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Project Bell: The Nazis' Most Secret Weapon. Joseph farrell fraternity bells secret weapon ss

IT IS KNOWN THAT the Third Reich developed technologies that might have changed the world if their creators had time to complete their work... Among them is the project Die Glocke - “Bell.”

The Mystery of Hans Kammler

The world first learned about the “Bell” from the book “The Truth about Miracle Weapons” published in 2000 by Polish journalist Igor Witkovsky, which was later translated into English and German.

Witkowski wrote that the source of information about the project was the transcript of the interrogation of SS Obergruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg, which a certain Polish intelligence officer gave him to read in August 1997. The journalist was allegedly allowed to make the necessary extracts from the protocols, but was not allowed to make copies of the documents.

Subsequently, the facts presented by Vitkovsky in the book were confirmed and supplemented by the English military journalist and writer Nicholas Julian Cook in the book “The Hunt for Point Zero,” first published in 2001 in the UK. In 2005, by the way, it was translated into Russian.

There is a version that in May 1945, American troops captured the Czech city of Pilsen, located in the Soviet occupation zone. There, US military intelligence officers studied the archives of the SS research center located at the Skoda factory.

This story is closely connected with the name of Obergruppenführer and SS General Hans Kammler, one of the most mysterious figures of the Third Reich.

Hans Kammler served in the army in his youth and then studied architecture. According to some sources, from 1928 to 1933 he worked in his specialty in the Prussian Construction and Financial Directorate (Berlin). According to others, he was unemployed until 1931.

It is known that in 1932 Kammler defended his PhD thesis in engineering and joined the NSDAP, where he held various administrative positions, and in 1933 - the SS. It was he who led the project to organize concentration camps in the occupied territories of the USSR and Norway. Kammler participated in the design of the death camp Auschwitz (Auschwitz).

From 1944, Kammler supervised the construction of underground fighter aircraft factories. In addition, along with general director company "Skoda", honorary SS Standartenführer Colonel Wilhelm Voss, he worked on some secret project, which even the head of the Luftwaffe Goering and the Minister of Armaments Speer did not know about. Only Hitler and Himmler were aware of the matter: Kammler and Voss reported directly to the latter.

On April 23, 1945, when it became clear that the end of the Reich was near, Kammler moved to the Austrian town of Ebensee, where back in 1943, under his leadership, work began on the creation of a gigantic underground complex codenamed Zement. But he did not stay there long: on May 4 he went to Prague. Most likely, he chose this route to pick up documentation on secret projects stored in the offices of the Skoda company.

There is information that Hans Kammler was last seen in the commune of Oberammergau (Bavaria), at the Lang Hotel. “Rocket Baron” Wernher von Braun allegedly heard Kammler talking with SS-Obersturmbannführer Starck: both were planning to burn their SS uniforms and hide in the medieval Ettale monastery near Oberammergau...

By official version, Hans Kammler committed suicide on May 9, 1945 in a forest between Prague and Pilsen. The second version is also suicide, but in the forest near Carlsbad... The third is death under fire... The fourth is that Kammler went missing... On September 7, 1948, the Berlin-Charlottenburg court officially declared him dead.

The strangest thing is that, although Kammler undoubtedly played an important role in the history of the Third Reich, his name was very quickly forgotten. It was not even mentioned during the Nuremberg trials, and no attempt was ever made to look for Kammler, unlike other war criminals. But there was a possibility that the Obergruppenführer remained alive! For example, at the end of the war he went over to the side of the Americans, who transported him to Argentina in exchange for him transferring his secret developments to them... But this is only a hypothesis.

Deadly radiation

According to Igor Vitkovsky, Kammler’s main project was space weapons. It was called Die Glocke, which translated means “The Bell”. That is why Hans Kammler himself is sometimes called the “Father of the Bell.” If you believe the testimony of Wilhelm Voss, with the help of this technology the Nazis were going to destroy Moscow, London and New York.

Work on the project began in mid-1944 at a closed SS facility near Lublin under code name"Giant". After Poland was entered Soviet troops, the laboratory was moved to a castle near the village of Fuersteinstein (Kszac), not far from Waldenburg, and then to the Wenceslash underground mine near Ludvirgsdorf, located on the northern Sudetenland forts near the border with the Czech Republic.

The device really looked like a huge metal bell, consisting of two lead cylinders, in working order, rotating under a ceramic cap in opposite directions and filled with an unknown liquid called “Xerum 525”. This substance looked like mercury, but had a purple color. Its reserves were stored in a lead container with walls three centimeters thick.

Apparently, testing the Bell required a colossal amount of energy. During the experiments, which lasted no more than a minute, the electricity went out throughout the entire area. Various instruments, as well as experimental animals and plants, were placed in the area of ​​effect of the object, which glowed with a weak pale blue light. Within a radius of up to 200 meters, all electronic equipment failed, and almost all living things died. At the same time, all biological fluids disintegrated into fractions. For example, blood coagulated, and plants acquired White color, because chlorophyll disappeared in them. A few hours after the start of exposure to the device, living objects completely decomposed, and there was no smell of rotting.

