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The effect of stress on the human body. How does stress affect the human body?

Many people are constantly under stress. This negatively affects human health. Nerve cells are depleted, immunity decreases, and a tendency to various physical illnesses. There is also a possibility that under the influence of stress, mental disorder. For example, neurosis obsessive states, which is not so easy to correct.

Example from life: Anastasia lived happy life until he left her close person. She took this departure very hard. But Nastya did nothing to soften the impact of the stressful situation. On the contrary, she was engaged in self-flagellation. And as a result, the girl got.

Or another example:

Sergei Ivanovich was constantly nervous at work. Even at home he could not completely retire from work. In his thoughts he was on official place. He kept thinking about how he could cope with his work, how to improve his work, how more money earn money to feed the family.

And as a result, he initially developed chronic fatigue. And then an ulcer.

From these two examples it is clear that stress has a negative effect.

Here is a list of consequences the effect of stress on a person:

1. A person’s energy level decreases under the influence of stress, and rapid fatigue appears. Strength is depleted, and there is a feeling that you don’t want to do anything. There is no strength to cope with work successfully.

2. The emotional sphere suffers, mood decreases, and depressive thoughts appear. A person begins to concentrate on the bad, and this leads to the fact that the bad only intensifies. And it turns out vicious circle, from which you need to get rid of negative emotions.

3. Physical health is failing. Chronic diseases worsen or new ones appear, such as hypertension, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, heart disease and many others. Also, under the influence of stress, a person’s risk of cancer increases.

4. A person under the influence of stress can gain weight. This happens because food begins to perform a protective function, stress eating occurs and naturally this does not reflect on your figure in the best way.

How to get rid of the influence of stress?

There are many ways to relieve stress. In this article we will focus on the easiest and most pleasant ones.

1. Baths with sea ​​salt or essential oils.

It is especially good to take after work. Helps you relax and relieve tension.

2. Walking in the fresh air.

They calm you down and put your thoughts in order. In addition, they help improve health.

3. Go to your favorite fitness club.

An excellent stress reliever. So don't neglect physical activity. Take a dance or yoga class. And if you can’t go to a sports club, exercise at home.

4. Relaxation.

A widely known and recommended way to relax the mind and body. To implement it, just turn on pleasant, calm music, sit comfortably and relax. To make it more pleasant, you can also visualize pleasant pictures during the session. For example, the seashore, or a walk in the forest.

The state of stress is perceived by most people as clearly negative. However, experts are not so categorical in their assessments. They define stress as a natural, natural and quite expected reaction to a variety of external stimuli that cause disturbances in the psycho-emotional sphere. Currently, the causes of stress often include economic instability in the world, the unstable financial situation of people, which gives rise to anxiety and concern for their own future. And since it is impossible to avoid such problems, the impact of stress on human health becomes permanent. It is useful for every modern person to know what this can lead to.

The influence of stress on the human body at the physiological level

Usually people diagnose stress by unpleasant sensations of a psycho-emotional nature, but it no less clearly affects the functioning of the internal systems of the body. Therefore, when noting the impact of stress on health, physiological factors should also be taken into account. The main processes in this regard are the following:

  • automatic increase in blood sugar levels - glucose is needed as a source of energy, which in turn is needed to activate the body’s defenses; That's why constant stress can lead to diabetes;
  • a sharp contraction of the thymus gland - it is part of the human immune system and is responsible for the production of leukocytes; with frequent uncontrolled contraction of this organ, leukocytes are not produced, which reduces the level of the body’s natural defenses;
  • muscles involuntarily tense - if this happens regularly and does not alternate with long periods of relaxation, it can lead to the destruction of muscle cells and tissues that make up internal organs;
  • the diameter of the capillaries increases, their expansion occurs, under severe stress they can burst, causing the appearance of hematomas, blueness and unnatural pallor of the skin, impaired blood supply to tissues and organs;
  • the deceptive processes in the cells are disrupted, and they begin to large quantities produce toxins that are not eliminated naturally, but accumulate, poisoning the body.

The influence of stress on human psychosomatic health

A stressful state is no less destructive at the psychosomatic level. Bad influence stress in this case manifests itself as follows:

  • attacks of aggression, anger, irritability;
  • mood swings;
  • loss of strength, loss of interest in life;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of self-confidence, hypochondria, neuroses;
  • persistent headaches;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • decreased performance;
  • increased risk of cancer against the background of a constantly depressed emotional state.

In society, any nervous disorder is considered to be stress, and its extreme manifestations are considered hysteria. From a medical point of view, hysteria and neurasthenia are mental disorders and are subject to correction by psychiatrists. However, the impact of stress on humans is not limited to neurological disorders.

The term “stress” appeared in medicine from physics, where it refers to the tension of a system due to a force applied from the outside.

The human body as a single system is under pressure every day external factors. Stressors can be environmental reasons:

  • Air pollution,
  • Atmospheric pressure surges;
  • Magnetic storms;
  • Sudden changes in air temperature.

