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The mystery of the Kyshtym dwarf: who really was the humanoid Alyoshenka? “The humanoid Alyoshenka was one of the underground dwarfs who dealt with tourists at the Dyatlov Pass Corpse with moths

Lately a lot has been written about this. I became interested in what it was, so I posted some materials on the site. It’s up to you to draw conclusions; I’ve already figured something out for myself. According to residents of the village of Kalinovy, which was located next to Kyshtym (Chelyabinsk region), it all started on a stormy night on August 13, 1996.

It was then that a local resident, a lonely pensioner, Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina, received a “telepathic order”: get up and immediately go to the cemetery. However, the presence of telepathy was explained quite simply; Tamara Vasilievna was not entirely mentally healthy and periodically collected flowers from the cemetery. Another thing was strange - she found the one who called her. A small creature with huge eyes was looking at her from behind a hill...

But let's better give the floor to the participants in the events. It was an eerie find - either a human baby or an unknown animal: the head was like a pointed pumpkin, instead of lips there was a slit, the body was covered with fur, there were sharp claws on the fingers... The creature squeaked pitifully, and the compassionate old woman decided to take it with her - she wrapped it up and brought it home , fed her and named her Alyoshenka.

Further in the plot of this already strange story, completely phantasmagoric turns begin. The cheerful grandmother began to brag to her neighbors that she had a son in her old age. But since Prosvirina was registered with a psychiatrist, the neighbors, without further ado, reported her strange behavior to the doctors. They also didn’t take long to figure it out, they arrived, gave me a sedative injection and took me to the hospital. And in vain the old woman cried and asked to leave her at home. No one listened to her, and the “alien” who was left unattended died...

Let's better listen to the witnesses:

Tamara Prosvirina and Galina Artemyevna Alferova.
Tamara Prosvirina’s daughter-in-law, also Tamara, saw “Alyoshenka” alive:
- Then I worked on a rotational basis as a cook. My husband Sergei was in prison. My mother-in-law lived alone, I visited her once every two weeks. I came to her one day and was laying out groceries in the kitchen. And she suddenly says: “We should feed the baby too!” “I thought that she had an exacerbation of the disease, this had happened to her before. And she led me to the bed. I look: there is something beeping there. Or rather, it whistles. His mouth sticks out like a tube and his tongue moves. He is scarlet, with a spatula. And two teeth are visible. I took a closer look: he doesn’t look like a child. The head is brown, the body is gray, the skin is without veins. The eyelids are not visible. And a meaningful look! There are no genitals. And instead of a navel there is a smooth place. The head is onion-shaped, there are no ears, only holes. And eyes like a cat's. The pupil then expands and then contracts. The fingers and toes are long. The legs are folded into a trapezoid. The mother-in-law asked: “Where does this monster come from?” And she replied that she found it in the forest and called it “Alyoshenka.” She put a caramel in his mouth and he began to suck on it. And he drank water from a spoon. I thought it was an animal. My mother, Galina Artemyevna Alferova, saw him.

74-year-old Galina Artemyevna answers correspondents’ questions about “Alyoshenka” willingly.
- I visited Tamara’s apartment often. She was sick in the head. Therefore, I checked on her, no matter what happened. Her son, my daughter’s husband, is in prison. And Tamara then worked as a cook on a rotational basis. So I visited. I'll bring some groceries and help you clean up. Although she was crazy, she was good-natured. And she took care of herself. Well, I came, and in the next room it seemed like a kitten was squeaking. The matchmaker had a two-room apartment, we have now sold it. I ask: “Why, Tamara, did you get a kitten?” And she says: “No, baby.” I told her: “What kind of child is this?” And she says: “Alyoshenka. I found it in the forest." - "So show!" Let's go to the next room. I look: there is something lying across her bed, wrapped in a colorful rag. She unfolded it and showed it to me. So wonderful! At first I thought it was some kind of obsession. Crossed - does not disappear! At this point I became bolder and came closer. And when he saw me, he whistled. Well, kind of like a gopher in a field, but quietly. I think that's what he was trying to say.

- Maybe this is still a premature baby?
- Not really. I've seen so many different ones in my life, including premature babies. “Alyoshenka” does not look like a baby at all. The head is not like a pumpkin, but like a helmet: pointed and without hair. And the fontanelles are not visible on it. The fingers are long, thin and sharp, like claws. Five on each arm and leg.
At first the body was plump and swayed like jellied meat. It was he who shriveled up after his death.

- Did he have genitals?
- He doesn't have any genitals.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, I examined it from all sides. I even touched between my legs. A flat place, like a doll's. And there is no umbilical cord either.

- Did “Alyoshenka” move on its own?

- Not with me. He just raised his legs up. He straightened it out, like he was doing gymnastics.

-Did you see how they fed him?
- His in-law gave him curd cheese. He sucked and swallowed it. He did not have a lower jaw, and instead of it there was some kind of skin. And he didn’t drink from a bottle - there was a bowl of water on the bed, Tamara fed him with a spoon. And his tongue was so long and bright red, like a spatula.

- How long did the creature live?
- Let's count. I visited the matchmaker five times, and my granddaughter Sasha - he is now serving in the army - stopped by a couple of times. Neighbor Nina Glazyrina visited her and even spent the night. And everyone saw him alive. For three weeks this monster lived with the in-laws. Or maybe more.

- Did you try to inform the authorities about the find?

“Then there was no idea that it was important.” If she had found a baby in the forest, then, of course, they would have called the police. And this is so - don’t understand what. The animal is incomprehensible. Now everyone is saying that it’s an alien. And then my daughter and grandson and I decided: let him live instead of a cat...

- What struck you most about him?
- There were no bowel movements from him. Only sweat on the body, sort of like perspiration. His in-law wiped everything with a cloth.

- Isn’t that rag left?
- Oh, No. It seems like I gave everything.

- To whom?
- To the investigator.

- Maybe there is something else left? Bedsheets, for example?

- May be.

-Can you look for it?
- Can. All the linen that was in the room smelled of this “Alyoshenka”. There was a sweet scent coming from him, kind of like cologne...

- How did “Alyoshenka” die?
- Must be from hunger. Tamara was taken to a mental hospital, but he remained in an empty apartment. My daughter wasn’t in the city at that time, and I didn’t have time to go there. After all, who knew that this unprecedented thing was so valuable for science? The Japanese are now promising huge amounts of money for it.

- Where is “Alyoshenka” now?
- We do not know.

-Where is your matchmaker now?
- Car hit. Just after the Japanese called and said that they wanted to meet her and film her.
Prosvirina died under very strange circumstances. Late in the evening of August 5, 1999. Tamara left the house barefoot, wearing socks - according to eyewitnesses, it was as if someone had called her. Moreover, the neighbors saw that there were two cars and they converged in the place where the woman stood, like scissors Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna.

Fortunately, Tamara Prosvirina’s testimony was preserved on videotape by investigator Vladimir Bendlin.
There is an elderly woman on the screen. She is wearing a wrinkled green hospital gown. She has her hair cropped, her gaze wandering. She is taken out into the yard. The woman stumbles and almost falls - a nurse catches her by the elbow.

“This is Prosvirina in a psychiatric hospital,” explains the investigator. And he adds: “The conversation with her was conducted informally and has no legal force...
The woman in the frame, although with difficulty, identifies herself. Her speech is slurred: a nervous tic is interfering. She licks her lips all the time.
She is asked a question about who “Alyoshenka” is. The pause seems like an eternity. The old lady finally answers:
- Son.

-Where did you get it from? The woman raises her head and looks at the sky for a long time. Finally he says:
- I found it under a tree. He was lying head down. I quickly shook it off and put it down.

-What did this place look like?

- In the forest... There was hail and thunder... My Alyoshenka, I’ll write him down under my last name. He died.

- Died?

- Yes, he died.

- Yes you?!

- She cries, smearing the violently gushing tears with her fists. Then he asks a question:

- Why?
- I was without food.

The patient looks directly into the camera. On her face there is such great grief that even the most brilliant actress could not play. Through the sobs you can hear: “Poor thing! I told the doctors - I have a baby there... Let me go...” She sobs, then they take her away.

Evgeniy Mokichev, captain of justice, investigator of the Kyshtym police department.
In August - September 1996, I investigated a criminal case accusing Vladimir Nurdinov of committing cable theft in the village of Novogorny. To conduct an investigative experiment, he suggested going to the scene of the incident. We went with Nurdinov on his motorcycle. On the way, Vladimir asked me if I had seen aliens? Naturally, I replied that I had not seen any aliens and did not believe in their existence. He promised to show me the alien when I returned home.
Arriving at the village where Nurdinov lived, we carried out the required investigative actions, after which Vladimir offered to look at the alien he had. Of course, I was skeptical about this, but he took a rag bundle from the closet. There was something wrapped in the red material. He unwrapped the package and presented it to me.
What I saw amazed me. For a long time I could not figure out what it was, there was some kind of confusion. In front of me lay approximately 25 cm in length the mummified corpse of a small humanoid creature. It is very difficult to unambiguously assess what lay in front of me, because his head was of an unusual shape - helmet-shaped, consisting of four petals, which connected upward into one plate and formed a kind of ridge. His eye sockets were large. On the front jaw one could distinguish two small, barely visible teeth. The forelimbs were crossed over the chest, and judging by them, they were the same length as the lower ones.