All employees who dealt with the installation wore special protective clothing and did not approach the Bell closer than 150-200 meters. After each experiment, the entire room was thoroughly washed with saline solution. Only concentration camp prisoners were involved in sanitation. The rubber pads used during the experiments were burned in a special oven after 2-3 sessions. But still, five of the seven employees involved in the project who were part of the first team died after some time. No further deaths was avoided because more advanced equipment was developed. But still, project participants complained of malaise, sleep and balance problems, memory loss, as well as muscle spasms and an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth.

At the end of April 1945, writes Vitkovsky, a special SS evacuation team arrived at the facility, which took the device and part of the documentation to an unknown direction, and all 62 scientists in the building were hastily shot and the corpses were thrown into underground mines...

Fuel for flying saucers

According to Vitkovsky, the operating principle of the “Bell” was associated with so-called torsion fields and even... attempts to penetrate into other dimensions. Although the notes he found from one of the project participants - Professor Gerlach - indicate that it was more about manipulations with magnetic fields and gravity. "Xerum 525" could theoretically be used as fuel for aircraft a new generation, also invented by the Nazis (according to numerous accounts, they were disk-shaped and very similar to the objects that are today called “flying saucers”). Vitkovsky writes that the Nazis may have only been a couple of months away from creating the terrible technology.

Alas, the Americans who seized Kammler’s archive showed little interest in the documents about the Bell, since it had nothing to do with nuclear weapons (unless, of course, the version about Kammler’s collaboration with the American intelligence services is incorrect). The documentation fell into the hands of Soviet intelligence. Now, according to unverified sources, it is stored in the archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation under the heading “Secret”.

Both Vitkovsky and his colleague Cook believe that the remains of a large reinforced concrete frame that can be seen near the Wenceslash mine, which looks very much like the famous British Stonehenge, is nothing more than an integral part of some secret device, technologically ahead of its time...

Chapter first. Germany as the beginning of the project

If necessary, we can do without oil, but never without guns.
Wir werden zu Not auch einmal ohne Butter fertig werden, niemals aber ohne Kanonen.
(Paul Joseph Goebbels)

In the context of articles about the substance “red mercury,” I often mentioned Nazi Germany’s “Bell” project. I think that the time has come to slightly lift the veil of secrecy over this top-secret project and briefly consider (!) a number of issues related to the physical principles of the Bell itself, what the researchers started from, who was involved and, finally, where did all these developments disappear and whether they disappeared .

“I will immediately disappoint those who hope to receive comprehensive and detailed information about what was, perhaps, the most secret technological project of the Third Reich - “Bell.” There was no clear answer to this question. People who are, as they say, “in the know” are in no hurry to talk about “The Bell” for obvious reasons. Nevertheless, it is possible to learn something from the information available in the public domain.”
(Osovin I.A.)

The story about the “Bell” project will be divided into several articles. And there are at least two reasons for this. Firstly, the magazine does not involve posting long texts.

The second reason is that when talking about the Bell project, you will have to touch on a number of related topics that are best presented separately, without lumping them together in one article.

Igor Vitkovsky.

The Bell was first reported by Polish journalist Igor Witkowski in his book “The Truth about Wonder Weapons” (“Prawda O Wunderwaffe”), which was published in 2000 in Poland. Later, in 2003, Vitkovsky’s book was published in English (“The Truth About The Wonder Weapon”). The work of the Polish researcher was also published in Germany in 2008 under the title “Die Wahrheit über die Wunderwaffe: Geheime Waffentechnologie im Dritten Reich.”

English military journalist and writer Nicholas Julian Cook contributed to the popularization of Igor Vitkovsky’s hypothesis in his book “The Hunt for Zero Point,” which was first published in the UK in 2001 (on published in Russian in 2005) Nick Cook added a lot of his thoughts to Igor Vitkovsky’s theory.

Nick Cook wrote that scientists of the Third Reich conducted a series of experiments at a secret SS facility called “Giant” (“Der Riese”) and which was located in the area of ​​the Wenceslash mine in the territory of modern Poland near the border with the Czech Republic.

Approximate layout of underground complexes,
included in the “Giant” object.

The blue squares you see in the lower right corner indicate two complexes located outside the territory of the Owl Mountains. But which, as some researchers believe, could well be part of the underground structure of the “Giant” object.

Red squares indicate complexes that, from the point of view of most researchers, were most likely part of the structure of the “Giant” object. The exception is the seventh red square in the upper left part of the diagram, indicating the underground two-level complex of Książ Castle. The castle dungeons may have been connected to the Giant site by a narrow-gauge underground road. Although direct evidence of this has not yet been found.

Cook describes the "Bell" as a device made of heavy and durable metal. The dimensions of the device were about 9 feet (2.7 meters) wide and 12 to 15 feet (3.6 to 4.5 meters) high. The shape of the device was very similar to a bell. According to Cook, inside the device were two cylinders that rotated at great speed in opposite directions. The inside of the device, in addition, was filled with a certain liquid substance purple(possibly something similar to mercury).

This liquid substance had the code designation “Xerum-525”, and its reserves were also stored in a meter-high container shaped like a thermos made of lead. Nick Cook also mentioned that other substances were involved in the experiments, one of which was a certain light metal consisting of thorium and beryllium peroxides.

