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The most unusual edible mushrooms. Unusual mushrooms: photos and names

Many people love picking mushrooms and, despite the fact that some may find it a rather boring activity, mushroom pickers do not think so. In turn, even more of those who love to eat mushrooms are various kinds of gourmets who are ready to shell out tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for a white truffle, and ordinary lovers of “crumbs with mushrooms.”

One way or another, mushrooms have many fans, moreover, the mushrooms themselves are not only “edible” and “inedible”, but a whole family, some species of which can only be seen under a microscope. Today we will present you a selection of the most unusual, interesting and strange mushrooms. Let's show how diverse mushroom world, and what curious things nature does.

The first place, despite its rather standard shape, has the most expensive mushroom in the world, which you mentioned in passing above - the white truffle.

The truffle itself is a marsupial mushroom that grows underground and can be found at a depth of 8 to 10 cm. Sometimes the mushroom is almost on the surface, forming a hummock. Although the most valuable truffles, such as the Périgord truffle or the French black truffle, are edible mushrooms, do not be fooled, as most truffles are not edible and can pose a serious danger to your well-being.

If we talk about white truffle, then it is more than edible, which is why it has gained such popularity. If you decide to look for such a mushroom, then it is best to go to the region of Northern Italy (Piedmont, Tuscany, Romagna), however, it is occasionally found in other places.

The largest white truffle was found in the Italian city of San Miniato and weighed 2.5 kg, and one of the most expensive truffles was sold for 209 thousand dollars, despite its more modest weight of 750 grams. However, it is not always possible to have time to try this mushroom. For example, in 2004, a white truffle weighing 850 grams was purchased for 28 thousand sterling, but it was not possible to cook anything from it, and the reason was trivial - the mushroom was rotten. Therefore, if you suddenly have the opportunity to try this amazing mushroom, then it is better to immediately contact a professional, and not put it off until “later.”

The second mushroom cannot be called either beautiful or tasty, but strange, interesting or creepy - no problem.

Bleeding tooth is a rather creepy name for a mushroom, but if you look at it even out of the corner of your eye, you will understand why it was given such a name. It can only be found in the forests of North America (I don’t know if this is good or bad - editor’s note), although several specimens were recently found in Korea and Iran.

The mushroom was first introduced to the public back in 1812, which reacted quite violently to appearance mushroom - a white smooth surface through which pink or bright red drops similar to blood appear. The body of the mushroom is hard, similar in density to a cork. Along with its repulsive appearance, a bleeding tooth is also poisonous, so you should not taste it.

However, there is also a spoonful of honey in the ointment. As scientists have found, the liquid formed on the surface of the fungus contains the pigment atromentin, which is an anticoagulant and therefore prevents rapid blood clotting. So it is quite possible to develop an antibiotic based on this liquid.

But, despite its bizarre shape and appearance, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty, at least that’s what those who have tried it say (I didn’t have the chance - editor’s note). The body of the mushroom itself is pear-shaped or, as happens quite often, elongated. The surface is covered with thorny growths, which from a distance can be mistaken for “fur,” which is why the mushroom is sometimes confused with some kind of furry unusual animal. That is why it is often popularly referred to as mushroom noodles, lion's mane or monkey's head.

The mushroom lives mainly on oak trunks, less often on beech or birch. Geographically found in the Amur region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, northern China, the foothills of the Caucasus and the Crimea. It tastes like shrimp meat.

Here is another mushroom, with a very interesting name -. This mushroom is practically the rarest mushroom on our planet. On this moment Scientists have found them in just a few places globe: Texas, in the mountains of Nara and in two remote corners of Japan.

The name of the mushroom is not accidental; until it ripens, it looks quite unremarkable and resembles a dark brown cigar. However, later, when the right moment comes, the top of this cigar opens into a brown star and releases mushroom spores with a whistle. It was not possible to find out anything about the edibility of the mushroom, so if suddenly, by some miracle, you still stumble upon the devil’s cigarette, then it is better to give it to scientists.

It often happens when appearances are deceiving and real beauty is hidden under a rather nondescript shell. However, not in this case.

