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Statistics of allergic diseases in Russia. Allergy Statistics of acute allergic diseases

Allergies in figures and facts for Russia.

1. According to the forecasts of specialists from the Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, half of Russians will suffer from one form or another of allergies by 2015. Ten years ago, only a quarter of the country’s population suffered from allergies, but today it is already a third. “We don’t have mechanisms to reduce allergies. Moreover, there will be an increase in moderate and severe forms of allergies.”

2. Just three decades ago, allergies were not so common among people; there was not even a single statistics. However, at the end of the 20th century, scientists were horrified: there are (and how many are registered!) registered on the planet 300 million patients with bronchial asthma (according to WHO), in Russia this is every 12th person. That is, in just 15 years the number of cases has doubled.

3. In the West, allergies have been identified in 35% of the adult population. In Russia, such studies are not carried out in all cities, but it is known that in Moscow 15% of the population suffers from allergies.

4. According to the World Health Organization, over the past decade the number of allergy sufferers in Russia has increased by 20%. According to scientists, this figure will increase because most of the factors that cause allergic reactions are related to our lifestyle, work and everyday life.

5. According to studies conducted in Moscow, 20-25% of bank employees suffer from allergic diseases, among which allergic rhinitis predominates - turning into bronchial asthma with inadequate treatment or its absence in 65% of cases.

6. Traditionally, in Russia, allergies are not considered a serious disease and are not given much attention. This has led to allergy sufferers self-medicating for many years. This confirms the huge gap between the real and registered incidence of allergies (according to the Ministry of Health of Russia, the incidence of allergies according to appeal does not exceed 0.5−1%, depending on the region).

7. Approximately every 12th resident of Russia suffers from bronchial asthma. There is no reliable information about the increase in the incidence of bronchial asthma in Russia.

8. In the Amur region, most people (85−90%) suffer from hay fever and are allergic to wormwood.

9. Sensitization to pollen allergens is recorded in 30−75% of cases. However, the etiological significance of different plants in the mechanism of disease development is not the same. Thus, in the central regions of Russia, allergies to pollen of trees and cereals are more common, in moderately hot regions of the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories - to pollen of ragweed, wormwood, and cereals.

10. In our country, every third adult resident and every fourth child in Russia suffer from allergic diseases, the frequency of which is steadily increasing.

11. According to official statistics, in Novosibirsk there are 4.5 people per thousand residents who suffer from allergic rhinitis. But statistics lag behind life, and in fact there are tens of times more patients.

12. According to official statistics in Russia, the prevalence of allergic diseases is at the level of 1 to 1.5% of the population; according to the Institute of Immunology, from 17.5% to 30% of Russian residents suffer from various forms of allergies. In 15% of patients with bronchial asthma, the disease is caused by occupational factors.

13. According to statistics, in Moscow every third person suffers from spring allergies, in New York - every sixth, and in Berlin - every fourth resident. While in rural areas, where there seem to be much more allergens, this disease is much less common.

14. In Russia, only 18% of patients are referred to specialists in the first year of the disease with seasonal allergic rhinitis, in 30% of cases the interval between the onset of symptoms and detection is two years, in 43% - three years, and in 10% - more than four years. In Ukraine, experts believe, the situation is at least no better.

16. In Russia and the CIS countries, the incidence of allergic diseases in children ranges from 5.2 to 15.5%. In this case, the manifestations of allergies can be very different: food allergies, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, hay fever, etc.

17. According to statistics, every fifth person suffers from allergies in the Middle Urals. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics begin to feel unwell after the first vegetation appears.

18. In Kuban (Krasnodar Territory), most allergy sufferers are children, as well as adults from 30 to 40 years old. Doctors state that every year in the region, where a third of the population suffers from this disease, another two to three thousand patients appear.

19. Every year about 11 thousand patients (23 thousand visits), including up to 3.5 thousand children (8 thousand visits), turn to the Vladivostok city allergy and respiratory center for medical help.

20. Scientists from the Institute of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (Moscow) conducted a study and came to the conclusion that up to 200 thousand residents of Moscow and the Moscow region suffer from allergic diseases associated with the use of household chemicals.

21.Number of emergency calls caused by food allergies: 30,000 per year.

22. Number of emergency room visits caused by asthma: 25% per year.

23. Number of children hospitalized due to asthma symptoms: 44%.

24. Among children in economically developed countries, the prevalence of atopic dermatitis ranges from 10 to 28%. In Russia they are identified - 5.2%. And in industrialized Perm it is only 2.8%.

25. Data from official statistics on visits to medical institutions do not correspond to the true values ​​of the incidence and prevalence of allergic diseases among the population of Russia: allergic rhinitis, according to data from visits, affects from 0.1 to 0.4% of the population, and according to research - from 7 to 12% (according to international statistics - up to 20% of the population); bronchial asthma, according to negotiability data, occurs in less than 1% of the population, and according to population studies, it covers from 7 to 11% of the population.

In the world of entertaining facts.

1. Watching TV triggers asthma. The risk of asthma is 2 times higher in children who spend more than 2 hours a day watching TV, compared to their peers who do without a blue screen.

2. Children who interacted with pets in the first years of life are much less susceptible to various allergic diseases.

3. Licking postage stamps before sticking them can cause an allergic attack. This is because stamp glue is made from fish bones.

4. 30% - this is the risk of allergies in a child if one of his parents is allergic. If both parents have allergies, the risk increases to 50%. However, other indicators are also provided. If neither parent suffers from allergies, then the risk of allergies for the child is 10-15%; if the first-born in the family has allergies, then the probability of allergies in the second child is 25%. If one of the parents has an allergy, the risk for children increases to 40%. Well, if both parents are allergic, then the figure is up to 100%.

5. Vitamins B, C, E reduce the risk of allergies or soften the body’s allergic reaction.

6. There are even human allergies. So one young British man suffered from an allergy to... his beloved. As soon as he kissed his beloved girl or even touched her, his face turned red and became covered in a rash. However, the young man did not suffer from allergies all the time, but only during his beloved’s “critical days.”

7. A study of allergies in identical twins brought interesting results. A case of a completely identical reaction to the same set of allergens is described. “These data prove that the heredity of conditioned allergic conditions is an important factor in the formation of the disease.” (The fact remains a fact, but the result can be explained not from the position of heredity, but from the position of adaptability of the conditions of socialization. Author's note.)

8. The diseases that we now call allergic were known a long time ago. Back in the days of Ancient Egypt, symptoms were described that can be considered clinical manifestations of allergies. But humanity paid attention to allergies only in the 19th century, and understood the nature of this phenomenon only by the end of the 20th century.

9. A restful sleep serves as an indispensable medicine for the body, because the immune system exhibits its protective functions best during the night's rest.

10. Among the elements that make up washing powders, fragrances (21%) are considered the most allergenic, followed by dyes (19%) and then loose elements that create dust in the powders, which caused allergy attacks in 13% of cases.

11. The first mention of allergies came to us from Ancient Egypt. It is known that Pharaoh Menes died in 2540 BC. from a wasp sting that caused a severe allergy attack.

12. Number of people who are allergic to one or more allergens: 55% of the population.

13. Number of weeks by which the pollination season has increased over the past 10 to 15 years as a result of global warming: 4.

This is interesting...

1. In megacities, from 30 to 60% of the population is susceptible to allergies. Today, every third child in European countries suffers from allergies, and every tenth suffers from symptoms of bronchial asthma. However, in Western Europe the level of symptoms is ten times higher than in eastern countries.

2. According to numerous studies that are periodically conducted in different countries of the world, only 60% of people suffering from allergic rhinitis seek help from a doctor.

3. More than 120 years ago, a relationship was identified between allergies and psychological conditions. There was no trend towards a decrease in the prevalence of allergies. In addition, there is not yet a single treatment method that would completely free a person from allergies. The most promising remain specific immunotherapy or allergy vaccination with causative allergens or their modifications.

4. Allergies are one of the most common on Earth. According to statistics, today every fifth inhabitant of our planet suffers from it: every sixth American, every fourth German, from 5 to 30% of Russians, 17% of Muscovites.

5. Today, in almost every home, in every work team, there is bound to be at least one person who either suffers from allergies himself or one of his relatives suffers.

6. The end of the 20th century was marked by a sharp increase in the prevalence of allergies in all countries of the world. Up to 25% of the population of some industrial areas suffers from some kind of allergic disease. The most common of them are hay fever, perennial allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis.

7. Approximately every 12th resident of Russia suffers from bronchial asthma. There is no reliable information about the increase in the incidence of bronchial asthma in Russia: Symptoms of bronchial asthma are detected in approximately 10% of children, and in Canada, Australia and the UK this disease is diagnosed in almost 30% of children.

8. Despite the clear clinical picture and modern diagnostic capabilities, asthma is often regarded as bronchitis and, as a result, is treated ineffectively. In 3 out of 5 patients, bronchial asthma is diagnosed in the late stages of the disease.

9. According to statistics, about 40 percent of the world's population suffers from allergies.

10. According to WHO data, allergy ranks third among other nosologies in terms of incidence. Today, almost every family has an allergy sufferer.

11. Every 10 years the number of patients doubles. If you believe doctors' forecasts, then in the coming years more than half of the world's population will become allergic.

12. Doctors call allergies “the plague of the 3rd millennium,” a disease of civilization. According to statistics, now in the world from 20% to 40% of people suffer from one form or another of allergies, that is, at least every fifth inhabitant of the planet is an allergy sufferer.

13. Most often (in 66% of cases) respiratory tract allergies are recorded (including rhinitis 15−20%, bronchial asthma 70−80% and their combined form 66−95%). 20% of patients suffer from food allergies, 9% from year-round allergic rhinitis, 4% from drug allergies and 1% from insect allergies.

14. Atopic dermatitis, eczema and food allergies are characteristic of childhood, and respiratory tract allergies are characteristic of adults.

15. Polyallergy, i.e. allergies to many foods, characteristic of infants, gradually “narrow down.” Rarely do adolescents and adults react to four or more allergens, most often to one or three.

16. Just three decades ago, allergies were not so common among people; there was not even a single statistics. However, at the end of the 20th century, scientists were horrified: there are (and how many are registered!) registered on the planet 300 million patients with bronchial asthma (according to WHO), in Russia this is every 12th person. That is, in just 15 years the number of cases has doubled.

17. Allergic diseases include diseases with a significant mortality rate: anaphylactic shock (mortality from 10 to 20%), Lael syndrome (40−50%), bronchial asthma (15 times less than from tuberculosis, with a prevalence 5 times higher ).

