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Polish mushroom. Cooking recipes. Polish Mushroom – Recipes Properties and How to Cook

One of the representatives of the flywheel genus is the Polish mushroom. It is also called brown mushroom, chestnut mushroom, or pansky mushroom.

Due to the similarity of its taste and pronounced mushroom smell, the Polish mushroom is often confused with porcini mushroom.

The Polish mushroom grows in a zone with a temperate climate - in Europe - Western Belarus, Western Ukraine, the Baltic states, the Far East, middle Asia, found even in Australia.

The Polish mushroom got its name because it was widely exported by Poland.

The Polish mushroom is fleshy, has a semicircular or convex cap, brown or chestnut in color (depending on the age of the mushroom), which becomes sticky and slippery in rainy weather. The bottom of the cap is spongy yellow-green or white with a yellowish tint. Distinctive feature Polish mushroom is that when you press the flesh of the lower part of the cap, it turns blue, but after a few seconds the color is restored. The leg has the same feature when it is cut.

The light brown or yellowish-tinged fibrous stalk is usually cylindrical in shape and reaches a thickness of 4 cm in diameter. The mushroom grows up to 12 cm in height.

Where and how to collect Polish mushroom?

Polish mushrooms begin to be collected in July, August to October. And if the weather is favorable, it grows in November. The mushroom is found mainly in coniferous forests. Although sometimes it can be found in deciduous trees. True to its name, moss mushroom, the mushroom grows around stumps and trees, most often old ones, on a green layer of moss.

For collecting mushrooms, a wicker basket is best suited, since mushrooms cake in bags and buckets and quickly deteriorate. And any worms present in any mushroom will certainly crawl onto a healthy mushroom.

How to clean Polish mushroom?

You need to start cleaning mushrooms as quickly as possible to avoid spoilage. First of all, you need to spread them in one layer on the newspaper.

Cleaning mushrooms comes down to cutting off the remains of the mycelium from the bottom of the stem, removing debris and dirt, as well as wormy areas. There is no need to remove the skin from the mushroom.

Cleaned mushrooms must be washed under running water and then soaked in salted water for about 20 minutes. Then rinse a couple more times under running water.

How and how long to cook Polish mushroom?

Some mushroom pickers claim that it is not necessary to cook the Polish mushroom; it can be immediately fried. But it’s better not to joke with your health.

The Polish mushroom, like any other mushroom, is a natural sponge and absorbs all harmful substances from the air and soil. So, even edible mushrooms can become poisonous. Therefore, firstly, Special attention should be directed to the places where they are collected - away from factories, factories and roads. And secondly, do not neglect the rules for processing mushrooms.

Before cooking, large mushrooms should be cut into 2-4 parts; small ones can be cooked whole.

It is better to take a spacious pan for cooking mushrooms, as they foam a lot. It is best to cook the mushrooms in batches by placing them in boiling water. It is enough to cook the Polish mushroom for 15-20 minutes, after which the broth must be drained. In this case, the mushrooms quickly darken, so further preparation should begin immediately after cooking. If you plan to cook them later, then leave them in this broth or transfer them to a new pan of boiling water, bring to a boil and turn off the heat.

After boiling, the Polish mushroom can be fried, pickled, salted, stewed, or frozen or dried.

Polish mushroom is very popular. Its juicy pulp and pleasant aroma are not inferior to the porcini mushroom in taste.

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Cook the Polish mushroom after boiling for 10-15 minutes.

How to cook Polish mushroom

1. For mushrooms, cut off the lower earthy part of the stem, remove debris from the mushrooms, wormy and darkened parts on the stems and caps, and for an old mushroom, cut off the lower spongy part of the cap where the spores are stored.
2. Wash the peeled mushrooms under cool running water.
3. Place the mushrooms in a bowl, pour in fresh cool water so that it covers them completely, leave for 10 minutes so that the earth and sand from the mushrooms settle at the bottom of the bowl.
4. Wash the Polish mushrooms again under running water.
5. Divide large mushrooms in half.
6. Pour 2-3 liters of water into a large saucepan so that the mushrooms are completely submerged, place over high heat and wait until it boils.
7. Place Polish mushrooms in boiling water and keep on medium heat for 10-15 minutes.