Sea Anemone Mushroom And Stinking Octopus Horn. The two inhabitants of Australia almost perfectly complement each other, both in their repulsive appearance and in their no less, or even more repulsive, stench. It is interesting that at first, both mushrooms are unremarkable and if you walk past them, you will hardly be able to distinguish an anemone from a whitish toadstool. However, you should wait a little and after a while, instead of an unremarkable mushroom, these representatives of the fungal kingdom are born.

The “transformation” process takes place in just a couple of months. The mushroom cap is divided into several parts, the color changes and the mushroom begins to stretch its tentacles, emitting an unpleasant, to put it mildly, aroma. Actually, the smell of mushrooms is not only a protective agent, but also a bait for flies, which are carriers of spores. Regarding edibility, nothing can be said with complete certainty. The fact is that these mushrooms are not poisonous, but there is hardly anyone who wants to taste them. In addition, it is possible that after you do stuff a piece of mushroom into your mouth, you will remain conscious.

Naturally, this is not the entire list of interesting and strange mushrooms, and this is not surprising, because in the world there are from 1.5 to 5 million various types. However, sooner rather than later, we will present to your attention much more beautiful and pretty mushrooms.

Mushrooms are a separate kingdom of living organisms, among which there are very tiny ones (like yeast or mold), and giants, and the familiar champignons. Scientists have data on more than five million species of mushrooms, and the list is constantly growing. Of course, among these countless varieties there are some very entertaining, frightening or funny ones. From brain mushrooms and “bleeding mushrooms” Gidnellum Peck, to classic fly agaric mushrooms. Welcome to a tour of the world amazing world mushrooms

Bright indigo color on the mushroom plates

Also called Indigo Lactarius and "blue milk mushroom". A relative of our russula. Widely distributed in the tropical forests of Central America, the southern United States and East Asia (during the rainy season). Notable for its deep blue color, this mushroom has a pleasant aroma and a sweet-spicy taste. Occupies an important place in national cuisine several countries.

"Lion's Mane" in all its glory

Also known as the “Satyr’s Beard” and “Lion’s Mane” (received such names because of the structure that looks like a lush coat of hair). It is well known to residents of North America, continental Europe, and also China. The hedgehog prefers rotting trunks of deciduous trees, but can easily get along with a living tree, with which it coexists in symbiosis. Although it looks a little strange, it can be eaten. As gourmets say, its taste is reminiscent of shellfish and other seafood.

Chanterelle affected by lobster fungus

The most famous mushroom

Perhaps the most famous mushroom on the planet. It has a mystical aura due to hallucinogenic properties - a decoction from its fruiting bodies was used by shamans of North America, ancient Greek oracles, and legendary Viking berserkers. By the way, it was their fault that Alice’s journey to Wonderland took place. According to the classification, it is considered poisonous, it is not recommended to eat it raw, but it loses its harmful properties after heat treatment (however, do not try to do this).

Unusual Brainiac

A strange mushroom that needs to be approached wisely

This species can be found in almost any North American or European coniferous forest. Scientists attribute it to poisonous mushrooms, however, in many cuisines it takes its rightful place. In order for the brain to become suitable for eating, it must be boiled or pickled. The mushroom got its name because of its brown cap, shaped like a human brain.

The most original name in the world - Bleeding Tooth

A mushroom that looks like it came out of the pages of Lovecraft's books

Gidnellum Peca received this name for its frightening appearance. It lives in North America and continental Europe (although it has recently been discovered in Iran and Korea). Hydnellum is inedible (but is not considered poisonous). A jelly-like viscous liquid that looks like blood constantly oozes through its pores. The pigments contained in it are used in the textile industry for dyeing fabrics.

The big guy of the mushroom world,

This mushroom is one of the largest representatives of the kingdom in the world in terms of the size of the fruiting body. Its favorite habitat is the water meadows of North America and Europe in summer and autumn. The diameter of the bighead can reach 15 cm and weigh up to 22 kg. In addition, this mushroom is edible, so it has become an ideal target for mushroom pickers.

"Witch's oil" on an aspen branch

Also known as Yellow Brain or Witch Oil. Its golden color serves as a good guide for travelers through the winter deciduous forest of temperate latitudes. Golden jelly loves moisture, so in dry weather it shrinks in size, becoming almost invisible. Each “leaf” reaches a diameter of 3 to 8 cm.