18. According to American statistics, children miss 2 million days of school due to allergies, adults miss 3 million days at work, and in total, Americans are bedridden 6 million days a year due to allergies.

19. According to numerous studies that are periodically conducted in different countries of the world, only 60% of people suffering from allergic rhinitis seek help from a doctor. The rest think that they have ARVI, or prefer to self-medicate. This means that the statistics on the incidence of this disease are somewhat “underestimated”.

20. If we compare world data regarding allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma registered in our country with official statistics, it turns out that we register only every 15-60 patients with allergic rhinitis and every 10-20 asthmatics.

21. Among the urban population, drug allergies are more common among women: 30 women and 14 men per 1000 people.

22. Among the population in rural areas, drug allergies are also more common in women: 20 women and 11 men per 1000 people.

23. Most often, drug allergies are observed in people aged 31−40 years.

24. In 40−50% of cases, allergic reactions are caused by antibiotics.

25. Number of people who suffer from chronic symptoms such as runny nose and cough but have non-allergic rhinitis: 1 in 3.

Everyone has the same problem...

1. As a rule, not all allergy sufferers seek medical help, so statistics do not always reflect the real picture of morbidity. According to the Almaty City Allergy Center, the reason for patients’ refusal to visit an allergist’s office in 82% of cases is lack of time. 43% of patients consider the disease incurable, 12% hope that it will go away on its own, and 5.6% of patients are treated with traditional methods.

2. According to statistical data, in Kazakhstan the most common cause of hay fever is weeds - wormwood, ragweed, quinoa, etc. (22.91% of cases), cereals (10.46%), trees (11.06%).

3. Statistics register (very partially) only a few types of allergic diseases in Ukraine; according to official data, about 1.5% of the population suffers from allergies. The most realistic rate for Ukraine at the present time is the frequency of allergic diseases on average about 25%: from 20 to 30% depending on the environment, climate, and production development in certain regions of the country. If the population in Ukraine exceeds 40 million, then the number of patients with allergic diseases is no less than 10 million people.

4. Over the past 30 years, the number of children suffering from allergies has more than doubled in Belarus. The number of “allergenic” adults is also increasing - according to the latest data, this is 20-30% of the population of Belarus. Official statistics do not reflect the true picture, since they only take into account those who consulted doctors. A significant number of patients are treated independently. If, according to statistics, chronic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis) is observed in 10% of residents of Belarus, then, according to surveys by sociologists, 25-30% suffer from it.

5. In Ukraine, 4−6% of the adult population suffers from hay fever, 7−9% from year-round allergic rhinitis, 5−7% from bronchial asthma and 6−10% from all types of allergic dermatitis. In children, these numbers, with the exception of dermatitis, are slightly lower.

6. In Ukraine, doctors detect only 1 case of bronchial asthma out of 20-25 such patients, allergic rhinitis - 1 out of 40-60, drug allergies - 1 out of 1000. 20-25% of patients are identified in a timely manner (that is, in the early stages). bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis 5−10%, urticaria 10−15%, atopic dermatitis 30%, drug allergy 1−2%, food allergy 1−2%, insect allergy (to insect bites) 0.1%.

7. Official data indicate that in Ukraine 15−17% of the population is susceptible to allergic reactions. However, experts consider this figure to be underestimated, since many either do not consult a doctor at all in case of a mild illness, or mistake allergy symptoms for a common cold.

Foreign statistics on allergies.

1. 200 years ago, isolated cases of “hay fever” were described in Europe. And today up to 40% of the world's population suffers from allergies, and this figure doubles every ten years. Doctors predicted that by 2010 every second person on the planet would suffer from this disease!

2. In the West, allergies have been identified in 35% of the adult population. In Russia, such studies are not carried out in all cities, but it is known that in Moscow 15% of the population suffers from allergies.

3. In the United States, more than 30% of adults and 40% of children already suffer from symptoms of the disease commonly called hay fever. Many have become sensitive to indoor dust, certain types of nuts, berries and fruits. And despite its ubiquity, allergies still remain a mystery.

4. Many researchers are convinced that almost half of the population of developed countries is now “allergic” to something. In some countries, including England, New Zealand and Australia, statistics indicate a progressive increase in the disease. In the US, the number of reported cases for just one symptom - runny nose - increased by 31% in 10 years (from 1985 to 1995). Heredity, of course, plays a role, but the jump is too rapid to be explained only by genetic factors. At the same time, the population of India, Indonesia, the eastern regions of Russia, and rural Africa experience fewer problems with allergies, although it cannot be said that they have less dust, pollen and other allergy triggers. In the 1980s, scientists considered air pollution to be the main reason for the increase in allergy cases.

5. According to the literature, the highest incidence was recorded in Paraguay (39%), Malta (33%) and the UK (30%), the lowest in India (4.5%). In Kazakhstan, approximately 22% suffer from allergies.

6. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC), conducted in 1995–1996, found that the annual average prevalence of self-reported asthma symptoms in adolescents aged 13–14 years across Europe was 11.5%. This level varies from 2.6 to 4.4% in Albania, Romania, Georgia, Greece, and up to 29.1−32.2% in Ireland and the UK.

7. In the UK, one in three suffers from allergies. Allergies are not just an irritant, but a problem that can be life-threatening.

8. According to statistics, 50-100 people die every year from food allergies in the United States. About 1.5 million people exhibit a severe allergic reaction. There are no statistics available for Canada.

9. In Great Britain, on average, 30% of the population experiences all the delights of an allergic rhinitis, in Sweden - 28%, in South Africa - 17%. But the worst thing is for residents of New Zealand and Australia - in these regions, malaise prevents 40% of the population from breathing normally! In Russia, the problem of allergic rhinitis is known firsthand to 25% of the residents of our country.

10. In the United States, 20% of the population suffers from severe allergic diseases, and 40−50% suffer from transient allergy symptoms.

11. Among Europeans born before 1960, the prevalence of atopic dermatitis (one of the most common skin manifestations of allergies) ranged from 1.4 to 3.1%, while among those born in the 60s and 70s this figure increased to 3.8 −8.8%, and among those born after 1970 it increased to 20%.

12. A study from Stanford University /USA/ showed that our immune system actively fights bacteria at night and minimizes efforts during the daytime. Biologists believe that circadian proteins best regulate the restorative functions of immune reactions during sleep, when metabolism in organs slows down.

“There is an increase in the number of allergic diseases, primarily caused by food; if 20 years ago 20% of the population suffered from allergies, now this figure has doubled, and by 2025, according to forecasts, will reach 50%; If the pandemics of the 19th and 20th centuries were viral and bacterial diseases, then in the current century they are inflammatory non-transmissible diseases such as allergies,” says Arantza Vega, coordinator of the Spanish Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (Seiac). The World Health Organization classifies allergies as one of the six most common pathologies. In addition, it is a chronic disease that most often occurs in childhood.

It is not so easy to establish the frequency of various allergic diseases, since there are differences in results across different studies and geographical areas, but there are statistics on visits to allergists and cases of emergency care.

Medical emergencies for children with food allergies have increased by 350% in recent years, and childhood drug allergies have increased by 150%, according to Vega. More than half of visits to allergists are caused by inflammation of the nasal mucosa; 23% - asthma; 17% - medications. When it comes to food allergies, it is estimated that almost 5% of children and just under 2% of adults suffer from them. If in 1992 visits to doctors about this matter amounted to 4%, then in 2005 - 7.4%.

“Based on the experience of our consultation, we can state an increase in all allergic diseases, and although the most common are inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) and asthma, the increase in those caused by food is of greater concern, since they cause a very acute reaction, up to anaphylactic shock with fatal outcome. And if previously this happened very rarely, it is now observed every day,” notes Marta Ferrer, head of the allergology department at the clinic at the University of Navarra.

Her concerns are largely due to the fact that experts do not know for sure the reasons for such a rapid increase in allergic diseases, and also cannot understand why people who have not had any allergic reactions for 10 years suddenly become allergic at 30. 40 or 50 years old.

Numerous reasons. Allergies contain one very important hereditary component. “If someone in a person’s family suffered from allergies, then the probability of developing an allergic disease is 30%. If these are parents, then this figure doubles,” Ferrer points out. But it's not just about genes, and besides, they haven't changed in the last 20 years. Allergists suspect that the problem lies in epigenetics, that is, the ability of the environment to influence DNA, activating some genes and suppressing others. This is one of the reasons for the increase in the number of allergy sufferers. “There are genetic changes being observed that are caused by the environment that we have been actively influencing and polluting over the past 20 years. We are more exposed to tobacco smoke, our nutritional patterns have changed, and we are interfering with the natural growth of plants. All this has a direct impact on us, our genes, and such changes can be passed on to the next generation,” says an official from the Spanish Association of Allergy. And he recalls that various studies have found that both maternal smoking during pregnancy and car exhaust fumes cause changes in the genetic structure of the fetus, increasing the risk of asthma in childhood.

Vega also points out that changing dietary patterns, in which people began to eat less fruits, vegetables and greens and more foods high in fats and carbohydrates, in turn led to changes in the flora of the stomach, thereby causing disturbances in our immune system. This, in turn, causes an internal imbalance that affects the body's response to allergens. “Eating greens, onions, garlic, fatty fish, as well as folic acid, selenium, zinc and vitamins contributes to the formation of favorable intestinal flora. If we limit ourselves to only fortified products, we thereby affect lymphocytes and the immune system,” explains the allergist.

