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Harmony program according to the Federal State Educational Standard in elementary school. Methodological foundations of the educational program "Harmony" for primary school

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Nice to see you again. If you have opened this article, it means you are far from indifferent to what kind of food will be presented to your child. After all, you too will have to learn from it, even if only at first, by helping your child master new knowledge.

Today I want to find out what kind of educational program Harmony is for primary school, and get to know her better, if you don’t mind.

Lesson plan:

How did you implement the harmonious program?

The educational program “Harmony” was the idea of ​​Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Natalya Istomina, who worked for a long time at. It is not at all surprising that the idea of ​​developmental education is the core of the software product that has appeared in the vastness of primary education.

The project works according to a methodological set approved in 2009 that meets the requirements and was created at the department primary education pedagogical university M. Sholokhov, for which practicing teachers with academic degrees were involved:

  • Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences Professor M. Soloveichik and Associate Professor N. Kuzmenko - authors of the Russian language;
  • Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor O. Kubasova developed a literature textbook;
  • N. Istomina, the inspirer of the program, is the author of a textbook on mathematics;
  • the methodology for teaching the surrounding world belongs to the candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher O. Poglazova;
  • Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences N. Konysheva worked on the textbook on labor.

The team of authors considers the features of their brainchild in the field of educational programs called “Harmony” to be:

  • overcoming the division between traditional and developing systems in the learning process, for which they tried to combine life experience with innovation;
  • the focus of the learning process on changing school education towards humanization.

Answering the question “How to teach children?” in their concept of primary school education, the team of authors decided to pay the main attention to comfort, which is why the name of the program is connected. Comfort is very good only if you keep up with knowledge. And so, read on.

Initially, “Fundamentals of the Culture of the Peoples of Russia” by N. Vorozheikina and the English “Millie” by S. Azarova, which are part of the “Harmony” methodological set, were not included in the list recommended for use in the educational process. But this is not the most important thing, which immediately makes you want to be hysterically indignant. Everything is ahead, follow me!

Maybe this is no longer a secret for you, but in January 2016, the Ministry of Education excluded absolutely all textbooks from the “Harmony” set from the list of recommended ones, leaving the right for educational institutions to use five more of them! years. So, children may well be taught something during four years of primary school using methods that are dubious, in the opinion of the Ministry of Education. But this is something I, as a mother, would think about.

What should we strive for when studying harmoniously?

  • teach children to use methods of analysis, analogy, synthesis, comparison;
  • help students apply their own experience when solving problems;
  • provide the basics for the simultaneous use of several models of the learning process with words, graphs and diagrams;
  • to cultivate spiritual values ​​and moral priorities;
  • instill aesthetic taste;
  • give priority to independent work not only at home, but also in the classroom.

“On your own again,” you say, and I have nothing to argue with you. Yes, my dear parents, the “Harmony” program presupposes not only independent work, but also by the time the first-grader begins education at school, he already has some experience, without which, unfortunately, it will not work out harmoniously. Your child must be prepared in advance.

The goal of “harmonious” textbooks is not to convey ready-made knowledge; it needs to be acquired: by yourself or with a teacher, by learning about the world around you. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to decide. Whether you can help with the planned independence, we will figure it out further. We are looking for pros and cons.

In "Harmony" there are both flies and cutlets

In general, everything new, as they say, is a well-forgotten old, and in many cases one cannot but agree with this. Only when they try to combine what they have acquired over the years with something else, bringing in a fresh spirit, unique results can be expected. And if this is the first “damn”, then it’s almost always “lumpy”.

Likewise, the “Harmony” program, based on the remnants of school education in Soviet times, has its pros and cons.

  • In the textbooks of the Russian language and mathematics, the authors laid down, as it seems to them, a new logical approach to presenting material: each subsequent topic is firmly tied to the previous one, providing the much-needed “repetition - the mother of learning.” What do users think about this?

“...there is no system in the textbooks. In the 3rd grade in the Russian language, the topic of noun cases is studied, which is given very little time, since it will be discussed in detail only in the 4th grade. How can third-graders determine cases?”

“...problems in mathematics begin only in the 2nd grade, and tests begin already in the first year of study and require such skills...”

“...geometry begins to be taught in the 1st grade and is conveniently forgotten by the 4th grade, since it does not slip anywhere else, but the multiplication table necessary for solving problems and examples is learned only between the 2nd and 3rd grades...”

“...the world around us jumps on all topics: first a little about soil, then a topic from astronomy, then we study anatomy, then again about soil, and so you will jump on all subjects for all 4 years...”

  • The organization of the educational process is based on the idea of ​​obtaining the necessary information; it is not given in ready-made form. Moreover, as the authors convince, additional methodological recommendations for parents make it possible to catch up on lost time at home. But why does this lead to indignation among parents who want to help their students:

“...if you missed a lesson, you can’t learn it on your own, because the textbooks don’t contain descriptive parts of how and what to do...”

“... a textbook of the Russian language without rules as such, or they are presented in a sophisticated language, it is impossible to remember them...”

  • The Harmony program uses new teaching technologies, as originally intended, but parental reviews are full of misunderstandings about how such innovations can teach literacy and numeracy:

“...the introduction of transcription in the 1st grade completely confused sounds and letters in my head, we write “yozhik”, “yablaki” and “kachaytsa”, previously reading and writing child By 3rd grade I became completely illiterate...”

“...in mathematics there is a very strange innovative counting to 9, as a result the child has a problem with passing through ten...”

“...it was difficult to relearn the basic concepts of the Russian language about parts of speech and spelling..."

  • Many people praise literature, noting interesting tasks, but to correctly perceive some works you will have to work hard to understand them correctly. Although this is the task of the program - to obtain information ourselves.

Who needs "Harmony"?

The Harmony school program is intended for children with a “normal IQ”, but:

  • having developed visual thinking;
  • possessing logic skills;
  • capable of a quick start;
  • freely switching from one task to another;
  • rich vocabulary and developed memory.

If by the time your child enters school, he has these characteristics, then welcome to a harmonious world, in which such children will most likely find it interesting to study. Among the students of the “Harmony” program, there are those who are not embarrassed by either their “yozhyks” or their “toes.”

In this case, all you have to do is support the children’s initiative and not be an “inhibiting factor”, from time to time reading the authors’ news specially written in the manuals for parents, explaining the tricks of the program, helping to avoid mistakes.

Let's take a look at public lesson to third-graders who are just following the “Harmony” program. Watch the video.

That's all for today. Plus another educational program, sorted by molecules, in our piggy bank. I wish you success and a harmonious approach to raising children.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.


to the main educational program

primary general education

order No. 395 of 06/07/2016

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Lyantorskaya average comprehensive school No. 5"

Working programm

in the academic subject "Music"

1-4 grade

UMK "Harmony"

teacher primary classes

Azanova Gulnara Rafkatovna

The program is based on the basic educational program primary general education MBOU "Lyantorskaya Secondary School No. 5", the author's program on music edited by M. S. Krasilnikova "Music. To the heights musical art»

    Planned results of mastering the academic subject

Achieving personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results in mastering the program by students occurs in the process of active perception and discussion of music, mastering the basics of musical literacy, students’ own experience of musical and creative activity: choral singing and playing elementary musical instruments, plastic intonation, preparation of musical and theatrical performances.

As a result of mastering the program, students will develop a readiness for self-development, motivation for learning and knowledge; understanding the value of domestic national and cultural traditions, awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality, respect for the history and spiritual traditions of Russia, the musical culture of its peoples, understanding the role of music in human life and society, the spiritual and moral development of a person. In the process of acquiring their own experience of musical and creative activity, students will learn to understand music as an integral and integral part of the world around them, to comprehend and comprehend the phenomena of musical culture, to express their thoughts and feelings caused by the perception of musical works, to use musical images when creating theatrical and musical-plastic compositions , performance of vocal-choral and instrumental works, in improvisation.

Schoolchildren will learn to think about music, emotionally express their attitude towards art; show aesthetic and artistic preferences, interest in musical art and musical activity; form positive self-esteem, self-esteem based on realized creative potential, development of artistic taste, implementation of one’s own musical and performing plans.

Students will demonstrate the ability to take the position of another person, conduct a dialogue, participate in the discussion of significant human phenomena in life and art, and productively collaborate with peers and adults in the process of musical and creative activity. The implementation of the program ensures the mastery of social competencies, the development of communication abilities through musical and gaming activities, and the ability for further self-knowledge and self-development. Students will learn to organize cultural leisure, independent musical and creative activities, including through home music playing, joint musical activities with friends and parents.

Personal results are reflected in the individual qualitative properties of students, which they must acquire in the process of mastering the academic subject “Music”:

Formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, Russian people and its history, awareness of one’s ethnic and national identity in the process of mastering the pinnacle examples of domestic musical culture, understanding its significance in the world musical process;

The emergence of humanistic and democratic value orientations, formation of respectful attitude towards other opinions, history and culture different nations based on familiarization with their musical traditions, identifying general patterns in them historical development, processes of mutual influence, common moral, value, aesthetic attitudes;

Formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in the process of learning works of different genres, forms and styles, various types musical images and their interaction;

Mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world through orientation in diversity musical reality and participation in musical life class, school, city, etc.;

Development of motivation to educational activities and the formation of a personal meaning of learning through the disclosure of connections and relationships between music and life, mastering the ways of reflecting life in music and various forms of the influence of music on a person;

Formation of ideas about moral standards, development of goodwill and emotional responsivenessempathizing with other people's feelings based on perceptionworks of the world musical classics, their collective discussion and interpretation in different types musical performance activities;

Formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings based on the development of musical and aesthetic consciousness, which manifests itself in an emotional and value-based attitude towards art, an understanding of its functions in human life and society;

Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in different social situations when performing project tasks and project work, in the process of individual, group and collective musical activities;

Forming an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle through the development of an idea of ​​harmony in a person’s physical and spiritual principles, cultivating a caring attitude towards the material and spiritual values ​​of musical culture;

Formation of motivation for musical creativity, determination and perseverance in achieving goals in the process of creating a situation of success in students’ musical and creative activities.


Students will learn:

Logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to genus-species characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts, making assumptions and evidence confirming them;

Apply methods of observation, experimentation, modeling, systematization of educational material, identifying the known and the unknown when solving various educational problems;

Discuss problematic issues, reflect during creative collaboration, compare the results of your activities with the results of other students; understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities;

Understand the difference in how life is reflected in scientific and literary texts; adequately perceive works of art, realize the ambiguity of the content of their images, the existence of different interpretations of one work; perform creative tasks that do not have a clear solution;

Carry out synthesis piece of music as the composition of a whole from parts, to identify the foundations of its integrity;

Use different types models when studying an artistic phenomenon (graphic, plastic, verbal, iconic-symbolic), model various relationships between objects, transform models in accordance with the content of the musical material and the set educational goal;

Use various methods of searching (in reference sources and open educational information space on the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the educational subject.

learn to implement your own creative ideas, prepare your speech and perform with audio, video and graphic accompaniment;

satisfy the need for cultural and leisure activities that spiritually enrich the individual, to expand and deepen knowledge about a given subject area.

Regulatory universal learning activities

Students will learn:

Accept and maintain educational goals and objectives, plan, monitor and evaluate your own educational activities in accordance with them;

Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

Identify and retain the subject of discussion and the criteria for its evaluation, as well as use these criteria in practice;

Predict the content of a work by its title and genre, anticipate composer decisions on the creation of musical images, their development and interaction in a musical work;

Mobilization of forces and volitional self-regulation during the acquisition of experience of collective public speaking and in preparation for it.

set educational goals, formulate educational tasks based on the goals, search for the most effective ways to achieve results in the process of participating in individual, group design work;

act constructively, including in situations of failure, due to the ability to search for the most effective ways to achieve goals, taking into account existing conditions.