When the “Bell” was in working order, Nick Cook noted in his book, it glowed brightly and emitted some radiation into the surrounding space, which led to the death of several German scientists who took part in experiments with the “Bell” (Nick Cook did not indicate their names ). In addition, plants and animals were exposed to irradiation during the experiments.
Igor Vitkovsky and Nick Cook suggested that the remains of a large reinforced concrete frame near the Wenceslash mine (outwardly it resembles the famous Stonehenge in the UK, although much smaller in size) were an integral part of the Bell project.

Reinforced concrete frame in the Wenceslash mine area (photo – Zdrach).

Prehistoric architectural stone-and-earth structure "Stonehenge", listed World Heritage, located 130 kilometers southwest of London (photo from 2007).

Reconstruction of "Stonehenge", made in 1740 by the British antiquarian, freemason and one of the founders of field archeology - William Stukeley (11/07/1687 - 03/03/1765).

Witkovsky and Cook suggested that the reinforced concrete structure located near the Wenceslash mine may have served as part of an experimental installation for work on the creation of anti-gravity engines, which was part of the Bell project.

There is, however, the exact opposite opinion: this structure was just an ordinary industrial cooling tower that served a nearby explosives plant (in fairness, it must be said that Nick Cook fully admitted this purpose of this structure).

Remains of the buildings of the explosives production plant in the area of ​​​​the Wenceslash mine (photo - Zdrach).

In his book, Igor Vitkovsky wrote that he first learned about the existence of the “Bell” project while studying the transcripts of the interrogation of SS Obergruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg (Sporrenberg and his arrest were described in detail by the Russian researcher I.A. Osovin in the tenth part of “The Fight for Antarctica” in its Internet portal http://www.conspirology.org/). According to Witkowski, in August 1997, with the help of a Polish intelligence officer (Witkowski did not name him), he was provided with access to documents of the Polish government, which contained information about the existence of some top-secret weapons among the Nazis. Vitkovsky was only given the opportunity to read the protocols of Sporrenberg's interrogation and make the necessary extracts, but was not allowed to make copies of the documents shown.

Following Igor Vitkovsky and Nick Cook, the topic was picked up by American researchers, supporters of the alternative historical approach, among whom the most prominent figures were Joseph P. Farrell, Jim Marrs and Henry Stevens.

Joseph Farrell.

In this article we will rely heavily on J. Farrell’s book “The Brotherhood of the Bells”. Secret Weapons of the SS,” in which he combined existing knowledge about this secret project.

J. Farrell in his book provides Witkovsky’s data regarding the known operating parameters, design parameters and results of the “Bell”. He is almost entirely of the same opinion as Witkowski and Cook that The Bell was at least a breakthrough in the field of "field driving force", but he also believes that it was much more than that. In his view, a breakthrough in the field of "field driving force" was the motive for the project, but during its implementation, and perhaps even at its very beginning, before the Bell was created, the Germans were faced with unforeseen results that became the main subject of research.

1. Location

According to Witkowski, the main laboratories in which the Bell project was carried out were located in Lower Silesia, in Neumarkt (now the Polish city of Sroda Slaska) and Loibus (now the Polish city of Lubiaz), in the production premises of the Schlesische Werkstätten der Fürstenau enterprise. They received corporate support from AEG Allgemeine Elektricitats Gesellschaft and electrical giant Siemens.

Fürstenstein Castle (now Księż, Poland).

There was another underground structure in Lower Silesia, at Fürstenstein Castle, and another was hidden in a coal mine in Waldenburg, where the Bell may have been tested for the first time.

A network of tunnels under the castle (present day).

A little further, in the Wenceslas mine in Ludwigsdorf (now the Polish city of Ludwikowice), there was another complex that was part of the project. Here, in a remote and secluded valley, the SS built a network of tunnels, bunkers and very strange object- a large concrete structure, apparently used for testing (we talked about it above, citing a photo).
This structure stands inside a pool, around the circumference of which there are holes for heavy electrical cables.

Sketch of the structure in the pool (from Vitkovsky’s book “The Truth about Miracle Weapons”)

Vitkovsky revealed to J. Farrell interesting information, which is missing from his book. Rainer Karlsch, a German historian who recently published a book in Germany about Hitler's nuclear program, also mentioned in his book that a group of physicists from the German University of Giessen carried out a lot of research at Ludwikowitz, namely on a structure of unknown purpose. It turned out that the structure’s reinforcement contained isotopes that could only appear there as a result of exposure to a powerful neutron beam, which means that some kind of device was used that accelerates ions and, most likely, heavy ions. According to calculations, the radiation intensity was very high.

This information, by the way, cuts off the alternative opinion about the “cooling station” for the explosives plant, unless the explosives/BP did not contain radioisotopes, which would already be confirmation of the presence of such, and the connection between the “Bell” and the “pure fusion” bomb is almost linear.

Tunnel under Fürstenstein Castle (from Igor Vitkovsky’s book “The Truth about Miracle Weapons”; Mr. Vitkovsky is visible in the photograph).

In other words, whatever was tested in this design - and everything indicates that it was a "Bell" - it was not only characterized by the high strength necessary to withstand the test, but it also emitted radiation.

2. Short story project

J. Farrell writes that although experiments with the Bell appear to have first been carried out in May and June 1944, the project was conceived approximately two and a half years earlier, which means that it took exactly that long to implement the underlying plan. it is based on theory into practice.