In the case of food allergies, advances in molecular biology, in identifying the molecule that causes allergies, have made it possible to demonstrate that some allergen proteins, in particular lipid carrier proteins, play a protective role in plants. It has even been suggested that some trees and plants produce more lipid carrier proteins as a response to environmental degradation (pollution, chemical fertilizers, etc.) and stress situations (overproduction) to which they are exposed. The increased content of lipid carrier proteins in pollen, fruits and greens, according to experts, can cause a protective reaction in the human body. Anna Cisteró, head of the allergology department at the Quirón Dexeus University Hospital, says this is one of many theories being discussed by allergists. It is based on an analysis of an increase in banana pollen allergy cases in Barcelona, ​​which showed that the trees were diseased, which may have caused them to produce more lipid carrier proteins for protection. The doctor emphasizes that if such a plant reaction leads to an increase in the number of allergic diseases, then this will be a consequence of many other cumulative factors. In particular, the increased content of exhaust gases in the atmosphere contributes to the entry of pollen into the nose and bronchi, and the immune system of many people has been impaired as a result of prolonged use of antibiotics. Martha Ferrer, in turn, believes that another plausible hypothesis explaining the increase in allergic diseases is related to hygiene. This is confirmed by the fact that children from the GDR, who suffered less from allergic diseases than their peers from the Federal Republic of Germany, after the unification of the country and changes in lifestyle, there was an increase in the incidence of asthma, inflammation of the nasal mucosa and food allergies. “It is generally accepted that the lifestyle of children in developed countries - they are vaccinated against all diseases, they live in houses without contact with bacteria that are in the ground and on animals, they have everything sterilized, including their nipples - leads to changes in their immune system , causing the child’s body to perceive an ordinary substance as harmful,” she says. This hypothesis is also based on the fact that allergies are less likely to occur in children who live in rural areas, play with animals, are raised with pets, or have older siblings. When it comes to food allergies in children, Ferrer says some experts attribute the sharp increase to the way and timing of children's diets. “There is a very interesting study in the UK with a large cohort of children who are given peanuts and a full diet from the first months of life, and then see whether the onset of the food influences the development of allergies,” she says.

Of course, the environment also affects the likelihood of allergies, since depending on where a person lives, he is exposed to certain types of pollen and humidity levels; eats certain foods. In Spain, asthma cases are much more common in coastal and island areas, accounting for between 1% and 5% of the population.

Detailed diagnosis. Many people, including some doctors, associate allergies with unpleasant, but at the same time ordinary processes. However, allergies impose certain restrictions on daily life, causing interruptions in sleep, and sometimes even being life-threatening. Rhinitis, asthma and hives, for example, worsen at night and make it difficult to sleep. That is, those who suffer from inflammation of the nasal mucosa double the risk of stopping breathing during sleep or drowsiness during the day, which in turn increases the risk of accidents, allergists say. Therefore, they advise that you definitely contact a specialist, make an accurate diagnosis of the allergy and begin its treatment.

“Diagnostic methods have undergone significant changes over the past 10 years. Molecular diagnostics are currently being carried out. It’s not enough for us to know that a certain person is allergic to melon, we try to find out what specific melon protein is to find out what effect it has, and also check for its presence in other foods that may cause him an allergy,” emphasizes Arantsa Vega. And he explains that, for example, one person may be allergic to peach profilin, while another may be allergic to peach lipid carrier protein. “The first person will only feel a burning sensation or inflammation in the mouth if he eats a peach fresh, in syrup or baked, but in the spring he will probably have a pollen allergy. The second person, having eaten a fresh peach, will not feel anything at first, but later he may experience an acute reaction both if he eats the peach fresh, or in syrup or baked. That is, it is important to know the specific allergen molecule before starting treatment for the first and second,” she clarifies.

Using this molecular diagnosis, it was found that there are many cross-allergic reactions to pollen and plant foods that share common proteins. It also helped explain why many adults who previously tolerated a food suddenly begin to feel dizzy, out of breath, or simply unwell when eating it. “We have seen that there are allergens that, when combined with other factors such as exercise, anti-inflammatory drugs or alcohol, increase the reaction. And if you carefully study the medical history of a patient in whom you diagnose an allergy to adult food, you will find out that many years ago he once already had a strange reaction of the body during the holidays, when, apparently, the factors of physical activity (dancing) and alcohol. And over time, the allergy became more pronounced, and what at first may have been just urticaria or contact dermatitis took the form of an acute anaphylactic reaction,” explains Dr. Cistero.

Martha Ferrer clarifies that now the diagnosis takes into account the medical history, the results of skin tests, during which various allergens are introduced into the skin in order to find out whether they cause a reaction, as well as a special blood test for the presence of antibodies to allergen proteins. “Contrary to popular belief, these studies are carried out at any age, including childhood,” she emphasizes.

Personal vaccines. The methods of treating allergies have also changed significantly. Not so long ago, most allergy sufferers were advised to avoid the things that triggered their allergic reaction. Now allergists are pursuing a fundamentally different policy: gradually give a person the food or expose him to the substance that causes his allergy, so that the immune system gets used to it and eventually begins to accept it, that is, so that the patient is cured.

When it comes to food products, the allergist prescribes very small doses, which gradually increase. “This method is usually used for milk and eggs, and after several years of treatment we achieve that 70% of children with allergies to these foods can eat them without restrictions,” explains Ferrer.

Dr Vega, who works for the Spanish Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (Seiac), is confident that this oral immunotherapy has significantly changed the quality of life of allergy sufferers: “We have ensured that parents no longer need to constantly warn their five-year-old children not to drink milk, yogurt, They wouldn’t accidentally eat a sandwich at their friend’s house, because there might be cheese in it, so that they always have medicine with them if they suddenly eat a cake or pizza at a party. Many of these children can now drink a glass of milk without fear or risk, which means a big improvement in their lives and in their relationships with other people.”

The mechanism of neutralizing allergies. In other words, oral immunotherapy is used to develop a vaccine against allergies to pollen and to bee or wasp venom. “Mite, pollen or venom extracts are taken in small doses until the immune system returns to normal,” says Dr. Ferrer, adding that the vaccine for bee and wasp stings begins to have a noticeable effect after three to five years, then Vaccines against pollen and mites are also effective. “The mite allergy vaccine has an 85% success rate because some people have multiple types of allergic reactions. In this case, it is necessary to identify the predominant allergen. It is very important to determine whether the patient has improved during the first year of treatment. If not, then re-diagnosis is necessary. If there are signs of improvement in the first year of treatment, then by the third year, as a rule, the patient’s allergy symptoms have practically disappeared,” says Anna Cistero. She adds that her allergy department has successfully tested a tree nut allergy vaccine and is now working on a peach allergy vaccine. “Oral immunotherapy should work in all cases where there is a very precise diagnosis, but if there is no improvement in the first year, then it is pointless to use the vaccine for eight years,” warns the head of the allergology department at the Quirón Dexeus University Hospital. Vaccines that neutralize allergies to dogs and cats are also used. Cases of successful treatment range from 20% to 50%. Most vaccines are selected individually for each patient, based on the molecular diagnosis.

Respiratory allergies. Cases of nasal inflammation and asthma continue to rise and represent the most common allergic diseases. Allergists believe that 21% of Spanish residents suffer from rhinitis, and 75% of asthmatics also have rhinitis, but they do not always feel it because asthma has more pronounced and severe symptoms. These allergic reactions are primarily caused by mites, house dust, and tree pollen, although allergens may vary depending on geography and time of year. “There has been a significant increase in cases of allergies to pollen from banana and cypress trees in winter, especially in areas such as Catalonia where they are grown as ornamental tree species. And in April-May in Andalusia there are many cases of allergies to blooming olives. But the greatest number of allergic reactions is observed to cereals in May-June. At the same time, in the coastal areas, on the Canary and Balearic Islands, there are almost no allergies to cereals, but there are many to mites due to high humidity and a greater concentration of this type of insect,” explains Marta Ferrer, head of the department of allergology at the clinic at the University of Navarra. Vaccines are now available to relieve or cure allergy symptoms to olive pollen, ash, nettles, cereals, and two types of mites.

Allergy to insects. Allergies to bee and wasp stings affect 15% to 25% of the population, and in some cases the reaction becomes acute. Immunotherapy using insect venom produces results in most cases after three to five years of treatment.

Allergy to pets. The most common pet allergies are dogs, cats and horses. Cats are the most difficult case, since their allergens remain in the air for up to six months, so a person can develop an allergic reaction to a cat that he has not seen and that has not been in the house for several months. Immunotherapy does not always give the desired result; relapses of allergies are possible over time.

Allergy to medications. It ranks third in the number of visits to allergists, however, experts believe that only 6% to 10% of cases of negative reactions to medications can be classified as allergic. Sometimes the reaction occurs within the first hour after taking the medicine, in other cases after a longer time, often in a severe form requiring prompt medical attention. For most people who are allergic to medications, treatment is to avoid taking them. If we are talking about drugs that are indispensable in the treatment of certain diseases, sometimes a method of neutralizing allergies is used so that the person gets used to the medicine.

Allergy to latex. The only allergy whose incidence has decreased in recent years is the decision to stop the widespread use of latex gloves by healthcare workers, especially gloves containing powder, which causes latex particles to become suspended in the air and enter the respiratory tract. Allergists, however, warn that half of patients with latex allergies also have an allergic reaction to foods of plant origin, in particular chestnuts, bananas, avocados, kiwis and other tropical fruits.

Food allergies. It is precisely this that has especially worsened and grown in recent years. Any food can act as an allergen, but among children under the age of five, allergies are most often caused by milk and eggs, and in older children - fruits, peanuts and dried fruits. For some, they cause skin allergies with rashes, burning or inflammation on the lips or mouth. These symptoms usually appear within the first 15 minutes after eating. In other cases, allergy symptoms include vomiting, stomach pain, or diarrhea. In the most severe cases, loss of consciousness may occur. According to experts, allergies to fruits are more common after adolescence and, as a rule, to peaches, although some do not tolerate kiwi, mango, pineapple, melon, watermelon or avocado. Of the vegetables and herbs, tomatoes most often cause allergies, followed by lettuce, carrots, celery and cabbage. In Spain, there are often cases of allergies to vegetables and herbs. Half of allergic reactions to peanuts are severe and can be fatal. It has been established that allergic reactions to peanuts and peach (they have the same type of protein) often coincide, occurring in a severe form. Among dried fruits, hazelnut allergies should be highlighted. In central and northern Spain, fish allergies are common.

Some allergic reactions to food only occur when combined with other factors, such as exercise, alcohol, or ibuprofen. Neutralization of allergies, which involves taking small doses of the allergen under the supervision of an allergist to develop resistance, is currently the most common and effective type of treatment.

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Any manifestation of allergies is a reaction of our immunity to external irritants. According to statistical data, over the last decade in the Russian Federation the number of manifestations of allergies of various etiologies has almost doubled. Currently, 30–40% have one or more allergic diseases. Such a rapid increase in incidence causes allergy to be considered one of the main health problems. At the same time, the greatest concern of the medical community is the particularly high growth rate of this pathology among children.

What is the mechanism of action of allergens on the human body?

Elena Valerievna Tivanova, an expert at the Center for Molecular Diagnostics (CMD), head of the analytical planning department of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, will help us answer these and many other questions that concern our readers.

An allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction to certain substances that is triggered by the body's immune system. “During the first contact with a particular allergen, immune mechanisms are activated, accompanied by the production of specific substances - immunoglobulins (IgE), which bind to the cells of the immune system (mast cells) and begin to circulate along with the blood in the human body. Upon repeated contact, the formed complex binds to the corresponding allergen, resulting in the death of mast cells with the subsequent release of a large amount of biologically active substances - histamine, serotonin, leukotrienes, which, in turn, cause allergic reactions in the form of redness of the skin, lacrimation, sneezing, itching, swelling, bronchospasm,” explains Elena Valerievna. However, other diseases may have similar symptoms.

Laboratory tests can confirm or, conversely, refute the presence of allergies: a familiar general blood test with a leukocyte formula, an alarm signal, the results of which are an increase in the number of basophils and eosinophils, as well as an analysis of the concentration of total IgE. However, this information is often not enough to make a diagnosis, since elevated values ​​of these indicators may indicate other pathologies, including helminthic infestation. Moreover, in 30% of patients suffering from allergies, the level of total IgE fluctuates within normal values. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe additional tests: skin tests or a blood test for specific IgE.

Skin tests, despite their simplicity and accessibility, have a number of disadvantages, such as:

  • Subjectivity of result assessment;
  • Possibility of carrying out only during remission;
  • Danger of developing severe allergic reactions (bronchospasm, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock);
  • The need to discontinue allergy medications.

A blood test for specific IgE is safer, especially in childhood, and is also highly informative and reliable.

“Skin tests are usually carried out using prick testing (prick testing) or prick testing (scratch testing). The difference between these methods is not very significant, but the first method is generally considered safer. No more than 15 samples can be delivered at a time,” notes an expert from the Center for Molecular Diagnostics.

When conducting a prick test using a special prick-lancet, an injection of a standardized depth (1.0 - 1.5 mm) is made through a drop of allergen and a control liquid. Results in the form of no skin changes, hyperemia or papules can be assessed within 15 to 20 minutes.

When carrying out scarification tests, a histamine solution, a control liquid and an allergen are applied in drops to a forearm treated with a 70% alcohol solution, through which parallel scratches (4 - 5 mm) are applied. The results are taken into account after 10 - 20 minutes.

The size of the hyperemia and papules indicates the severity of the allergic reaction.

However, scarification tests quite often give false positive results.

In the case of blood tests, the following rating scale is used:

  • There is no immune response -
  • Ambiguous immune response, often without clinical manifestations - 0.35 – 0.69 (it is worth avoiding contact with the allergen if possible);
  • Weakly positive – 0.70 – 3.45 (it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen);
  • Positive, with pronounced clinical manifestations - >3.50 (any contact with the allergen must be completely excluded).

It is worth noting that with the help of this analysis it is possible to determine the effectiveness of the therapy.

When are tests prescribed?

  • the patient has the above-described symptoms of unknown origin (lacrimation, sneezing, skin rash, etc.);
  • therapy for chronic bronchitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis does not give a positive result;
  • there is a hereditary predisposition;
  • it is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the therapy.

According to Elena Valerievna, the success of treatment of allergic diseases mainly depends on a competent diagnosis and selection of an adequate course of therapy.

The main allergic diseases include rhinitis, asthma, anaphylaxis, Quincke's edema, food and drug allergies, urticaria, eczema. Many of the above diseases pose a real threat to human life. According to WHO, about 250,000 people die from asthma every year.

So, you have been diagnosed with an allergy to a specific substance, or perhaps several.

How to treat, and most importantly, can it be cured?

The World Allergy Organization (WAO) identifies three main ways to combat the disease: pharmacotherapy, immunotherapy and allergen elimination.

Today, pharmacotherapy plays a key role in the treatment of allergy manifestations, allowing one to control the clinical manifestations of the disease and improve the patient’s quality of life. After diagnosis, the allergist selects the optimal treatment regimen for the patient and regularly monitors the results.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy, which is the only method of treating allergic diseases that affects all components of the allergic process, is gaining great popularity in modern medicine. The ASIT standard is considered to be subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT), which has a prolonged clinical effect and helps disrupt the natural course of allergy development through the introduction of appropriate allergens with a gradual increase in doses. This type of therapy can prevent, for example, the development of asthma in patients with a history of allergic rhinitis. When conducting SCIT, the allergist prescribes subcutaneous injections according to the schedule according to the required therapy.

As a rule, in 80-90% of cases, an improvement in the clinical picture is achieved with a subsequent weakening of the effect of the allergen on the human body.

An alternative to SCIT is sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), which involves administering the allergen in the form of drops under the tongue. After conducting an allergological study and making an accurate diagnosis, the patient is given a ready-made allergen or an appropriate mixture of drops is prepared. In the Russian Federation, only the first option is currently practiced - issuing a ready-made allergen.

Sublingual immunotherapy is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a possible alternative to injection. The algorithms of action of SCIT and SLIT are similar.

“It is important to understand that ASIT is preceded by another diagnostic stage - the determination of specific IgE to various components of the allergen, the so-called molecular allergy diagnostics,” explains the expert.

For example, when receiving a positive IgE immune response to birch, it is necessary to identify the presence of allergies to various protein structures of pollen, which are divided into major and minor. The presence of an allergy to the main component is an indication for ASIT, because only in this case will the therapy be successful.

Primary prevention of allergic diseases is difficult, because A complete picture of the reasons for the body’s sensitivity to certain allergens has not yet been formed.

After diagnosis, an effective method of prevention is elimination - the elimination of allergens from the patient’s everyday environment, which can significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease. For example, comprehensive environmental interventions can produce positive results in children with asthma.

A patient suffering from any manifestations of allergies must clearly understand that the prognosis for treating the disease depends, first of all, on a high-quality diagnosis, which allows an accurate diagnosis to be made and an effective treatment regimen to be selected. And strict adherence to practical recommendations formulated on the basis of evidence-based medicine provides better results.

Not swine flu or the Zika virus, allergies are called the pandemic of the 21st century.

This mass phenomenon causes serious concern and poses a threat to human health and even life. The reasons for concern are indeed significant. Judge for yourself: just thirty years ago, cases of the disease were quite rare, and statistics... were not kept at all. What about today?

According to research by the World Health Organization (WHO), about 300 million people on the planet suffer from bronchial asthma alone, while in 2000 this figure was half as much! Allergic rhinitis has become common; according to international statistics, today it occurs in every fifth person. In the West, about 35% of the adult population has some form of allergy.

Official statistics do not reflect the real situation

In our country, the situation is hardly more optimistic: every third Russian adult and fourth child are already allergic; The most common allergic diseases are hay fever - 18-20% of the population, allergic rhinitis% and bronchial asthma - 7-11%.

The inaccuracy of the data presented is explained, first of all, by significant discrepancies between registered cases and actual ones. Thus, if we rely on official information, the incidence of allergies in our country does not exceed 1.5%, while according to the Institute of Immunology of Russia this figure reaches 30%. Judging by the number of visits to medical institutions, no more than 0.4% of the population suffers from allergic rhinitis, and asthma occurs only in every 100 Russians.

It turns out that official statistics do not reflect the real situation at all. This is partly explained by our mentality: not everyone will go to the clinic with a runny nose, even a chronic one, but will prefer to self-medicate at home. In addition, in practice, medical incompetence occurs when a patient with allergies is diagnosed with ARVI and the wrong treatment is prescribed. As a result, advanced cases of an allergic reaction not detected in time lead to a worsening of symptoms over time, and in some cases the allergy takes on more severe forms: a seemingly harmless allergic cough can turn into bronchial asthma.

According to WHO, over the past ten years, the incidence of allergies in Russia has increased by 20% and, according to forecasts, the situation will only worsen every year due to the fact that the main factors causing allergies are what each of us encounters in our daily lives. life. And namely: poor environment, stress, harmful labor factors, unhealthy lifestyle, poor quality nutrition, living conditions.

The main cause of hay fever

Until now, scientists cannot come to a consensus about the true causes of allergies. However, it is known that almost anything can cause a reaction. And even such a common phenomenon as hay fever - an allergy to plant pollen - has its own specifics in each region of our country.

Plant pollen is a strong allergen: sensitization to it is recorded in 30-75% of cases. At the same time, in the center of Russia, allergy sufferers most often suffer when trees and cereals bloom; ragweed causes the most trouble for residents of the Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol Territory; in the Amur Region, about 90% of the population “sneeze” on wormwood. In the Urals, every fifth person complains of feeling unwell when the first vegetation appears; in Vladivostok, about 11 thousand residents suffering from allergies seek medical help every year.

At the same time, there are much fewer allergy sufferers among villagers, while in Moscow every third suffers from hay fever, in Berlin - every fourth, in New York - every sixth. The reason is that allergies are caused not so much by the plants themselves, but by their pollen, which absorbs all the harmful emissions and polluting particles that are present in the air of the metropolis in catastrophic quantities.

Allergies in children

Children suffer from allergies very often. Some are already born with a certain type of it. Scientists have no doubt that heredity matters. So, if one of the parents is allergic, then the probability that the child will inherit the predisposition is 30%. When both parents are allergic, the risks increase to 50%. But even if the parents are healthy, the child is still born with allergies in 10-15% of cases. And this is only based on optimistic forecasts.

It happens that a child was born with a predisposition, but an allergy may not develop. Everything depends on external factors. For example, in Kuban, where a very dangerous and strong allergen grows - ragweed, and this weed grows everywhere, it is very difficult to fight it; the main allergy sufferers are children.

How to reduce the risk of developing allergies?

Unfortunately, many allergy sufferers in our country do not consider allergies to be a disease and do not seek medical help. However, it is the lack of proper and timely treatment that often leads to disastrous consequences. Thus, in 65% of cases, ignoring allergic rhinitis, which affects 20% of office workers in Moscow alone, leads to complications in the form of bronchial asthma. More severe consequences of an allergic reaction include anaphylactic shock and death.

Allergists never cease to repeat: the sooner a patient sees a doctor, the lower the risk of complications. The effectiveness of these warnings is as follows: 18% of conscious citizens seek help in the first year of allergies, 30% after 2 years, 43% after 3 and 10% after 4 years or more.

Despite the fact that the exact mechanisms of the appearance of an allergic reaction in the body have not yet been identified, there are facts and observations that allow us to understand the nature of the phenomenon and use this information in everyday life. For example, watching TV more than 2 hours a day every day increases the risk of developing asthma in children by 2 times. But communication with pets, on the contrary, is welcome, but only if the animal has been in the house since the birth of the baby. Fish is a strong allergen, and therefore an allergic attack can be caused by licking postage stamps, the glue for which is made from fish bones. Useful vitamins that reduce the risk of allergies are B, C, E. And adequate sleep is considered a prerequisite for the formation of good immunity in general.