The corpse was in a dried, wrinkled state, with many folds of skin on it. The remains emanated a not strong, but unpleasant odor; It’s hard to say what exactly it smelled like.

I began to question where and why this creature appeared here. He told me this story. In the same year, 1996, a resident of the village of Kalinovo, Tamara Prosvirina (her grandmother was not completely mentally healthy), while walking through the forest, found this creature and brought it to her home, and it began to live with her. She fed him, rocked him to sleep, called him Alyoshenka and told everyone that little Alyoshenka lived at her house. Subsequently, this grandmother was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital before an exacerbation of mental illness, and this creature remained in her closed apartment.

Nurdinov, when he previously went to this grandmother and also communicated with this creature, said that it squeaked and somehow gave sound signals. He remembered that the creature was in the house, and when he found it, it was already dead. Worms were crawling on it. He got rid of the worms, washed the body with alcohol and left it to dry in the sun. After drying, the corpse acquired the appearance in which he presented it to me.

I asked Nurdinov not to tell anyone about what happened yet. And he also ordered him not to put this corpse anywhere, not to hide it and not to hand it over to anyone.
Returning to the department, I told everything to my partner, investigator Vladimir Bendlin, who began an unofficial investigation into this case.. There was no official investigation, we acted unofficially. What we said actually existed. Many specialists examined this corpse - both pathologists and gynecologists, and they all assure that this is not the corpse of a person or a human child. He looked completely different. The structure of the skeleton and skull did not look human at all. Even if some creature can mutate very strongly, then to such an extent it is impossible!

That's all I know for now. Contact Vladimir Bendlin. He led the investigation and knows more...

Vladimir Bendlin, Major of Justice, investigator of the Kyshtym Department of Internal Affairs.
Having arrived from the investigative experiment, Evgeniy told me about what he saw in Nurdinov’s house. I was very interested in this, and I decided to see for myself, since our colleagues literally laughed at the man. I stocked up on a video camera, a camera, took a voice recorder and the next day I went to the village of Bezhelyak. There I met with Nurdinov’s parents; he himself was not there. And they showed me this mummy. They just let her look at her.

Seeing the mummy gave me a feeling that is difficult to describe. An unpleasant sight. This creature had a peculiar smell - not the same as the smell of a half-decomposed body. It was clear that the mummy had been dried without any saline solutions, just in the sun. The creature's skeleton was severely deformed, and it was difficult to determine anything. At the very least, there was a strong resemblance to a premature human fetus. On the other hand, this creature was very different from a human. Due to the nature of my service, I had to see criminal miscarriages and so on, but this is completely different: a miscarriage has a very large head and a small body, but here there was a proportional structure, that is, the head corresponded in size to an already relatively developed body. I decided to collect more information and somehow document what happened. Our duty department did not register this event: “Why is this? There’s no point.”

I found out that Nurdinov lived in the apartment of a woman whose mother-in-law was mentally unstable. She walks through cemeteries, collects all sorts of flowers from graves, and even brings home photographs of deceased people on metal ceramics. I knew her by type of work - it was Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina. She was registered with a psychiatrist. She was taken to a psychiatric hospital several times because she had relapses and breakdowns. Her son was serving a sentence in a correctional labor institution at that time.

She lived in the village of Kalinovo. This woman led a secluded life. Her daughter-in-law, also Prosvirina Tamara, said that when her mother-in-law discovered this creature, it was viable and lived in her apartment for about a month. It took food and made some sounds. The look and expression on his face were meaningful. There was practically no discharge, only some substance appeared on the body, similar to sweat, without odor. She kept him swaddled like a baby and called him her baby. She said that this is “Alyoshenka, I registered him in my last name, and he will live with me.” Prosvirina didn’t show it to almost anyone.

That's how it lived with her for some time. The daughter-in-law herself watched as her mother-in-law fed this creature. According to the daughter-in-law, it was capable of eating caramel candy. If we are talking about a premature human embryo, then this is simply impossible. The daughter-in-law explained that the skin of this creature was the color of a switched-off picture tube, the body was gelatinous, and the physique was of average fatness. Tamara said that “Alyoshenka” made some articulate sounds. The form of communication was as follows - he squealed in response to light and moving objects. He looked like a very sick person. This creature apparently suffered greatly.
After some time, the daughter-in-law found out that the mother-in-law was again admitted to a psychiatric hospital, and when she was hospitalized, the creature was left alone in the house. Naturally, it could not eat on its own. And since the daughter-in-law was a very busy person, she did not have the opportunity to visit the apartment often. And one day she arrived with her lodger Nurdinov and discovered that her mother-in-law was in a hospital, and the creature was already dead.

Having unwrapped the diaper in which “Alyoshenka” was wrapped, she saw that it had already begun to decompose, some insect pupae appeared on it, and there was a corresponding smell in the apartment. True, it was more reminiscent of the smell of synthetic resins than of a dead creature. After this, Nurdinov stated that this is 100% the corpse of an alien, it is not even a mutant or a miscarriage, and it must be embalmed and, if possible, sold profitably. Nurdinov took it and dried it in the sun in some garages. Moreover, the corpse of this creature was severely mangled.

Seeing this mummy, the daughter-in-law was surprised - the appearance of the creature changed so dramatically during drying. His spine was severely bent and pulled where the muscles apparently were. In places where some organs were located, dried pieces of tissue formed.

Subsequently, I recorded interviews with those who saw this creature during life. This is Prosvirin’s daughter-in-law Tamara, her partner Nagovsky Vyacheslav, some relative of the daughter-in-law and her friend, a woman who drinks, gave conflicting information. They all claimed that this creature looked quite intelligent, and there was pus in its eyes, like conjunctivitis. The look itself was very meaningful.

After the primary material was collected, it became necessary to conduct some consultations with specialists. This question was not within my competence, but I was curious, what is it? I believe that such information should be seriously verified, because there are a lot of rumors. Here, human deformity to a strong degree, and some mutations related to ecology are possible, or this is a truly phenomenal case of the viability of a human embryo, or a criminal miscarriage. Clearly, this story required research.

Our management said that apparently I had nothing else to do, and I was forced to conduct this business behind the scenes, in my free time. I asked the pathologist to examine this creature, for which he took it to our city morgue. The pathologist examined him in the presence of a paramedic and stated that at least 90% he was not human. The skeletal structure of a humanoid is very different from that of a human, especially the pelvic bones, which are designed for both upright walking and on all fours. The forelimbs are also very different in length from human ones. The hands are designed as if they were feet. Apparently, this creature could move in any conditions and in any way, overcome any obstacles.

The doctor said that in order to accurately draw conclusions about the nature of this creature, a DNA examination is necessary. Since it is expensive, it can only be carried out officially, in criminal cases, and also in laboratory conditions with the participation of a trained specialist. All options for carrying it out suddenly disappeared.

We changed tactics. Evgeniy and I, as well as the Zhelutdinovs, fire department workers, who joined us, began to investigate further. Rais Zhelutdinov told me that 200 km from us, in Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region, there is a ufological society called “Star Academy UFO-contact using the Zolotov method.” Rais told me that this is an authoritative person, he showed it in the encyclopedia: Zolotov, scientist, academician. This organization allegedly includes Zolotov’s son.

We called these people and they responded to our invitation. Then came a call from Kamensk-Uralsky. These people called themselves specialists in the field of ufology, said that their extraterrestrial communications operator would check this information and, if it was confirmed, they would come, and if not, then excuse me, they don’t deal with nonsense. A couple of hours later, two cars were already standing under the windows of the Zhemaldinovs’ apartment, where we had gathered. After viewing the video, those who arrived said that the find was very serious and required urgent research. They reprimanded us for the fact that the matter was not brought to the state level, but was reduced to amateur activities.

The head of this organization, Semenkova Galina, an intelligent, polite, intellectually advanced woman, said that two of her girls would investigate this creature and tell where it came from. We went to where the mummy was. They examined it, moved their hands over it and said that this creature has a biological component, but it is an artificial creature. It was programmed to study the environment, living space and, naturally, performed some side functions. He was sent by the space fleet under the control of captain “FE” to make further contacts with some highly developed civilization.

All this, of course, sounded doubtful, but there was at least some interpretation of events. I'm not an expert in such areas. I thought that since they really believed in this matter, that is, they are the same romantics who can be trusted with anything, then these people will carry out the necessary examinations and, in the end, will clarify everything.
They ended up taking the mummy. They said that they were taking it for research and in the near foreseeable future they would establish its origin and provide us with documentary evidence.

