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Awaken your child's desire to learn! What's wrong with school grades?

Not only Russian teacher Dima Zitser is calling for this; American psychologist Alfie Kohn also believes that grades at school interfere with learning: they undermine interest in learning and instill fear of failure. Why do you, as a parent, need your child’s school grades?

What's so bad about grades? To answer this question, it is necessary to first recognize that it is for a person to think about how well does he cope, is not at all the same as thinking about What he does.

Imagine, for example, two parents whose children mentioned that they wrote an essay at school today. One will ask the child how he wrote it and what the teacher said about his essay. Another will ask what the essay was about and how he wrote it: why he chose this topic, whether his attitude towards the subject changed during the writing process, how he decided what to write about in the first paragraph.

Or imagine: a schoolgirl comes home and happily announces that she had a great day today because she got an A and her friend only got a B. It is clear that this girl's priorities are very different from those of the other schoolgirl who, upon returning home, enthusiastically tells her parents that today was a great day because she finally figured out how to do long division, and they also had a very interesting lesson about India, or because today they were solving a terribly difficult problem as a class.

For the first girl, studying is a means (with the help of which she can get grades, prove that she is better than others, or simply demonstrate her success). For the second, knowledge and skills are completely self-sufficient goals.

Imagine a school where children are constantly told about the importance of Achievement, Results, Grades, Success. A child who has learned such a lesson will hardly be able to, forgetting about everything in the world, write poetry, try to assemble a real telescope, or look for an answer to the question of why there are always wars in the Balkans. Rather, he is so concerned with his grades that he will be completely indifferent to the very content of the classes for which they are graded.

Let's figure out what exactly is wrong with instilling in schoolchildren that what is more important is how well they study, not that what are they studying. More and more new studies convincingly prove that such prioritization:

  1. undermines children's interest in learning;
  2. instills fear of failure;
  3. provokes avoidance of difficulties;
  4. makes you study worse.

Children lose interest in learning

When children are constantly told to monitor their own progress, the first thing that is likely to suffer is their attitude towards learning. They begin to regard the tasks themselves: stories in literature, experiments in physics, problems in mathematics, as something for which they need to get grades, and not as something that they should be interested in understanding.

If it is important to us that our children continue to learn throughout their lives, the fact that incentivizing school performance may permanently discourage a child from the idea of ​​learning should cause us legitimate concern.

No one is always right and no one can learn effectively without making mistakes and running into obstacles. Therefore, it is extremely important to cultivate a healthy attitude and psychological resilience to failure in children. As a rule, all this is typical for those students for whom the main thing is knowledge: when they make a mistake, they figure out what the mistake was and how to correct it. They tend to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

The same cannot be said for children who are primarily concerned with how well they are doing. As long as they are successful in their studies, everything seems fine at first glance, but once they encounter difficulties, such children may begin to think that they are good for nothing and act as if they cannot do anything about it.

Think about those schoolchildren who begin to cry as soon as they get an A minus instead of the usual A. Comforting a child that “A minus is still a very good grade” or that he “will probably write better next time” means not only not understanding the essence of the problem, but also aggravating it, again reinforcing in him the idea that only success matters.

If a student's goal is to achieve success, rather than to expand his own thinking or discover something new, it will be completely logical for him to take on only the easiest tasks. After all, in the end, this way he will have the greatest chance of success, or at least the least chance of failure.

Those who are taught to think about their own performance are not inclined to take on an unfamiliar task and test what they are capable of. Research shows that with enough emphasis on results, even the most confident students begin to consciously choose easier tasks.

Children are not lazy, but rather act rationally: they adapt to conditions where results are important, not new knowledge. They seem to be telling us: “Hey, you yourself told me that the point of school is to study for straight A’s and bring home papers about how great I am. Well, I’m not stupid: the simpler the task, the sooner you’ll get, whatever they wanted. So don’t blame me for choosing the easiest tasks and, in the end, not learning anything.”

The height of irony is that parents, teachers and school reformers loudly complain that modern children always follow the path of least resistance, and at the same time they themselves emphasize how important academic performance and grades are, which predictably leads to exactly the same thing result.

The quality of teaching suffers

Some children study in order to gain certain skills, learn something new about the world, and understand what they are doing. When they open a book, they think about what they will learn from it, not about how well or how quickly they read it.

The paradox is that those students who stop thinking about success adapt to school faster and will study well. They process information more deeply, return to points they didn’t understand the first time, draw parallels between what they are doing now and what they have learned before, and think more creatively about the ideas they encounter.

One of the characteristics of true knowledge is the ability to transfer competence, that is, the ability to take something you have learned and apply it to new conditions and new tasks. In 1985, two researchers conducted an experiment with a group of eighth-graders who were about to begin a new science unit.

The scientists gave them a questionnaire designed to determine whether children were more interested in understanding the material or passing it with an A. A week later, when the children passed new material, they were tested for competence transfer. Those who focused on “A” grades simply did not measure up to their classmates who were more knowledge-oriented according to this criterion.