The last statement is a proven fact. According to research from Stanford University, it is at night, when metabolic processes in the body slow down, that circadian proteins are activated, which are directly involved in restoring the body's protective functions.

Are you suffering from allergies? There is an effective solution for the period of exacerbation!

Allergy - revenge on humanity for its irrationality

This disease is one of the most common on Earth. According to statistics, today every fifth inhabitant of our planet suffers from it: every sixth American, every fourth German, from 5 to 30% of Russians, 17% of Muscovites. And if the 20th century was the century of cardiovascular diseases, then the 21st, according to WHO forecasts, will become the century of allergies.

The diseases that we now call allergic were known a long time ago. Back in the days of Ancient Egypt, symptoms were described that can be considered clinical manifestations of allergies. But humanity paid attention to allergies only in the 19th century, and understood the nature of this phenomenon only by the end of the 20th century.

An allergy is an excessive immune reaction of the body to relatively harmless substances (antigens). It occurs because the body responds to the influx of antigens by producing special types of molecules (antibodies) that have unique properties - equipping tissue cells with a mechanism for further recognition of antigens. If it happens that the antigen re-enters the body, then the cells, recognizing it, begin to react, which leads to external clinical manifestations of allergy: tissue swelling, contraction of smooth muscles (bronchial asthma - contraction of smooth muscles of the bronchi), irritation of peripheral nerve endings (itching). ) etc.

Today, in almost every home, in every work group, there is bound to be at least one person who either himself suffers from an allergic disease, or one of his relatives is sick. International statistics show that over the past two decades, the incidence of allergies has increased 3-4 times, and the disease often occurs in a severe, unusual form, which leads to difficulties in diagnosis and treatment.

Such a sharp surge in incidence is associated with an increase in the allergenic load on a person, with a change in his ability to respond to this load. The deteriorating environmental situation and, as a consequence, increased permeability of barrier tissues to allergens, poor nutrition, inadequate drug therapy, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, increased stress loads, a sedentary lifestyle, climate changes lead to the fact that the human body is exposed to allergens, even those , which have always existed, increases significantly.

We are surrounded by synthetic materials everywhere. International statistics indicate that modern technologies used in the construction of homes, offices and enterprises, and their interior decoration, lead to a deterioration of the environment and, consequently, to increased sensitivity of the body to allergens.

An important risk factor for the development of allergies is heredity. If one of the parents has allergies, then the probability of developing allergies in the child reaches 30-40%. If both parents suffer from this disease, the risk is 70-75%. Since it is not the disease itself that is inherited, but a predisposition to it, breastfeeding a newborn for at least 6 months could prevent or mitigate the manifestation of allergies in the future. But, unfortunately, fewer and fewer mothers are breastfeeding their babies (according to statistics, in Moscow this is only a third of mothers).

Keeping four-legged and feathered pets in the house has a great influence on the increase in the incidence of allergies. If any of the family members has at least a predisposition to allergic diseases, then you should not get an animal under any circumstances. The saturation of cramped city apartments with allergens can be so high that even after removing an animal for many months, with careful periodic cleaning of the premises, the allergen still continues to cause a reaction in the body.

Allergy is an amazing phenomenon, a kind of revenge on humanity for its irrationality. A healthy lifestyle, physical activity, proper nutrition, exclusion of a number of foods from the diet (bananas are the second most frequently caused allergic manifestations after cow's milk) can serve as deterrents for the development of allergies, but it is impossible to completely protect yourself from the harmful effects of the environment. Therefore, if allergy symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult an allergist as soon as possible, who will advise how to reduce the manifestations of an existing disease, prevent its exacerbation and the development of a more severe form of the disease.

Currently, allergology offices have a wide arsenal of modern methods that make it possible to identify the disease and determine its cause. The point of diagnosis comes down to identifying those allergens to which the patient has increased sensitivity. The choice of therapeutic and preventive measures to prevent the patient from developing clinical manifestations depends on this. Therefore, mandatory diagnostic methods are a thorough collection of an allergic history and testing with a wide range of allergens of different groups common in nature. Such tests make it possible to determine not only the presence of an allergic reaction, but also the specific allergens that cause it.

There are also auxiliary laboratory methods, for example, a method for detecting the presence of allergic antibodies in blood serum. However, the presence of antibodies, even in high concentrations, does not mean that clinical manifestations will be severe, and vice versa. Therefore, this method in no way replaces mandatory diagnostic methods.

After the diagnosis is made, the patient’s treatment tactics are determined. The most harmless and effective treatment method is to eliminate the allergen that causes the reaction. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible, as, for example, with hay fever, when the disease is caused by airborne allergens (plant pollen). In these cases, measures are taken to reduce exposure to the allergen by reducing the body's sensitivity.

So, if the patient is not in the stage of exacerbation of the disease, then it is possible to reduce the patient’s sensitivity to the allergen using the so-called allergen-specific immunotherapy method. The essence of the method is as follows. A substance that provokes an allergy, upon entering the human body, causes a certain type of immune response. By introducing the same allergen, but in a slightly different form, in different doses and concentrations, it is possible to ensure that the recognition of the allergen by the body will occur differently, and thereby change the nature of the immune system response.

You can reduce the manifestations of a seasonal allergic disease (for example, hay fever) by starting to take special medications recommended by your doctor before the dusting season, as well as by eliminating certain foods from your diet.

Plant pollen shares allergenic properties with a number of foods. In particular, during the flowering period of trees (May - early June), patients with hay fever must exclude apples, plums, cherries, peaches, and apricots from their diet. The consumption of nuts, carrots, and honey, especially those varieties that bees collect during this period, is strictly prohibited.

If a patient has an allergy during the dusting season of cereal grasses (June-July), then during this period the intake of food grains should be limited: bread, cereals (buckwheat is not a cereal), as well as honey.

In August-September, during the flowering period of asteraceae (wormwood, ragweed, quinoa, etc.), you should not consume coffee, halva, seeds, sunflower oil and honey.

All patients with hay fever are prohibited from consuming herbal infusions, as well as food products made from them.

Since an allergy is an excessive immune reaction of the body to an allergen, a natural question may arise: is it possible to try to influence the immune system with the help of immunomodulators? The doctors' answer is categorical - for allergies, all currently existing immunomodulators are not indicated. The use of such drugs is possible only in case of secondary immune deficiency syndrome, which is characterized by frequent infectious, bacterial, viral infections and only as prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, the immune system can be disrupted in the same way that the central nervous system can be disrupted by the use of psychotropic drugs.

In case of exacerbation of allergic diseases, therapy should be aimed at relieving acute clinical manifestations of allergies. Antihistamines are used for this purpose. Their scientifically based use began in the middle of the 20th century. Since that time, antihistamines have been constantly improved, since it was necessary, on the one hand, to increase their therapeutic effect, and on the other, to get rid of unwanted side effects.

If the first generation of drugs (tavegil, suprastin, diazolin, etc.) has a fairly strong sedative effect, then the second generation of antihistamines (clarotadine, claritin, Zyrtec, etc.) can effectively cope with the clinical manifestations of allergies, practically without causing drowsiness. However, most of these drugs are a mother drug (prodrug), that is, an initial product that, when processed by the body, produces a substance that exhibits its antihistamine effect. The path of a drug in the human body is influenced by various factors: the state of internal organs, food and other drugs taken simultaneously with an antihistamine. These factors can lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effect, and sometimes to toxic effects on internal organs. Therefore, scientists tried to use not the mother product as a medicine, but the final one, which is formed in the human body. This is how the third generation of antihistamines (Telfast) appeared.

Third generation drugs are used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria and other allergic dermatoses. They have an optimal benefit-risk ratio, do not have a sedative effect, can be combined with other drugs and alcohol, give a quick and long-lasting effect, and their therapeutic activity does not change with long-term use.

Thus, in the arsenal of modern medicine there are enough ways to combat allergic diseases. You just need to see a doctor in time. Untimely contact with an allergist can lead to serious consequences. Firstly, without proper treatment, the disease takes on a very severe form that cannot be treated with existing methods; secondly, one disease can develop into another, more severe one, which will require intensive treatment load on the patient. According to studies conducted in Moscow, 20-25% of bank employees suffer from allergic diseases, among which allergic rhinitis predominates - turning into bronchial asthma with inadequate treatment or its absence in 65% of cases.

The fact that traditionally in Russia allergy is not considered a serious disease and does not receive much attention from either the media or the public, as well as the inaccessibility of specialized medical care in some regions, has led to the fact that allergy patients are seen by other specialists for many years or self-medicate. This confirms the huge gap between the real and registered incidence of allergies (according to the Ministry of Health of Russia, the incidence of allergies according to appeal does not exceed 0.5-1%, depending on the region).

In such a situation, one of the most important aspects in the complex of treatment and preventive measures is public education. It is necessary that every person understands what allergies are and what consequences self-medication can lead to; so that patients and their loved ones know the essence of the disease, the necessary therapeutic and preventive measures, and understand the meaning of drug therapy.

Statistics on the increase in allergic pathology in the world

Already, every 10 years the prevalence of AD increases 2-3 times. Up to 1 million newly diagnosed cases of atopic dermatitis (AD) are registered annually in the world. At the same time, AD is often combined with other allergic diseases - bronchial asthma (BA) in 34% of cases, allergic rhinitis - in 25%, hay fever - in 8%.

According to the results of epidemiological studies conducted using the ISAAC method, about 30% of the child population suffers from allergies worldwide. In Ukraine today there is no reliable statistics on the prevalence of allergic pathology and therefore, compared with data obtained in various regions of the world, the prevalence of AD in children in our country remains underestimated by 3-5 times. For example, the prevalence of atopic dermatitis in the world is 15-20%, bronchial asthma - 7-10%, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis -%. Allergies evolve with age in a child’s body. First, a food allergy is formed, which manifests itself from the first months of life, when the child’s body is characterized by physiological, morphological, enzymatic, enterohormonal and immunological imperfection of the protective barrier of the small intestine, which is easily damaged and allows the penetration of immunogenic food components.

Over the past decade, there has been a noticeable rejuvenation of allergic pathology (a shift in onset to an earlier age) and a tendency towards an increase in severe clinical forms, which puts the problem of treatment and prevention of allergies in children at one of the leading places in modern clinical pediatrics.

