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“The greatest value is life”: wise letters from D. S. Likhachev. The greatest value Life has the greatest value

Solntsev Dar

We present to your attention a review of a research paper based on a quote from Academician Likhachev.




for creative work
Solntseva Dara Andreevich,
student of 10-1st grade at the Olgino International Gymnasium.
Subject: " The greatest value in the world is life."
D.S. Likhachev

In the work, the student, based on a quote by D.S. Likhachev, explores his work, which, in his opinion, has a special place in Russian literature.
The relevance of the topic under study is justified, goals and objectives are set. The material in the work is presented in compliance with internal logic.
The student showed erudition, reading in the field under consideration and his own attitude to the problem. When performing work, he demonstrated independence, the ability to select and systematize material.
The work deserves a good rating.

Biology and chemistry teacher at the Olgino International Gymnasium
Struzhenkova T.V.


My name is Solntsev Dar Andreevich, born in 1999. I was born in the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region. At the age of 7, he moved to St. Petersburg and began studying at the Diplomat School. I studied there from 2nd to 7th grade. In the 8th grade I moved to Olgino MG, and I study there to this day. On this moment I am a 10th grade student and plan to finish 11th grade at this institution. Throughout my life, I had many interests, but by the time I turned 16, most of them had faded, and the other part was not as strong as before. The remaining interests are games (of all kinds, i.e. board, computer, catch-up, hide-and-seek, etc., logical... This list can be continued endlessly. The exceptions are sport games. An exception to an exception - sports card games remain in my interests), cards (as you might already understand, playing cards. In addition to games, I also have a collection of all kinds of decksfrom almost all over the world), as well as technology. Unfortunately, I still haven’t chosen what I’m going to connect my life with, because... I can work in almost any field. But in December an idea came to me that I am going to bring to life. I have already purchased almost everything necessary equipment. I'm going to create a game. What is it about? You'll find out when it comes out.

International Gymnasium "Olgino"


“Inhale - exhale, exhale!” I hear the voice of the gymnastics instructor: “To breathe deeply, you need to exhale well. First of all, learn to exhale and get rid of the “exhaust air.”
Life is, first of all, breathing. "Soul", "spirit"! And he died - first of all - “stopped breathing.” That's what they thought from time immemorial. “Spirit out!” - it means “died”.
It can be “stuffy” in the house, and “stuffy” in moral life as well. Take a good breath out of all the petty worries, all the bustle of everyday life, get rid of, shake off everything that hinders the movement of thought, that crushes the soul, that does not allow a person to accept life, its values, its beauty.
A person should always think about what is most important for himself and for others, throwing off all empty worries.
We must be open to people, tolerant of people, and look for the best in them first of all. The ability to seek and find the best, simply “good”, “overshadowed beauty” enriches a person spiritually.
To notice beauty in nature, in a village, a city, a street, not to mention in a person, through all the barriers of little things - this means expanding the sphere of life, the sphere of the living space in which a person lives.
I've been looking for this word for a long time - sphere. At first I told myself: “We need to expand the boundaries of life,” but life has no boundaries! Is not land plot, fenced with a fence - borders. Expanding the limits of life is not suitable for expressing my thoughts for the same reason. Expanding the horizons of life is already better, but still something is not right. Maximilian Voloshin has a well-invented word - “okoyem”. This is everything that the eye can accommodate, that it can embrace. But even here the limitations of our everyday knowledge interfere. Life cannot be reduced to everyday impressions. We must be able to feel and even notice what is beyond our perception, to have, as it were, a “premonition” of something new that is opening or could be revealed to us. The greatest value in the world is life: someone else’s, one’s own, the life of the animal world and plants, the life of culture, life throughout its entire length - in the past, in the present, and in the future... And life is infinitely deep. We always come across something we haven’t noticed before, something that amazes us with its beauty, unexpected wisdom, and uniqueness.”

Before you “Letters about the good and the beautiful”- a book by one of the outstanding scientists of our time, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev. These “letters” are not addressed to anyone in particular, but to all readers. First of all, young people who still have to learn life and walk its difficult paths.
The fact that the author of the letters, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, is a man whose name is known on all continents makes this book especially valuable.
After all, only Respected man. Otherwise, such advice will not be heeded.
And the advice that you can get from reading this book concerns almost all aspects of life.

The book was first published in 1985 and has already become a bibliographic rarity.
This book is translated into many languages.
This is what D. S. Likhachev himself writes in the preface to the Japanese edition, in which he explains why this book was written:
“In my deep conviction, goodness and beauty are the same for all peoples. United - in two senses: truth and beauty are eternal companions, they are united among themselves and the same for all peoples.
Lies are evil for everyone. Sincerity and truthfulness, honesty and selflessness are always good.
In my book “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful,” intended for children, I try to explain with the simplest arguments that following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and only path for a person. It is tested, it is faithful, it is useful - both to the individual and to society as a whole.
In my letters, I do not try to explain what goodness is and why a good person is internally beautiful, lives in harmony with himself, with society and with nature. There can be many explanations, definitions and approaches. I strive for something else - for specific examples, based on the properties of general human nature.
I do not subordinate the concept of goodness and the accompanying concept of human beauty to any worldview. My examples are not ideological, because I want to explain them to children even before they begin to subordinate themselves to any specific ideological principles.
Children love traditions very much, they are proud of their home, their family, as well as their village. But they readily understand not only their own, but also other people’s traditions, other people’s worldviews, and they grasp what all people have in common.
I will be happy if the reader, no matter what age he belongs to (it happens that adults also read children's books), finds in my letters at least part of what he can agree with.
Agreement between people different peoples“This is the most precious and now most necessary thing for humanity.”

Chapter I.

What is life?

For many centuries, philosophers and scientists from all over the world wondered about the meaning of life, but never came to a common opinion. Even the very concept of the word “life” differed. What does “life” mean these days?