"Cigar" after shooting spores

Another name is “Texas Star”. Found only in Texas and Japan. This species of mushroom is extremely rare and has long been considered the stuff of campfire stories. Before the spores are ejected, it looks like a cigar-shaped object, after which it looks like a rusty-brown star. When the spores leave the fruiting body, you can hear a fairly loud whistle.

One of the most famous inedible mushrooms whose name you didn't know

You may have seen this mushroom, called “Turkey Tail” in the USA, more than once. Its favorite food is rotting tree trunks and stumps. There are a lot of color options, but brown, pale orange and gray predominate. It cannot be classified as edible due to the fact that it does not have a fleshy body at all and its texture resembles pencil shavings. Nevertheless, trameta can be useful in medicine; its pharmacological properties are now being actively studied.

A mushroom that fits fantasy more than the real world

It grows only in New Zealand and India in mixed deciduous-coniferous forests. The blue mushroom is known for its rich and vibrant color of blue color. The diameter of its cap does not exceed 4 cm).

Mycenae at night

This type of mushroom was discovered and described in detail back in 1860. Its home is the tropical forests of Asia, Australia and South America. Mycena caps look dull gray in daylight. At night, the mushroom transforms thanks to bioluminescence - it emits a pale green glow. The diameter of each mushroom is no more than 3 cm.

Clavaria are more like corals than mushrooms

Clavaria is known for its tubular fruiting body that is deep purple or violet in color. It can reach a height of 10 cm. Representatives of this beautiful species can be found in forest humus and meadows of many countries of the world on all continents except Antarctica.

A tasty but unsightly mushroom awaits its mushroom picker

As the name suggests, this species can be eaten, although mushroom pickers often deliberately ignore morels, considering them “third-class” mushrooms. Their favorite habitat is fires in deciduous forests Europe and North America. Morels grow in April-May.

Trio "Shrinked Peaches"

Another name is “Wrinkled Peach”. It was opened in 1785. Extremely rare inedible mushroom has an unusual appearance and looks completely consistent popular name. It prefers dead elm trunks in Europe and North America, but can also be found in the subtropics.

Dangerous but beautiful representative of the kingdom

Widely distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. This miniature mushroom prefers deciduous forests hard rocks, growing on stumps and large pieces wood in large colonies. Negnyuchnik is known for its amazing ability to quickly regenerate.

Poisonous mushroom on a branch of a rotting tree

This type of fungus causes white rot and fungal infections in people, so you should stay away from it, especially since it is widespread everywhere except in the polar snows. The scientific name of the mushroom is Schizophyllum commune.

Mushroom for purple lovers

Lakovitsa is known for its beautiful and rich purple. This mushroom is edible and gourmets love to use it to decorate dishes. Grows on the territory central regions Europe from August to November.

A foreign relative of our little ones

Mushrooms of this species can be distinguished by their matte and rough cap and pleasant purple color. In taste and appearance it is closest to volnushki. Distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Lattice plant grown on humus

This amazing mushroom is distributed throughout North America and Continental Europe. Most often, the lattice has an oval, round or hexagonal (hexagonal) formation. Since ancient times, this mushroom has attracted people with its unusualness and was considered a messenger of the gods (or the machinations of the devil in the Middle Ages). Most often it grows separately, but there are also groups of lattice plants.

Luminescent mushroom

Chlorophos Mycena can rightfully occupy the first place on our list. You thought that neon mushrooms could only grow on the planet Pandora from the movie Avatar. Fortunately, their extraordinary radiance can be enjoyed on Earth. True, for this you will have to go to Japan or Brazil. It is there that these amazing green mushrooms are born from flaming spores during the rainy season. It is unknown whether these mushrooms are edible or not. This is understandable; few people would dare to serve such a luminous dish to the table. If you still decide to look for them, we advise you to look at the base of tree trunks, next to fallen or cut branches, piles of leaves, or simply on damp soil. Don't forget to wait until nightfall and enjoy the most beautiful lighting Her Majesty Flora has ever created.

Bioluminescence is one of the strangest and most unusual abilities of living organisms to glow. Based on chemical processes, the energy that is released is released in the form of light. For example, fireflies and many types of jellyfish exhibit bioluminescence.

