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The return of a former lover in a dream according to Wallace's dream book. Dream Interpretation - Return to the city. Why do you dream of a former loved one from the point of view of dream interpreters?

Dream Interpretation: what dreams do you have about love?

Many people believe that night visions can predict our future. Of course, any person will be interested to know what awaits him.

Most often, people are interested in how their future fate will turn out in their personal, family life. Accordingly, the question arises, what dreams are about love, the emergence of new relationships, or the strengthening of feelings in an already established couple.

What dreams promise love?

Dream interpreters often point out what exactly you might be dreaming about, foreshadowing love and happiness in family life. Among the most basic objects and phenomena: bird nests, doors, some animals, springtime, bouquets of certain flowers, kisses.

To thoroughly understand which path you should take to happiness, it is worth dividing these items into categories.

Images of animals from dreams

Live nature

Every second dream book will be able to give you a hint which animal or flower is a symbol of good luck and joy in family life. All that is required of the dreamer is to detail his night vision.

You dreamed of animals

Of course, not every animal will promise you positive changes in your personal life. Dream interpreters believe that it is important for the dreamer to know which animals will predict a stormy but fleeting romance, and which ones promise a long-term union or strengthening of existing ties.

Often these are animals that we associate with grace, beauty, and goodness. For example, dolphins, horses.

Women should take a closer look at those animals that have strength. They may be a sign that you will soon meet a really strong man.

A bear seen in a dream promises you a strong and long-lasting relationship. White rabbits that appear in your night vision predict, oddly enough, the fidelity of your partner.

The meaning of birds seen in a dream

Dreaming of birds, insects, plants

Among the birds, pigeons and storks are especially distinguished. Dreams in which they were present are considered prophetic. To the sleeping man that I saw similar dream, you will soon be very lucky in your personal life.

If you dreamed that you saw a butterfly fluttering beautifully on a sunny day, it was a great dream. He says that in the foreseeable future you will have a soul mate whom you will love. These feelings will be mutual.

Among plants, the dream book highlights trees in bloom; it is also positive if you dreamed of a gazebo entwined with living flowering plants, as well as ripe tomatoes.

Have you been given a bouquet of flowers? Love will visit you one of these days, the main thing is not to pass by it.

Vision about people

I dreamed about a foreign girl

Of course, people are also considered living beings. If you saw a beautiful young girl in a dream, or it was a man of exotic appearance, then you can safely prepare for the fact that your personal life will change for the better.

If you notice that a person has beautiful facial features and hands, then great and pure love will appear in your life. The main thing is that in such dreams there is no hint of intimacy or sexual overtones.

Inanimate nature

Oddly enough, but dreams in which you saw a door lead to real, sincere relationships. It's positive to see the doors wide open. Such a vision says that the dreamer will fall in love with a person, and the feelings will be mutual.

Family people dream of new doors when a new addition is expected. Interpreters believe that in this way it is possible to predict what gender the child will be. This baby will be a boy.

What else do you dream about love? If in a dream you ate chocolate candies, then the arrow of cupid will soon pierce your heart, however, the feelings will be fleeting. You won't stay with that person for long.

What other items promise you a new relationship:

Enjoying chocolate in a dream

  • if you buy perfume in a dream, you will become the object of someone’s passion, you will have fans and admirers;
  • find jewelry, in particular diamonds - mutual love for the rest of your life;
  • antique item - meet your past love, feelings may flare up with renewed vigor;
  • binoculars - oddly enough, such a dream means that in reality someone is interested in you, look around;
  • pin - if you prick yourself with a pin, then you will have a close relationship with an aggressive person, he will strive to create a couple with you;
  • the nest symbolizes the family, as a unit of society; if it was a cuckoo’s nest, then you will meet a person who will be against children;
  • cut an orange into slices - you will get married successfully, but such a marriage will not bring happiness;
  • cigarette butt - if a woman picks up a cigarette butt from the ground in a dream, then in reality she risks falling in love with a man of short stature and with a lot of complexes.

I dream of warm feelings

What does a dream about love itself mean?

If you start to study in detail the topic of what kind of night visions are a symbol of big and pure love, then it wouldn’t hurt to find out what love itself means in a dream.

Many dream books consider this vision in their sources.

French interpreter

When a person has a dream about love, it means that in reality he will be truly happy.

Seeing fleeting feelings in a dream means you will be lucky professionally.

