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Magic Thursday salt. Thursday salt: how to prepare it yourself, how to use it, how to store it, basic recipes

Thursday, or black, is the name given to ordinary rock salt prepared in a special way. The only appropriate time for this is Maundy Thursday during the pre-Easter Holy Week. Characteristics real Thursday salt:

  • has a black color;
  • cooked in a traditional Russian oven;
  • has a much more pleasant taste than regular table salt.

This product is prepared immediately for the entire coming year. There are no restrictions on storage time: black salt never loses its useful properties. The classic method of preparation involved grinding coarse rock salt in a mortar, which was then wrapped in a rag and placed in the oven. Sometimes additional kvass grounds were added and only then the mixture was evaporated. On Mount Athos, rock salt was placed in soaked Rye bread. In any case, a kind of fiery treatment took place, which explains the unusual properties of the product. Some housewives lit a fire using special “Sunday” firewood: birch logs, collected individually every Sunday of Lent.

Thursday salt is the embodiment of the basic attributes of life: salt and living fire. It was often carried to church for consecration along with Easter cakes and colored eggs. Black salt did not lose its place even on festive table: it was required to be displayed in a separate salt shaker.

Thursday salt: benefits and harm

Since black salt is prepared on the eve of a bright holiday and with good purposes, then in principle there can be no talk of any harm. Quite the contrary. At the physical level, such salt contains much less heavy metals and chlorine than regular table salt. At the same time, the Maundy Thursday product demonstrates an increased amount of iodine, magnesium, potassium, selenium, calcium and copper, i.e. elements that have a beneficial effect on the body. By consuming black salt in moderation, a person will experience only its beneficial properties.

Speaking about the capabilities of the product, one cannot fail to mention its following abilities:

  1. Cleansing the soul and body. Thursday salt is harvested at a time when positive vibrations reign in the world. It receives a positive energy charge, which helps a person get rid of everything negative, including damage, evil eyes, and curses.
  2. Fighting diseases. Traditionally, black salt was added to food, thereby providing prevention and treatment of digestive and cardiovascular systems, skin diseases, obesity. In the old days, Thursday salt was used to save weak livestock by mixing the healthy product into the animals’ food.
  3. Human protection. Black salt is a powerful amulet. It is enough to wrap a pinch in a piece of clean cloth and hide the bundle in your bosom so as not to worry about your safety. This was especially appreciated in war time and during long trips away from home.
  4. Improved appearance. Girls who care about their attractiveness can dissolve a little Thursday salt in water and wash their face with it. The product tones the skin, making it glowing and vibrant.
  5. Increased productivity. It is necessary to mix salt with ash and add it to the grain before sowing. And if the mixture is dissolved in water, then you can water the ground with it before planting plants.
  6. Establishing peace in the home. It is recommended to sprinkle black salt with inside threshold, in the corners of living rooms and near beds, and after three days, sweep it away with a broom and bury it. Such a simple event will allow you to forget about everyday problems and domestic quarrels for a long time.
  7. Return of the missing. If a person has left and has not made himself known for a long time, you should throw a handful of black salt into the fire. Very soon the missing person will get in touch.

There are many myths about Thursday salt. One of them is that it can be used for dark magic. This is a misconception: such salt is designed exclusively for positive effects.

Thursday salt: how to prepare it at home

The real recipes for black salt are mostly forgotten. This is due to a change in the rhythm of life. At a minimum, it has become impossible to use a traditional Russian stove: in what apartment or even private house would there be a place for it? The requirement to prepare on the eve or morning of Maundy Thursday is often ignored: people bake salt when they need it. The disadvantage of this approach is the loss of a powerful energy impulse.

Thursday salt in modern conditions It is prepared either in the oven or in a frying pan. In both cases, there is no “living” fire, which was considered the main condition for obtaining the desired result. But there is no point in worrying about the unattainable: magical rituals develop with the world and adapt to its realities. If you want to get closer to the classic method of making salt, you should heat it over a fire, after wrapping it in foil.

Today the most common recipes are:

1. Thursday salt with rye flour. You should light the stove and start cooking. You need to pour a pack of coarse salt and twelve tablespoons of flour onto a cast-iron frying pan, then put the pan on the fire. It is recommended to say the spell: “Come Clean Thursday, drive away the reptiles, take away the worms, and save me from troubles.” The mixture must be stirred with a wooden spoon until the flour burns and turns black.