It is possible that by focusing on academic performance, you can achieve better grades, at least at first. It is possible that a student who reads, practices, or memorizes exactly what can be found on the test, and thus receives only a superficial understanding of the material, will from time to time be able to score more points on this very test. But does this prove that an achievement mindset “works”? Or does it, on the contrary, demonstrate how little grades and test scores actually tell us, and only highlight how wrong those who universally teach our children to place too much emphasis on great importance academic performance?

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Very useful article. Very often I hear from my son that he is afraid to answer at the board. What to do?

09/08/2018 11:19:08, suroedova

Comment on the article "What's wrong with school grades"

What's wrong with school grades? What's so bad about grades? To answer this question, we must first recognize that for a person to think about how well he is doing is not the same thing as...


Why is it weak, we need to think about it. I told my friends the same thing - other people’s assessments don’t concern you. think about your knowledge, it will be more pleasant and useful.

Ask, how would your child react if someone closely monitored his progress and made his own, possibly erroneous, conclusions? Or is that “thieves” child raised and taught at home without a break, hence the success?
The bad thing is not that someone’s grades are inflated, but that the children seem to be up in arms against one, and this is a sign of unhealthy relationships in the class.

Forget about grades? Study, school. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with teenage children: transitional The eldest studied at a school where creating difficulties was the school's policy. At the same time, no courses were offered, who doesn’t like permanent...


The mathematics teacher admitted to our humanities class that they are 2 weeks behind the program, they are having a hard time mastering the material, the program is designed for 1 lesson 1 topic, the next lesson is a different topic, ours need more lessons to master the topic. In general, this is wrong; in my opinion, little time is allocated for mastering the material.
The teacher, according to the child, is very good, she explains everything and explains everything very clearly.

Today I received a newsletter from Kl.ruk: " Dear parents! On October 24 at 19.00 there will be Parent meeting. I ask all parents to seriously consider attending the meeting. Main question- your children’s progress over time. A month and a half has passed and only two students do not have current “2” grades. Let's solve the problem together."
Well, I’ll listen, although I can imagine in advance what they will say.

Grades in school are, in principle, a very subjective thing. But three mistakes are worrying, and very much so. I don’t see anything wrong with a child approaching the teacher and asking these questions. The meaning of school assessment is as a kind of feedback from teacher to student...


There are certain standards for grading different types works At our school, every teacher has these standards at hand, and a student or parent can come up with their work and find out the situation, since the types of errors are different. In addition, the administration also checks notebooks periodically. Therefore, it is very difficult to overestimate or underestimate marks for written work. In any case, in junior classes That's how it is with us. But with the 8th grade there is definitely something wrong with you there, if it was the same test, and the girl is telling the truth. IN different tests The assessment may vary depending on the number of questions and their types; here they look at the percentage of tasks completed correctly. The grade may be reduced for corrections; if there are many of them, it means the student does not know the subject well enough. You need to go to school and talk to these teachers, let them tell you the requirements for assessing work. There are also those, unfortunately, who give ratings at random.

03/24/2018 04:18:50, Natalia B.

I would advise the child to approach the teacher and ask about the grade. An adequate teacher always comments on grades; she herself is a Russian language teacher. And parents should study the Regulations on the quality assessment system (should be posted on the website, if not, ask the administration), it should clearly define the criteria for assessing all types of work in subjects and intermediate certification (issuing quarter grades). Before you complain about injustice, figure it out, because for 3 errors, the grades can be really different: there are gross and non-gross errors, the same type, speech, grammatical, etc. The grade may be tied to the number of words (for example, in an essay). Agree, there is a difference: making 3 mistakes in 50 words or 250. 3 spelling errors are three. And for 3 errors there cannot be five, even 2 corrections are considered as an error. There can be four if out of three two errors are of the same type or not gross. Are you sure the child is telling the truth? If yes, then feel free to contact the administration, because neither the teacher nor the administration fulfill their direct duties. The deputy director regularly checks notebooks, both workbooks and tests, in particular for the objectivity of grading.

03/21/2018 18:42:59, Tatyana198

The child stopped studying. I ask for help because I don’t know what to do anymore. The child is in 3rd grade. Until now I studied without straining. I cried, but nothing changed. Talking and reasoning don't help. I can't get to the bottom of the reason, I don't understand what...


Primary school, I think, is the most important stage; it depends on it how the child will study further, whether he will be instilled with a love and interest in education. Of course, if he didn’t like it and was bored from 1st grade, it’s unlikely that he will study with pleasure in 5th grade. My son studies according to the system Primary School 21st century, the learning process and assignments are very well structured. And I was lucky with the teacher, ttt.

Create a situation of extreme necessity for him, that’s all. The person does not want to take his hand off the burner. Set the heat to one. At first it becomes a little warm. then it gets even warmer, gradually becoming hot. I would like to see someone who never removes his hand out of stubbornness. This doesn't happen. And if this is the case in this case, run to a psychiatrist.
What doesn't your hand rise to? Who said that raising your hand has to hurt?
Start with affection. Will a hand rise to caress? It will become "warm". Then gradually and very, very slowly make it “hot”. And do it consistently and decisively, so that there is no doubt that it will be hot.
No condemnation here, only sympathy. This is how the World works. “Your bread by the sweat of your brow” is a curse, by the way. Ideally this shouldn’t be the case! But you can't do anything about it.
If it gets hotter than you think is acceptable, that is, “your hand drops,” then give free rein to your feelings and roar. But this is the last argument, I hope it doesn’t come to that.
And be aware that parents in a lousy mood with their hands down are more dangerous than parents in a good mood with their hands up.

