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Reasons for refusal to issue a loan. Why do banks refuse to obtain a loan? How to react to a loan refusal

Recently, there have been frequent situations where, after submitting an application, banks refuse to issue a loan. At the same time, credit institutions are not required to explain their decisions. As a result, those who really need money try to independently understand why banks refuse a loan. It is also important not only to understand the reasons for negative decisions, but also to try to change the situation in your favor.

TOP 10 reasons why a loan is denied

Is it possible to find out why the loan was refused? It is impossible to name the reason with 100% certainty. The situation should be studied for each specific person separately, analyzing his personal parameters. However, there are several main circumstances that can cause a bank to refuse a loan.

  1. Age. Despite the fact that some banks indicate in their terms and conditions that they issue loans to people over 18 years of age, they are in no hurry to do so. This is explained quite simply: young people often lack stability in life, they may not be serious enough. In addition, there is a high probability that men under a certain age may be called up for service. The easiest way for young people to get a loan is with property as collateral. For example, if they have sufficient income, they may be given a mortgage or car loan.
  2. Bad credit history. Everything is simple here: if a potential borrower previously took out loans and did not pay them on time, the bank will classify him as a client with a high risk of non-repayment. In this case, it will be difficult to get a decent amount of debt. You will have to use various methods to correct your credit file.
  3. Lack of credit history. People are often denied a loan for a large amount and with a complete lack of credit history. The bank cannot know in advance how responsibly the applicant will treat loan payments. For those who have never taken out loans before, it is better to start with small amounts.
  4. False documents and information. Today you can see advertisements with offers to prepare such at every step. The borrower will receive a certificate and employment certificate. You should not resort to such services under any circumstances. Credit institutions easily recognize the use of such schemes. At best, the bank will simply refuse; at worst, they may be prosecuted for forgery of documents.
  5. Insufficient income. Even those who, it would seem. Large income, before applying for a large amount, you should use a loan calculator. Of course, each bank has its own calculation method. But it is unlikely that the applicant will be approved for a loan. If the payment amount is more than half of the monthly income minus mandatory payments. It is also important to take into account the presence of dependents, other loans, and the category of housing (own or rented).
  6. A large number of existing loans. Many banks accept 3-4 as the maximum possible number of open loans. If there are more of them, most likely the borrower takes out loans aimlessly, without thinking. Such borrowers often complain that they were even denied refinancing.
  7. Working for an individual entrepreneur. Many banks consider small businesses to be unreliable. Consequently, applicants who work for individual entrepreneurs will be classified as borrowers with a high risk of losing monthly income.
  8. No landline phone. Many credit institutions require one to be present at home or at work. If they are not specified, a consumer loan may not be issued. To avoid refusal, it is important to take care of the numbers in advance. You should come to the bank with a list of phone numbers of friends and acquaintances (not cell phones), employer’s office, accounting department, and immediate supervisor.
  9. Having a criminal record. Often refusals of applications haunt those who have ever had a criminal record. This applies even to those who have already had it withdrawn. Very rarely, security officers do not pay attention to suspended convictions, as well as those resulting from domestic crimes.
  10. In different banks, the borrower leaves different information about his place of work and income. The fact is that employees checking applications often compare them with information that was provided to other banks. If it is different, most likely the data somewhere is unreliable. To protect themselves, they refuse a loan.

What to do if you are refused a loan by all banks

Many people want to know why they were denied a loan. As mentioned above, if you ask a credit institution about this, you will not be able to get an answer. However, there are two ways to do this.

The first option is independent work. First of all, you should request your credit history from various credit institutions. Next, analyze it carefully. There are situations when the loan has been closed for a long time, but this is not indicated in the dossier, or even worse - there have never been any delays, but they are in the credit history. If errors are identified, you can safely contact BKI. You will need to write an application and attach supporting documents to it - copies of bills, receipt orders, a certificate of debt repayment from the bank.

The second option is the help of professional credit brokers. They analyze the borrower in the same ways that banks do. Such organizations will not only tell you in detail why a loan is denied, but will also give advice on how to correct the situation.

Detailed tips on how to fix your credit history read in a separate article.

If the borrower is denied a loan, all is not lost. Experts give some tips on how to still get the coveted money.

  1. It is worth submitting applications to all available banks. The easiest way to do this is with the help of Internet sites. In this way you can increase the likelihood of approval.
  2. If you know for sure that banks are refusing you because of your bad credit history, it’s worth trying to correct it. This will take a lot of effort and time, but often it is simply necessary.
  3. If it is not clear why banks do not give loans, you can try to take out a loan secured by property. Such applications are approved much more readily.
  4. You should once again independently calculate the maximum loan payment. In this case, all mandatory payments and the cost of living (including for dependents) must be deducted from the salary. The amount received should not be less than the planned payment, and ideally – half of it. If this condition is not met, you should reduce the loan amount.
  5. As a last resort, if you need a small amount for a couple of weeks. You can contact microfinance organizations. They approve loans for everyone. But don't forget. That their interest rates are very high.

