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Methods of preventing pregnancy. The eternal question: how to effectively protect yourself during sex How girls protect themselves from pregnancy

According to modern average data, the egg retains the ability to fertilize from six hours to a day after ovulation. Sperm remain viable in a woman’s genitals for two to eight days, but they acquire the ability to fertilize an egg only after six to seven hours in the uterus and fallopian tube.

What conclusion can we come to by carefully turning these numbers over in our heads again? Here's what: unprotected sexual intercourse within eight days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation can lead to pregnancy. This is theoretical. But in practice, you can “get pregnant” on any day of your cycle. Because not only the shape and color of our eyes, not only the length and shape of our legs, but also the life expectancy of both ourselves and our reproductive cells are individual. Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy on any day of the cycle!

But situations in life are different. It's one thing for lovers who are not yet thinking about family and children. The other is young parents who, for the company of their two-year-old, would not mind having another baby - but a little later, not now. If the former need the most reliable method of contraception, then the latter may also be suitable for the so-called natural methods of contraception. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Biological (or calendar) method of contraception

Biological method is based on periodic abstinence from sexual activity (or protection) during periovulatory (“periovulatory”) days. Abstinence is recommended eight days in advance and for three to four days after expected ovulation.

This method is only suitable for those who have a regular menstrual cycle. And for those ladies who are pedantic enough and will not be lazy to measure their basal temperature. Every morning. At the same time. Without getting out of bed. In the rectum. An ordinary thermometer. And record data. To then build a basal temperature curve.

During the proliferative (let's call it “preparatory”) phase of the normal menstrual cycle, the rectal temperature ranges from 36 to 36.8 ° C, not rising above 37 ° C. After ovulation and further throughout the luteal phase (that is, the corpus luteum functions, producing hormones necessary for pregnancy; and there is no corpus luteum that would not want to become the corpus luteum of pregnancy!) of the normal cycle, a rise in rectal temperature is observed from 37 to 37.4 °C. The day of ovulation corresponds to the last day of temperature up to 37°C in the rectum.

This is considered the average for the female population. How is it for you personally... By the way, any woman is recommended to do this exercise at least once in her life: plotting a basal temperature chart. People get to know him very closely, as a rule, when problems arise - hormonal and/or with reproductive function (infertility). But to simply know what and how, rarely does anyone care.

For those who still dare to use biological method (calendar, or rhythmic, or symptothermal- as it is also called), it should be borne in mind that the timing of both ovulation and menstruation may vary depending on the emotional state, stress, climatic conditions, and infectious diseases. Therefore, for greater reliability of the biological method, the time that, in accordance with the basal temperature curve you constructed, is favorable for conception, should be increased by two days “before” and two days “after”. Before and after ovulation. That is, ten days before and five days after.

In total, fifteen days a month remain for sexual activity (subject to a stable four-week menstrual cycle). Not so little. Considering that the biological method is suitable for couples who, in principle, are not categorically against a child. For those who categorically do not want children, the biological method is not very suitable. Ask any obstetrician-gynecologist - he will tell you a lot of cases about “getting pregnant during menstruation”, and during interrupted intercourse.

Contraception is a way to prevent the fertilization of an egg and, therefore, pregnancy. Contraception is just part of the concept of protection. Because you should protect yourself not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from infections and/or sexually transmitted diseases - STIs, STDs.

Coitus interruptus is not a method of contraception

By the way, another method of natural, traditional contraception: interrupted coitus. Coitus interruptus is the removal of the male penis from the female vagina before the man's orgasm. This method is based on a man’s ability to sense the approach and onset of ejaculation. Feeling the proximity of his own orgasm, the man removes the penis from the vagina so that sperm does not get there and beyond.

Many consider interrupted coitus to be almost the simplest and most natural method of contraception. Doctors have a different opinion and do not consider interrupted coitus a method of contraception. Because its effectiveness is very low - about fifty percent. Pregnancy can occur for a number of reasons.

Firstly, for many men, the release of sperm begins long before the final ejaculation. These groups of “infiltrator” sperm cannot be felt and, accordingly, cannot be controlled.

Secondly, not every man and not every time can really control his ejaculation efficiently - in a timely manner and in full.

And thirdly, for most men, interrupted sexual intercourse causes problems with potency, weakened erections, premature ejaculation and even impotence itself. Women forced to live with such men experience psychological disorders and even develop anorgasmia. In general, coitus interruptus is a very individual matter. Suitable for men with a strong sexual constitution, who are ready to think first of all about their women. And tenth of all - about myself. And, like the biological method, it is suitable only for those couples who are not categorically against children and who are confident in the sexual “flora and fauna” of their partner, as in their own.

