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Strengthening muscle tone. How to Strengthen Your Core Core Muscles

Exercise for the chest, arms and shoulders, including the abdominal muscles.

Sit on a chair or armchair, lean back (you cannot sit without support under your lower back). Look ahead and slightly up. The stick is pressed to the chest from above, the arms are bent and pressed to the body, the elbows are back. Straighten your arms forward in front of your chest, return them to initial position. Straighten it up above you (you can lean back slightly and tilt your head), return to the starting position again. One approach - 20 such cycles.

Perform 2-3 approaches.

Photo: AiF/ Eduard Kudryavitsky

Twisting the body

Abdominal exercise

Lying on your back, bend your knees and place them on the floor. Raise the stick above you at knee level, arms bent. Slowly pull your knees towards the stick and return your feet to the floor. Also, slowly stretch your forehead in the direction of the stick, lifting your head and shoulders off the floor and return to the floor again. If it's easy for you, lift your legs and head at the same time. One approach - 10 repetitions.

Perform 2-3 approaches.

Photo: AiF/ Eduard Kudryavitsky

Plie with a stick on the shoulders

The best exercise for the hips and buttocks, it includes the inner thighs, strengthens the back and tightens the stomach.

Place the stick on the back of your shoulders (not on your neck, but below!). Hold it with your hands at your sides, elbows bent and apart. Spread your legs as wide as possible, with your toes turned slightly outward. Squat without bringing your knees inward, making sure they move over your toes! Do not lower your chin to your chest, do not lower your pelvis below your knees. One approach - 15-20 repetitions.

Perform 2-3 approaches.

Photo: AiF/ Eduard Kudryavitsky

Pelvic rotation

An exercise to warm up the whole body, improves balance and coordination, tightens the stomach, straightens the back.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, stomach pulled in. Raise your straight arms with a stick above your head, palms wider than your shoulders. Stretch your arms up, look at the stick. Make circular movements with your pelvis, slowly and with a large amplitude: five - right-forward-left-back, five - in the opposite direction. One approach - 30-40 rotations.

Perform 2-3 approaches.

Photo: AiF/ Eduard Kudryavitsky

Sumo deadlift

The exercise effectively strengthens the back and shoulders, removes fat from the hips, and makes the buttocks denser and more toned.

Place your feet as wide as possible, with your toes turned outward. A stick in your hands, lowered in front of you. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and lift your chin slightly, your back will bend slightly back, this deflection must be maintained throughout the entire exercise. Squat and at the same time tilt your body forward, lowering the stick to the floor. The stick moves along your legs, do not move your arms forward! When lowering the stick, do not slouch or let your chin rest on your chest. Spread your knees outward so as not to move your hands forward with the stick. Move slowly, imagine that you are pulling a heavy barbell from the floor. One approach - 20 repetitions.

Perform 2 approaches.

Photo: AiF/ Eduard Kudryavitsky


Exercise for shoulders, back, abdomen, lower back.

Lying on your back, bend your legs, feet on the floor. The stick in your hands lies on your stomach, palms at hip level or slightly narrower. Raise your straight arms with the stick above you and lower them behind your head, placing your elbows and forearms on the floor. Using your legs, arms and upper back, lift your pelvis off the floor and lift it as high as possible. Lower your pelvis and return your hands to your stomach. One approach - 15 repetitions.

Perform 3 sets.

There are many different ways to strengthen the body. On this moment, they haven’t come up with anything more effective than regular debate sessions. It is important to load two or three muscle groups in one workout. You need to start by developing the weakest areas of the body.

How to strengthen your abdominal muscles after childbirth?

After pregnancy in to the greatest extent The abdominal muscles suffer as they become weak and lose their elasticity. Yoga strengthens the abdominal muscles well, the main thing is to choose the simplest ones to begin with. To correct the situation, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees. While inhaling deeply, try to tense your pelvic muscles as much as possible. The task is to slowly lift the navel up in this position, and then pull it inward.
  2. Sit on the sofa, bend your knees and place a pillow under your head. Pull in as hard as possible lower muscles abdomen, hold for a couple of seconds, and then bend forward.

How to strengthen muscles?

Let's look at several exercises that allow you to train different muscle groups at the same time:

It will also be interesting to know which muscles walking strengthens. If you walk uphill, the muscles of the thighs and calves receive stress. Walking backwards allows you to load your back and buttocks. If you walk with your knees bent, you can develop your abdominal muscles.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about a problem that concerns every person.