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Allergies in figures and facts for Russia.

2. Just three decades ago, allergies were not so common among people; there was not even a single statistics. However, at the end of the 20th century, scientists were horrified: there are 300 million patients with bronchial asthma registered on the planet (and how many are not registered!) (according to WHO), in Russia this is every 12th person. That is, in just 15 years the number of cases has doubled. TREATMENT SCHEME FOR ASTHMA

3. In the West, allergies have been identified in 35% of the adult population. In Russia, such studies are not carried out in all cities, but it is known that in Moscow 15% of the population suffers from allergies.

4. According to the World Health Organization, over the past decade the number of allergy sufferers in Russia has increased by 20%. According to scientists, this figure will increase because most of the factors that cause allergic reactions are related to our lifestyle, work and everyday life. ALLERGY TREATMENT SCHEME

5. According to studies conducted in Moscow, 20-25% of bank employees suffer from allergic diseases, among which allergic rhinitis predominates - turning into bronchial asthma with inadequate treatment or its absence in 65% of cases.

6. Traditionally, in Russia, allergies are not considered a serious disease and are not given much attention. This has led to allergy sufferers self-medicating for many years. This confirms the huge gap between the real and registered incidence of allergies (according to the Ministry of Health of Russia, the incidence of allergies according to appeal does not exceed 0.5−1%, depending on the region).

7. Approximately every 12th resident of Russia suffers from bronchial asthma. There is no reliable information about the increase in the incidence of bronchial asthma in Russia.

8. In the Amur region, most people (85−90%) suffer from hay fever and are allergic to wormwood.

9. Sensitization to pollen allergens is recorded in 30−75% of cases. However, the etiological significance of different plants in the mechanism of disease development is not the same. Thus, in the central regions of Russia, allergies to pollen of trees and cereals are more common, in moderately hot regions of the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories - to pollen of ragweed, wormwood, and cereals.

10. In our country, every third adult resident and every fourth child in Russia suffer from allergic diseases, the frequency of which is steadily increasing.

11. According to official statistics, in Novosibirsk there are 4.5 people per thousand residents who suffer from allergic rhinitis. But statistics lag behind life, and in fact there are tens of times more patients.

12. According to official statistics in Russia, the prevalence of allergic diseases is at the level of 1 to 1.5% of the population; according to the Institute of Immunology, from 17.5% to 30% of Russian residents suffer from various forms of allergies. In 15% of patients with bronchial asthma, the disease is caused by occupational factors.

13. According to statistics, in Moscow every third person suffers from spring allergies, in New York - every sixth, and in Berlin - every fourth resident. While in rural areas, where there seem to be much more allergens, this disease is much less common.

14. In Russia, only 18% of patients are referred to specialists in the first year of the disease with seasonal allergic rhinitis, in 30% of cases the interval between the onset of symptoms and detection is two years, in 43% - three years, and in 10% - more than four years. In Ukraine, experts believe, the situation is at least no better.

16. In Russia and the CIS countries, the incidence of allergic diseases in children ranges from 5.2 to 15.5%. In this case, the manifestations of allergies can be very different: food allergies, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, hay fever, etc.

17. According to statistics, every fifth person suffers from allergies in the Middle Urals. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics begin to feel unwell after the first vegetation appears.

18. In Kuban (Krasnodar Territory), most allergy sufferers are children, as well as adults from 30 to 40 years old. Doctors state that every year in the region, where a third of the population suffers from this disease, another two to three thousand patients appear.

19. Every year about 11 thousand patients (23 thousand visits), including up to 3.5 thousand children (8 thousand visits), turn to the Vladivostok city allergy and respiratory center for medical help.

20. Scientists from the Institute of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (Moscow) conducted a study and came to the conclusion that up to 200 thousand residents of Moscow and the Moscow region suffer from allergic diseases associated with the use of household chemicals.

21.Number of calls to emergency services caused by food allergies: per year.

22. Number of emergency room visits caused by asthma: 25% per year.

23. Number of children hospitalized due to asthma symptoms: 44%.

24. Among children in economically developed countries, the prevalence of atopic dermatitis ranges from 10 to 28%. In Russia they are identified - 5.2%. And in industrialized Perm it is only 2.8%.

25. Data from official statistics on visits to medical institutions do not correspond to the true values ​​of the incidence and prevalence of allergic diseases among the population of Russia: allergic rhinitis, according to data from visits, affects from 0.1 to 0.4% of the population, and according to research - from 7 to 12% (according to international statistics - up to 20% of the population); bronchial asthma, according to negotiability data, occurs in less than 1% of the population, and according to population studies, it covers from 7 to 11% of the population.

In the world of entertaining facts.

1. Watching TV triggers asthma. The risk of asthma is 2 times higher in children who spend more than 2 hours a day watching TV, compared to their peers who do without a blue screen.

2. Children who interacted with pets in the first years of life are much less susceptible to various allergic diseases.

3. Licking postage stamps before sticking them can cause an allergic attack. This is because stamp glue is made from fish bones.

4. 30% - this is the risk of allergies in a child if one of his parents is allergic. If both parents have allergies, the risk increases to 50%. However, other indicators are also provided. If neither parent suffers from allergies, then the risk of allergies for the child is 10-15%; if the first-born in the family has allergies, then the probability of allergies in the second child is 25%. If one of the parents has an allergy, the risk for children increases to 40%. Well, if both parents are allergic, then the figure is up to 100%.

5. Vitamins B, C, E reduce the risk of allergies or soften the body’s allergic reaction.

6. There are even human allergies. So one young British man suffered from an allergy to... his beloved. As soon as he kissed his beloved girl or even touched her, his face turned red and became covered in a rash. However, the young man did not suffer from allergies all the time, but only during his beloved’s “critical days.”

7. A study of allergies in identical twins brought interesting results. A case of a completely identical reaction to the same set of allergens is described. “These data prove that the heredity of conditioned allergic conditions is an important factor in the formation of the disease.” (The fact remains a fact, but the result can be explained not from the position of heredity, but from the position of adaptability of the conditions of socialization. Author's note.)

8. The diseases that we now call allergic were known a long time ago. Back in the days of Ancient Egypt, symptoms were described that can be considered clinical manifestations of allergies. But humanity paid attention to allergies only in the 19th century, and understood the nature of this phenomenon only by the end of the 20th century.

9. A restful sleep serves as an indispensable medicine for the body, because the immune system exhibits its protective functions best during the night's rest. TREATMENT SCHEME FOR INSOMNIA

10. Among the elements that make up washing powders, fragrances (21%) are considered the most allergenic, followed by dyes (19%) and then loose elements that create dust in the powders, which caused allergy attacks in 13% of cases.

11. The first mention of allergies came to us from Ancient Egypt. It is known that Pharaoh Menes died in 2540 BC. from a wasp sting that caused a severe allergy attack.

12. Number of people who are allergic to one or more allergens: 55% of the population.

13. Number of weeks by which the pollination season has increased over the past 10 to 15 years as a result of global warming: 4.

1. In megacities, from 30 to 60% of the population is susceptible to allergies. Today, every third child in European countries suffers from allergies, and every tenth suffers from symptoms of bronchial asthma. However, in Western Europe the level of symptoms is ten times higher than in eastern countries.

2. According to numerous studies that are periodically conducted in different countries of the world, only 60% of people suffering from allergic rhinitis seek help from a doctor.

3. More than 120 years ago, a relationship was identified between allergies and psychological conditions. There was no trend towards a decrease in the prevalence of allergies. In addition, there is not yet a single treatment method that would completely free a person from allergies. The most promising remain specific immunotherapy or allergy vaccination with causative allergens or their modifications.

4. Allergies are one of the most common on Earth. According to statistics, today every fifth inhabitant of our planet suffers from it: every sixth American, every fourth German, from 5 to 30% of Russians, 17% of Muscovites.

5. Today, in almost every home, in every work team, there is bound to be at least one person who either suffers from allergies himself or one of his relatives suffers.

6. The end of the 20th century was marked by a sharp increase in the prevalence of allergies in all countries of the world. Up to 25% of the population of some industrial areas suffers from some kind of allergic disease. The most common of them are hay fever, perennial allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis.

7. Approximately every 12th resident of Russia suffers from bronchial asthma. There is no reliable information about the increase in the incidence of bronchial asthma in Russia: Symptoms of bronchial asthma are detected in approximately 10% of children, and in Canada, Australia and the UK this disease is diagnosed in almost 30% of children.

8. Despite the clear clinical picture and modern diagnostic capabilities, asthma is often regarded as bronchitis and, as a result, is treated ineffectively. In 3 out of 5 patients, bronchial asthma is diagnosed in the late stages of the disease.

9. According to statistics, about 40 percent of the world's population suffers from allergies.

10. According to WHO data, allergy ranks third among other nosologies in terms of incidence. Today, almost every family has an allergy sufferer.

11. Every 10 years the number of patients doubles. If you believe doctors' forecasts, then in the coming years more than half of the world's population will become allergic.

12. Doctors call allergies “the plague of the 3rd millennium,” a disease of civilization. According to statistics, now in the world from 20% to 40% of people suffer from one form or another of allergies, that is, at least every fifth inhabitant of the planet is an allergy sufferer.

13. Most often (in 66% of cases) respiratory tract allergies are recorded (including rhinitis 15−20%, bronchial asthma 70−80% and their combined form 66−95%). 20% of patients suffer from food allergies, 9% from year-round allergic rhinitis, 4% from drug allergies and 1% from insect allergies.

14. Atopic dermatitis, eczema and food allergies are characteristic of childhood, and respiratory tract allergies are characteristic of adults.

15. Polyallergy, i.e. allergies to many foods, characteristic of infants, gradually “narrow down.” Rarely do adolescents and adults react to four or more allergens, most often to one or three.

16. Just three decades ago, allergies were not so common among people; there was not even a single statistics. However, at the end of the 20th century, scientists were horrified: there are (and how many are registered!) registered on the planet 300 million patients with bronchial asthma (according to WHO), in Russia this is every 12th person. That is, in just 15 years the number of cases has doubled.

17. Allergic diseases include diseases with a significant mortality rate: anaphylactic shock (mortality from 10 to 20%), Lael syndrome (40−50%), bronchial asthma (15 times less than from tuberculosis, with a prevalence 5 times higher ).

18. According to American statistics, children miss 2 million days of school due to allergies, adults miss 3 million days at work, and in total, Americans are bedridden 6 million days a year due to allergies.

