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Magic spells for good luck and wealth in the New Year. New Year rituals for good luck and wealth

Once a year, all your spells and prayers can have a significant effect greater strength- on the eve of the coming new year. At the turn of the year, all conspiracies are on New Year will require a minimum of effort from you, but will provide results for a long period. Rituals for money and wealth, luck and youth, as well as for mutual love are especially effective and popular.

If you prepare in advance not only for the New Year's holiday, but also for a powerful ritual, you will be able to provide yourself with the required benefits for the next twelve months.

Ritual for health

This simple ritual will provide you with health and youth for the whole next year. It is carried out quite simply and does not require lengthy preparation from you. Just prepare the following items for New Year's Eve:

  • A large mirror, preferably full-length.
  • Three wax candles red hue.
  • A little natural bee honey.
  • A glass of warm clean water.
  • Tablespoon.

The ceremony itself must be carried out almost before the onset of the new year, that is, from eleven at night until the first strike of the chimes. In this case old year will take with it all the problems and troubles that have accompanied you all year.

Stand in front of the mirror at the indicated time and light the candles. There should be no other lighting. You should take a tablespoon of honey in your hand and say the following spell:

“On three sides there is a day, on the fourth night. Water flows out of the ground. Flow away, disease, flow away the illness. Heal yourself with Mother Earth, water. I will pour a sweet drop into my mouth and walk along the ground like a swan. I will become young forever, I will seal you with sweet honey. Amen".

Immediately after this, eat honey and drink it with a sip of warm water.

A simple ritual to fulfill a wish

Almost every one of us has performed at least once in our lives a simple ritual to fulfill a wish while the chimes are striking. New Year's Eve. But not everyone did it correctly: some write their dream on a napkin and then burn it, others simply mentally say what they want.

All these methods have their place, but they are far from the maximum effectiveness of magic. If you need your wish to come true for sure, then follow the recommendations below:

  • You should make your deepest wish directly in the last seconds of the outgoing year, then it will surely come true.
  • As you mentally speak out your dream, touch the precious gold ring on your finger to your left earlobe. In this case, your energy will be directed to fulfilling what is required.
  • The main rule will be to formulate the phrase of the wish in the present tense, as if your dream has already come true. You should have no doubt that New Year's magic will help you find what you want.

Follow these simple rules, and your wish will come true in the new year.

Ritual for love

If you want to leave all your personal problems behind in the outgoing year and strengthen mutual love, then perform this simple ritual, which, supported by the strength of the outgoing year, will provide you with everything you need for family happiness.

Such a conspiracy is carried out if you celebrate the New Year together, and apples are present on the festive table in the form of a treat. You should take care in advance to comply with all conventions.

Right at the very end of the outgoing year, ask your loved one to bring you one apple from the table, which you then quietly hide under the New Year's tree.

The next morning, already in the new year, when you stay in all alone, carefully cut out the seeds from the apple along with the center, cutting the fruit in half.

Now you should write on a large piece of paper white full name your loved one and, rolling it up, carefully place it in the middle of the fruit. The apple halves should be joined and tied with red woolen thread. Such a charmed fruit must be placed in a warm place where it will slowly dry out. Along with the apple, your man will also come to you, his love will become stronger.

Such an apple should not be discovered by anyone in order to avoid violating the secrecy of the ritual.

New Year ritual for profit

To ensure yourself wealth and money for the next twelve months, perform this simple ritual. To do it correctly, you will need to purchase a new pot made of baked clay. The best time to do this is in the coming year, as your first purchase.

In such a pot you should put the first change that the sellers will give you in the coming new year. Such change must consist of only coins.

It is not placed in a pot for preservation immediately, but on the night of the first new moon, which will occur on the fourth day of the new year. They will stay there until the first full moon of the year, which will occur on the twentieth of January, so the pot should be hidden in a secluded hiding place where it cannot be found.

Every evening, all alone, you need to take out the coins, sort them out, and put them back in the pot, accompanying your actions with the following words:

“As the month in the sky grows and waxes, so my money grows and waxes.”

The more respect you give to the coins, the better they will thank you with their growth and multiplication next year.

When the full moon occurs, the pot should be hidden so that no one will find it for the next year: as long as it stands untouched, your house will be full of money and prosperity.