After some time, I called these people and asked how the research was going. I was told not to worry, they were studying the mummy. They suggested: “Come to our seminar, but it will cost you money.” Then they said that this would be important for me, they would open additional channels of communication for me, and I would become almost a demigod. I replied that I don’t take such bait, and asked to tell me the result of the study of the mummy. After some time, they got through to Zhemaldinov and told him that it was an ordinary miscarriage...

Soon this story took a new turn, almost detective. Information about the strange creature reached the media, and the reaction began like ripples on water.
The media began to publish various articles, there was even a libel in the newspaper “Chelyabinsky Rabochiy”, where someone Kuklev published an abusive article called “Kyshtym lunatics”. This article was published just in time for “All Saints’ Day” - “Halloween”. The author simply made fun of us.

There were also serious publications. In the end, Nikolai Vorsegov, deputy chief editor of this newspaper, came here from Komsomolskaya Pravda. He collected material, after which after some time a film crew from Japanese television - MTV Tokyo - came to us. They became interested in what happened in Kamensk-Uralsky. Through their channels, they contacted people who also had this information, collected material and established that the UFO-Contact group transferred the mummy to Yekaterinburg, and there, in one of the research institutes not related to biology and anatomy, they secretly carried out its research in laboratory conditions, with the involvement of specialists. That's how it all ended. Silence for now.

Some time later, a translator from a Japanese television group called me and said that they intended to come to us and film another interview with this mentally ill woman, since they would have very serious specialists in the field of psychiatry with them. Everything was well financed by them, this phenomenon was carefully studied in Japan, and they found that it was necessary to deeply and seriously study exactly the one who directly communicated with this creature, that is, Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina.
They told me the exact date of their arrival, just in a week. They were also interested in some UFO landing site in the city of Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region, that is, they wanted to kill two birds with one stone. They asked me to make sure that Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna did not go anywhere at this time. But the most amazing thing is that about half an hour after the telephone conversation with the translator, I heard on the radio (that day I was in full-time duty) that a traffic accident had occurred in the village of Kalinovo and that a naked woman had died under the wheels of a car - Tamara Prosvirina Vasilevna. Is this a coincidence?! Japanese television crews did not come here; they limited themselves to a trip to Berezovskoye.

But our story didn't end there. One woman living next door to Prosvirina - she asked not to share her information, since she serves in a government agency and does not want gossip around her name - said that before Tamara Vasilievna was taken to a psychiatric hospital, she walked around the village and She explained that she had a child, Alyoshenka, and that she wanted to register him in her living space under her last name. Everyone, of course, knew that Prosvirina was a mentally abnormal woman, and did not believe her. But this neighbor herself at that time discovered a small man in her apartment. No higher than one and a half meters. Her apartment was locked from the inside, she was at home, went into another room and saw him. This little man stood silently in the middle of the room, looking rather unpleasant. He was stocky, heavily covered with stubble, and looked to be about forty years old. But this subject was clearly not human.

Prosvirina’s neighbor is completely sane and sane. The reliability of her story is beyond doubt. At least I had confidence in her. So, while she was looking at the stranger, there was a knock on the door. Opening it, this woman saw her neighbor - not Prosvirina, but another. She asked: “Why do you look so strange, how can you hide a man?” The neighbor knew that this woman was alone, but without an invitation she went into the room and looked around, but there was no one there. The doors and windows were completely closed...
What is this? Fiction, a figment of fantasy, or maybe a dream or something else? My interlocutor convinced me that this happened in reality. She doesn’t drink and is, as I already said, completely sane.

Evgeniy and I gained fame as researchers of such phenomena, and people began to tell us all sorts of strange things. I wanted to document every piece of evidence of this kind in writing, collect sketches of what they saw, have a map of the city to mark, date, etc. But work didn’t allow me to do this, because I have practically no free time. We spend two thirds of our day on work, the rest on food and sleep. But, of course, I had some materials. There have been several serious incidents at work here. My management did not approve of my research, and even at operational meetings they sometimes mocked me.
In a fit of emotion, I destroyed some of the collected materials, but still kept some. I also have a personal observation. In 1992, a levitating object was spotted twice in the area of ​​the city of Ozersk. There is an enterprise there that was once secret, and now even American specialists work there. I personally observed at night, in the area northeast of Kyshtym, at a very high altitude, a flat-shaped object, only it was located not horizontally, but vertically. A clear, bright white beam emanated from it...

Stanislav Samoshkin, pathologist.
In 1996, at the request of the local police officer, I examined an unknown creature. According to the person who found it, gynecologist Irina Ermolaeva and urologist Igor Uskov recognized this creature as an embryo. The examination took place in the sectional room, in the presence of a local police officer.

The corpse was mummified, the internal organs were missing, only the skeleton and the remains of the skin were presented. The creature was about 25 cm long. I was struck by the fact that the skull was tower-shaped, consisting of four bones - the occipital, frontal and two parietotemporal. Moreover, there is no clear division between the temporal and parietal bones. The structural features of the skull also include the fact that the brain section predominated over the facial section.

According to all anthropological indicators, this creature should be classified as intelligent, that is, not in the category of animals, because it is known that in the same monkeys the brain cavity of the skull is smaller than the face. The pelvic bones are formed according to the erectus type. The arms and legs were twisted, it was impossible to see the fingers, because the corpse was mummified. There were no internal organs.

I was asked to simply look and say, is it a human or an animal fetus? As far as I remember, we didn’t study such skeletons in zoology. It has been suggested that, at first glance, this is a creature that is not found on Earth. They offered to conduct an examination at the Chelyabinsk Forensic Bureau, where genetic research is carried out, but the owner of this corpse refused everything and said that he would decide what to do with it. Then the corpse was taken away, and its further fate is unknown to me.

- Can anything be said about the limbs? About their length and other parameters?
- The proportionality of the skeletal structure did not meet the normal standards of the average person. The arms, presumably - if they had been able to straighten them, since the corpse was mummified - reached somewhere to the level of the knees. I repeat, presumably. I did not straighten the limbs, because the question was not to touch the corpse at all. Just examine it and say whether it is a human fetus or something else, since the district police officer turned to me with the question: is this creature a miscarriage, should I initiate a criminal case or not. We limited ourselves to inspection; no other additional studies were done. There were no teeth. It is almost impossible to judge what gender it was. In any case, this was the first time I encountered the features of such a skeleton. Well, when you don’t know, it’s better not to interfere....
Romanova Lyubov Stepanovna, laboratory assistant at the city hospital.

“In 1996,” she said, “at the beginning of August, they brought us the mummified corpse of a little man. It cannot be said that it was a child or a miscarriage. In a word - a small corpse. His skin was half-decayed in the abdomen and on the limbs.
The bones were intact. Regular arms and legs. Tissue is preserved on the back and shoulder area. The head was in the form of a helmet, the skull consisted of four bones connected at the top. There were no auricles. Very large almond-shaped eye sockets. The remaining areas of skin on the back and shoulders were grayish-brown - I think this is all from the sun, the fabric dries out and gives this color.
This little man, as he was called “Alyoshenka,” still did not crawl, but walked upright, like an ordinary person. I think so. It's a shame he disappeared. It was a very interesting, unique case. Scientists would like to get to know him better!

Do you think this creature could be of extraterrestrial origin, or is it some kind of miscarriage, a genetically altered living creature?
- No. I have been working as a laboratory assistant in a hospital for a very long time. Of course, he doesn’t look like a miscarriage, this “Alyoshenka.” At that time I didn’t think that this was an extraterrestrial being - unusual, that’s all. But of course it doesn’t look like a miscarriage, because the structure of the bones and head is very strange. This cannot happen in a human miscarriage.

- Were the internal organs somehow different from human ones?
- There were no internal organs there. It was a mummified corpse. It was dried out, with barely preserved skin in some places and bare bones.

- Do you think it was an adult or a child?
- I believe that this is still a creature similar to a child, but not ours, not a human child. Such a small creature. He must have been pretty, because he had such huge eye sockets and a helmet-like head. He's interesting, of course.

- What do you think, was it an intelligent creature or not?
- I don’t even know how to answer. I can't judge this.

- What about the structure of the skull?
- According to the structure of the skull, the head corresponds to the development of his arms, legs and torso.

- Could there be a brain there, like a person’s?
- Well, I probably could. If we opened it, we would have looked.

- And you weren’t given the opportunity to open it?
- No. When they brought him to us, there was no order or direction for an autopsy, and without them we do not have the right to do this. That's why we refused to open it. And yet, there was no expert. Otherwise, it would be possible to open it even for the sake of curiosity... Well, that’s all. Then he was taken away and I don’t even know where.
Galina Semenkova.
We found her in Kamensk-Uralsky with great difficulty. The telephone in the apartment was turned off, and she herself did not come home until midnight. Galina Ivanovna, having learned about the topic of the conversation, immediately snapped:
- I can’t say anything about “Alyoshenka”. He is being investigated.

- Who?
- Competent authorities.

- FSB?
- Semenkova nodded.

- So you didn’t lose him?
- No…

- And the result of the research?
- I was told that it will be made public when the time comes.

