint is kept here, to which there are never-ending queues of pilgrims - the relics are considered miraculous. The chain moves continuously, it is impossible to stop and look at anything. People write their cherished desires, leave messages in cracks and cracks in the wall. They say that all wishes come true here, so you should be very careful in your wording.

Traditions say that many miracles happened to both pilgrims and the monastery itself. This happened two hundred years ago, and it is happening now. For example, during World War II, a German air bomb hit a church during shelling. Holy Cross, broke in half, but never exploded. It still lies in one of the sacristies. And opposite the church you can see a grapevine that has sprouted at the site of the death of St. Basil, despite the fact that there is no soil there. At the exit from the church there is a fountain with healing water, which is believed to protect from troubles and deprivations. Water from this source is bottled and distributed free of charge to those who wish.

The Church of the Holy Crucifixion is not only of religious value, but also of artistic value. In the 17th century master Radul painted it with frescoes of remarkable beauty and expressiveness. The artist faced a difficult task, since the vault of the church is a cave wall, uneven, dotted with ledges, depressions and cracks.

Montenegro is a country of picturesque nature, historical heritage, magnificent beaches, and monasteries. Montenegrins are deeply religious people, which is why there are dozens of churches, monasteries, and temples throughout the country. The Tochka-mira portal invites you to take a virtual tour of the best monasteries in Montenegro. You will learn in the article about:

    • Where are the shrines located?
    • About history
    • How to get to the monasteries
    • What monasteries can tourists visit?
    • What are the holy monasteries famous for?

Each monastery in Montenegro is unique not only spiritually, but also architecturally. Every year thousands of pilgrims visit Montenegro to tour the shrines.

Ostrog Monastery in Montenegro

The main holy place in Montenegro is the Ostrog monastery, the only monastery carved into the rock. Many believers make a pilgrimage to spend the night in prayer at the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog.

How to get to the Ostrog Monastery

The monastery is located approximately 8 km from the Podgorica - Niksic highway. There are several options for getting there.

The most popular is to come to the monastery as part of an excursion; pilgrimage tours to Ostrog are carried out from almost all major cities of Montenegro.

Car owners will be able to get there on their own by car, following the E-762 highway Danilovgrad - Niksic. There are signs along the road, but you should use a map to avoid getting lost.

In addition, you can get to any nearby city, for example Budva, Podgorica, and from there use a taxi.

Operating mode

The monastery complex is open to tourists throughout the year. Opening hours: from May to September from 06:00 to 17:00; from October to April from 05:00 to 16:00.

History of the Ostrog Monastery

It is not known for certain when the first hermits settled in these areas. People came here in search of solitude, to be away from sinful life and vanity. Later, at the end of the 18th century, a monastery was founded here - Ostrog. Vasily Ostrozhsky made a great contribution to the development of the monastery, who was canonized.

How it all began

Vasily Ostrozhsky was born in 1610 into a religious family, his birth name was Stoyan. His real home for many years will be the Zavala Monastery, within its walls childhood will pass, adolescence, youth of a boy. Here he will devote all his time to serving God. After being tonsured in monastery Tvrdosh, the young man becomes Vasily. Then he goes to serve in the Cetinje Monastery, where he miraculously escapes exile. As an archimandrite, Vasily will spend several years in the Tvrdosh Monastery and make a pilgrimage to Mount Athos. At the age of 28, he will already reach the rank of bishop and become metropolitan of two dioceses.

He made a great contribution to the development of Christianity in Montenegro. It was especially difficult during the period of the Ottoman yoke, when even the usual reading of a prayer could be punishable by death.

The situation only got worse, and Vasily goes to the hermits in one of the Ostroshka Greda caves. It was here that he and his brothers founded the Ostrog monastery.

Vasily Ostrozhsky died in 1671 and was buried near the temple. 7 years later, Abbot Raphael saw Vasily in a dream, he insisted on his autopsy, and thus the holy relics were found. Over the years, numerous stories about miracles performed have been associated with them.

Shrines of the Ostrog Monastery

The main shrines of the monastery are the relics of Nicholas of Ostrog.

When visiting the Ostrog Monastery, remember the internal rules:

    • It is prohibited to photograph the interior of the temple.
    • Pilgrims' clothing must be closed.
    • Women should wear skirts or dresses that cover their knees. If this is a dress, then without a deep neckline or open shoulders. It is also advisable to wear a scarf on your head.
    • Candles are installed in special boxes with water, at the bottom of which there is sand.

What else can you do at the Ostrog Monastery

While visiting the monastery, you will be able not only to touch the miraculous relics and take part in the service, but also to examine the ancient buildings and climb to the observation deck. The souvenir shop is of particular interest. Here you can buy:

    • incense;
    • holy water;
    • icons;
    • prayer books;
    • pendants, etc.

There is a pilgrim's house at the monastery, where you can stay overnight.

Moraca Monastery in Montenegro

One of the valuable, interesting medieval monuments of Montenegro is the Morač temple. Every year pilgrims come here in search of silence, peace, tranquility, and beauty.

Where is the Morač Monastery located?

The Morač Monastery is located on the banks of the high-mountain canyon of the Morač River. The area is picturesque and is part of the Kolasin municipality. Thanks to its convenient location, a visit to the temple is included in almost any excursion route.

How to get to the Morač Monastery

You can visit the monastery as part of an excursion from the cities of Montenegro travel agencies organize tours.

There are direct bus services from Podgorica, Budva, Bar, and other regions of Montenegro. You can take any bus on the route to Kolasin; tell the driver in advance to drop you off at the monastery.