You probably already realized that our topic today is: how to strengthen your back muscles at home.

Year by year, doctors are sounding the alarm more and more: by the time they reach high school, up to thirty percent of schoolchildren have problems with the spine.

And by the age of fifty, about eighty percent of our citizens complain of back pain.

By retirement age, almost everyone has their own preferences among pain-relieving ointments, gels, and tablets.

At the same time they say doomedly: what do you want, age... But is it really so hopeless? Is it possible to maintain a healthy back into old age? Undoubtedly. But you need to take care of this in advance, from a young age.

Causes of spine problems

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of spinal health for each of us. This is the core of the musculoskeletal system.

Provides slim posture, beautiful gait, and most importantly, protects the spinal cord, therefore, the functioning of all human organs.

Hippocrates also said that all diseases begin from the back. And the great Greek was right about this!

Factors contributing to the development of problems with the spine are varied: incorrect posture when studying at school and at home and uncomfortable shoes, long hours of “vigilance” at the computer and heavy loads on the spine during physical work, unhealthy diet (lots of salt and fatty foods) and an uncomfortable bed, etc. .d., etc.

But the result is the same – pain and limited mobility. But we know that the spine is supported and protected by the back muscles.

So strong and reliable back muscles are your guarantee of mobility for many years, if you like, your guarantee of a happy old age.

How to strengthen your back muscles

The smartest thing to do would be to go swimming. One hour of swimming a day - and you will forget about back problems.

When swimming, all muscle groups work with optimal load, a muscle corset is formed, and at the same time, the body does not experience extreme tension in the water.

At the nearest sports center, the trainer will also offer you a whole range of exercise equipment and exercises to strengthen your back muscles.

If going to the pool or Gym is impossible for objective (or subjective) reasons, don’t be upset.

You can strengthen your back muscles both at home and in the workplace without much stress or financial investment. All you need is your will, patience and a little time.

How to strengthen your back muscles at home

Experts have developed many exercises for the back, some of which we will talk about today.

American fitness professional Roberta Lenard, who was a personal trainer in Massachusetts for many years, called her complex “exercise for the lazy.”

There are only four exercises in it, but their benefits can hardly be overestimated. Start doing all exercises 1-4 times, fixing the position for 2-4 seconds. Gradually increase the number of times you perform each exercise to 12-15, fixing for 6-8 seconds.

The complex is suitable for people of any age and physical fitness.

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Feet hip-width apart, arms relaxed. Lift your buttocks and back up so that your feet and shoulders remain supported. Hold for a few seconds and carefully lower yourself.
  2. Exercise strengthens the muscle corset under increased loads (heavy physical work, dancing, caring for a baby, etc.). Get on all fours, place your knees hip-width apart and your palms shoulder-width apart. Pull your stomach in, but keep your back still. Raise your right leg and left hand, stretch out in a straight line and hold for a few seconds, lower. Switch arms and legs.
  3. Stabilizes the back muscles and lumbar spine, especially useful when working on your feet. Lying on your side, place your elbow on the floor at shoulder level. Lift your hips off the floor and hold for a few seconds. Repeat the same on the other side.
  4. Exercise improves coordination and strengthens the muscles of the buttocks. Stand straight, hands on your hips, abdominal muscles tightened. Make alternate lunges with one leg for the maximum possible step. Lock it in.

Therapeutic gymnastics by Margarita Levchenko

Margarita Levchenko has developed a complex to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, as well as to develop joint mobility. It is available to everyone and takes only 10 minutes a day.

You will strengthen your muscles, improve your well-being, and relieve pain in problem areas. Find out more about the complex.

Exercises for office workers

If your job involves sitting for long hours at a computer or at a desk with documents, etc., remember: your back is at risk.

Help her by doing simple exercises a couple of times a day.

By the way, schoolchildren and students can do the same exercises during prolonged classes. You can perform the exercises without leaving your workplace, sitting on a chair. Each exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

  1. Straighten up, raise and lower your shoulders as much as possible several times.
  2. Press your fists or the backs of your hands into your lower back, bend back, tilt your head back slightly and freeze for 2-3 seconds.
  3. Bend over in the same way, but lower your arms lower, maybe behind a chair.
  4. Turn your head right - left, forward - back several times. This relaxes the cervical spine.
  5. Clasp your hands behind your back and raise your elbows one at a time (like a swing).