2. Thursday salt with rye bread. You will need to turn on the oven and let it warm up to 230-250 degrees. At this time, you should grate or finely chop four loaves of rye (or Borodino) bread weighing 1 kg. If desired, you can add any herbs you like. The crushed bread is mixed with 1.5 kg of salt, poured onto a baking sheet and placed in the oven. Every 10 minutes you need to check the condition of the “dish” and stir it. The completion of cooking is indicated by the appearance of blue smoke.

3. Thursday salt with oatmeal. The recipe is called monastic. You need to mix rock salt with the simplest flakes without additives. Proportions can vary from 1:1 to 1:3 - as you like. It is recommended to first soak the flakes by keeping them in water for half an hour. The mixture is placed on a hot surface - a baking sheet or frying pan. You can wrap the “dough” in foil and send the resulting “pies” to a real fire. When the composition burns out, the black salt will be ready.

The cooled salt can be ground in a meat grinder, blender or coffee grinder. It is poured into a linen bag, which must be tightly tied. During the cooking process, it is recommended to read your favorite prayers, mantras or spells to charge the crystals with energy.

Thursday salt is a unique product, the memory of which we inherited from our distant ancestors. Everyone should try to diversify their diet with such an unusual “delicacy”. The magical properties of black salt are undeniable, and they can radically change a person’s life, filling it with light and positive emotions.

Maundy Thursday concentrated around itself a huge number of beliefs, signs, and rituals. Holy Thursday popularly called h i s t y m. On this day, everyone washes, cleans, cleans, and prepares their home for the holiday. Maundy Thursday -Maundy Thursday- day of purity. Whoever has dirt in his house on this day will be in dirt and quarrel all year.
After Thursday until the Easter holiday, gender revenge is not accepted. Everything should be cleaned up on Thursday.
On Maundy Thursday they clean up in the morning, wash everything, otherwise they will be surrounded by dirt, quarrels and illnesses all year. From this day until Easter, nothing is given away from home.

The main thing on this day is washing, dousing, bathing. In the old days, girls and boys went to the river exactly at midnight to wash or swim in cold water. They believed that at midnight of this day spring comes and brings with it beauty and health. And if they bathed at home, they brought water before the first ray of sun and threw gold and silver there - in order to be rich and healthy.

Washing in the bathhouse was mandatory.

A purely Great Thursday task was the preparation of “Thursday salt.” Regular coarse salt wrapped in a cloth and baked in an oven, sometimes with leaven grounds. You can do this in a cast iron skillet. The burnt salt is pounded and sifted. According to legend, salt prepared at this time has healing properties and is used in home treatment as a medicine for people and livestock. This salt was served on the table on Easter.

Everyone in the family take a handful of salt and pour it into one bag - this will be called “Thursday salt.” It is removed and stored in case it is necessary to treat someone, make a talisman for the family, home, garden... If there are often quarrels in the family, then they put it in the food with a curse: “Salt, salt, sprinkle, bring happiness and peace back to the house.” Amen". For the purpose of prevention and in minor cases, use this spell and ordinary salt.

Thursday salt benefits

Studying chemical composition black baked salt, scientists have found that it contains tens of times less heavy metals. It is very important that there is much less chlorine left in it, which causes the body to feel thirsty and also cause swelling. In other words, the substances that cause doctors to call it white death leave the salt.

But there are much more useful microelements - potassium, calcium, selenium, copper, zinc, magnesium, iodine in this salt. And the ash from burning bread enriches the salt with them.

Black salt is indicated for people suffering from hypertension, heart and kidney diseases, and osteochondrosis. This salt heals the gastrointestinal tract and regulates digestion, helping with obesity.

The carbon that it contains in the form of finely porous coal cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

And it’s also delicious and aromatic!

Application of Thursday black salt

During the Easter meal, this salt was necessarily salted blessed eggs, with which believers broke their fast after Lent.

The salt was used internally to treat the evil eye, ailments, and the solution was rubbed onto sore spots. Simply salting her food is enough. There are also special ways to use this natural medicine. For example, for stomach diseases in the morning after eating, salt is poured onto the tongue on the tip of a knife and held until dissolved. The result is noticeable almost immediately, and the full course of treatment lasts 2 months.

If livestock was sick, a pinch of salt was added to the water or a piece of salted bread was given. In the spring, when driving a cow out into the herd for the first time, a pinch of salt was wrapped in a bundle and placed in the bosom as a talisman.

In Siberia, black salt was mixed with ash and added to grain before sowing; the solution was watered in the garden beds before planting vegetables.