Watching a happy couple in love means defeat awaits you ahead. A night vision that you dreamed of meeting love or missed your loved one indicates that you will have to worry about a relative or good friend.

Did you happen to see your significant other cheating, as well as a night vision about how the other person does not reciprocate your feelings? Oddly enough, this vision is positive. It predicts success in business and career advancement.

I dreamed of a cooling of real feelings

Female interpreter

What does he think? this dream book, when you see your soulmate in a dream, then in reality you feel good and are safe.

If you dreamed of the love of the people around you, which you literally felt, then you will be lucky in business. The interpreter also believes that everyday troubles and minor troubles will leave you for a while.

A vision in which you see that your feelings have cooled down suggests that you will soon be faced with a choice. You will have to either radically change your life or legitimize your union in order to have financial security in the future.

Do you dream that your husband and wife dote on each other? They will have a happy future together, many children and grandchildren.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

Why do you dream about the love of people around you for the dreamer? The esotericist believes that such a vision indicates that the sleeping person will find his happiness.

Experience strong feelings in a dream

To love yourself - you will receive a reward for your services.

21st century interpreter

Why love something or someone in a dream? Such a dream means that you are satisfied with everything real life, and this is true.

To fall in love with another person to the point of madness means a difficult time is expected; the dreamer will have to work twice as hard. But if he doesn’t stop and doesn’t feel sorry for himself, he will definitely achieve dizzying success.

They love you - the interpreter promises happiness in reality.

Actions in a dream

Seeing how the Moon in the sky splits into several parts - you will create an alliance with a person of the opposite sex, but it will not bring you the desired happiness.

Celebrating, walking, having fun at a celebration - to great love.

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance dreams and built many theories about their interpretation, trying to see signs from Higher powers and look into your future. And now, in the time of exact sciences and high technologies, many have not lost faith in the mystical nature of dreams and in the morning they look for the interpretation of remembered dreams in dream books. Meanwhile, science has also made great progress in studying the nature of sleep, and modern psychologists and psychotherapists are confident that the dream world is a reflection of a person’s subconscious, his experiences, thoughts and feelings. Therefore, psychologists, along with dream interpreters, can explain to people far from mysticism and science why in our dreams we see nightmares, return to our childhood, or meet former lovers.

Both psychologists and dream interpreters pay especially much attention to dreams about former loved ones, since, unlike dreams about everyday things, they always have great meaning for a person and say a lot about his feelings and experiences. Dream involving ex-lover/beloved can help the dreamer deal with accumulated emotions, take a more sober look at current love relationships, and sometimes look into the future. Let's consider how dreams about former beloved men/women are interpreted by psychologists and dream interpreters.

Why do you dream of a former loved one from a psychological point of view?

Most psychologists agree that the appearance of former passions in dreams is always evidence that the dreamer, deep down in his soul, was unable to end the relationship with the person he dreamed of and “let go” of him. Resentment, anger, disappointment, guilt, or vice versa, the hope of renewing a relationship overwhelms the soul of a person who has experienced a failed romance, and therefore in dreams he sees a visual embodiment of his desires and emotions.

To understand why a former loved one dreams, psychologists recommend Special attention pay attention to the plot of the dream and the behavior of the former passion in it, since it is the dreamed events that are a reflection of accumulated experiences and subconscious desires. The feelings with which a person wakes up after such dreams also matter.

According to psychologists, dreams in which a person sees himself and his ex-lover together, happy and in love, indicate that there is still hope in his soul for the restoration of relations. They talk about this especially clearly with a former passion or the scene of reconciliation with him. Most often, people see such dreams when the cause of the breakup was their own temper or pride, or the separation occurred due to external circumstances. And despite the fact that the separation actually occurred, on a subconscious level the dreamer has not “put an end to” the relationship and cannot get rid of the thoughts that he made a mistake and lost his “soul mate.”

And here dreams in which a former loved one appears unhappy, poor or remorseful, means that the dreamer cannot forgive him for any offense and wants the ex-lover (lover) to regret the separation. As a rule, such dreams are dreamed by people who were deceived or insulted by their ex during a breakup, or by those who have inflated self-esteem and believe that any person of the opposite sex should consider a relationship with them as happiness. A dream of a former loved one humiliated or asking for forgiveness in this case is a visually expressed subconscious desire to take revenge for a broken heart.