When you go to the dining room, toilet or smoking room (if you haven’t quit smoking yet!), do two more exercises:

  1. Stand against the wall so that your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head touch the wall. Stay like this for a few seconds, then move away from the wall, trying to fix your posture.
  2. Stand with your feet slightly apart. Raise your elbows up and lower your palms as close to your shoulder blades as possible (if that doesn’t work, let them lie on your neck). Bring and spread your elbows to the maximum possible amplitude.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and quite feasible. The main thing is not to forget about yourself, your loved one.

More exercises to strengthen your back muscles

Lying on your back:

  • bend your knees and, without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor, lower your legs together to the right and left or one leg at a time on the opposite side;
  • clasp your legs with your arms (“baby pose”) and roll back and forth on your back;
  • try throwing your legs over your head;
  • lying on your stomach, immediately raise your arms and legs and fix them;
  • lying on your side, slightly bend the leg on top and lean on your knee, and then try to lift the leg on the bottom as much as possible;
  • pushups;
  • leaning on your arms and legs, lift your torso as far as you can (a kind of bridge);
  • lift your head and legs at the same time.

In a standing or sitting position, perform various body bends, turns and twists.

How to strengthen back muscles at home for a woman

A woman has a great purpose - to bear and give birth to a child. And this is a huge load on the back. Therefore, a woman needs to pay special attention to strengthening her back muscles.

All the exercises already described are suitable for women, but special attention should be paid to training the lower spine.

Basically, this is when you, lying on your back, lift the upper, lower or both parts of the body (“cat”, “box”, “snake”, etc.), that is, stretching exercises.

When training your back, it would be good to have sports equipment at home:

  • jump rope - an old, good, favorite jump rope from childhood can serve you well into adulthood, just don’t get carried away with super-energetic jumping;
  • Hala Hoop is a wonderful exercise machine not only for losing weight, but also for strengthening the back muscles;
  • dumbbells strengthen muscles and help build up seductive areas (for a man - biceps, for a woman - mammary glands);
  • fitball (who doesn’t know, a large rubber ball) – it’s not for nothing that women and children adore it, it helps to combine business with pleasure: strengthen the back muscles and relax, have fun. Lying on it with your back and rolling back and forth is fun and useful.

How to strengthen your child's back muscles

Already from the age of six months, the child will happily ride on a huge ball (fitball), stretching his back.

You can hold the child by the legs and roll and pull the ball. From the age of two, you can already introduce exercises with bending and turning the body into your morning exercises (you can call this a game of windmill, lumberjack, boat, airplane, etc.).

When the child grows up, it’s time for a scooter, a bicycle, roller skates, a skateboard or gymnastic exercises (“bridge”, “swallow”, etc.)

Girls enjoy practicing walking with a light load on their heads (like Indian or African women).

This exercise not only strengthens the back muscles, but also develops excellent posture.

And the boys are happy to reach for the horizontal bars - support them in this endeavor. Let them learn to take care of their back from childhood!

We wish you and your children health!

Does your lower back ache, is it difficult to bend over, does your vertebra click? All these are signs of a neglected back. A weak muscle corset cannot support the spine and internal organs, which is why pain occurs. Exercises to strengthen the back muscles will relieve problems and become an effective prevention of spinal diseases.

Back exercises differ from other exercises in the degree of risk. If you injure your back, then due to the displacement of the support, the spine will be overloaded, organs and blood vessels will be compressed, and this will immediately affect the functioning of the brain.

Before performing the complex, you need to go to the doctor. X-rays and consultation are the minimum that needs to be taken care of.

Safety precautions when performing exercises to strengthen the back are as follows.

  1. Slow movements. Your task is not to do the complex as quickly as possible, but to feel the muscles working as much as possible.
  2. Forget about jerking. Sharp lunges, twisting and bending transfer the load to the joint-ligamentous apparatus.
  3. Progress through more repetitions or difficulty. Exercises with dumbbells are recommended for strong backs. Weak muscles will not be able to lift the weight, so the legs, arms, and abs will be more involved in the work. The complex will cease to be targeted and will be dispersed throughout the body.
  4. Monitor your health. Stop gymnastics if discomfort occurs. Overcoming yourself through pain will only harm your body.
  5. Don't exercise on a full stomach. Do exercises before meals or after 2 hours.

