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Drawing a bear in the middle group using the poking method. Open lesson on fine art “Teddy Bear” in the middle subgroup. Setting a task for children

Target: make children want to draw a bear using a stencil (outline), teach them to paint along the contour using the “poke” method, consolidate knowledge of color (brown), instill an interest in drawing different ways.

Material: a sample of a finished drawing of a bear, an outline of a bear on a landscape sheet, a toy - a large brown bear, stencils, bristle brushes No. 4, thin soft brushes, a simple pencil, gouache (brown, black), napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time, problematic situation.

Guys, it seems like someone is crying, can you hear it in the doll corner?

Who's crying here? (Bear). Yes, this is Mishka the clubfooted one.

How did you end up here, Mishka, and why are you crying? (The teacher voices the toy.)

I came to you from the forest. Winter will come soon and I need to go to bed in the den.

And why did this upset you so much? After all, all bears sleep in their dens in winter. They feel warm and cozy there in winter.

Yes it is. I already wanted to lie down in my den for the whole winter, but I remembered that I have no friends, I am so alone. And I felt very, very sad (crying).

Don't cry, Mishka! You are so beautiful, fluffy, shaggy, calm down (Bear is crying).

Oh guys, what should we do? How can we cheer up Mishka? We need to help him find friends. But how? (Children's answers.)

Can you draw it?

Calm down, Mishka, don’t be sad, we will help you find friends as beautiful as you.

Let's go to the tables (everything you need is there).

I have a friend in my hands for our Teddy Bear (show a sample and turn to the toy).

Look, Mishka, you will have many such beautiful and kind friends.

2. Main part.

Today we will draw a bear using a stencil. You have stencils of bears on your tables, they are all different: some have a bear standing, some have a bear dancing, some have a bear doing exercises. We will draw different friends for Mishka. To do this, you need to put the stencil on a sheet of paper and trace along the outline with a pencil.

First, take the stencil in your hand and trace it with your finger. Like this. And then we will color the Bear, and we will do it in a new way. To depict the bear as fluffy, we will use a bristle brush. The brush will work in a special way: it will jump up and down. Take the brushes in your hands and try them without paint (show how the brush will work).

Well done, you are doing everything right! We start coloring from the head. Look, I'm picking up paint. What color paint do we need to paint the bear? (Brown.)

I'm dialing brown paint– and I begin to draw along the contour. I will go around the entire outline using the “poke” method, then I will paint over the entire bear using the same method. My brush is jumping up and down. The result was a beautiful, fluffy bear. But what did I forget to draw? (Eyes, mouth, nose.) To draw the eyes, mouth, nose, I will take a thin brush, dip it in black paint and paint with the end of the brush. What is my bear's mood?

3. Physical education minute: “Two bears were sitting…”

4. Independent activity of children.

And now you will each draw your own bear. What kind of bears will you have - happy or sad?

5. Summing up.

Analysis: (I take a toy) Bear, look how many friends you have now! The kids tried so hard to help you. Now you can sleep peacefully in your den.

Thank you guys, I like this funny little bear, and this funny one, and I really like them all and now I have a lot of friends! Hooray! Goodbye!

But before you leave, play with us (the game “Bear-toed Bear”).

Thank you for staying and playing with us. And now it's time for you to go into the forest, goodbye.

Education Committee of the Municipal Administration

"Slantsevsky municipal district Leningrad region»

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Slantsevsky kindergarten No. 15 combined type"

Drawing lesson notes

in senior group No. 4

poking method “Bear cub”


Zavarina N.V. .

12 .0 3 .1 9 G.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group
poking method “Bear cub”

Goals: teachchildrendraw using the poking method,with a hard brush, expand children's knowledge about the life of wild animals, develop a sense of empathy.

Tasks :

1 . Teach childrendraw a teddy bear with gouache and a hard brush using the poking method, conveying the size and proportions of body parts.

2 . Strengthen the ability to properly hold a pencil, brush, and use paint carefully.

3 . Improve fine motor skills of the hands.

4 . Develop the cognitive function of the hands, coordination of the movements of both hands with visual tracking.

5 . Develop skills to work carefully and cook workplace, put it in order after completing the work.