Should be interpreted in a similar way dreams where misfortune happens to an ex-lover. Psychologists believe that dreams of an ex-passion getting sick/getting into an accident/dying are often seen by people who feel strong anger towards their ex and dream of taking revenge on him for the pain he caused. However, in this case there are exceptions - sometimes such dreams are dreamed by those who feel for some reason obligated to take care of the well-being of their ex. For example, a woman who lived with her alcoholic husband for many years and initiated a divorce, finally tired of constant drinking bouts, may believe that her ex-husband will completely get drunk without her and get into trouble and, out of habit, worry about him. In such situations, dreams are a manifestation of subconscious fears and anxieties for a person, the psychological connection with whom has not yet been broken.

For a person who is in a new love relationships, see both former and current partners in a dream
- this is a serious reason to think about the appropriateness of a new romance and the sincerity of your feelings for your new partner. According to psychologists, such dreams are seen by people who subconsciously compare a new loved one with an ex, yearn for the past and try to understand how correct their choice is. However, you should not break off relations with a new partner because of one such dream, because almost every person can think once or several times about the advantages and disadvantages of a new friend in comparison with an ex. But if such dreams are repeated regularly, and the former loved one appears in them in a much better light than the current partner, it means that in the dreamer’s soul there really are regrets about the past, and his new relationship is just a way to escape from the loneliness that comes after a breakup.

A separate category of dreams about former loved ones are dreams in which these people give the dreamer some advice, suggest solutions to problems and a way out of a difficult situation. As a rule, such dreams are seen by people who managed to maintain friendly relations with their former loved ones. trusting relationship. In such situations, the dreamed ex-lover (beloved) is the voice of the person’s subconscious, which is trying to convey its conclusions to consciousness. The fact is that the human brain works and processes all the information received during the day, and often the brain “gives out” the result of understanding and evaluating the information received in the form of dreams.

Why do you dream of a former loved one from the point of view of dream interpreters?

On this moment There are several dozen dream books, and almost every one of them gives a detailed interpretation of dreams about former loved ones, and often the interpretations are in different dream books vary. Below is the meaning of dreams in which we see former loved ones, from the point of view of the most popular dream books.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the dream book compiled by the “father of psychoanalysis” Sigmund Freud, if a woman dreams of her former lover, she may soon break up or quarrel with her current partner. Moreover, with a high probability, the cause of the quarrel will be the man’s jealousy, caused by the woman’s habit of often remembering her ex.

For single girls and boys, dreams involving ex-lovers, on the contrary, are considered good sign, since they foreshadow an acquaintance with an interesting person of the opposite sex.

Dreams in the plot of which there are sexual relations with a former partner, indicate dissatisfaction, hidden desires, etc. A person who regularly has such dreams needs to learn to accept himself and convey his desires to his partner.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga believed that dreams about everything related to the past symbolize regrets and empty suffering for the past, which is no longer possible and does not need to be corrected. Dreams involving a former loved one are a symbol of sadness, suffering and pointless efforts made to bring back the past. Also, such dreams can be a harbinger of separation from your current partner or the emergence of any circumstances that will interfere with a new romance.

The only dreams about a former loved one that Vanga called a good sign were dreams in which the ex-lover (lover) looked happy and joyful. Such dreams mean that the dreamer was able to forgive all the grievances of the ex-passion and put an end to the completed romance, and soon a new relationship awaits him, more harmonious and happy.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreams in which a former loved one is present is a sign that soon some event will occur in the dreamer’s life that is a consequence of the breakdown of that relationship. If the plot of the dream involved having sex with an ex-passion, it means that in reality the dreamer will face a conflict either with the former loved one himself or with someone from his environment.

For a girl to dream of her own fight with her ex-lover is a signal that she should take a better look at her current partner, since he has a passion for it. Also for the fair sex bad sign Dreams about breaking up with an ex-boyfriend are considered, because they predict that her next relationship will end in a breakup.

But a kiss with a former loved one, according to Miller’s dream book, is a good omen - such a dream foreshadows a very joyful event that will have a positive effect on later life dreamer

Dream: You are surprised to find yourself making love to your ex-lover. Although you have no idea how you got into this situation and feel a lot of guilt, you are also very worried. You try to rationally discuss this situation with your dream lover, but you are constantly distracted by the intensity of your passionate feelings and, as a result, make love to him again and again. No matter how much you try to get rid of love hugs, you actually enjoy this closeness. Finally you manage to leave, but you continue to experience a strong feeling of unsatisfied love.