Lactational amenorrhea method

And to complete the topic of natural contraception - once again about lactational amenorrhea method: MLA- this is not “I was breastfeeding!” MLA is suitable only for women who practice exclusive breastfeeding (up to six months the child does not receive anything other than mother's breast milk), who give the baby breastfeeding on demand and whose longest nighttime breaks in feeding do not exceed six hours (daytime breaks between feedings - no more than two hours).

This method is based on fairly subtle and very highly organized neurohormonal relationships between the hypothalamic-pituitary system and target organs (breasts, ovaries, uterus). One single violation of the regime - and hello! Ovulation may occur and, accordingly, fertilization of the egg.

To summarize: all natural methods of contraception are suitable for long-established couples, who are not alien to love and trust in each other. Well, where a woman is ready to give birth to what has been done, and a man is ready to take full care of what has been done.

To be continued.

Answered by Irina Shestakova, gynecologist-endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers of the RUDN University:

According to statistics, Russian girls begin sexual activity at 16-17 years old - much earlier than they get married and plan to have their first child. Between the onset of sexual activity and the first birth, 10-15 years often pass. And all this time they must take care of reliable contraception. Doctors believe that any type of contraception is better than terminating a pregnancy, especially the first one.

Unfortunately, practice shows that the choice falls on methods of protection that do not provide guaranteed protection. An independent research company recently conducted a survey of men and women of the most active reproductive age (20-30 years old) to find out what they use to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. It turned out that the majority consider condoms and interrupted sexual intercourse to be the best method of protection. Moreover, when choosing a method of contraception, men prioritize the preservation of sensations during intimacy, and women - the opinion of their partner. No wonder there are so many unplanned pregnancies in our country!

Experts consider combined oral contraceptives (COCs) to be the most reliable method of contraception. In Europe, they are used by more than 40% of women of reproductive age. In Russia, this method of contraception is viewed with caution. This is due to the myths that surround this method of protection.

1. Pills make you feel better

The first contraceptives, which appeared in the 60s of the last century, did contain high doses of hormones and components that caused swelling and fluid retention in the body. Therefore, women actually got better.

Since then, the composition of contraceptives has changed significantly - now they contain low and ultra-low doses of hormones, which cannot in any way affect waist size.

Moreover, overweight women who take certain COCs lose weight due to the special properties of the components included in their composition.

2. Hormones cause mustaches to grow.

Hirsutism (excessive hair growth in women in male areas - on the chin, chest and abdomen) is directly related to hormonal disorders.

Hormonal contraceptives contain substances that reduce the concentration of male sex hormones in women. Thanks to this, with long-term (at least 2 years) use of certain COCs, women can get rid of excess hair. True, the effect is temporary (only during the period of taking COCs). And if the problem is severe, you should not rely on hormones - it is better to seek help from a cosmetologist.

3. Taking hormones causes cancer

More than 10 years ago, the first results of the famous Women's Health Initiative study, which was funded by the US government, were obtained in the United States. Doctors observed 15 thousand women taking menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). The I study was paused after cases of cancer, heart attack and stroke were reported in several groups.

After these shocking results were widely reported, menopausal hormone therapy began to be shunned not only by women, but also by some doctors.

Later, when the results were sorted out, it turned out that stroke, cancer and heart attack were recorded only in the group of women who first started taking MHT over the age of 60 years. After this study, recommendations in Europe were revised - postmenopausal therapy was no longer prescribed to women over 60 years of age with cardiovascular diseases (this practice has never existed in Russia).

Unfortunately, data on menopausal hormone therapy were transferred to any hormonal drugs, including COCs.

There are a number of studies that prove the protective properties of COCs against cancer of the reproductive organs (in particular, ovarian cancer). The exact causes of this disease are unknown, but doctors suspect that it is provoked by regular biological trauma to the ovaries (which occurs monthly during ovulation). In any case, this explains why ovarian cancer is more common in nulliparous women whose menstruation began early (before age 12) and ended late (after age 52). Since combined oral contraceptives simulate the state of pregnancy, they are considered as one of the means of protection against cancer of the uterus and ovaries.

4. Hormones lead to infertility

The fact that the ovaries are resting while taking contraceptives does not mean that they have fallen asleep. 94% of women are fully ready for successful conception within one year after stopping taking birth control pills, obstetricians and gynecologists explain. And 50% of women can become pregnant within three months after stopping contraception.