For travelers and soldiers, Thursday salt was sewn into an amulet and worn on the chest next to pectoral cross on a long journey or in war.

In Russia, Kostroma black salt is most famous; it is in this area that the custom has been revived and it is prepared according to old Russian recipes.

How to make Thursday salt at home

It is possible to prepare Thursday salt at home, in a modern kitchen. By the way, in Kostroma region People still know how to prepare black salt according to old recipes. Soak black or Borodino bread (5 kg), mix with rock salt (1 kg). You can add some spices, cumin, coriander, dill.

Place in a baking dish or frying pan. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and set the salt to bake. You need to keep the mixture until the bread turns black. Next, you need to cool it, grind it into powder and sift through a sieve.

Coarse rock salt after burning becomes fine-grained and crumbly. It is not hard, but rather like chalk or lime. Salting food with Thursday salt is much more convenient than coarse salt. And the food becomes much tastier with it. Anyone who has ever tried black salt will only use it to prepare delicious dishes.

In this article we will tell you not only how to prepare Thursday salt, but also why you need to do it. The last Thursday of Great Lent, during Holy Week, is called Clean Thursday. It is dedicated to the Last Supper, the Easter dinner of Christ with his disciples, after which one of them betrayed him. Jesus foresaw this action. He said that the traitor would be the one who dips his hand into the solilo with him. Judas immediately reached for the plate.

In Rus', on the eve of Maundy Thursday, contaminated salt was burned and purified by fire. Mixed with rye flour or kvass grounds and wrapped in a clean linen rag. The bundle was placed in an old bast shoe, which was placed in the oven overnight. The heat heated up the mixture, charred it, and the salt acquired a black color and unusual properties.

Black salt - for health and beauty

Modern scientists have found that ash from bread, which contains about 6% of Thursday salt, enriches it with iron, sulfur, potassium, calcium, iodine, zinc, copper and others chemicals, necessary for the human body. And harmful chlorine partially evaporates during the heat treatment process. This is how salt turns from a “white poison” into a black drug.

Quaternary salt, unlike regular salt, contains almost no heavy metals, which have a destructive effect on the digestive tract and cause dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. It treats constipation, bloating (increased gas formation), and increases appetite. Hypertensive patients can consume black salt without fear; it does not increase sodium levels in the blood and does not retain water. And if this seasoning is used regularly, swelling subsides, tightness and burning in the chest goes away, and vision improves.

Since ancient times, black salt has served as an indispensable remedy against acne and acne. Returned a fresh look to dull, pale, flaky skin. It is enough to wash your face every morning with cool water with a pinch of Thursday medicine to make your skin young and clean. You can also take warm baths with 7 tablespoons of black salt. A week-long course of water procedures will restore good spirits, good mood, and will also remove the evil eye and damage caused.

An unusual medicine helps strengthen the immune system. If you eat a piece of rye bread sprinkled with Thursday salt on an empty stomach for 20 days, there will be no trace of constant colds.

If you mix black salt with natural honey in a ratio of 1 to 2, you will get an excellent remedy for periodontal disease. They massage the gums in the morning, before brushing your teeth. If you add a third of a teaspoon of Thursday salt to a tablespoon of sour cream or thick yogurt, you will get an effective mask for the face and neck. The skin after it is elastic and velvety.

The magical properties of Thursday salt

Except medicinal properties Salt consecrated in the church is also attributed with magical qualities. In the old days, healers advised adding it to the water in which the baby was bathed, so that the child would grow up handsome, healthy and intelligent. If a husband and wife quarreled, a small bag of black salt was placed under the pillow. Trouble struck - they poured salt into the corners of the hut. If a long separation was tormenting, they threw a pinch of the drug into the fire. They believed that the man would return soon. To make the house a full bowl, pour it into a wooden salt shaker and place it in the center of the dining table. Thursday salt is known to attract money and good luck. When you're angry envious person came to visit, they flavored the treat with it. After the enemy, black salt was sprinkled on the trail.

To take you out of the apartment negative energy, on Maundy Thursday they hold a special magical ritual. Freshly prepared black salt is poured into a small cloth bag. With him at dawn they walk around the house, starting with front door. First, they stand behind the threshold, then they always step over it with their right foot, saying: “As black salt came into the apartment, so the evil misfortune is gone forever.” And they walk around the house counterclockwise, repeating the spell in front of each door.