Study, school. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams, Olympiads, Unified State Examination, preparation for university. Actually, help in monitoring and reviewing the school curriculum.


Same problem??

20.11.2018 14:25:38, Elena"

My son could barely scrape out threes as usual. Control - 4.5. I'm tired of fighting. She said: “It’s your business, son. If anything is unclear, I’ll help, just ask. You’re already an adult. My task is to feed you, drink you, wash you, iron you, dress you, put on your shoes and, forgive me, make sure you come home before 10 p.m. "The rest is in your hands." She didn’t sit and beat his brains out.
He catches twos and threes, but much less often. In extreme situations, he mobilizes and gets an "excellent" rating. That's how we live.
But I’m not freaking out and he understandingly bears the burden of responsibility that I placed on his shoulders.

03/11/2017 19:42:21, Saoli

A child who is gently forced to learn has a much easier time than one who tries to force himself. But interest in a subject does not come at a low level of understanding, it is simply excluded. A deaf person cannot love music, a blind person cannot love painting.


Reading developmental psychology :) In the younger years school age The leading activity is educational. In early adolescence, the leading activity becomes interpersonal communication. In the sense that the priority for 6th graders is communication with peers. And this is where the girl has problems. That's why she doesn't want to study.
Don't scold, don't scare, and don't let the lessons take their course. Love, praise, spend free time with your child, talk about everything. Do your homework together. Immediately upon arrival from work. On the desk there is tea - sandwiches - sweets for brain function :) - hug and kiss your daughter and sit next to her.
It’s difficult for her now, but your task is to avoid gaps in knowledge. Support it for a year or two, and then it will go on its own.

my girls, you are so good! thanks for support. I now know that I am not the only one who has such problems.
earlier up to 5th grade. this was not the case, she slowly, but did her homework herself... yes, English. and the French and Math were always controlled...
What scares me is the lack of interest in studying, there are no favorite subjects, she’s either 5 or 3 the same... that’s what! maybe it’s true... MS is on the nose, so she’s struggling.

I hope by the time she grows up and goes to vote, she will be given an extra portion of brains on a cart :) don’t give up on us. there are a lot of examples where super well-mannered and promising children became sophisticated criminals or just unpleasant people....so, your example with the button is unsuccessful.

Excellent grades, but no knowledge. The situation at school. Young physics teacher, just after college, first year. They won't take up any space. Is this a reason to complain to the teacher that the material is poorly taught? Does the school course involve preparation for the Olympiads?


Common situation. But according to the law, nothing can be done with a young specialist. He has been studying with our children for 3 years. In theory, these 3 years should be supervised by a more experienced teacher-mentor. But in reality this is not the case.

I have positive experience with beginning teachers. U eldest daughter there was a young graduate (or even a senior student) in physics, either in the 7th or 8th grade. She taught well, somehow coped with both the children and the program. My daughter liked studying with her; she managed to interest her in her subject.

Deprivations for bad grades. School problems. Child from 10 to 13. Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, additional classes, leisure and hobbies.


I can’t deprive him of classes - the child is professionally engaged in illustration, attends serious and expensive courses + art, and is slowly earning extra money from this. But from time to time I miss my basic studies and my performance drops. I’m depriving not the classes themselves, but drawing for the soul in my free time, I’m taking away a graphics tablet and a regular one) It turns out that school - additional lessons - lessons and more lessons, nothing else is allowed. Usually after a week or two the child comes to his senses, corrects his grades, and for a while everything is fine again. We have such failures every 3-4 months due to general fatigue and innate laziness)
I don’t know if this will work at the age of 14 - 15, but I hope that by this age responsibility will increase.

Yes, we were deprived of training. Our children have a very busy schedule - 2 sports, every day is scheduled. But they immediately set priorities: the main thing was study, which, in fact, the children agreed with. Therefore, as soon as at the beginning of the past or the year before last the grades began to “slip”, they warned us at first and gave them time to correct the grades. If it didn’t help, they were suspended from training until the marks were corrected. But our children are very interested in training, so this option worked, so in reality no more than 2-3 training sessions were missed for this reason. I think this could be an option for influence, but not for all children-parents.

Poor classroom atmosphere (I don't agree with this, typical teenage toughness) A couple of her favorite teachers with whom she had success in the subject leave. despite its characteristics. Parallels are divided into strong and weak.


Why should you transfer your girl to another school if you are planning a technical school after the ninth? At this age, children are cruel and will kill the new dyslexic girl in two days. Sit in this one, try to get a tutor to prepare your homework. If you don’t have enough money, look for a pensioner or a student.
In your situation, I don’t see any point in exchanging an awl for soap.