- At least in a nutshell - what is he like?
- “Alyoshenka” changed all ideas about the world...
The photograph was published in the Flying Saucer Review magazine. It depicted the corpse of a small creature with a head divided into four petals and huge lifeless eyes. Even his thin four-fingered hands were folded crosswise, like those of the mummy of the “Kyshtym humanoid.” However, the picture did not depict Alyoshenka at all...

The second creature found its death almost twenty years ago near the town of Sapinas, on the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico.
One fine day, a guy named Chinese was wandering through the hills at the foot of the mountains, looking for all sorts of Indian antiquities. Suddenly he saw several small creatures about thirty centimeters high. One of them tried to grab the Chinese man by the pant leg, and clearly not with bad intentions. Contact failed: the earthling grabbed a stick and dealt him a crushing blow! The rest disappeared into the bushes. The involuntary killer realized that in his hands was something very rare and even expensive. Having found a glass container with a tight lid, he put the body there, bleeding colorless blood, and sealed it with alcohol. However, the decomposition did not stop, and he had to go to a friend - Professor Calixto Perez, who placed the corpse in formaldehyde.
The Chinese rejoiced early, calculating the possible profit. From that day on, life turned into a nightmare for him. At night, he and his sister kept waking up from strange sounds, as if someone was sneaking, peeking through the windows and trying to get inside. Finally they contacted the police.

Police officer Osvaldo Santiago responded to the alarm, confiscated a container with a strange creature and brought it to show his wife the unusual find. With her light hand, or rather her tongue, the whole district soon knew about the find. Local businessman Raffaele Baerga, intrigued by the story, asked her to bring a container with a small creature, sent several photographs in the presence of witnesses and called television, but the journalists did not have time to arrive: a policeman appeared and took the container with the body (in the interests of the investigation). Osvaldo Santiago's assistant, Sergeant Benjamin Morales, also saw the creature. He said that the chief informed the military about the contents of the container, but did not know what exactly. The sergeant then gave his partner advice: to get rid of this creature before the military took over the depot, but then Professor Perez appeared at the police station - the same one who helped the guy preserve the corpse in formaldehyde, said that he bought it from the Chinese, and demanded it immediately return your property. Santiago was just glad to get rid of the container.
This whole story was unearthed several years later by ufologist Jorge Martin. The police officer was no longer alive by that time, he had died at the hands of criminals, but he found Professor Perez.

“Yes, I kept a container with a little man at home for some time,” he told the ufologist. - His skin was rough, almost the same color as ours, but with a faint light greenish tint. I believe this is a creature of alien origin. His skull and head were too large in relation to his body, which was small and skinny, and his eyes were too large. As for the nose... it wasn’t there.”

Professor Perez was going to write a book about this, but fate decreed otherwise. Neighbors began to threaten him after learning that he was keeping the corpse of an “alien.” Subsequently, the professor discovered that the container with the body and all the photographs had disappeared from the cache. “Either someone I knew got in there, or representatives of the authorities were able to find the cache,” the professor finished his story.

They say that, having figured out what was what, American intelligence services entered the depot. Traces of their work are felt by researchers to this day. The story, as it should be in such cases, has acquired a mass of all kinds of mutually exclusive details. The only truth in them can be considered that the little creature is not a figment of someone’s imagination and that the US government has shown so much interest in it for a reason.

This strange incident took place in 1996. It caused a whole stream of guesses and assumptions, and among the general public it received the name “Kyshtym Dwarf”. Let's look at the chronology of the mysterious events, but it is unlikely that we will be able to draw any conclusions, since there are many dark spots and ambiguities in this case. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to dry facts, and people with a rich imagination can themselves interpret the information received, which still causes bewilderment, confusion and many questions.

Chronology of events


The events took place in the village of Kaolinovy. It is located on the outskirts of the city of Kyshtym, located in the north of the Chelyabinsk region. This is the southern part of Russia, from which it is very close to Kazakhstan. Kyshtym itself is a small town. Its population is only 41 thousand people. This settlement is surrounded on all sides by lakes and forests. Chelyabinsk is 90 km away.


The main character was Tamara Nikolaevna Prosvirina, a resident of the village of Kaolinovy. This is an elderly woman. She suffered from mental disorders. She lived alone in a 2-room apartment. It was located on the 2nd floor of a 4-entrance, 4-story block building on the outskirts of the village. Had a son. At that time the man was in prison.

Tamara Nikolaevna Prosvirina

The sick woman, suffering from quiet insanity, was regularly visited by her daughter-in-law, her name was also Tamara. She brought food and helped clean the apartment. Sometimes her mother Galina Artemyevna Alferova came instead of Tamara. Grandson Sasha also visited his grandmother. At that time the boy was 14 years old. The daughter-in-law rented out a room to a certain Vladimir Nurdinov. He was a person with no specific occupation, and made his living by stealing non-ferrous metals. The daughter-in-law also had a partner while her husband was in prison, Vyacheslav Nagovsky. Tamara Nikolaevna’s neighbor Nina Glazyrina regularly came to see her.

Thus, it is clear that the mentally ill person was not abandoned to his fate. The woman was regularly visited and supplied with food. Prosvirina herself behaved quite adequately, and her relapses were rare. In such cases, the patient was taken to a psychiatric hospital, treated, and then sent home.

Mysterious discovery

Tamara Nikolaevna did not sit within four walls, but loved to walk in the forest. It was just a stone's throw from her house. On August 13, 1996, while walking, a woman found a strange creature in a wooded area under a tree. It resembled a baby, and did not exceed 25 cm in length. The head looked like an elongated onion. The mouth was a slit at the bottom of the face, and there were no lips. There were 5 fingers on each hand, and they ended in sharp claws. The body was covered with sparse fur. The creature lay on the ground and squeaked pitifully. The compassionate woman took him home, fed him and gave him the name Alyoshenka.

People who visited Prosvirina, naturally, soon saw a mysterious creature. Daughter-in-law Tamara later described it this way: “It didn’t look like a child at all. It made a quiet whistle. When it opened its mouth, two small teeth were visible. The head was brown and the body was dark gray. The eyes were large, the gaze was meaningful, the eyelids were absent. The pupils constantly dilated and contracted. The navel and genitals were absent. The fingers and toes were quite long. His mother-in-law fed him curd cheese. The creature sucked and swallowed him. There was no lower jaw, only some kind of skin. They gave him water. spoon it. The tongue was long and bright red."

In addition to her daughter-in-law, Alyoshenka was also seen by the other people listed above. In total, the Kyshtym dwarf (as journalists later called him) lived with Tamara Nikolaevna for about a month. The strangest thing was that the mysterious creature did not defecate. Only sweat appeared on the body in the form of perspiration. Tamara Nikolaevna wiped off this discharge with a cloth.

Further developments

As already mentioned, Tamara Nikolaevna suffered from a mental disorder. It just so happened that she began to have an exacerbation. The woman was taken to a psychiatric hospital, and Alyoshenka was left alone in the apartment. Without food or water, he soon died. After 10 days, my daughter-in-law appeared in the apartment. She arrived together with her lodger Nurdinov. This couple discovered Alyoshenka’s corpse.

There was a strange smell in the room, and insects were crawling on the body of the mysterious creature. The smell was not like a corpse. Rather, it corresponded to the smell of some synthetic resins. Nurdinov suggested that Alyoshenka is an alien and said that good money could be earned for him. He took the corpse with him and dried it in the sun. At the same time, the body was greatly deformed.

Within a couple of weeks, Nurdinov was detained for theft of non-ferrous metal. The case was led by the investigator of the Kyshtym Department of Internal Affairs, police captain Evgeniy Mokichev. During interrogation, the accused unexpectedly announced that in his parents’ house in the village of Bezhelyak there was a mummy of an alien creature. This information aroused the investigator's interest. He offered to go to the place and inspect the item. And indeed, upon entering the room, Nurdinov took out a small mummy wrapped in a rag from the closet.

When Mokichev returned to the department, he told his colleagues about the mysterious object and suggested that it was of extraterrestrial origin. But his colleagues laughed at the captain. Only police major Vladimir Bendlin took Mokichev’s words seriously.

Major Bendlin's investigation

The next day, Major Bendlin took a voice recorder, a camera, and a movie camera with him and went to Bezheljak. There he met with Nurdinov's parents and asked them to show him a strange mummy. Having examined the shriveled body, an employee of the Kyshtym police department came to the conclusion that this was not a human miscarriage, since due to the nature of his work he had to see dead babies.

The major removed the mummy for operational investigative measures and returned to the department. But the duty department refused to register such a strange find. Bendlin was tactfully hinted that he should deal with current affairs and not chase mythical aliens. Therefore, the major was forced to conduct an unofficial investigation in his free time.

Major Vladimir Bendlin

By the way, it was thanks to Vladimir Bendlin that the Kyshtym dwarf became known to the whole world. The police officer did a great job. He interviewed all the people who saw Alyoshenka alive. I filmed the testimony of my daughter-in-law Tamara Prosvirina and her partner Vyacheslav Nagovsky. The mummy was also shown to pathologist Stanislav Samoshkin.