Mushroom soup with Polish mushrooms

for a 4 liter saucepan
Polish mushrooms - 300 grams
Potatoes - 2 tubers
Tomatoes - 2 pieces
Carrots - 1 piece
Green onions - 5 arrows
Bell pepper - 1 piece
Olive oil - 30 milliliters
Ground black pepper - half a teaspoon
Salt - half a teaspoon

How to cook soup with Polish mushrooms
1. Clean Polish mushrooms from debris and soil, cut off the lower part of the stem, remove darkened and wormy areas, wash in cool water.
2. Cut Polish mushrooms into centimeter-thick cubes.
3. Wash the potatoes and carrots, peel them, chop them into cubes 3 centimeters long and 0.5 centimeters thick.
4. Pour 2.5 liters into the pan cold water, add Polish mushrooms, place on the burner, bring to a boil over medium heat.
5. Remove the resulting foam, put potatoes, salt, pepper in the same pan, cook for 10 minutes.
6. Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds and stem, cut into squares a centimeter wide.
7. Pour oil into a frying pan, place over medium heat, and heat.
8. Fry carrots in oil and bell pepper 5 minutes.
9. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for 2 minutes, remove from the boiling water, remove the skin, cut into squares two centimeters thick.
10. Place the tomatoes in a frying pan with the vegetables, fry for 5 minutes until the moisture evaporates.
11. Add fried carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes to the pan with mushrooms and potatoes, cook for 10-15 minutes.
12. Wash the green onions and chop them.
13. Pour the soup into bowls, add sour cream, sprinkle with green onions.


Polish mushroom growing in coniferous forests, less often in deciduous forests. It often grows on stumps and in moss at the bases of the trunks of middle-aged pines, spruces, oaks, and beeches. Likes dryness, so deciduous forests almost never occurs. In Russia, the Polish mushroom is distributed in the European part, in Siberia, in Far East and in the North Caucasus.

In different places the Polish mushroom has different titles. In common parlance it is called pansky mushroom, chestnut moss mushroom, brown mushroom.

- Collection season Polish mushroom - from June to November.

The Polish mushroom is brown hat up to 15 centimeters in diameter, becomes sticky in wet weather. The bottom of the cap is yellow-white, porous. The stem of the mushroom has a light brown or yellow tint, up to 12 centimeters high, 1 - 4 centimeters thick. It can be cylindrical, narrowed or swollen at the bottom. The pulp is dense, white or yellowish.

Polish mushroom cap at the cut site turns blue- it is his distinguishing feature, it does not affect the taste and quality of the mushroom in any way. If you doubt which mushroom you picked, white or Polish, after a couple of minutes the Polish mushroom will turn blue.

Polish mushroom rich essential oils, sugars, minerals. In terms of protein content, it can replace meat foods in the diet.

Fresh Polish mushroom has a pleasant mushroomy smell, boiled mushroom has a mild taste, in terms of taste it belongs to category 2 out of 4 (for comparison, porcini mushroom is category 1, and row mushroom is category 4.

Polish mushrooms are better process immediately after collection. To do this, you need to lay them out in one layer on the surface, remove debris and dirt, cut off the lower part of the stem of each mushroom and cut out the wormy areas. For an old mushroom, you need to cut off the spongy part of the cap. Pour over mushrooms cold water for 10 minutes until the soil leaves them, rinse thoroughly. If the mushrooms are old and there is a risk that the mushrooms are wormy, it is recommended to soak the mushrooms in salted water.

Fresh Polish mushrooms keep in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment for no more than 12 hours; store boiled Polish mushrooms in mushroom broth, covered with a lid, for 3-4 days.

- Calorie content Polish mushroom - 19 kcal/100 grams.