Despite the fact that most of the reasons for loan refusal are obvious, we would like to talk about them in detail once again. If only because the client does not always realize that this or that reason appears in his case, and banks always have their own vision of the situation. So, why don’t they give a loan?


The most important thing for the bank is to make sure that you can return the money. Everything else is secondary to him. An ideal credit history and a position in a well-known corporation will not save you if the salary is low.

Let’s say you receive 40 thousand rubles a month and want to take out a loan in the amount of 200 thousand for 2 years at 20% per annum. A monthly payment of 10 thousand rubles is only a quarter of the salary. But the bank takes into account all necessary expenses. He will take away from the remaining 30 thousand:

  • communal payments;
  • current loans (if any);
  • rent for an apartment (this is why the bank asks whether you live alone or with someone, whether you rent an apartment or own a home);
  • minimum subsistence level for each dependent (or alimony);
  • possible unforeseen expenses, etc.

The more money you have left after these deductions, the better your chances. Of course, it all depends on how much and for how long you want to receive. The larger the amount, the more carefully the solvency will be assessed. And, of course, different banks think differently. One will refuse a loan, and the other will give more than asked. Apply to several organizations at once.

If you take out a mortgage, then not only current income is analyzed, but also the expected level of well-being in the future. Even if you brought a 2-NDFL with a high salary, the bank will still take the average market level of salaries in your specialty in order to have an idea of ​​how your income will change when you change jobs.

It is recommended to make significant down payments when applying for a mortgage and car loan. It is believed that if you have savings, then you know how to manage income. In addition, since you are ready to invest a considerable amount, it means that your intentions are serious and you can be dealt with.

For the same reason, collaterals, guarantors and co-borrowers are welcome. Firstly, this is a guarantee that the bank will not suffer losses as a result of cooperation with you. Secondly, you risk your property and relationships with guarantors (co-borrowers), which means you are confident that you will repay the loan without problems.

It doesn’t matter if your official salary is low. The bank is calm about “gray” salaries, although such clients are offered a higher rate. Present two certificates - 2-NDFL and in the form of the bank.

If your boss refuses to sign a certificate on the bank form, then prove your solvency in other ways. Bring documents that indirectly confirm sufficient income - receipts and contracts for the purchase of expensive household appliances, a certificate of ownership of real estate, PTS, certificates of receipt of benefits, a passport with marks of travel abroad, etc.

Credit history

It is difficult to say whether this parameter is second in importance or is on the same level as solvency. But the fact that today absolutely all banks check the credit history of a potential borrower is a fact.

Your credit file contains information not only about overdue or unpaid debts, but also about current loans. That is, the bank may refuse you not only because you have had problems with payments in the past, but also due to the fact that you are already paying off one loan.

Last year, the Central Bank tightened the conditions for issuing loans, which is due to the high level of debt among the population and the increased percentage of non-repayments. Now, having at least one unpaid loan is a sufficient reason for refusal (even if you repay the debt on time and in full).

The most unpleasant thing is that you may not know that you have a bad credit history. A one-letter typo when entering data into the database, and you become the owner of someone else's credit history. Or the loan is yours, but you repaid it in full, and the bank did not notify the BKI (Credit History Bureau) about this.

How do you know if something like this happened? You can request your credit file once a year for free, and we recommend taking advantage of this opportunity. If you find extra lines in your dossier, then send an application to the appropriate BKI. The organization will send a request to the bank. The bank must check the information and, if an error is found, report it to the BKI, after which amendments will be made to your history. If the bank and BKI are inactive, feel free to go to court.

Different banks have different concepts of a corrected credit history. In general, it is believed that if you regularly repay new loans within two years, then delays on old ones do not matter. But one bank will agree with this, and the other will refuse, despite your efforts. As a rule, large banks refuse. They have no shortage of clients. If your credit reputation is not clear, try to cooperate with recently opened or little-known banks.

It's funny, but a credit history that is ideal from the borrower's point of view is not always ideal from the bank's point of view. For example, you regularly take out loans and successfully repay them much ahead of schedule. This, of course, confirms your responsibility and solvency, but does not make you a desirable borrower. If you repay early, the bank loses interest, and this arrangement is unprofitable for it.

Providing false information

Even unintentional deception of a bank is fraught with consequences. An example from life. One girl, let's call her Katya, decided to buy a fur coat on credit. She worked in a reputable company, received a good salary, had a higher education and 2 years of continuous work experience in her last place. And the fur coat was not very expensive.

The only problem was that Katya was registered with relatives and lived in a rented apartment. Deciding not to embarrass the bank, Katya said that the place of permanent registration and actual residence were the same. Indicated the home telephone number at the place of registration.

The girl was very surprised when she was not given a loan, because at first glance the bank had no grounds for refusal.

Here is how it was. Bank employees called the indicated telephone number to the apartment in which Katya was registered and asked if the girl really lived there. Her middle-aged aunt answered the phone. Without understanding the situation, the compassionate woman was afraid that her niece was in bad trouble, and lied, saying that so-and-so did not live here, and nothing was known about her whereabouts. What is called good intentions...