Methods of contraception for teenagers

Adolescent girls need frank and careful counseling about contraception. The characteristics of a young organism require specific contraception, and the characteristics of development and mental formation require some specific knowledge. Many girls have already come to the conclusion that there is no point in depending on the whims of their partner and the will of chance. But there is a category of girls for whom it is very difficult to make the right decision. These are very young girls who are just starting sexual relations or are thinking about it. For many reasons, and mainly - lack of experience, small amount of knowledge, psychological fears, it is most difficult for young people to make the right choice, to make the right decision about the method of contraception. It must be said that according to statistics in our country (Savelyeva E.N. - “Modern contraception: the choice is yours.” St. Petersburg. 2002):

1) about 5,000 teenage girls under 15 years old undergo abortions every year;

2) every third teenage girl who is sexually active experiences an unwanted pregnancy;

3) 2/3 of pregnancies end in induced abortion;

4) more than 20 thousand girls have their first abortion between the ages of 14 and 19 years;

5) in girls under 16 years of age, the number of complications and deaths during childbirth is several times higher than even in 17-year-olds.

Everyone knows that abortion is fraught with many negative consequences for a young body, and above all – infertility. Of course, every girl, somewhere at the subconscious level, understands that the situation when the first pregnancy ends in abortion is extremely undesirable, but, as always, she hopes that this will not affect her. A qualified doctor will tactfully and competently answer all your questions related to unwanted pregnancy and ways to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases.

For girls who are just starting to be sexually active, a condom can be considered an ideal means of protection. The bad thing is that it is the girls who are inexperienced in life and love who find it most difficult to insist on a man using it, especially if he doesn’t want it. In this case, it would not be superfluous to remind him that true love is possible only where the partners care about each other. If a close friend refuses to protect himself from possible pregnancy and infection, it’s worth thinking about: perhaps he only needs sex. Only a person who is not endowed with imagination and burdened with increased shyness is not able to make a condom part of the love game. A condom is the most suitable means of protection, especially when it is not possible to guarantee the “sterility” of the partner. After all, sadly, this is what most often happens in adolescence. Casual relationships are not at all uncommon, even if they were isolated and long ago. Some sexually transmitted diseases do not show themselves for a long time, and any person can quite sincerely not know about them. The table shows contraceptives that do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (see Table 7).

As can be seen from the table, only condoms - male and female - can truly effectively protect against sexually transmitted infections. Other methods of protection either do not fulfill this task at all, or partially protect only from certain diseases.

It is especially important for young girls to be confident in the chosen means of protection. It is unlikely that anyone will agree to use a method that does not guarantee the highest possible protection (for example, barrier devices such as a diaphragm and a cervical cap).

Spermicides have a small percentage of protection against sexually transmitted infections. In adolescents, coitus interruptus and the calendar method are often used, which does not guarantee against unwanted pregnancy and does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. You should think about whether it is worth making your life dependent on the actions of another person?

Therefore, it is better to think about your own safety in advance, and not delay until the moment when it is too late to decide. In the event that a consultation with a doctor and the selection of a contraceptive method has not yet taken place for some reason, the best option is to always have a condom with you. Only for those couples who are confident in their sexual partner and have a long-term and trusting relationship, barrier methods of contraception can be replaced with others recommended by a doctor. Most often, the consultation will suggest the use of hormonal oral medications, which provide almost 100% protection against unplanned pregnancy and have a minimal percentage of side effects, which is the best method of protection for young nulliparous girls.

According to WHO recommendations, the most appropriate method of protection against unplanned pregnancy for adolescents is the use of low-dose or micro-dose hormonal drugs. The most suitable drugs: microgynon, Silest, Logest, Mercilon, Novinet, Diane-35. However, it should be remembered that any hormonal drug can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and with the necessary supervision, since selecting the right hormonal drug is a delicate and delicate matter.

The advantages of low- and micro-dose hormonal drugs include the following:

1) regulation of the menstrual cycle;

2) reducing the risk of developing ectopic pregnancy and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;

3) high efficiency;

4) minimal effect on fat, carbohydrate metabolism and the hemostatic system.

Progestin hormonal drugs are also suitable for young nursing mothers. Long-acting hormonal medications are suitable for adolescents who abuse alcohol and drugs and are in prison. The use of injectable hormonal drugs makes it possible to keep pregnancy protection secret.

It must be said that antibiotics have a negative effect on the absorption of birth control pills, so it is better to take additional precautions when prescribing them.

Young girls should not blindly trust the advice of a friend and listen to the opinion of a friend; it is better to turn to professionals.