The research project as such began to be implemented in January 1942 under the code name “Gate” (consonance with “Portal” (?), which is the logical division of the project in the future), which was in effect until August 1943. Then it was renamed or rather divided into two subprojects. The codename "Gate" was changed to "Chronos" and "Lamplighter". Both of them related to the Bell, but the project was divided into physical and biomedical aspects. It has not been established which name refers to which aspect. The system that supplies the Bell with energy is probably called the Merciful.

J. Farrell in his book says that the code names are very symbolic: “Chronos” in Greek means “time”, and the word “gate” speaks for itself. Combined, they imply that, at least in part, the project has something to do with time. If so, this is further evidence that the Germans abandoned special Relativity (hello to A. Einstein) with its locally flat space and, in all likelihood, experimented with something like “hyperrelativity,” or locally created curvature of space-time. The meaning of the code names indicates research into extremely radical and exotic physics (hello Tesla).

Well, what about another code name? A lamplighter is a person who lit street gas lamps in the era before the invention of electric lamps. But the choice of this name may contain a larger meaning, as Witkovsky notes: “This name can be looked at from a different point of view. I think this is a free translation ancient name Lucifer, that is, “he who brings light.”

3. The last "Yu-390"

What happened to the Bell and its research group? Farrell believes that most of the scientists and engineers were killed by the SS, and the project equipment was evacuated. Also today there is convincing evidence that the Lamplighter project (or, if you prefer, the Lucifer project) was evacuated on a six-engine Junkers 390. This is quite interesting, since one of the last photographs of the Junkers 390 was taken around the same time on the airfield in Prague. Since at the end of the war only one Yu-390 remained in service, this means that it flew from Prague to the Ludwigsdorf area (probably to the Opole airfield in Poland), took on additional cargo and, according to information from one SS officer, , who took part in the implementation of the project and whose interrogation protocols Vitkovsky found in the Berlin archive, flew to the Bodo airbase in Norway, after which, like the Bell and General Kammler, he disappeared without a trace.

Kammler did not die in Czechoslovakia at the end of the war (we are still exploring this figure as part of the Red Mercury project), but either took part in American post-war secret black projects, as a result of a US deal with high-ranking Nazis, including Martin Bormann, or simply disappeared together with “Bell” and continued to implement it independently (?).

The last known photograph of the Yu-390, accidentally taken in Prague in 1945. (From the book by Igor Vitkovsky “The Truth about Miracle Weapons”).

Farrell writes that Vitkovsky obtained information confirming the “American scenario.” Among the scientists involved in the Bell was one Herbert Jensen. He accompanied the well-known Hermann Oberth and the rather mysterious Elisabeth Adler on their “business trip” from Prague to Lower Silesia. Obert and Jensen were, along with Kurt Debus (together with Wernher von Braun, the creator of the American space and lunar program (!), one of the main trophies that the Americans were looking for. In other words, behind a bitter struggle to get the rocket scientists from Peenemünde and reveal the secrets of the Nazi project to create atomic bomb there appears to be a concerted effort to collect kicks more people, involved in the "Bell". Given the extremely secret nature of the Lamplighter project, it must be assumed that information about the personnel involved in the project, as well as information about which of them escaped death at the hands of the SS, could only come from the SS themselves.
As for Gerlach and Debus, we have already suggested that the fame of these scientists probably saved them from execution. Perhaps this is also why Gerlach, “warned” in this way, never publicly returned to the topic of research in the field of spin polarization and gravity after the war. In this regard, it is also noteworthy that Gerlach, after being captured by the British and kept in Farm Hall, was also the only German scientist who was transported from Farm Hall to the United States for further intensive interrogation. According to J. Farrell, it is important that the American Office of Strategic Services took possession of his wartime work diaries, and they still remain classified in the CIA archives. Almost nothing is known about their contents.

In addition, Vitkovsky believes that the Yu-390, the world's first aircraft equipped with aerial refueling capabilities, could have transported its cargo to Argentina to continue independent research away from the eyes of the Allies, under the auspices and protection of the Peron government. Indeed, Peron built a modern laboratory in Bariloche where German émigré scientists researched plasma and high voltage. We have already talked about this in one of the parts of the article “Red Mercury. Syrian trace."

It should be noted that Witkovsky also believes that "Bell" was classified as "decisive for the war", according to the assessment of the German High Command, "Bell" was ranked higher than the atomic bomb. While this may seem strange, it should be remembered that a similar classification scheme was applied to a captured "UFO" in the US after the war, which was ranked higher than the H-bomb.

J. Farrell in his book talks about most interesting fact: A left-wing, anonymous correspondent for the leading daily Neuquen, which actively exposes the activities of Nazi war criminals in the Bariloche region of Argentina, stated in an article that he had seen official documents confirming the delivery of equipment for anti-gravity experiments to the SS- E-1V and SS-U-13, together with the notorious "Bell"... aboard the Junkers 390 long-range transport aircraft, which flew non-stop from Norway to the Gualeguay airfield in the Argentine province of Entre Rios. If true, this statement could be taken as evidence that the SS anti-gravity aircraft project was a top priority for the National Socialist scientific elite after the war.

I have a slightly different opinion from the researchers on this matter, but we will talk about it later and within the framework of another article, considering Argentina as a transit point for New Swabia, and then... Next, almost everything is possible, including the Moon.