Katya was an ideal borrower, but because of such a misunderstanding, bank employees believed that she had provided false information about herself. And it’s good if the girl was simply refused. If she is blacklisted (unofficial exchange of information between banks), then it will be difficult for her to receive loans in the future.

  1. If you indicate contacts of acquaintances, friends, colleagues, relatives, then be sure to warn them about this. And give them clear instructions on what to say if the bank calls.
  2. Before signing a loan application, carefully check the accuracy of the information provided in the application form.
  3. Do not lie. Bank employees are people too. They know that the lion's share of the country's population does not live at their place of registration and receives their salary in an envelope. A bank is not a tax office or any kind of inspection at all. He will not “give you away”, otherwise he will lose clients. Nothing bad will happen if you tell the truth.

Another thing is that it is advisable to remain silent about some things. For example, if you are planning to change your place of permanent residence, go on maternity leave, use property purchased with a loan for commercial purposes, are sick with an incurable (or mental) illness, or are into extreme sports, then this guarantees a refusal with a 99.9% probability. Just don’t report it, and then it turns out that you didn’t lie, but simply didn’t tell (and no one asked).

Problems with law

Alas, a criminal record, even expunged, in most cases means an automatic refusal. Banks claim that if a criminal record has been expunged and is not related to economic crimes, then it is not a reason for refusal. In practice, such borrowers are usually not given a loan. Although, this is not a verdict, and there are exceptions.

Another popular reason for banks to refuse a loan is the identification of a potential borrower’s debt for utilities or taxes. Debt on utility or tax payments is 100% rejected if the bank decides to check it. As well as the initiation of administrative or criminal proceedings against you. The bank has many unofficial channels of information through which it receives data that it is not supposed to know. But you won’t prove anything, and the bank is not required by law to voice the true reason for the refusal.

Wrong goal

Targeted loans are intended to limit the list of purposes for which loan funds will be spent. This is fundamental for the bank, so think carefully about the correct presentation of your plans for the future.

In particular, banks do not want customers to use personal loans for business purposes. After all, they develop special products for organizations and entrepreneurs, as well as loans for business development.

Therefore, if you are not yet a legal entity, but are going to open your own small business, and you need a small start (for example, money to buy a gazelle for cargo transportation), then the bank will refuse, since this is a high risk for it. There are two ways out:

  • write an ideal business plan that leaves no doubt about the profitability of your business, register the business and only then go for a loan;
  • immediately go for a loan, but negotiate correctly - answer honestly what you want to buy, but don’t say why you need it.

In general, it is advisable that you spend the loan you receive on something useful. For example, you want to buy a gift for relatives - a large plasma TV. Do not write the word “gift” in the “purpose of the loan” column. Write that you are investing in the purchase of expensive home appliances.

Economic situation in the country

In times of crisis and stagnation, refusal to issue a loan is a common occurrence. The reason is the instability of the financial situation of both the potential borrower and the bank itself (it simply does not have “extra” money to give it to you).

In addition, as we mentioned above, in 2013 the Central Bank ordered banks to tighten requirements for borrowers. People take out more and more loans, but are unable to pay them off. Those citizens who have the lowest incomes are the most heavily indebted (and this is understandable).

As the famous American actor and radio host Bob Hope said, “a bank is a place where they will loan you money if you prove that you don’t need it.” Now this statement is more relevant than ever.

Non-compliance with formal requirements

The conditions for issuing a particular loan imply certain requirements for the borrower. Non-compliance results in automatic refusal. Moreover, such parameters are a kind of “constant values”, and it is extremely difficult to “cheat” here. We are talking about citizenship, registration, age, work experience, availability of a landline telephone, etc.

Some information can be corrected. For example, saying that you have a part-time job will increase your income. Or even a bank employee, entering your data into the program, will add a month of experience if a certificate from your place of work is not required to receive a loan.

But you won't do anything about age, citizenship or registration. Age is less critical, although banks prefer borrowers 25-40 years old.

Requirements for registration at the place of residence (stay) vary - in one bank you need to register in the region where the credit institution operates, in another it is enough to have permanent registration in any region of the Russian Federation. Citizenship is a mandatory requirement in the vast majority of cases.

Theoretically, such requirements can be circumvented if you can convince bank employees during a personal meeting that you can be trusted. But only if you really are a reliable, solvent client and can prove it.

Non-compliance with informal requirements

We are talking about those requirements that exist, but are not stated. Probably everyone already knows what scoring is. This is such a harmful computer program that analyzes your data and assigns a certain value to each parameter (age, salary, availability of loans, etc.).

The amount of points determines the bank's decision whether to give you a loan or not.

The catch is that the scoring contains many conditions that the bank will never tell anyone about. If only because some of them are openly discriminatory. For example, how do you like these settings:

  • women are more disciplined borrowers than men;
  • a pregnant woman is the least reliable category in terms of solvency;
  • a borrower who rents an apartment is more responsible and enterprising than one who lives in his own home, etc.