Wallet spell

Also, the new year brings you the opportunity to update your financial situation through the creation money talisman, which will guard and increase all your money all year round.

To do this, you should wait until the sixth of January and purchase two completely identical wallets. You shouldn’t skimp on your purchase; the items you choose should be good quality, and preferably made of genuine leather.

Pay for your purchase with a bill that significantly exceeds the purchase amount. Don’t take the change yourself, but ask the seller to put it in one of the wallets: you will keep that for yourself.

It is very important that a five-ruble coin remains among the change, since it will become your “unchangeable nickel,” a talisman that is designed to increase your money in your new wallet.

The second of the pair of purses purchased should be presented the next day as a gift to a relative or friend who surpasses you in material security, so that the connection established between the two wallets will draw you to greater wealth. In the gift wallet, put any bill or coin from the change from your purchase, just do not use your irredeemable nickel in this capacity.

At the moment of donation, do not forget to mentally consolidate the plot with these words:

“No matter how much I give, I receive more. As much as it comes to you, the same comes to me!”

Now the New Year's plot is considered completed and you can spend the remaining change at your own discretion: the most important thing is not to give the irredeemable nickel to anyone, since it is this that will bring you wealth in the coming year.

In order to within twelve next months, in all your endeavors you have been lucky, you should just perform a ritual on the last day of the outgoing year and pray for good luck.

To perform the ritual correctly, you only need a church candle and your correct emotional state. You need to mentally let go of all the grievances of your enemies and friends, and tune in only to the good. Believe that all adversities remain in the past year, and the next year will be much better for you and your family.

When you are in the mood for the desired emotional background, light a candle and take it into your hands. Look carefully at the flame and ask God for good luck in everything. After that, read these words:

“My merciful God, be with me in the coming year. Send health and prosperity to me, me and my family. Send me gold and silver, and more various good things. Bless me with peace, bless me with peace, so that I never part with You. Holy archangels, and good angels, all the heavenly hosts, do not let me, God’s servant (name), and my family suffer in the new year. Protect us from trouble, protect us from any illness, from fire, and from water. Throughout the new year, may my God be with me. Save me, save me, and protect me from evil and misfortune. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, place the candle on the table and let it burn down on its own.

New Year conspiracies are a great way to attract prosperity, love and everything you want into your life. New Year's conspiracies involve complete cleansing of the soul from the negativity accumulated over the year. The main thing in performing rituals is complete cleansing; if you cannot forget old grievances, not a single ritual will work, and troubles will only increase. The pre-New Year and New Year period is considered the most successful for performing all kinds of magical actions.

How to maintain youth and beauty

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • three red candles;
  • warm blessed water;
  • a tablespoon of buckwheat honey.

An hour before the chimes strike, stand in front of the mirror, light candles and take a spoonful of honey. Read the plot:

“Life-giving moisture nourishes the earth, washes away all illnesses and sorrows. A drop of sweetness on my lips, my eyelid is sealed in the bins.”

After pronouncing the words, eat honey and drink it with warm water. This simple ritual can significantly improve your health, preserve youth and beauty. Particularly effective if applied annually.

Spells to attract benefits

This ritual should only be performed on the day of December 31st. New Year's Eve will strengthen your plot if the soul is completely cleansed of negative emotions. First you need to carry out a cleansing ritual. To do this, go to the shower and wash with your favorite shower gel and sea ​​salt. Standing under streams of water, imagine that it washes away all adversities and they, along with the dirt, go into the drain.

After your shower, pray at the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, you are God’s ruler. I submit my will to your judgment. I know that mental anguish this is the path of purification. So help all my relatives and enemies. Let my soul be cleansed of filth, and my thoughts from bad thoughts, so that in the New Year I, the servant of God (name), will not know grief, and may not suffer from want.”

Spell on the ring

Strong spells for rings on New Year's Eve can attract luck and prosperity into the life of any person and fulfill their most cherished desires. To make a wish come true, you will need a gold ring, maybe even a wedding ring. First you need to hide it in a box with multi-colored threads. The ring should lie in the box with the balls for a day.

Before the chimes strike, 20 minutes before, looking at the night sky, say the words:

“Different threads were intertwined, red and blue, green and white. My wildest wishes come true that night, a miracle begins. The star fell, and I picked it up, brought it into the house, and put it on the window. Now she will shine for me all year and bring happiness to my house.”