Available big number definitions of the concept “life”, reflecting different approaches. From the entire accumulation of approaches to the definition of the word “life,” three main ones can be distinguished. According to the first approach, life is determined by the carrier of its properties (for example, protein). According to the second, life is considered as a set of specific physical and chemical processes. And finally, the third approach is to determine the minimum possible set of mandatory properties, without which no life is possible.Life can be defined as active, going with expenditure received from outsideenergy, maintenance and self-reproduction of molecular structures.

Russian scientist M.V. Volkenstein came up with a new definition of the concept of the word life: “Living bodies that exist on Earth are open, self-regulating and self-reproducing systems built from biopolymers - proteins and nucleic acids.” According to the views of one of the founders of thanatology, M. Bisha, life is a set of phenomena that resist death.

From the point of view of the second law of thermodynamics, life is a process, or a system, the vector of development of which is opposite in direction to the rest, “non-living” objects of the universe, and is aimed at reducing its own entropy. V. N. Parmon gave the following definition: “Life is a phase-separated form of existence of functioning autocatalysts that are capable of chemical mutations and have undergone a fairly long evolution due to natural selection.”. According to Ozanger and Morowitz: “Life is a property of matter leading to the conjugate circulation of bioelements in the aquatic environment, driven ultimately by the energy of solar radiation along the path of increasing complexity.” There are also cybernetic definitions of life. According to A. A. Lyapunov’s definition, life is “a highly stable state of matter that uses information encoded by the states of individual molecules to develop conservation reactions.” There is also a physiological definition of life, given in 1929 by A.F. Samoilov, which, unfortunately, was not fully explored by the great scientist. So, let's present it in full.

"Life is vicious circle reflex activity." Breaking this circle in any place (the "coma" state) means a sharp limitation of the parameters of life or even the absence of life. Now we can somewhat expand this concept and indicate the reasons on which this "vicious circle" depends. Namely: the state the external environment, the “power of will” of the individual, the internal vegetative principles of the body, not subject to the “power of will”.

Chapter II.

Life in the Earth.

Now that we have at least the slightest idea about the concept of the word “life,” let’s figure out how it arose. There are many theories on this issue, among which the most famous are:

  • Theory of spontaneous (spontaneous) generation;
  • The theory of creationism (or creation);
  • Steady State Theory;
  • Panspermia theory;
  • Theory of biochemical evolution (theory of A.I. Oparin).

Let's take a closer look at each of their theories. So, the theory of spontaneous generationlife was very widespread in the Ancient world - in Babylon, China, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.Scientists Ancient world and medieval Europe believed that living beings constantly arise from inanimate matter: from dirt - worms, from mud - frogs, from morning dew - fireflies, etc.For the first time, the Italian scientist Francesco Redi decided to experimentally test the theory. He stuffed several pieces of meat into the jars, while covering some of the jars with cloth. Fly larvae appeared in meat that was not covered with cloth, while no larvae appeared in sealed jars. Thus, F. Redi was able to prove that fly larvae appear from eggs laid by flies on its surface, and not from rotting meat.After some time withThe debate about the possibility of spontaneous generation of life became active again in connection with the discovery of microorganisms. If complex living things cannot spontaneously generate, perhaps microorganisms can?In this regard, in 1859, the French Academy announced the award of a prize to the one who would finally decide the question of the possibility or impossibility of the spontaneous generation of life. This prize was received in 1862 by the famous French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur. He boiled the broth in a glass flask with an S-shaped neck. Air, and therefore " life force", could penetrate the flask, but the dust, and with it the microorganisms present in the air, settled in the lower leg of the S-shaped tube, and the broth in the flask remained sterile. However, as soon as the neck of the flask was broken or the lower leg of the S-shaped tube was rinsed with sterile broth, the broth began to quickly become cloudy - microorganisms appeared in it.Thus, thanks to the work of Louis Pasteur, the theory of spontaneous generation was recognized as untenable and in scientific world the theory of biogenesis was established, a brief formulation of which is« all living things come from living things».

The theory of creationism is quite simple - it assumes that all living organisms were created by some supernatural being (God, super-civilization, etc.).The theory of creationism is still widespread today, not only in religious but also in scientific circles. It is usually used to explain the most complex issues of biochemical and biological evolution. Acts of periodic “creation” also explain the absence of clear transitional links from one type of animal
to another. It must be emphasized that the philosophical dispute about the primacy of consciousness (supermind, deity) or matter cannot be resolved in principle, however, since an attempt to explain any difficulties of modern biochemistry and evolutionary theory fundamentally incomprehensible supernatural acts of creation takes these questions beyond the scope of scientific research, the theory of creationism cannot be classified as scientific theories origin of life on Earth.

The theories of steady state and panspermia represent complementary elements of a single picture of the world, the essence of which is as follows: the universe exists forever and life exists in it forever (stationary state). Life is transferred from planet to planet by travelers to outer space“seeds of life”, which can be part of comets and meteorites (panspermia). However, the steady state theory, which assumes an infinitely long existence of the universe, does not agree with the data of modern astrophysics, according to which the universe arose relatively recently (about 16 billion years ago) through a primary explosion.

It is obvious that both theories (panspermia and the stationary state) do not offer an explanation at all for the mechanism of the primary origin of life, transferring it to other planets or pushing it back in time to infinity.

The most widespread and recognized in the scientific world is the theory of biochemical evolution, proposed in 1924 by the Soviet biochemist Academician A.I. Oparin (in 1936 he outlined it in detail in his book “The Emergence of Life”).

The essence of this theory is that biological evolution - i.e. The emergence, development and complication of various forms of living organisms was preceded by chemical evolution - a long period in the history of the Earth associated with the emergence, complication and improvement of the interaction between elementary units, the “building blocks” of which all living things are composed - organic molecules.

Chapter III.

The meaning of life.