Communication universal learning activities

Students will learn:

Understand the similarities and differences between spoken and musical speech;

Listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; participate in collective discussion, accept different points of view on the same problem; express your opinion and argue your point of view;

Understand compositional features oral (colloquial, musical) speech and take them into account when constructing your own statements in different life situations;

Use speech means and means of information and communication technologies for solving communicative and cognitive problems;

Indirectly enter into dialogue with the author work of art by identifying the author's meanings and assessments, predicting the course of events, comparing the obtained result with the original in order to make additions and adjustments to the solution of the educational and artistic task;

Experience of communicating with listeners in the conditions of public presentation of the result of creative musical performing activities.

Students will have the opportunity to:

improve your communication skills based on knowledge of the compositional functions of musical speech;

create musical works on poetic texts and publicly perform them solo or with the support of classmates.

Subject results

Students will develop:

Initial ideas about the role of music in human life, in his spiritual and moral development; about the value of the musical traditions of the people;

Fundamentals of musical culture, artistic taste, interest in musical art and musical activity;

The idea of ​​the national uniqueness of music in the inextricable unity of folk and professional musical creativity.

Students will learn:

Actively and creatively perceive music of various genres, forms, styles;

Hear musical speech as an expression of a person’s feelings and thoughts, recognize character traits styles of different composers;

Navigate in different genres musical and poetic creativity of the peoples of Russia (including native land);

Watch the process musical development based on the similarities and differences of intonations, themes, images, and their changes; understand the cause-and-effect relationships of the development of musical images and their interaction;

Model the musical characteristics of the characters, predict the course of events in “musical history”;

Use graphic notation for orientation in a musical work in different types of musical activities;

To embody the artistic and figurative content of music, to express one’s attitude towards it in singing, words, movement, playing the simplest musical instruments;

Plan and participate in collective activities to create dramatizations of musical and stage works, interpretations of instrumental works in plastic intonation.

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

navigate musical notation when performing simple melodies;

creative self-realization in the process of implementing one’s own musical and performing plans in various types of musical activities;

organize cultural leisure, independent musical and creative activities, play music and use ICT in musical creativity;

provide assistance in organizing and conducting school cultural events, present the results of one’s own musical and creative activities to the general public, collect music collections (record library, video library).

    Subject content

1 class WORLD OF MUSICAL IMAGES. Images of song, dance, marching music.Music is all around us. Creativity of the composer-performer-listener. Three fundamentals of music.

Song, dance, march as three types of connection between music and life. Indirect expression in music of human feelings and thoughts. Different ways of performing and recording music.

March in folk and composer music: figurative and stylistic diversity, peculiarities musical language and genre attributes, means of expression.

Dance in folk and composer music: figurative and stylistic diversity, features of musical language and genre attributes, means of expression.Beethoven's dance music.

A variety of songs in folk and composer music. Features of song melodies. The melody is melodious and recitative.

Musical materialP. I. Tchaikovsky."Melody",“Children’s Album”: plays “Polka”, “Sweet Dream”, “March of the Wooden Soldiers”,“Waltz”, “Mazurka”, “Kamarinskaya”. P. I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz from the ballet “Sleeping Beauty”. S. S. Prokofiev. Waltz from the opera "War and Peace".

S. S. Prokofiev. "Waltz" from Children's Music.Learning a song by P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Autumn”, analysis of the structure of its melody. Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field”, cant “Rejoice, Russian land!”, words of lullabies, nursery rhymes, jokes, calls for improvisation. Melody for violin and piano, chorus “It’s like a bridge, a bridge” from the opera “Eugene Onegin”.

“What does the music say?” Musical portrait. The embodiment of the internal and external appearance of the musical hero in intonation.

Musical materialTchaikovsky. “Mama”, “Baba Yaga”, “Neapolitan song”, “The fair maidens came out”. Russian folk song.

The originality of musical and stage genres. Music as the basis for the synthesis of arts in ballet. Creators of the ballet performance. Specificity of images and their interaction in ballet music. Dance beginning in ballet: dance-state and dance-action.Musical material

P. I. Tchaikovsky. Ballet "Sleeping Beauty"

P.I. Chaikovsky. Introduction, waltz and finale of act 1 from the ballet “Sleeping”


“What does the music say?” The speech is musical and colloquial. Similarities and differences between musical and colloquial speech: an idea of ​​the types of intonation. Intonation in musical and colloquial speech. Intonation as a carrier of meaning in music. Reintonation is a change in meaning in a musical statement. Intonation in the musical speech of the composer and performer. Tongue twister as a way (manner) of spoken and musical speech.

Musical material by M. I. Glinka. Introduction from the opera “Ivan Susanin”. L. V. Beethoven. The main theme of the first movement of the Fifth Symphony. “Soldiers, brave boys.” Russian folk song. M. I. Glinka. Introduction, from the opera “Ivan Susanin”. P. S. Prokofiev. "Chatterbox." Poems by Agnia Barto.

2nd grade

WORLD OF MUSICAL STORIES. A variety of musical stories.

Ballet as a complete musical history.

A variety of musical stories. Development in music - transformation, comparison, collision of musical intonations, themes, images. A. P. Borodin. The Sleeping Princess (fairy tale) The development of musical history in a romance. Basic principles of development in music (repetition and contrast) Unity of content and construction of the romance. The development of musical history in epics. Musical images of epics. Variation of melody in epics. The nature of the narrator’s musical speech and its instrumental accompaniment.

Musical material “And we sowed millet.” Russian folk song

N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The final scene from the opera Snow Maiden" (fragment). An epic about Volga and Mikula M.I. Glinka. Introduction to the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila. Fourth concert for piano and orchestra. Second

S. S. Prokofiev. "Tales of an old grandmother." Pieces for piano by S. S. Prokofiev. Ballet "Cinderella". Introduction

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Fourth Symphony. Fourth part. The final. The function of the fourth movement (finale) in the symphony. The specifics of the development of musical history in the finale. Symphonic development based on repetition and contrast. Genre characteristics of the final images. The relationship between the nature of themes and their development. Timbre variation. Echo.

P. I. Tchaikovsky. Fourth Symphony (IV movement). Genre foundations of the finale images. The relationship between the nature of themes and their development. Timbre variation.

Musical materialPeter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Fourth Symphony. Third movement of the Scherzo. Pizzicato strings.

M. I. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin". First action. In the village of Domnina. Exhibition of images of Russian people: their attitude to the Motherland, to their people, their history. The diversity of figurative characteristics of the Russian people. The musical language of peasant choirs, connections with Russian folk song. Types of choirs (male, female, mixed).

Musical portrait of Antonida. Features of her musical speech.

Chant. Two-part construction: cavatina and rondo. High female voice soprano. Scene of Susanin with peasants and a choir of rowers Musical and figurative Characteristics of Ivan Susanin. Recitative. Folk-genre origins of his musical language. Low male voice bass. The intonation kinship of the musical speech of the heroes is the expressiveness and figurativeness of the music of the choir of warriors (oarsmen). Reflection of stage action in the development of choir music.

Musical material.M. I. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin".

P. I. Tchaikovsky. Fourth Symphony. Characteristics of the first movement of the symphony. The main stages in the development of musical action: introduction, exposition, development, reprise, coda.The originality of the symphonic plot: the significance of the themes and images and the intensity of their development. Conflict as a driving force in the development of musical history. The unity of the symphonic cycle: the content and construction of the parts, their relationship in the cycle as a reflection of the multifaceted life of a person.

World of Music Stories

M. I. Glinka, P. I. Tchaikovsky, S. S. Prokofiev, L. V. Beethoven, A. P. Borodin, A. K. Lyadov.

3rd grade

How do contrasting ones relate? musical themes in the opera “Ivan Susanin” by M. I. Glinka? The essence of the relationship between contrasting themes and images of a large musical work. Derivative contrast. Kinds

transformations of themes: re-intonation, variation, inversion.

The relationship of melodic lines of contrasting themes-images, identifying the ways of their development The history of the creation of S. S. Prokofiev’s cantata

"Alexander Nevskiy".

Characteristics of the figurative structure of each part of the symphonic cycle. The main themes of all parts of L. V. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and P. I. Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony based on their graphic notes, the characters and compositional functions of the main, secondary and final themes, and their intonation connections. Characteristics of the logic of interaction between the main, connecting, secondary, and final themes, their constructive relationship. Options for developing the main theme are in development.

The main stages in the development of the musical history of Symphony No. 40 by W. A. ​​Mozart.

Similarities and differences between paintings in music and fine arts.

A musical portrait of the hero of the work. An idea of ​​the compositional functions of the theme “Walking” in the piano cycle. The musical image of a gnome is based on ideas about the peculiarities of his movement and speech.

“Old Castle”, figurative content. The play “Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks”, features of the interpretation of the play. Play“Two Jews, rich and poor,” features of the musical speech of each character,dialogue with dialogues in opera and symphonic music. Musical play “Limoges. Market",

features of its melody, rhythm, dynamics. The nature of movement in the plays “Limoges. Market" and "Hut on Chicken Legs". Mussorgsky's play "The Bogatyr Gate" - the nature of the music, its genre and intonation features. Mussorgsky's music in piano and orchestral

(M. Ravel) sound.

4th grade

THE WORLD OF MUSIC OF MY PEOPLE. Lyric-epic opera by N. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia”

Features of the musical action of the opera-tale and the musical characteristics of its heroes. Intonations of their musical speech by role.WITHprices of folk festivals, prayers to Fevronia and Grishka, constructive

kinship of contrasting themes. Opera leitemes, variants of their sound in different episodes of the opera.

Emotional and value-based attitude towards masterpieces of Russian music. Modeling circles of images of a symphony from the life of Russian heroes and the plan of the work. The image of the second hero, the transformation of the intonations of the first hero. Changes in the nature of themes compared to the exposition. The figurative structure of the finale of Borodin's symphony. The main stages in the development of the musical history of the symphony in different types of musical activity. Second symphony and opera “Prince Igor” by A. P. Borodin. Themes of similar nature from the Second Symphony and the romance “The Sleeping Princess”

A. P. Borodina.

P.I. Tchaikovsky. Opera The Queen of Spades.

“Musical characteristics of the heroes of the opera “The Queen of Spades”

P. I. Tchaikovsky. Opera "The Queen of Spades". Introduction themes, examples of similar themes from the music of P. Tchaikovsky. Contents of the opera according to its

title, character, duet of Lisa and Polina, romance by Polina and

girls song. Characteristics of the music, the atmosphere of the ball, the mood of the guests, genre features Polonaise. Melody of Eletsky's aria, duet of Prilepa and Milovzor. Construction of the opera: its expositions, developments,

main reprises storylines operas, the difference between conflicts in the operas “The Queen of Spades” by P. Tchaikovsky.

Musical material. Opera by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Queen of Spades”. Picture 1. In the summer garden.. Scene 2. In Lisa's room. Scene 3. A ball in the house of a noble nobleman. Scene 4. In the Countess's chambers Scene 5 In the barracks. Herman's room. Scene 6. On the embankment. Scene 7. In a gambling house

folk music in the works of Russian composers. Images of nature in the works of Russian composers. Images of defenders of the Motherland in the works of Russian composers. National anthem of Russia. Through the pages of works of Russian musical classics. The world of music of my people.

    Thematic planning


Title of section, topic

Number of hours

1 class


Images of song, dance, marching music

9 hours

What does the music say?

7 hours

The life of musical images in symphony, opera, ballet

9 hours

What does the music say?