After the charm words, quickly find the ring in the box. Put it on your finger and try not to take it off. Then return to the guests, drink champagne and make many wishes, all of which will certainly come true.

Spells for mutual love

If you have the opportunity to celebrate New Year's Eve with a person who has long won your heart, but he himself does not pay attention to you, it’s time to win his favor. You need to ask the guy to pass you an apple from the New Year's table, from hand to hand. Don’t eat the fruit, but hide it so that no one notices. Later put it under the Christmas tree.

When the chimes strike, make a wish that your loved one will always be there. Before leaving, take the apple, and at home wrap it with a red woolen thread and say the following spell:

“Sadness, longing eats me up for my beloved (name). I want him to at least know my name. Just as an apple dries up, so my dear one will dry up to me in thoughts, body and heart.”

Hide the fruit in a warm place and wait for it to dry. You will feel the effect of the ritual as soon as the apple begins to dry out. Already in the first days, your lover will become interested in you, and then it’s up to you.

How to bring wealth into your home

Well, who doesn’t want to attract wealth into their life? Many people, on New Year's Eve, December 30, conduct a special ritual to attract money to their home. They take freshly baked bread, tear off a piece and sprinkle it generously with salt, saying: “Like bread on the threshold, so the misfortunes have fled, the troubles have evaporated. I eat bread and salt, but my wealth increases.” After this, the charmed piece of bread should be eaten with great pleasure, part of it should be divided among your family, and the crumbs should be fed to the sparrows.

After the New Year, the first change you receive for change in the store needs to be hidden in a clay vessel and wait for the new moon. On the first new moon, begin the ritual. The pot of money should be kept in a dark room. During the waxing moon, read the money growth plot every night:

“Just as a little month is small and daring, so my little change will turn into great wealth. Penny by penny, I’ll add them up quietly. As the month grows, so does my profit increase.”

To enhance the effect, each time during a conspiracy, add a little little things to the pot. On the full moon, around midnight, you should bury your wealth so that no one will ever find it.

Protective conspiracies

On New Year's Eve and January 7th, the Nativity of Christ, amulets are often read. which can protect a person from any misfortune along the way, from enemies and damage. On the morning of December 31st you need to go to church and light candles at the altar Holy Virgin Mary, stand a little near her icon and read prayers, ask for the protection of family and friends.

On New Year's Eve, look at the sky, look for the brightest star and focus all your thoughts on it. Think about the people closest to you, imagine them happy and healthy. When you are ready, say the spell in a half-whisper:

“Guiding star, light the way for everyone who is dear to me. Protect, amulets from misfortunes, from any misfortunes, on land, on water, in the air. Do not burn them in fire, do not drown in water. Let any misfortune bypass their home and never come to visit them. Amen".

Charms and amulets before the New Year have been used by mothers and wives for several centuries to protect children and husbands. A spell for protection when a person has a long journey ahead:

“Most Holy Mother of God, help me protect my beloved son (husband) from bad weather, from wind, from fire. May all doors open before him, may all barriers be dispelled.”

Before reading the conspiracy speeches, pray to the Mother of God. This plot should be read before leaving and during the absence of a loved one.

Drying at a distance

Before the New Year, you can improve your relationship as a couple. This plot will help strengthen the feelings of a couple who, due to circumstances, are constantly apart in different cities. 21 days before Christmas Eve, begin the ritual. It will require:

  • salt;
  • photo of your loved one.

The ritual is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. Take a photo of your loved one and concentrate on his image. Add a little salt and follow the photo index finger read the spell text:

“With my hands I will take away trouble from you. I dare all women to see me alone. Just as I miss you, so do you.”

Every time you go to bed, look at the photo and wish your loved one Good night. Such a ritual helps strengthen relationships and make feelings stronger. Conspiracies before the New Year can work real miracles. Perhaps on New Year's Eve, your loved one will even propose marriage.


To attract wealth and good luck to your home, you need to appease the owner of the year. For example, in 2015, the author of one of the articles on fashion recommended that women wear green dresses for the New Year. Sheep are herbivores, so clothes of this color can be used to appease the mistress of the year, but it was recommended to put red dresses away in the closet.

