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History presentation on the topic "culture and beliefs in ancient Egypt." Presentation on history on the topic: "Russian culture of the 16th-18th centuries" works of his art more

Culture and beliefs

in Ancient Egypt

originated around 4000 BC.

  • Construction began in XXVII V. BC. under Pharaoh Djoser.

  • Pyramid – a structure with a square base

with interlocking edges.

  • Great Sphinx - fantastic creature

with the body of a lion and the head of a man.

  • Pyramids - the first of the 7 wonders of the world.

Great Sphinx in the background

Pyramids of Pharaoh Khafre

The largest of

pyramids - Cheops .

  • Writing originated in Mesopotamia

and in Egypt at the same time,

more than 5000 years ago.

  • Signs for writing

hieroglyphs (more than 700).

  • Papyrus -plant,

on stems

which was painted with special paint.

Writing instruments:

A pointed reed for writing, a pot of water for diluting paints, and a pencil case for black and red ink.

  • The Egyptians knew how to build ships up to 50 m long
  • We went sailing and rowing.
  • Low navigation level did not allow

travel long distances


  • In Ancient Egypt

didn't exist

one common religion

The religion of Egypt took 3000 years to last

the path of development from fetishism and totemism,

to polytheism and monotheistic thinking.

The concept was first formulated in Egypt

monotheism - Pharaoh Akhenaten attempted

religious reform, the purpose of which was

centralize Egyptian cults around god

Sun of Aten.

IN different periods most

deities were revered

Ra and later identified

with him Amon, Osiris, Isis,

Set, Ptah, Anubis

  • The body of the deceased was embalmed and rubbed with special ointments.
  • Then the mummy was wrapped in several layers of fabric and placed in special sarcophagus boxes
  • The more noble the deceased, the more sarcophagi there were, inserted into each other
  • The mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was placed in 9 sarcophagi
  • The upper sarcophagi were given the features of the deceased.

pyramid tomb (for pharaohs),

or a cave (for nobles).

Construction of the tomb began

during the life of a noble Egyptian.

Sometimes construction took decades.

Things were placed next to the sarcophagus

necessary for life in

the afterlife. To

the tomb was not robbed - entrance

they walled it up,

and they built traps inside.

Ancient Egypt left a huge cultural

heritage for world civilization,

more works of his art

in ancient times were exported to various

corners of the world and widely copied

masters from other countries.

Egyptian culture had a great influence

influence on the ancient Romans.

laid the foundation for what followed

cultural development of many peoples.

Introduction The history of art does not know a sharper turn from the Middle Ages to modern times than in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. The culture of Peter the Great's time was distinguished by its efficiency, but it could not be called boring: it concealed a romantic impatience - to quickly learn, discover, master, and catch up.

Engraving The most accessible and widespread type visual arts in the Peter the Great era there was engraving. The engravings reflected major events, served as original teaching aids and illustrations in books. The most famous Russian engraver of the early 18th century was Alexey Fedorovich Zubov A.F. Zubov. Peter I on horseback Image of the palace in an 18th-century engraving

Iconography of the Soul of Christ Venerable Macarius of Unzhensk and Zheltovodsk At the beginning of the 18th century, Tsar Peter the Great forced Russian artists follow Western canons. In the art of icon painting, the “free” style prevailed with characteristic features baroque. It was in the 18th century that icons began to be decorated with metal coverings, called oklads.

Literature M.V. Lomonosov Since the 60s of the 18th century, something new has been taking shape in Russian literature. literary direction, called sentimentalism. The ruler of the thoughts of young people of the 90s was N.M. Karamzin (his story: " Poor Lisa", "Natalia, boyar's daughter"). In the 1920s, Russian literature revealed completely new page– classicism. The most prominent figures of the new literary era were Prince A.D. Cantemir and M.V. Lomonosov. In the times of Peter the Great, Feofan Prokopovich N.M. was famous. Karamzin A.D. Kantemir F. Prokopovich

Music by D.S. Bortnyansky E.I. Fomin The Petrine Epoch marked the beginning of the development of a new type of secular music. The creativity of this time was limited mainly to the simplest genres of applied music - military, table, dance. The main genre characterizing the development of musical art XVIII century in Russia, there was opera. It is not surprising that in opera genre The creative capabilities of Russian composers of the 18th century subsequently manifested themselves most clearly. Along with opera art Various genres of chamber music are gaining popularity in Russia. In the mid-18th century, chamber concerts at court became commonplace.

Education A significant role in the development of education in Russia was played by the so-called soldiers’ schools—comprehensive schools for soldiers’ children, successors and continuers of the digital schools of Peter the Great’s time. The second type of schools in Russia in the 18th century. these are closed noble educational institutions: private boarding schools, gentry corps, institutes for noble maidens. The rise of literacy in Russia at the end of the 18th century. B.M. Kustodiev. School in Moscow Rus'. To the third type educational institutions include theological seminaries and schools. The training of specialists was also carried out through the Academic Universities of the Academy of Sciences, Moscow and Vilna.