Medical stressors are any diseases (from traumatic injuries to infectious diseases), social stressors are conflict situations in a team, society. The impact of stress on a person is great - it negatively affects physical and psychological health.

Medical aspects of stress

In 1926, the founder of the doctrine of stress, Hans Selye, published his observations of patients suffering from various diseases. The results were amazing: regardless of the disease, everyone experienced loss of appetite, muscle weakness, high blood pressure, loss of aspirations and desires.

Hans Selye called stress the same reaction of the body to any external influence.

The most powerful stressor, according to Hans Selye, is the lack of purpose. Also, in a state of physiological immobility, the human body is more susceptible to the development of diseases: stomach ulcers, heart attack, hypertension.

The influence of stress on a person changes living conditions. For example, with strong positive emotions, the vitality of the body increases sharply, this is ensured by increased blood pressure. A person, having realized his dream, feels a loss of appetite and muscle weakness - when exposed to negative emotions, a similar loss of strength is perceived very painfully.

Stress, in fact, is an innate reaction of the body that allows a person to adapt to life in new conditions. Therefore, in medicine it is called adaptation syndrome.

The impact of stress on human health

The development of stress in every person occurs according to a single mechanism. When it comes into contact with a stress factor, the central nervous system sounds an alarm. The body's further reaction is not controlled by the human will, but is carried out by the autonomic, independent nervous system. The mobilization of vital organs and systems that guarantee survival in extreme circumstances. Due to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system breathing and heart rate increase, blood pressure increases. The physiological effect of stress on human health ensures the centralization of blood circulation: lungs-heart-brain. The “flight and fight” hormones are released: adrenaline and norepinephrine. People experience dry mouth and dilated pupils. Muscle tone increases to such an extent that it is often manifested by trembling of the legs or arms, twitching of the eyelids and corners of the mouth.

At further development adaptation syndrome, the influence of stress on human health is expressed in the body’s reaction of adaptation to new living conditions.

The effect of stress on the human body

In the active stage, hormones of the “second line of defense” appear - glucocorticoids. Their action is aimed at emergency survival at the expense of the body’s internal reserves: all liver glucose reserves are used, and their own proteins and fats break down.

If the reaction continues during exhaustion vitality, the impact of stress on humans continues. The “alarm” mechanism is turned on again, but there are no internal reserves. This stage of stress is the final one.

During stress, all the body’s forces are directed to the work of the central organs: the heart, lungs and brain, so other vital organs at this time suffer from a lack of oxygen. In such conditions, the following may develop: stomach ulcers, hypertension, bronchial asthma, migraine-like pain, tumors of peripheral organs (cancer).

With a prolonged course, the effect of stress on the human body is manifested not only by the development of diseases, but also by depletion of the nervous system. This condition is medically called neurasthenia. Neurosthenics experience pain in all organs, but most of all, in the head. A person understands that his nervous forces are depleted and considers this condition a syndrome chronic fatigue. From the point of view of pathological physiology, this is nothing more than a protracted adaptation reaction.

The influence of stress on the human condition

The general tone, that is, the mood of people depends on hormonal levels. Having set a specific goal, a person wakes up feeling full of strength for any achievement. The psychological mood is set by cortisol, the main anti-stress hormone. Its content in the blood in the morning varies greatly depending on the mood for the coming day. Under normal conditions, on the eve of a working day, the level of anti-stress hormone is much higher than on a day off.

When the influence of stress on a person’s condition reaches a critical level, the morning does not bode well for anything pleasant. Therefore, the entire day is considered “ruined.”

A person is deprived of a sense of correct assessment of what is happening. Surrounding events and influences are perceived inappropriately to their strength. Excessive demands on others, for example, on yourself, are often not justified. Often, the influence of stress on a person aggravates the course of chronic diseases. They begin to escalate, as they say, “out of schedule.” Not in autumn and spring, during periods of planned therapeutic measures, but in winter and summer.

The influence of stress on human behavior

In an unstable state, aspirations and goals are chosen by a person, without taking into account own capabilities. Any desire to achieve something, essentially a negative emotion, becomes positive when the desired result is achieved. If the goal remains unattainable, the emotion becomes a strong stressor.

IN extreme conditions The influence of stress on human behavior is especially noticeable, depending on the initial state of health and temperament, as a character trait. Under the same conditions, people with different attitudes towards the surrounding reality behave completely differently. According to Pavlov's classification, there are four types of higher nervous activity, weak (melancholic) and three strong, but with some features:

  • Unbalanced, reacting to any influence with a violent reaction - choleric;
  • Balanced, inert – phlegmatic;
  • Agile and balanced - sanguine.

The effect of stress on humans different types higher nervous activity varies. Strange as it may seem, unbalanced people endure stress most easily. The effect of stress factors on such a person ends with the level of the body’s primary response. Whereas in balanced people, stress goes into the second phase of adaptation, and then leads to exhaustion.