(To be continued)

The secret of the “miracle weapon” was shared between the USSR and the USA. The secrets of the Nazis made it possible to invent... laser, television and mobile phone! What captured technologies do we use without knowing it? The SS Think Tank in Pilsen created the plan for the “underground boat”, built jet planes in the mines and developed the “solar cannon”. And the main object of research could have completely changed the ending of World War II...

...On May 6, 1945, the commander in chief of the US Army in Europe, Dwight Eisenhower, ordered his troops not to advance to Pilsen (Czechoslovakia) - “in accordance with agreements with the Soviet Union.” Ignoring this order, General Patton's 16th Armored Division suddenly makes a forced march and captures the "no man's land" of Pilsen, located in the Soviet occupation zone. American intelligence is beginning to study the archives of the SS research center of Hans Kammler, who was involved in the development of the “wunderwaffe” - “miracle weapon” at the Skoda factory. Only on May 12, after protests from the USSR, the Red Army entered Pilsen. So what were the Americans looking for in Kammler's papers?

Throw "Midgard Serpent"

US intelligence officers made a huge mistake,” Igor Witkovsky, a Polish historian and author of the book “The Truth about the Wunderwaffe,” said in an interview with AiF. - They were sure: the Germans were creating nuclear weapons. It was these documents that they tried to “unearth” in Pilsen. But development of the atomic bomb was stopped in November 1942: Germany did not have enough uranium. In a hurry, no attention was paid to the other dossiers. When Pilsen fell into the hands of the Red Army, the drawings of SS-Obergruppenführer Kammler in the Skoda were sealed and taken to Soviet Union. Now these papers are stored in the archives of the Russian Ministry of Defense in Podolsk under the heading “Secret”. I formally contacted them with a request for access, but received no response. So, thanks to the stupidity of the Americans, the USSR intelligence services gained access to Kammler’s research.

Hans Kammler himself disappeared - there is a possibility that he fled to South America. According to Vitkovsky, the Obergruppenführer had been negotiating with the Americans for a long time. It was thanks to this that the Germans did not have time to use toxic substances (like soman and E-600) on the Western Front - their supply was developed by the laboratories of the SS think tank, but Kammler delayed the delivery of the poisons to the arsenals. The fact of negotiations is also confirmed by Reich Minister of Armaments Albert Speer, indicating in his memoirs: in April 1945, Kammler met with him in Berlin, saying that he intended to transfer to the United States all his developments and a group of scientists from the “SS think tank” in exchange for the opportunity to travel to Argentina . Only closer to the autumn of 1945, after a series of interrogations of German rocket scientists, did the Americans realize what secrets they had missed in Pilsen. “After this, the US intelligence services began to hunt the scientific elite of the Third Reich,” assures Vitkovsky. “They were looking for everyone who had anything to do with the Kammler Bureau.”

So what was the SS think tank doing at the Skoda factory? In Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, the Allies discovered more than 600 mines capable of launching intercontinental missiles A-10 on targets in Moscow and London. Kammler was in charge of the production of the world's first jet fighters (Messerschmitt 262) in underground factories near Mauthausen. In Königsberg they tried to build anti-aircraft lasers and underground boats “Midgard Serpents” - “shrew” devices in the form of a train with carriages. Each such boat was supposed to carry a thousand 250-kilogram bombs, with its help it was proposed to destroy the cities of Great Britain.

"Sweeter than an atomic bomb"

It’s hard to believe how one person could control the “underground Reich”? - says Czech historian Karel Matecki. - But Hitler appreciated Hans Kammler for his unique ability to work. The bureau in Pilsen considered any inventions, including the most fantastic ones. On July 9, 1945, in Paris, US Army Lieutenant Colonel John Keck presented to journalists a diagram of a “solar cannon” (Sonnengewehr) - it was also supervised by Kammler. Using the drawings of engineer Hermann Oberth, they planned to build a reflector mirror with a diameter of 200 m in space to concentrate the energy of the sun. If a “solar cannon” were built, it would surpass the power of an atomic bomb, burning entire cities in a second. Fortunately, the Fuhrer considered this project too expensive.

However, the solar cannon, jet planes and the Midgard Serpent were not main goal Kammler. Igor Witkovsky, based on the interrogation protocols in Poland of SS Sturmbannführer Rudolf Schuster and SS Gruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg, claims: the center in Pilsen made a breakthrough... in space technology. That’s why Hitler, a month before the fall of Berlin, never stopped hoping: a “miracle weapon” would save Germany. “The then German achievements in rocket technology and the construction of aircraft were 10-15 years ahead of the developments of the USA and the USSR,” says Vitkovsky. - If not for Kammler’s knowledge, it is unknown when the Americans would have been able to make their first space flight. And we can say with confidence: the United States opened its door to space exclusively with the help of the secrets of the Third Reich.”

Did Hitler want to attack Moscow from space?

Obergruppenführer Kammler's main project (the same one for which he was showered with titles, awards and broad powers in the spring of 1945) was called Die Glocke, which translated means “The Bell”. This weapon was to change the course of history at the end of World War II. Tests of the “Bell” and “related objects” took place near the Polish city of Wroclaw - then it belonged to Germany and was called Breslau. The level of secrecy was such that all (!) 60 scientists who worked on Die Glocke were shot and buried in a mass grave. The “father of the Bell” himself (along with his inner circle, including Skoda director Wilhelm Voss) went to US intelligence. Documentation and drawings of the “miracle weapon” (in Pilsen and Wroclaw) were at the disposal of the USSR. All that remains is to answer the question: what is Die Glocke?