Each of us has wondered more than once how he ended up on this planet. On the one hand, everything is simple and clear - a person was born. And so it is with each of us. We were born, and this is the answer to the question of how we came here. But on the other hand, the question remained unanswered, and the question seems to turn into the question why - “why did I find myself on this planet?” "What brought me here?" "What is my purpose for being here?" "What did I want to do?"

On the last question, we move on to another topic that everyone argues about - the meaning of life. "What is my meaning in life?" The key word is "mine". After all, each of us determines the meaning of life in our own way. For some, the meaning of life will be to eat well. For another - to make a dream come true. Can a dream be called the meaning of life?

Another question that is difficult to answer is the following: “Is there a meaning to human life?” One, big and thick meaning, one for everyone. The reason why man arose as a species. The reason why the universe created us. He needs something from us, but we still don’t understand what it is.

Let's summarize. Meaning of life- This problem related to definition ultimate goal existence, purpose of humanity, man as a biological species, as well as man as a separate creature, one of the basic ideological concepts that is of great importance for the formation of the spiritual and moral image of the individual.

The question of the meaning of life can also be understood as a subjective assessment of the life lived and the correspondence of the achieved results to the original intentions, as a person’s understanding of the content and direction of his life, his place in the world, as the problem of a person’s influence on the surrounding reality and a person’s setting goals that go beyond the scope of his life . In this case, it is necessary to find an answer to the questions:

  • “What are the values ​​of life?”
  • “What is the purpose of life?”
  • “Why (what) should I live?”

The question of the meaning of life is one of the most common problems in philosophy, theology and fiction, where it is considered mainly from the point of view of determining what the most worthy meaning of life for a person is.

Ideas about the meaning of life are formed in the process of people’s lives, excuse the toftology, and depend on the results of their activities. In favorable conditions, a person can see the meaning of his life in achieving happiness and prosperity; in a hostile environment of existence, life may lose its value and meaning for him.

People have asked, continue to ask, and will continue to ask questions about the meaning of life. They come up with new hypotheses, philosophical, theological and religious explanations that are always in disagreement. Science is able to answer, with a certain degree of probability, specific questions like “How exactly ...?”, “Under what conditions ...?”, “What will happen if ...?”, while questions like “What (is) the goal (meaning of life?" remain within the framework of philosophy and theology.

Chapter IV.


When a person is born, he is a helpless lump. In infancy, he relies on instincts, then creatures like him teach him communication and accepted behavior. The man grows up and begins to think about the meaning of life. The man gains consciousness. Simply put, consciousness can be called a set of chemical processes occurring in our brain. And if we dig deeper into this issue, we will notice that for some reason only people have consciousness. And, what is most interesting, if a human being is raised by some other type of living being, then he will remain living on instincts. There will be no consciousness. Only a physical shell that looks like us, but behaves like an animal.

The term “consciousness,” almost like all the topics we talked about, is difficult to define, but the following formulation can be distinguished: “consciousness isthe state of the mental life of an individual, expressed in the experience of events in the external world and the life of the individual himself, as well as in a report on these events." Consciousness can include thoughts, perceptions, imagination and self-awareness, and so on. In different time it can act as a type of mental state, as a way of perception, as a way of relating to others. It can be described as a point of view, as "I". Many philosophers view consciousness as the most important thing in the world. On the other hand, many scholars tend to regard the word as too vague in meaning to be used.

It would be more correct to say that now we are talking about self-awareness. About how a person knows himself. Why is it that when we look in the mirror, we realize that it is us? What if it’s not us, but them? No, it's still us. And how do we understand this? Self-awareness. Just as for consciousness, there are no clear, fully formed scientific theories in the world about how exactly to determine the presence of self-awareness. In particular, there is still no way for an individual to prove that he has self-awareness.

Self-awareness is not an initial given inherent in man, but a product of development. However, the beginnings of consciousness of identity appear already in an infant, when he begins to distinguish between sensations caused by external objects and sensations caused by his own body, the consciousness of “I” - from about three years old, when the child begins to correctly use personal pronouns.

Stages of development of self-awareness:

  • The discovery of the “I” occurs at the age of 1 year.
  • By the age of two or three, a person begins to separate the result of his actions from the actions of others and clearly recognizes himself as a doer.
  • By the age of seven, the ability to evaluate oneself (self-esteem) is formed.
  • Adolescence and adolescence is a stage of active self-knowledge, searching for oneself and one’s own style. The period of formation of social and moral assessments is coming to an end.

The formation of self-awareness is influenced by:

  • Evaluations of others and status in the peer group.
  • The relationship between “I am real” and “I am ideal.”
  • Assessing the results of your activities.

At the same time, consciousness makes it clear that we are unique.

Chapter V


Uniqueness can be called uniqueness in another way. That is, if something is called unique, it means that something exists only in a single copy. He has no copies. And this term applies to both inanimate creatures and living beings. Animals can be used as an example. It seems that the species are similar to each other, but each individual is somehow different from each other. And this difference can be either congenital (coloring) or acquired (scar). Moreover, there are an infinite number of examples of how one individual differs from another. And all thanks to the fact that the universe does not create two identical copies. Therefore, we must strive to keep life safe and sound, both human and animal life. Of course, even though a person is an omnivorous creature, he should think about the fact that he should slightly limit his diet in order to avoid the extinction of some animal species.

Just like animals, people also have their differences from each other.Uniqueness is not, of course, some kind of absolute, it does not have complete and final completeness, which is the condition for its constant movement, change, development, but at the same time it is the most stable basis, and how special case- an invariant and one of the foundations (the other basis is society) of a person’s personal structure, changing and at the same time unchanged throughout his life, hiding under many shells the most tender, most mysterious part of him - the soul.