In addition, you can get to the monastery yourself by car. You should take the E80 highway towards Kolasin. From ski resort The distance to the monastery is 28 km. To avoid getting lost, it is advisable to use a map. There are signs along the road, or, in extreme cases, you can check the directions with a Montenegrin, the locals are hospitable and friendly people, they do not refuse help.

History of the Morač Monastery

The monastery was founded by Stefan Nemanja in 1252. At the end of the 4th century, the temple was completely destroyed by the Turks; restoration work continued until 1574. However, in the 18th century, history repeated itself, but this time the enemy capture was repelled by Archimandrite Pan Mitrofan. For his courage he was awarded an honorary gold medal, and after some time he became a metropolitan.

Architectural ensemble

The Morač Monastery is a whole architectural complex, which includes various buildings.

    • Large Cathedral Church of the Assumption of Our Lady (Assembly).
    • Small Church of St. Nicholas.
    • Several buildings with monastic cells.
    • Overnight for travelers.
    • Rich subsidiary farming.

In addition, while walking around the monastery complex, you can see a small spring with holy water, which is distinguished by its taste and has healing properties.

There is an apiary nearby; the local honey is used for the needs of the monastery and is also sold in the shop.

After visiting the main buildings, you can stroll through the picturesque garden. Despite the fact that the monks have completely abandoned the benefits of civilization, they keep pastures, raise chickens and sheep, and grow grapes.

Shrines of the Moraca Monastery

During your visit to the temple, you will be able to see several unique shrines.

The main shrine of the temple is the hand of the Holy Great Martyr Harlampius. It blesses olive oil, which is subsequently used, and it is also allowed to take it with you in small quantities.

The first printed book of the southern Slavs, Oktoechus, is also kept here. It was printed in Cyrillic in 1493. When the first printed book in Russia was born only 70 years later.

The library at the monastery stores various documents and a handwritten Gospel.

The altar contains a cross, which was made in the 16th century from walnut wood.

One more interesting object is a nail that, according to legend, belonged to Saint Sava.

Before going to the monastery, you should remember the appearance:

    • It is prohibited to wear short shorts, skirts above the knees, or open dresses.
    • Remember, shoulders and knees must be covered.
    • Filming of the external part of the monastery is allowed; photography and filming inside the temple is prohibited.

The temple is open every day from 8 am to 5 pm, admission is free, but you can make a donation. There is a recreation area in the courtyard, it is installed next to the holy spring. Therefore, you can relax and taste the water with healing powers. The courtyard, the complex is beautiful and majestic, here you can do beautiful photos as a keepsake.

Not far from the monastery there is a stream, a rocky bridge, and a cafe.

Savinov Monastery in Montenegro

One of the picturesque places in Montenegro is the Savinov Monastery. It is located in the Savino district of the same name, which is part of the city of Herceg Novi.

How to get to the Savinov Monastery

The church is located near the resort of Herceg Novi, you can get there in several ways. The most convenient way is to use a taxi, or you can take a bus going from the Old Town of the Herceg Novi resort to the monastery.

If you decide to travel by car yourself, drive along the road towards Tivat, reach the fork-circle in Melinje (there are three roads at the fork - to Croatia, to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the center of Herceg Novi), turn into the city and literally in a couple of minutes on the right you will see an exit and a sign “Savina Monastery”.

History of the Savinov Monastery

Savina Monastery is a male Orthodox monastery that was founded by monks. It consists of several buildings: the Small Assumption Church, the Great Assumption Church and the Church of St. Sava.

The Small Assumption Church was built in 1030 and is famous for its ancient frescoes dating back to the 15th century. It depicts scenes of religious celebrations, as well as the torment of Christ.

The Great Assumption Church was built in the 17th century and is a shining example Baroque architecture. Stored within its walls miraculous icon Mother of God Savinskaya.

According to legend, the Church of St. Sava was built by Sava himself around the 13th century. Not far from the church there is an observation deck from which beautiful views of the area open up.

Monasteries of Montenegro on the map

There are many temples, churches and monasteries in Montenegro, so in order not to get confused, it is advisable to use a map. All the monasteries of Montenegro are on the map, using it you can easily plot the optimal route and at the same time save time.

    The main shrine of Ostrog is considered to be the relics of Vasily Ostrozhsky, which are kept in a small cave in the Vvedenskaya Church. Pilgrims come here in an endless stream; there are especially many visitors during the tourist season. Believers claim that if you make a wish at the holy ark, it always comes true. The relics of the elderly and seriously ill people are healed. The Ostrog Monastery in Montenegro is considered the most significant and revered in the Balkans. Thousands of pilgrims come here every day to venerate the relics of Vasily Ostrozhsky, and are healed and restored to health. Many miracles happen every day.

    Ostrog: how to get to the monastery

    To get to the monastery, it is best to purchase. Firstly, this will allow you not to worry about the road, and secondly, it will be cheaper. can be found on the website. The monastery itself is located on the Niksic - highway. From the capital is separated by 42 km, from Niksic 25 km. The main landmark is the sign for Bogetici, from which you will need to drive about another 8 km. The road is quite narrow as it passes through the mountains. However, according to nearby residents, incidents and accidents almost never happen on this serpentine road. Perhaps the reason for this is the energy of Vasily Ostrozhsky himself, who still invisibly protects the entire district. By the way, in terms of its significance, the Ostrog monastery is among such world-class Christian shrines, like the Holy Sepulcher or Mount Golgotha.


    Distance along the route Budva (ME) — Ostrog Monastery (ME) ~ 102 km,
    Approximate travel time ~ 1 hour 40 minutes.

    Ostrog Monastery

    You can get to the Ostrog Monastery by purchasing:

  • , with additional visit


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