According to Skoda director V. Voss, at the end of April 1945 the Nazis planned to launch strikes from space on Moscow, London and New York.

Work on Die Glocke (translated from German as “Bell”) began in 1940. It was managed from the “SS think tank” at the Skoda factory in Pilsen by designer Hans Kammler. At first, the “miracle weapon” was tested in the vicinity of Breslau, but in December 1944, a group of scientists was transported to an underground laboratory (with a total area of ​​10 km!) inside the Wenceslas mine. The documents describe Die Glocke as a huge bell made of solid metal, approximately 3 m wide and approximately 4.5 m high. This device contained two lead cylinders rotating in opposite directions and filled with an unknown substance codenamed Xerum 525. When turned on Die Glocke illuminated the mine with a pale purple light. For me personally, “The Bell” is simply a hellish mixture of experiments based on nuclear physics, plasma, gravity and magnetic fields.

"Bell" killed everything around

Polish journalist Igor Witkovsky (author of the acclaimed book “The Truth about the Wunderwaffe”) refers to documents from the archives of several countries to prove his version. These include the interrogation protocols in Poland of SS Gruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg, and the testimony of the captive Skoda director Wilhelm Voss to the Americans, and the Argentine Ministry of Defense dossier declassified in 1993, indicating that in May 1945 “German troops landed in Buenos Aires planes that delivered parts of the Bell project. Sporrenberg told Polish investigators how he personally observed the consequences of the Die Glocke experiments. According to the Gruppenführer, the Bell's radiation turned off electricity within a radius of up to 2 km, the experimental animals died (crystals appeared in the bodies of rats and rabbits, and the blood coagulated). The plants lost chlorophyll, turned white, and after 8-10 hours decomposed. But the energy of the Bell was not supposed to serve as an analogue of the atomic bomb: on the contrary, SS scientists tried to reduce the lethality of the rays, and at the end of the war they managed to make them harmless. Why then was such a weapon needed?

Vitkovsky himself is 100% sure: Die Glocke was a breakthrough in the field of space technology. The most plausible version is that the Bell produced fuel for hundreds of thousands of... “flying saucers.” More precisely, disc-shaped aircraft with a crew of one or two people. The “plates” were capable of rising vertically into the air in a second, attacking the enemy with lightning speed, and hitting targets with a laser from space - this would make them invulnerable to allied air defense. If you believe the director of Skoda V. Voss, then at the end of April 1945 the Nazis planned to use these devices to carry out the operation “Spear of Satan” - to strike Moscow, London and New York. About 1000 (!) finished “UFOs” were subsequently captured by the Americans - in underground factories in the Czech Republic and Austria. Researcher Joseph Farrell stated: the “unidentified flying object” that fell in the forest near the town of Kecksburg in Pennsylvania in 1965 was an experiment by the Department of Defense, which created a “saucer” based on the designs of Hans Kammler. Is it so? Maybe. After all, just a month ago, the US National Archives declassified documents from 1956, which confirm that the development of the “flying saucer” was carried out (its drawings were published on the website) as part of the “1794 Project”. Norwegian historian Gudrun Stensen believes that at least four of Kammler's flying disks were "captured" Soviet army at the factory in Breslau, but Stalin did not pay attention to the “plates” - he was only interested in nuclear bomb. There are also quite exotic points of view regarding the purpose of Die Glocke.

"This version is crazy"

Die Glocke was not a spacecraft, says US writer Henry Stevens, author of the book “Hitler's Weapons - Still Secret!” - He worked on red mercury - a special substance, and it gave a fantastic effect. Eyewitnesses to the experiments in the Wenceslas Dungeon testified to American intelligence, saying: a concave mirror at the top of the “Bell” during the tests made it possible to see past events in the lives of the scientists present in the mine. It cannot be ruled out that this was an attempt... time travel to change the future in favor of the Nazis. I am aware of how crazy this version is, but at the end of the war, when Soviet troops approached Berlin, Hitler was ready to believe in anything.

Polish intelligence services refuse to confirm or deny Witkovsky’s research: the interrogation protocols of SS Gruppenführer Sporrenberg have not yet been declassified. Meanwhile, Vitkovsky insists: Hans Kammler took the “Bell” to South America. Another researcher, British rocket scientist Nick Cook, said in his book: Die Glocke was moved to the USA, and that is why the Americans made such a powerful breakthrough in physics and rocket science. Thus, we will not soon learn the truth about the “miracle weapon” of the Third Reich. If, of course, we find out at all...

What did they take from the Nazis?

  • TV. The first tellies (of the modification that was later developed) were presented in 1938 at an exhibition in Berlin.
  • Laser. Development began in the Reich in 1934: a week (!) before the end of the war, a “laser beam” device was created that could blind enemy air force pilots.
  • Helicopter. In 1942, secret tests of the world's first miniature helicopter, the Hummingbird, took place in Germany. However, it was not put into wide production.
  • Mobile phone. Hans Kammler's office in Pilsen, among dozens of other projects, had been developing a "miniature portable communication device" since February 1945. As historian Gudrun Stensen states, “It is likely that without the drawings from the Kammler Center there would not have been an iPhone. And it would take at least 100 years to create a regular mobile phone.”