Intrauterine hormonal devices are unacceptable for adolescents, since most girls have heavy and painful periods, and the risk of sexually transmitted diseases is increased due to the frequency of changing partners. The uterus in young women is small, so there is a high risk of perforation, i.e. damage to the walls. In addition, a fairly high ability to conceive at this age is the reason for the higher frequency of unsuccessful birth control. Sometimes an IUD is placed after the first abortion. Of course, if you wish, you can find a gynecologist who will perform this procedure, but it is better to think and weigh the pros and cons. And, of course, surgical sterilization is completely unsuitable for young women. The reversibility of this method is still low, and there is no guarantee that the ability to conceive and bear a child can be restored in the future. The health of the nation depends primarily on the health of mothers giving birth to children. To this end, the state is trying to help choose the right method of contraception by opening counseling centers for young people. Any girl can get advice from a gynecologist or psychologist at a family planning center in any city. In these institutions, specially trained staff will be able to delicately discuss all the problems of interest to the patient and answer her most intimate questions. And subsequently, years later, when she starts her own family and begins to raise her beloved healthy children, she will sincerely be glad that at one time she made the right choice, getting rid of the pain of abortion and its consequences.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Nowadays, we have ceased to be surprised at a mother walking with her child at 16-17 years old. That there has been an increase in orphans, abandoned on the street, and the number of abortions. You will say that these are bad parents, bad upbringing, bad influence of our modern world, which is decomposing a person from the inside. You will be right, but not completely. All this could have been avoided if everyone knew how to protect themselves correctly. They told their children and teenagers about proper contraception, whether it is possible to get pregnant using contraception and how not to get pregnant without using contraception. We will tell you about how to protect yourself, whether you need to use protection, what is the best way to protect yourself, so that you can use our advice yourself and tell your children about them if you already have them.

There are a large number of ways in the world to protect not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted diseases. People call them contraceptive methods. All of them are selected individually for each person, it all depends on age and health.

Contraception methods

Barrier method

The best and most effective method of protection is a condom. It will protect you not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted diseases.

A condom is the only means of protecting against AIDS.

A condom can always be purchased, it is not expensive, and is available to all ages. If a young man does not have a condom before sexual intercourse, think about it. It is possible that this person is frivolous and does not care about his and your health.

Caps, spermicides and diaphragms are also barrier methods of protection. All these contraceptives are inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse. One minus is that before using them, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Hormonal contraceptive pills

Also one of the most common methods of protection. It will protect you from unwanted pregnancy, but not from sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, they are prescribed only to those girls who have established a regular hormonal cycle. They also have a large number of contraindications. If you have poor blood clotting, liver disease, thrombosis, varicose veins, then the pills are contraindicated for you.

Coitus interruptus

One of the most common methods of protection. The most unreliable way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Sperm is released in small quantities during sexual intercourse, not to mention premature, uncontrolled ejaculation. It also will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

The sperm lives for 72 hours.

Intrauterine device

How to protect yourself if you are allergic to latex, rubber and have a bunch of contraindications to all kinds of pills? The intrauterine device will protect the girl from unwanted pregnancy. This is the only method of protection if a girl is allergic to rubber, latex or varicose veins. In addition, the spiral is placed only on girls who have given birth. It is contraindicated for others, as it has a large number of side effects.

Postcoital contraception

If you have been raped or had unplanned intercourse, post-coital contraception is your only option. These are hormonal drugs that will save you from unwanted pregnancy. In this case, it is already too late to protect yourself. But do not forget that they must be used no later than 48 hours after sexual intercourse, and it is mandatory to visit a doctor.

Emergency contraception always changes and disrupts hormonal levels. Most often, this entails certain health problems. Be sure to consult a specialist before taking them.

Do you need to protect yourself?

For the first time

You need to protect yourself the first time. You are having your first sexual intercourse, you are entering adulthood, and you would not want it to end in abortion or sexually transmitted diseases. It is best to use a condom; you should avoid pills.

The first abortion often leads to infertility.

During your period

Whether it is necessary to use protection during menstruation or not is a purely individual question. Doctors do not recommend sex during menstruation, as this can lead to inflammatory processes in girls and unpleasant consequences for men.

During pregnancy

You may not use protection during pregnancy, but only if you have:

  • Normal vaginal microflora;
  • No thrush or other fungal diseases;
  • Nothing bothers you;
  • Your young man is absolutely healthy;
  • Both of you maintain good genital hygiene.