6 . Foster a caring attitude towards living nature.

Material s:

    A sheet of paper4 .

    A simple pencil.

    Gouache in brown and black colors.

    Two brushes(hard for drawing using the poke method and thin with soft bristles for drawing eyes, nose and mouth).

    Sippy jar with water.

Progress of the lesson

Preparatory part

Psychocorrectional game:

    WITH Good morning, little eyes!

    Good morning, ears!

    Good morning, hands! (three and clap)

    Good morning, Sun!

    Good morning, guests!

Question: "What time of year?" Invitation to the spring forest.Look, it's like we're in a magical placespringforest (children look at the paintings). Treesstill sleeping. Who's sleeping here under the snow? Yes, this is a clumsy bear! He lives in the forest. When winter comes, it makes a den for itself, where it will sleep all winter until spring.And when spring comes he wakes up. Guys, what aboutToptygin the bear came to visit us (takes out a large teddy bear). Guys, what bear? (Big, fluffy, brown. His nose and eyes are black).

Let's say hello to him.

(All children say hello to the bear and look at it).

Educator: Mishka, why are you so sad?

Bear: I just woke up in its th den e, but I remembered that I have no friends. And I felt very sad.

Educator: Don’t be sad, Mishka, I think we can help you, we’ll find you friends, and you can sleep peacefully in your den until spring. Look how our children can draw. I have a friend in my hands for our bear (shows finished sample). Misha (addressing the toy), you will have many equally beautiful and kind friends, and our guys will help you with this.

Children, can we help Mishka make friends? Go to your desks. Do you see? They lie on the tablesleaves and strokes bear to her. But the drawings are not finished. What's missing from the drawings? (mishok, they need to be painted,no eyes, nose). Let's make our bears fluffy?

Educator: But we will draw in a special way.

Drawing using the poke method:

Hold the brush like this
Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers above its metal. parts.
It's difficult? No, it's nothing!
Right - left, up and down,
Our brush ran.
And then, and then
(The brush is held vertically).
The brush runs around.
(Perform pokes without paint on the sheet).
Spun like a top.
After a poke comes a poke!

(Children's independent work)

Educator:What fluffy and beautiful bears you made! What did you forget to draw? (Eyes, nose).

Do you think it’s possible to paint eyes, a nose and a mouth with the same brush? Why?

Let's take a thin brush and paint the bear's eyes and nose.

Educator: (addressing Mishka) Mishka, look how many friends you have now! The children tried so hard to help you. Now tyou won't be bored in the spring forest.

Bear: Oh,Withthank you, but I wantto play with you:

The bear was walking through a ford. (they walk, waddle like a bear)

He stood on the deck.

Plunge into the water! (squat down)

He's already wet, wet, wet.

He's a pussy, a pussy, a pussy.

Soaked, sour,

Got out, (stood up, shook himself off) Dried out.

He stood on the deck.

Plunge into the water! (squat down)

He's already wet, wet, wet.

He's a pussy, a pussy, a pussy.

Soaked, sour.

He got out, (got up, shook himself off) Dried out.

Lesson summary

The works are exhibited at the stand. Children choose portraits with the most successful images.


What did we do today?

What did you like most?

And we can praise ourselves about how great we are! And say goodbye to Teddy Bear, come to us again.

Famieva Gulsinya Rashitovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU No. 49
Locality: city ​​of Salavat Republic of Bashkortostan
Name of material: Summary of an open drawing lesson in middle group using unconventional technology
Subject:"Visiting Mishka"
Publication date: 25.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education







using unconventional techniques (poking)



Teach children to draw animals using the poking method. Strengthen your drawing skills

brush in different ways.


develop the ability to draw with gouache using a poke; draw on

entire surface; convey features in a drawing appearance bear


develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive






ability to choose independently color scheme for image


bring up



Bring up

accuracy during work.

Preliminary work.

Reading the fairy tale “The Bear and the Sun.”


a landscape sheet with a drawn outline of a bear; hard brush, gouache,

stand for brushes, napkins). Two samples: one has an outline of a bear on

another bear drawn using the poking method.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time. Greetings.