Stress and its effect on the human body have been studied quite well by doctors and psychologists, since this problem is becoming commonplace nowadays. Every person can find themselves in a stressful situation, regardless of age, gender and social status. Stress is defense mechanism to unusual physical and mental stress and strong emotions. Being in a non-standard situation that requires making an important decision, anxiety appears, the heartbeat quickens, weakness and dizziness occur. If the influence of stress on the human body has reached its peak, then complete moral and physical exhaustion occurs.

Causes of stress

The cause of overvoltage can be any factor, but experts divide them into two categories.
Firstly, these are changes in the usual course of life:

  • increased stress at work;
  • discord in personal life(intimate life);
  • misunderstanding on the part of loved ones;
  • acute shortage of money and others.

Secondly, this internal problems, which are generated by imagination:

  • pessimistic attitude;
  • low self-esteem;
  • inflating demands not only on oneself, but also on others;
  • internal struggle of the individual.

It is wrong to consider that only negative emotions are stress factors. The influence of stress on human health also comes from an overabundance of positive emotions, for example, a wedding or rapid career growth.

Having determined the cause of stress, it is necessary to eradicate it. If irritation is caused by the words or actions of a familiar person, then you should clearly formulate your complaints in advance and express them to the object of your dissatisfaction. If your last strength is taken away by classes professional activity, then it’s better to find a new place. Don’t be afraid to radically change your lifestyle and eliminate all negative aspects from it for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Stages of stress

Any Living being tries to adapt to conditions environment. The Canadian scientist Selye proved in 1936 that with extremely strong exposure, the human body refuses to adapt. Thus, three stages of stress were identified, depending on a person’s hormonal background:

  1. Anxiety. This is the preparatory stage, during which a powerful release of hormones occurs. The body prepares for defense or flight.
  2. Resistance. The person becomes aggressive, irritable, and begins to fight the disease.
  3. Exhaustion. During the struggle, all reserve energy reserves were used up. The body loses its ability to resist, and psychosomatic disorders begin, including deep depression or death.

Stress directly affects the health of the human body. The work of internal organs and systems is suppressed, and a feeling of depression appears.
The influence of stress on human health has various manifestations, the main of which are:

  • headaches that do not have a characteristic localization;
  • chronic lack of sleep and insomnia;
  • functional disorders of cardio-vascular system: bradycardia,
  • arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction;
  • impaired concentration, increased fatigue, decreased performance;
  • gastrointestinal tract disorders: gastritis, ulcers, dyspepsia of neurotic origin;
  • oncological problems are getting worse;
  • decreased immunity, as a result of which the body may be susceptible to viral infection;
  • disruption of neuroendocrine regulation, irregular production of hormones, leads to the development of osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus or other metabolic diseases;
  • degeneration of brain tissue, muscle rigidity or atony;
    Alcohol or drug addiction may appear.

A person’s mood directly depends on a person’s hormonal background. For the right one psychological attitude the body responds with an anti-stress hormone. Cortisol helps you move towards your goal, gives you strength and motivation to take action. The level of the hormone in the blood varies depending on the emotional mood of a person and his plans for the near future.
If the body is in a stressful state, then psychologically it cannot adequately respond to the actions taking place around it. This manifests itself in inflated demands on oneself and the people around you. Calmness is lost, internal balance is disturbed, as a result of which apathy towards life appears.

Consequences of psycho-emotional disorders:

  • depletion of mental strength leads to neuroses, depression and other mental illness;
  • loss of interest in life, lack of any desires;
  • disturbances in sleep and wakefulness patterns;
  • emotional instability: attacks of aggression, outbursts of anger, irritability;
  • internal feeling of anxiety.

Monotonous monotonous work, constant emotional tone lead to the fact that performance begins to decline, and constant fatigue is felt.
Signs of overwork directly manifest themselves at work:

  • regular erroneous actions;
  • desire to sleep: yawning, eyes closing;
  • lack of appetite;
  • migraine, headache
  • eye pain;
  • wandering nature of thoughts, lack of concentration;
  • unwillingness to continue working.

Fatigue tends to accumulate; if you do not help your body fight stress, your level of performance may decrease irrevocably.

Restoring the body after stress

A distinctive feature of moral strong man is resistance to negative impact. Total self-control is the best defense against stressful situations. You can hide from troubles, but for a normal state of mind you need to be able to deal with problems.

A set of calming and relaxing activities will help you recover from stress:

Positive effects of stress on the human body

If a shake-up of the body occurs for a short period of time, it can be beneficial:

Thus, stress and its effects on individuals vary. Emotional tone has a positive effect on the mental sphere, but control and increased activity are followed by depletion of vital resources. Nervous tension It will go away on its own as soon as the cause of its occurrence disappears. It is very important to monitor your emotional and physiological state; if it is impossible to eliminate the irritating factor, contact a specialist.



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