If everything is in order with your solvency, work experience and credit history, but they don’t give you a loan, it’s easier to immediately go to another bank than to rack your brains over the reasons.

Let us immediately make a reservation that these conditions differ in different banks. What one organization welcomes, another rejects. Likewise, the fact that you have been approved for a loan for a phone does not mean that you will easily get a mortgage from this bank.

Finally, here's an example. You have successfully passed the scoring, but this loan is subject to additional security checks. And it so happened that the employee was in a bad mood when he called you at home. It seemed to him that your relatives did not speak to him politely enough. Refusal.

Wrong profession

This is also one of the unspoken rules. For example, it is difficult for people to get a loan:

  • those working in an area characterized by low incomes (for example, social);
  • engaged in hazardous activities (firefighters, bodyguards);
  • those whose earnings depend on the season or the number of transactions;
  • drivers (a borrower-driver can easily lose his job if he is deprived of his driver’s license), etc.

Unreliable employer

Or rather, an employer who is unreliable in the opinion of this bank. Typically, the employer is checked only if the client wants to get a large loan. Bank employees analyze how well the company holds on the market. If possible, they “break through” her financial condition.

Individual entrepreneurs are also falling out of favor. It is believed that an individual entrepreneur has a higher risk of going bankrupt than any LLC or JSC.

If you yourself are an individual entrepreneur, then there is even less trust in you. Not only are you less financially stable, but you also write income certificates for yourself. Although banks claim that this stereotype is a thing of the past, today entrepreneurs can easily issue loans. It’s not that they’re lying, but it still can’t be called the truth. The stereotype is strong.

As you can see, the reasons for refusal can be different - from logically justified to downright strange. If you are refused, try to analyze yourself as a borrower in terms of the reasons given in the article. Did you find any flaws? Then just contact another bank. Good luck!

Be sure to read the following material.

Currently, the question of why banks refuse loans is a pressing issue for many. It would seem that what is difficult about getting borrowed money from the above institutions, which actively advertise lending programs and assure citizens that they will easily lend funds, and the registration procedure will take only 20 minutes? However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. In practice, a situation often occurs when an employee of a financial institution says to a potential borrower: “I’m sorry, but we cannot lend you money.” Here the question of why banks refuse loans suggests itself.

How to react to a loan refusal

If you hear the above phrase addressed to you, do not get upset or panic under any circumstances.

The situation when a person is denied a loan without the reasons being given to him is quite common. Please note that the bank employee is not at all obliged to explain to you on what grounds the decision was made to refuse the loan. To minimize such risks in the future, ask him to tell you why you were not suitable as a borrower. It is likely that an employee of the financial structure will contact you and explain the complexity of the situation.

However, it should be noted that there are many reasons why banks refuse a loan. Let's look at the most common of them.

Reasons for refusal

Let us emphasize once again that it is quite difficult to foresee in advance on what grounds they may not lend you money. It’s good if a person knows at least the basics of banking. Then he can at least partially predict the situation and develop appropriate tactics of behavior. But it is often difficult for the average person to understand why banks refuse a loan, and he most likely cannot do without the help of specialists. In any case, the information below will be of interest to him.

Perhaps someone thinks that there are banks that do not refuse loans? Alas, there are none, but there are financial structures that are more loyal to borrowers than others.

Insufficient income

Any credit institution is primarily interested in how a person intends to repay the principal debt and pay interest on it. To determine the approximate amount of borrowed funds that a client can expect, he must divide his monthly income by two. This is the loan amount that the bank will consider. If in your case it is equal to 15,000 rubles, then you are unlikely to receive an amount of 30,000 rubles. It is for this reason that Sberbank refused loans to many of its clients. And this institution is no exception.

Remember the minimum requirements

Each financial and credit structure has its own set of requirements for potential borrowers. In this case, there are several general conditions that must be observed.

Official employment

For a banking institution, it is very important that the person who receives the loan has a stable source of income, that is, works under an employment contract.

Moreover, the length of service at the last place of work should not be less than 3-4 months. Of course, there are credit organizations that do not need any income certificates, but it is better to protect yourself in this matter in advance.


Many financial structures take into account the age criterion when considering the issue of issuing borrowed funds. For example, the Bank of Moscow refused a loan to those under 21 years of age. Moreover, it is important to remember about age limits. As a rule, borrowers over 70 years of age cannot count on receiving a loan.

Permanent registration

Most financial and credit institutions issue loans only to those clients who have permanent registration. This should also be remembered by those who intend to borrow money. For example, Leto Bank denies loans to borrowers with temporary registration.

Criminal record

If a person has had problems with the law in the past and has suffered a well-deserved punishment for this, then his chances of getting a loan from a financial institution are very slim.

However, if the illegal actions were not serious, some banks may give the go-ahead for receiving a loan, but in any case, the criminal record must be expunged.