8 hours



2nd grade


Introduction to the theme of the year

1 hour

Diversity of musical stories. Ballet as a complete musical history

9 hours

Symphony as a complete musical history

7 hours

Opera as a complete musical history

10 o'clock

Symphony as a complete musical history (continued)

7 hours



3rd grade


The kinship of contrasting themes-images in a symphonic suite and cantata

9 hours

Contrast and unity of themes and images in the symphony

8 hours

Contrast and unity of images in opera

10 o'clock

Contrast and unity of theme-images in the piano cycle and symphonic fantasy

7 hours



4th grade


Lyric-epic opera by N. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia”

9 hours

An epic symphony. Symphony No. 2 (“Bogatyrskaya”) by A. Borodin

8 hours

Lyric-dramatic opera by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Queen of Spades”

10 o'clock

Traditions of the musical culture of my people




Anna Khrustaleva, 20.09.08 11:27

Continuing the topic about Uzorova-Nefedova, since the conversation turned to phonetics, etc. then I propose to continue in more detail on this topic.
The middle daughter has the Gramony program (by the way, they don’t touch Uzorova and Nefedova).
So, the parents in our class have a lot of questions. Mathematics - a little calculation, a lot of logic. Personally, this seems normal and correct to me. It’s okay, they will automate the counting later. BUT! In first grade, they practiced counting within 9 using cards. Take a piece of paper, write an example of addition on one side, and write the result on the other side. And they train - in class and at home, alone and in pairs. A convenient and simple way, not as boring as columns. But why until 9??? As a result, in second grade, my daughter has problems passing through ten. 8+4=11 Same thing with subtraction.
They also add and subtract two-digit numbers, but with the same problems. And the other day there was an exercise that horrified me
"Guess what principle the expressions are based on and calculate:
and so on."
Mom is dying, why take away one first??? But then, to move through the ten, and then operate with the usual nine. It turns out not a decimal, but some kind of nine system

Everything with Russian is just as tricky.
In the first grade, they persistently taught that it is not necessary to write Y in words such as “Yolka, Yulya” (Yolka, Yulya), etc. Do any Russian-speaking children write like this? I haven't met. Clearly a fictitious problem.
Now there are combinations chk-chn-schn, etc. All this is given through phonetics: you need to check the softness/hardness of paired consonants. But the worst thing is that they are asked to emphasize dangerous places in different ways: a line, a dot, and a line with a dot - “double jeopardy”. Neither I nor my daughter understood what this “double jeopardy” was until I found out from other parents that it turned out they had been cancelled.

Milasha, 20.09.08 17:51

Fathers light And my teachers tell me this is the most best program.
It’s good that I live here. I’m finally convinced that there is no better “School of Russia”. And I’m still thinking about my daughter, which program to enroll in. All doubts disappeared.
Peterson, we also study at home (with their surrounding world, etc.). My son is studying and so far there have been no problems in the program. There are rules, there are solution algorithms. Quite simple, like how we were taught. We didn't grow up to be fools

vinsor, 20.09.08 22:33

Milasha, 20.09.08 22:48

QUOTE (vinsor @ Sep 20, 2008, 11:33 pm)

And we have a Russian school. However, mathematics was forcibly replaced by Heidman, transcription was added to Russian, and all this was supplemented by Uzorova/Nefedova. So AU, School of Russia, where are you? And it seemed like they were going towards her

We don’t have Moro, Zelenina and everything according to the program. Uzorova, Nefedova, we are already learning to concentrate at home on my mother’s initiative.

Anna Khrustaleva, 21.09.08 17:09

To be fair, it must be said that in general the program is structured logically and interestingly. In general, its main advantage is that rules are not imposed on children, but tasks are structured in such a way that they themselves come to the conclusions that are the rules of competent writing. Children are taught to observe, compare and reflect. And I really like it.
In this case, the teacher’s explanation plays a very important role: at home, using a textbook, a parent will not be able to explain this way; there is not much in the textbook. Probably, some additional “book for teachers”, parallel to the textbook, could help here.
By the way, I was wrong about not counting in 9-digit numbers. Today I asked my daughter for different examples of addition and subtraction, and realized that she was stuck on the figure eight, but she perceives 7+3, 6+4 normally. I counted 21-3, 27-9 without any problems.

Milasha, 21.09.08 21:53

Dreams Dreams. If only someone smart, kind and in power could be found and would create a super program for children without any unnecessary problems. Although in fairness it should be noted that you cannot please everyone.
Here's a program you can't take: EVERYWHERE there are pros and cons. It's kind of sad.

mom 123, 22.09.08 08:04

I think a lot depends on the teacher. After all, “Harmony” is not an experimental or developmental program (like Elkonin-Davydov or Zankov). Harmony, as well as school 2100 and the Russian school, are also different programs of the traditional education system.
We are studying this program for the second year. We have such bells and whistles - we didn’t have addition up to 9! On the contrary, it was precisely counting within ten that was automated. What surprised me about mathematics at first was the almost complete absence of problems in first grade. And we didn't solve the equation. But they calculated a lot, all sorts of examples, both with “windows” - this is practically the same equation, and with tables.
Here it is: “Guess what principle the expressions are based on and calculate:
and so on."
we did the same, but my child guessed that 1+6 is 7, that is, in both cases we subtract 7, and 1+8 = 9, that is, in both cases we subtract 9. So we do not have a nine-fold system. We passed a hundred in the second half of the first grade, now decimeters and centimeters passed, they were transferred from one to another. Examples like this: 24dm and 20dm 14cm - need to be compared. Homework My daughter makes it herself, I just watch it in the evening. She had 240 cm and 214 cm written on top in pencil, although it seems they haven’t taught more than a hundred yet, but it was explained correctly - they gave her an A.
In general, I don’t get involved in homework until a child asks me to explain something. I usually check in the evening. If I find some obvious mistake, we correct it. I rarely even look at the textbook.
Russian language! And dashes and dots! Many parents at our meeting spoke out - they were confused about these points! The teacher told the parents not to bother - this is how children mark dangerous places. For our teacher, the main thing is that the child sees a dangerous place, and she doesn’t find fault with two dots or lines. Personally, I didn’t get into these dots, even though my daughter explained to me when to put what. I listened, of course, and praised her, but ask me now - I won’t tell you where the points are, I don’t need that.
And we had phonetics from the first grade, from the very first days: voiceless-voiced, soft-hard, a lot of attention to this, everything was learned by heart - both paired ones, and only soft ones, and all sorts of things. My child was completely blown away by SONORAL sounds in the first grade... I didn’t even know such a word.
Reading. They read a lot, but do not focus on reading speed. The main thing is to read expressively, clearly, without swallowing or rearranging letters and syllables.
From the second grade they began to give grades, in 2 weeks the children had already written 2 CDs in mathematics, a Russian dictation and a cheating test, and in the first grade they wrote all sorts of test papers almost every week.
In general, although we wanted to study according to the traditional system, we still went to the teacher, and I am satisfied with our teacher. My daughter studies with pleasure, gets 4 and 5 grades - but in general she loves to study with us. In principle, we are not experiencing any difficulties with this program yet.

Anna Khrustaleva, 22.09.08 08:42

QUOTE (Cute)

Here's a program you can't take: EVERYWHERE there are pros and cons. It's kind of sad

Yes, probably not without it. And you certainly can’t please everyone. The solution is home schooling according to a program drawn up by the parent.

QUOTE (mother 123)

Examples like this: 24dm and 20dm 14cm - need to be compared. My daughter does her homework herself, I just watch in the evening

Mine also copes with this without any problems.
I don’t remember about sonorants, it seems ours didn’t use this word. In any case, I did not hear about this from my daughter.

QUOTE (mother 123)

They read a lot, but do not focus on reading speed. The main thing is to read expressively, clearly, do not swallow or rearrange letters and syllables

The same.

QUOTE (mother 123)

after all, we went to the teacher, and I’m happy with our teacher

We also went to the teacher and we had a teacher - just gold!!! It was only during the summer holidays that the new headmistress kicked her out of school
The one that came instead is also good, but, but...

Povariha, 22.09.08 10:02

QUOTE (mother 123)

What surprised me about mathematics at first was the almost complete absence of problems in first grade.

There are no tasks, because the child does not yet read well enough to highlight the main thing in the task and remove the “water”.

deva~n, 30.09.08 08:02

Hello everyone. My daughter has been studying in this program for 4 years now. “Teachers say that this is the best program,” but what does it matter to children and their parents? Everything is fine with mathematics, BUT THERE IS STRAIGHT TROUBLE WITH RUSSIAN. With their lack of rules, it's terrible. At first I even called the teacher to know how to do the exercises.
Patience everyone!

Anna Khrustaleva, 30.09.08 20:06

Why the lack of rules? Same rules. They just don’t try to memorize them, but try to understand them.

Olga S, 02.10.08 08:07

So, after all, Ms. Soloveichik herself studied according to the regular program, but children are being brainwashed....

Milasha, 02.10.08 11:04

The topic is close to me. We have been studying the program for the 2nd year. The child has no problems, but when I do homework with him, my hair stands on end. Themes: unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants at the end of a word - this is generally incomprehensible....

And more about unstressed vowels? What exactly is difficult? It’s HOW the material is presented or that the TOPIC is generally difficult. It’s just that my son studies in the “School of Russia”, and in all other programs they teach the same thing, but different ways. We somehow didn’t have any problems with this particular topic.

Olga S, 03.10.08 07:51

Endless transcriptions. I don't understand why this is needed. There is a rule - use it. Why reinvent the wheel? The child will see enough of these transcriptions and the incorrect spelling will be imprinted in his head, because visual memory cannot be avoided [a g u r e c ], [t u l "p a n].

Tolyashka, 03.10.08 08:28

There is no way my child will go to this program. This is my deep IMHO, supported by the opinion of my mother, the director of the lyceum. In addition, watching my niece study in this program for 4 years, and she is doing well according to her grades. Either an excellent student or one 4-grader. I don’t know how the high school program will be developed and changed by the time we move there, but in this moment continuation in high school no, everyone studies according to the same program. Well, what is all this for, why such complications. So far, in high school, children studying under this program are distinguished only by incredible fatigue from the educational process. Teachers themselves will never tell you this, because... not in their interests. Just yesterday my husband helped his niece solve a problem. .. The conclusion he reached was the absolute lack of perception of such a concept as a task, there is no connection between the task and the world in which he lives. The most interesting thing is that my husband, at one time, won Olympiads, entered universities easily, that is, his opinion is worth something. You can write a lot about all these shortcomings of the training program. But the most depressing thing is that the entire class in which the child studies learns lessons day and night. They don't go for walks, everything is devoted to lessons. I believe that it is necessary to let the child approach solving problems logically on his own, and not impose it. So far I only see that even in the simplest problem the girl is looking for some kind of catch, the solution does not come on its own, automatically, she needs to force it out. And this is a child who studied in a developmental kindergarten and, passing all the tests, received only praise.

Milasha, 03.10.08 09:08

We were simply taught this way: when you hear an unstressed vowel, choose a word so that it is stressed, the unpronounceable consonant is followed. way (iron - irons) (i.e. using test words), for example the word "riddle". The child is asked to doubt the sounds: [z (a/o) g a (d/t) k a].

Hmmm, we just have a letter missing in our words. Like s..baka, and the task is to insert the missing letters. And if you need to choose a test word.
My friends who are primary teachers themselves teach THEIR children in the “School of Russia”. Just don't think that I'm advertising it. Mine went to her because I knew for sure that he simply wouldn’t be able to handle anything more complicated. And “Harmony” was advertised to me as something really super-duper. It’s just that she wasn’t there at the school where my son went to first grade. And now I think I’m lucky

Talikoshka, 03.10.08 09:21

QUOTE (Olga S)

the unpronounceable consonant was verified. way (iron - irons)

That's what the teacher calls it - an unpronounceable consonant? Actually, an unpronounceable consonant (the sound is masculine) is something else. For example, the sun - we pronounce [sontse], late - we pronounce [pozna], etc.