A little magic salt is offered to the brownie to help the household in everything. It is poured into a saucer, which is “hidden” in a secluded corner in the kitchen. For example, behind a gas stove. A few days later, when the housewife is happy with the gift and appreciates the owner’s care, the black salt should be thrown out through the window or balcony onto the street. It cannot be washed off with water or thrown into the trash, God will punish it.

To protect the baby from the evil eye, a tiny bag of Thursday salt, literally a tablespoon, is placed in the stroller or in the pocket of the child’s outerwear. The same amulet can be worn by adults.

How to prepare black salt?

Recipes for making Thursday salt have come down from time immemorial, they have been passed down from generation to generation. Previously, salt was fired in Russian kilns, flooded with birch firewood. Nowadays, on the last Thursday of Lent, it is prepared with prayer in the oven.

Recipe No. 1. The crusts are cut off from rye bread, preferably Borodino bread (200 g). The crumb is poured with water and kneaded into a paste. 200 g of coarse rock salt (not iodized), 2 teaspoons of cumin and coriander are poured into it. Instead of these spices, you can take mint and oregano in the same quantities. The components are thoroughly mixed and placed in a dry metal form. It is placed in an oven heated to 220 degrees. After 15 minutes, the hardened bread is broken into pieces and returned to the oven until fully cooked, about an hour. Burnt crackers are thoroughly crushed. This is black Thursday salt.

Recipe No. 2. The grounds remaining from the kvass are mixed with coarse salt. Proportions as in the first recipe. Cook in the oven until the leaven residue turns black. Grind and sift. The black salt will remain in the sieve. It is poured into glass jar and stored in the kitchen, closer to the fire.

On Easter, together with Easter cakes, this salt is blessed in the temple. Dyed eggs are eaten with Thursday salt. Tasty and very healthy.

Every housewife should know how to prepare Thursday salt. Why should it? The thing is that, it seems, this is ordinary salt, which you can simply eat throughout the year. But due to the fact that it was heated on an important night with strong energy, the beneficial effects of this salt are enhanced. At least this is what our ancestors believed, and there is no reason not to trust them. Thursday salt is used to attract money, boost immunity, and protect against the evil eye and damage.

What does Thursday salt help with?

The preparation of such salt will be written a little lower in this article, but first you need to know what kind of product we have to prepare. This is ordinary salt, which is pierced in a frying pan or in the oven. You can add rye malt to the salt, or you can just use regular salt.

Salt turns out healing powers during its preparation. She can protect the house from misfortunes, and if someone gets sick during the year, she can help cure the person. Thursday salt also helps against spoilage. She is placed in Easter basket to consecrate along with other products. Then the blessed foods are eaten with this salt on Easter and every subsequent morning.

How to prepare Thursday salt

You will need to buy a pack of regular coarse salt. It is extremely important that it does not contain any additives: we do not need iodine, selenium and other healthy components. Pour unadulterated salt into a dry frying pan and place over low heat.

After this, protecting your home and family from the evil eye begins. The fact is that under normal conditions, the salt in the pan should simply heat up slowly. If it starts to crackle or even jump, this is a clear sign that your home is damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to pierce the salt until it behaves smoothly and calmly in the pan. It can be seen that already in the process of preparing Thursday salt we protect our home and family from the evil eye. When preparing, read the Lord's Prayer three times.

When the salt is heated, it must be transferred to a clean bag made of natural fabric. Next, tie the bag. Be sure to take salt with you when lighting food on Saturday. But even if you don’t want to bless salt, its healing properties will not go away. You can sprinkle a little product to eat in Easter days. Place the rest of the salt in a bag next to the icons.

How to use Thursday salt throughout the year

During the year, the use of Thursday salt for illness is extremely simple. If someone gets sick, a bag of salt should be placed at the head of the bed. Also, some housewives in Rus' always added a pinch of this salt when preparing bread or other baked goods. It was believed that in this way you could strengthen your family’s immunity.

The Church, of course, has a negative attitude towards the preparation of such salt, as well as other ritual actions. Therefore, you decide for yourself whether to cook this product. In principle, its preparation and use does not pose any dangers at all: we do not harm others, we do not even tell others about what we are preparing. Is it bad to want the best for your family and try to protect them? It seems to us that preparing Thursday salt is a harmless and healthy tradition of Maundy Thursday. You can safely use it in any situation.

To attract money

Sprinkle banknotes On Maundy Thursday, use this salt and say:

“With the charmed salt, with the powers of God, with my pure thoughts, I invite gold into the house. May the money in my house not be lost, like the stars in the sky that gave us light on the night of Maundy Thursday.”