Georgy Zotov. In the photo: reconstruction - what the Die Glocke device could have been like. Photo by Georgy Zotov

Select chapter

Igor Vitkovsky. The truth about miracle weapons

A. Igor Vitkovsky about “The Bell”

The Bell became known thanks to the tireless research of Polish military journalist Igor Witkowski and the best-selling book by British author Nick Cook, “The Hunt for Zero Point.” Before the publication of Vitkovsky’s work “The Truth about Miracle Weapons,” Nick Cook’s book was the only work in English containing information about the “Bell” collected by Vitkovsky over the years of research. Nevertheless, after the publication of the results of Witkovsky’s research in English, it becomes clear why the “Bell” was given the highest degree of secrecy in the Third Reich. You begin to understand why some people resort to murder to keep their secrets.

In order to evaluate true meaning this topic, it is necessary to understand what it was, how it worked, what kind of physics was behind it, and what the Germans hoped to achieve with it. We will begin with a review of the results of Witkovsky's research and his reconstruction of the operating principle of the Bell in this chapter and, based on his data and the data of other researchers, we will offer our reconstruction and our thoughts on its possible significance and theoretical basis.

1. The meaning of the story of "The Bell"

Before getting acquainted with the results of Vitkovsky’s research contained in his book “The Truth about Miracle Weapons”, in the chapter devoted to the “Bell”, it is necessary to say a few words about the meaning of the latter.

As ufologists are well aware, the “Nazi legend” of the origin of UFOs became widespread after the war, since the publication of Major Rudolf Lusar’s book on German secret weapons, where this topic was first touched upon and a diagram of an allegedly German “suction-type” saucer was provided. As many have pointed out, the book is based on several sources which, when traced back to their origins, lead nowhere except through very dubious connections and associations.

With Vitkovsky's research the situation is completely different. His story differs significantly from the stories surrounding the “Nazi legend” and its characters such as Habermohl, Miethe, Schriever, Epp, Schauberger and others. The history of the Bell, as we will see, contains a clear description of its design, operation and results of this action, as well as clear instructions to the personnel included in the design and supporting evidence in the form of equipment and residual physical features.

In short, the story of the "Bell" is quite possibly the basis of the "Nazi legend" of UFOs.

2. An obvious question and a not so obvious answer.

Witkovsky began his research in August 1997, when he was asked the obvious question that every author who has ever tried to penetrate the secrets of German secret weapons during the war asked him: what was this “miracle weapon”, or “Wunderwaffe”? For Witkowski, it all started when a Polish intelligence officer with access to government documents relating to Nazi secret weapons first told him about the Bell.

During the conversation, he asked me if I was familiar with a device developed by the Germans, code-named “Bell,” and drew a diagram of it. On a round base stood what looked like a bell-shaped jar, with a semi-circular lid and a hook or some other means of hooking on top. The device is believed to have been made from a ceramic material similar to the material used to make high voltage insulators. Inside it were two metal cylinders or drums.

Nothing in the description of this object aroused any interest in Vitkovsky, but his interlocutor made a strong impression on him with his knowledge. “This was by no means an amateur living in a dream world.”

But what really interested Witkowski was the description of the "simply supernatural action" of the Bell as it was used, which evoked in his mind the final scene of Steven Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Ark, an action that was "absolutely shocking." This description, plus the sincerity and competence of the interlocutor, gave the question he asked Witkovsky even greater significance:

(He) asked me a direct and at the same time banal question: could I state with full responsibility that the “Wunder-waffe” - “miracle weapon” - is the “V-1” and “V-2”, as has often been claimed? Did I come across any information in any German document or any other original source about what "Wunderwaffe" is? He said that this was clearly not a V-1 or a V-2, since, firstly, from a military point of view, this weapon was not very effective (and, therefore, could not be a “miracle”), and Secondly, The term "Wunderwaffe" began to be used seriously after the victory. This intrigued me. Later, I looked through several books in my library and found out that, indeed, there was some unusual weapon, practically unknown to this day.

In other words, Witkowski was confronted with one component of the "Allied legend", according to which the term "Wunderwaffe" refers to the V-1, V-2 and other rocket projects of Nazi Germany - and nothing more.

But historical documents indicate otherwise, Vitkovsky notes; this term was used by the Nazis to refer to something that was not a rocket of one kind or another, even if it was a figment of the imagination of the employees of Dr. Goebbels' propaganda ministry. But the uniqueness of “The Bell” and the intelligence officer’s revelations continued to occupy Vitkovsky:

My aforementioned informant strongly emphasized that we're talking about about a unique secret project, the most secret research project, which was ever carried out in the Third Reich! So, it was quite obvious that, despite any difficulties, it made sense to check the veracity of this statement.

Thus, in addition to atomic, hydrogen and fuel-air bombs, radar invisible materials, guided missiles, sound gun, electromagnetic rail gun, laser, aircraft on atomic energy and other exotic weapons, there was a project so important, due to its scale and prospects, that it deserved a special, highest degree of secrecy, and this project was “Bell”.

Witkowski began his investigation and discovered what is perhaps the most important discovery related to World War II.

3. Personnel and new SS character on stage:

"Forschungen, Entwicklungen, Patenten"

When Vitkovsky compiled at least a partial list of scientists and military personnel who took part in the secret project, a very bizarre picture emerged. In order to fully appreciate the bizarreness of this picture, it is necessary to get acquainted with each of the individuals identified by Witkovsky separately.