In 2017, women and men had complete freedom of choice. The rooster loves bright ones, extraordinary people, patronizes those who are engaged in creativity. To achieve success in business this year, it was recommended to wear the most extravagant outfits and not bet on festive table chicken.

To recharge with energy and feel confident in the new year, astrologers recommend that women give preference to brown and yellow. This choice will help you get rid of stress and, when the time comes to make an important decision, show prudence. Astrologers advise men to dilute dark suits with bright shirts and accessories, in the form of gold or amber cufflinks, as well as interesting belts and ties.

Final part

The most powerful magical rituals are carried out before the New Year, on New Year's Eve and Christmastide. Magic sparkles in the air these days. This is the brightest period of the year. The time has come to leave behind everything that happened and step forward with new strength, as if overcoming another obstacle.

New Year's magic has been used by people for many years. All rituals before the New Year are aimed at cleansing the soul. It is customary to celebrate Christmas Eve in new clothes in order to attract something new into your life and recharge yourself with positivity. Astrologers recommend wearing clothes in yellow and brown shades in 2018. Yellow is the color of the sun, which saturates a person with vital energy and strength for new beginnings.

It is recommended to spend before the New Year complete cleaning your home from accumulated negative energy and unnecessary things. Throw away all the trash without regret, and boldly step forward. Don’t regret what you’ve done, let go of your worries and grievances on all four sides, this will help make room for new sensations and positivity.

New Year is a favorable time to change your life, to attract good luck, wealth, and prosperity into it. It is at the junction of the outgoing and coming years that incredible opportunities open up for every person. With the help of special spells and some objects - candles, mirrors and banknotes- you can attract into your destiny cash flow and attract love. Anyone can create New Year's magic, the main thing is to sincerely believe in a miracle.

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    How to attract good luck

    You can attract good luck on New Year's Eve with the help of the most ordinary household things, which at this time become almost magical. To attract good luck, choose an item that is used every day. This could be: a comb, curlers, curling iron, hair dryer.

  1. 1. “If I twist my hair, I will twist my luck.”
  2. 2. “I straighten my curls and attract good luck.”

You need to prepare an item that brings good luck a few minutes before the chimes strike. While the clock strikes twelve, cast a spell. You need to address the object with these words 7 times, and then put it on the window and leave it until the morning. New Year's Eve will help charge the symbol of good luck for the whole next year.

To ward off bad luck in the New Year, after the chimes you need to go outside and make a fire. You need to have fun running around the fire, jumping and making noise. Cheerful songs with positive words are welcome. The more noise, the more negativity will remain in the old year, and good luck and success will come in the new year.

Attracting money and wealth

December 31st - the most best time for performing rituals to attract money and wealth. The following methods will help you achieve wealth:

  1. 1. To perform a magical ritual, you will need to take three green candles. You need to attach 1 coin to each, then light it. WITH eyes closed imagine how money is attracted, feel the cash flow, enter it. Feel how your pockets are filled with money, better - in large bills. The images must be bright and clear, then the ritual will work.
  2. 2. On January 1, you should not wash your face with water, just take a paper dollar and wipe your face. For the best effect, wipe the entire body with the bill.
  3. 3. While the chimes are striking 12 o'clock, you need to drink a glass of champagne with a coin clutched in your hand. A magical ritual will help you gain wealth in the New Year.
  4. 4. On New Year's Eve, you should write a letter wishing you profit, seal it in an envelope with large bill and put it under the tree. The letter should be saved until the end of the outgoing year, then the money should be spent.
  5. 5. As the clock strikes, place a coin in a glass of champagne and make a wish, then empty the glass.

Do not forget that even after performing rituals to attract money, profit will not come in the New Year if you do not make an effort. All conspiracies and magical rituals only help attract easy money that will come if you work a little.