From the evil eye and damage

If you feel like you've been jinxed, use salt anytime. Sprinkle this salt on your head and say:

“Thursday salt, endowed with sacred power, I beg you to remove the evil eye and damage. I can’t live in this white world with this blackness. Take off all the dirt and absorb it within yourself.”

It is important to understand that such salt can only be prepared one night a year! It always falls on Holy Week! Thursday salt is prepared in the evening

In rituals Orthodox culture In Russian cuisine, a product such as black (Thursday, or Thursday) salt is used. Many points are important for its preparation. One of the conditions is the date of preparation: it is done on Maundy Thursday before Easter. That is, you can make this salt only once a year, at night or in the morning on this day of Holy Week.

Historical information

It is called black salt because it changes color after being treated with fire. It is heat treatment that allows the salt to be purified; this is one of the most powerful options for energy cleansing. To enhance the magical properties of the product, special “Sunday” firewood is placed in the oven. To collect them, you need to put aside one birch log on Sundays during Lent.

The healing power of Thursday salt is also strengthened by the fact that it is illuminated together with Easter cakes. This recipe does not relate to the history of the Christian religion; it was used exclusively in the villages of Russian peasants, who passed it on from generation to generation.

Benefits of Thursday salt

The healing properties of black salt attracted the attention of scientists, and they learned its chemical composition. It turned out that the content of heavy metals in it is very low, almost tens of times less than in regular product. In addition, ready-made Thursday salt contains virtually no chlorine, which, in fact, causes thirst after eating salty foods and provokes swelling. That is, prepared black salt contains much less harmful substances that have a bad effect on the human body.

At the same time, the ash that appears during the cooking process enriches the product with many useful microelements, namely calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, copper, iodine and others. That is why black salt is recommended for people who have kidney and heart problems. It is also recommended for those who have hypertension, osteochondrosis, obesity and digestive problems. In addition, this salt contains carbon, which helps remove toxins and waste from the body. It is worth noting that Thursday salt is not only healthy, but also extremely aromatic and pleasant to the taste.

Use as medicine

During the Easter holidays, it is customary to paint and bless boiled eggs. They need to be salted with black salt. From the mystical side, it is recommended to use it if illnesses arise or the evil eye is detected. Besides, knowledgeable people It is recommended to rub it on sore spots. Some say that simply eating food salted with it will be enough. Thursday salt use in folk medicine has the widest.

There are also specific ways to use this natural medicine. For example, a person who has stomach problems should pour salt from the tip of a knife onto his tongue every day after breakfast and suck it. The result of improvement in the condition appears very quickly, but for a complete recovery you need to carry out this procedure for two months.

Livestock and crop applications

Thursday salt was also used for diseases of livestock. The villagers threw a pinch of the dish into the water and fed the animals salted bread. And to prevent the cow from getting sick, when she was first brought into the herd, a bag of this salt was placed in her bosom as a talisman against various ailments.

Black salt was also used to improve crops. It was added to the grain with ash before sowing; it was believed that this way the stems would germinate better and be large and healthy. In order for vegetables to grow well, they were watered with a solution of water and Thursday salt.

Use as a talisman

In the old days it was believed that Thursday salt was a strong talisman for travelers and soldiers. Therefore, they sewed it into an amulet and made a pendant out of it. Many traveling men wore it around their neck next to a cross.


No fancy ingredients are needed to make this unique and versatile dish. Many people are interested in how to prepare Thursday salt. The most ancient methods of making it include coarse salt and kvass grounds or soaked rye bread crumbs. Salt and bread should be put in equal proportions. Having mixed it all, they put it in a bast shoe or wrapped it in a rag and put it in a preheated oven. Some used coals to cook it, completely covered the future dish, left it for about 3-4 hours, and then took it out. After the baked mixture had cooled, it was placed in a mortar and pounded, grinding as much as possible. Next, the product had to be taken to church for consecration. It was believed that only after this salt acquires healing and magical properties. Previously, they prepared a lot of Thursday salt so that there would be enough until next Easter. It was customary to keep it behind icons.

Recipe with kvass grounds or rye bread

On Maundy Thursday you need to take kvass grounds or rye bread along with rock salt. The bread is cut into small pieces and soaked in water. Then it all needs to be mixed, the approximate proportions are a kilogram of salt and five kilograms of bread. Spicy herbs are also added if desired. If salt is needed for treatment, then they are selected depending on their healing qualities. If you plan to use it simply for food, then choose spices depending on your preferences.