19. According to numerous studies that are periodically conducted in different countries of the world, only 60% of people suffering from allergic rhinitis seek help from a doctor. The rest think that they have ARVI, or prefer to self-medicate. This means that the statistics on the incidence of this disease are somewhat “underestimated”.

20. If we compare world data regarding allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma registered in our country with official statistics, it turns out that we register only every 15-60 patients with allergic rhinitis and every 10-20 asthmatics.

21. Among the urban population, drug allergies are more common among women: 30 women and 14 men per 1000 people.

22. Among the population in rural areas, drug allergies are also more common in women: 20 women and 11 men per 1000 people.

23. Most often, drug allergies are observed in people aged 31−40 years.

25. Number of people who suffer from chronic symptoms such as runny nose and cough but have non-allergic rhinitis: 1 in 3.

Everyone has the same problem.

1. As a rule, not all allergy sufferers seek medical help, so statistics do not always reflect the real picture of morbidity. According to the Almaty City Allergy Center, the reason for patients’ refusal to visit an allergist’s office in 82% of cases is lack of time. 43% of patients consider the disease incurable, 12% hope that it will go away on its own, and 5.6% of patients are treated with traditional methods.

2. According to statistical data, in Kazakhstan the most common cause of hay fever is weeds - wormwood, ragweed, quinoa, etc. (22.91% of cases), cereals (10.46%), trees (11.06%).

3. Statistics register (very partially) only a few types of allergic diseases in Ukraine; according to official data, about 1.5% of the population suffers from allergies. The most realistic rate for Ukraine at the present time is the frequency of allergic diseases on average about 25%: from 20 to 30% depending on the environment, climate, and production development in certain regions of the country. If the population in Ukraine exceeds 40 million, then the number of patients with allergic diseases is no less than 10 million people.

4. Over the past 30 years, the number of children suffering from allergies has more than doubled in Belarus. The number of “allergenic” adults is also increasing - according to the latest data, this is 20-30% of the population of Belarus. Official statistics do not reflect the true picture, since they only take into account those who consulted doctors. A significant number of patients are treated independently. If, according to statistics, chronic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis) is observed in 10% of residents of Belarus, then, according to surveys by sociologists, 25-30% suffer from it.

5. In Ukraine, 4−6% of the adult population suffers from hay fever, 7−9% from year-round allergic rhinitis, 5−7% from bronchial asthma and 6−10% from all types of allergic dermatitis. In children, these numbers, with the exception of dermatitis, are slightly lower.

6. In Ukraine, doctors identify only 1 case of bronchial asthma out of 20−25 such patients, allergic rhinitis - 1 out of 40−60, drug allergies - 1 out of 1000. 20−25% of patients are identified in a timely manner (that is, in the early stages) bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis 5−10%, urticaria 10−15%, atopic dermatitis 30%, drug allergy 1−2%, food allergy 1−2%, insect allergy (to insect bites) 0.1%.

7. Official data indicate that in Ukraine 15−17% of the population is susceptible to allergic reactions. However, experts consider this figure to be underestimated, since many either do not consult a doctor at all in case of a mild illness, or mistake allergy symptoms for a common cold.

Foreign statistics on allergies.

1. 200 years ago, isolated cases of “hay fever” were described in Europe. And today up to 40% of the world's population suffers from allergies, and this figure doubles every ten years. Doctors predicted that by 2010 every second person on the planet would suffer from this disease!

2. In the West, allergies have been identified in 35% of the adult population. In Russia, such studies are not carried out in all cities, but it is known that in Moscow 15% of the population suffers from allergies.

3. In the United States, more than 30% of adults and 40% of children already suffer from symptoms of the disease commonly called hay fever. Many have become sensitive to indoor dust, certain types of nuts, berries and fruits. And despite its ubiquity, allergies still remain a mystery.

4. Many researchers are convinced that almost half of the population of developed countries is now “allergic” to something. In some countries, including England, New Zealand and Australia, statistics indicate a progressive increase in the disease. In the US, the number of reported cases for just one symptom - runny nose - increased by 31% over 10 years (from 1985 to 1995). Heredity, of course, plays a role, but the jump is too rapid to be explained only by genetic factors. At the same time, the population of India, Indonesia, the eastern regions of Russia, and rural Africa experience fewer problems with allergies, although it cannot be said that they have less dust, pollen and other allergy triggers. In the 1980s, scientists considered air pollution to be the main reason for the increase in allergy cases. CLEANING THE BODY FROM RADIONUCLIDES AND HEAVY METALS

5. According to the literature, the highest incidence was recorded in Paraguay (39%), Malta (33%) and the UK (30%), the lowest in India (4.5%). In Kazakhstan, approximately 22% suffer from allergies.

6. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC), conducted in 1995–1996, found that the annual average prevalence of self-reported asthma symptoms in adolescents aged 13–14 years across Europe was 11.5%. This level varies from 2.6 to 4.4% in Albania, Romania, Georgia, Greece, and up to 29.1−32.2% in Ireland and the UK.

7. In the UK, one in three suffers from allergies. Allergies are not just an irritant, but a problem that can be life-threatening.

8. According to statistics, 50-100 people die every year from food allergies in the United States. About 1.5 million people exhibit a severe allergic reaction. There are no statistics available for Canada.

9. In Great Britain, on average, 30% of the population experiences all the delights of an allergic rhinitis, in Sweden - 28%, in South Africa - 17%. But the worst thing is for residents of New Zealand and Australia - in these regions, malaise prevents 40% of the population from breathing normally! In Russia, the problem of allergic rhinitis is known firsthand to 25% of the residents of our country.

10. In the United States, 20% of the population suffers from severe allergic diseases, and 40−50% suffer from transient allergy symptoms.

11. Among Europeans born before 1960, the prevalence of atopic dermatitis (one of the most common skin manifestations of allergies) ranged from 1.4 to 3.1%, while among those born in the 60s and 70s this figure increased to 3.8 −8.8%, and among those born after 1970 it increased to 20%.

12. A study from Stanford University /USA/ showed that our immune system actively fights bacteria at night and minimizes efforts during the daytime. Biologists believe that circadian proteins best regulate the restorative functions of immune reactions during sleep, when metabolism in organs slows down.

Part 38 - Allergies in figures and facts for Russia.

As disease statistics show, most people die not from old age, but from the consequences. At the same time, significant progress is being made in medicine, but lifestyle often interferes with the fight against illnesses.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system are the main ones throughout the world. Risk factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • wrong .

The number of overweight people is rapidly increasing, and the heart cannot cope with the load. According to statistics, 17.5 million people died from heart disease in 2012. Of these, 7.4 million died due to coronary heart disease.

The second place in mortality from heart disease is occupied by cerebrovascular problems - atherosclerosis, stroke, hypertension. Statistics show an increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction in women aged 55 to 60 years. Experts attribute this to the ability of sex hormones to prevent the formation of atherosclerosis.

According to statistics, the disease atherosclerosis in the modern world begins much earlier than 100 years ago. The initial stage of the disease is diagnosed in adolescents. 75% of men and 38% of women suffer from this disease after 30–35 years.

Heart disease statistics include data on the “disease of civilization” – varicose veins. Statistics express the problem of venous disease in the lower extremities in the following figures:

  • 25–33% of women suffer from this pathology;
  • 10–20% of men have this disease;
  • in Russia, varicose veins were detected in 38 million people.

A special case of varicose veins is hemorrhoids. Disease statistics show that about 70% of the population suffers from the disease. The reasons are a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and regular heavy lifting.

CRHD ranks fourth among heart diseases according to WHO. Women, children, adolescents and young adults are more susceptible to this pathology. Provoking factors are reduced immunity, frequent colds, staying in damp, cold rooms. What place does Russia take in terms of mortality from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels? The diagram shows the indicators distributed by country for 2006:

Blood disease statistics

Blood diseases belong to a different class of pathologies, different from heart and vascular diseases, according to the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10. This includes different types of anemia - pathologies in which the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases.

According to WHO, anemia statistics have recorded about 2 billion people with low hemoglobin in the blood. Most of them are women and children. Pregnant women often suffer from anemia.

Statistics of gastrointestinal diseases

Statistics of gastrointestinal diseases, which were carried out on the basis of the State Autonomous Institution of the Orenburg Republic of Belarus, demonstrate an increase in the number of pathologies:

Disease year 2012 (%) year 2013 (%) year 2014 (%)
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum10,5 7,0 6,7
Gastritis3,6 0,8 1,2
Hernia pathologies12,4 19,0 19,4
Other intestinal diseases, including colon10,2 7,7 14,8
Peritonitis0,9 0,5
Liver pathologies8,7 7,0 5,9
Gallbladder and bile ducts32,9 35,0 31,6
Pancreas20,8 22,7 18,8
Enteritis and colitis0,3 0,1
Anal abscess1,5

Liver disease statistics show a slight decrease in the number of cases, but the number of biliary tract diseases has increased. The most common is chronic cholecystitis. This disease leads to:

  • pregnancy;
  • a rare meal, which provokes stagnation of bile.

According to statistics, 17–20% of the adult population of the planet are susceptible to cholecystitis. Statistics on gastritis show fewer cases compared to other digestive diseases. In itself, inflammation of the walls of the stomach is not a very dangerous problem; troubles begin with its development or the appearance of atrophic gastritis, when the cells of the mucous membrane die.

Over two years, statistics on intestinal diseases show an almost 2-fold increase in the number of cases. According to statistics, about 14% of the world's inhabitants suffer from ulcers as a stomach disease. Pathologies of the abdominal organs include:

  • acute stomach;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • closed abdominal injuries;
  • perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • foreign bodies of soft tissues.

As a result of damage to the abdominal organs, adhesive disease may develop. Adjacent organs are glued together with sticky films, which subsequently shorten and thicken.

As the statistics of rectal diseases show, problems in this area do not rush people to see a doctor, and in vain. Constipation, rectal fissures, polyps are very common. In women, pregnancy and childbirth often cause pathologies in this area. Running processes also give rise to other troubles.

The diagram shows the structure of incidence (A) of infectious diseases and mortality from them (B).

The fight against infectious anomalies is complicated by the emergence of new species of bacteria that are resistant to modern antibiotics. The problem is associated with the wide availability of antibacterial agents in pharmacies and their excessive consumption.

Another dangerous factor is. To make more profit, animals destined for slaughter are fed large amounts of antibiotics, which then remain in the meat used for food. Antibacterial agents are also widely used in dairy farms to combat cow mastitis.