Blue mushroom

Another representative of the mushroom kingdom is no less beautiful - Entoloma hochstetteri. It grows in India and New Zealand. This azure-colored mushroom has reddish spores, the rest of its body is completely blue. This color is given to the mushroom by the azuline pigment, which is also found in some species of marine invertebrates. However, we do not recommend preparing this beauty for dinner - the mushroom is inedible, although its toxicity has been little studied.

Bleeding tooth

Or Hydnellum peckii ). But no one wants to eat this terrifying mass. And it’s very good that you don’t want to - the mushroom has an incredibly bitter taste. Hydnellum peck is more common than glow or blue mushrooms - it can be found in the fall in the coniferous forests of North America, the Pacific Northwest, Europe, Iran and Korea.

bird's Nest

There is such a mushroom - it is Nidulariaceae. This mold is found mainly in New Zealand. The shape from which the mushroom gets its name is an ingenious solution for the spread of spores. Rainwater accumulates in the spore eggs; eventually, such an “egg” breaks through and shoots spores over distances of up to 1 meter.

Bird's nest / ©Flickr

Comb blackberry

But this mushroom (Hericium erinaceus), which looks like a bobtail dog, can be eaten. And it grows not so far from our regions - in the Amur region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, in northern China, in the foothills of the Caucasus and in the Crimea. It tastes like... shrimp meat. This mushroom is also used for medical purposes - to increase immunity, treat chronic gastritis, cancer of the esophagus, stomach and leukemia. It is found in deciduous forests from August to October, but, alas, is rare, so it is even listed in the “Red Book” of Primorye and the Jewish Autonomous Region. Therefore, comb blackberries are often grown artificially.

Giant golovach

What you see here is not a dinosaur egg, but a mushroom, which can also please avid mushroom pickers - it is edible. True, only in at a young age when its flesh is still elastic and white(as the pulp ripens, it becomes yellow, and even later, brown). But if you find such a mushroom, you don’t have to look for anything further - it will fill the entire basket. Calvatia gigantea from the champignon family reaches 50 cm in diameter. Although not common, it can be found on the edges of deciduous and mixed forests, in fields, meadows, steppes, and even in gardens and parks. And the spores of this giant are very valuable in medicine - pure cultures of this species have a highly effective antitumor agent.

Devil's Cigar

This mushroom not only has an original name (the official name is Chorioactis geaster), but is considered almost the rarest mushroom on the planet. It is also called the "star of Texas" because it was found only here - in the central part of this state and in two other places in Japan. While the spores are inside, the mushroom is something like a brown capsule, indeed, somewhat reminiscent of a cigar. After the mushroom opens its spores, it looks like a star or an ordinary flower, like those that grow on cacti. The devil's cigar is the only mushroom in the world that makes a whistling sound when releasing spores. Maybe that's why the mushroom acquired such an ominous name?..

Mutinus canis

Not only does this mushroom have an unattractive name, but it also looks... somehow indecent. This is understandable, because the name of this mushroom, Mutinus caninus, comes from the Roman phallic deity Mutinus Mutunus, which means “like a dog.” The funny thing is that it is edible, however, only at a young age, when it is still in the ovoid shell and does not look so provocative. Despite the fact that the mushroom is listed in the Red Book, it, although very rarely, can be found from July to October in Karelia, Leningrad, Stavropol and Tomsk regions, Primorsky and Krasnodar region, in Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia, as well as North America. Loves rotten wood, stumps, sawdust.

sea ​​mushroom

If you've never seen this mushroom, you haven't been to Australia, because that's where Aseroe rubra is quite common. This mushroom also belongs to those species that don’t even look like mushrooms at all - when meeting it, you would most likely think that this is some kind of strange overseas flower, like the slipway that grows on your windowsill or the world's largest flower - rafflesia ("corpse lily"). In addition to the fact that all these plants are similar in appearance, they also use the “services” of flies: flowers - to transfer pollen, Australian mushroom - to transfer spores. The fact is that both stapelia, and rafflesia, and sea mushrooms emit the smell of rotten meat, which attracts flies.

earth star

Or Geastrum rufescens resembles the puffball mushrooms (puffballs) that are familiar to all of us, and differs mainly only in the presence of a “star” substrate, which opens immediately as soon as the mushroom emerges from the ground. Inedible.