Milasha, 03.10.08 09:25

Just yesterday my husband helped his niece solve a problem. .. The conclusion he reached was the absolute lack of perception of such a concept as a task, there is no connection between the task and the world in which he lives. The most interesting thing is that my husband, at one time, won Olympiads, entered universities easily, that is, his opinion is worth something. You can write a lot about all these shortcomings of the training program. But the most depressing thing is that the entire class in which the child studies learns lessons day and night. They don't go for walks, everything is devoted to lessons. I believe that it is necessary to let the child approach solving problems logically on his own, and not impose it. So far I only see that even in the simplest problem the girl is looking for some kind of catch, the solution does not come on its own, automatically, she needs to force it out. And this is a child who studied in a developmental kindergarten and, passing all the tests, received only praise.

OFF You know, I recently read A.K. Zvonkin’s book “Kids and Mathematics”. The author, a professional mathematician, talks about his experience teaching mathematics to preschoolers. So there he wrote a little about school (though we are talking about the 80s), that they mainly teach not HOW TO SOLVE problems, but how to format them correctly. Before school, the child understood fractions, number systems, multiplication and division, area, etc. very simply. And at school there are continuous failures in mathematics. One is stupefied by a task for which they cannot make a short note. Addition 6+4 means 6+2+2. If you answered that you add 6+4, you will get a two. Why? It turns out there must be step-by-step addition. The truth is, for the life of me, I can’t remember that we were taught that way. But it’s also the 80s. Maybe the teacher’s personal problems.
Once again I am convinced that the best is the enemy of the good.

Tolyashka, 03.10.08 09:43

I am the mother of a preschooler, so I’m wondering how and what they tell you at school, before entering first grade, about educational programs? In particular, what did they tell you about “Harmony” and why did you choose it?

vinsor, 03.10.08 09:51

We were simply taught this way: when you hear an unstressed vowel, choose a word so that it is stressed, the unpronounceable consonant is followed. way (iron - irons) (i.e. using test words), for example the word "riddle". The child is asked to doubt the sounds: [z (a/o) g a (d/t) k a].

Although we do not have harmony, but the most ordinary program. But the teacher loves these idiotic transcriptions.

Milasha, 04.10.08 23:46

I read about the programs and came across something that the program can be the same, but the textbook can be replaced. For example, in “Harmony” you can study Russian using Ramzaeva’s textbook (maybe I’m confusing it a little with the name), which is recognized as the best.
Now, damn, I've got another headache asking about textbooks
So can you share what textbooks you have?
Off. If you collect all the best textbooks, what will the program be called?

Anna Khrustaleva, 04.10.08 23:50

But the middle one has Harmony in all subjects, and the eldest has only Literary reading from this program, but Russian, mathematics and the outside world are different. This is at the teacher's discretion.
Milasha, I wouldn’t bother with the program, but would look for a good teacher.

Milasha, 05.10.08 00:16

It’s somehow strange... we have a note in the corner on all our textbooks that they belong to the Harmony program.

So that’s it, people are sometimes dissatisfied with the program (while others are happy). But the problem may lie in the textbooks.
Many people become teachers, but the children don’t follow the program.
(To myself, I’m already looking, preparations will begin soon, we’ll see who will be there and how)
I have a friend who is delighted with the teacher, but she detests the program (2100). They don’t quit just because of the teacher.
Well, then, that’s the kind of person I am, I’m still interested

Olga S, 06.10.08 08:27

So we “went to be a teacher.” Although, we must give her credit, she always explains to her parents if something is not clear.

Anna Khrustaleva, 06.10.08 08:57

But in fact, in all basic programs, the child masters the same amount of knowledge, the same rules. They are just served differently. Therefore, to say that the child does not follow the program, it seems to me, is not entirely correct. Now, if they studied cases and conjugations in the first grade, then yes, you might not be able to pull it off.

Milasha, 06.10.08 12:40

Milasha, in Soloveichik’s textbook for the first grade there is a memo for parents. So, it says that parents may find the program difficult because they themselves learned differently, and if they delve into their child’s studies, they have to relearn. And the child is learning for the first time, so he perceives the material more easily (if, of course, the teacher presents it intelligently - approx. A.Kh.)

Probably the amount of homework depends on the teacher. And if there are too many of them, then it’s bad. Well, the presentation of the material in the textbook is sometimes not very good. Although you're right, maybe that's what we think
There are problems here for me personally. My son is in school, so I have to delve into everything. I hope my daughter will figure it out on her own.

TORI I, 14.10.08 22:21

We also study using "Harmony". Like many here, they went to the teacher.
I don’t really like the program, especially mathematics, my daughter is in the 4th grade, but they weren’t really taught how to solve problems, everything is fine with counting. But Russian was generally okay for me dark forest, but my daughter figured it all out on her own. Although at the very beginning, in connection with the study of sounds and the construction of transcriptions of words, she wrote everything by sounds. We had a joke, she stubbornly wrote the word fir-tree - "yolka", hedgehog - "yozhik", etc., and it was impossible to convince her, because oid is written with "yo"
But then everything fell into place, I don’t know why, maybe because she reads a lot, but she writes quite competently.
The only place where transcription helped us was in learning English.
Yes and to shola in English She got in without any problems, although there was a lot of competition.

bloomyykk, 14.10.08 22:28

An aunty teacher worked on Harmony, very much praised reading and Russian (I myself printed her a thematic plan for the year on reading - I was impressed by the intelligent selection, and indeed the textbook in general), but mathematics was rather weak.

Anna Khrustaleva, 14.10.08 22:33


What also confuses me is that few of us are asked to memorize poems. Is it the same with your children?

How much is little? We get asked from time to time, probably once every 2-3 weeks.

But the worst thing is that they ask to emphasize dangerous places in different ways: with a line, a dot, and a line with a dot - “double dangers”. Neither I nor my daughter understood what this “double jeopardy” was until I found out from other parents that it turned out they had been cancelled.

I was thinking about this method. Or maybe it’s not bad to know the really dangerous ones, i.e. dubious places. Otherwise, my son doesn’t even think about how to write anything, although he seems to know the rules. The most interesting thing is that sometimes he writes not even as he hears, but how to pronounce it is impossible. True, we have a pronounced attention deficit, but underlining, on the contrary, would draw attention to correct writing.

TORI I, 15.10.08 23:19

We study in trimesters, on average we get 1 poem per month. We don’t have any rules; there’s nothing to learn by heart except the multiplication tables. There’s practically no memory training.
We felt this very keenly when we went to English. Now we are studying the language for the second year, we are asked to learn a lot, but our memory is also trained. My daughter now learns school poems very quickly.
When we enrolled in English, my daughter wrote a dictation in Russian, made just one mistake, wrote “plank fence”, checked with the word plank.
The dictation was very difficult, I later showed it to our class, but she didn’t dare let the children in the class write it. I was surprised that my daughter did it so well. So we are satisfied with the Russian language in this program.

Olga S, 16.10.08 07:33

Sweetie, what do you mean double jeopardy has been “abolished”? Nobody canceled them from us, we celebrate them that way.

vinsor, 16.10.08 07:40

We had a joke, she stubbornly wrote the word fir-tree - "yolka", hedgehog - "yozhik", etc., and it was impossible to convince her, because oid is written with "yo"

Do you think this is influenced by the textbook? For some reason, a lot of attention is paid to this.

Pedagogy is a science that everyone encounters, even those who do not have a related education. Don't believe me? Firstly, the first meeting occurs at the moment of entering the first grade - fortunately, any civilized person finds himself in this situation. Secondly, there comes a time when you need to decide on the choice of school for your child. And here the situation turns in such a way that, like it or not, you will have to understand the existing educational systems and programs. Let’s get closer to the specifics, namely, consider the “Harmony” educational program for elementary school.

The essence of the educational program for primary school

To understand what a particular program represents, you need to be well versed in the terminological field.

Let's understand the terms

First you need to define the difference between the concepts “ education system" and "pedagogical program". At the moment there are 2 systems: traditional and developmental. This state of affairs is enshrined in Order No. 93 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2004. Within the framework of the systems, different programs can function: fixed by the Federal State Educational Standard or proprietary, experimental ones. For the traditional system, the official programs are

  • "School of Russia";
  • "Primary school of the XXI century";
  • "School 2100";
  • "Harmony";
  • "Promising Primary School";
  • "Perspective";
  • "Classical elementary school";
  • "Planet of Knowledge".

Choosing an educational program for a child is a responsible step for parents

This is interesting. The teaching methodology within the Harmony program was first published in 2000. The author of this work is Natalya Borisovna Istomina, a professor at the Department of Primary Education Methods at Moscow State Pedagogical University. M.A. Sholokhov. For the creation of an educational and methodological complex in mathematics for grades 1–4, as well as the “Harmony” program, Natalya Borisovna was awarded the title of laureate of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education.

The inclusion of the educational program “Harmony” in the official list indicates that it was compiled in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Federal State Educational Standard and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (in 2009).

Principles of "Harmony"

  • combining traditions with innovations, that is, traditional and developmental systems educational process in primary school;
  • humanization of education for younger schoolchildren, that is, the learning process is built on the principles of respect for a person, regardless of his age.

If those interested in “Harmony” have no questions with the first principle, then the second one seems too abstract. In fact, its essence boils down to the fact that the subjects of the educational process (teacher, parents, school administration) must create conditions for maximum comfort for the child - the object of the educational process. And this task does not just accompany others, but is put at the forefront of training under the “Harmony” program.

Objectives of the education process according to “Harmony”

How does the teacher evaluate children's work?

The assessment mechanism involves maintaining a student’s portfolio, which includes

  • all the child’s work that he completed during school and extracurricular hours (independently at home or in electives);
  • diagnostic results of the assessment of educational activities, carried out at the beginning of the application of the program, during the work, and also at the end (this includes assessment tables, observation sheets for the quality of material processing, data from the work of a psychologist, social teacher with a specific student);
  • characteristics for drawing up an idea of ​​the child’s extracurricular and leisure activities (compiled by the teacher, social educator based on data received from the child and his parents).

Portfolios are compiled by the teacher and filled in by both the teacher and parents (for example, a block of leisure activities may include work done at home or in extracurricular activities, as well as by the student himself - in grades 3–4, children themselves can arrange written work into the necessary blocks, for example). Portfolios are stored in the teacher's office. This can be one large folder for each student for the entire period of study, or there can be 4 folders for each academic year, combined into one large one.

This method of assessment is dynamic, that is, constantly amenable to correction, but at the same time giving an idea not only of the successes or failures of the educational process, but also characterizing the level of development of the individual as a whole.

"Harmony" is training and metodology complex(UMK), which includes 12 textbooks that were compiled by different authors.

The program is equipped with the necessary methodological base for work

  • Primer;
  • Russian language;
  • Mathematics;
  • French;
  • Literary reading;
  • Technology;
  • The world;
  • Computer Science and ICT;
  • Music;
  • art;
  • Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia;
  • Physical Culture.

In addition to the textbook, the kit includes

  • a program with a detailed description of the goals and objectives of the subject;
  • notebooks with printed base;
  • methodological recommendations for each course;
  • electronic materials for teachers, students and parents;
  • recommendations for assessing the effectiveness of acquired knowledge.