A. SS Obergruppenführer Emil Mazuv

Research quickly led Witkovsky to the SS and to one of the departments responsible for checking patents in the Third Reich and classifying those that seemed promising in terms of further developments:

The project was coordinated by a special unit that collaborated with the SS Armaments Directorate, subordinate to the Waffen SS. This division was called "Forschungen, Entwicklungen, Patenten", abbreviated FEP ("Research, Development, Patents"). The head of this unit was a certain Admiral Rein, and the coordination of the project was carried out by a rather mysterious character - namely, SS Obergruppenführer Emil Mazuv. Why mysterious? Although he held one of the highest positions in the SS, virtually nothing is known about him. I obtained Mazuv's dossier in the United States in 1999, but after studying it, he became an even more mysterious figure in my eyes. His dossier showed that he belonged to the SS elite. On April 20, 1942, he was awarded the rank of SS-Obergruppenführer - the highest rank of this organization at that time (in 1944, the even higher rank of SS-Obergruppenführer was introduced, which was received by four people). He received an honorary saber from the Reichsführer SS and an SS honor ring with a skull and crossbones as a reward. Himmler awarded this ring for special services to the organization. Their owners constituted the highest caste of the SS and were allowed into the greatest secrets. Each ring was equipped with a personal dedication from Himmler... Mazuw received it back in 1936. Thus, he was one of the most influential people behind the throne of the Third Reich, and remains almost unknown to this day.

Witkovsky tells readers a beautiful tale: he supposedly had the opportunity to gain access (though without copying rights) to the transcript of the interrogation of Nazi SS officer Jakob Sporrenberg by Polish operatives. From these materials, according to Vitkovsky, he became aware of the Die Glocke aircraft. All this information gained wide popularity in the West when Nick Cook, an author who devoted his works to the history of aviation, included it in the book “The Hunt for Point Zero,” written in 2002. It tells about madmen who tried to invent anti-gravity aircraft. Since then, the most popular incredible information about flying saucers during Nazi Germany.

It is difficult to say whether Vitkovsky actually saw the documents he is talking about, or whether this is pure fiction. He provides absolutely no evidence of their existence; moreover, no one, either in Poland or abroad, has ever mentioned the existence of such a decryption. It is only known that former SS officer Jakob Sporrenberg is unable to either confirm or refute these statements by Witkovsky. In 1952 he was executed as a war criminal. He was an officer in the active army, fought against partisans and never had the slightest connection with science or the aviation industry in Germany.

However, there is mythological support on which Vitkovsky could rely in his stories about the Bell.

Mythological weapons

The Nazis always surrounded themselves with myths and secrets. However incomprehensible the catastrophe of universal proportions, it is difficult to justify the post-war fascination and admiration of Nazism and attempts to explain this destructive war by some demonic influence stemming from mysticism and the occult. The Nazi regime is of constant interest to supporters of the occult. It arose mainly after the publication in 1960 of a book by two French writers, bearing the eloquent name “Morning of the Magicians”. In it, the authors talk about secret societies in Germany, in particular about the one that existed in pre-war Berlin and was called Vril. The Vril Secret Society was considered the focal point of various New Age mystical and occult orders. The book said that the entire top of the Nazi party was part of this secret society. However, before the publication of this book, Vril is not mentioned anywhere; there is not a single document that would confirm the existence of Vril.

Nevertheless, the society and its activities, surrounded by secrecy, seriously interested the public and became firmly entrenched in people’s minds. The science fiction novel was of particular interest English writer Edward Bulwer-Lytton's The Coming Race, published 1870. This novel describes the people of Atlantis , who escapes extinction by fleeing to the center of the earth. These people possess a magical substance called Vril, which serves as a source of inexhaustible energy and the elixir of life.

It was possible to discover only one thread connecting Bulwer-Lytton's novel with Nazism. In 1935, German astronomer and rocket designer Willy Ley, like many of his compatriots, emigrated to the United States. Ley, among other things, was also a prolific writer, who in his work combined science fiction with real science. He wrote the article “Pseudoscience in the Land of the Nazis” and published it in the anthology Astounding Science Fiction. In the article, he described a group that: “...was literally based on the plot of the novel. They, I think, called themselves Wahrheitsgesellschaft - Society of Truth - and were mainly localized in Berlin, devoting their time to the search for Vril."

So, before us is a more or less complete chronicle of the origin of the legend of German flying saucers. It belongs entirely to authors living outside Germany, who effectively exploit the public's interest in the secrets and mysteries of the Nazis for commercial purposes. A search on the Internet will give you an endless number of links, a bunch of black and white photographs, fake theories, interviews and testimonies of some eccentrics who claim to have some knowledge available only to a select few, the initiated. You will see endless lists of numbers and designations of various models of Nazi Germany aircraft that never actually existed. Since neither in the history of aviation, nor in all military history there is no mention of Vril-based flying saucers, nor of anti-gravity technology.

This is the very nature of our perception of Nazism, it is precisely this that makes us believe all these fables about the “Wunderwaffe”, and not at all true history. The real miracle is why this legend is still alive, and not a myth in itself. The bell never flew into the sky, but for some reason we believe otherwise.



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