Mushrooms can be deadly, edible, magical, incredibly beautiful, and also completely unremarkable. In this article we will look at the most unusual mushrooms. Photos with titles will also be presented.

Panellus stipticus (panellus)

This common species is native to Europe, Australia, North America and Asia. These unusual mushrooms grow in groups on stumps, logs and tree trunks, especially on birch, beech and oak trees.

Lactarius indigo (blue milkweed)

Quite common, growing in eastern North America, in addition to Asia and Central America. It grows on the ground in coniferous and deciduous forests. U fresh mushrooms the color is dark blue, the old ones are pale blue. The milk that these unusual mushrooms release when broken or cut is also blue. The cap reaches 15 cm in diameter, the stem is up to 8 cm in height, and up to 2.5 cm in thickness. The mushroom is edible. It is sold in the markets of Mexico, China and Guatemala.

Tremella mesenterica (orange tremella)

This mushroom grows more often on dead trees, as well as on their fallen branches. The orange-yellow gelatinous body has a sinuous surface that becomes slippery and sticky when it rains. These unusual mushrooms grow in cracks in the bark and appear when it rains. After the rain passes, it dries, turning into a shriveled mass or thin film that can be reborn again from moisture. It is widespread in mixed forests, in tropical and temperate regions, including Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, South and The mushroom can be used as food, but it is tasteless.

Clavaria zollingeri (pale brown clavaria)

This is a common type. These unusual mushrooms have a pinkish-lilac or purple tube-shaped body that grows up to 10 cm high and up to 7 cm wide. The tips of the thin and fragile branches are mostly brownish and rounded. It is a saprobic species that absorbs nutrients as it breaks down organic matter. Mainly grows on the ground.

Rhodotus palmatus (rhodotus)

Considering the most unusual mushrooms in the world, one cannot help but mention this. It is the only member of the Physalacriaceae family. Not very common. It is collected in North Africa, eastern North America and Europe, where its numbers are falling very rapidly. It mainly grows on logs and stumps of hard, rotting trees. Mature individuals are distinguished by their characteristic “vein-like” surface and pinkish color.

Geastrum saccatum (starwort)

It grows on rotting trees in Europe and North America. Mushroom pickers consider it unfit for food due to its bitter taste. This is a common species, with peak collections occurring in August. It is believed that the hole located on the outer layer of its body is star-shaped due to the gathering that occurs just before it opens. This mushroom in Brazil was called the “star of the earth.”

Aseroe rubra (sea anemone)

The sea anemone is quite common and well recognized due to its shape. starfish and yours unpleasant odor rotten. It grows on the forest floor in gardens, resembles a bright red star, topped with brown mucus, and has a white stem. Attracts flies to itself.

Polyporus squamosus (scaly polypore)

Such mushrooms unusual shape are a widespread species that grows in Europe, Australia, North America and Asia. They cause white rot on trees. "Dryad Saddle" is its alternative name, which refers to the dryads from Greek mythology who could ride these mushrooms.

Clavulinopsis corallinorosacea (coral mushroom)

These are very unusual edible mushrooms, native to North America and Southern Europe. They were first described in 1772 by Giovanni Antonio Scopoli. The mushroom has a bright orange cap, spore-bearing yellow plates and a stalk. The ancient Romans loved it very much, calling it “boletus”.

Lycoperdon umbrinum (brown puffball)

This type of mushroom grows in North America, Europe and China. He doesn't have an open cap. Spores arise inside it, in an elastic spherical body. The spores, when mature, form a glebe in the center of the body, which has a characteristic texture and color.

Mycena interrupta (mycena)

When examining the most unusual mushrooms, one cannot fail to mention mycena. It grows in New Zealand, New Caledonia, Australia and Chile. reaches a diameter of 2 cm. It is colored bright blue. At the moment when the mushrooms appear, they have a spherical shape, and as they ripen they expand. The hats feel slippery and sticky.

Morchella conica (conical morel)

These are unusual edible mushrooms that resemble a honeycomb at the top. They consist of a network of wavy strips with small cavities between them. The conical morel is highly valued by gourmets, especially French cuisine especially. It is very popular among mushroom pickers because of its pleasant taste.