Photo gallery of fragments of the educational complex “Harmony” with examples of task formulations

The world around us, grade 1 Technology, grade 2 The world around us, grade 4 Final work in mathematics, grade 1


In the lessons of the Harmony program, theory is studied inseparably from practice

The technique does not lose its popularity among teachers, children and parents due to such points as

  • the entire educational process is based on solving problem situations (for example, to determine the meaning of synonyms in a text in a reading lesson in grade 2, children receive a task after reading the text of a fairy tale - “Why does the author use the words “said”, “told”, “told”, and not just “said”?”);
  • a comprehensive methodological base with additional materials that helps in studying, preparing for lessons and in the work of parents with children at home (as a rule, those who master the Harmony program use Internet resources; by the way, there are even textbooks on subjects);
  • the assimilation of knowledge occurs inextricably with the personal development of the child (modern children are very familiar with the computer even before entering school, so classes in the computer class, tasks with searching for information on the Internet are familiar types of work that are often ignored in traditional methods and are not always for objective reasons for the lack of material and technical base);
  • proven techniques for implementing individual and differentiated approaches (simply put, if a child sings well, then you should not shame him for humming a song while doing a math assignment; in addition, when children work in a group, there is no need to strain the weaker participant with complex “roles” ", let him better remain a statistician, not actively participate in the discussion, but he will write down the result on the board more accurately than others) - this principle is actively used in other methods (“School 2100”, “Prospective Primary School”, “Perspective” and etc.);
  • help in building harmonious relations between classmates, student and teacher due to methodically well-constructed didactic process(one way or another, any pedagogical program sets itself this task, but its solution largely depends not only on the content of the program, but also on the personality of the teacher, which is important regardless of the chosen program).

Disadvantages of the program

As in any field educational activities, “Harmony” has a number of disadvantages:

  • It is desirable for the child to have educational and educational preparation before entering the classroom (skills such as working in pairs, solving simple mathematical tasks for addition and subtraction within 10, understanding the differences between the concepts of “sound” and “letter” will help the child in the first days of learning program “Perspective”, and most importantly, the child should not be afraid to demonstrate his knowledge, in other words, before entering “Harmony” it is advisable to attend developmental classes);
  • discrepancies between the classical methods of the traditional education system and the program (for example, in mathematics lessons, children will begin to solve problems only from the second grade, although tests and independent work are expected to be completed already in the first year of study, that is, children solve examples throughout the first year, which is not close traditional methods, but the understanding that there is a control/independent test is obtained already in the first year of study is not such an important “advance”, according to many methodologists);
  • additional tasks “with an asterisk”, that is increased difficulty, are not always considered in the lesson, but due to them the successful development of the student is supposed - this is a significant drawback of the program, according to methodologists and parents, who, willy-nilly, have to join in performing similar tasks at home (in other words, the child tries, decides, and the teacher only notes the fact of “passed or failed”, since “Harmony” is more detailed work not targeted with such tasks);
  • an abundance of theoretical notes and an insufficient number of illustrations in textbooks makes teaching materials boring - this is what some parents think (at the same time, this design makes the textbook universal for any manifestation of the teacher’s methodological ingenuity - he can come up with his own lesson plots, select illustrations that are relevant for a given age, etc.), so the lack of brightness can be called a disadvantage only from the position of ignorance of the role that is assigned to the teacher in creating creative lessons;
  • lack of consistency in the presentation of some materials on subjects (for example, Russian);
  • possible difficulties for parents who studied in the classical program when providing assistance with homework;
  • lack of a consistent program in the middle level (the difficulty lies not so much in the substantive aspects - this is where the children “pull”, but in the way of reasoning - solving problem tasks often comes into conflict with the usual traditional reproductive method of teacher-student communication - heard - repeated , - that is, it is difficult for children to adapt not to the amount of information, but to the method of receiving it).

Intermediate conclusions: who is “Harmony” suitable for?

The Harmony program is especially suitable active child able to quickly switch from one type of activity to another

Having analyzed the pros and cons of teaching using this method, we can draw the following conclusions that “Harmony” is suitable for children who have

  • intellectual development at the time of entering first grade is normal or above normal;
  • have the skills to build logical connections;
  • the ability to turn on and switch from one type of activity to another is developed in high level(in this regard, “Harmony” is useful for hyperactive children, but at the same time they must have certain concepts of discipline, that is, change the type of activity not “when I want,” but when the teacher gives the command);
  • well-developed memory and rich active and passive vocabularies (then the child will not have difficulties in formulating analytical connections between phenomena, defining classifications, drawing up generalizations, for example, when explaining what a number of fairy tale heroes have in common or answering a question about the set of qualities of a real hero) .

Features of using the program in practice

  • Taking into account the external structure of the lesson (sequence of stages of the lesson) and internal (stages of solving a specific problem in an assignment, the relationship of a set of didactic tasks).
  • The beginning of the presentation of new material occurs after completing search and creative tasks, which, using a heuristic method, will lead children to new information.
  • In each lesson, joint work between teacher and student, work in small groups and pairs is required.
  • The tasks should be variable (this is stipulated in the very wording of some tasks in the textbook - and the child himself sees and knows that there are tasks for different levels knowledge, that is, he has something to strive for; while in the classical method variability is left to the teacher).
  • Students themselves must identify connections between the studied and new material.
  • Repetition of what has been covered can be not only of a control nature, but also of a teaching nature (if we are talking about mastering a new topic of a training session).

The nuances of using “Harmony” in first grade

First-graders often cannot (or rather, are afraid) to express their own opinions, which causes “inhibition” in the lesson. In this regard, in the first year of implementing the “Harmony” program, the teacher faces two tasks:

The introduction of the program requires a particularly attentive attitude to working with parents

  • liberate your students, give them the opportunity to feel the joy of receiving the right decision made independently;
  • teach parents how to properly help their children.

As for the latter, quite often it is difficult for parents to understand the system of work in the “Harmony” program due to the fact that they themselves studied in the classical program. In this regard, many mothers and fathers express their negative assessments of “Harmony”, which, as you understand, does not add enthusiasm to the children. That is why the author of the program provided all textbooks for the first grade with a whole set of letters of appeal to parents in order to prevent the most common mistakes in the implementation of the program. And the teacher must definitely draw the attention of moms and dads to these letters.

Lesson outline diagram

The “Harmony” program lesson is structured according to the following plan:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Updating knowledge (if necessary, recording difficulties in activities).
  3. Setting a learning task.
  4. Building a way out of a difficulty (usually in the form of a frontal survey, analysis of what was seen/written, analysis of the stages of work on a specific task).
  5. Exercise for the eyes.
  6. Physical education minute.
  7. Independent work with self-test in class.
  8. Reflection.

Examples of lesson notes for the “Harmony” program

Prokopyeva Natalya “Summary of a reading lesson in 2nd grade according to the “Harmony” program. G. Tsyferov “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale” (fragments)

<…Изучение нового материала.
1. Statement of the problem. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.
- What word did you get? Name the topic of the lesson “Words, words, words...”
- How do you understand the name of our lesson? What will we learn in class?
Observe how writers skillfully and tastefully use words when creating their works.
2. Acquaintance with the work of G. Tsyferov “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale”
- Open the textbook on page 53. Read the title of the work, the name and surname of the author...>
<…3. Знакомство с текстом.
Reading in a chain.
4.Language analysis of the work
- Did you like the fairy tale? How?
- Guys, remember what we will learn in class? (repeat lesson objective) Let's do some research. Everyone has card number 1 on the table with questions. Work with it, and then we’ll discuss the results you got.
- Find the highlighted words in the text.
- What one word can replace them?
- What’s better - like the author or to have the word “said” everywhere? Why?
So, the highlighted words helped to accurately present the picture that Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov wanted to convey to us.
5. Game “Where, whose house”
- Did you like fairy tales about houses? Remember that they wanted houses? Do you want to play them?
(The teacher speaks for the author, the guys in suits pronounce the words of the heroes)
6. Creative task
-Have you ever made up fairy tales? Who will tell theirs? (1–2 people)
- The rest can also try themselves in the role of a storyteller and compose their own fairy tale.
7. Physical exercise
A mischievous chicken lived
I've been turning my head all day:
Turned left, right,
He bent his left leg,
Then he raised the right one
And he stood up on both again.
He began to flap his wings:
Raise and lower
Up, down, up, down!
Turned left, right:
- It’s good in the world, really!
And then I went for a walk -
I found myself a worm!…>

We see that work on the topic starts from posing the problem - the children themselves reveal the essence of the topic (this technique in the traditional method is used only in the middle and senior levels), that is, the pre-text stage. After reading, children not only answer questions about the text, but analyze the language level of the work (search for generalization words). At the stage of consolidating what has been learned, the teacher suggests generalizing knowledge on ALL the fairy tales studied, and not on one specific one, which, of course, gives a broader idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmoral values ​​than if the children drew conclusions only from “Chicken.” This system of working on a topic allows you to give the task to come up with your own fairy tale, and have no doubt that the kids will have enough experience, because during the lesson of learning new material they were able to repeat and generalize what they had already learned, and analyze their existing knowledge.

Bykova Svetlana “Summary of a Russian language lesson in 2nd grade according to the “Harmony” program. Topic “Spelling of double consonants in the root of a word” (fragments)

<…VII. Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой в классе.
(notebook p. 62 No. 462)
- Read the words. Write down only those words that belong to unchecked spelling patterns.
- The letters in which scientific word can you explain by its origin? (dictionary - word)
VIII. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.
-Do you think it is so important to correctly write words with a double consonant?
-What will change if we write not 2 letters, but one?..>

<…Запишите эти предложения в тетрадь и объясните свой выбор.
- Do you like reading books? Let's see how well you know the heroes of your favorite works.
- Write down names literary heroes.
-Do you know? How are these names written?
-What do the names of the heroes have in common? (double consonant)
-Check whether you have written the names of the characters correctly.
-Guys, who would like to read these works?
-Where can I go? (to the library)
IX. Reflection.
- What knowledge star did you discover in class today?
-Is it possible to write 1 letter in new words?
- What spellings do these words belong to? (unchecked spellings)
- Continue the phrases suggested by Dunno:
-I know…..
-I remembered….
-I was able...
Homework: notebook for Wed. 56 No. 57
- How do you evaluate your work in class?
-Show it in your notebook on the achievements line...>

When formulating a topic, the teacher resorts to formulation problematic situation, rather than just writing the topic of the lesson on the board. Moreover, this situation develops from a unique experience that the teacher offers to children (if we write one letter instead of two, what will happen?). The next level of the lesson is conducting an experiment: children write the names of literary characters, find out where the double letter is. The teacher does not check the correctness of spelling, but invites the children to do it themselves (this approach is not traditionally used in a lesson in presenting new material!). At the same time, at the reflection stage, children not only draw conclusions on the topic of the lesson, but also evaluate their activities. Such “volumetric” reflection is inherent only in “Harmony” among existing programs. That is, children learn to evaluate their work from different positions: both objective and subjective.

Kolomatskaya Olga “Summary of a mathematics lesson in 4th grade according to the “Harmony” program. Topic “Volume of a figure” (fragment)

Org. moment
Today we will reveal the secret -
The secret of extraordinary mathematical miracles
The nut of knowledge is hard, but still
We are starting our lesson
And I want each of you
At the end of the lesson I could say:
“Today I searched, created.
And I discovered new knowledge,
And what I had to learn, I can now apply.”
2.Updating knowledge
Read the expressions and find their meanings
I (10 + 8) 10
N 900 –(3 100)
B 60 · 10: 6
I (700:100) 10
L (30:3) 5
E 100 - 800:10
S 7 8 10
H (200 +800) :10
Check your results. Arrange the meaning of the expressions in descending order and decipher the word.
Unscramble the word: VALUE
What do we call magnitude? A quantity is something that we can measure and the result of the measurement can be expressed as a number.
Everything that can be measured and counted (math. physics) (Ushakov’s Dictionary.)
What methods of measuring quantities do you know (by eye, by measurement)
What do you need to know to measure a value?
Name the quantities you know and their units...>

In this example, work in a mathematics lesson is carried out in the form of solving a puzzle. Typically, such tasks are used in traditional methods in lessons for consolidating material and generalizing. In this passage, children search for the meaning of expressions to find a key word to determine the topic of the lesson - the structure is much more complex than simply finding a solution. Then the teacher implements the principle of clarity: the children find the meaning of the given word in the dictionary, that is, in mathematics they learn to work with explanatory dictionary. And to lead students to the actual topic of the lesson (volume of a figure), the teacher turns to the children’s experience with questions about measurement methods and instruments for obtaining these quantities.