HIV data in Tatarstan

The number of people infected with immunodeficiency in 2017 from January to June is presented on the state website of Tatarstan and is 571 people. In 2016, this figure was 654 people. Statistics of viral diseases in this category highlight the main methods of transmission of infection - through blood, from mother to fetus, contaminated medical instruments, and sexual intercourse.

Prion diseases

Prions are pathological proteins that do not contain DNA or RNA. Once in the body of a person or animal, they multiply by absorbing healthy protein structures, which also become prions. The immune system does not fight these proteins because it does not perceive them as foreign. Prions are resistant to boiling, formalin treatment, cold, radiation and UV radiation.

The diseases cause damage to the central nervous system and can be infectious or inherited. Transmission routes:

  • infected products;
  • bone meal, in livestock feed;
  • gelatin and collagen;
  • the soil;
  • medical instruments;
  • medicinal preparations made from the brain and lymph of cattle;
  • tissue for transplantation.

There are no official statistics of diseases in the Russian Federation, since there is no way to make a correct diagnosis. Over 25 years, only 20 cases of infection are known. Usually the diagnosis is made after the death of the patient based on existing complications. Prion pathology cannot be treated, but the disease is 100% curable.

Statistics of fungal diseases

According to the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 832 million people in the world suffer from dangerous fungal pathologies. The highest concentrations are observed in 14 countries, including Pakistan, South Korea, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Egypt.

Among age-related diseases, statistics highlight cancer problems. Compared to other diseases, the likelihood of developing cancer increases with age. Disease statistics in Belarus:

Modern cancer statistics are associated with a changing demographic situation around the world, when increasing life expectancy increases the number of elderly people against the background of low life expectancy in some countries. In addition to new diseases that no one had heard of 100 years ago, there is a serious increase in cancer tumors in an aging society.

Over the past 5 years, the number of cancer diseases has increased by 15.4% in Bashkiria alone. In Crimea, 391 cases of tumor pathologies were recorded per 100 thousand people (2014). Forecasts for disease statistics in the world:

Leukemia disease statistics

Leukemia is increasingly being detected in children 3–4 years old or elderly people 60–70 years old. The number of people suffering from this disease is about 25 out of 100,000 people.

Statistics of endocrine diseases

As statistics on thyroid diseases show, the share of this pathology in the total number of problems with the endocrine system is the highest (38.1%).

Thyroid problems are largely associated with a lack of iodine in the body. In Russia, iodine deficiency and the diseases resulting from it are distributed unevenly across regions. Disease statistics in Ukraine are presented in the diagram:

The table shows diabetes statistics from the WHO report for 2016

Difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes:

  • The first is an autoimmune disease that usually appears in children and cannot be prevented. It makes up 5% of the total number of cases;
  • the second usually appears in adults or older people and is a consequence of poor lifestyle choices, including obesity and physical inactivity. This type of diabetes can be prevented or controlled.

The leaders in the number of people suffering from diabetes are China and India. The main reason is high population density. America takes 3rd place. In the United States, the problem is related to the unlimited consumption of fast food and the resulting obesity. Russia ranks fifth.

Adrenal disease statistics

Hormones produced by the adrenal glands take part in metabolism and are responsible for a person’s adaptation to external conditions. 85% of problems with the adrenal glands are associated with previous diseases - tuberculosis, heart attack and stroke, as well as long-term hormonal therapy.

According to statistics, respiratory diseases (RDDs) are considered to be the most common. According to the Institute of Pulmonology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, the annual increase in the number of cases of the disease is 5–7%. At the same time, statistics of influenza diseases during an epidemic show 5–10% of the victims of the total population of the country.

Allergic rhinitis or hay fever often appears in children 7–10 years old. It is most common among people aged 18–24 years. Over 10 years, the number of people susceptible to this disease has increased 5 times.

Of particular note are colds after Epiphany bathing. The question of faith is a very personal one, but it’s not worth going into water in 30 degree frost for the first time. For some, such experiments ended in serious illness and death.

Statistics of diseases caused by smoking

Consumers of tobacco products suffer from lung problems, cardiovascular pathologies and gastrointestinal diseases. There are more than 5 million cases of diseases associated with smoking.

Globally, 10% of people suffer from kidney-related diseases. At the same time, the statistics of kidney diseases indicate the presence of a chronic form. Anomalies are classified as follows:

  1. Pathologies of immunity (chronic diseases).
  2. Infectious and inflammatory processes (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis).
  3. Changes due to metabolic disorders (kidney stones).
  4. Toxic lesions.
  5. Complications after other diseases.
  6. Vascular nephropathies (in pregnant women).
  7. Genetic changes.

Statistics on pyelonephritis in Russia show that women are more susceptible to this disease. Men suffer from it 6 times less often. Every second kidney pathology is associated with pyelonephritis. Every year in the United States, 8 million people go to hospitals with symptoms of pyelonephritis. Statistics of genitourinary diseases are presented in the diagram:

The main reason for the spread of pathologies of female organs is the unreliability of the information received by young girls. The provision of sex education classes in schools is controversial. Parents are ashamed to devote their child to issues of reproduction, the result is perverted information from peers and an unsuccessful first experience, ending with a sexually transmitted disease or inflammation.

Inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages can go unnoticed, but in 1 out of 5 cases they lead to the inability to give birth to a child. The real problem in gynecology has been the 1.4-fold increase in female rates over 5 years. Statistics on breast diseases highlight 40% of Russian women who have benign formations.

Statistics of skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases

According to WHO, the statistics of skin diseases is 22% of people in the world suffering from epidermal problems. A pathology such as atopic dermatitis is considered to be hereditary. It is transmitted to the child by one of the parents (50% of cases) or both (75%). The incidence of this pathology in children is 5%.

Statistics of eczema diseases annually total 2.36 million people in Russia alone. Psychologists classify 73–84% of skin pathologies as psychosomatic ailments.

Mental illness statistics

Mental health problems in Russia are higher than the world average - about 25% versus 15%. The difficult economic situation, the availability of drugs and the emergence of “death groups” on the global network are worsening the country’s indicators.

In Russia, the practice of receiving psychological services has not yet taken root, and conversations with clergy in the church that replaced it were destroyed by revolutionary reforms after 1917.

Statistics of diseases of the nervous system

Statistics of neurological diseases:

  • more than 6 million people in the world die every year from stroke;
  • 50 million people suffer from epilepsy;
  • Every year there is an increase in patients with dementia by 7.7 million people.

CNS and PNS, relationship between the brain and spinal cord

For Russia, statistics on nervous diseases provide the following figures:

  • 20% of all people who die die from a stroke;
  • 25% of all deaths from stroke die within the first month, and 30% within the first year, the remaining 45% later;
  • only 20% of people who have had this disease return to a full life.

Statistics of eye diseases

In the world, 285 million people have vision problems. At the Russian ophthalmological forum in 2015, statistics on eye diseases were presented - in 2014, 11,108.8 cases per 100 thousand people were registered.

Diseases of the nose are the most common - 37%, followed by pathologies of the ear and pharynx - 30.7% and 21.8%, respectively.

Pathologies of the child's body

Disease statistics in Russia show that children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to infectious diseases. ARVI occurs 6 to 8 times a year and accounts for 90% of all illnesses in children. A child can become infected in kindergarten, while walking and in public places.

Health problems among schoolchildren are distributed across different age periods. 30% of children in schools suffer from the following diseases:

  • neurosis;
  • ENT diseases;
  • myopia;
  • scoliosis;
  • gastritis;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

Complications after DTP

The DTP vaccine is aimed against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, that is, diseases that can most likely cause the death of a child. Data on diseases among vaccinated and unvaccinated children:

  • before the advent of vaccination, 20% of Russian children became infected with diphtheria, 10% of them died;
  • statistics of tetanus disease recorded death in 95% of children;
  • 100% of children suffered from whooping cough.

Some discomfort is normal after vaccination. For young children, injections should be given not in the gluteal muscle, but in the thigh, the muscles of which are already sufficiently developed. Minor complications after vaccination:

  • fever, redness and swelling of the injection site – 25% of cases;
  • lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting – 10% of cases.

Moderate complications:

  • seizures in 1 in 14,500 children;
  • Crying for more than 3 hours – 1 in 1000 children
  • temperature 39.5 °C or higher – 1 in 15,000 children.

Serious complications include an allergic reaction in girls (boys), which occurs in 1 in 1,000,000 cases. The rules for preparing a child for vaccination are common to all vaccinations.

Statistics of hereditary diseases

The causes of hereditary pathologies are mutations:

  • gene abnormalities are associated with their damage;
  • chromosomal diseases are associated with changes in their number and structure.

Statistics of genetic diseases in the world:

Statistics on congenital diseases show that the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome is higher in pregnant women who postpone having children until a later age.

Statistics of purulent diseases

This type of illness is widespread and ranges from mild inflammation to deep lesions, which are included in the statistics of surgical diseases. Almost every inhabitant of the planet has at least once encountered a similar problem.

In 2016 (9 months), the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation registered 1,606 occupational diseases and 62 of them were fatal. Provoking factors:

Statistics of diseases caused by laser radiation

Lasers – optical quantum generators are widely used in manufacturing. Their use is associated with a number of factors that negatively affect people:

  • rays of powerful generators reflected from optical elements, devices and walls negatively affect the retina of the eye;
  • insufficient lighting of the production area;
  • sometimes there is a sharp increase in ozone in the indoor air;
  • nervous and emotional stress when working with dangerous equipment.

Statistics on the prevention of diseases from ACH at work imply the following activities:

  • Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to work with lasers;
  • Once a year, laboratory employees are required to undergo a full medical examination;
  • Once every 3 months, a mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist;
  • carrying out cultural and educational work with employees;
  • mandatory intake of vitamins in spring and autumn.

Rehabilitation of patients

Medical statistics of diseases also gives insight into the prevention of pathologies and rehabilitation of patients. Rehabilitation actions are aimed at restoring body functions and adapting a person to new living conditions.

Health problems that result in death in 60% of cases are caused by coronary heart disease, stroke, respiratory tract damage and several other diseases:

Disease statistics in Kazakhstan

In 2016, an epidemic of anthrax broke out in Kazakhstan - a dangerous infectious disease that affects people and... The cause was outbreaks of infected livestock carcasses and human factors associated with the spread of meat from sick animals throughout the regions. Human incidence rates have risen to 0.11 per 100,000 people compared to 2015, when no cases were reported.



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