Xanthoria elegans (elegant xanthoria)

This mushroom grows exclusively on stones, not far from rodent burrows or bird perches. It is a lichen in nature. It is one of the earliest lichens used in dating rock surfaces. It grows very slowly (0.5 mm per year), after 10 years its growth slows down even more.

Amanita muscaria (red fly agaric)

The famous fly agaric is a psychotropic and poisonous basidiomycete mushroom. A red cap with white dots scattered across it - who hasn't seen a fly agaric? He is considered one of famous mushrooms in the world. Such unusual mushrooms grow in Transbaikalia, as well as throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Although fly agaric is considered poisonous, there are no confirmed cases of poisoning, and in some parts of North America, Asia and Europe it is generally eaten after blanching. It has hallucinogenic properties because its main component is muscimol. Some people in Siberia use it as an entheogen, and in these cultures it has great religious significance.

Gyromitra esculenta (false morel)

They are very similar in appearance to the brain, only brown or dark purple in color. It is also called "beefsteak" because it proper preparation it is a delicacy. If you do not have the skills to prepare this mushroom, then this dish can be fatal. It is poisonous in its raw form and must be steamed before being used in a recipe.

Trametes versicolor

We continue to study unusual mushrooms, photos with names of which are presented in this article. Trametes multicolored grows everywhere. It grows mainly on the trunks of dead trees and is unique for its bright, colorful stripes. In the usual sense it is inedible, although it is often used in classical Chinese medicine. Not long ago, scientists discovered that the substance contained in this mushroom improves immunity and can also be used as an auxiliary component in the treatment of oncology.

Hericium erinaceus (crested hedgehog)

This mushroom is also called "lion's mane", "beard tooth" and "monkey's head". But at first glance, there are no associations with the mushroom. It grows on trees, and when cooked it is more reminiscent of seafood in texture and color. The mushroom not only has excellent taste, but is also used in classical Chinese medicine, reducing blood glucose levels and having excellent antioxidant properties.

Entoloma hochstetteri (sky blue mushroom)

Unusual mushrooms, photos of which are in the article, include sky blue in their list. This mushroom lives in India and the forests of New Zealand. It can be poisonous, although its toxicity is poorly understood. The mushroom acquires its distinctive blue color due to the azuline pigment, which is contained in the fruiting body. It is also found in various marine invertebrates.

Chorioactis (devil's cigar)

The star-shaped mushroom, nicknamed the “devil’s cigar,” is considered one of the rarest in the world. It is also known as the “star of Texas” and was found only in the central part of this state, in 2 remote regions of Japan and in the mountains of Nara. If we consider mushrooms of unusual shape, then this one takes its rightful place on the list. It is a cigar-shaped, dark brown capsule that opens into a star shape to release its spores. Amazing fact: This is the only mushroom in the world that produces a whistling sound when releasing its spores.

Mutinus caninus (canine mutinus)

This mushroom is known as mutinus canis. It looks like a forest thin mushroom in the shape of a phallus, has a dark tip. It grows mainly in small groups in deciduous heaps or on wood dust, and can be found in autumn and summer in eastern North America and Europe. This one is unfit for food.

Nidulariaceae (bird's nest)

In this article we looked at the most unusual mushrooms in the world. But we can’t help but mention this species. Bird's nest is a small group of molds that are primarily found in New Zealand. They owe their name to their appearance, which resembles a nest with small bird eggs. This form is used by the fungus to spread its spores - accumulated rainwater under pressure is sprayed along with the spores over a distance of up to 1 meter.

Hydnellum peckii (bleeding tooth)

Such unusual mushrooms of the world grow in the coniferous forests of America and Europe, as well as in the northwestern part Pacific Ocean. They have also recently been spotted in Korea and Iran. The mushroom has a rather frightening appearance - drops of red or pink liquid resembling blood appear from its pores on the velvety white surface.

The mushroom is not poisonous, although there is no need to try it, since it has a bitter taste to repel predators and people. Scientists analyzed this liquid and found that it contains atromentine, a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots and rapid blood clotting.

In this article we looked at the most unusual mushrooms on the planet. Many of them have an amazing and even appetizing appearance. But be extremely careful when eating mushrooms - some of them can cause irreparable harm to your health and can also be fatal.