Science Russian science of the 18th century. also needed titans, and it was no coincidence that Russian Academy Physicist and chemist Lomonosov, mathematicians Euler and Bernoulli glorified their names with discoveries of world significance. The Academy of Sciences in the 6070s conducted five expeditions that explored vast territories. In the second half of the 18th century. The foundations of scientific biology in Russia are laid. In 1793, the first medical journal in Russia, St. Petersburg Medical Gazette, was published. Euler Bernoulli

Results The eighteenth century in the field of culture and life in Russia is a century of deep social contrasts, the rise of education and science. Russian art, as we will see below, which continued to develop in the 18th century on new European principles, still remained an expressed national phenomenon with its own specific face, and this fact in itself is very significant. However, unlike the previous period of time for culture big influence was exerted by the nobility, and the dominance of foreigners also continued.

Materials « encyclopedic Dictionary Russian artist." Pedagogy Mr. A. N. Petrov. “Russian architecture of the first half of the 18th century.” 1954. Big Soviet Encyclopedia, M.: 1975 Volumes 18,19,20,21. V.V. Mavrodin "Birth" new Russia.”, - M., 1998. Essays on Russian culture. graduate School MSU 1990 B.A. Rybakov. History of Russian music. T. 1. From ancient times to the mid-19th century O. Levashova, Y. Keldysh, A. Kandinsky. Russian lira. “Essays on musical Russia.” 1971. Mironov A.G. About Russian art. Collected works vol. 24. M., Gorky A.M. At the origins of Russian theater. Kuzmin A.I. M Rybakova B. A. History of the USSR from ancient times to the end of the 18th century. M.: Higher School Krivorotov V. Milestones. The ups and downs of Russia’s special path // Knowledge is power. 8, Anisimov E.V. The Birth of an Empire // book. History of the Fatherland: people, ideas, decisions. Essays on the history of Russia in the 9th and early 20th centuries. M.: Politizdat. 1991

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Main problematic questions: Is Russia a unique cultural type? Can Russia be considered an independent civilization? What is and how is the original image of national culture maintained in the conditions of centuries-old development?

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1. Geographical position borders most world regions: Western Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, China and Japan, North America. Hence the historical interaction of Russian culture with the main world civilizations. Russia - the state, society and culture - is developing over a vast territory of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia,

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2. territory and resources Russia is the largest country in the world by territory; the potential of its resources is proportional to this fact: Russia has almost all the resources for independent civilizational development

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3. Climate The climate of a number of regions of Russia is favorable for the life of a large population and its effective activities (Center, Urals, Volga region and North Caucasus). But most of Russia’s territory is one of the coldest parts globe, the development of which is associated with great difficulties

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4) population and the nature of its activities Over the centuries, the people of Russia, as a multi-ethnic cultural and historical community, have become the largest nation in Europe. The Russian nation was formed on the basis of the integration of many peoples of Eurasia into a single whole in interaction with a number of peoples who preserve their cultural identity within Russian state. Russia: Identity factors:

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5) national character The harsh climate conditions and the dangers associated with the protection of huge borders have formed a persistent, unpretentious character, the ability to extreme efforts, a special sense of social cohesion and fairness (community, conciliarity, “feeling together”) Russia: Factors of identity

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6) Uniqueness of culture In the history of Russia, a unity of culture has been formed - a system of meaning, values, values, norms, forms of thinking and communication, which determines the conscious goal-setting motives of historical activity. Culture is a special factor of identity, not reducible to natural conditions, since it acts as a conscious program of activity - a program for rethinking natural reality. It is the properties of such a conscious program that make it possible to talk about Russia as a special cultural type. Russia: Factors of identity

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1. Slavs. Slavic paganism: the main areas of preservation and processing of traditions: - folk life up to the 20th century, - traditional folklore, folk art- stylization motifs of professional art - some features national character, - the phenomenon of neo-paganism The origins of Russian culture

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The influence of Byzantium: a cultural prototype. Russia is the spiritual heir of Byzantium Spheres of borrowing and influence: - Orthodox Christian faith, - writing and literature, - education, - architecture, church art and music, - political culture The origins of Russian culture

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3) Interaction with the cultures of other countries and peoples Spheres of borrowing and influence: - state-political system, - technology and technology, science, education - Lifestyle phenomena (starting from the 18th century) The thousand-year history of Russia is characterized by high-quality processing and rethinking of influences in accordance with traditions and with an emerging cultural type The origins of Russian culture

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Ancient Rus'modern Russia: Factors of unity 1) Language and general background 2) The emergence and development of a centralized state: Kievan Rus, Moscow State, Russian empire, Soviet Union, Russian Federation. 3) A single faith, a system of world understanding and meaning formation, accepted by the elite and the majority of the country's population. 4) Integration of many peoples of Europe and Asia into the Russian nation and the formation of a homogeneous cultural and historical type. 5) “Russian idea” - formulating a view on the goals and mission of cultural development.