Formation of a favorable energy flow

New Year's Eve is a time for the formation of a favorable flow of energy, which will take effect on the first day of the New Year. At this time, it is important not only to form the flow correctly, but also not to lose it. To attract positive energy, you should follow several rules during the celebration:

  • Before the clock strikes, you need to prepare a pencil, paper, lighter, wine glass and bottle of champagne. As soon as the chimes begin, you should write your most cherished wishes on a small piece of paper. They are all written in the present tense with a date, for example: “I am buying new car January 2, 2018". The fulfillment of a wish depends on the correct wording. After this, the leaf must be set on fire, thrown into champagne and drunk to the bottom. Everything must be done within 12 chimes.
  • In the first five minutes after the onset of the New Year, you need to open all the doors and windows in the house and say: “Go away all the bad, come in the good!” Simple New Year's magic will help you properly organize a positive energy flow and preserve it for the whole next year.
  • during the New Year's feast, it is undesirable to eat crabs, crayfish, and lobsters, since these arthropods walk backwards, which is a symbol of extinction, not profit;
  • on the first of January you cannot clean the apartment, wash the floors, sweep and take out the trash;
  • V holidays If possible, you need to give up work so as not to spend the whole year in trouble.

Observing the starry holiday sky will help strengthen the formation of a favorable flow. You can listen to the ringing of bells, the barking of a dog, the meowing of a cat or the singing of birds at dawn. If a dog barks under the window of an unmarried woman on New Year's Eve, then she will most likely get married in the New Year.

Attracting health

To find good health for the entire next year, a simple magical ritual will be required. Before you start, you need to prepare the following items:

  • large mirror;
  • three red candles;
  • warm water;
  • a big spoon.

The time of the ceremony is from 23:00 to 00:00. It is at this turning point that the old year will take away all health problems. At 23:00 you should stand in front of the mirror and light the candles. The room should be dark and quiet. You need to scoop a tablespoon of honey from the jar and say: “Three sides of the day, one side of the night. As water flows from the earth, all my illnesses flow away. Heal the water with the earth, I will put honey in my mouth, I will wander the earth like a swan. I will find youth forever, with honey I’ll seal it with sweets.” This plot is taken from the book of Natalia Stepanova, a Siberian healer popular all over the world. Immediately after reading the sacred words, you need to eat honey and wash it down with warm water.

Love ritual

Magical New Year holidays will help you bring into life true love, strengthen family relationships and find true happiness.

The ritual with apples is suitable for lovers who celebrate the New Year together, and for married couples. Apples should be placed on the table as a treat. For the ritual to be valid, the following conditions must be met:

  • During the chiming clock, you need to ask your loved one to give you an apple, which you then need to discreetly hide under the tree.
  • The next morning, the apple is cut into two halves and all the seeds are removed.
  • On a white piece of paper you need to write the name of your loved one, put the paper between the apple halves and tie the fruit with red woolen thread.
  • Place the apple in a warm place and leave to dry. The drier the fruit, the more love the couple will have it.
  • The ritual must remain secret, and no one must find the fruit. This apple is a talisman of love and harmonious relationships.

To get married in the New Year, you need to cover the table with a clean white tablecloth, put white candles and water with honey on it. Light the candles and read the spell: “I call upon my betrothed for honey water. Come, my future husband, for a treat. As sweet is this honey water, so sweet is your love for me. Amen.” After the ritual, you need to wash your face with honey water and sprinkle all the doors in the house.

Conspiracies that take place at the end of December and for the New Year are very diverse. Most of them are aimed at leaving everything bad in the past year, and in the new year attracting new luck, financial well-being, health and love.

It is important to remember that rituals for the New Year should be carried out only after complete cleansing of all accumulated negativity; there should be no negative energy left in you, otherwise the rituals performed will not lead to the desired results.

Conspiracies before the New Year

Period New Year's holidays- This unique time with powerful energy and mysterious forces. New Year, Christmas, old New Year - all these days come one after another, and therefore it is important not to be late and to carry out all the ceremonies and rituals on time that will provide you with everything you need in the coming year.

New Year in people's minds is a day of anticipation and a night of celebration, when we make our deepest wishes, which later very often come true.

Every person wants his life to be as more luck, joy, love, prosperity, therefore we should not miss the opportunity to change our lives for the better, which the new year gives us.


In order for the New Year to bring you health and youth, you must perform this simple ritual. The ritual must be performed within last hour of the passing year. You need to stand in front of a mirror, light three red or three church candles, take a spoonful of honey and say the spell:

“On three sides is day, on the fourth side is night, damp earth the water flows away. So let all the illnesses flow from my body, all illnesses go away, I will be healed by mother earth, I will be healed by clean water. As if I put a sweet drop into my mouth, I will walk on the earth like a swan. To become young forever, I will seal my age with sweet honey. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing last words you need to eat a prepared spoon of honey and wash it down with warm water. It's simple but effective magical ritual, allowing you to significantly improve your health and protect yourself from diseases.