05/20/2014 11:00:29, FROM ME

The girl is probably dyslexic and dysgraphic? then you need to reach the norm IMHO in a normal school - look according to your inclinations, maybe in a historical and philological class? IMHO nothing good will come of a backyard school :(

I studied in a good gymnasium from the 5th to the middle of the 8th grade - there was a good, respectful atmosphere, friends, decent relations with most of the teachers. From 5th to 7th grade I studied consistently with several grade C grades. In eighth grade (not least...


The child is no longer a baby, let him study at the chosen school for at least six months, you need to learn to be responsible for your decisions... for some, especially the uncommunicative, ANY new school will be bad from the very beginning... I remember that I MYSELF wanted to move to another school, closer to home (when we moved) and therefore studied there, despite the fact that I didn’t like it there terribly, but after half a year I “got involved”, and the next year we had a wonderful “cool class” and now I remember those years as the best of all school years..

Let him stay at home for a few months. (like, sick). And then try to make your way back to the gymnasium.

01/22/2014 09:28:04, masha__usa

Section: School (inflated grades at school). What if they inflate estimates? My daughter finished 3rd grade, everything is great - all 5. Mathematics fluctuated 4/5, but they pulled it off. The problem is that she knows, perhaps, only Russian at 5, English, probably at 4, and mathematics is generally pure...


Mathematics can be practiced at the everyday level. Send your daughter to the store with a certain amount of money and a list of necessary things, complicate the condition with several bags of milk, cottage cheese and so many grams of cheese... and with the remaining money allow you to buy sweets;-)
Mine has been running like this for two years now (10 years) .. but our problem is not with mathematics, but with getting used to housework)))

Stubbornness is easily overcome by putting skills into practice. If you can do it, you get a reward, if you don’t know how, we practice. What's there to be stubborn about? It is enough to assign a practical calculation problem and the child will see his own gaps.

There is also a younger child - the complete opposite, but he is already beginning to “learn” from his brother. I recommend that you read Fellan Thomas’s book “Why I’m Forbidden from Everything.” I have a child with mild manifestations of autism (son). A lack of authority is typical for him.


I recommend that you read Fellan Thomas’s book “Why I’m Forbidden from Everything.” This situation cannot be corrected in one day. Clear, firm, consistent behavior of parents is necessary, without unnecessary emotions and conversations. This is exactly what the author teaches. I myself now use this technique on my eldest son, he is 7 years old, sometimes he also gets impudent and behaves on an equal footing with his parents. We began to behave more firmly with him according to the author’s method, it helps! Only parents need to behave this way in the system.
Good luck to you

02/14/2016 17:46:09, katyas

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, extracurricular activities, hobbies. my son started 1st grade this year. the teacher says that she doesn’t want to work in class, she’s lazy, if she reads, she doesn’t want to, if...


Try to sit down next to your son and sort it out: this week you have to do this and that at school... (write directly on paper), for this you will get such and such... (like below =LightA™=
writes), this may seem unpedagogical, but in the example of my child it worked. Last year, my son was interested in various children's magazines and stickers, and that's all we went with. I now remember 1st grade with horror (my son is now in 2nd grade), it was the same as yours. In December, I actually wanted to take him to home schooling, because the child was only present at school, but wrote only in mathematics and Russian (and not all of them), art and labor did not exist in nature at all for him, for the entire first year he completed I only drew something a couple of times, and even then only in the spring. The teacher did not put pressure on him, that is, he just sat and looked out the window, telling me that he had not yet matured. He didn’t do anything in terms of outlining, shading, painting, he didn’t even take out this notebook. From the second half of the year they already had diaries, there was not a single week without comments - he left the lesson early, did not do anything, did not write down, etc., I was generally shocked by all this, because... the child went to school very prepared, and in my opinion there shouldn’t have been any problems at all. We ran to psychologists. The verdict is that he is not ready for school (frankly speaking, his first teeth fell out only this summer at the age of 8), for him the teacher is not an authority, he does not understand adult commands as a decree for mandatory execution, like wait, it will resolve itself. Now 2nd grade - heaven and earth. It is very easy to learn without straining. He also works in the classroom inactively and flies away (but this is also a characteristic of his neurological and psychological development). In the 1st quarter, 2 B's (Russian + Art), now I think he will be an excellent student (or one B in Art), he considers drawing to be the hardest subject at school, there are reasons for this, he also sees the world especially (like K.’s son), for example, he can draw a pear on a Christmas tree :))). So look for ways to see your son, you can also go to a psychologist to calm him down.

I don’t care about grades at all. Sometimes I feel like I could have avoided a “2”, but it’s like I can’t say that this is definitely bad. Mine is the same. We moved to new school and he's there School grades for the year. The other day I was taking my personal file to the next school and looked...


IMHO, the child is misunderstood psychological problems.
But this “kind of proud” sits somewhere deep, there is a vulnerability you don’t understand (I’ve seen something similar). IMHO, talk. Maybe one of the psychologists will tell you where to look for the problem, but psychologists more often go with their own attitudes, and not from reality, unfortunately.