The complex is performed every day. Set aside half an hour in the morning and evening for this. A couple of your favorite exercises can be done every hour as a warm-up for your back.

Watch your breath! It should be uniform. We tense the muscles as we exhale, and relax as we inhale. This is an essential condition for the effectiveness of the entire complex.

Before classes, place a special gymnastic mat or blanket on the floor, folded 3-4 times. This will soften the shocks and remove excess stress from the vertebrae.

Who are contraindicated for back exercises?

The training complex is not designed for everyone. There are precautions.

You should not do exercises to strengthen your spine if:

  • there is a spinal injury;
  • I recently had an operation and the stitches did not completely dissolve;
  • there is a period of exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • bleeding is observed;
  • there are problems with the kidneys, lungs, heart or blood vessels;
  • You are pregnant.

Still want to work on your back? Make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. He will recommend the safest exercises for you from the repertoire of physical therapy.

Preparation for training

A good warm-up is the key to a safe workout. Unheated muscles and stiff joints can cost your health. Special attention Take time to warm up in the morning, because before this the body has been motionless for a long time.

How to warm up?

  1. Let's wake up the body. Run in place or jump. Now you need to wake up and get your heart pumping.
  2. We develop joints. Rotate the joints in different directions, starting from the top. We knead the foot like this: bend it slightly in the middle with your fingers back until there is slight discomfort. Rotations are harmful to the neck. We replace them with tilts 10 times in four directions.
  3. We stretch the muscles. Stretch slightly to the sides so that the muscles become elastic and receive blood flow.

A set of exercises for the back

The system is designed for intermediate and beginner levels of fitness. Exercises are performed at home without weights. Do up to 15 repetitions, number of approaches: from 1 to 5, depending on your level of fitness.

Bridge with hips

It is often recommended for people with weak supporting structures: proper execution involves muscles to a greater extent than ligaments and joints. Training relieves lumbar pain by strengthening and stretching the back muscles. The work also includes the buttocks, abs and thighs.

How to do it?

  1. Lie on the floor with your knees bent. The arms are extended along the body, and the back is pressed tightly to the surface.
  2. As you exhale, strain your buttocks and lift your pelvis up until your hips and chin can be connected by a straight line. At the same time, we slightly round the lower back so as not to overload. The primary movement is made by the pelvis, not the back.
  3. As you inhale, slightly relax your muscles and lower yourself down.

Keep your muscles tense at all times. Do not throw your body down, but lower it smoothly.

Advanced level: lift your body on one leg, the second is bent at this time and lies on the first leg, the ankle touching the knee.

Dog and bird

The exercise involves the whole body, as you will have to maintain balance. The buttocks will receive an additional stimulus by raising the legs.

How to do it?

  1. Get on all fours with your arms and legs at 90 degrees to your body. Place your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Tighten your core muscles so that your back is completely straight. The shoulder blades are slightly brought together, the gaze is directed downwards.
  3. Simultaneously lift and extend your left arm and right leg. They should be parallel to the floor.
  4. Hold the tense position slightly.
  5. Smoothly step back and switch arms and legs.

You can make the exercise more difficult by spending more time at the point of maximum tension. Isotonic exercise simultaneously trains and stretches the muscles, increasing blood flow. Try standing with your leg and arm raised for 5-10 seconds, sway slightly while maintaining your balance.

One of the most difficult exercises even with your own weight. The effect is comparable to training in the gym. It differs from a regular plank in the increased load on one side and the powerful development of the oblique abdominal muscles, which are responsible for supporting the back and creating a thin waist.

How to do it?

  1. Lie on your side, resting on your elbow. The hand is extended forward and pressed to the floor, creating additional support. The second hand rests on the waist.
  2. Place your legs on top of each other, with only one touching the floor.
  3. Straighten your back and tighten your stomach.
  4. As you exhale, lift your body off the floor and lift it up. Perfect option– the body is like a straight line.
  5. Hold the plank position for a few seconds and slowly lower yourself to the floor.

The support is on the arm and leg. A sagging belly is a problem that can cost the health of your spine.

For beginners, a plank on your side with your legs bent at the knees is suitable. This increases the area of ​​support, which helps maintain balance.

The difficulty is also increased by standing in the plank position longer. Hold your back straight for 10-20 seconds and you won't need dumbbells.