Mushrooms are themselves mysterious and unusual representatives of living nature. Not plants, not animals, just one word - mushrooms. When many people hear the word “mushrooms,” they conjure up a picture of a sturdy boletus on a stalk in the autumn leaves. However, in fact, the fungal kingdom is huge, and the types of fungi are extremely diverse. There are microscopic ones, not visible to the eye, there are huge ones, of different colors and shapes, or without any shape at all. I already wrote more about mushrooms in the article " Who are mushrooms "But among them there are especially unusual representatives, with whom I will now introduce you.

For each of us, the concept of “unusual” mushroom is relative. A long time ago, the magazine “Young Naturalist” published a story about our compatriots working under contract in Africa. There, under the planted pines, boletus appeared. To the horror of the aborigines, ours began to eat these “monsters”.

In the economic classification of the nutritional value of mushrooms, there is also room for the “unusual” category, and the example of the meadow honey fungus is indicative here. I think this entire classification, consisting of four categories, will be of interest to readers (it is based on nutritional, energy value, possible ways processing).

Category I. Porcini, real saffron milk cap, real milk mushroom; camelina, etc.;

  • Category II. Boletus, aspen boletus, butterfly, pink and white milkweed, aspen milk mushroom, oakberry, Polish mushroom, common champignon, etc.;

  • Category III. Green flywheel, valui, russula, black milk mushroom, autumn honey fungus, true chanterelle, etc.;

  • Category IV. Fissured flywheel, non-caustic milkweed, meadow honey fungus, oyster mushroom, umbrella mushroom, flyweed, greenfinch, puffballs, morels.

All unusual, that is, little-known, rarely collected edible mushrooms were classified into the fourth category. Well, how can one not remember the proverb: what is good for a Russian is death for a German. Apparently, there is a difference in mentality and psychology, eating habits even at this level.
Unusual among the unusual

I think that readers will be interested in getting acquainted with some mushrooms that live in different regions of the world, which amaze with their unusualness.
Clavaria Zollinger, or coral mushroom

Zollinger's Clavaria is very exotic -Clavaria zollingeriLév., sometimes called coral mushroom, or purple coral. For Europe, this is a rare species, included in the red list of species in Denmark and Great Britain. And in Ireland it is used as an indicator species to assess the diversity of fungi in poor grassland substrates. IN last years it has been noted in the Netherlands, and apparently may spread further. The mushroom is not considered edible.

Archer's clathrus, or cuttlefish mushroom

Another unusual mushroom is Archer's clathrus (Clathrus archeri(Berk.) Dring). This mushroom is sometimes called “devil’s fingers” or “cuttlefish” for its terrifying appearance. This species is inedible, from the Red Book of Ukraine. Its homeland is far away - in Australia and Tasmania, and in Europe it spread through France.

Clathrus red, or trellis

And here is another, simply alien clathrus - red clathrus, or, as it is also called, lattice. This is also a wood-destroying, inedible mushroom that can rarely be found in forests. It can be found in southern regions with mild climates.

Trametes versicolor, or turkey tail

Quite interesting is the multi-colored tinder fungus, or multi-colored tramethes (Trametes versicolor(L.) Lloyd).

In this photo he illustrates his English-language nickname - "turkey tail".
It grows everywhere and can change color, which adds an element of surprise to color scheme. This mushroom is studied to combat oncology and is used in traditional medicine.

Glowing mushrooms

It is worth noting another unusual mushroom from subtropical Asia -Mycena сhlorophos(Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Sacc., reminiscent of James Cameron's fantasies in Avatar. It never received a separate Russian name, only a scientific, Latin one.

This mushroom is bioluminescent, glowing pale green. The fungus lives on plant woody debris. The optimal temperature for mycelium will be 27 °C, and for fruiting bodies - 21 °C, which is the norm for the subtropics.
The maximum glow occurs precisely at 27 ° C, and about 25-39 hours after the mushrooms themselves have formed and the cap has fully opened. At 21°C the glow will persist for 3 days.

Hydnellum Peca, or bleeding mushroom

The “bleeding mushroom” is a little scary (Hydnellum peckiiBanker), which in the scientific literature is called Peck's hydnellum. And even more frightening is its other name - “devil's tooth”. It has a bitter taste and is therefore inedible. Grows on the ground in spruce and pine forests. It has been described from forests in North America and Europe, and in recent years has also been discovered in Iran and Korea.