To understand the significance unique features individuals in the life of society, let us answer the question: what would society be like if it suddenly happened that, for some reason, all the people in it would be alike, with stamped brains, thoughts, feelings, abilities? Let us imagine mentally that all the people of a given society were somehow artificially mixed into a homogeneous mass of the physical and spiritual, from which the hand of an omnipotent experimenter, dividing this mass exactly in half into female and male parts, made everyone of the same type and equal to each other in everything. Could this double sameness form a normal society?This is not limited to external differences only. All thanks to consciousness.

Consciousness allows us to be different not only external signs, but also behavior. In the same situations different people will behave differently, excuse the tautology. But even despite the strong differences in our psyche, several types of aggregates can be distinguishedmental properties of a person. I'm talking about temperament.

Chapter VI.


Temperament ohm is a connectionindividual personality characteristics associated with dynamic rather than substantive aspects of activity. Temperament is also one of the components of the basis of development character . From a physiological point of view, it is duetype of higher nervous activity person. The following depend on a person’s temperament:

  • rate of occurrence mental processes(for example, speed of perception, speed of thinking);
  • plasticity and stability psychic phenomena, ease of changing and switching;
  • pace and rhythm of activity;
  • intensity of mental processes (for example, activity of the will);
  • the focus of mental activity on certain objects (extraversion or introversion).

People with pronounced traits of a certain temperament are quite rare; usually people have mixed temperament in various combinations. But the predominance of traits of any type of temperament makes it possible to classify a person’s temperament as one or another type. Here is one of the classifications of temperament types:

Phlegmatic - unhurried, unperturbed, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. He shows perseverance and perseverance in his work, remaining calm and balanced. He is productive at work, compensating for his slowness with diligence.

Choleric is fast, impetuous, but completely unbalanced, with sharply changing moods with emotional outbursts, quickly exhausted. He does not have a balance of nervous processes, this sharply distinguishes him from a sanguine person. A choleric person has a tremendous capacity for work, however, when he gets carried away, he carelessly wastes his strength and quickly becomes exhausted.

A sanguine person is a lively, hot-tempered, active person, with frequent changes of impressions, with a quick reaction to all the events happening around him, who quite easily comes to terms with his failures and troubles. Usually a sanguine person has expressive facial expressions. He is very productive at work when he is interested; if the work is not interesting, he treats it indifferently and becomes bored.

Melancholic - prone to constantly experiencing various events, he reacts sharply to external factors. Their asthenic he often cannot restrain his experiences by force of will; he is highly impressionable and emotionally vulnerable.

Chapter VII.

The price of life.

Each of us is unique. - some are good, some are bad; some are beautiful, some are crooked; someone is smart, and someone is stupid... This list of differences can be continued endlessly, but that’s the whole point - thanks to the infinite number of components, we can get an infinite number of combinations. And, as stated earlier, each combination is created only once.Human life is priceless. Is it so? Attempts to determine value human life in money, at first glance they seem inhuman. However, the absence of such assessments leads to even greater social and moral problems. How much should relatives of those killed in combat or as a result of terrorist attacks be paid? How much would you mind spending to reduce deaths from road traffic accidents, fires and accidents? The idea that human life is priceless often turns into its being free: relatives of the victims receive almost nothing, and projects that could reduce the mortality rate are considered too expensive. The state and society prefer to spend money on other important purposes. But what is ultimately more important than our own lives?

How to estimate how much life is worth? It can be assumed that the cost of living is equal to the amount of “human capital”, which is equal, in turn, to the added value that a person produces during his entire life. Using this approach, we can come to the conclusion that the cost of living for the average Russian is only about $100,000. In addition, from this theory it follows that the life of one billionaire is worth as much as the life of all residents small town, taken together.

However, such an approach may seem not only offensive, but also superficial from the point of view of economic science. A person is not only what he produces. We do not live to work, but work to live. Professional activity- this is only a small component of life, therefore the cost of living should be much higher than “human capital”.

To find out how much we ourselves value our lives, another, more valid methodology was developed. Over the past 20-30 years, economists from different countries have conducted dozens of studies trying to estimate the so-called “cost of an average life.” This methodology is based on the analysis of real decisions in which people weigh the cost of their lives. The cost of life can be calculated by knowing, for example, how much more expensive safer cars are compared to ordinary cars, or how much higher wage for those who work in hazardous industries.

Estimating the cost of an average life requires very good microeconomic data, so it is not surprising that the vast majority of work has been carried out in the United States. The results of studies of the American labor market show a relatively small range of estimates: from $4 million to $9 million (in prices 2000) in one life . Similar estimates are obtained when analyzing decisions about purchasing cars, installing fire-fighting equipment, purchasing real estate taking into account the environmental situation, etc. The reliability of these estimates is so high that the US government uses the methodology to determine the cost of living when making decisions about investment projects in important areas - environmental protection, health care, and transportation safety.

Conducting such studies in Russia is not yet possible. However, you can try to estimate the cost of living of a Russian using American data. An analysis of the average cost of living for various samples of Americans (see the aforementioned work by Kip Viscusi and Joseph Aldi) shows that the income elasticity of the cost of living is only ½, rather than unity (as would be expected under “human capital” theory). Translated into everyday language, this means that the cost of living of those who earn 1% more is only 0.5% higher, and when income increases 4 times, the cost of living only doubles (you need to raise 4 to the power of 0.5, that is, take square root of 4). It turns out that the cost of living of a Russian is approximately 3 times lower than that of an American (3 is the square root of the ratio of GDP per capita in Russia and the USA in 2004 .). That is, it ranges from $1.3 million to $3 million.. Consequently, the demands of relatives of people who died in Theater Center on Dubrovka cannot be considered excessive. And the amount of insurance payments to the relatives of military personnel participating in hostilities turns out to be an order of magnitude or two lower than the fair amount.