The most difficult option: when lifting the body, we also raise the upper arm and leg. They are in a position of 45 degrees relative to the body.

About 90% of people believe that lunges are an exercise for the buttocks. However, this movement involves the whole body, including the back - it holds the body, preventing it from collapsing. The lower back and front of the thigh will receive most of the load.

How to do it?

  1. Stand straight, your feet are in a medium position, your hands are on your waist.
  2. Inhale and take a step forward. The weight is transferred to that leg and placed evenly across the entire foot. Make sure your body is straight. The back leg rests only on the toes, and the knee almost touches the floor.
  3. As you exhale, direct your center of gravity to your back leg and straighten your front leg. Return to the starting position.

When lunging forward, do not drop the knee of the back leg to the floor - the kneecap is fragile. Gently lower your leg and stay one and a half cm to the floor.

Keep your lower back straight and do not touch your stomach with your legs. If it’s difficult, then slightly tuck your back forward, the main thing is to not let your abs sag. Also keep your head straight, your gaze directed forward.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, not in a straight line. This will make it easier for you to maintain balance and protect yourself from injury.

Stretching on a fitball

Our back bends forward during the day. The lower back is clamped in one position, so it starts to hurt. Exercises on a fitball compensate for this by creating a backbend and relieving tension.

There are several options for stretching on an exercise ball. Let's look at the two most effective ones.

Exercise for the deep lumbar muscles.

  1. Rest your stomach on the ball. The legs are wide apart, straight and resting on the floor with their toes. Arms are parallel to the body.
  2. As you exhale, lift your body up, straightening your shoulders. Try to reach higher.
  3. Inhale and come back.

Bridge on a fitball to strengthen the back muscles.

  1. Lie with your back on the ball. At the same time, your arms and legs must rest on the floor, maintaining balance. The calves are pressed against the ball.
  2. Gently roll the ball under your back. The spine is tightly pressed to the fitball; there should be no gaps or unnecessary deflections.
  3. Try staying on the bridge for a few seconds.

The exercise is safer than the classic version without an exercise ball. The muscle corset is formed gradually, without overload.

Baby pose

The exercise comes from yoga. Great for relaxing after a workout and during the work day. The muscles tense slightly and stretch more. The muscles most involved are the erector spinae and the lower back. During sedentary work, these muscles contract 90% of the time, which causes back pain.

When the intervertebral discs are stretched, they return to their normal position. Excessive pressure is removed from the nerves and blood vessels, and the influx of fresh blood saturates the body with oxygen.

How to do it?

  1. Get on your knees.
  2. Place your body down on your knees and relax. The head rests on the floor with the forehead or temple.
  3. Stretch your arms along your body without straining them.
  4. Make sure your shoulders and neck are also relaxed.
  5. Hold the pose while breathing deeply. As you exhale, relax the muscles one by one from bottom to top: first your feet, then your calves, thighs, etc.
  6. Slowly return to a kneeling position.

Due to deep breathing, the abdominal organs receive a light massage. This increases blood flow and improves their functions.

Prevention of back pain

Don't expect sharp pain, take care of your back in advance. All prevention is based on compliance with traffic rules.

  1. Watch your posture.
  2. Stretch regularly: Our bodies are not designed to sit constantly.
  3. Sit with your back straight in an appropriately sized chair.
  4. Don't strain yourself by carrying heavy things.
  5. Exercise; For busy people, our complex is suitable for half an hour.

If you have back problems, visit an orthopedic doctor at least once every six months. He will track the dynamics of your condition and help correct it. A healthy back is the key to the health of the whole body!

The most urgent need for strengthening the back muscles appears in the presence of diseases such as scoliosis or osteochondrosis, as well as vertebral hernias. Strengthened muscles “hold” the spine, preventing the disease from ruining a person’s life.

Strengthening the back muscles - general rules

Before you start gymnastics, It is important to ensure that there are no contraindications. It is not recommended to start exercises without consulting a doctor if you have health problems.

It is likely that the specialist will advise you to do and.

Contact an appropriate specialist, and he will prescribe exactly those exercises that will help build a muscle corset for you personally.

So what do you need to remember?