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The semantic cosmos of culture and the uniqueness of the cultural type of Russia Types of cultures as options for understanding - rethinking the world: Options for meaning formation: Rational: “I” as a meaning-creating center, Mystical: “Other” as the source and center of finding meaning Aesthetic: empathetic interpenetration of one’s own and another - meaning as the potential of the emerging event - the potential for miraculous perfection Cultural-semantic type - the specific organization of these methods of gaining meaning into a single system through the subordination of one to another

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Western civilization Rationality Aesthetics Mysticism Spheres of main goals and achievements: Technology, science, law, politics, Economics, art

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East Asian civilization (China, Japan, Korea) Aesthetics Mysticism Rationality Spheres of goals and achievements: Art, meditative practice, ritualization of life, ethics of submission, knowledge as contemplation

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Ancient Greek civilization Aesthetics Rationality Mysticism Spheres of the main goals and achievements: art, philosophy, education, ethics, politics

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South Asia: Indo-Buddhist type of culture Rationality mysticism 3 aesthetics spheres of goals and achievements: magic, self-control techniques (yoga) secret knowledge, meditation, folk art

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Near East: Islamic civilization and Judaism Mysticism Rationality Aesthetics Spheres of goals and achievements: Religion - strict monotheism, moral law, dogmatic law, family, education

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Orthodox civilization: Russia Mysticism Aesthetics Rationality Spheres of goals and achievements: Religion, Ethics of conscience and service, Art

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1. Faith: - Faith of Christ, Holy Rus' its symbols: the Temple as a symbol of Heaven on earth, Christian values ​​of mercy and love and traditions of piety, Russian saints - Moral priorities consciousness: concepts of truth and conscience Belief in a higher meaning and higher justice

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Development of culture From its inception to the 20th century Prepared by: student of class 10 “B” of School No. 1095 Maria Kokoreva

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Primitive culture Primitive art - the art of the era primitive society reflected the views, conditions and lifestyle of primitive hunters. The main representative of primitive culture for us is rock art

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Culture Ancient world“...After all, somewhere a new planet is waiting for them. In the Alpha system there will be new earth And there will be new winter, spring and summer, and autumn will be there, I will be there too, and there will be people, people. new era And there will be a world that is kinder than all the worlds And doors are always open for love And people are at least a little wiser That magical world of kindness and happiness All evil has melted in a system of black holes Love and friendship without cruel power So magical and wonderful world…»

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ANCIENT EGYPT The art of Egypt reflects its majestic nature. The breath of desert winds, the ashen color of sandy plains, the abundance of various types of stone in the depths of the mountains, thickets of papyrus in the Nile Delta, sacred lotus flowers, etc. - largely determined the harsh beauty of Egyptian art. Over the centuries, it has developed perfect ways of depicting and means of expression, with the help of which the complex and majestic image of man was recreated, the richness of mythological ideas was reflected.

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Ancient Egypt “Oh, Egypt! Tears of the soul. In a scorched, yellow desert. You melted into the haze of time, And I still cry. Your secret language is forgotten. Your knowledge is stored in the pyramids. You suddenly appeared out of nowhere, In this world of evil and resentment. You needed the sultry sand, the silence, the vastness of the desert. Where a stream of rays poured from the sky. Where the radiant god looked at you, And at night, like a distant, silent candle, the Star of Sorrow shone from the heavens.”

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Ancient India Ancient India managed to create priceless artistic treasures. As in other ancient cultures, in Indian culture during the era of its formation the natural factor played a decisive role. belief miraculous power nature became the basis of Indian mythology and all Indian culture. India is considered both rich and poor country. The wealth of India lies in the architectural monuments of ancient medicine-Ayurveda, which is an integral part of the culture of Ancient India.

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Ancient China The largest building in China at the end of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e. - The Great Wall of China, reaching a height of 10 m and a width of 5-8 m, it served both as a harsh adobe fortress with many signal towers, protecting against attacks by nomadic tribes, and as a road stretching along the ledges of impassable mountain ranges. On early stage construction length of the Great Chinese wall reached 750 km, and later exceeded 3000 kilometers.

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Ancient China Chinese culture is one of the most interesting and certainly unique oriental cultures. The continuity of development of Chinese culture is one of its most important features.

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Middle Ages “I must be my own enemy from the beginning. My beloved neglects me. Let another be favorable to me, I will not be seduced by another beauty. One insists that I am not worth love, I myself am harsh with the other, who is in love with me. There are two of them, but I am not happy with either one. If only I had known at the beginning that today I would be worthy of such rewards, that love promises me only sorrows, I would be glad not to love forever. madman, I wander at random and fear new troubles in my disgrace. I myself am to blame for my misfortunes.” Rudolf von Fenis

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Middle Ages “Middle Ages” is almost a synonym for everything gloomy and reactionary. Its early period is called the “Dark Ages.” But no matter what, the Middle Ages still left a memory of itself in books, icons and frescoes, legends about fearless knights and mysterious castles - silent witnesses of that era.

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Renaissance An era of intellectual and artistic flourishing that began in Italy in the 14th century, peaking in the 16th century and having a significant impact on European culture.



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