I can't say that this is definitely bad. Mine is the same. We moved to a new school and he was a star there in English.... I logically thought that he liked to be first... So he said that he couldn’t stand it... he returned to his old school. He teaches everything, he has knowledge, he is interested in a lot of things in natural subjects, but the grades are average.
It seems to me that our children are just like that. And perhaps this is not bad because they do not study for the sake of grades.

A child (10 years old, 4th grade) does not want to study at all, is absolutely not interested in grades (either 2 or 5 - he may even forget what he gave). At school he only likes recess (he enjoys communicating with classmates) and excursions (interesting!).


What does he do because he has to? It’s not interesting, you don’t want to, but it’s a MUST?
What does he know about you from what you do regularly on the basis of “like it or not, chew my beauty”?
About other people from the same?
This is what I mean, motivation is wonderful, it allows you to do it with pleasure. But discipline is more important than what must be done, it still has to be done. And whoever does not know how to motivate himself is to blame, which means he will do it without pleasure. But it will still happen. Do. Everything you need. On time.
IMHO, the child simply has not formed the idea of ​​discipline and fulfilling one’s duty as an integral part of life from which no one has escaped and cannot be avoided.

tell him that you will give him his favorite thing if he does everything you say

28.11.2015 13:14:47, Ivan Samarin

How to find and eliminate the cause? Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. My daughter (she turned 9 years old today), starting from the third grade, began to noticeably worse in school. The first quarter we hoped that it was such a difficult transition to study after the summer holidays, but...


If he doesn't want to study, he doesn't need to. Just remind her more often that without good grades (precisely grades!) she will not be able to enter a good university, and most likely she will not be able to get a good job.
By the way, I was an excellent student all through school, it didn’t bother me at all. I studied quite easily, without cramming (sometimes I crammed theorems in geometry and trigonometry in order to recite them at the blackboard and get the required A to level GPA. By the way, this saved the whole class, because homework on these theorems was assigned to everyone, but the check at the board was asked at will, and if there were no volunteers, then anyone was asked;). I managed to finish my music at the same time. AND Golden medal I just helped her get into university on a preferential basis. Well, it made my parents happy too. That's all. None of this brought me any more happiness or career success. Because as they have always said: “the main thing for a woman is to get married successfully” :D

02.11.2016 19:20:03, Veronica_S

It’s just that your child was apparently very well prepared for school, so the first grades were easy.
I encountered this myself as a child, all the subjects seemed very simple, I did my homework during recess, and received extremely positive grades. And in the second grade, something unknown to me began foreign language, and immediately 6 lessons per week. This is where the problems started. It’s good that six months later they hired me a tutor, and the problems were solved. Mom was also worried that I would “jump,” but she couldn’t help herself, because learned another language.
I have a son, he started school at 6.5. By this time I was counting and reading syllables up to 20. First grade was hard for us. The second one is easier. Now it has become even easier, because... he “learned to study”, got used to a heavy workload in addition to school (we now have 10 extra classes a week). And although he only got A's in drawing, work, and reading, he never had C's. And most importantly, I see progress. And I'm glad about it. I’m glad that he finally learned the multiplication table - of course, I wanted him to do it last year, but I remember that I also learned it at the age of 8... I’m glad that the child read it at the age of 8 - although I have hopes I didn’t have enough for this, well, he didn’t read at all, and then again I remembered that I myself started reading at that age.
Well, etc. It took five evenings.
But he writes like an airplane. No errors, fast. And in class it’s easier to write so that they fall behind. Now he does his homework during breaks :))

Section: -- gatherings (why the child is lazy during training). being lazy in training? Girls, I ask for advice on how you motivate children to play sports: I sent my handsome boy (5 years old) to figure skating, he’s already gone 7 times. All the children (almost all) listen to the coach, repeat...


Take a couple of individual tackles. It’s expensive, of course, but they’ll put their feet on the ground right away and the child’s coach will remember.

I also have a 7 year old boy who studies figure skating 4th year. The way your boy behaves during training is absolutely normal for a boy of his age. There is no need to compare him with girls his own age. as our choreographer says, the difference between boys and girls is about 2 years, and only by the age of 10 do boys catch up with girls, and then surpass them. And I completely agree with her. Only now, at 7 years old, my son (and the rest of the boys) began to work normally in training. And the girls, at the age of 5, were working instead of playing in training.

4 there is no preparation for entering something prestigious
According to my (long-standing) experience, I would enroll in the first classes in a regular one, then with in-depth specializations (languages, mathematics, sports), then at some university to simplify admission
I myself studied in 3 schools. The last one is at the university. It was much easier to do.
And most importantly, 8 of us moved from a regular school to a special one. So, some of them were C students and they improved very much. I talked with previous classmates - it was fashionable to form opposition to the teacher, and it remained so - it was fashionable to run away, sit in the back desks, have fun in those very back desks, the law of the jungle was in effect.
With us - “one for all and all for one”, everyone unanimously tried to understand (!!) mathematics and physics, if someone did not do their homework, it was NOT accepted to copy, they asked for an explanation!
During the transition, I was afraid of losing old friends - from the old school, we had such a cool group... we didn’t lose them, we’re still friends)))
And IMHO, you SHOULD send it to a stronger school!
This is the same thing as “what difference does it make for a resume - I worked for an individual entrepreneur Pupkin and Co. or for a corporation with an international reputation”
In addition to knowledge itself, school is already the beginning of a career.
By and large, you can continue not to worry and work not in best places With better conditions and a social package (in terms of schools - carpets, swimming pools, renovations, normal food, new desks), but simply where and how you have to, so that you just have enough to live on.
Why not.
A question of priorities.