Hello right hand - stretch forward,

Hello left hand - stretch forward,

Hello friend, let's join hands with our neighbor,

Hello friend, let's take it with the other hand,

Hello, hello friendly circle - shake your hands.

Let's say hello.

I invite you to sit on the chairs and in such a good mood

start our lesson.

Main part.

Today I want to talk to you about...... Stop. Let's guess for yourself

who will our lesson be dedicated to? To do this, listen to the riddle:

The couch potato sleeps all winter.

He sucks his own paw.

And in my deep sleep

Sees delicious, sweet honey.

Maybe loudly for no reason

Growl and roar.

Loves ripe raspberries

Our clubfoot... (bear)

Right! (A toy bear appears).

A bear came to visit us today. Let's say hello to the guest.

What does the bear look like? He's fluffy, he has four legs, he's small

tail, and he himself is big.

And the bear brought us a drawing. Let's get a look. What fairy tale is this from?


Listen to this story again. I'll read it to you.

Questions about the fairy tale:

Is this fairy tale sad or funny?

What happened in the bear's den? Why did the bear wake up?

How did the bear get angry at the water?

How was the water justified?

How was the snow justified?

Why couldn't the bear punish the sun?

Physical exercise “The bear came out of the den.”

And now you and I will turn into bears and play with our guest.

Let's close our eyes, count to three (one, two, three) - open our eyes.

Now we are bears.

Let's play the game "The bear got out of the den."

The bear crawled out of the den,

I looked around on the threshold. (Turns left and right)

He stretched out of sleep (Stretching - arms up)

Spring has come to us again.

To quickly gain strength,

The bear turned his head (Head rotation)

Bent back and forth (Bends back and forth)

Here he is walking through the forest (We're waddling)

The bear is looking for roots

And rotten stumps (We squat, turn our heads left and right)

They contain edible larvae -




then vice versa)

Finally the bear had his fill

And he sat down on a log (Children sit on the floor)

let's play

let's turn into

close and count to three (one, two, three) - open your eyes. now we

children again.

Let's draw friends for the bear so that he doesn't get bored. For this

we need to take a close look at the bear. For this I invite you to

our workshop.

What shape is the bear's body? (torso – oval)

And the head? (Round)

Who knows how to draw a fluffy bear? In what way, method

will we use it? (Poke)

Right. Poking. Let me show you how to draw. Please pay

Please note we don't have a glass of water today. We will work with dry

Hold the brush like this

It's complicated? No, nothing.

Right-left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, then, then

The brush went around.

Spun like a top

After poke comes poke.

Poke first along the contour of the bear - head, body, tail, paws, and then

That's how fluffy the bear turned out to be. What else did I forget to draw?

bear? (Eyes and nose)

That's right, eyes and nose. And I will draw them with a cotton swab. Look,

what a wonderful bear!

Remember how to draw? We must try not to go beyond the contour line.

To get started we need to prepare our assistants for work.

Finger gymnastics “Here are my helpers”

Our assistants are ready. Now let's start drawing.


little bear

it worked out



The music turns on.

While the bear dries out, we will rest a little.

Physical exercise.

One - get up, pull yourself up,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - three claps of your hands,

One two Three.

Three nods of the head.

One two Three.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit on the chair again.

Now we sit down and finish drawing the eyes and nose.

Final part. Summarizing.

were engaged.



artists. You all tried your best. Such good friends were drawn for the bear.

And the bear likes his new friends. Well done! Show our guests

your drawings.

Guests, did you like our bears?

Come to us again.

Lesson notes

On the topic: “A teddy bear walks through the forest”

Educator: Pugachenko A.M.

Outline of an art lesson in the middle group “Teddy Bear”

Teach children to reflect a simple plot in a drawing, to convey characteristics animals (bear, strengthen the ability to draw round and oval shapes, develop imagination, sense of shape, composition, sense of color, independence, attention, lexicon.


A4 paper, oil pastel (wax crayons).

Visual aids:

Reproduction of I. Shishkin’s painting “Morning in a Pine Forest”, drawings and photographs of bears.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher: Hello guys. Today I brought you an unusual letter. Now I’ll read it (takes out a letter from the envelope):

I live in the forest and always welcome guests. I like to visit people and ask riddles. First guess who I am?