The potential of loan programs has been exhausted

Situations often arise when a bank refuses a loan to the most reliable borrower. Why is this happening? The fact is that there come times when a financial structure has exhausted the limit that it was allotted for lending. In most cases, this problem concerns small banking institutions, whose management simply does not want to admit that their financial resources leave much to be desired.

Professions and nationalities

Many credit institutions are afraid to sign agreements with clients of certain professions. As a rule, this list includes firefighters, police officers, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Representatives of these professions are at risk of losing their health or life every day. Naturally, in this case, the guarantees of timely repayment of the loan are minimal.

Also, banks do not want to issue cash loans to people from Central Asia. Tajiks and Uzbeks often do odd jobs and do not have permanent registration.

Bad credit history

If a person has already taken out loans in the past and did not repay them on time, then this is also a strong argument for the bank not to lend money. Moreover, he is not at all interested in whether the person was late with payments for good reasons or not.

At the same time, some financial institutions are ready to “turn a blind eye” to the above problem and issue borrowed funds to the client. However, their list is limited. In any case, the issue of delay is resolved depending on the time frame, so the chances of getting a loan are greater where there are fewer late payments.

It is noteworthy that the client may be completely unaware of his own credit history, especially if it is unfavorable. The situation looks ridiculous when a person decides to take out a loan for the first time and at the same time he finds out that he previously had late payments. Of course, swindlers had a hand in this and fraudulently took possession of the passport of such a borrower.

However, the human factor in the above situation cannot be excluded either. None of the bank employees are immune from accidentally confusing the information of one person with another and entering it into someone else’s credit history. Thus, we can draw a disappointing conclusion that the absence of credit obligations in the past is by no means a guarantee of an impeccable credit history.

Once again about income

It should be noted that indicating a high income may also serve as a reason for refusing to issue borrowed funds. How can this be explained? The point is that the bank may question the fact that the borrower received a “high” salary if, for example, he indicated in the “Profession” column that he is a programmer. If the level of wages nevertheless corresponds to the declared one, then the financial and credit organization may have suspicions that the employing company is stable, since it allows it to pay its employees such money.

Also causing mistrust is the situation when, with a relatively high salary, the borrower wants to borrow a small amount. Such a client, as a rule, is not of interest to the bank, since the loan can be repaid in just a couple of months, and therefore you will not get much profit from it.

Potential borrowers may be advised to indicate in their loan application the maximum repayment period for monetary obligations, since bank income depends on interest.

Contact Information

When applying for a cash loan, some banking institutions require that the borrower have a landline telephone. Thus, Alfa Bank refused a loan to its clients on the above grounds. However, even if you provide a “working” number, there is a high probability that you will leave the credit institution with nothing. Please try to fill out all applications and questionnaires legibly. Photocopies of documents must be of the highest quality, and the specified telephone numbers must always be accessible.

Please note that the above list of reasons for refusal to issue a loan is far from complete, so for a deeper study of the issue you will need the help of a professional.

Many people have at least once in their lives encountered a situation where going to a bank ended in complete fiasco. The most unpleasant thing about this moment is that not a single bank employee most likely answered the question that worries anxious borrowers - why did the bank refuse the loan? We suggest considering possible reasons for negative decisions.

How the decision is made

There are two ways to consider a potential borrower's information when he or she applies for a loan. First - checking information with a scoring system, second - analysis of the questionnaire by credit analysts.

The scoring is based on a point system, where each parameter from the application questionnaire has a score assigned to it. For example, married persons are more trusted by the bank than unmarried citizens. So, in the first case, the borrower may be assigned a certain score, and in the second, its value will be zero. As a result of the assessment, the client gains a certain number of points, on the basis of which the issuance of funds is refused or the selected loan terms are approved.

The reasons for loan refusal are trivial - lack of points. It is easiest to get a “scoring” loan for married women over 25 years old, with one child living in their own apartment, with a current work experience of more than a year and a high level of income (so that future loan payments are no more than 25% of its amount).

If the automatic analysis did not result in a refusal, but it was not proposed to proceed to the stage of drawing up an agreement, the bank connects an analytical center to make a decision on the loan. Bank employees can call the borrower, his relatives or at work to collect additional information or check the available data recorded from the client's words. With such a check, the likelihood of refusals decreases, so a person can, with his answers, have a positive influence on the analysts’ decision.

Only borrowers with a positive credit history are allowed to perform a more in-depth analysis of the data, since a negative history often results in an automatic refusal. Despite the fact that the second stage of verification is carried out by people, it is almost impossible to obtain from them the reason for the refusal. Therefore, the answer to the question: “how do you find out why banks refuse a loan with a good credit history?” - guess. The fact is that not a single qualified bank employee will give out information about the decision-making procedure of credit analysts, because:

  • communicating internal procedures to the public is a disclosure of trade secrets;
  • If the reasons for refusals become known, the number of fraudsters who will be able to adapt to banking requests from clients will increase.