In the second half of summer, the fertile time for mushroom picking begins. Many connoisseurs and connoisseurs of nature's forest gifts are looking forward to this time. One of prominent representatives of the flywheel family is a Polish mushroom. It can be found mainly in coniferous forests, starting from mid-August. This forest dweller is often confused with the traditional porcini mushroom because it is very similar to it. Therefore, the Polish mushroom, recipes and properties of this gift of nature have always been of interest to lovers of “silent hunting”.

The Polish mushroom has a dark chocolate-colored cap with a diameter of 5–10 centimeters. Many inexperienced mushroom pickers are misled by the color of the flesh of the Polish mushroom. Unlike its white counterpart, the flesh of the Polish mushroom initially begins to turn blue when cut, then becomes brown.

In different places where it grows, the Polish mushroom is called differently. Such common names as pansky mushroom, brown mushroom, chestnut moss mushroom are known. This gift of nature belongs to edible mushrooms second category. It is extremely tasty no matter how it is processed. Experts believe that the most The best way Polish porcini mushroom preparations – drying. Polish mushroom cut into thin slices and dried in a draft will delight you in the cold winter with a delicious reminder of autumn.

Prepare Polish mushroom without pre-boiling. It can be fried and boiled. This mushroom is used in various mushroom soups and main courses. It is very tasty to use fried or stewed mushrooms with mashed potatoes or fried potatoes. Experienced chefs add mushrooms stewed with onions and carrots to buckwheat or pasta. The sauce made from these mushrooms will add an unforgettable aroma and decorate any meat dish. The sauce can be served with potato pancakes, pancakes stuffed with meat or cabbage.

Polish mushroom is also salted, pickled, and frozen. Famous culinary chefs often include this forest dweller in a variety of salads as an exquisite additional ingredient. By the way, Polish mushroom is very popular in the cuisine of European countries.

Mushrooms of the flywheel family are rich in vitamins, essential oils, sugars, and minerals. Polish mushroom is an excellent food product for vegetarians, since it can replace meat products in terms of protein content. At the same time, the Polish mushroom is a rather heavy food, so it is recommended to chop it before cooking.

Mushroom casserole. Connoisseurs of Polish mushrooms, recipes and properties of this representative of the moss mushrooms, often recommend preparing a delicious dish - mushroom casserole. To prepare it, you will need to boil a kilogram of Polish mushrooms, chop thoroughly, fry in vegetable oil with big amount Luke. You will need at least 5 onion heads. Then add one glass of ground crackers to the mushrooms and onions. As it cooks, add mushroom broth and add spices to taste. Having mixed everything thoroughly, the mushrooms are placed on a special form, greased, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and baked for about 30 minutes. Tasty dish ready!

Polish style mushrooms in sour cream. Polish mushrooms baked in sour cream are extremely popular. That’s what they call them: mushrooms in Polish. To prepare, you need to take a kilogram of Polish mushrooms, 100 grams of butter, 200 grams of sour cream, 30 grams of hard grated cheese, 2 tablespoons of dry white wine, the same amount of flour, spices, salt. Prepared, finely chopped mushrooms are fried for 30 minutes, then placed in special pots, sprinkled with flour, pepper, wine and sour cream are added. Place in the oven for about a quarter of an hour, then remove, sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake again for 5 minutes. Ready dish served in pots. The unique taste and delicious mushroom aroma will not leave anyone indifferent.

Mushroom sauce. Chop the mushrooms and simmer until tender with finely chopped onion with the addition of olive oil. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add fatty mushrooms, salt and ground black pepper, to taste. Depending on the consistency of the sauce you want, you need to add as much cream. If desired, you can add greens. The preferred herb for mushrooms is dill.

Mushroom soup. The Polish mushroom makes a very tasty and aromatic mushroom soup. Its preparation is not particularly difficult for anyone, even an inexperienced cook. Polish mushrooms are finely chopped, placed in a saucepan with water, and brought to a boil. After removing the foam, cook with the addition of spices for about 15 minutes, then add potatoes, finely chopped carrots, pre-blanched bell peppers, and previously peeled tomatoes and cook until fully cooked. After 10 minutes the soup is ready. Served with sour cream, dill, green onions. Bon appetit!

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