This is how Thursday salt is made. How to cook next? It’s very simple, you need to preheat the oven to maximum (minimum 250 degrees) and, putting salt on a baking sheet, place it inside. You need to bake it until it turns black. While she is baking, you need to read prayers. The result is a large black cake that looks like a burnt pie. You need to break it into small pieces and pound it in a wooden mortar. At the same time, it is also necessary to read prayers.

Recipe with rye flour

You need to cook, most importantly, on Maundy Thursday. You need a cast iron frying pan, pour a kilogram of rock salt onto it. Then a glass of flour is added. The mixture must be stirred clockwise, and it is very important to use only a wooden spoon. The mixture must be calcined until the Thursday salt is completely blackened.

The recipes are, in principle, very similar to each other. Then it is left on the stove until midnight comes. Only then can it be transferred to a fabric bag or jar. It is advisable to read prayers during the entire process.

Recipe with cabbage leaves

On Maundy Thursday, remove the top green leaves from the cabbage and chop them into small pieces. After this, the cabbage should be mixed with rock salt. Then the mixture is placed on a baking sheet and baked in an oven preheated to maximum until black, while prayers are read. This is how Thursday salt is made. How to cook next? After cooling, the resulting baked goods are crushed and pounded in a wooden mortar, while prayers are also read.

It is worth noting that salt will acquire healing and magical properties only after consecration. Therefore, you need to take Thursday salt and go to the service. It is important to note that you need to be in the church from the beginning of the service until its end, without leaving the shrine.


There are many ways to use Thursday salt, and different beliefs associated with it. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. Storing black salt in the house will protect you from thieves, intrusions, the evil eye, evil and other negative energy.
  2. You can put salt in a cloth and use it as an amulet, as a talisman.
  3. By pouring salt in the corners of your apartment, you can get rid of evil and erase negativity from the energy field of the room.
  4. To improve your relationship with your loved one, you need to put a bag of salt under your pillow.
  5. When an ill-wisher or enemy appears in the room, you need to treat him to a dish with this salt. She will not allow him to harm the owners of the apartment. And after he leaves, it is worth sprinkling the traces of the ill-wisher with pinches of black salt to drive him away from the house.
  6. To return mutual understanding to the family and a good relationship, you should place pinches of salt at the head of the beds of each family member.
  7. If you are sick, you can dilute a pinch of black salt in a glass of water and drink it: this will strengthen your immune system and help you cope with the disease faster.
  8. You can use it when bathing, adding it to your bath. It can prolong youth and give the body beauty and health.
  9. If you pour black salt into a wooden bowl and place it in the center of the table, it is believed that this will attract wealth to your home.

Cleaning the house of negativity

There is one way to cleanse your home of negativity using Thursday salt. To do this you will need two candles, black and red, and actually salt. Before carrying out the cleansing ritual, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the room where it will take place. Light the gas on very low heat and heat the black salt in a frying pan. While it heats up, it will absorb all the negative energy from the apartment. By the way, if it is not possible to make the ingredients for the ritual yourself, and the question “where to get Thursday salt” is relevant, it is worth considering that you can only buy it on Maundy Thursday near the church. After all, its energetic properties directly depend on the correct preparation and consecration.

Next, you need to light a black candle and walk with it around the perimeter of the entire apartment or house. At the same time, you should pay close attention to corners and places where there is a large accumulation of various things. At the same time, you need to mentally imagine how all the negativity burns out from the flame of this candle. You can read prayers or mantras during the process. After you have passed the entire area of ​​the room being cleaned, you need to place the candle in salt and let it burn out to the end. If Thursday salt (the use of which is mandatory) begins to crackle, this is a clear sign of the elimination of negative energy.

The next step is to take a red candle, a frying pan and go outside. With this you need to go to the ground and bury the contents of the frying pan in it. After this, you should light a red candle and go into the house with it. This step symbolizes filling the room with new, clean energy. In this case, you need to mentally imagine how energy enters the room. With this candle you also need to walk around the perimeter of the entire apartment. After all these steps, you need to open all the windows and ventilate the room.

Basically, this is all the information that explains how to make Thursday salt and use it for a variety of purposes. This remedy has come to us from very ancient times and was tested by our ancestors. Therefore, there is no point in doubting the effectiveness of using black salt. She helped our ancestors for centuries, and will help us now to solve many problems and gain health and beauty.



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