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Electric grilled steak recipe. Steak on a charcoal grill

What do we eat

For many, steak is chicken, pork, lamb, fried in a frying pan or coals. However, we need beef – juicy, with a rich taste. Everything else is an attempt to replace marbled meat.

By the way, how do you get it? To do this, the bulls are fed to satiety for 4-6 months. How long the animal will be given a feast for the whole world depends on the category that is later assigned to the carcasses. For example, prime is a real standard, which makes excellent steaks. The most popular product is choice, followed by select. Most restaurateurs use choice - this is the best option: it is moderately fatty, moderately tender.

How to Grill a Good Steak: Thickness

It is believed that the thicker they are, the better - they are easier to prepare. There is a lot of trouble with a thin steak - you need to be constantly on guard so as not to turn it into a sole, not to let the juice leak out, or to catch the marbling. 2.5 centimeters is your option.

Preparation: do you need to wash and beat?

It's no secret that meat needs to be washed if it was purchased at the market; in vacuum packaging there is no need to do this. Afterwards you need to dry it thoroughly - it is better to use a towel for this purpose. You cannot throw beef and water onto the grill - coals do not like moisture. And the dish will turn out tasteless.

But there is no need to carry out the second procedure, even if we bought regular beef tenderloin. Remember: you shouldn’t cut off portioned pieces. You are not going to treat your guests to splints.

How to make steak from meat: the subtleties of marinating

Leading restaurateurs advise: the simplest marinade is enough for beef; no need to flavor it big amount spices and herbs. This will dull the flavor rather than bring it out. A time-tested option is grape seed oil with thyme, rosemary, pepper or garlic - dry or crushed.

This is a simple steak marinade. He is the best - nothing more. An analogue that does not require costs is salt, pepper, onion.

What to fry with

On a charcoal grill - for example. We want direct, high heat, which is easily achieved by cooking the meat on the grill. In addition, the kamado has a canopy, under which the temperature will not drop - even in winter. So this is a great option for those who like to have picnics and delight family and guests juicy beef with a smoky flavor.

How long to keep steaks on the grill

So, we have everything we need - a grill heated to 220-290 degrees, marbled meat that has been in the marinade. What do we do next? We cook based on the following degrees of doneness:

    3 minutes on each side – medium rare (the beef is a little raw inside, but quite juicy and tender).

    5-6 minutes – medium level or medium. Without blood, lightly fried inside - pink on the cut, juice flows from it. A universal option if you need to feed a large company, but don’t have time to understand the tastes of those gathered.

    9 minutes – medium well. Beef that is well baked on coals, the juice becomes colorless and transparent. Typically restaurateurs do not use this degree for marbled meat– due to rendering of fat, loss of juiciness.

There is also well done and too well done (9-10 minutes), but these options require total frying - the portioned piece becomes dry and almost tasteless. So it's up to you to decide what you want to see on the plate. It is better to preserve tenderness, aroma, and all those qualities for which beef is so loved - choose medium.

    For cooking you need to take only fresh meat. It must be chilled. Immediately before grilling, you need to leave it to sit so that it warms up to room temperature.

    We remind you: the dish about which we're talking about, can only be made from beef. Other options (lamb, pork, chicken, fish) can also be grilled, but this does not make them steak.

    The ideal thickness for portioned pieces is from 2.5 to 4 cm.

    If you have uncut marbled meat, it’s not a problem. It must be cut strictly across the grain.

    Tender pieces are prepared from the back muscles - the least loaded.

How to properly handle grilled beef? You can put it in with your hands, but it’s better to use tongs to turn it over. Large pieces You can fry on a special grill. Make sure that there is no direct contact between the fire and the meat - if this happens, the production of carcinogens will begin.

How do restaurateurs check readiness? There is one proven method: press the meat with your finger. If the dent disappears quickly, the piece is still damp, you need to return it to the grill. Slow return to shape - medium done.

Do not forget that beef removed from the grill continues to “ripen” for some time. In order not to interfere with the natural process, you need to wait 7-9 minutes.

So, we learned how to properly make a juicy and tasty beef steak. It's time for recipes.

Striploin with coffee sauce

An unusual option, right? For it we need 4 serving pieces (each approximately 350 g), a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper for the marinade. And also the ingredients for the sauce:

    Butter – 30 g

    Shallots (cut finely) – 1.5 tbsp.