IMHO not bad at all! Last year I sent my daughter to a regular “yard” school, despite the unfashionability of such a decision (they themselves come from special schools with universities:). In total, I have a bunch of advantages: we walk 5 minutes to school through green courtyards; good teacher; normal children with whom we still played in sandboxes - no show-offs, ordinary smart children; no fees; and the main thing that was a complete surprise - there were 15 people in the class! The child fell ill for the first time in a year in April. And all this because everyone around them rushed to prestigious English and private schools. The only negative is that the food is so-so and the toilets are not renovated, but this is not so bad. Of course, after 4th grade we will leave there and learn English on the side, but the beginning is quite good. We do not live in a residential area, South-Western Administrative District.

04/05/2007 16:10:54, NatashaV

And my child is in 2nd grade, and the teacher is new. Have pity on the child. The reasons for problems with academic performance are obvious: senile program + senile school. She repeated the same question to someone I don’t know: Why is my daughter so restless?


You have no right to scold your child for not doing well in school. Only you could prepare him for school, take him to training, hire a teacher, teach him yourself. For a long time before school, He could not go to the store and buy books for himself. You didn't even really know about his level of education. You didn't do it. HELP the child urgently. Additional classes, if you have money - good teachers. Ask the teacher to help you and at least find someone who would study with him. If he is like that by nature, he is not to blame. Help your son. And don't blame him or the teachers.

05.10.2018 07:36:14, Victoria Golubovskaya

The first disappointment often occurs due to unmet expectations. Parents rarely talk to their children about how the school works, how to behave with the teacher, they don’t explain whether they can go to the toilet during class or chat with a friend if they suddenly get bored... “Try to show your child where he will study in advance, - advises child psychologist Elena Morozova. - And play “school”, “teacher” with him (even after he goes to first grade). This will help him get used to new life, and his expectations will become more realistic.” “It’s difficult to study with pleasure even when parents at home constantly criticize the school, when they themselves don’t like the teacher,” adds family psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya. - The child feels that his mother leaves him at school with a restless heart. The reaction of adults means one thing to him - school is unsafe. And he gets scared, feels defenseless and spends a lot of energy trying to cope with his fears. He simply doesn’t have the energy to study.” “Helping younger schoolchildren study means being there, responding and supporting,” continues Elena Morozova. “To be involved in the life of your son or daughter, to truly be an adult.”

Develop curiosity

The child needs us, but at the same time he should not be dependent on us. It is in the first grade that he begins to seriously learn to be independent. But there are situations that he himself cannot yet cope with. It's boring to learn letters when you already know how to read. It's hard to force yourself to write endless rows of squiggles and memorize the rules. Interest in learning and the need to learn gradually fade away. “Of course, it’s worth explaining to the child that this is just the beginning and then the tasks will be more complex and more interesting,” says psychologist Tamara Gordeeva. “And yet, let’s face it, the school routine is really boring.” It is the parents who have to “take the child by the hand” and open up new things to him. “Look at the clouds with him and tell him about the planets, walk through the forest, feeling its smells and listening to its sounds,” suggests Elena Morozova. “The many discoveries and pleasure that a child will certainly feel in such moments will allow him to maintain a joyful curiosity about the world, a desire to explore, experiment and observe.” Real interest is always associated with vivid impressions, and not with pressure and coaching, which gradually cause an aversion to learning.

Notice achievements

Everyone wants to be successful. But repeated failures create a feeling of helplessness, children stop trying and lose faith in themselves. “In this case, try to restrain yourself and not point out to the child every mistake he makes, and at the same time tell him “how it should be,” advises Elena Morozova. - The best thing parents can do is to teach their child to compare himself not with others, but with himself. Praise him for the fact that he used to make 25 mistakes in dictation, but now only 22. Notice even minimal achievements.” Studying, especially in the lower grades, is impossible without constant “refueling” positive emotions. It is important for every boy and girl to experience the feeling of victory - in school, creativity or sports. But at this age, children quickly forget about their small successes. Sometimes, in order to feel stronger, it is enough for a child to say to himself: “Even though I count slowly, but I write accurately.” For those who doubt their abilities, this feeling - “I can” - helps break vicious circle failure. “That’s why it is so important that in those subjects where the child feels at least a little interest, parents often remind him of his successes,” Elena Morozova clarifies.

Eight-year-olds learn differently

Younger schoolchildren do not perceive criticism; their brain reacts only to praise. Dutch scientists studied the brain activity of schoolchildren using MRI*. And they found that the activity of areas responsible for understanding in 8–9-year-old children did not change when their work was criticized (for example: “The answer here is wrong”). At this age, children are not yet able to learn from their mistakes.