The beast waddles

For raspberries and honey.

He loves sweets very much

And when autumn comes,

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Where he sleeps and dreams.

(Children: this is a bear)

Teacher: Correct. There's a knock on the door. The teacher comes to the door and takes a toy bear. Next, the lesson is taught by “Mishka”.

Bear: Hello guys. Have you received my letter?

Children: Yes, we got it.

Bear: Did you guess my riddle?

Children: Yes, yes.

Bear: I’ll tell you another riddle:

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round?

Children: This is a Christmas tree.

Bear: That's right. My house among the Christmas trees. Who knows the name of my house?

Children: Den.

Bear: I sleep in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes,

I wake up from sleep.

I have many friends in the forest, but guess who they are.

Who was chewing cones on a branch?

And threw the scraps down?

Who jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter?

Children: This is a squirrel.

Teacher: Takes the squirrel out of the box and places it next to the easel.

Teddy bear: Cross-eyed little one

In a white fur coat and felt boots?

Children: Hare.

Bear: Lying under the Christmas trees

Pillow with needles

Lying, lying

Yes, she ran.

Children: This is a hedgehog.

Bear: All my friends live next to me: a squirrel on a Christmas tree near my den, the houses (holes) of a bunny and a hedgehog not far away, a white-sided magpie telling me the news. He asks what kind of houses a squirrel, a hedgehog and a bunny have. One day, I was walking through the forest, and suddenly a lump hit my forehead. My squirrel friend, not seeing me, threw the cone down and right on my forehead. How many of you know A. Barto’s poem “Teddy Bear”?

Children: One of the children recites this poem.

Bear: And when we offend someone, what should we say to the person we offended?

Children: Please excuse me or forgive me...

Teacher: Children, let’s draw pictures for our bear to remember. We will draw a bear in the forest. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the illustration of I. Shishkin’s painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” and shows how a bear is drawn.

Children draw forest, grass, pine cones, sun, etc. themselves. The work can be done with any material.

Lesson on artistic creativity (unconventional drawing) in the middle group on the topic: “Polar Bear”

Description: Abstract of OD on “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” for middle-aged children using non-traditional techniques. The material will be useful to educators and educators additional education working with middle-aged children.

Preliminary work: looking at paintings about the inhabitants and animals of the North, reading works of art about the North; viewing the northern lights.

Target: introduce children to a new way of conveying images - drawing with semolina; learn to fill out the entire image.

Tasks: expand children's ideas about animals of the north, about the polar bear (what it eats, where it lives, characteristic features), introduce children to a new phenomenon - the northern lights, continue to introduce unconventional drawing techniques, teach children to draw with semolina, continue to develop skills in working in unconventional technology, develop fine motor skills, imagination, creative thinking, Creative skills, develop cognitive activity and aesthetic sensitivity, cultivate interest in unconventional methods of drawing, the ability to complete a job started, independence in performing work
Materials: semolina, glue, brush, brush stand, napkin, sheet with a finished design.


1. Riddle about a polar bear.

Guys, guess the riddle:

"Sitting on a block of ice,

I catch fish for breakfast.

I am known as snow-white

And I live in the North"

That's right, that's polar bear.

Let's look at this picture.
2. Examination of the painting “Family of Polar Bears”

Who do you see in this picture?

What are the cubs doing? What are they?

What is the bear doing? What is she like?

Guys, what do you know about the polar bear? (children's answers)

What else do you see in the picture? (Northern lights)

What are the northern lights? The Northern Lights occur on clear, frosty nights. The sky, illuminated by the light of the moon and stars, turns into different colors. And it becomes very light, like during the day.

Look at the picture, guys, and tell me, please, is this a beautiful phenomenon? (Yes)

What colors are there in the northern lights? (Reddish, light green, purple)

What do you guys think, do we have northern lights? (No)

That's right, we don't have the northern lights.

3. The teacher's story.

“The polar bear lives at the North Pole, in the Arctic. It's always winter there, there's always snow. He is the largest predator on our planet. The bear swims and dives well. Moves quickly on ice. Polar bears hunt seals and walrus cubs. Polar bears also eat fish, birds and their eggs, moss, and berries.”