    Garlic, crushed under pressure - 1 clove

    Ketchup or tomatoes in own juice- a little more than half a glass

    Strong freshly brewed coffee – 5 tbsp.

    Balsamic – 1 tbsp.

    Sugar - to taste

    Ground hot peppers– 1 tsp.

First we prepare the dressing. To do this, put the butter in a pan, wait until it melts, add finely chopped onion, stir and cook until the rings are transparent. Then garlic comes into play, followed by all the other ingredients. We wait until the mixture boils, reduce the heat and keep the pan on the stove, remembering to stir, until the contents have a thick consistency.

Afterwards we will start preparing the meat. Brush the steaks with oil on all sides, rub with salt and pepper, then leave to marinate for half an hour.

Don't forget to prepare the grill - we need high heat (up to 290 degrees). As soon as the temperature rises to the desired level, place the meat on the grill and close the dome. After 2 minutes, turn with tongs and cook for another 2 minutes. Then turn over and fry until done. The time depends on what you chose - medium or well done.

Then remove the steaks and leave them under foil for 7 minutes. Serve the dish with sauce.

Spicy and juicy

To prepare this version we will need butter (20 g), a couple of rosemary sprigs, an onion, olive oil(2 tbsp), a clove of garlic, a mixture of peppers, salt and parsley sprigs. Another important ingredient is cream - if you are taking care of your figure, you can take it with minimal fat content.

First, prepare the steaks to go on the grill. Rub them generously with salt and a mixture of peppers, coat them with oil mixed with fragrant rosemary and garlic crushed under a press. Afterwards we put all this splendor on the grill. In terms of time, we again focus on the selected degree of roasting. Remove the finished meat and leave for 7 minutes.

We make pepper sauce - our dish will be served with it. Sauté the onion in oil along with the pepper. When it turns golden, add cream, salt, and cook until thickened over low heat. Then turn on the blender and grind all the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Serve with sauce, garnished with parsley leaves.

In wine

Another recipe for making beef steak. All we need for dressing: salt, pepper (red or black), 200 ml of red wine (necessarily dry), 30 g of butter.

Everything ingenious is simple. Same here: coat the portioned pieces with oil, salt and pepper, place them on the grill, fry for at least 3 minutes on each side, remove, cover with foil and let the beef “rest”.

Prepare the sauce: pour wine into a saucepan, heat it, bring to a boil. After 4 minutes of waiting, add soft butter cut into cubes, pepper, salt, and bring until thickened.


This is an incredibly simple recipe that uses rosemary, olive oil and garlic for dressing, sea ​​salt and pepper. You'll also need lemon.

Cover the beef, which is already waiting for us on the plate, with salt, pepper, and soak it in oil on all sides. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Then put it on the grill, fry for 3 (or more) minutes, don’t forget to turn it over. At the last turn, rub the meat with garlic, lightly tap the surface with a sprig of rosemary.

Place the finished pieces on a plate. A couple of drops of oil and we leave the pieces for a few minutes. During this time, the juice and Extra Virgin will mix. Then transfer the beef and add lemon juice to the dressing remaining on the plate. Pour the resulting sauce over each serving. That's all. Bon appetit!

And here is a video so you can see how to make a delicious marbled beef steak at home. We never tire of repeating: go out into nature, fire up the grill and surprise your friends with new culinary discoveries.

Our distant ancestors cooked food exclusively over fire, and this method of cooking is still considered the most healthy and dietary. It is cooked on the grill without oil, retains all the vitamins, acquires a spicy aroma of the fire, always remains tender and juicy, while excess fat is rendered, and the delicious crispy crust gives the dish sophistication. It is difficult to find people indifferent to kebabs, lula-kebabs, baked pork ribs or barbecue duck, besides, healthy food in the fresh air seems tastier than restaurant delicacies. However, despite all the advantages of such dishes, they can easily be spoiled. Let's talk about how to properly cook grilled meat so that it turns out healthy, aromatic and very tasty.

Secrets of grilling meat

Cooking meat on the grill requires a special approach and knowledge of many culinary subtleties, which determine the tenderness, juiciness and unique taste of the dish. Any meat products are prepared on the grill - beef, lamb, pork, poultry, game, tongue and liver. It is the quality of the meat that determines its softness and pleasant taste, and although marinade, spices and herbs can enhance even a not-so-best original product, you should not skimp on meat if you want to enjoy a delicious steak or crispy kebab.