The magic ritual need to be carried out only on December 31st. In order for the ritual to be as effective as possible, you need to concentrate on forgiving all your enemies, let go of grievances, leave them in the past year, thank God for the past year and pray that He will support you in all future endeavors, so that you and yours loved ones were healthy.

After this, you need to light a church candle and, holding it in your hands, read the words of the conspiracy:

“My merciful God, be with me in the coming year. Send health and prosperity to me, me and my family.

Send me gold and silver, and more various good things. Bless me with rest, bless me with peace, so that I will never part with You.

Holy archangels, and good angels, all the heavenly hosts, do not let me, the servant of God (name), and my family suffer in the new year.

Protect us from trouble, protect us from any illness, from fire, and from water. Throughout the new year, may my God be with me. Save me, save me, and protect me from evil and misfortune. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".


If you want the new year to bring fulfillment of all your cherished desires, perform this simple magical ritual. For your wishes to come true, you need to have a gold ring on your hand. When the chimes begin, touch the ring to your left earlobe and concentrate all your energy on visualizing what you want, imagine that everything you want is already with you, and then the new year will definitely bring what you want.


If you celebrate the New Year with a loved one who has not yet reciprocated your feelings, ask him to pass you an apple from the New Year's table from hand to hand. Under no circumstances should this apple be eaten; it must be hidden discreetly and later placed under christmas tree. When you wake up in the morning, take the apple, remove the core from it and put in a small piece of paper with the name of your loved one written on it.

Then you need to tie the apple with red thread and hide it in a warm place where no one will see it. While the fruit is drying, your lover will definitely turn his attention to you, which will be the key to future love. Naturally, no one should know about this ritual, otherwise the magic will lose all its power.

Conspiracies and rituals for the New Year for wealth

In the New Year, many people ask higher power about wealth. This is not surprising, everyone needs money, and the energy of rebirth gives a person enormous opportunities to change own life.

There are many different magical rituals aimed at attracting financial well-being in the new year, and many of them have already proven themselves to be the best.


The first change you receive in the new year for change must be saved, wait for the new moon and perform a magical ritual. To do this, put the change in a new clay pot and put it in a secluded place. A dark place and every night during the waxing moon we read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“As the month grows in the night sky, so will my money grow. As the month advances in the night sky, so will the money in my pockets increase. Amen".

To enhance the effect, in addition to reading the magic words, you need to add new coins to the pot. When the full moon comes, hide the pot so that no one can ever find it. You can bury it next to your own home. ()

Conspiracies for the New Year have special depth and great power. Whatever such a conspiracy is aimed at, it will be stronger than at any other point in the year. When New Year's Eve is called magical or witchcraft, they usually mean its romantic festive atmosphere, but in fact, this night and the entire New Year's period can be called magical in the most literal sense. After all, this is a period of change in the annual cycle, when not only the numbers of the calendar change, but also the eternal renewal and rebirth of all things takes place.

In addition, during this period there is a sharp surge in people's hopes and aspirations. Consciously or subconsciously, they are in tense anticipation of a miracle. This, on the one hand, makes them more open and sensitive to magical influence, and on the other hand, creates powerful energy that a person with at least minimal knowledge of magic can skillfully use to his advantage.

Features of rituals for the New Year

It is very important to remember that all New Year’s conspiracies should be directed towards yourself. Rituals in which you make a request to external forces for benefits for your loved ones, then the rituals will not be effective.

Conspiracies can be read throughout the New Year holidays, that is, a week before the holiday and during the week after that. But the rituals that take place on New Year’s Eve are considered especially effective. It is at this time that you can ask to make the most seemingly impossible dreams come true. It is very important in conspiracies to emphasize that everything bad should remain in the past year, and only good things should move into the coming year.

You can enhance the effectiveness of any conspiracy if you mention in it the symbol of the upcoming New Year. During the New Year holidays, it is recommended to wear a talisman in the form of a New Year's symbol. It will attract good luck and enhance the effectiveness of the rituals used. Such a talisman must be stored for a year and before important events in life you need to take it in your hands and, squeezing it, imagine how your wish comes true.