He said that with 90% probability this is not a person. The skull had an elongated shape and consisted of 4 bones: occipital, frontal and 2 temporal. It somewhat resembled the helmet of a medieval knight. The ears were missing. There were 2 small holes at the edges of the head. Apparently they performed the functions of a hearing aid. The skeleton was different from a human one. The pelvic bones were intended not only for vertical, but also horizontal movement. The upper limbs were below the knees.

At the same time, Samoshkin said that a final conclusion can only be given after a DNA analysis. However, its cost is very high. The police department major could not afford such expenses. Officially, analysis is carried out only when a criminal case is initiated. But, as we remember, the investigation took place on Bendlin’s personal initiative. He did not contact his management, as he would still have received refusal and ridicule from his colleagues.

The major found himself at a crossroads, but his friends advised him to contact the Star Academy UFO-Contact. It was located in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region. Vladimir called the academy and explained the situation. Literally the next day, 2 cars with ufologists arrived. Bendlin provided them with documentation, videos, and then showed Alyoshenka himself.

The senior specialist was a certain Galina Semenkova. She moved her hands over the shriveled body and declared that the creature was artificial. It was sent to study the Earth by Captain Fe. This is the commander of the space fleet, which constantly cruises in the part of the Galaxy where the Solar System is located.

Such a statement seemed rather dubious for a major inexperienced in universal affairs. But he thought that since people believe in all this, they will be able to get to the bottom of it and, in the end, will establish what the Kyshtym dwarf really is.

Ufologists said that they need to conduct appropriate research. They took the mummy with them and promised to keep Bendlin informed of events. But a week passed, then two, and there was no word or word from the specialists in extraterrestrial affairs. Then the major called them. He was told that the research had not yet been completed. And a week later, the ufologists themselves called the police department investigator and reported that Alyoshenka was an ordinary human miscarriage.

The end of the story about the Kyshtym dwarf

We could put an end to this. But the thing is that Kyshtym is a small town. The major's acquaintances were aware of his investigations, and one of them apparently shared information with employees of one of the local newspapers. Soon an article about a mysterious creature was published. Then a similar article appeared in Chelyabinsk Worker. After this, a Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent came to the city. And this is already the all-Union level.

The news spread throughout the country, and Japanese television employees appeared in Kyshtym. They offered Bendlin 200 thousand dollars for Alyoshenka’s mummy. But the major no longer had it. He gave the coordinates of ufologists from Kamensk-Uralsky. The Japanese, through their channels, found out that the mummy was transferred to some research institute in Yekaterinburg. There they conducted appropriate research on her, but what their results were is unknown.

There are many forests and lakes near the city of Kyshtym

After that, about a month passed, and the major received a call from a Japanese translator. She said that Japanese specialists want to meet with the main eyewitness of all events, Tamara Nikolaevna Prosvirina. The fact is that she communicated with Alyoshenka for a long time, and therefore it is advisable to conduct an examination of her. The translator named the date and time when the specialists would arrive and asked to ensure the presence of the elderly woman. Bendlin assured that he would definitely do everything.

The major was on duty at that time, and literally half an hour after the telephone conversation he learned about a fatal accident in the village of Kaolinovy. It turns out that the car hit Tamara Nikolaevna. She left the house completely undressed, barefoot and fell under the wheels of a car.

The incident looked very strange. The village is not a regional center with a population of one million. Only one car passes on the street every hour. In addition, although Prosvirina was mentally ill, she always went out dressed, but here she was only wearing a dressing gown. The woman didn't even put on slippers. But the most interesting thing is that the car that committed the collision was not found.

It must be said that in the Kyshtym area people often observe unidentified flying objects. They have a flat shape, but in the air they are located not horizontally, but vertically. They often emit a bright white beam. What kind of objects these are is unclear. Whether the Kyshtym dwarf had anything to do with them or not is unknown. In a word, complete mysteries. But there are no answers to them. As for Alyoshenka himself, he disappeared forever from people’s sight. No one knows where the mummy ended up after Yekaterinburg, or what happened to it.

To throw KP journalists off the scent, the sectarians who kidnapped the alien from Kyshtym told them a wild story about Alyoshenka’s origins. But we continue to find out the truth. Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents found out why the Star Academy failed to destroy the humanoid. And where is he buried anyway?

The name “Alexey” in the Ural town of Kyshtym is one of the most unclaimed. According to the local registry office, in popularity it is at the level of Eremey and Savva. “What parents would want their child to be teased by a Kyshtym dwarf at school and in the yard?” - mummies mutter on playgrounds.

And now, 20 years after the mysterious events that happened in the city, Kyshtym residents remember May 1996 very well. Then old woman Toma went to the well for water, and returned home without a bucket, but with someone wrapped in a scarf. The pensioner, who was soon diagnosed with schizophrenia, assured her neighbors that she had found “baby Alyoshenka” under a pine tree. The doctors who took Tamara Vasilievna to the mental hospital decided that she had a cat of a rare breed living at home. Well, the old woman’s friend and daughter-in-law recognized the strange find as a guest from other worlds.

Whoever this creature was, when his new owner was taken to the hospital, Alyoshenka died of hunger. Soon the mummified body fell into the hands of local policeman Vladimir Bendlin. Alas, this local Sherlock Holmes, instead of reaching out to his superiors and doing a DNA examination (Bendlin assures that the boss refused to initiate a criminal case against him), chose to donate the body of a humanoid to sectarians from the organization “Star Academy for Combating Frontal Problems,” who worship aliens. The pseudoscientists waved goodbye to Kyshtym and drove off with Alyoshenka in an unknown direction.

Now journalists from KP - Yekaterinburg are following the trail of the sectarians who took the mummy in order to finally debunk all the myths about the humanoid. We know that in 1996, an alien from Kyshtym was taken away by one of the main “star academics” Galina Semenkova. After this, for nine years the poor alien was shown at sectarian seminars. And in 2005, Alyoshenka unexpectedly suffered. His mortal body was buried in Evpatoria on the shores of the Black Sea.

So, we are looking for the exact coordinates of the grave!


Over the 25 years of its existence, hundreds of people have passed through the “Star Academy” (it’s not surprising to say). Among them there are also quite adequate comrades who were smart enough to return from the sectarian clouds to the sinful earth. Some of them help us piece by piece to collect information about Alyoshenka’s burial. For example, Svetlana Mironova (name changed - Ed.). The woman is from Simferopol. I signed up for “alien worshipers” out of boredom in the late 90s. He says that such crazy parties that the “academicians” threw were never seen in any local club. Adherents of the sect were generally frequent guests in Crimea, since their founder Boris Zolotov came from these places (Galina Semenkova was his right hand before the leader’s death). Now Svetlana works as a chemistry teacher and prefers not to talk about her involvement in the intergalactic circle. But after reading a “Komsomol” investigation about Alyoshenka on the Internet, the woman decided to contact us and help in the search for the truth.

You were right. Alyoshenka was buried in 2005 in Yevpatoria. It was August 6,” Mironova said amiably over the phone.

- Where does such confidence come from? It's already been 11 years, - we inquired skeptically.

The ceremony took place on my birthday. And I'm still sane. “I haven’t forgotten the day I was born,” Svetlana chuckled.

- Can you show me the place?!- Without even trying to hide the plea in our voices, we exhaled.

I'm telling you. I had a birthday. Of course, I was a strange young lady at that time. But still, she chose not to combine her holiday with a funeral, even of an alien.

- But you are a teacher. Do you still think that Alyoshenka flew to us from Alpha Centauri?

So, let's not find fault with words!

- As you say. Didn’t your friends at that time really tell you where exactly the funeral took place?

I only know that the ceremony took place in one of the salt lakes.

- On its shore?

First in the lake itself. About a hundred people took part in the action. The mummy was tied to a stone and sent to the bottom.

- So, Alyoshenka is still in the lake?

No. The next morning the mummy surfaced. Apparently she was tied poorly. Consider the body was already dry, but there is still an incredible density of water due to the high concentration of salt. So Alyoshenka jumped to the surface like a cork from a bottle of champagne.

- And they also told us that they tried to burn the mummy. But unsuccessfully…

And it was. Can you imagine how excited the guys were when the drowned humanoid suddenly surfaced? Then we decided to check how invulnerable this alien was. Since the water element did not take him, they began to try fire. When it got dark, they made a fire and put Alyoshenka in it. And that one... doesn’t burn! Then even the last skeptics believed that it was an alien creature. But in my opinion, everything here is much more prosaic. When the mummy lay in the salt lake, the tissues became impregnated with inorganic salts and minerals. Their concentration turned out to be so high that it significantly hampered the combustion process. Essentially, there is nothing supernatural about this.

They say that particularly zealous comrades offered to cut the body into pieces. Well, let's see if it works - no. But, in the end, they decided to simply bury Alyoshenka.

- Near the lake?

No. We chose some special place for this. But what kind of place this is, only those who were present at that funeral ceremony know. They swore to each other not to tell anyone the coordinates...