Main reasons for loan refusals

Before applying for a loan, you should analyze the likely reasons for refusals. Those aspects that can be corrected in your life need to be adjusted in order to increase the likelihood of receiving borrowed funds.

Bad credit history

This is one of the reasons why all banks refuse loans. As mentioned earlier, with a negative credit history, the refusal comes at the stage of scoring analysis. In such cases, even preliminary decisions, most often based on one passport data, end in refusal. How to fix the situation:

  1. Pay off all overdue debt and wait 1 month to update data in the Credit History Bureau.
  2. Apply for a small loan from a microfinance organization and repay it on time. This will help raise the credit rating that banks rely on when making decisions.
  3. Arrange for debt restructuring on existing loans.

Client income

Sometimes refusals also occur when obligations have been fulfilled in good faith in the past. Why are people with good credit history not approved for a loan? There are many options here: income discrepancy, lack of necessary documents, large number of available loans, etc. Let's focus on the first reason.

Low solvency has a negative impact on the bank's decision. According to unspoken norms, the monthly loan payment should be no more than 35-40% of the amount of monthly earnings. If the borrower lives in rented premises, has other loans, alimony obligations and other monthly expenses, then the permissible share is reduced to 15-20%.

Of course, many banks understand that wages displayed on paper are often underestimated, but the decision is made only on the basis of confirmed data. If the borrower has alternative sources of income - rent, income from deposits, etc., he can provide statements with movements of funds in payment accounts.

Failure to meet minimum requirements

These conditions for receiving money include: age restrictions, requirements for length of service and amount of income, lack of own movable/immovable property(for provision as collateral), etc. That is, these are the requirements that the bank puts forward for clients to receive each loan product.

This reason may include difficulties in providing the necessary documents. For example, a borrower cannot take a certificate in form 2-NDFL at work, but at the same time refuses to fill out a document in the bank’s form. This situation may be the reason why no bank gives a loan, especially when it comes to a large amount or a targeted loan (car loans, mortgages).

Being on blacklists

Banks have internal and bank-wide blacklists. For example, a client who regularly makes payments with a delay of several days cannot be considered a willful defaulter, but raises concerns among the lender regarding the return of money. On the other hand, a problem client with frequent protracted arrears ends up on a blacklist of unscrupulous borrowers, which banks share with each other in order to timely prevent such situations.

State bases can also be included in blacklists. So, if the client has a criminal record, he will be denied a loan. A similar decision from the bank awaits the borrower if he does not pay taxes or has a court decision to collect alimony.

Hidden reasons for failures

While the above reasons for negative decisions are generally known, the following possible reasons are guesses supported by practical experience. Let's talk about them in more detail.

No credit history

When a person applies for a loan for the first time, it is difficult to draw the right conclusion without having the basis for analyzing his creditworthiness. In this case, banks can either refuse completely or significantly reduce the requested amount.

Human factor

Untidy look potential client may negatively affect the attitude of a bank employee towards him. Pay attention to the details: hair, nails, accessories - everything should look neat and well-groomed. Low social status can also influence banking decisions. Lack of higher education, low paid position and other parameters sometimes become reasons for failure.

A large number of dependents reduces the likelihood of a positive answer, since expenses for children and non-working spouses essentially reduce the feasible amount of the monthly loan payment.

It is difficult to meet a person who has never used a loan. Banks actively offer financial products to all citizens. However, as practice shows, recently it was much easier to get the necessary loan. Let's look at why banks refuse loans to potential clients, because this is their main source of profit.

As we noted earlier, getting a loan today is not so easy. We are talking about all products: consumer, mortgage or car loan. The thing is that the insurance industry changes every year. The state is introducing new laws and amendments. It is as a result of recent changes that the lending procedure does not become so simple for all citizens. When making an answer, banks carefully study the client and only after that make a decision.

It is also worth noting that each company has such an indicator as a limit on issuance. This is the amount that a financial company can give to a client, at interest, to make a profit. Of course, if the amount is limited, then the decision is made extremely responsibly. Companies do not need clients who will further violate payment terms or completely stop making payments under the agreement.

How banks make decisions

When considering a loan application, there are two ways to make a decision. For your convenience, we will consider each.

Scoring program As practice shows, this system is used exclusively when issuing a consumer loan or card, the amount of which does not exceed 50,000 rubles. In this case, the decision on the application is made not by the credit manager, but by the regular program. The principle of its operation is simple, since it assigns a point to each section of the application. To receive a financial product, the borrower must score a so-called passing score. After analyzing all the information, points are calculated. If the pass is received, the client instantly receives a decision and can begin the procedure of signing and receiving money.
Bank specialist If we are talking about large contracts, there is no question of a scoring check. All data will be carefully checked by an authorized credit officer. If necessary, a security specialist can join the verification procedure if a large amount is involved, for example, a mortgage agreement for several million is being drawn up. With this check:
  • requesting employment information from work
  • calls are made to loved ones and to the employer
  • debts are checked, including legal ones
  • credit history requested
  • additional information is specified from the borrower

What is a scoring score?