4. Dynamic pause.

"Polar bear goes fishing

Walks slowly, waddles.

The old fisherman senses

That the rich man is waiting for a catch"

5. Setting a task for children.

Today I suggest you draw a polar bear, but we will paint not with paints, but with glue and semolina.

You have workpieces on your tables and everything you need for work.

First you need to paint the bear with glue, then cover all the applied glue with semolina, and shake off the excess.

6. Independent - practical work children.

7. Summing up. Exhibition design.

Guys, you’ve got very beautiful bears, let’s place them on ice floes, and we’ll have a real North Pole, where polar bears live and roam.

Guys, you know there are northern lights at the North Pole. The Northern Lights are such a wonderful phenomenon when the sky shines with all colors at once. Waves of red and green light, alternating, sweep across it from one end to the other.

Let us see how this happens. (video demonstration)

Now let's get back to our work, look how wonderful it turned out!

- continue to teach children to draw using the method of poking with a hard brush along the contour;
- strengthen the ability to draw small details of a drawing with a cotton swab;
- expand children's knowledge about pets;
- instill interest in poetic works.
A sheet of A4 paper with a drawn outline of a rabbit, a hard brush; gouache: black, white and gray, cotton swabs; a glass of water; tablet, chalk, rabbit.
Preliminary work:
Introduction to pets; targeted visit to a living corner senior group(object of observation - rabbit); learning poems about a bunny: A. Barto “The Bunny Was Abandoned by the Mistress” and G. Boyko “The Long-Eared Mischief.”
1. Organizational part in the playing area.
The teacher introduces the children to the magic circle depicted on the tablet.

Working with the demo board

Educator: Guys, what pets do you know? (children list pets, and the teacher places them in a magic circle).
Educator: Well done, guys! And today I want to introduce you to another pet.
The teacher asks a riddle:
He quickly jumps through the thicket
And hides himself reliably
From outside inquisitive eyes.
He's so fast and hasty
Early in the morning - early in the morning -
Runs out into the clearing.
It's not a wolf or a fox,
And not a fast marten.
Well, try it and guess?
Well, of course it is...
Children: bunny
Educator: Well done guys, you guessed it - it’s a hare.
- Is a hare a domestic or wild animal? Where should we place our hare, in the middle of the magic circle or outside it?
- Where does the hare live?
-What does it eat?
-Who is hunting him?
Children answer the teacher's questions.
The teacher summarizes the children's answers. The hare is a wild animal that lives in the forest, and which, with the onset of winter, changes its gray coat to white so that it is not noticeable in the snow.
Educator: Guys, do you know that the closest relative of a wild hare is a domestic animal - a rabbit.
- Who saw the rabbit?
- What does he look like? (description)
-What does it eat?
- Where does he live?
The teacher complements the children’s answers and talks about distinctive features rabbit (lives with people, people feed it; they hunt it beasts of prey, that is, he does not have to change his fur coat; The coat color is more varied: white, black, brown, gray).
A surprise moment: the teacher opens the cage with the rabbit.

Children looking at a live rabbit

Children examine and describe the rabbit.
Educator: Guys, why is our rabbit sad?
Children: He is bored sitting in a cage alone.
Educator: Guys, let's cheer him up! Let's play the game "Funny Bunnies", and then draw a lot of little friends for our rabbit.
Dynamic pause “Happy Bunnies”
Come on, everyone sat down together
They looked at each other.
And they clapped their hands:
Clap and clap, clap and clap.
What's on the top of the bunny's head?
- The ears are dancing merrily there.
One jump, two jumps -
Everyone galloped into the woods.
2. Practical part.
Educator: Now, guys, take your seats, and we will draw little friends for our rabbit.
In front of the children are sheets of paper with the outline of a rabbit, paints, a brush, and cotton swabs.
3. Independent work of children.
Children trace with their finger along the entire contour line of the rabbit, then do an exercise - warm-up with a brush, and then begin to poke along the entire contour line of the rabbit. Having finished drawing along the contour line, children draw with a poke inside. Then using cotton swabs Children finish drawing the rabbits' eyes and nose.