During breastfeeding

There is only one answer - you need to use protection if you do not want a second child. During breastfeeding, a woman’s body suppresses the production of hormones that cause the egg to mature. In turn, this leads to the absence of menstruation. But after a while everything will be restored, and your periods will proceed as usual.

Is it possible to get pregnant using contraception?

Any method of protection does not provide a 100% guarantee. The condom can burst, the pills may not work, and a drop of sperm on your thigh can also lead to pregnancy. Therefore, there is always a risk of getting pregnant.

Pregnancy protection with the help of individually selected methods and means of contraception will help to avoid unplanned conception, and in some cases will provide protection against contracting STDs. All known methods of protection and contraceptives can be divided into several large groups. Each group has its own characteristics, as well as pros and cons of application. In addition, the classification is compiled taking into account the Pearl index. This indicator indicates the possibility of pregnancy with regular use of certain contraceptive methods and drugs. The most effective are those values ​​whose index is in the range of 2-2.5.

If there is a need to protect yourself from pregnancy, it is recommended to entrust the selection of contraceptives to a specialist. When choosing, the following are taken into account:

  • patient's age;
  • presence of children or abortions;
  • number of sexual partners;
  • the presence of allergic reactions;
  • eligibility criteria depending on the condition of the body.

It should also be remembered that the effectiveness of pregnancy protection largely depends on the correct use of the chosen contraceptive method.

Despite the fact that a specialist should select remedies for unwanted pregnancy, it is useful for everyone who has sexual contact to understand the various methods of contraception and know their main advantages and disadvantages.

This group includes non-hormonal drugs that prevent pregnancy by creating an obstacle between male and female reproductive cells. Barrier contraceptives are available for both women and men. Due to the existing likelihood of damage to the integrity of products, the Pearl index for barrier means of protection against unwanted pregnancy is 12. This indicator indicates an average degree of effectiveness.


Male and female condoms are disposable products that should be used directly during sexual intercourse. A condom is a cylinder made of polyisoprene, lambskin or latex. The latter option is considered optimal: it provides protection not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from pathogenic microflora, since latex does not allow water, air and the smallest microorganisms to pass through.

Condoms are recommended to prevent pregnancy for men and women who do not have one sexual partner, since in this case there is an increased risk of contracting STDs. The only contraindication for contraception is individual intolerance to the components used to make condoms.

Mechanical means of protection can be used without prior consultation with a doctor. They have a short-term effect and do not affect the possibility of conception.

Vaginal diaphragm

Among barrier means of female contraception, vaginal diaphragms are the most commonly used. They are small caps of different diameters. The choice of size is very important for reliable protection against pregnancy and depends on weight and the presence of completed pregnancies.

The diaphragm is inserted in a sitting position. The effectiveness of the contraception method depends on how correctly the vaginal diaphragm is installed. Pregnancy can be prevented only if the cap is removed no earlier than 6 hours after contact. Do not leave the product in the vagina for more than a day.

With proper care, you can protect yourself from pregnancy with one diaphragm for a long period. Experts do not recommend using it in cases where there is a possibility of transmitting sexually transmitted infections, since the degree of protection of diaphragms is lower than that of condoms.

Cervical caps

Cervical (or cervical) caps for protection against pregnancy are shaped like a diaphragm and differ from it in more compact dimensions. They recommend protecting against pregnancy if there are contraindications to hormonal or chemical contraceptives.

The main disadvantage of cervical caps is the relatively low degree of protection against pregnancy and the complexity of installation. The selection of sizes is carried out only by the gynecologist during the examination and is further adjusted with changes in weight or after childbirth.

You should not use caps if you have allergic reactions to the material, pain during sexual intercourse, or pathological changes in the cervix. Products are not recommended in the first few months after childbirth.


If long-term protection from pregnancy and contact with one partner is necessary, most gynecologists recommend the use of hormonal contraceptives. The first drugs, which appeared more than 50 years ago, contained large doses of hormones. They made it possible to protect against pregnancy, but at the same time they had many side effects on the body. Modern hormone-based pregnancy prevention products are almost completely safe and, if properly selected, can be used for a long time without negative consequences. In addition, many of them help normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce the amount of discharge, and reduce the likelihood of developing ovarian cancer.

Hormonal contraception is considered the most reliable method of preventing pregnancy. The Pearl index for hormonal contraceptives does not exceed 0.9-1. The choice of a means of protection for a long or short period must be entrusted to a specialist. The doctor first examines the patient’s medical history, clarifies the presence of successful pregnancies and excludes possible contraindications. If the state of health does not allow protection with hormones, the woman will be recommended other available means of birth control.