And only from the age of 12–13, adolescents react emotionally to messages about their mistakes and failures and can benefit from their negative experiences.

* The Journal of Neuroscience, 2008, No. 28 (38).

Your child has lost interest in learning if...

...for more than three weeks he has had at least half of the following problems.

  • He says that the teacher does not like him or does not like him.
  • Refuses help even when it is needed.
  • Before leaving for school, his stomach hurts and he forgets his things.
  • He is unhappy with his grades.
  • He is sure that he will not succeed, and wants to be reassured and praised.
  • He quickly forgets even the lessons he has learned by heart.
  • Doesn't talk about school.
  • She says that the teacher shouts too often.
  • In first grade he misses kindergarten, in the fourth - he is afraid of moving to the fifth.
  • He complains that he has no friends among his classmates.

Something happened to our little schoolchildren - the children don’t want to study, they began to get tired faster, and they appear more often. Bad mood and baseless whims, apathy and drowsiness become frequent guests, constant colds make it impossible to live. And in the notebooks - my God! – ridiculous and stupid mistakes and typos. And the handwriting, which was once quite decent, is a completely separate thing. sad story! “Spring... - we sigh - there are few vitamins, the body is growing, rebuilding - hormones make themselves felt, and the intricate complexity school programs is off the charts - where can normal health and condition come from?” That’s for sure, the song about the first grade, which is “like an institute,” has long ceased to be a joke and has become a universal parental groan.
It’s hard to argue, all this really takes place - spring with vitamins, programs with integrals, and hormonal changes in growing organisms. But not all children are susceptible to spring school vitamin deficiency; some have enough “powder in their flasks” to get to summer. And the children seem to be the same age, and the programs are the same, but the parallel class looks completely different.
And then the teacher’s personality appears from the shadows, how much depends on it! What becomes more important for him – annual tests, monitoring, reports, assessments, results, or the timely and smooth development of his students? The teacher does not always have the ability to feel, correctly assess the situation, the ability to defuse the atmosphere and quickly gather a team; he does not always have the sensitivity and ability to give up some things in favor of harmony.

It seems that this is not only a matter of professionalism and experience, but something else, but the topic for an important conversation will be precisely the situation itself: when a teacher teaches “from the start,” looking around and taking into account only indicators and standards, and not living little people.

What should parents do? We will not discuss radical measures such as transferring to another school or another class. Let's think about how parents can help their little students avoid stress, maintain their health and - which is also important! – desire to learn. Parental attitude plays a very important role here. As the saying goes: “if you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it.” Let's try to see the positive in the problem that has arisen and overcome it as easily and with humor as possible.

Tip one:"I - balloon" Light and flighty, who does not fly away from problems, but hovers ABOVE them (at the same time he sees, notices little things and solves problems - easily and playfully). This is a mantra for mom! In big red letters on the refrigerator or above the bed: “school is only PART of life!” Don't get too hung up on it! Education is certainly important, responsible, absolutely necessary thing. But not one yet educational program did not make “a small leg, a big soul,” but a student healthy and happy. This is not the most important thing, although it is an important part of life - a mother should convey this to the child, and not tragedy, fear, despondency and universal sorrow. Everything is almost like during pregnancy: the mother is tense - the child is tense, the mother is irritated and scared - the child is irritated and depressed, the mother is annoyed - and the child is no longer able to cope with this flurry of emotions, he is more vulnerable nervous system than his mother, so he doesn’t care: desire develops into reluctance, apathy appears (laziness, in our parental language), aversion to studying, and then, as a defensive reaction, health problems. Therefore, we look for lightness and humor in ourselves (in ourselves!) - this does not mean at all that we are moving away from real difficulties and problems.

Tip two:“You and I are from the same football club!” And since we are one team, it means we will overcome all difficulties. Important point– we do not oppose ourselves, along with school subjects, to the child. On the contrary: we “cheer” for the child, together with him we oppose these “boring” rules (but they make sense - we’ll forgive them for this tediousness!), harmful examples and tricky tasks. And we will definitely defeat them! This attitude will give the child much more more power and confidence than the usual attitude of an explanatory and instructive adult.

Tip three:“Let's stand on our heads!” Sometimes things go so far that the very sight of a school table with a white notebook on it brings nauseating despondency to the student. This turns on the associative memory, whispering: “don’t expect anything good from this picture.” This means it’s time to diversify the associative series, change the angle of view and scenery. Sit down to do some homework on the sofa or on the floor, do not write examples in a notebook, but lay them out from cards, matches, nuts. With a book to read, move to the balcony or even to the park. The techniques are funny and absurd at first glance, but it may very well become easier, and workplace will no longer be perceived as hard labor and evoke melancholy.

Tip four:“Let's rest!” A best vacation, as you know, is a change of activity, as frequent as necessary for the child. We alternate mental, active, sedentary, creative activities, returning to the incomprehensible and unresolved after such a break. Is there a need to do this after every task? So, that's it for now. Over time, the child will be able to concentrate on one activity for longer. By the way, a wonderful release is helping around the house. Often, parents of schoolchildren try to protect their child from household chores, considering this an extra burden. In vain! Of course, everything is good in moderation. For example, dusting, washing a couple of plates, washing your socks - this set is not suitable for poor Cinderella, it takes a little time, help for mom, and the child gets the joy of helping mom plus a break.