The examined fragments allow us to draw the following conclusions:

  • the lesson on “Harmony” appeals not only to the theoretical, but also to the practical experience of children;
  • the lesson begins with posing a problematic question, which allows students to immediately “get involved” in the topic, which means they are less distracted and play around;
  • Interdisciplinary connections are actively used, moreover, children receive information from different areas of activity within even one stage of the lesson;
  • Each lesson ends with multi-level reflection, children analyze not only their emotional impression of the lesson, but also assess the value of the knowledge gained.

Video. Math lesson. 1 class. UMK "Harmony". Topic: “Number and figure 3”

Educational and methodological set “Harmony”

The educational and methodological set "Harmony" implements: methods of organizing students' educational activities related to setting an educational task, its solution, self-control and self-assessment; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities; methods of forming concepts that ensure awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age.
The course is based on a methodological concept of purposeful and systematic work on developing mental activity techniques in younger schoolchildren: analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy and generalization in the process of mastering the mathematical content provided for by the program.
The primer “My First Textbook,” intended for the course “Teaching Literacy,” ensures not only the mastery of elementary reading and writing by first-graders, but also the development of their thinking, cognitive interests, sense of language, formation phonetic hearing, spelling vigilance, speech and reading skills, introduction to the world of children's books, as well as the accumulation of experience in working with educational books.
The primer involves the active promotion of both children just beginning to learn to read, and those who are already at different stages of mastering reading techniques.
In general, this primer creates conditions for the successful continuation of teaching reading and the Russian language within the framework of individual academic subjects.
The Russian language course, presented in the textbooks “To the Secrets of Our Language,” ensures the development of language and speech skills in younger schoolchildren, their functional literacy simultaneously with the formation of a whole complex of universal educational activities.
This is facilitated by the implementation of an activity-based approach to the organization of learning, in which the development of language and speech concepts, rules, and work on skills goes from motivation and setting a learning task to solving it and through understanding the necessary method of action to using acquired knowledge and the ability to control implementation action and its result.
Language learning has a communicative orientation, as it is subordinated to the development of students’ speech and the improvement of all forms of their speech activity.
The formation of schoolchildren's literacy is carried out on the basis of the targeted development of their spelling vigilance and spelling self-control.
The course “Literary Reading” involves the formation of reading competence of a junior school student, which is determined by mastery of reading techniques and methods of mastering literary work, the ability to navigate books and the acquisition of experience in independent reading activity.
Teaching literary reading is also aimed at:
enriching the spiritual and moral sphere of junior schoolchildren, developing ideas about good and evil, justice and honesty, respect for the culture of the peoples of multinational Russia;
mastering universal educational activities
improving all types of speech activity, the ability to construct a monologue and conduct a dialogue;
development creativity;
nurturing an aesthetic attitude towards the art of words, interest in reading and books, the need to communicate with the world of fiction;
expanding the reader's horizons.
The mathematics course presented in the textbook, in the process of mastering the program material, purposefully forms all types of universal learning activities (ULA) for students. This is facilitated by: the logic of constructing the course content, various methodological techniques for organizing the educational activities of younger schoolchildren, and a system of educational tasks aimed at students performing various types of actions.
In the process of studying the course, children will master: mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the course program, and will learn to use them to describe surrounding objects, processes, phenomena, assess quantitative and spatial relationships; master the skills: build reasoning; argue and correct statements; distinguish between reasonable and unfounded judgments; identify patterns; establish cause-and-effect relationships; carry out an analysis of various mathematical objects, highlighting their essential and non-essential features, which will ensure their successful continuation of mathematical education in primary school.
Features of the content of the course “The World around us” are: the integrative nature of the presentation of natural science, social science and historical knowledge; purposeful formation of UUD during the development of subject knowledge and skills.
The study of the surrounding world is aimed at:
formation in younger schoolchildren of a holistic picture of the natural and sociocultural world, environmental and cultural literacy, moral, ethical and safe standards of interaction with nature and people;
mastering a complex of subject knowledge, skills and universal educational activities for the successful continuation of education in primary school;
development of skills to observe, analyze, generalize, characterize objects of the surrounding world, reason, solve creative problems;
education of a citizen who loves his Fatherland, is aware of his belonging to it, respects the way of life, customs and traditions of the inhabiting peoples, striving to participate in environmental and creative activities.
The main course presented in the textbooks “Technology” is a subject-based transformative activity that allows you to integrate conceptual (speculative), visual-figurative, visual-effective components cognitive activity.
Main features of the “Fine Arts” course:
acquaintance of schoolchildren with the figurative language of fine art as the basis for the emotional and ethical development of the surrounding world;
communicative orientation of training, ensuring the education of the basic visual culture of the individual and the primary development visual arts visual communication;
activity-based approach to the study and further practical development of visual, design and decorative artistic activities;
learning based on problem problems, when the teacher, without suggesting a final answer, poses questions that help students themselves come to the right decision;
formation of methods of cognitive activity and development of interest in the field of artistic exploration of the world, enrichment of the sensory and practical creative experience child.
The music course presented in the textbooks “To the Heights of Musical Art” has the following features:
development of musical thinking of schoolchildren through mastering various genres of music;
selection of musical material with a focus on the masterpieces of world musical art, which helps the child form a holistic understanding of musical culture based on its standard samples;
formation, along with the song type, of musical thinking at the symphonic level;
the methodological principle of “recreating” masterpieces of world musical art, which consists in the fact that the holistic perception of a work is preceded by the stage of its “creation” by a child through the passage of the main stages of the composer’s path;
the creation by schoolchildren of the independence of music as a form of art, capable of conveying the feelings and thoughts of people through their own means as a result of acquaintance with musical images of various genres of music and the disclosure of multifaceted connections between music and life.
The purpose of the textbooks “Physical Education” is to form the fundamentals of healthy image life, the ability to communicate and interact with peers, plan one’s own activities, distribute the load and rest during its implementation, analyze and objectively evaluate the results of one’s own work, evaluate the beauty of the physique and posture, and technically correctly perform motor actions.
Publishes textbooks and educational teaching aids"Harmony" publishing house "Association of the XXI Century".

The UMK includes:
1. Primer - author M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko, N.M. Betenkova, O.E. Kurlygina.
2. Russian language - author M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko.
3. Literary reading - author O.V. Kubasova.
4. Mathematics - author N.B. Istomina.
5. The world around us - author O.V. Poglazova, N.I. Vorozheikina, V.D. Shilin.
6. Technology - author N.M. Konysheva.
7. Fine arts – (Yakhont publishing house), author: T.A. Koptseva, V.P. Koptsev, E.V.Koptsev.
8. Music – (Yakhont publishing house), author: M.S. Krasilnikova, O.N. Yashmolkina, O.I. Nekhaeva.
9. Physical culture - (Yakhont publishing house), author: R.I. Tarnopolskaya, B.I. Mishina.




2nd grade

UMK "Harmony"

Explanatory note

BASIS: program “Technology” for grades 1 – 4 of primary school “Artistic design activities” (basics of design education).

Publishing house "Association XXI Century" Smolensk 2004.

As a specific content and methodological basis of the course, this program proposes the formation of the fundamentals of design education among junior schoolchildren, but this does not mean a new type of specialization or career guidance for students. As you know, design is a form human activity aimed at creating a convenient and beautiful subject environment. Every person, regardless of lifestyle and profession, is a “user” of this environment, since he spends most of his life in it. During use, there is also an impact on the environment, and it can be more or less adequate. Therefore, modern schoolchildren need to receive education in this area.

Because in class manual labor students usually create things for practical application, it is most advisable to use these lessons as an educational platform for understanding the world of things, or the subject environment. At the same time, this does not in any way mean equipping schoolchildren with specific design knowledge, much less memorizing special terminology and mastering the corresponding highly specialized types of activities. The program only provides for the formation of correct ideas about the meaning and beauty of things and about the most general rules and requirements that we place on them and that should be taken into account when producing and using them.

By getting involved in the development of comfortable and beautiful things, schoolchildren learn to think about the connection between a person and the cultural environment living with a unified and harmonious nature, that the world of things is inextricably linked with man, and therefore things carry information about him (social, psychological, historical); that it is not man who exists for things, but things for man, etc. Thus. This training course objectively has an unconditionalideological, spiritual and moral orientation.

In addition, the proposed course is comprehensive and integration in the very in a deep sense; it includes both rational-logical and emotional-artistic components of education: after all, every thing is thought out from the point of view of the rationality of the design and from the point of view of external expressiveness.

A more intensive developmental impact of the course “Artistic and Design Activities” is also ensured by the fact that it was developed taking into account modern scientific data on the role ofsubstantive transformative activityin personality development.

The course is structured in such a way that students’ practical activities are not isolated from their mental ones. It is practical activity that makes it possible to “translate” complex abstract actions from the internal (invisible) plane to the external (visible), making them more understandable.

Methodological basisorganizing children's activities in the classroom is creative method design, since it combines both the engineering and design (i.e., predominantly rational, rational-logical) aspect, and the artistic and aesthetic (largely emotional, intuitive). Accordingly, the program focuses onsystematic design and engineering activitiesstudents; the main emphasis is shifting from making crafts and mechanical mastery of work techniques towards designing things based on the conscious and creative use of techniques and technologies.

The reproductive activity of students in the classroom will, of course, occupy a significant place, but only to the extent and until it ensures reliable mastery of techniques practical activities.

As for project activities, with a design approach it constitutes the essence of educational work and is inseparable from the content being studied.

Thus, taking into account the main concept, themain objectives of the course.

1. Spiritual and emotional enrichment of the individual:

a) the formation of an idea of ​​the harmonious unity of the world and the place of man in it with his artificially created objective environment;

b) fostering a respectful attitude towards the creative person;

c) the formation of aesthetic perception and evaluation of things and phenomena.

2. Development of the creative potential of the individual, creative abilities, intuition.

3. Development of mental cognitive processes and methods of cognitive activity.

4. Broadening your horizons.

5. Development of the hand, eye, etc. through the formation of practical skills.

The entire course of study is a single system of interrelated topics that gradually become more complex from class to class, and at the same time, the diverse connections between the subject practical activities of a person with his history and culture, as well as with the natural world are revealed. Each year of study is a step in the knowledge of these connections.

Graphically, the structure of the program can be reflected as follows:



substantive and practical content of the course

Socio-historical and moral-aesthetic content of the course

1 class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

SKILLFUL HANDS: the idea of ​​beauty in everyday phenomena of nature and life; variety of shapes and colors in the surrounding reality; the joy of knowledge and creation (I learn to look and see, I teach my hands to be obedient and smart).

IN NATURE, IN LIFE AND IN THE WORKSHOP: basic ideas of the relationship between Man, Thing and Nature and the ways of their knowledge; the basics of decorative and artistic reflection of the world (learning to observe, think and act).