The principle of action of birth control drugs is to suppress ovulation by changing hormonal levels with biologically active substances coming from outside. Anyone who has decided to protect themselves from pregnancy using this method should take into account that restoration of reproductive function does not occur immediately, but after some time. Hormone-containing drugs do not protect against diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse.

Combined oral contraceptives COCs

The most popular group of hormonal drugs for preventing unplanned pregnancy. Combined oral contraceptives consist of estrogens and gestagens. Pregnancy pills are single-phase, two-phase and three-phase. The difference is that when using single-phase contraception, the same amount of hormones enters the body every day. The package with biphasic and triphasic contraceptives contains, respectively, two and three types of tablets of different colors with different concentrations of the active substance. If you protect yourself from pregnancy with these types of drugs, a more accurate imitation of natural changes in hormonal balance will occur.

Despite the fact that the side effects of the latest generation of COCs are minimized, they are not recommended for protection for longer than one year. In cases where long-term protection from pregnancy is required, breaks should be taken every 10-12 months. Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives can cause menstrual irregularities, affect the amount and duration of discharge, and lead to the development of ovarian cysts. Recent research into the effects of hormonal drugs to prevent pregnancy suggests that their regular use may result in an increased likelihood of being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Minipill tablets

If, as a result of using combined contraceptives, a woman experiences various side effects, the doctor may recommend replacing COCs with mini-pills. They contain only gestagens, which have less effect on the body. Unlike two-component drugs, mini-pills have only a few limitations for protection: complex pathologies of the heart and liver, malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands, cysts in the ovaries.

Mini-pill tablets are the best choice during breastfeeding, since when taken in milk there will be a concentration of gestagens that is safe for the baby.

Hormonal patch

The use of a contraceptive patch is one of the newest ways to protect against unplanned pregnancy. On the inside of the product there is a layer of a substance containing two types of hormones. Upon contact with the skin, they penetrate through the pores into the deep layers of the epidermis, and then into the blood. The hormonal patch works the same way as oral medications: it prevents ovulation and changes the consistency of mucus.

The effectiveness and safety of the method depends on the correct choice of place and time of application of the patch. Taking certain medications can weaken the effect of hormones and increase the risk of pregnancy. Before using the patch, it is necessary to exclude the following contraindications: excess weight, thrombosis, heart pathologies, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus. It is not recommended for women who smoke or are breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy using this method.

Hormonal injections

Among all types of hormonal contraceptives, injections are considered the most effective for protecting against unplanned pregnancy. The drug containing progesterone is injected into muscle tissue and gradually dissolves, changing hormonal levels. One dose is enough for 3 months. If it is necessary to continue to protect yourself, a second injection is given.

The procedure is performed only by a doctor after examining the woman and assessing her health. Hormonal injections for pregnancy are contraindicated in the presence of oncology, taking medications that affect blood clotting, or uterine bleeding until their cause is determined. The drug is contraindicated for administration if pregnancy is suspected and during the first two months after birth.

The advantages of this method of protection include ease of use, absence of age restrictions and serious side effects on the body. The injections are also suitable for breastfeeding women.

Hormonal intrauterine device

The main difference between this type of spiral is the presence of a plastic cylinder that contains a synthetic progestogen (levonorgestrel). Every day a certain amount of the substance enters the uterine cavity and protects against pregnancy. The hormonal intrauterine device is more effective than conventional devices of this type. Its installation is carried out exclusively by a specialist. One spiral can be protected for 5 years.

The disadvantages of this method of birth control include a large list of restrictions. After removal of the product, pregnancy may occur no earlier than 6-12 months later.

Subcutaneous implants

Effective hormonal methods of preventing pregnancy include the installation of subcutaneous implants. These are small thin cylinders up to 4 cm long, which contain the synthetic hormone gestogen inside. Under its influence, ovulation and subsequent conception do not occur.

Subcutaneous implants for preventing pregnancy have the following advantages: they are relatively safe, suitable for use during lactation, and are highly reliable. The validity period of one capsule is up to 3 years.

Vaginal ring

If there are no restrictions on the use of hormonal contraceptives, you can protect yourself from pregnancy by installing a vaginal ring. This is a small elastic circle, which, under the influence of body temperature, daily releases a certain dose of sex hormones that prevent ovulation and pregnancy.