Finally, we asked Svetlana Mironova to ask her former friends for directions to Alyoshenka’s grave. After all, more than 10 years have passed. What if the sectarian oath turns out to be not as strong as the body of a humanoid? Our interlocutor promised to make several calls. With this we said goodbye.


A couple of days later the editorial office rang. A certain businessman from Kamensk-Uralsky, Kirill Timofeev, is eager for communication. He asks journalists who are working on the Kyshtym alien to call.

Guys, do you really want to know who Alyoshenka is? - the man asks triumphantly.

- Of course! By any chance, it wasn’t Svetlana Mironova who asked you to call?

I have no idea who it is. Just decided to save your time. As I understand it, you have been hunting for the Kyshtym dwarf for quite some time. You don't need to look for the body. I will tell you myself what this mummy is. But this is not a telephone conversation. Come see me in Kamensk. Well, as a primer, this is not an alien. And not a person.

Let us note that people who “know the whole truth about Alyoshenka” now call our editorial office more regularly than people who know who actually killed the Ural model Yulia Loshagina. Alas, 99 percent of such leads turn out to be duds.

But, just in case, we promise businessman Timofeev to think about his invitation.

Galina Semenkova took the mummy from Kyshtym in 1996. She didn’t even tell her husband about her “catch.” Photo: Facebook

In the evening we are already in Kamensk. By the way, this is the hometown of the kidnapper Alyoshenka Semenkova. We meet Kirill Timofeev in a cafe. First of all, we ask the traditional question:

- Why are you helping us? Did you quarrel with Galina Semenkova?

Who is this Semenkova? - the businessman frowns. - I just decided to help my colleagues. I myself was once involved in journalism. And then I read, the guys are suffering, looking for this Alyoshenka.

- Yeah, so you have nothing to do with Star Academy?- we also frown.

You are asking some strange questions. What other "Star Academy"? I will give you answers to all your questions. And you shouldn’t deal with this humanoid anymore. Do you understand? - businessman Timofeev continues to sculpt his idea.

- Okay, who is Alyoshenka?- we decide to play along. Semenkova’s fellow countryman immediately perks up:

He is a descendant of underground Ural dwarfs. Historians call them chuchkas. Everyone thinks that Chuchkas became extinct hundreds of years ago. But Alyoshenka is proof that this is not so. Do you know what's the creepiest thing? The Kyshtym dwarf could be one of the chuchkas who killed tourists at the Dyatlov Pass!

- What does the pass have to do with it?- we ourselves already want to become little chicks and duck into the nearest crack in the wall.

Well, you're hunting for a sensation. Here it is for you. Write and calm down already!

- Galina Semenkova asked you to say this?

I’m telling you that I don’t know any Semenkova! - Timofeev begins to get irritated.

- You would first make her one of your friends Facebook deleted, and then they shouted, - we retort.

It’s impossible to talk to you,” the businessman sighs heavily and, without saying goodbye, hurriedly leaves.

Well, definitely an “academician,” sums up our squad.

But since we came to Galina Semenkova’s homeland anyway, we decide to visit her ex-husband. It’s very interesting what she told her husband in 1996 about Alyoshenka.


60-year-old Alexander Semenkov has not lived with a sectarian from the Star Academy for a long time. He has a new family and earthly problems - quickly fill up the car and go with his household to the dacha. While his wife and daughter are getting ready, he agrees to talk to us at the entrance.

In 1996, Galya was exclusively engaged in her “Star Academy,” recalls Alexander Nikolaevich. - In August she went to one of her seminars. And immediately from there, together with her colleagues at the “academy,” she went to Kyshtym to get a humanoid. But I found out about this only a year later...

- She hasn’t been home for a whole year?

Of course not. Journalists wrote that my wife immediately disappeared somewhere, but this is complete nonsense. Galya returned home from Kyshtym as if nothing had happened. But she didn’t have any mummy with her. And she didn’t say a word about Alyoshenka. She said that she was just at a seminar. A year later, I read an article in the newspaper about a Ural humanoid. And it said that my Galya took him away from Kyshtym. That’s how I found out from the newspapers where my wife was going. Of course, he asked: “Gal, is it true that you took an alien.” She replied: “True. But now I don't have it. And don’t ask me any more questions.” Well, I didn't.

- And in August 2005, were you still married to her?

Was. Galya then left for the next gathering of “academics” in Evpatoria. They were burying something there under one landmark...

To be continued

If you have photos or videos from Alyoshenka’s funeral in Evpatoria or any other information about the Kyshtym humanoid, write to us by email [email protected].

In 1996, Russian scientists were faced with a very serious problem, which was never solved, remaining a secret behind seven seals. It was necessary to find out what kind of inexplicable creature was presented to them for study, where it came from on our planet. Many assumptions have been made regarding its origin, which have not been confirmed by facts. Therefore, we can only accept one version or another or come up with our own.

The Legend of the Little Alien

One summer night (namely August 13, 1996) in the village of Kaolinovy, not far from the city of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region, a terrible thunderstorm began, accompanied by hail. A resident of this locality, pensioner Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina, was concerned about voices calling on her to go to the cemetery. Without thinking twice, she got ready and went to answer the call. It should be noted that the old woman often visited the cemetery, collecting flowers and photographs from the graves. Everything she found she brought into her apartment. The explanation for her behavior was that the pensioner suffered from a mental disorder and had been treated more than once in a hospital for the mentally retarded.

So, making her way through the cemetery, she suddenly saw a small creature under a tree. It lay upside down and made some incomprehensible plaintive sounds. The woman, deciding that this was a gift sent to her from above, wrapped the foundling in a scarf and took it with her. When she returned home, she immediately fed him and swaddled him. From that moment on, this creature began to be called “son” and acquired the name Alyoshenka.

Thus began the story of the Kyshtym dwarf, which spread throughout the world and gave rise to many versions about its origin. Soviet scientists have been studying the “alien” for a long time and trying to find a reasonable explanation for what happened. Read on to find out what conclusions they made and what they came to.

The short life of Alyoshenka

The Kyshtym dwarf spent his short life on Earth in a small apartment. Surrounded by the care and attention of a pensioner, he ate unsolid food and drank water from a spoon. Tamara Vasilievna treated her “son” very kindly, treated him to toffees and wiped the discharge from his little body with a rag. The creature that accepted her care reacted to light and movements with whistling sounds. Sometimes it raised its tiny legs, as if stretching itself.

Alyoshenka lived, carefully wrapped in a rag, without getting up. His look was meaningful and, according to witnesses, suffering. It looked like the creature was suffering. He had practically no discharge, except for clear, odorless sweat after eating. He often lay there and pursed his lips, as if trying to say something. Or maybe this was his way of saying “thank you” to his “adoptive mother”?

One could attribute this story to the schizophrenic delirium of a sick pensioner, if not for the sensible witnesses who saw Alyoshenka alive. And if it weren’t for the materials of the case that the investigator conducted, accompanying him with photographs of the dead Kyshtym dwarf.

Perhaps the Kyshtym dwarf would be alive today, but he suffered a terrible death from hunger and thirst. This happened when his “adoptive mother” was put in a mental hospital. The pensioner could not hide her happiness and told all her neighbors about her beloved “stepson”. And they, in turn, turned to medical specialists because they decided that the grandmother was experiencing an exacerbation of mental illness.

Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna

An elderly woman who found an unknown animal had long suffered from psychological disorders. All the neighbors knew about it. And when she began to tell them that she had a child living with her, no one, naturally, believed her. And she continued to care for and cherish her Alyoshenka. None of the village residents were surprised by Tamara Vasilievna’s behavior. She never behaved aggressively. But when the illness began to worsen, she heard voices and became delirious. Her speech became incoherent, and then the old woman was placed in a special institution. But for being harmless they were soon sent home.

She spoke with great enthusiasm about the fact that Alyoshenka, the Kyshtym dwarf, lives in her apartment. And she always spoke about him with special kindness and tenderness. Soon this news spread throughout the area. And the grandmother was placed in a psychiatric hospital, suggesting that her illness had begun to worsen. Tamara Vasilievna tried for a long time and persistently to convey to the doctors that she needed to go home, because she had a son there and he needed to be fed. However, the doctors remained adamant, considering her words to be ordinary nonsense for such an illness. No amount of begging and pleading helped convince the people in white coats to let her go home.

Death of a humanoid's adoptive mother

After some time, investigators came to Tamara Vasilievna’s hospital and recorded her testimony on a video camera. When she asked what happened to Alyoshenka, she was told that he had died. Presumably, from hunger and thirst, because during the absence of the owner, no one looked after him, and he could not feed himself.

The elderly woman cried bitter tears, lamenting that she had told the doctors about her son, who was left in the apartment. The pain she experienced cannot be expressed in words, because for her the Kyshtym dwarf became family. She experienced her loss for a long time.