Natalia Fedorova

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group

« Teddy Bear»


Introduce children to new drawing technique -"poke"(dry glue brush) ;

Development fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements;

Create desire in children draw friends for the teddy bear;

Learn to color along the outline using the method "poke";

Strengthen knowledge of color (brown, instill interest in drawing in different ways.


Sample of the finished drawing bear, contour bear on a landscape sheet, toy – small plush bear(the toy is musical, but you can use a soundtrack, pictures with koala, grizzly, white bears bear, bristle brushes No. 4, thin soft brushes, gouache (brown, black, red, napkins, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, he came to visit us today little bear.

Oh, but where is he, hidden somewhere? Let's look for him. (Teddy bear in the play corner, the children look for him and find him.)

Hello Mishutka, why are you hiding and why are you so unhappy?

Teddy Bear: - Hello, I came to you from the forest. And not cheerful because my brothers who live in other countries sent me a song and their portraits. Here listen: (the toy sings song:

A brown bear lives in Russia.

He has little brothers everywhere.

In Australia, the brother is the smallest

His name is koala bear.

In America average brother

His name is grizzly bear.

And in the icy Tundra,

There lives an older brother - white. While singing the song, the bear shows portraits of bears.)

Educator: - And what upset you so much? Wonderful song and the portraits are very beautiful.

Teddy Bear: - I’m very sad because I don’t have my portrait. To send it to your brothers and friends.

Educator: - Don’t cry, Mishka! You are so beautiful, fluffy, shaggy, calm down.

Oh guys, what should we do? How can we cheer up Mishka? We need to help him. But how? (Children's answers.)

A you can draw?

Calm down, Mishka, don’t be sad, we will help you. Here, Mishutka, look, I have one drawing.

Let's go to the tables (everything you need is on the tables; children go to the tables.). - Look, Mishka, you will have many of the same beautiful drawings.

2. Main part.

Today we will draw a bear cub. You have sheets of paper on your tables with pictures of bear, All of them different: someone the bear is standing, someone dances, someone does exercises. We will draw different portraits for Mishka. To do this you will need brown paint and tassel.

We will color the Bear, and we will do it in a new way. To portray fluffy bear, we will work bristle brush. Brush will work according to special: She will jump up and down. Take brushes in your hands and try without paint (show how the brush will work(tip brushes must"look" to the ceiling).

Well done, you are doing everything right! We start coloring from the head. Look, I'm picking up paint. What color do we need paint to paint? bear? (Brown.)

I pick up some brown paint and start "poke" brush, first along the contour, I will go around the entire contour. Then I’ll paint over everything using the same method. bear. My tassel jumps up and down. The result was a beautiful, fluffy bear. But what did I forget? draw? (Eyes, mouth, nose.) To draw eyes, mouth, nose I'll take the thin one brush I'll dip it in black paint and paint with the end brushes. What is my bear's mood? (children's answers "he smiles")

Now we will rest a little and begin work. Bear, watch and do with us.

3. Physical education moment: “Two sat bear...»

4. Independent activity of children.

And now you will draw each your own bear. Which ones will you have? the Bears– happy or sad? If anyone needs help, I will come and help.

5. Summing up.

Analysis: (I take the toy) Bear, look how many drawings you have now with your image. The kids tried so hard to help you. Now you can give them to anyone you want!

Teddy Bear: (Looks at children's drawings)- Thanks guys, I like this funny one little bear, but this one is funny, and I really like them all and I can send them to my brothers! Hooray! Goodbye!

Educator: - But before you leave, play with us (game "Teddy Bear..." or "U A bear in the forest...» ).

Thank you for staying and playing with us.

Teddy Bear: - I had a lot of fun. And now it’s time for me to go into the forest, goodbye! Listen to my goodbye song.

A brown bear lives in Russia

He has brothers everywhere

In Australia, the brother is the smallest

His name is Koala Bear

In America average brother

His name is grizzly bear.

And the Tundra is icy

There lives an older brother - white.

bear "leaves".

Educator: Guys, you are all great! Let's hang our drawings at our exhibition. And Mishutka will then come and take them for his friends and brothers.