One can, of course, argue that Russia is not the United States and extrapolation of American data is not entirely legitimate. Then let's try to compare the obtained estimates with studies concerning less developed countries? For obvious reasons, calculating the cost of average life for developing countries is very difficult. Reliable estimates are obtained for India only. The lowest estimate of the cost of living for an Indian is $1 million. Considering that India lags behind Russia in terms of GDP per capita by four times, then extrapolation of Indian data allows us to estimate the life of a Russian at $2 million or more. This figure, as we see, fits into the range of $1.3-3 million that we previously received.

Why is it so difficult to compare Russia with developed countries? Let's take the statistics of road traffic accidents (RTAs) as an example. In Russia, more than 30,000 people die on the roads every year, and in Sweden - less than 600 people. At the same time, there are only three times fewer cars in Sweden than in Russia. To reduce mortality in road accidents, not so much expenditure is needed. Even in Britain, which is very good in terms of road safety, it is still possible to reduce the death rate by spending about $150,000 per life saved. In Russia, reducing mortality would be much cheaper.

The main thing, however, is not that our lives are valued extremely low by the state, but that we often do not value our lives ourselves. This is evidenced by the everyday habits of our drivers: they do not like to fasten seat belts, drive drunk, and drive into the oncoming lane. When you don’t value your own life, you have the same disdain for someone else’s: the average Russian driver does not consider it his duty to give way to pedestrians and ambulances rushing to respond to a call.

The list of evidence that we do not value our lives can be continued indefinitely: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, neglect of fire safety rules.

Chapter VIII.

Saving life.

Life on Earth is a great miracle. So far, humanity does not know any places in the universe where life could exist other than Earth. Now it is becoming absolutely clear that the functioning of the biosphere, the concept of which was developed at one time by V.I. Vernadsky, is based on the position that the biosphere on Earth exists precisely thanks to the enormous diversity of living beings, from the simplest to the most complex, including - person. Human impact on nature, on the environment, on the biosphere will increase all the time, and our main task is to understand the meaning of this phenomenon and do so to reduce this negative impact. WITH The modern biosphere has several degrees of protection:

The 1st degree of protection is its stepwise, hierarchical organization, from simple to complex. If you look at the organization of the biosphere from the point of view modern science, then it can be represented in the form of a pyramid, at the base of which lie the simplest organisms that easily adapt to environmental changes; and this peak is completed by a person who has the strongest influence on the biosphere, either turning it into the sphere of reason - into the noosphere, or finally leading it to degradation.
The 2nd degree of protection of the biosphere is the extraordinary diversity of living organisms and their ability to adapt to a wide variety of environmental conditions.
The lower floors of this “biosphere pyramid” are composed of millions and millions various types. The higher up the pyramid, the fewer and fewer species there are. And this decrease in biodiversity and simplification of the hierarchy of the biosphere leads to the fact that its upper parts, especially humans, are the most vulnerable and most easily injured.To preserve life, a clear balance of temperature, oxygen and other factors is necessary. If the Earth were just a couple of grains closer to the Sun, then all the water on earth would evaporate, oxygen would disappear and there would be deserts. If the Earth were a little further from the Sun, it would turn into a lifeless block of ice. In addition, the earth's atmosphere constantly protects us from various cosmic radiation and gases. Yes, yes, radiation! There are many different types of radiation in open space that can kill all living things. Solar radiation, alpha, beta, gamma particles. All this in large doses kills a person. Therefore, when going into outer space, astronauts wear special protective suits. And all inhabitants of the earth are protected from these radiations by the earth’s atmosphere.But the earth's atmosphere is not eternal. Every year it becomes thinner and thinner. Various magnetic storms are reaching the earth more and more often. You've probably heard about these from weather forecasts.And the atmosphere is drying up because of our fault. Cars, factories, environmental pollution, deforestation. All this affects our atmosphere negatively.


Claiming that " The greatest value in the world is life: someone else’s, one’s own, the life of the animal world and plants, the life of culture, life throughout its entire length - in the past, in the present, and in the future." D.S. Likhachev was absolutely right. Combinations of living things There are an infinite number of creatures, but they meet only once. A person must try to do everything in his power to preserve this diversity of life and not destroy our planet.

List of used literature.

DI. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful"

- A.I. Oparin “The Emergence of Life”

Journals, diaries and notes of Francesco Redi

Journals, diaries and notes of Louis Pasteur

V.N. Bolshakov " Preservation of the Earth's biodiversity as the most important problem of the 21st century»

Monocler decided to study “Letters about the Eternal and Good” by D. S. Likhachev and publish the best of them.

“To breathe deeply, you need to exhale well.

First of all, learn to exhale and get rid of the “exhaust air.”

When it comes to Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, a brilliant philologist, a world-famous academician and an ideal representative of the Russian intelligentsia, it becomes somehow warmer inside. And the point is not in his fundamental research, without which it is now impossible to imagine either history or Russian literature, but in the love and attention to people that permeate all his works and speeches.

I am many years old, and I think, of course, that I will soon have to leave. We come from mystery and return to mystery. Am I scared? Don't know. No, I’m not afraid, but I’m very sad and sad, and I think, have I done everything right? Have you always been able to act according to your conscience? Have you often offended people? Did you manage to apologize in time? I would like to remind you of a thought, perhaps banal, but for me very serious: a small step for a person is a big step for humanity. You can’t fix humanity—you can only fix yourself. To feed a child, not to say a harsh word, to carry an old man across the road, to console a crying person, not to respond to evil, to cherish one’s calling, to be able to look into the eyes of another person. All this is much easier for one person, but very difficult for everyone at once. That's why you always need to start asking yourself. This is also a sign of culture - to live without forgiving yourself too much. My favorite saying is: be sure to plant a tree, even if the world ends tomorrow.”

From the latest interview on the “Culture” channel

We decided to study D. S. Likhachev’s “Letters on the Good and the Beautiful” - this is a legacy for future generations, in which the scientist talks about the greatest spiritual values ​​of man - and publish the best of them. Let's start, perhaps, with this.