Any cut of pork is suitable for grilling, depending on your tastes and preferences. When choosing beef, we recommend paying attention to the tenderloin, rump, rump, sirloin, liver and lower part of the thigh bone. Veal legs, neck and flank are suitable for grilling, while lamb back, neck and ribs are best suited for grilling. Poultry and game are ideal for cooking whole or in pieces - on the coals, skewers, spit or grill. Any meat requires individual approach and reverent attitude - this is what main secret its preparations.

Fatty meats (pork, lamb, duck, goose, chicken wings and legs) with streaks of lard are especially suitable for cooking over a fire. The fact is that during frying, the fat melts, and the pieces of meat turn out to be very soft and juicy. Very dry meats (beef and veal) are best fried wrapped in bacon or sprinkled with vegetable oil– this makes it especially tender and melts in the mouth, and also allows it to retain its shape. If you cook dry meat in foil, a pleasant surprise awaits you - a fragrant dish, its taste reminiscent of meat cooked in a Russian oven.

Avoid using frozen meat for grilling because when it thaws, all the juices will leak out and the dish will be too dry. If a piece of meat has been lying on the refrigerator shelf all night, an hour before cooking it should be placed on the table and allowed to warm up at room temperature. Do not forget to remove all excess - ligaments, tendons, films, cartilage and rough connective tissue, since inedible parts of the meat will make it tough and prevent you from enjoying a tasty dish.

Cut the meat into small flat pieces and make cuts in the fat - this is necessary for even frying of the meat. It is better to additionally beat beef, veal and liver in order to saturate the tough meat fibers with oxygen, make them more airy and tender, and beef and pork tongue must first be boiled.

Successful marinade

Another subtlety in grilling meat is marinating before cooking, since a successful marinade makes even the most ordinary meat refined and noble. In addition, marinated meat acquires new shades of taste - depending on the composition of the marinade. The base is usually dry red and white wine, beer, cognac, pomegranate and orange juice, olive or peanut oil, wine or balsamic vinegar, mustard and soy sauce. A few drops of Tabasco sauce, lemon juice with pieces of kiwi, kefir, sour cream will add piquancy to the marinade. tomato paste, ketchup and mayonnaise. You can add onions, garlic, spices and aromatic herbs to taste. Subtle aroma of thyme, mint, bay leaf, rosemary, cayenne pepper, basil, tarragon, sage and curry the best way complements the taste of grilled meat. Sweet marinades with sugar or honey are ideal for fatty meat and add extraordinary richness and piquancy to its taste.

It is better to marinate veal, beef and lean poultry overnight, but for lamb, pork, chicken, duck and goose, a few hours is enough. If you decide to bake a whole pig, it should marinate for at least a day. And two more subtleties - add a minimum amount of salt to the marinade and do not use aluminum dishes for marinating, which spoil the taste of the dish.

The Art of Roasting

How to grill meat after it has been marinated? After saturating the meat with new shades of tastes and aromas, the most crucial moment begins! Place the pieces on a grill greased with vegetable oil, fry until crispy, and then turn each piece over to the other side. Do not touch the meat while frying, otherwise you will destroy the integrity of the crust, as a result, precious juices will leak out, and the meat will become dry and tough. It is recommended to salt the pieces after they have browned, because if the salt penetrates deep into the meat fibers (usually this happens at the beginning or middle of cooking), they become very dry.

Meat decorated with a grill pattern looks very impressive - to do this, press it onto the grill before frying or use frying surfaces with a grooved bottom.

If you want to make the finished product more tender and juicy, place pieces of butter on it. Do not start tasting immediately, let the meat sit for a while and “come to its senses”, since for some time after removal from the heat it will continue to cook due to internal heat. The juice will be evenly distributed inside the piece, and the dish will be unusually juicy and deliciously tender.

Delicious grilled meat served with herbs, fresh vegetables, potatoes, cheese and mushrooms. Noble taste flavorful meat can be enhanced with barbecue sauces. However, if you cook outdoors, the best seasonings for the dish will be Fresh air, feeling hungry and good company!