Unconventional drawing technique
“Drawing a bear” (using the poking method)
Tasks. Teach children to draw animals using the poking method. Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush in different ways. Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme for an image; Ability to properly use a brush and napkin. Cultivate a desire to help. Develop an imaginative interest in the visual arts.

Preliminary work. Looking at illustrations of animals. Reading the fairy tale “The Three Bears.”

Material. a landscape sheet with a drawn outline of a bear; 2 brushes (hard and thin, equipment for painting. Two samples: on one, an outline of a bear; on the other, a bear drawn using the poking method. Bear mask, toy bears.

Progress of the lesson.

I give the children a riddle:

“He walks through the forest in the summer,

In winter he rests in a den.” (Bear)

Guys, look how many bears have come to visit you. Let's go up to them and say hello. Why do you think the bears decided to come to visit us? (Children's answers). They told me that they came to look for new friends. Guys, let's help the bears and draw them a lot of friends. Do you agree?

Look at the cubs, they are all different. Both big and small. Some are sitting, others are lying. And there are also bears that are not toy, but souvenir figurines. They must be handled very carefully, otherwise they will break.

Let's touch the cubs. What kind of fur do they have? (Soft, fluffy). What color are the bears? (Miscellaneous). Guys, what body parts does a bear have? Head. What shape? (Round). Torso. What shape? (Oval). What else does a bear have? (Ears, eyes, nose, mouth, paws). Well done!

Now let's go to the easel. Look at the painted bear. (I trace the outline of the drawn bear, pronouncing the names of the body parts).

What brush do you think I should use to paint the bear's fur? (Tolstoy). Properly thick and to make the bear fluffy, I will draw it using the poking method. What color should I paint the teddy bear? (I'm thinking). I want it to be beige. I dip the dry brush into the gouache, wipe off the excess on the edge of the rosette and begin to paint the bear cub first along the contour (I show, then I paint over the rest of the body. We must try not to go beyond the contour line. The bear is ready. Can I start drawing his face? (No). Why ? (The paint will spread, you need to wait until it dries). What should I do with the brush? Rinse it well and dry it on a napkin. While the bear is drying, you can start painting the grass. What kind of brush should I take for the grass? (Thick). How to paint grass so that it turns out fluffy? (Using the poking method). Which brush should you use to paint the bear’s face? (Thin). Using the tip of the brush, draw the eyes, nose and mouth. Remove excess paint on the edge of the rosette. What should you do with the brush when you’re done painting? (Rinse well).

Sit down at the tables and take a dry, thick brush in your hand. Demonstrate how you will apply paint to the bear. Have you thought about what color your Teddy Bear will be? (Children's answers). Where to start drawing? (Along the contour). Can you draw the eyes right away? (No, the paint will run).

You can start drawing. Dip the brush into the paint. Whoever paints the silhouette of a bear, rinses the brush well and dries it on a napkin. Now you can pick up green paint and paint grass.

Physical education minute.

While your drawing is drying, come to my mat, and the cubs will look at you and have fun too.

Three bears were walking home

Dad was big, big

Mom is shorter with him,

And my son is just a little boy.

He was very small

He walked around with rattles.

Ding-ding, ding-ding,

He walked around with rattles.

Now stand in a circle. Let's play another game. Let's choose a leader using a counting rhyme:

Behind glass doors

There is a bear with pies.

Hello, little darling, friend,

How much does a pie cost?

A pie costs three

And you will be the one to drive!

A game. (The leader shows the figure, other children repeat it. The leader chooses the child who, in his opinion, is better, repeated after him, and the game is repeated with a new leader. The leader puts on a bear mask).

The bear is standing in a circle

The circle looks at Mishenka.

Come on, Mishka, show me

What should we do

One two Three!

The game is repeated three times.

Now sit down at the tables and let’s continue drawing.

As the children complete their work, I conduct an analysis, noting the most successful works and noting the mistakes the children made.

Guys, now let's ask the cubs if they liked the new friends you drew. They say they really liked them and will take them with them. In the meantime, the cubs ask you to stay in your group until the evening. And we will hang your work on the stand so that everyone can see how many new friends you have drawn for the bear cubs



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