Letter Four

Life is, first of all, breathing. "Soul", "spirit"! And he died - first of all - “stopped breathing.” That's what they thought from time immemorial. “Spirit out!” - it means “died.”

It can be “stuffy” in the house, and “stuffy” in moral life as well. Take a good breath out of all the petty worries, all the bustle of everyday life, get rid of, shake off everything that hinders the movement of thought, that crushes the soul, that does not allow a person to accept life, its values, its beauty.

A person should always think about what is most important for himself and for others, throwing off all empty worries.

We must be open to people, tolerant of people, and look for the best in them first of all. The ability to seek and find the best, simply “good”, “overshadowed beauty” enriches a person spiritually.

To notice beauty in nature, in a village, a city, a street, not to mention in a person, through all the barriers of little things - this means expanding the sphere of life, the sphere of the living space in which a person lives.

I've been looking for this word for a long time - sphere. At first I said to myself: “We need to expand the boundaries of life,” but life has no boundaries! This is not a plot of land surrounded by a fence - boundaries. Expanding the limits of life is not suitable for expressing my thoughts for the same reason. Expanding the horizons of life is already better, but still something is not right. Maximilian Voloshin has a well-invented word - “okoyem”. This is everything that the eye can accommodate, that it can embrace. But even here the limitations of our everyday knowledge interfere. Life cannot be reduced to everyday impressions. We must be able to feel and even notice what is beyond our perception, to have, as it were, a “premonition” of something new that is opening or could be revealed to us. The greatest value in the world is life: someone else’s, one’s own, the life of the animal world and plants, the life of culture, life throughout its entire length - in the past, in the present, and in the future... And life is infinitely deep. We always come across something we haven’t noticed before, something that amazes us with its beauty, unexpected wisdom, and uniqueness.

In fact, the WORD has great value. But today, unfortunately, people value the material world with its rags, clothes, equipment, household items, food, and so on. This all improves the standard of living, but not the quality of life. After all, there are no fewer divorces because people began to dress better. There are no fewer diseases because people began to buy more expensive mobile phones, clothes, and household appliances.

This does not mean that progress should be denied. Progress and wealth are good. But everything should be in its place. People, chasing after all these “things” of the material world, have completely stopped caring about real, true things: love, friendship, loyalty, respect, honor.

But you need to value real values. It is better to have peace, love, mutual understanding in the family and live quite modestly than to live in abundance and luxury, but in constant strife, quarrels, misunderstandings, and hatred. For some reason, people work harder to have secondary things: money, property, and do not make any effort to cultivate real things - peace, tranquility, joy, understanding, respect, love.

The well-being of our lives in all spheres - spiritual, mental, material - depends on what values ​​we are focused on. We would all like to have peace in our souls, confidence in the future, a strong victorious spirit, and prosperity in the family. Achieving all these benefits is possible under the condition that a person does not set his life goal as accumulation, satisfaction of his own ego, or arrangement of his life. A person's goals and dreams come from his heart. You need to be very attentive to what dream lives in your heart, you need to be attentive to the voice of YOUR intuition, and not to what all information sources from the outside are trying to impose. Often we neglect those gifts, talents, dreams that fill our nature. We consciously fill ourselves with something else - vile and poisoned. Everything tells us: “run, join the race for the material world, get rich, take care of yourself, don’t think about others!” And finally - “Take everything from life!”

But there is something more important - this is your mission, calling, work that only YOU can accomplish on this earth, using your professionalism, your talents, resources, abilities. But this is something from the realm of the invisible, you can’t touch it, but you can touch a piece of sausage and even taste it. Many are not ready to invest money in their education, in their development, in books, courses, self-education, but they are ready to invest in their stomach, and very willingly!

In the age of high speeds, everything happens on the run - work, food, relationships with husband (wife), love, friendship. We have no time to think about the global - about the purpose of our life; about the path we are following; about how family relationships will improve. You need time to think, and we never have enough of it!

Today's man listens more carefully to the opinions of the world around him than to his own intuition, to the voice of his conscience. And intuition is a kind of voice of God in a person. The craving for the lofty, heavenly, and pure is inherent in man by God by nature. And only information outside world perverts all these concepts and calls a person to glamor, self-aggrandizement, and disdain for real values.

Most problems arise in a person’s life precisely because a person is filled with this lie, which is full of it in the world.

Psalm 1:1-3

Even the Bible confirms the effect of this law: “Happy is the man who:

1. does not follow the advice of the wicked (this means that a person is not guided by the advice of deceitful, dishonest people)

2. does not stand in the way of sinners (this means that a person has chosen the path of dedication, the path of serving people, his family, his country; and does not even think about giving up this path)

3. does not sit in the assembly of the corrupters (that is, the person is not in communication with the destroyers - people who destroy society

In word or deed)
4. But he meditates on the law of the Lord day and night.”

What is a person thinking about today? About what is offered to him and imposed on him from the outside. Who is imposing? Abnormal television programs, stupid series, primitive entertainment programs that simply poison the entire human nature. This is done to fill the human brain so that he has no time to think.

And the consequence of the fact that a person is filled with correct, pure information is the fruitfulness of his life. The fruits and results of labor that he brought to society. These are his victories, achievements that benefited not only himself, but also other people. This is constant internal energy, an inexhaustible source of creativity, a positive creative force.

If you ask a person who makes history in his field of activity where he gets his ideas, he will probably say that ideas come from somewhere in the invisible world, from thin air. If we assume that the Creator created the entire visible world, then He also created the invisible world - the world of images, ideas, and ideas. This is why, for example, you need to be extremely attentive to every idea that comes to your mind. Write it down immediately and then implement it as soon as possible. But it is precisely in these simple things that we are often not attentive, irresponsible, and neglect them.

Inattention to simple things sometimes leads to disasters.

There is a simple law: if I don't get closer, I move away.