OUR MAN-MADE WORLD (FROM THE WORLD OF NATURE TO THE WORLD OF THINGS): nature as a source of engineering and artistic ideas; basic principles and rules of design (I master the basic rules of creating a beautiful thing and the world of things).

SECRETS OF THE MASTERS: the world of things as a source of historical and cultural information; traditions and their role in life and art; traditional crafts and work methods as an opportunity to become familiar with human culture (I comprehend skill as a way of expressing spiritual culture).

The second grade program aims to begin the formation ofsystematic fundamental knowledge and understanding from the field of design, as well as their wider involvement in creative design activities.

The main task of the teacher is not to control how well the students remember special terms and formulations (they do not need to be given at all), but to gradually form in the students a conscious attitude towards things and the everyday environment as a whole.

In the second grade, one of the most important lines running through the entire course also begins: students receiveidea of ​​traditions in the world of things and get acquainted with basics of folk aesthetics.

Students also get an idea of ​​some of the most strikingconstructive and artistic ideas of natureand that man, in the consciousness of his objective world, borrows these ideas from nature.

Educational level requirements (grade 2)


What is the development of a three-dimensional product (hereinafter it is meant that the student can reveal the meaning of the concept in his own words; memorization of definitions is not required);

Conventions used in technical drawings, drawings and development sketches;

How to make a fold on thick paper or cardboard;

What is composition;

What is symmetry (asymmetry) and rhythm in the form and design of objects, what is their constructive and aesthetic meaning;

What does the plain weave of threads in fabric look like?

That marking rectangular parts on fabric with plain weave threads is most conveniently done by pulling the thread;

Seams “forward needle” and “over the edge”.

Have an idea

That things should suit the environment, the character and appearance of their owner;

The fact that under different conditions of use one and the same thing will have a different structure and different appearance;

The fact that in folk life things had not only a practical meaning, but also a magical meaning, and therefore were made strictly according to the rules;

On the symbolic meaning of images and patterns in some works of folk art;

That nature is the source for human creation of images and designs;

About the technological and decorative-artistic differences between appliqué and mosaic.

Be able to

Construct a rectangle on a rectangular sheet (or from two right angles) using a ruler; draw simple developments;

Perform simple calculations of the dimensions of product parts;

Construct a square on a rectangular sheet of paper using the folding method;

Sculpt a round sculpture from a whole piece, use a special stick and stack;

Create an image using the bas-relief technique;

Paint a plasticine product with paints (gouache);

Make simple figures from paper using the origami technique;

Perform marking and fringing on the fabric by pulling threads;

Mark on the fabric according to the template; cut out parts from fabric;

Make seams “forward with the needle” and “over the edge”;

Create frontal and volumetric compositions in accordance with the artistic and design task; select materials and methods of their processing;

Analyze the design of the product and perform work according to the sample;

Make changes and additions to the design in accordance with the established conditions;

Come up with and carry out a simple design of the product in accordance with its purpose.

Educational and methodological support:

Konysheva N.M. Wonderful Workshop: Textbook for 2nd grade;

Konysheva N.M. Wonderful workshop: Methodological recommendations for a textbook on technology. 2nd grade.

Abbreviations used in the table

HC – artistic culture

SEC – socio-legal culture

KZ – culture of health

EC – ecological culture

IC – information culture

Lesson type:

ONZ - a lesson in mastering new knowledge

FSUN - a lesson in the formation and improvement of skills

NEO - a lesson in generalizing and systematizing knowledge

PZZ - a lesson in repetition, consolidation of knowledge

CP - test lessons

K – combined lesson

Individual work with students

1. Performing collective work from individual ones.

2. Additional tasks for development fine motor skills(Ilya Bedrin, Nikita Smirnov, Sasha Medvedev, Oleg Vasiliev, Vova Rybakov, Katya Rudakova).



Educational and thematic planning

Federal standard requirements

Minimum content of education


Pedagogical conditions


Assessment Benchmarks

Components of education

P - I

D - K


(3 hours)

General educational knowledge, skills and methods of activity

Labor activity in human life. The man-made world as a result of human activity. The influence of human technological activity on environment and health (overall view).

The content of the work of people in the immediate environment (profession).Manual, mechanized and automated labor.Labor process: planning, workplace organization,distribution of working hours,performing a sequence of operations, monitoring the progress and results of activities. Implementation of cooperation in team work. Compliance with safe labor practices when working with various instruments, materials, household appliances. Creation of models of simple objects (initial design skills).

Manufacturing technology from various materials (practical experience)

Variety of materials and scope of their application. Natural and artificial materials (naming, comparison of properties, use). Selection of materials according to their properties. Preparing materials for work. Careful use andeconomical spendingmaterials. Search, transformation, storage and application of information to solve technical and technological problems. Determination of the shape, size, sequence of production of products according to drawings, diagrams, sketches, drawings. Marking parts using templates and using marking tools. Using measurements to solve practical problems. Manufacturing of flat and three-dimensional products,decorative compositionsfrom various materials according to samples, drawings, sketches, drawings. Mastery of basic techniques for processing paper, cardboard, natural, plastic, textile materials, foil, wire. Mastering the basic methods of connecting product parts. Consistency and a brief description of operations. Decorative design and finishing of the product. Product creation anddecorative compositionsaccording to your own design. Assembling models and mock-ups of simple objects from designer parts according to a sample, drawing, diagram;creating models according to your own ideas. Checking the model in action.Dismantling of products.


Minor repairs

clothes. Decorative design

household and home items. Simple book repair. Familiarization with types of household appliances. Compliance with safe work practices when using household appliances. Economical consumption of electricity.

Conveying character and expressing mood in things and subject environment. Unity of the functional and aesthetic side of things. The constitution of a thing, its connection with its purpose. Modeling a cup for fairy tale hero. House of a fairy-tale hero.



short circuit

Form the idea that things should suit the environment, the character and appearance of their owner;

Show with examples that under different conditions of use the same thing will have a different structure and different appearance;

Report the symbolic meaning of images and patterns in some works of folk art;

Learn to create frontal and volumetric compositions in accordance with the artistic and design task; select materials and methods of their processing;

Develop the ability to make changes and additions to the design in accordance with the set conditions;

FSUN Formation of skills in sculpting a hollow shape by extrusion.

1. Preparatory work with students: reading fairy tales (or excerpts from them) or watching cartoons for whose characters cups will be created.

2. Conversation about the informativeness and style of things (using the example of a cup).

3. Mental design of a cup.

4. Discussion of practical work techniques.

5. Practical work.

6. Summing up the lesson, discussing the work.

FSUN Formation of techniques for painting forms.

1. Discussion of the meaning and purpose of the painting. Heuristic conversation.

2. Instruction on painting technology.

3. Practical work, painting a cup with paints.

4. Exhibition. Discussion and evaluation of work. "Protection of projects."

5. Solving design and creative problems.

FSUN formation of the ability to design a three-dimensional product.

1. Analysis of samples.

2. Clarification in various ways work.

3. Selecting a product and drawing up a work plan.

4. Independent work on making a house.

5. Exhibition of works. Analysis.


(7 o'clock)

Patterns and designs of nature and the products of man; rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry in nature and artistic composition. Symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes and compositions.




short circuit


Clarify knowledge about composition;

Inform what symmetry (asymmetry) and rhythm are in the form and design of objects, what their constructive and aesthetic meaning is;

Show with examples that nature is a source for man to create images and designs;

Report the most famous plots and images (heroes) of Ural folklore;

Give basic ideas about the way of life, culture and way of life of the peoples inhabiting the Sverdlovsk region;

Repeat basic sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;

Introduce methods for organizing comfortable relationships with teachers, parents and friends;

To form an idea of ​​nature as an interconnected, orderly and sensitive system to human intervention;

Learn to analyze the design of a product and perform work according to a sample;

To teach how to convey works of Ural folklore in one’s own artistic and creative activities;

Learn to express your emotional experiences through artistic means;

Learn to observe basic rules of personal hygiene; safety precautions;

Teach to perform environmental regulations behavior in natural environment;

FSUN Formation of the ability to convey rhythm and movement.

1. Analysis of samples.

3. Drawing up a work plan.

4. Discussion of methods for cutting leaves.

5. Practical work.

6. Exhibition and analysis of works.

FSUN Formation of techniques for creating a frontal composition.

1. Working with the textbook. Analysis of analogue samples.

2. Exercises. Associative thinking training.

3. Practical work of students. Selecting leaves (creating an image) and gluing.

4. Exhibition and evaluation of works.

ONZ Familiarization with asymmetry, with the constructive and artistic meaning of symmetry and asymmetry.

1. Analysis of constructive and artistic meaning symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes.

2. Exercises in cutting out shapes that reflect different “characters”

3. Practical work. Postcard design.

4. Exhibition and evaluation of works.

Symmetry and asymmetry in composition. Use of color.


PZZ Consolidating techniques for marking symmetrical shapes.

1. Design of work; mental creation of an image of a picture.

2. Selection and preparation of materials; marking the base - the shape of the picture.

3. Marking and preparing leaves - elements of the composition

4. Creating a composition in a prepared format.

5. Exhibition; discussion of works.

FSUN Formation of the ability to work with bulk natural materials; training in the simplest methods of joining (on plasticine).

1. Consideration of prepared natural materials.

2. Discussion of upcoming practical work (connection techniques).

3. Practical work.

4. Demonstration and evaluation of work.

OSZ generalization of knowledge about symmetry and asymmetry, methods of making symmetrical patterns.

1. Conversation about symmetry around us.

2. Symmetrical cutting according to the pattern.

3. Making a pattern from parts of a square.

4. Puzzle – warm-up.

5. Puzzle - competition.

6. Practical work of the student’s choice.

7. Analysis of student work.

FSUN Formation of the ability to perform symmetrical cutting.

1. Sample analysis.

2. Selection of materials for work.

3. Drawing up a work plan.

4. Practical work of students.

5. Collecting garlands (in pairs, side by side, class)

6. Using the product to decorate the office.


(5 o'clock)

Ancient customs and rituals, the place of things in these rituals. The connection between man and nature through things. Making spring ritual cookies. Modeling and painting toys based on the products of folk craftsmen. Dolls made of fiber materials.




short circuit


Communicate that things should suit the environment, the character and appearance of their owner;

Inform that under different conditions of use the same thing will have a different structure and different appearance;

Tell us that in folk life things had not only a practical meaning, but also a magical meaning, and therefore were made strictly according to the rules;

Talk about the symbolic meaning of images and patterns in some works of folk art;

Report the most famous plots and images (heroes) of Ural folklore;

Give basic ideas about the way of life, culture and way of life of the peoples inhabiting the Sverdlovsk region;

To introduce the peculiarities of everyday life and family life characteristic of the peoples inhabiting the modern Sverdlovsk region;

Report about the most famous figures of the Urals;

Repeat basic sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;

Introduce methods for organizing comfortable relationships with teachers, parents and friends;

To form an idea of ​​nature as an interconnected, orderly and sensitive system to human intervention (collection of natural materials);

To teach how to create frontal and volumetric compositions in accordance with the artistic and design task; select materials and methods of their processing;

Learn to analyze the design of a product and perform work according to a sample;

Develop the ability to make changes and additions to the design in accordance with the set conditions;

Develop the ability to invent and carry out simple design of a product in accordance with its purpose.

To teach how to convey works of Ural folklore in one’s own artistic and creative activities;

Instill a desire to master the simplest types of folk crafts traditional for their area;

Learn to express your emotional experiences through artistic means;

Instill a desire to reproduce current customs and traditions of your people;

Learn to observe basic rules of personal hygiene; safety precautions;

To teach how to follow environmental rules of behavior in the natural environment (during the collection of natural materials);

FSUN Formation of modeling techniques from a whole piece of plasticine.