When automatically considering a loan application, a concept called a scoring point is used. This is an assessment of your creditworthiness based on the personal information you provide on your application. The total number indicates the goodness or unreliability of the potential client.

Approximate points:

According to the age
  • up to 35 years old - 7 points
  • 35-45 years old will receive from 29 points
  • over 45 can count from 45 points
Family status If you are single, you can count on a maximum of 9 points. The same cannot be said about those who are officially married. They have every chance of getting from 29.
Children If you have children, points may not even be awarded. If there are no children in the family, the borrower can count from 20 points.
Finance The higher the position, the more bonuses are awarded. The same principle is used to take into account the amount of wages, total length of service, and the amount of monthly expenses, including utility bills and loans.

As for the total number of points:

  • up to 510 this is very little and you shouldn’t count on a financial product at all
  • 511-580 is not enough, but they can approve a minimum limit, no more than 5,000-10,000 rubles
  • 581-660 is the golden mean, which has a chance of getting a loan
  • 661-830 is a very good indicator at which you can qualify for the requested amount
  • more than 831 are super points, at which you can not only count on a maximum limit, but also a favorable interest rate under the agreement

15 main reasons

As for the reasons for refusal, there are 15 of them. At the same time, financial companies, after issuing a refusal, do not voice why they do not want to cooperate with the client. Here are some of the most common reasons for refusal. Having studied the listed ones, you can correct them and apply for the required amount.

Bad credit history

The most common reason for refusal to provide a product is the borrower’s damaged credit history. It is no secret that in recent years financial companies have been required to provide information on all their client’s loans to a special bureau. Thanks to this, when considering a loan application, the bank can find out how many existing loans the client has, how often the terms of the agreement were violated, and which ones were collected in court.

It turns out that if you have constantly made late payments or have existing loans, then getting a new one will be extremely difficult or almost impossible. Financial companies do not want to cooperate with insolvent citizens who constantly violate the terms of the loan agreement and refuse to make payments according to the schedule.

No credit history

Oddly enough, lack of credit history can also be a reason for refusal. Financial companies cannot obtain information about their borrowers and thereby assess their decency and solvency. If you have not previously used a bank’s financial products, then you will not be able to get a loan for a large amount without a financial history. The maximum you can count on is a small consumer loan, if all other conditions are good.

Minimum Requirements

Each bank has minimum requirements for clients that must be met in order to receive a financial product. As a rule, lenders set restrictions based on age and work experience. A number of companies are ready to cooperate only with officially employed borrowers who can confirm their employment with a copy of their work record book and a certificate of salary. If you do not meet the conditions of the financial company, then during the preliminary consideration of the application a negative decision will be made.

Criminal record

Not a single bank today is ready to cooperate with citizens who have a criminal record behind them. This is explained by the fact that this category of citizens may again violate the law and thereby not pay the debt under the contract.

It is no secret that the main goal of every financial company is to obtain maximum income from providing products. As for loans, the bank’s main income is interest and additional fees under the agreement. That is why the lender must be confident that the borrower will be able to pay the monthly payment on time.

According to uniform standards, it is calculated that no more than 30% of total earnings should be spent on debt repayment. If this percentage is less than the monthly payment, then receiving the product is out of the question. As a last resort, the lender may offer a minimum amount that matches your salary. If you decide to take out a mortgage, then, of course, this will not suit you.

High income

Agree, it is extremely suspicious if a borrower applies to the office of a financial company for a consumer loan in the amount of up to 50,000 rubles, while having an income of more than 100,000 rubles per month. Representatives of financial companies are also extremely suspicious of this category of citizens who purchase equipment in stores costing no more than 10,000 rubles, when their salary is 10-15 times higher. When providing commodity lending, a specialist may decide that the borrower is providing false information, which is absolutely not worth doing.

Availability of several loans

Modern citizens are accustomed to living on credit. Even if a citizen does not have a consumer loan or mortgage, there is at least one card with a credit limit. Unfortunately, due to the availability of credit in the past, many citizens literally fell into a debt trap. This means that they have 2 credits or more.

Of course, this is a big financial burden for the client. This is why lenders do not want to cooperate with this category of clients, because they understand that the borrower’s income may change, and then problems will arise with repaying the debt. When applying for a mortgage, a bank employee will offer to repay all cards and loans and only then apply to reconsider the application.

Many early repaid loans

It would seem that he is the best client who takes out loans and immediately returns them. However, this is in the opinion of the borrower, since the bank has its own opinion on this.

Why the bank does not like early repaid loans:

Dangerous profession

If you work as a firefighter or rescue worker, the financial company may refuse to cooperate. The reason for the refusal is obvious - since such workers are exposed to danger every day. If an insured event occurs, they may lose their source of income and, as a result, stop making payments under the contract. However, lenders are loyal to clients who are willing to take out insurance.