26.01.2016 26 031

How to Grill the Perfect Steak - 10 important advice

Creating the perfect steak is more challenging task than just choosing a stove to cook your food until it's done! Below are practical advice to help you cope with this task:

  1. Choosing the right meat. For flavor and tenderness combined, ribeye is considered one of the best cuts. High degree marbling, which means juiciness, allows you to cook a steak quickly and easily. Before you start cooking, inspect the piece. A large number of veins allows you to cook meat without loss of juiciness. Even with great desire and the ability to cook a perfect steak from low-quality beef will not work;
  2. Using marinades. Good beef for steak is expensive (from 2,000 rubles per piece), you can buy more affordable cuts and then use various marinades to improve the taste. The meat, of course, will not become expensive, but it will be softer and juicier;
  3. in the photo - ribeye steak

  4. Beef should be at room temperature for grilling.. Before you start frying the steak, remove the meat from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours. After such a rest, the pieces will be evenly fried, the texture and color of the finished product will be uniform;
  5. Steak thickness. The thickness of a classic piece of beef for steak is 3-4 centimeters. The minions are cut 5-7 centimeters thick and the width of the piece is made smaller;
  6. Use of oil. The oil is applied in a thin layer on both sides. The need to use the product is that when frying, the oil burns and a golden brown crust forms on the piece, which retains all the meat juices of the steak. Cold-pressed oil is not recommended for use, the taste and aroma are too pronounced;
  7. Using spices. Grilling the perfect steak doesn't require a large number of and a variety of spices, just freshly ground black pepper and salt are enough. Marble beef, grilled will be great without adding unnecessary ingredients. The real taste of meat is lost when steaks are seasoned with a large amount of aromatic herbs. Never salt the meat you are going to fry in advance. Salt will draw out all the juices and the finished product will be dry and hard;
  8. View this post on Instagram

  9. Hot fire. For cooking delicious steak you will need good heat on the grill. The coals are distributed evenly so that the temperature on the surface of the grate is uniform. A small fire will not hurt; it will quickly fry the meat on top, but it will not be completely cooked inside;
  10. In the photo - cooking steak on the grill

  11. Don't twirl the steak. To get amazing tasty dish, do not turn the piece over too often. Constantly fiddling around on the grill will not give a beautiful lattice pattern, the spices will be burned;
  12. Steak doneness. Depending on what kind of meat you prefer, it depends on how much you need to fry it on the fire. With a crust and red cold meat inside, the dish is prepared for 1-2 minutes per side (the meat should cool under foil for nine minutes after cooking). Rare steak cooks for 2-3 minutes (cools for 8 minutes). A more well-done piece with less blood is fried for 3-4 minutes (cools for 7 minutes). To get pink meat on the cut and blood inside the piece, fry it for about 4-5 minutes, then let it sit for six minutes. By frying the meat for 6 or 7 minutes on each side, you will get a baked gray-brown steak; as a rule, such frying makes the meat dry. The need to cool the steak after frying is necessary to distribute the temperature and juiciness inside the piece;

Have you decided to treat yourself to a delicious dinner of pork steaks cooked on an electric grill?! Homemade fried potatoes with herbs and tomatoes are ideal as a side dish.

To prepare such an appetizing dish, we take pork steaks, approximately two centimeters thick. Before grilling the meat, marinate it thoroughly.

As a marinade, we will prepare the following sauce, in which we will let the meat steep for several hours. The marinade requires the following ingredients:

- olive oil;

lemon acid(a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice);

– two cloves of garlic;

– two onions;

– mustard – spoon;

– dried basil and parsley;

– salt, pepper (to taste).

How to cook steaks? In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients and add the pork steaks. Place the marinated meat in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Half an hour before placing the steaks on the electric grill, you can prepare the side dish. We made it as a side dish fried potatoes in lard. To do this, heat the frying pan, chop the lard and place it on the heated frying pan. We wait until the lard begins to melt and release fat, then add the diced potatoes. During frying, add salt to taste.

Before laying out the meat, preheat our grill to a temperature of 230 degrees. When the temperature is reached, lay out our pieces steak and carefully cover with the top panel so as not to squeeze out all the juice.

In order for the meat to fry to medium doneness MEDIUM RARE, keep it on the grill for 4-5 minutes. There will be almost no blood, but steaks will remain juicy and at the same time will be a delicate pink color. Before removing the meat, take a saucepan and put foil on the bottom. Place the prepared pieces into it and wrap it. Leave in the saucepan for 5-10 minutes.

When the steaks are ready, place them on a plate with freshly cooked potatoes. Tomatoes and herbs to taste. I almost forgot: the onions left in the marinade can also be perfectly grilled.