If I don't get closer to my husband (wife), I move away.

If I don't get closer to children, I move away from them.

If I don't get closer to my calling, my dream, I move away from them.

If I don't get closer to the real ones, true values- I move away from them. And gradually dirt, filth, and devastation creep into my life.

There are paths that seem straight to a person, but their end is hopelessness, death. It is quite difficult for a person who has left the right path to return back. Why do we often see talented actors, musicians, public figures, scientists, teachers, people of various professions who become drunkards, lead lives in poverty, whose families are in complete ruin... This happens because a person has turned away from the right path. But there is always someone or something that wants to lead us astray from this path - these are grievances, feuds, pride, rumors, gossip, betrayal of our neighbors - and whatever.

But our task is to be firm and persistent, relying on our own strength and help from above. Because if you protect the truth, the truth will one day protect you.

It is so important to hold on to the most valuable thing in life - to your neighbor, to your life’s work, to your family, to your calling.

Each of us will one day be tested for strength, affection, and rupture. Like a thread, like a detail. If the thing is not strong, then it is not needed.

At all times, reliable, faithful people have been and will be valued, people you can trust, who you can rely on and count on. Hard time. If this does not happen, then no one needs such a person: neither society, nor neighbors, nor the state.

If we do not pass the test of strength, then life itself will not be favorable to us. Going through difficulties, trials, grief, cramped circumstances, a person becomes cleaner, better, more reliable. Such people know how to control themselves and manage their emotions - anger, resentment, sadness.

Can someone say about you: “I can rely on him in everything!”? "It's reliable, faithful man, to whom you can entrust anything!"

If we are still capable of such things as resentment, disagreement, pride, pride, then we are not reliable people. But any manager, teacher, leader needs reliable, proven people who would think the same way he thinks, dream about the same things he dreams about, strive for the same things he strives for.

With people you truly trust, you can do great things, claim great victories, go ahead without fear of anything!

There will be tests of strength, and we must pass them, not be faint-hearted, not be afraid, not retreat!

You need to value very much not the material world, but something real, high, bright, pure, heavenly... Something that can be lost and cannot be returned for any money... It is a huge grief when you are cut off from what what you truly love and what is truly dear to you...

Never value something base, listen and delve into real values, eternal under the sun. When there are problems in life, come to the original source, to the basics, cherish the Word of God, delve into His principles and laws, because without this you can lose your family, parents, your calling, be cut off from your neighbor, from everything that is dear to your heart! Let the motivation of your actions always be unchanging values, not circumstances.

School of SELF-realization,
System training


Letter thirty-two

So, life is the greatest value that a person has. If you compare life to a precious palace with many halls that stretch in endless enfilades, which are all generously varied and all different from each other, then the largest hall in this palace, the real “throne room,” is the hall in which art reigns. This is a hall of amazing magic. And the first magic he performs happens not only to the owner of the palace himself, but also to everyone invited to the celebration. This is a hall of endless celebrations that make a person’s whole life more interesting, more solemn, more fun, more significant... I don’t know what other epithets to express my admiration for art, for its works, for the role it plays in the life of mankind. And the greatest value that art rewards a person is the value of kindness. Awarded with the gift of understanding art, a person becomes morally better, and therefore happier. Yes, happier! For, awarded through art with the gift of a good understanding of the world, the people around him, the past and the distant, a person makes friends more easily with other people, with other cultures, with other nationalities, it is easier for him to live.

E. A. Maimin in his book for high school students “Art Thinks in Images” (1977) writes: “The discoveries that we make with the help of art are not only lively and impressive, but also good discoveries. Knowledge of reality that comes through art is knowledge warmed by human feeling and sympathy. This property of art makes it an immeasurable social phenomenon. moral significance. Gogol wrote about the theater: “This is a pulpit from which you can say a lot of good to the world.” The source of good is all true art. It is fundamentally moral precisely because it evokes in the reader, in the viewer - in everyone who perceives it - empathy and sympathy for people, for all of humanity. Leo Tolstoy spoke about the “unifying principle” of art and attached paramount importance to this quality. Thanks to its figurative form, art in the best possible way introduces a person to humanity: makes him great attention and treat other people's pain and joy with understanding. It makes this other people's pain and joy to a large extent its own... Art itself in a deep sense this word is humane. It comes from a person and leads to a person - to the most alive, the kindest, to the very best in him. It serves unity human souls" Okay, very well said! And a number of thoughts here sound like beautiful aphorisms.

The wealth that understanding works of art gives a person cannot be taken away from a person, and they are everywhere, you just need to see them.

And evil in a person is always associated with a lack of understanding of another person, with a painful feeling of envy, with an even more painful feeling of ill will, with dissatisfaction with one’s position in society, with eternal anger that eats up a person, disappointment in life. Evil person punishes himself with his malice. He plunges himself into darkness first of all.

Art illuminates and at the same time sanctifies human life. And I repeat again: it makes him kinder, and therefore happier.

But understanding works of art is far from easy. You have to learn this - learn for a long time, all your life. For there can be no stop in expanding your understanding of art. There can only be a retreat back into the darkness of misunderstanding. After all, art constantly confronts us with new and new phenomena, and this is the enormous generosity of art. Some doors opened for us in the palace, followed by others.

How to learn to understand art? How to improve this understanding in yourself? What qualities do you need to have for this? I don't undertake to give recipes. I don't want to say anything categorically. But the quality that still seems to me to be the most important in the real understanding of art is sincerity, honesty, and openness to the perception of art.

You should learn to understand art first of all from yourself - from your sincerity.

They often say about someone: he has innate taste. Not at all! If you look closely at those people who can be said to have taste, you will notice that they all have one thing in common: they are honest and sincere in their sensibility. They learned a lot from her.

I have never noticed that taste is inherited.

Taste, I think, is not one of the properties that are transmitted by genes. Although the family cultivates taste and from the family, much depends on its intelligence.