You can install a vaginal ring to prevent pregnancy yourself. It changes shape depending on the physiological structure of the cervix and does not cause inconvenience. The duration of wearing the ring is 21 days. Then the product is removed and a week-long break is taken. Rings can be used to protect yourself immediately after an abortion and 1.5-2 months after childbirth.

The possibility of pregnancy is restored a month after the ring is removed. The product is not recommended for use by nursing women.

Emergency post-coital

If the integrity of barrier means to prevent pregnancy is compromised or a dose of hormonal contraceptives is missed, additional protective measures may be required. In this case, so-called emergency postcoital contraception is performed. It is aimed at slowing down the ovulation process.

The effectiveness of drugs to prevent pregnancy can reach 90% if they are used during the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse. The main difference between medications for emergency and planned contraception is the concentration of hormones: in the first case it is much higher. In this regard, pills for postcoital pregnancy prevention have many contraindications, and their selection should be carried out by a specialist. Only a doctor can recommend the safest drugs to prevent pregnancy in a particular case.

Experts strongly recommend not to use various traditional methods in case of unprotected sexual intercourse, since most of them not only do not prevent pregnancy, but can also lead to serious consequences and diseases.


Physiological methods of birth control are the safest and are based on regular monitoring of the female body. As a result, it is possible to determine the most unfavorable period in terms of conception and either abstain from sexual intercourse during these few days, or protect against conception with more reliable contraceptives.

Biological methods of contraception have a fairly high Pearl index: from 19 to 24. They do not protect against STDs, therefore they are recommended for use only if you have a regular partner. Since natural methods are not reliable enough, both partners have a constant fear of an unplanned pregnancy, which negatively affects the psychological state and feelings during intimacy.

Coitus interruptus

This is the most common physiological method of protection against unplanned pregnancy. It involves removing the penis before ejaculation. In addition to the fact that interrupted sexual intercourse has a fairly low contraceptive effectiveness, it has even more serious disadvantages: if this method is used constantly, it can lead to impaired orgasm in both partners, cause neuroses, and also cause erectile function disorders in men.


The method involves preventing pregnancy through systematic monitoring of the menstrual cycle. Depending on its duration, dangerous days are determined, on which the probability of fertilization of the egg is highest and there is a need for additional protection.

The calendar method of preventing pregnancy is not suitable for women with irregular periods, since in this case it is almost impossible to determine the exact date of ovulation. If you are protecting yourself from pregnancy using this method, you must take into account the fact that sperm can remain viable several days after intercourse.

Lactational amenorrhea

As a result of medical research, it was found that lactating women do not ovulate within 4-6 months after childbirth. During this period, the possibility of pregnancy does not exceed 2%.

It is possible to protect yourself from pregnancy using lactational amenorrhea only if the intervals between feedings of the child do not exceed 6 hours with one mandatory feeding at night. The restoration of fertile function is indicated by the onset of menstruation.


You can determine the most favorable period for pregnancy by measuring rectal temperature daily. 2-3 days before the release of the egg, it decreases by 0.2 degrees, and on the day of ovulation it increases by 0.4-0.5 degrees.

The temperature method is not reliable due to the possible influence of external and internal factors on temperature indicators: diseases, hypothermia, stress, chronic fatigue.


Natural ways to prevent pregnancy include regular monitoring of vaginal discharge. During the release of the egg, their viscosity increases and they acquire a consistency similar to that of egg white.

The effectiveness of the contraception method is significantly reduced in the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, since in this case the condition and amount of secretions entering the cervical canal will largely depend on the stage of the disease.


Many married couples who have children and long-term stable relationships prefer to protect themselves from pregnancy using the most reliable surgical methods. After performing the manipulations, you can forever exclude the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy. Surgical interventions are characterized by the most optimal value of the Pearl index - 0.1. These are the most effective ways to prevent pregnancy.


The operation consists of creating an artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes or vas deferens. The intervention is irreversible; the likelihood of restoration of reproductive function exists in the first 3-4 years. Due to the irreversibility of the procedure, it is possible to prevent pregnancy by surgical intervention if several conditions are met: the patient’s voluntary consent, the presence of two or more children, and the age of over 35 years.

Sterilization also has medical indications: protection in this way is recommended for those women for whom pregnancy poses a threat to health and life.

The operation does not reduce the risk of contracting STDs, therefore, when in contact with several partners, additional protection with barrier contraception is necessary.

Contraindications to the surgical method of preventing pregnancy are allergies to anesthetics, certain types of pathologies, the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system and STDs.


If a man has decided not to have any more children and to prevent his partner from becoming pregnant through surgery, he will undergo a vasectomy: ligation or removal of segments of the vas deferens.