New Year is an amazing holiday. And on this holiday, not only children, but even adults believe in miracles. That's why magic spells and are very popular rituals. The universal belief, floating in the festive atmosphere, that on a fairy-tale night all wishes come true, works real miracles. Therefore, deny yourself the pleasure of improving the quality of your own life with the help of magic.

Spells to attract good luck

Spells to attract good luck are very popular for the New Year. After all, it is at this time that the atmosphere is filled with a special energy that can attract positivity into life, which will help you successfully cope with any problems throughout the year.

To the chimes

An effective New Year's Eve conspiracy to attract good luck in the coming year is pronounced in the last seconds of the outgoing year. It goes well with our tradition of celebrating the New Year with a glass of champagne in hand. At the same time, the chimes themselves do not play any magical role, but they help to keep track of time.

IN last minute year, holding a glass of champagne in your hands, say to yourself:

“The glorious New Year is coming, it promises me great luck.
I will succeed in everything, I will not know misfortunes and sorrows.
Good sweet wine will be given back for that year.”

Having finished these words, in the first moment of the New Year, spill a little champagne from your glass on the table and quickly drink the rest. Spilled champagne is your sacrifice for the coming year. If the New Year's conspiracy has achieved its goal and the year will really be successful for you, do not forget your promise and sometimes (no matter what days) “feed” the year by pouring again from your glass, while pronouncing the conspiracy to yourself.

It sounds like this:

“I don’t forget good things, I give thanks.”

31th of December

On the afternoon of December 31st you can spend another strong ritual. To do this, you need to retire to a separate room. For a conspiracy to be effective, you need to forgive all your enemies. It is important to let go of all your grievances and thank God for everything that happened in the past year. After this, you need to freely ask the Almighty to support you in all your endeavors next year.

After this, you need to take a lit church candle in your hand and read the following plot:

“Merciful God, Almighty and All-Powerful, be always with me in the coming year. May all my loved ones be healthy, and may the life of my family be filled with prosperity. And they sent me a lot of gold and silver, and a lot of all sorts of good things. Grant me a calm life, bless me with peace and harmony, and I will always glorify you and will never part with you in my heart. Do not give me, God's Servant, suffering in the New Year, heavenly powers, protect me, my Guardian Angels, from trouble, bad luck, illness, from fire and water. All year, my God, be with me! Save me and save me from external evil and the misfortunes of enemies. Amen".

Many people turn to magic for the New Year to gain wealth and money. And such rituals are always very effective; they allow you to improve your financial situation, and sometimes even receive, for example, an inheritance.

For wealth

For this ritual, early in the morning of January 1st, go shopping; you can buy anything. Throw the first change you receive in the new year as change as high into the sky as possible.

Before saying this:

“Happy coins, fly to freedom, and return them to me a hundredfold.
So that luck does not pass me by and my wealth grows day by day.”

After tossing coins, do not wait until they fall to the ground, but leave without looking back, with the thought that your well-being will improve significantly in the coming year.

Strong conspiracy

This ritual is performed early in the morning on January 1st. Required condition The effectiveness of the ritual is that you should be the first person to wake up in the house after the New Year. After this, you need to take a non-metallic container and go to a well or spring. But if this is not possible, then you must first stock up on holy water from the temple.

Having brought the water home, you need to make the sign of a cross over it and recite the following spell twelve times:

“I will arise, the Servant of God (s) ( given name), early in the morning, I will bless everything created by God, all the earth and sky, water and air, stars and sun, and a clear month. I will bless the year that has come and all the days to come, I will pray to the Almighty and One. I will turn to the Lord God with a request, I will ask the Creator of all things and earthly things, Our Lord, to bless this year for me. Lord, grant me and my loved ones to spend this year in peace, tranquility and harmony, strengthen the one Holy Church on earth, the one that you yourself gave to all humanity. Grant peace and longevity to me and my loved ones, grant us health and an abundance of earthly fruits. Let us breathe clean air and enjoy clear skies. Save me, the Servant of God (my own name), from human evil and the machinations of all evil spirits, show me the righteous path and be my True Shepherd. Grant, God, to my home prosperity and prosperity, wealth, daily bread and peace. Amen".

After this, you need to sprinkle yourself with spring or holy water, and then walk throughout the house and sprinkle all the rooms with water. The remaining water should be thrown out in front of the threshold of your own home.



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