Tip five:“Man is a creative being.” This is his natural state. We support you in every possible way children's creativity, hobbies, hobbies - not to be confused with entertainment. However, pleasant little things in reasonable quantities that help to distract oneself and redirect attention - cute purchases, a trip to a cafe, balloons, ice cream, attractions - these are perhaps also sometimes not bad, such “candy” is given for a while good mood and emotional release. But we are talking specifically about creativity, there is a completely different principle here: to create means to give: your energy, strength, thoughts, ideas. Moreover, do it with joy and pleasure (since a person is passionate, this is implied by itself). And the more you give, the more you will receive - the law of Nature, fair and unshakable. If a child is interested in something – great! We support you and are not afraid to harm your studies. It happens that parents, when there are some problems in the child’s school life, forbid their son or daughter to attend their favorite club or studio, hoping that the ban will encourage the student to achieve academic feats. Big mistake! Not only will it not encourage you, but it will also deprive you of the opportunity to express yourself and destroy trust in your parents.

AND final advice, what we thought of first of all: “Night, street, lantern, pharmacy.” In our case: “walk, good nutrition, healthy sleep, vitamins.” It is also useful to maintain not only the morale and attitude, but also the body of our school “warrior”. ABOUT healthy way treatises have been written on life and a reasonable regime, so we will not dwell on such obvious things.

Let's hope these tips will help you cope with spring school “depression.” We start with ourselves (as, indeed, in any other business) and help the little student get into the right frame of mind. And then we won’t have to worry about all the school problems!

The first of September arrived, the child went to school. This is his very first call and first lesson. You are filled with pride because he has already grown so much and become independent.

He's been waiting and preparing for this for so long holiday. For the first time he goes to school with such pleasure, which means he will study well. Parents are also happy and think that they will not have to worry about studying.

Several months or a year pass and all the parents’ hopes for good studies are crushed. The child stops enjoying school activities. This often happens when moving to second grade. The workload increases, teachers begin to demand more from children. After all, you need to master large quantity material. Sometimes a child loses interest in learning after only 3-4 weeks of attending school. In some cases, problems begin in the fifth or sixth grade, although there were no problems before.

Reasons why children don't want to study

The main reason why the desire to learn disappears is often a lack of motivation. During the next scandal, your child begins to ask the question: “Why did I give up on this study?” He cannot understand why he should devote so much time to uninteresting school assignments. After all, you really want to play with friends or on the computer, watch TV. This is mainly how children in the lower grades behave.

This is due to the fact that children under 13, due to their age, do not make plans for the future. They don’t yet understand that they will grow up, that they will have to go to college and choose a profession. Kids think that their parents will constantly take care of them. This usually goes away with age. Teenagers can also lose interest in school. This happens for one simple reason - they see how people who have higher education, live in poverty. At the same time, those who are no different high intelligence, have both money and success.

Or maybe the problem is in the environment

There is a possibility that the problem may lie in your child's environment. Maybe he's not very good a good relationship with classmates. Children can be quite cruel to others. Perhaps your child is teased or even beaten by those who are stronger. In our modern schools there may be a situation where high school students bully and take money from those who are younger and weaker. The victim, as a rule, does not tell any adults about this.

In addition to conflict with classmates, relationships may not work out with the teacher. As a rule, in the lower grades, most subjects are taught by one teacher. The child finds himself hostage to the situation. It is located almost in constant stress. The child’s psyche may also suffer from this. But it's not all the school's fault. The situation in the family greatly influences the behavior of children. Maybe in this way the child is simply protesting against your parenting methods?

One of the reasons is fatigue

You can get tired from classes not only physically, but also intellectually. Easiest to restore physical strength, you just need to eat well and get enough sleep. Things are worse with intellectual or emotional fatigue. You may need to seek help from a specialist. A psychologist will be able to understand the problem and solve it.

Parents want their child to be the smartest, best student in the class and at the same time attend several clubs. This can lead to emotional and mental exhaustion. It happens that children, especially girls, want to be the best, the smartest. To achieve their goal, they constantly work out. At first everything works out, but at one point everything changes and gets worse mental condition. Memory becomes worse, material is not remembered, and concentration decreases.

Children, accustomed to winning, have a very hard time with their inability to be first. Their overall self-esteem decreases. Parents, instead of supporting, begin to criticize. All this together mentally puts pressure on the child, he sees no point in trying and becomes stronger in his opinion of his mediocrity. Successful schoolchildren lose all desire to learn.

The most common reasons why children lose interest in learning are discussed above. What can parents do? First of all, you should talk to your child, without criticizing him, and find out why this situation has arisen. If an emotional breakdown occurs, then the only correct decision is to contact a specialist. A psychologist will help you adjust your motivation. In the event that there is a conflict with classmates or with the teacher, simply transfer the child to another educational institution. Don't leave your child alone with the problem. Help him change his mind about the current situation. Your understanding and trust will help him understand everything and try to change something.



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