  • Monitor your well-being. There should be no discomfort or (especially) pain in problem areas of the spine - their appearance may indicate a worsening of the condition. Only slight inconveniences that do not hinder movement are acceptable.
  • The exercises are performed as carefully as possible. It is important to ensure that weakened muscles are strengthened, and hardened muscles gradually relax.
  • Exercises that involve various types of “twisting” should be avoided. You should also avoid jumping, sharp jolts and blows in the back, and serious efforts on problem areas of the spine.
  • When and how much? A set of 2-4 sessions is divided into a series of exercises performed 5-6 times a day in certain portions.
  • We don’t jump right off the bat! We start calmly - with a minimum of loads and low amplitudes. Next, as your general well-being improves, we carefully increase the pace.
  • Be prepared for the fact that you will have to do the exercises on an ongoing basis. for preventive purposes.
  • If there is an exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you cannot exercise - exercises should be postponed until the inflammation subsides.
  • The main emphasis is on the quality of exercises. Don't chase quantity! Without much strain or severe shortness of breath, you can perform them in 1-2 sets at a calm pace of 15 exercises. Do them smoothly, without jerking.

These exercises are contraindicated for…

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Any type of bleeding.
  • Severe pain syndrome.
  • Or the presence of problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Video: Exercises for back muscles

Building a muscle corset - 13 exercises for back muscles

First of all, it is worth noting that the most effective complicated exercises are recognized, characterized by a serious load with alternating body turns, bends, straightening movements of the arms with the shoulder blades brought together, and in addition - exercises for training all the spinal muscles attached to the spine, consisting of straight bends.

  1. Sit on the floor, cross your legs (Lotus pose) and, bending our elbows, place our palms on our shoulders. Next, put your arms up and make significant swings forward/backward. Then we lean forward deeply, with our forearms firmly touching the floor.
  2. We get on our knees. We raise right hand and move the left one to the left. We make circular movements in the “backward” direction. Next, change the hand.
  3. In a standing position Pull yourself up on your toes, stretch the top of your arm and pull in your stomach as much as possible. Slowly we lean forward (note - at the same time we bend the cervical, then the thoracic, and then the lumbar), grab our ankles with our hands and pull our body tightly towards our hips. Then we gradually unbend and calmly return to the starting position.
  4. We spread our legs wide and lower the palms of our bent arms onto our shoulders. We turn the body to the right, turn the right hand as high back as possible (palm up) and, making a wide swing back, return to the starting point. Next - the same exercise, but in the other direction.
  5. We stand straight, feet together . Bend your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. We bend forward, bending deeply, then back to the starting position. Afterwards, stretch your arms forward, make swings, lean forward deeply again and lower your tired arms. Then we slowly straighten up and again lower the palms of our bent arms onto our shoulders.
  6. We spread our legs to the sides from a standing position , we lower our hands “soldier-like, at the seams”, squat and back - to the starting position. Next, you should lean forward deeply, swing your arms wide back and make a deep bend. Afterwards, return to the starting position and stretch your arms in front of you.
  7. We get on our knees, arms extended forward. We tilt until we rest our hands on the floor. With a sharp push we spread our arms in different directions, then swing our arms and return our arms with a push back.
  8. We spread our legs to the sides from a standing position, with our arms at our sides. Lean forward deeply and “throw” your arms freely down. When bending over, swing your arms wide and touch the floor as far behind you as possible. Next, bend over, stretch your arms forward and touch the floor as far in front of you as possible.
  9. In the “kneeling” position, lean forward, extending your arms and resting them on the floor. Bent over and swinging, without moving your legs, move your hands to the left and then back. The same thing - to the right side.
  10. We get down on our knees, focusing on our outstretched arms. We slowly lift our pelvis up and also slowly stretch our legs, carefully “rolling” our weight back and without lifting our feet from the floor. Next - swing on a bend and again on your knees.
  11. We lie down on our stomachs and extend our arms far forward with our palms on the floor. We bend back with our palms on the back of our heads. Next, stretch your arms forward and return to the starting position.
  12. Lying on your stomach, join your bent arms in front of your forehead. Forearms - as far inward as possible. Next, we slowly raise our legs from the floor and, after alternate swings (approx. - with outstretched fingers) up/down, lower our legs to the floor.
  13. Sitting position, legs together. We bend the left leg and press it tightly to the stomach with both hands, after which we move our arms back with our palms turned up and swing back without changing the position of the bent leg. Next, we lean forward deeply, exhale and reach with our hands to the right toe. After that, we change the leg.


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