The meaning of the dream “The return of an ex-lover in a dream”

If in a dream you make love with a former lover, it means that a certain situation in your current life requires awareness of the qualities that you strongly associate with him. It is unlikely that your desire to return to ex-lover, you are simply using it as a symbol of your growing awareness of these characteristics in yourself. Making love with that person means that you become much more aware of these qualities in your own personality. If your ex was dishonest and unreliable, then you are somehow letting yourself down by not daring to face the truth. If he was kind and generous, you discover kindness and generosity in yourself and support yourself in their manifestation.
Former lovers often appear in dreams to warn you against repeating past relationship patterns with a new romantic partner; it is an invitation to let go of old behavioral patterns that no longer serve you. Perhaps you were too helpful with your ex and are now repeating the same behavior in your new relationship. Sex dreams are also common when you are especially excited about new creative ideas or projects. Dreaming about the act of childbirth means that you have the spark within you to create and bring to life something new and unique. No matter how hard you try to ignore these ideas, you push yourself to joyfully embrace this exciting prospect.

Your actions after the dream

Such a dream encourages you to contact highest level of your self-awareness. The more self-aware you become, the better you understand your needs, especially if you are in a close relationship. By illuminating your fundamental essence and your needs, it also helps reveal the deep sexual and love truth of what you truly need in a loving relationship. When you have a good understanding of what qualities attract you in a partner, you are able to make informed decisions about how to attract the loved one of your dreams.

Prerequisites for the dream “The return of an ex-lover in a dream”

Although we often think of intimate relationships as dating another person, one of the main discoveries we make in such relationships is a heightened awareness of ourselves. The more we open up to another person, showing him our weaknesses, the better we understand ourselves. It is in new relationships and love affairs that the most powerful moments of self-discovery usually occur. And when we discover something new about ourselves, intimately or not, we tend to attach our deepest and most passionate feelings to it.

A person spends a third of his life sleeping, while his brain continues to work, analyzing not only signals coming from the outside, but also our feelings, emotions, and experiences. Parting, no matter what it is, always leaves a mark on the soul. It seems that everything is long ago. You are already in a new relationship, and you try not to think about your past relationship during the day, but it continues to bother you at night.

This is what Sigmund Freud says about this situation, or rather the dream book he compiled. An ex-boyfriend or husband with whom a woman broke up dreams of a quarrel with her current lover. Agree, you cannot deny the logic of such reasoning. If a woman is not very smart, and her current man is too jealous, this scenario actually takes place.

The sorcerer and magician gives his own interpretation of such a dream. By the way, it has nothing to do with magic. Rather, it's superficial psychological analysis situations. If you believe the interpretation of the dream provided by Longo, a woman dreams of her ex-husband or lover if she pays too much attention to her past. There is also no doubt about the correctness of this conclusion.

It happens that a woman still has warm feelings for her ex-partner, and in this case it is not surprising that former time appears in her dreams from time to time. If the breakup was painful, perhaps resentment towards this man still lives in the secret corners of the soul and makes itself felt in night visions. In this case, it is better to deal with your own past in order to start living in the present.

Another option is that the couple’s separation was sudden. Last words have not been said, and the final point has not been set. So the subconscious scrolls through the unfinished situation over and over again. Such persistent memories indicate only one thing: it is very important for you to bring the matter to its logical conclusion. It might make sense to just talk to your ex so that there is no misunderstanding between you. If there is no desire or opportunity to meet with your ex, use the “transparent dream” technique to manage the situation, so to speak, from the inside.

Did you break up with your ex as a result of an argument? Are you well aware that only your bad character is to blame for this, but your pride does not allow you to call first? Then a dream about an ex-boyfriend or spouse is a reason to seriously think about your behavior and relationship with this person. Very often such dreams are prophetic and you are destined to be together.

Psychologists say that a person’s dreams reflect his personal experiences, impressions, and current events. But in addition to logical explanations, it would not be amiss to remember symbolic meaning our dreams.

Do you often see your ex in your dreams? It's time to look in or your spouse reminding you of yourself in a dream can mean serious changes in your or his life. Especially if your ex-lover comes to you in a dream in an unusual form.

This is the meaning of the symbols that the esoteric dream book offers us: ex-boyfriend or an ex-husband is often dreamed of by women who are eager to get revenge for their broken heart. The imagination models a suitable situation and displays it in a dream. The scenario of meeting your ex-lover might look like this: you are in a chic dress, get out of a limousine and run into him. The ex doesn't look too good: unhealthy, shabby clothes. Perhaps similar dreams visited you in reality, and the subconscious simply embodied them in a dream.
As the guy advises, pay attention to the situation itself. A heated showdown in a dream indicates that feelings for this person have not yet cooled down. Kisses and mutual caresses are evidence that you are not averse to renewing your relationship.