The idea of ​​grilling steak seems very simple. Cut-salt/pepper-put-wait-turn over. But in reality, there are a number of nuances, without taking into account which people spoil meat even with such a simple process. This article will walk you through the 10 most common cooking mistakes from start to finish, and will help you correct the mistakes and cook the best grilled steak of your life.

Selection of thin steak

Meat thinner than 2.5 cm is not suitable for steak and yet it is often sold as “steak meat”. The fact is that at high temperatures (at which meat is supposed to be cooked on the grill), such thin pieces cook very quickly: the inside of the meat will be ready long before the steak reaches a good browning and receives marks from the grill (they form a special crust - the most relish). For optimal results, you'll want meat that's 3.8 to 5.1 cm thick. If you have nothing but thin steaks on hand, grill them straight from the refrigerator (not the freezer!) to slow down the internal cooking of the meat until the outside will not be fried.

Burning spices

The grill produces very high heat, burning off most of the spices applied to the meat (yes, including ground black pepper) as soon as the spices come into contact with the hot metal grate. Unless you get a kick out of the smell and taste of burnt spices, apply all(!) seasonings after grilling the meat and while finishing cooking the steak away from direct heat. While the steak is resting (what that is - see below) after cooking, you can also add spices to it in the form of a popular butter mixture.

Cooking meat without salt

It is a myth that salting a steak before putting it on the grill will dry out the meat. It would take several days and cups of salt for something like this to happen. Salt - in reasonable quantities - interacts with the proteins and natural sugars in the steak, which begins the process of softening the meat, which also enhances the taste. Use coarse salt High Quality (best options commonly found among kosher and sea table salts) and shake a pinch once or twice over each side of the steak over a plate, then rub the salt well into the meat. And do this 24 hours before using the grill.

Grilling wet meat

It is wrong to take meat out of a store package and immediately place a wet steak on a hot grill grate: you will end up with steamed meat. The moisture on the surface of the steak will immediately turn into steam, which will immediately begin to process the meat, which is why the latter will not fry as expected - with a brown crust. Use paper towels or a good napkin to blot the surface of the meat before grilling.

Too much vegetable oil or cooking oil

Coating the grill grate with oil or fat right before placing the meat on top is a very bad decision. If the grill is heated to 230 degrees - the ideal temperature for crispy meat - most oils will produce smoke. A small amount of oil, applied in a thin layer with a brush to the salted, dry surface of the steak, will help to evenly distribute the heat over the surface of the meat. But once the steak turns brown, the surface proteins begin to separate from the grill grate, eliminating any further need for oil.

You forget to clean the grill

Do you think you would drink beer from a dirty glass? It's the same here. In addition, leftover food, burnt fat and sauce can kill the taste of meat. . And if your grill has a metal grate made of cast iron or bare steel, treat it seasonally with a neutral vegetable oil to prevent rust and renew the grate to better distribute heat.

Using direct fire only

This temperature is good for getting a crispy crust, but not for cooking the inside of the steak. If you use only direct heat on the grill, you will end up with an undercooked steak with a perfect crust, or a well-cooked steak but burnt on the outside. To cook an exceptionally flavorful steak, sear the surface of the steak over the highest direct heat, then move the meat to indirect heat and finish cooking the steak there. By the way, these can be different areas of your grill. A similar technique is used in restaurants.

Setting the browning temperature too low

As mentioned above, the minimum temperature for steak should be 230 degrees. Otherwise, you won’t get a crispy crust, but more long time grilled will result in dried out meat. Once the steak has browned, move the meat to a lower temperature area with indirect heat and finish cooking there.

You trust your own palm more than a cooking thermometer.

There are many tricks to check the doneness of a steak. They are fine as long as you cook the same meat at the same thickness every time. Well, since even the meat itself of the same direction often differs, not to mention its thickness and type of cut, it is necessary to use an accurate instant-read thermometer. The thermometer must be inserted from the side and all the way to the center of the piece.

Cutting hot meat

When grilled, the inside of the steak contracts, squeezing out the moisture that the crispy crust on the outside holds. If you cut the meat immediately after grilling, the juices will spill all over the plate and the meat will be a bit dry. Allow the steak to rest after grilling to allow the muscles to reabsorb some of the moisture. As the meat cools, the juices will also become more viscous, so they will remain in the steak as you cut.



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