Sarcoscipha scarlet

The scarlet sarcoscypha (Sarcoscypha coccinea) also has beautiful name- scarlet elf cup. This mushroom is found throughout the world and can usually be seen in the cooler months, early spring or late autumn. The edibility of the mushroom is not known for certain, but in any case it is too coarse, tasteless and small to be collected on an industrial scale.

"Veiled Lady" or Bamboo Mushroom

This is the Lady with a Veil mushroom, or bamboo mushroom (Phallus indusiatusVent.). The mushroom uses a “veil” to attract flies that carry spores. The mushroom is used in haute Chinese cuisine, grown on plantations, and used in medicine.

But the amethyst lacquer mushroom (Laccaria amethystina(Huds.) Cooke, "False Amethyst") is striking in its purple color. But with age, the purple color disappears. In principle, the mushroom is edible, but can accumulate harmful substances.

Another “shock” mushroom is “Devil’s Cigar” (Chorioactis geaster(Peck) Kupfer ex Eckblad). This mushroom “opens” with 3-6 rays with a characteristic hissing sound as spores scatter, similar to cigar smoke.

Entolomahochstetteri(Reich.) Stev.) - really blue thanks to azulene, which is part of some marine invertebrates. This mushroom grows in New Zealand and parts of India.

Interestingly, the image of this mushroom appeared on one of the New Zealand banknotes (50 local dollars). And it is still unknown whether it is poisonous or not, what do you think?

Are miracles nearby?

I am constantly convinced that it is simply impossible to get used to unusual things. Sometimes you come across unusual mushrooms here in our homeland. Here are a few of my “favorites,” rare mushrooms.
Umbrella tinder fungus, or ram mushroom

Another unusual mushroom is the giant bighead (Calvatia gigantea(Batsch) Lloyd). The fruiting body reaches 50 cm. This mushroom is a source of valuable raw materials, which is studied for the manufacture of antitumor drugs, and is also used in folk medicine.

But here is an unusual mushroom - hericium coral (Hericium coralloides(Scop.) Pers.). This is a potential cultivation object for summer residents, since it has already appeared on sale. Maybe you dare try?

I think that after reading the recommendations for its use, summer residents will be encouraged to study and try this particular species. It is grown on wood, but not coniferous, stumps. By the way, this mushroom is from the Red Book, so officially it cannot be harvested in the forests.

Comb hedgehog, or "lion's mane"

Mushroom "lion's mane" - crested hedgehog (Hericium erinaceus(Bull.) Pers.) - very interesting due to its resemblance to the mane of a lion, albeit a white one. This mushroom is a relative of Hericium coral, which was mentioned above. This mushroom grows in Primorye, Crimea and the foothills of the Caucasus. The mushroom is edible and cultivated. We also have its mycelium for sale.

This fungus with a funny name is the flaked mushroom (Strobilomyces strobilaceus(Scop.) Berk.) - included in the Red Book of Ukraine, grows in the western regions, in deciduous and coniferous forests, lives on humus residues. Some authors provide information about the possibility of mycorrhiza formation by this fungus. The cone mushroom is edible, but, unfortunately, not tasty, it resembles fibrous meat.

Well, in my opinion, the most unusual, funny, useful and little-studied mushroom is Veselka. Veselka vulgaris -Phallus impudicusL. is an interesting mushroom, the usefulness of which is still little appreciated.

The spores of this fungus are carried by insects attracted by the specific smell of carrion. The fungus can decompose organic matter or form mycorrhizae with beech and oak. The fruiting body is formed very quickly, the growth rate reaches several millimeters per minute. The French (and partly the Germans) eat this mushroom like fresh radishes (in the young “egg” stage), having first removed the shell. According to those who eat it, the taste really is like radishes!

And its use as an aphrodisiac is quite understandable: the form, so to speak, obliges! And in Northern Montenegro, peasants rub the mushroom on the necks of bulls before bullfights to make them stronger. This mushroom is even fed to young bulls as an aphrodisiac. IN Lately this mushroom has become incredibly popular in folk medicine. It is used, in addition to the main wide spectrum, for the treatment of cancer.



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