Insufficient work experience

As a rule, financial companies are ready to issue loans only to citizens who work officially. In this case, work experience, both general and at the current place of work, is taken into account. As for the total work experience, it must be at least 1 year. The borrower must have worked in his last job for at least 6 months. If the length of service is less, then receiving the required amount is out of the question.

Black list

Recently, financial companies have been creating “black lists” of borrowers. A client is entered there who:

  • constantly violates payment terms for several months
  • ignores calls from bank employees
  • provided false information when obtaining a loan
  • caught in fraud
  • carried out bankruptcy proceedings
  • violated the terms of the agreement, as a result of which the debt had to be collected in court

If a client is blacklisted, then it will not be possible to receive the required product. This category of clients is not of interest to financial institutions, since it is unlikely that they will be able to achieve the planned profit.


Speaking about age, it is worth considering that most banks are ready to cooperate with borrowers who are over 21 years old. If the borrower is 18 years old, then financial institutions are sure that he does not have a stable income and will not be able to make payments on time. According to creditors, it is from the age of 21 that citizens begin to work and take a more responsible approach to their obligations.

Suspicion of evading military service

For men, the reason to be refused is the lack of a military ID. As a rule, it is requested when drawing up a mortgage agreement. It is also extremely difficult to get a small loan or a credit card without one before the age of 27. Banks are confident that such a client can be recruited into military service at any time and then there will be no one to repay the loan.

Although insurance is a voluntary product, lenders may refuse to issue loans if you refuse to purchase it. You should know that bank insurance:

  • additional guarantee of debt repayment, since it will be repaid by the insurer if the client is declared disabled as a result of the occurrence of an insured event
  • profit in the form of agency fees (15-30% of the contract amount is received by the bank)

It turns out that it is more profitable for financial organizations to receive maximum profits than to issue small loans and take risks.

False information

When filling out the application, all information must be provided accurately. Even if you make a mistake, the authorized person who verifies the information may consider it to be fraud or deception. In practice, in most cases, borrowers increase their salary in the hope of receiving the required amount.

Why did they give a loan before, but now they refuse?

Very often, borrowers wonder why they previously applied to the office of a financial company and received a consumer loan or card, but now they hear a refusal. In fact, there are several reasons.

The bank may refuse for a number of reasons:

  • the client violated the terms of payment on a previously issued loan, and often bank employees had to call and demand payment
  • you have lost your job and are not employed at the time of submitting your application
  • unpleasant appearance

It is also worth considering that a financial company may simply stop issuing loans to ordinary customers, according to internal policy. In this case, only corporate or VIP clients can count on lending.

Procedure in case of refusal

If it happens that all financial companies refuse, then there is no point in continuing to fill out applications. Experienced credit specialists in such a situation recommend that you first take into account a few simple tips with which you can correct the situation and hear the coveted “approved”.

To avoid being denied a loan:

  • Correct the client's credit file. The first thing banks pay attention to is the client’s credit file. That's why it's worth starting with. If you have had numerous arrears, you should get a new loan and repay it on time. Then take a new one and return it again. If you have a lot of outstanding obligations, then you should pay them off. Without this, it is unlikely that you will be able to borrow funds.
  • Provide a guarantor or collateral. Banks are extremely loyal to clients who are ready to attract a guarantor or provide expensive collateral. The collateral can be an apartment or a car, no more than 10 years have passed since its release.
  • Present all documents. You should not apply for a loan only if you have a passport and a second document. Be prepared to prepare a copy of your work record book, salary certificate, foreign passport, property documents (if any) and other documents confirming the receipt of additional income.
  • There is no need to provide false information. In this case, we are talking not just about oral information (answers to questions), but about documents. All information is carefully checked by authorized specialists of the financial company. If the fraud is revealed, you may not only be blacklisted, but also held accountable.
  • Study the ratings of banks with a high percentage of approval. You should not immediately send applications to credit companies. The first step is to carefully study the rating of lenders who are ready to issue the required product with a high percentage of approval. As practice shows, it is better to contact small banks that have just appeared on the market and are building a customer base.

If you take into account the tips listed above, you will be able to borrow the necessary amount.

Reasons for approval

Finally, let’s look at which category of citizens has every chance of getting the coveted loan. You can get approval if:

  • age from 25 to 50 years
  • are officially married, no children or one
  • positive credit history
  • have citizenship and permanent residence in the city of application for more than 5 years
  • have a good job, position and work experience
  • salary is at a good level and documented
  • there is valuable property in the property, which acts as an additional guarantee of loan repayment
  • a solvent guarantor is involved under the contract
  • agree to take out a life and health insurance policy

In conclusion, it is worth pointing out that financial companies today are extremely responsible in choosing their clients. They consider numerous factors before disbursing funds. In the difficult financial situation that has now developed in the market, it is easier to refuse than to later seek a refund through the court and wait for years for payment under the contract.

If you decide to get a loan, then choose a financial institution responsibly, provide as many documents as possible and responsibly approach the repayment procedure. Remember that by violating the terms, you deprive yourself of further advantageous offers from credit institutions.



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