The operation is quite simple, performed under local anesthesia and does not require a long recovery period.

Tubal ligation

In women, pregnancy protection involves eliminating the lumens of the fallopian tubes. For this purpose, ligation is used, installation of clips, dissection or filling of the lumens of the tubes with special preparations.

Female sterilization is an abdominal operation and requires a longer recovery period.

Chemical (spermicidal)

In the absence of a permanent sexual partner and irregular sexual contacts, you can use a chemical (or spermicidal) method of birth control. All spermicides, regardless of the form of release, act as follows: they cause thickening of mucus, immobilize sperm and destroy cell membranes, causing their death. Chemical agents not only allow you to protect yourself from pregnancy, but also prevent the development of diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse. Depending on the composition, some of them are effective against herpes, trichomonas and HIV.

The likelihood of pregnancy when using spermicides largely depends on the correct use of them. The Pearl index value for tablets, suppositories and creams is 20-21. For more reliable protection against pregnancy, they can be combined with other contraceptive methods (for example, with barrier contraceptives).

Since spermicides contain quite aggressive substances, they should not be used for long-term protection. In this case, the beneficial microflora of the vagina may die, which will cause dysbacteriosis and other disorders. Before using a specific means of protection, you should carefully read the instructions and strictly adhere to the time intervals specified in the manual.

A feature of spermicidal contraceptives is a decrease in effectiveness under the influence of an alkaline environment. In this regard, to more effectively prevent pregnancy, hygiene procedures for a certain time (from 2 to 6 hours) are recommended to be carried out with clean water without soap.

This method of birth control has no contraindications. The only exception that does not allow spermicide protection is individual intolerance to one or more components.

Vaginal tablets

If vaginal tablets were chosen for protection, then for them to completely dissolve, you must wait at least 15 minutes after administration. They have a spermicidal effect within an hour. In case of repeated sexual intercourse, it is recommended to use a new tablet for maximum protection against pregnancy.

Vaginal suppositories

Spermicidal suppositories, which can be used to protect against pregnancy, are very similar to tablets in terms of application and duration of action. Suppositories must be administered 10-15 minutes before planned sexual intercourse. The effectiveness of the composition against pregnancy and infections lasts for an hour.

The advantages of suppositories and tablets include ease of storage, transportation and administration.

Vaginal cream

Spermicidal agents for protection against unplanned pregnancy are also available in the form of pastes and jellies. The vaginal cream begins to work immediately after use. Protection against pregnancy and infections is provided within an hour from the moment of administration.

To increase the reliability of the drug, it is recommended to additionally protect yourself with barrier contraceptives (caps or diaphragms). In this case, the likelihood of pregnancy is noticeably reduced, and the duration of contraception increases to 6 hours.

Vaginal tampons

One of the recently introduced chemical means for preventing unwanted pregnancy is vaginal tampons. These are small soft polyurethane cylinders impregnated with a spermicidal composition.

Protecting yourself with tampons is very easy and convenient. Before use, the product is moistened with water and inserted into the vagina. Validity period is up to 24 hours, regardless of the number of sexual contacts. The effect of protection against pregnancy depends on the timely removal of the tampon: at least 6 hours must have passed since the last sexual intercourse.

Vaginal sponge

In terms of the method and duration of action, a vaginal sponge is similar to tampons. Pregnancy protection sponges are made of soft polyurethane, impregnated with a chemical composition and hermetically packaged. Before use, moisten them with a small amount of water until foam appears and squeeze out.

It is necessary to protect yourself with a sponge as follows: it is inserted independently in a lying position, the duration of protection against pregnancy is from 24 to 30 hours, to remove it, just pull on a special nylon loop.

It is not recommended to protect yourself with spermicidal sponges and tampons in the presence of allergic reactions, diseases of the reproductive system of infectious etiology, or physiological pathologies of the vagina.

Preventing pregnancy using one or more contraceptive methods is the simplest and safest way to prevent unwanted conception and avoid artificial termination of pregnancy. In addition to the fact that abortion is a strong stress for the female body, in some cases, intervention during the first pregnancy leads to irreversible infertility.

The right choice and regular use of contraceptives will help you maintain your health and plan in advance for the birth of your child. When selecting means or methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy, you should not rely on reviews and advice from friends or relatives. The doctor will help you make the best choice, taking into account the individual characteristics of the partners and the desire to protect themselves using certain means. The main condition for maximum effectiveness of the chosen method of protection against unplanned pregnancy is strict adherence to the manufacturer’s recommendations for its use.



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