You should not approach a work of art with bias, based on established “opinion,” fashion, the views of your friends, or the views of your enemies. One must be able to remain “one on one” with a work of art.

If in your understanding of works of art you begin to follow fashion, the opinions of others. the desire to appear refined and “refined”, you will drown out the joy that life gives to art, and art to life.

Pretending to understand something you don't understand. you have not deceived others, but yourself. You are trying to convince yourself that you have understood something, and the joy that art gives is immediate, like any joy.

If you like it, tell yourself and others that you like it. Just don’t impose your understanding or, even worse, misunderstanding on others. Do not think that you have absolute taste, nor do you think that you have absolute knowledge. The first is impossible in art, the second is impossible in science. Respect in yourself and in others your attitude towards art and remember the wise rule: there is no arguing about tastes.

Does this mean that we must completely withdraw into ourselves and be satisfied with ourselves, with our attitude towards certain works of art? “I like this, but I don’t like that” - and that’s the point. In no case! In your attitude towards works of art, you should not be complacent; you should strive to understand what you do not understand and deepen your understanding of what you have already partially understood. And understanding a work of art is always incomplete. For a true work of art is “inexhaustible” in its riches.

One should not, as I already said, proceed from the opinions of others, but one must listen to the opinions of others and take them into account. If the opinion of others about a work of art is negative, it is mostly not very interesting. Another thing is more interesting: if many people express a positive view. If some artist, some art school thousands understand, then it would be arrogant to say that everyone is wrong and only you are right.

Of course, they don’t argue about tastes, but they develop taste - in themselves and in others. One can strive to understand what others understand, especially if there are many others. Many, many cannot simply be deceivers if they claim that they like something, if a painter or composer, poet or sculptor enjoys enormous and even worldwide recognition. However, there are fashions and there are unjustified non-recognition of the new or alien, contamination even with hatred of the “alien”, of the too complex, etc.

The whole question is that you cannot immediately understand the complex without first understanding the simpler. In any understanding - scientific or artistic - one cannot skip over steps. Towards understanding classical music you need to be prepared with knowledge of the basics musical art. The same is true in painting or poetry. You cannot master higher mathematics without knowing elementary mathematics.

Sincerity in relation to art is the first condition for understanding it, but the first condition is not everything. To understand art, you also need knowledge. Factual information on the history of art, on the history of the monument and biographical information about its creator helps the aesthetic perception of art, leaving it free. They do not force the reader, viewer or listener to a certain assessment or a certain attitude towards a work of art, but, as if “commenting” on it, they facilitate understanding.

Factual information is needed, first of all, so that the perception of a work of art takes place in a historical perspective and is permeated with historicism, since the aesthetic attitude towards a monument is always historical. If we have a modern monument in front of us, then modernity is a certain moment in history, and we must know that the monument was created in our days. If we know that a monument was created in Ancient Egypt, this creates a historical relationship to it and helps its perception. And for a more acute perception of ancient Egyptian art, you will also need to know in what era of the history of Ancient Egypt this or that monument was created.

Knowledge opens doors for us, but we must enter them ourselves. And I especially want to emphasize the importance of details. Sometimes the little things allow us to get to the bottom of things. How important it is to know why this or that thing was written or drawn!

Once in the Hermitage there was an exhibition of the decorator and builder of the gardens of Pavlovsk, Pietro Gonzago, who worked in Russia at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. His drawings - mainly on architectural subjects - are striking in the beauty of their perspective. He even flaunts his skill, emphasizing all the lines, horizontal in nature, but in drawings converging on the horizon - as it should be when constructing perspective. How many of these horizontal lines does he have? Cornices, roofs.

And everywhere the horizontal lines are made a little thicker than they should be, and some lines go beyond the limits of “necessity”, beyond those that are in nature.

But here’s another amazing thing: Gonzago’s point of view on all these wonderful prospects is always chosen as if from below. Why? After all, the viewer holds the drawing right in front of him. Yes, because these are all sketches of the theater decorator, drawings of the decorator, and in the theater the auditorium (in any case, the seats for the most “important” visitors) is below and Gonzago plans his compositions for the viewer sitting in the stalls. You should know it.

Always, in order to understand works of art, you need to know the conditions of creativity, the goals of creativity, the personality of the artist and the era. Art cannot be caught with bare hands. The viewer, listener, readers must be “armed” - armed with knowledge, information. That's why this great importance have introductory articles, commentaries and generally works on art, literature, music. Arm yourself with knowledge!

To be continued

No wonder they say: knowledge is power. But this is not only power in science, it is power in art. Art is inaccessible to the powerless. The weapon of knowledge is a peaceful weapon. If you fully understand folk art and do not look at it as “primitive”, then it can serve as a starting point for understanding all art - as a kind of joy, independent value, independence from various requirements that interfere with the perception of art (such as the requirement of unconditional “similarity” Firstly). Folk art teaches us to understand the conventions of art.

Why is this so? Why, after all, does folk art serve as this initial and best teacher? Because the experience of thousands of years is embodied in folk art. The division of people into “cultured” and “uncultured” is often caused by extreme conceit and the city dwellers’ own overestimation. The peasants have their own complex culture, which is expressed not only in amazing folklore (compare at least the traditional Russian peasant song, deep in its content), not only in folk art and folk wooden architecture in the north, but also in complex life, complex peasant rules of politeness, beautiful Russian wedding rites, rites of receiving guests, common family peasant meals, complex labor customs and labor festivities. Customs are created for a reason. They are also the result of centuries of selection for their expediency, and the art of the people is a result of selection for beauty. This does not mean that traditional forms are always the best and should always be followed. We must strive for the new, for artistic discoveries (traditional forms were also discoveries in their time), but the new must be created taking into account the old, traditional, as a result, and not as a cancellation of the old and accumulated.




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