It must be said that among the interpretations of this dream there are some very funny ones. This is what the English dream book tells us: your ex-boyfriend dreams at night - beware of witchcraft. Modern man, of course, is very far from such superstitions.

If you believe folk signs, the person you dream about is certainly thinking about you. Perhaps this is the most pleasant interpretation of the dream. After all, the fact is that there is no time close man I haven’t forgotten you yet, I can’t help but rejoice. No matter what the dream book says, a former young man who recalled himself in a dream is an excellent reason to call and inquire about his affairs. Still, you are not strangers and can easily maintain friendly relations.

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? Dream books interpret this dream in completely different ways. However, they all agree that such a plot will not just happen. In any case, what you see in a dream is very important, as it allows you to understand what awaits the dreamer in real life.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? Professional psychologist believes that this is how your memories and inner dreams take on an image in the subconscious. Most likely, you still feel something for your former lover, and in a dream this is reflected as a renewal of the relationship.

Depths of your soul

If you want to know why you dream about something like this, then you may be interested in the interpretation of the dream in the Veles dream book. There is a possibility that your old lover is often visited by memories of your relationship. Of course, there is no guarantee that the dream is a direct indication of your future together. But still it should not be ignored.

And the Psychoanalytic Dream Book will tell you what events that happened long ago mean in a dream. According to him, this is how an unconscious mechanism works, with the help of which a person’s mind can separate nostalgia from the desire to return a loved one.

Your actions

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? In order to correctly understand what you saw in a dream, it is recommended to remember the details of the events you dreamed of. This is what you most often dream about:

  • an old lover came home - a favorable time to “clean up the tails”;
  • kiss him - you will be very surprised;
  • flirted with each other - your current man is in some way inferior to the previous one;
  • cling to your former love with your whole body - in real life he will help you;
  • ex-husband calls you to a restaurant - to poverty, troubles for children and loneliness;
  • came home and stayed - you want him back.

However, these are not all the reasons why the ex came back in the dream. Below we will consider other options for deciphering dreams.

Kisses in the night

Why dream of kissing your ex-lover? Alas, it is unlikely that the dream will one day come true. As a rule, such a dream occurs if this man has already found a new lady of his heart and is happy with her.

Did you dream that your ex came back? The Wanderer's Dream Book recommends being careful and staying away from those who deliberately flatter the dreamer. And some of her acquaintances will greatly let her down, forcing her to deal with the consequences of their vile actions.

The Eastern Dream Book offers a more positive interpretation of what was seen in a dream: in order to recapture the heart of a departed man, you need to take the first step yourself.

Sex with your ex

As a rule, interpreters do not interpret dreamed sexual adventures in any way. But they need to be given attention if the partner in the dream is not a stranger to the woman.

In the case when you dreamed of sexual intercourse with a previous chosen one, then the English dream book is sure that you will begin to adhere to conservative views. You can also make friends with elderly relatives, meet old friends, or begin to study events of the distant past.

Why else could someone dream like this? It is possible that the dreamer’s current partner does not fully satisfy her in bed. Because of this, she mentally constantly compares it with the previous one. This could lead to a huge scandal.

However, as he says Universal dream book, the guy you dreamed of might really want you back. But only to your bed. But there was no mutual understanding with him, and there never will be.


In a dream, your ex came back, crying in front of you, repenting of leaving you? If you believe the Sorceress Medea, then he really repents of what he did.

Did you dream that your husband returned from a spree or other bitter moments of life together? According to Esoteric dream book the sleeping woman cannot find a new man, because she is afraid that everything she suffered with the old one will repeat.


Dream Interpretation of Imeninnikov believes that the past will resurface in a woman’s life if in a dream she again won the heart of a departed man.

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? In the near future, something will happen that you do not expect at all, but will remember for a long time. Most likely, you will learn some news related to your former chosen one or something that was present during your relationship with him.

In a dream, a lover wrote or called with the goal of returning everything, then in reality he also wants this.

What to protect yourself from

If in a night vision the ex has returned, then Sage Navi advises checking whether his motives are so pure. It is quite possible that some troubles that you have already forgotten about may return with it.



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