On August 5, 1999, Tamara Vasilievna left the house wearing only socks. Presumably, unknown voices were calling her again. She, as if spellbound, went out onto the track. The witnesses wanted to take her away, but did not have time. At that moment, two cars appeared, closed like scissors, hitting the elderly woman, and fled the scene. The old woman's death was instantaneous. The cars that hit the pensioner were not found (they disappeared without a trace). New rumors spread throughout the village about the mysterious death of a compassionate lover of humanoids.

What did the “son” look like?

Alyoshenka, the Kyshtym dwarf, whose photo you can see above, was a humanoid creature unknown to science, whose height was approximately 20 centimeters. He had two legs, two arms, a head, and a torso. At first glance, he looked like a little man. However, it had its own characteristics that were unacceptable to people.

For example, he did not have a navel, which suggests that he could not be a human cub. In addition, the Kyshtym dwarf did not have genitals. The photos presented in the article demonstrate this. Its head was brown, and its jelly-like body had a gray-green tint. During his life he looked quite well-fed. His skull was tower-shaped and consisted of four lobar bones. Large eyes without pupils and irises had no eyelids. There was a fold in the middle of the face that turned into a small nose. Instead of a mouth there was a thin slit in which there were two teeth. Alyoshenka could not eat solid food, so Tamara Vasilievna fed him liquid food. Instead of ears there are tiny holes. At the end of the joints there were long claws. This is what the Kyshtym dwarf looked like. Unfortunately, there is no photo of a living Alyoshenka.

After death

When Alyoshenka died, his story did not end. There are several versions about what happened to him next. One source reports that when Tamara Vasilyevna found herself in a psychiatric clinic, a thief broke into her apartment. Seeing the ugly creature, he cut out all the internal organs from it, and then put the corpse in the refrigerator. There he was found by investigative authorities.

According to another source of information, Tamara Vasilievna’s daughter-in-law, having learned that the old woman was being treated, went to her home with her tenant Nurdinov. She knew very well who lived there. And when they entered the apartment, the Kyshtym dwarf Alyoshenka appeared before their eyes. Was he alive? No, he didn’t live long without his “foster mother.”

His rotting body was covered with maggots and exuded an unpleasant, nauseating odor. However, according to the woman, this spirit was more reminiscent of the smell of synthetic resins than of a decomposing creature. Nurdinov decided to dry the alien in the sun so that he could sell it at a profit. However, his plans were not destined to come true, because investigator Vladimir Bendlin became interested in this case, and took the mummified corpse for investigation.

It is in dried form that Alyoshenka, the Kyshtym dwarf, is captured in photographs and videos. This is how he appeared before scientists for research. The story of a small alien creature swept across the entire Earth. And soon, based on real events that occurred in the Kyshtym region, the film “Extraterrestrial” was shot.

Was there a boy?

Vladimir Bendlin was very interested in this creature and tried to investigate. To begin with, he took the mummified body to a pathologist and gynecologist for examination. Doctors, having examined the corpse, came to the conclusion that the mummy was not a human embryo or a miscarriage. The Kyshtym dwarf had proportions corresponding to a folded adult organism. In children, the head is much larger in comparison with the size of the body. In addition, the mummy completely lacked a navel: in its place there was a smooth, even surface of skin. Therefore, doctors concluded that this creature is not of human origin.

However, the investigator could not stop without finding out exactly what kind of creature it was and where it came from on Earth. To answer his questions more accurately, an expensive DNA examination was needed. But, unfortunately, at that time it was not possible to conduct this research. And then Bendlin decided to turn to ufologists. Having handed over Alyoshenka to them, he called for a long time and tried to find out how things were going with the study of the mummy. Soon he was informed that the corpse had disappeared without a trace, and no one knew how it happened. They put forward a version that he was taken by a UFO.

Gene mutation version

Unknown sources report that DNA testing was nevertheless carried out. As a result of this study, it became known that Alyoshenka, the Kyshtym dwarf (whose photo you can see in the article), is actually a mutated human embryo. As it turns out, his DNA contains only female chromosomes. This means that Alyoshenka is not a boy at all, but a girl. Scientists attributed the fact that this creature is significantly different from humans to radiation, which is elevated in the zone where it was found. The cause of radiation contamination was the Chelyabinsk accident, which happened in 1957. Therefore, experts do not deny the possibility of a gene mutation that the Kyshtym dwarf could have suffered.

Alyoshenka in the “Battle of Psychics”

“The Mystery of the Kyshtym Dwarf” was the theme in episode 9 of the 15th season of the famous television show on the TNT channel. The psychics had to stand with their backs to the screen and talk about what was depicted on the film. They were shown investigative video footage with a close-up of Alyoshenka’s mummy.

But even after the “battle” passed, the Kyshtym dwarf remained a mystery with many questions. Because the opinions of people with psychic abilities are divided. Someone said that it was a sick child, and someone suggested that it was the mutated corpse of an unborn man. But the most interesting versions were expressed by the strongest psychics of this season.

Tatyana Larina felt that the footage was a mystical film about something otherworldly. Having seen the film, she confidently reported that it showed the skeleton of a small alien, whom his parents had forgotten on Earth. Julia Wang saw the mummy and decided that it was another life form, neither human nor animal. She said that this creature has no soul and it came from another world through a portal. During the crossing, Alyoshenka received severe injuries that were incompatible with life.

As psychics claimed, the Kyshtym dwarf is not alone on our planet. There are exactly the same creatures in other states.

Indeed, Julia Wang turned out to be right: there are creatures like Alyoshenka in other countries. So, in Puerto Rico, the second such humanoid found his death. This happened almost 20 years ago.

A young man was walking at the foot of the mountains, looking for Indian antiquities, when he suddenly saw small creatures. They were about 30 centimeters high. One of them tried to make contact with the man by grabbing his pant leg. The guy reacted to this action instantly - he grabbed the club and killed the unfortunate man with one blow. The rest of him disappeared into the bushes to get ready. When the young man realized that in front of him was some very rare creature of unknown origin, he put the corpse in a container and filled it with alcohol. But the body did not stop decomposing, and then the guy turned to the professor, who transferred the killed creature into formaldehyde.

From that day on, the young man's life turned into a nightmare. He woke up at night from strange and incomprehensible sounds; it seemed to him that someone was peeping through the windows and trying to get into his house. Unable to bear it, he contacted the police, and the body of the creature was handed over to the authorities.


Dwarfism (from the Greek “nanos” - dwarf) is usually caused by damage to the endocrine glands and externally manifests itself as short stature. The height of male dwarfs is below 130 cm, and that of women - 120 cm. It was fashionable to keep dwarfs at the royal and royal courts; they were also additionally disfigured to make them look “funnier”. People are always cruel to those who, while remaining human, are endowed from birth with some physical or mental defects. But was the dwarf Alyoshenka human?

It all started in the village of Kalinovy, not far from Kyshtym (Chelyabinsk region) on a stormy night on August 13, 1996. Lonely pensioner Tamara Vasilyevna Prosvirina received a “telepathic order”: get up and immediately go to the cemetery. However, the presence of telepathy was explained quite simply: Tamara Vasilyevna was not entirely mentally healthy and periodically collected flowers from the cemetery and even brought into the house photographs of the deceased taken from monuments. She was, in general, a calm woman, did not offend anyone, and only occasionally, during periods of crisis, ended up in a psychiatric hospital. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that she was not afraid to “take a walk” to the cemetery on a dark night. Another thing is strange: while responding to the “call,” Tamara Vasilyevna found the one who called her... A mentally healthy person, having seen the amazing “find,” might have run away or reported to the police, but this woman took it for granted. The tiny creature with huge eyes only vaguely resembled a human baby, but it squeaked pitifully, and the compassionate old woman decided to take him with her - she wrapped him in some kind of rag, brought him home, fed him and began calling him son Alyoshenka.

The strange baby lived with Prosvirina for only three weeks. The neighbors began to notice something strange in her behavior: where had they ever seen an old woman have a baby? The villagers turned to the doctors, and they, without further ado, put the grandmother in a psychiatric hospital. In vain she cried and insisted that she had a child left unattended in her house...

But, as it turned out, Prosvirina did not have hallucinations. The strange creature was seen by her daughter-in-law Tamara and matchmaker Galina Alferova. But busy women did not pay much attention to the “unknown animal”, because there was no harm from it: it drinks water from a spoon, sucks caramel, cottage cheese, and milk. It didn’t even require special care, since the baby did not have any distinctive sexual characteristics and an anus. Sometimes his body was covered in perspiration with a slight smell of cologne, and then Tamara Vasilievna simply wiped it with a cloth. The daughter-in-law told how Prosvirina showed her the “child”: “She led me to the bed. I look: there is something beeping there. Or rather, it whistles. His mouth sticks out like a tube and his tongue moves. He is scarlet, with a spatula. And two teeth are visible. I took a closer look: he doesn’t look like a child. The head is brown, the body is gray, the skin is without veins. The eyelids are not visible. And a meaningful look! There are no genitals. And instead of a navel there is a smooth place. The head is onion-shaped, there are no ears, only holes. And eyes like a cat's. The pupil then expands and then contracts. The fingers and toes are long. The legs are folded into a trapezoid. He squealed in response to light and moving objects. He looked like a very sick person. This creature apparently suffered greatly." Alferova, who has seen a lot in her time, adds: “I have seen so many different things in my life, including premature babies. “Alyoshenka” doesn’t look like a baby at all. The head is not like a pumpkin, but like a helmet: pointed and without hair. And the fontanelles are not visible on it. The fingers are long, thin and sharp, like claws. Five on each arm and leg. He didn’t have a lower jaw, and instead of it there was some kind of skin.”