1. Preparation of plasticine forms, exercises for associative-figurative thinking.

2. Refining the shape, sculpting animals.

3. Preliminary analysis of the work.

4. Final finishing of the product.

5. Final discussion of sculptural images and means of expression.

We learn from folk masters.

Doll made of fiber materials.

ONZ Introduction to the traditional type of craft - making a doll from straw.

1. A conversation about the meaning of the product, its purpose in folk culture, and the continuity of cultures.

2. Sample analysis; discussion of product manufacturing techniques.

3. Preparing bundles of thread for the first doll.

4. Making a doll together with the teacher.

5. Preliminary analysis of work.

FSUN Training in techniques for making dolls from fibrous materials in accordance with folk traditions.

1. Repetition of product manufacturing techniques.

2. Independent work on making dolls.

3. Individual creative revision.

4. Exhibition of works. Analysis about assessment.

FSUN Formation of knowledge about folk clay toys.

1. Examination of the works of folk craftsmen.

2. Analysis of toys.

3. Drawing up a work plan.

4. Practical work (modeling a toy from plasticine).

5. Interim analysis of work.

6. Painting a toy.

7. Exhibition and analysis of works.

FSUN Formation of ideas about folk crafts.

1. Examination of the illustration.

2. Selection of materials for work.

3. making the body (origami).

4. Making the tail and wings (accordion bending).

5. Assembling the bird.

6. Exhibition of works and analysis.


(17 hours)

Marking a rectangle using a ruler on a rectangular sheet. Marking by bending. Introduction to development and development drawing; symbols (contour or cut line; fold line; extension and dimension lines; place of glue application). Conventions in origami diagrams. Plain weave of threads in fabric. Seams “forward needle” and “over the edge”. Marking the fabric according to the template and the method of pulling the thread. Bas-relief; bas-relief technology. Modeling a figure from a whole piece. The elementary foundations of composition: proportionality, symmetry and asymmetry, rhythm, transmission of movement (frontal, volumetric and deep-spatial compositions, applique, “forest sculpture”). Origami.



short circuit

Introduce the development of a volumetric product;

With symbols, used in development drawings;

Introduce the concept of composition;

Show what the plain weave of threads in fabric looks like;

Inform that marking rectangular parts on fabric with plain weave threads is most conveniently done by pulling the thread;

Introduce “forward needle” and “over the edge” seams.

Report the technological and decorative-artistic differences between appliqué and mosaic.

Report the most famous plots and images (heroes) of Ural folklore;

Give basic ideas about the way of life, culture and way of life of the peoples inhabiting the Sverdlovsk region;

Repeat basic sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;

Introduce methods for organizing comfortable relationships with teachers, parents and friends;

Teach how to construct a rectangle using a ruler and the bending method;

Learn how to make an image using the bas-relief technique;

Learn to paint a plasticine product with paints (gouache);

Learn how to make simple paper shapes using the origami technique;

Learn how to mark and fringe fabric using the method of pulling threads;

Learn how to mark on fabric using a template; cut out parts from fabric;

Learn how to sew seams “forward with the needle” and “over the edge”;

To teach how to convey works of Ural folklore in one’s own artistic and creative activities;

Instill a desire to master the simplest types of folk crafts traditional for their area;

Learn to express your emotional experiences through artistic means;

Learn to observe basic rules of personal hygiene; safety precautions;


ONZ Introduction to the art of origami and simple folds.

1. Making a square.

2. Making a tulip.

3. Panel design

4. Discussion of the work, summing up.


ONZ Introducing students to bas-relief and its decorative and artistic features.

1. Analysis of the artistic and plastic features of the bas-relief.

2. Discussion of the technique of execution and possible subjects of the bas-relief.

3. Making a plate - the basis for the bas-relief.

4. Layout of a composition using a stack.

5. Bas-relief modeling.

6. Bas-relief painting.

7. Exhibition. Discussion and evaluation of work.


ONZ Formation of new paper-plastic techniques.

1. Analysis of the flashlight design.

2. Marking the parts of the flashlight.

3. Cutting out rectangles, processing the external part. Experiments and exercises.

4. Assembling the flashlight.

5. Preliminary assessment of the product. Individual creative modification of the flashlight.

6. Exhibition, discussion and evaluation of products.


FSUN Formation of new techniques for plastic transformation of sheets.

1. Analysis of the sample design.

2. Analysis of the method of marking triangles. Exercise.

3. Marking and cutting out the details of the Christmas tree.

4. Product assembly. Drawing up a general composition.

5. Summing up the lesson. Analysis and evaluation of work.


ONZ Introducing a new technique for marking paper parts (“by subject”).

1. Analysis of packaging design and decor.

2. Marking and cutting out a paper strip.

3. Covering the box with paper.

4. Discussion of options and methods for decorating the surface of the package.

5. Exhibition. Discussion and evaluation of products.


ONZ Training in the technique of hanging and securing threads on a base.

1. Demonstration and analysis of samples.

2. Demonstration of thread hanging techniques.

3. Completion of work by students.

4. Preliminary analysis and evaluation of work.

5. Completion of product design.

6. Exhibition, discussion of works.


FSUN Improving drawing and graphic skills.

1. Review and analysis of the displayed postcards.

2. Selection of materials for application.

3. Marking and preparing parts for applique.

4. Product assembly.

5. Problem solving.

6. Summing up the lesson. Viewing and evaluating works.


PZZ Repetition and reinforcement of the technique of constructing a rectangle using a ruler.

1. Analysis of the design of the needle bar. Making a sketch of the cover layout.

2. Marking and cutting out the cover.

3. Assembling the needle bar; decorating the cover.

4. Design and implementation of structural additions to the product.

5. Exhibition and discussion of works.


ONZ Training in the method of marking fabric by pulling a thread.

1. Familiarization with safety rules when working with a needle.

2. Marking a rectangle of fabric by pulling a thread; clarifying the shape of the napkin.

3. Performing fringe.

4. Summing up the lesson.


FSUN Formation of the ability to perform a seam “forward with a needle.”

1. Discussion of embroidery composition.

2. Pulling threads for embroidery.

3. Measuring the thread, pulling it into the needle.

4. Demonstration of the technique of performing “forward needle” stitches.

5. Practical work.

6. Exhibition and discussion of works.


ONZ Introduction to the technique of making mosaic images.

1. Preparing materials for work.

2. Preparation outline drawing on cardboard.

3. Analysis of samples.

4. Practical work on laying out mosaics.

5. Exhibition. Discussion of works.


Construction of a toy based on a ball module. Caterpillar.

ONZ Training in techniques for connecting balls using thread stitching.

1. Analysis of samples; a brief discussion of the design features of ball toys.

2. Preparation of materials.

3. Sewing the balls together.

4. Design of the toy.

5. Exhibition. Analysis of works.


PZZ Reinforcing the technique of marking paper “by object” and gluing the object.

1. Get students in the mood to create a fantastic image.

2. General analysis products.

3. Creating a mental image of an incredible toy.

4. Marking strips of colored paper and gluing the box.

5. Assembly and design.

6. Exhibition. Analysis.


PZZ Strengthen the ability to build a rectangle using a ruler, read a drawing and technical drawing.

1. Product design analysis; performing calculations.

2. Making a rectangular blank for the cover.

3. Making a pattern, marking and cutting out a figured cover.


The simplest binding. Notebook.


4. Making a rectangular strip - blanks for pages.

5. Assembly and design of the product.

6. Viewing and discussion of works.




1. Knowledge of basic techniques for processing materials, competent use of tools and devices for simple craft work.

2. Drawing and graphic literacy (ability to read a diagram, technical drawing, drawing; mastery of various marking techniques).

3. Culture and work organization; economical use of materials and working time.


Results of the year. Exhibition.


From best works completed during the year, the final exhibition is arranged. It is advisable that both the students themselves and their parents take part in its design. Some second graders may be tour guides; they specially prepare to talk about their achievements during the school year.



(2 hours)

Manufacturing of devices for convenient work.


short circuit

- introduce the development of a three-dimensional product (hereinafter it is meant that the student can reveal the meaning of the concept in his own words; memorization of definitions is not required); with symbols used in technical drawings, drawings and development sketches;

- introduce the rule - how to correctly make a fold on thick paper or cardboard;

- repeat basic sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;

- introduce methods for organizing comfortable relationships with teachers, parents and friends;

- teach how to follow instructions when solving educational problems;

- learn to organize and plan your own labor activity, monitoring its progress and results;

- teach how to obtain the necessary information about the object of activity using drawings and drawings;

- learn to make products from available materials according to a sample or drawing; select materials taking into account properties based on external characteristics;

- teach to observe basic rules of personal hygiene; safety precautions;


FSUN Construction of a rectangle using a ruler on a rectangular sheet.

1. Reporting the topic, setting educational objectives.

2. Familiarization with the method of constructing a rectangle.

3. Practical work.

4. Summing up. Analysis of the work performed by children.


ONZ Formation of the concept of the development of a three-dimensional structure.

1. Familiarization with the scan; problem solving.

2. Marking the scan.

3. Solving problems involving the mental transformation of stands into sweeps

4. Cutting out the reamer, making a stand

5. Exercises to reinforce the topic

6. Summing up the lesson.

Italics in the text highlight material that is subject to study, but is not included in the Requirements for the level of preparation of those graduating from primary school.


Bogateeva Z.A. Wonderful paper crafts: Book. For educators kindergarten and parents. – M.: Education, 1992.

Khvorostov A.S. Decorative and applied arts at school: A manual for teachers, - M.: Prosveshchenie, 1981.

Konysheva N.M. Problems modern lesson practical work. J "N. sh."No. 4 2001 p. 82


Organization of work for a quarter. Work culture. Constructing a rectangle using a ruler.


Design of devices for convenient work. Scan. Brush stand


Origami. Making a square without the help of drawing tools. Simple folds.


Shapes and colors of autumn. Transferring the rhythm of movement in the composition. Application "Leaf Fall".


Shapes and colors of autumn. Composition of dried leaves and flowers. Composition on a plane (bouquet).


Symmetrical cutting with one and two axes of symmetry. Leaves, flowers. Postcard.


Symmetry and asymmetry in composition. Use of color. Painting.


Forest sculpture. Creating an image from natural materials. Working methods.


Paper and scissors make you think. Symmetrical and asymmetrical paper cuttings. Quiz lesson.


Modeling animals by observation, representation and association. Animal sculpture.


Bas-relief. Modeling technique, stylization, composition.


Design based on symmetrical paper cutting. Garland without glue.


Paper plastics, design based on a sample. Flashlight.


New techniques for papermaking. Christmas tree made of triangles.


Stylish unity of packaging and gift. Design based on a finished form. Box based packaging.


Combined work. Technique for hanging threads on the warp. Pendant for gift wrapping.


The image and design of the postcard. New Year card.


Designing things with a strong character. Tea cup of a fairy-tale hero (modelling).


Designing things with a strong character. Tea cup of a fairy-tale hero (decoration).


Designing things with a strong character. Home for a fairy-tale hero.


Working with fabric; tools and devices. Travel pincushion.


Working with fabric. Plain weave; marking by pulling thread. Napkin with fringe.


Working with fabric. Napkin with fringe. Seam "forward needle".


We learn from folk masters. Doll made of fiber materials.


We learn from folk masters. Doll made of fiber materials.


We learn from folk masters. Plasticine toy based on folk images.


We learn from folk masters. Working with paper. Bird-Sun.


Mosaic: technology, composition features. Paper mosaic.


Construction of a toy based on a ball module.


Construction of a fantastic image based on a box module.


The simplest binding. Notebook.


The simplest binding. Notebook.




Results of the year. Exhibition.



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