Left in an empty house without the minimal care that the old woman provided him, the “baby” died. But the house, although sealed, became a godsend for the unemployed cohabitant of the daughter-in-law, Vladimir Nurdinov, who was engaged in the theft and resale of scrap metal. He climbed into the house and found a tiny corpse there, already covered with some kind of larvae. He really liked the “curiosity” and Nurdinov washed it, “dried it in the sun” and hid it in the refrigerator. “Alyoshenka” was discovered by the police during a search. Investigator of the Kyshtym Department of Internal Affairs, Captain of Justice Evgeniy Mokichev was shocked by what he saw: “For a long time I could not figure out what it was, there was some kind of confusion. In front of me lay approximately 25 cm in length the mummified corpse of a small humanoid creature. It is very difficult to unambiguously assess what lay in front of me, because his head was of an unusual shape - helmet-shaped, consisting of four petals, which connected upward into one plate and formed a kind of ridge. His eye sockets were large. On the front jaw one could distinguish two small, barely visible teeth. The forelimbs were crossed over the chest, and judging by them, they were the same length as the lower ones. The corpse was in a dried, wrinkled state, with many folds of skin on it. The remains emanated a not strong, but unpleasant odor; I find it difficult to say what exactly it smelled like (other witnesses call the smell “plastic”). After that, many specialists examined this corpse - both pathologists and gynecologists, and they all assure that this is not the corpse of a person or a human child. He looked completely different. The structure of the skeleton and skull was not at all human. Even if some creature can mutate very strongly, then to such an extent it is impossible!”

Investigators from the Kyshtym Department of Internal Affairs filmed video and photographs, took testimony, but did not know what to do next. A pathologist at the city morgue examined the creature in the presence of a paramedic and stated that it was at least 90% non-human. The humanoid's skeletal structure was very different from that of a human, especially the pelvic bones, which were designed for both upright walking and on all fours. The forelimbs were also very different in length from human ones. The hands are designed as if they were feet. Apparently, this creature could move in any conditions and in any way, overcome any obstacles. The doctor said that in order to accurately draw conclusions about the nature of this creature, a DNA examination is necessary.

In Moscow, the sensational film was viewed by experts who confirmed the conclusion of pathologist Samoshkin from Kyshtym: this is not a person! They all said that DNA analysis could finally confirm or refute their verdict, but for this they need to find... “Alyoshenka.” Only Yakov Galperin, director of the All-Russian Research Center for Traditional Folk Medicine, stated that “the proportions of the creature’s head and body do not correspond to any of the types of aliens or aliens from parallel worlds known to science,” and therefore “it is possible that this is a child, distorted atomic radiation."

What else can I add: ufologists became interested in the remains, and since it was not a human corpse, “Alyoshenka” was handed over to them. For a long time the body passed from hand to hand, and then disappeared... Ufologists claim that it was abducted by aliens, and one “new Russian” from Yekaterinburg proves that he has it in his personal cabinet of curiosities.

But if the police closed the “Alyoshenka case,” then the media devoted a lot of articles to it, which attracted attention to the unprecedented creature. An additional sensation was the films of Japanese television documentary makers, who came to Kyshtym twice and checked the film for a long time and seriously before buying the copyright for it. The Perm anomalous zone attracts not only the Japanese. Poles, Germans, and Americans “walked” along it. Mostly TV people. Everyone has the same interest - to try to photograph the “object”. So far, only the Americans have succeeded. In the photo they captured orange balls in Molebka that looked like oranges. But the Perm anomalous zone especially “made a splash” in Japan: a documentary film about the events in Shala and Molebka and about ... the Kyshtym dwarf - the famous alien (?) “Alyoshenka” was released there. The results of an investigation conducted by Kosmopoisk together with a Japanese television company that specializes in studying such mysterious cases around the world (and at the same time sponsoring them) showed that “Alyoshenka” really existed. But the traces of the people who took it out seem to have been lost once again... An interesting hypothesis was put forward about the origin of the “dwarfs”. According to it, their habitat can be very deep karst formations in local caves. The assumption about the existence of such caves was confirmed during the expedition, but the search for “relatives” of “Alyoshenka” has not yet yielded results.

But on the other side of the world, in Puerto Rico, almost thirty years ago, exactly the same creature was killed! The story of the long-standing tragedy, published in the magazines Evidencia OVNI and Flying Saucer Review, is no less mysterious... The second creature found its death near the town of Sapinas, on the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico. A guy named Chinese was wandering through the hills at the foot of the mountains, looking for all sorts of Indian antiquities, and saw several small creatures about thirty centimeters high. One of them tried to grab him by the trouser leg: contact failed - the earthling grabbed a stick and dealt him a crushing blow! The rest disappeared into the bushes. The unwitting killer realized that he had something very rare and perhaps even expensive in his hands. Having found a glass container with a tight lid, he put the body there, bleeding colorless blood, and filled it with alcohol. However, the decomposition did not stop, and he had to go to his friend Professor Calixto Perez, who placed the corpse in formaldehyde. Local businessman Raffaele Baerga, intrigued by the story, asked to bring a container with a small creature, took several photographs in the presence of witnesses and called television, but the journalists did not have time to arrive: a policeman appeared and took the container with the body. Soon the corpse “dissolved” in an unknown direction. They say that, having figured out what was what, the American intelligence agencies got involved. Traces of their work are felt by researchers to this day. The story, as it should be in such cases, has acquired a mass of all kinds of mutually exclusive details. The only truth in them can be considered that the little creature is not a figment of someone’s imagination and that the US government has shown so much interest in it for a reason.

But today, after the Japanese producer Deguchi Macao appointed a prize of 200 thousand dollars for “Alyoshenka” and the media were again full of articles on this topic, in Russia they returned to the research of the only thing that remained from the Kyshtym dwarf - to the “shroud” - a rag, in which he was wrapped at the time of death. However, two attempts to conduct genetic analysis were unsuccessful. At the beginning of 2004, the leading researcher at the A. N. Belozersky Research Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Candidate of Biological Sciences V. V. Aleshin, completed his investigation. During his experiments, he also failed to detect human genes in the presented sample. In April 2004, Cosmopoisk coordinator Vadim Chernobrov made a new attempt to investigate the detective story. He transferred the genetic material to the RAS laboratory, headed by Professor V. Shevchenko. Human DNA was isolated from the blood stains of the “dwarf”! Moreover, only female X chromosomes are found in the blood. Comparisons of this DNA with the DNA of two monkeys and three humans (two women and one man) showed that "the sample was consistent with the DNA of a person with multiple developmental disabilities." So it’s possible that this “Alyoshenka” is most likely an ordinary freak who was born due to the environmental pollution of the territory.

But to be honest, there are a lot of deviations. Many details of the structure of the humanoid have not yet found any intelligible explanation. The absence of a navel, genitals, excretory organs, ears, the presence of a full set of teeth, a bud-shaped skull and other sharp differences from the normal human structure - all this possibly indicates the extraterrestrial origin of “Alyoshenka”. In fact, how could he be born without a navel, and even live for several weeks? Recently, the phenomenon from Kyshtym has been perceived only with skepticism among scientists. This is what the chief scientific secretary of the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Boris Gelchinsky says: “In my opinion, it is not worth excluding the existence of humanoids at all. Who knows who created us, maybe we are all humanoids. Today’s science is not yet capable of studying all phenomena, especially since scientists are too conservative people.”

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 929 (36 2011) author Zavtra Newspaper

Giant dwarf They stood in front of the darkened screens. Serge was afraid that with a careless remark or an involuntary gesture he would reveal his attitude towards disgusting mockery. From Vavila, despite his respectable suit and silk tie, noble beard and mustache,

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DECAY: Dwarf with feet of clay Article three. Kyiv, November 2005 Neglect of the state, the decline and death of the state, the unbridledness of a private person (I am careful to say: the individual) is a consequence of the democratic concept of the state; this is his mission. Oswald Spengler

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Chapter 11 Yellow Dwarf In 1964, thousands of chemists on planet Earth seemed to have gone crazy. Every day, at the same time Greenwich Mean Time, they, with the tenacity of maniacs, over and over again reproduced the simplest school experience - they looked at the reaction of the precipitation of bismuth oxychloride in a colloid

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Chapter 11 Yellow Dwarf In 1964, thousands of chemists on planet Earth seemed to have gone crazy. Every day, at the same time Greenwich time, with the tenacity of maniacs, they repeated over and over again the simplest school experience - they looked at the reaction of the precipitation of bismuth oxychloride in a colloid



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