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All Sergei's name days. When is Sergei's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar? Sergei's name day according to the church calendar: dates by month

The name Sergei gained extreme popularity at the end of the twentieth century. And although today interest in it has faded significantly, almost everyone has friends or relatives who bear this wonderful name.

Name Sergey: meaning, origin, name day

There is no one version of the origin of this name that all experts would lean toward. The Latin roots of the name Sergei are considered the most common version. Translated from this ancient language, the name means “noble”, “high”. Sergii is a patrician family Ancient Rome, who traced his ancestry to the Trojans.

The second version of the origin of the name Sergei says that this is just a modern form of such an outdated name as Sergius. It is also of Latin origin and its meaning is “servant of God.”

It is very difficult to find a second name whose name day would be celebrated more often. Name day named after Sergei Orthodox Church celebrates as many as 17 times a year. Angel Sergei's Day is the day on which a person was baptized in the church, and his name day is: January 15 and 27, April 2 and 25, June 1 and 6, July 11 and 18, August 25, September 17 and 24, 8, October 11, 20 and 23, November 29 and December 11. The Church reveres this name very much, using its sound like “Sergius”. In days Orthodox name days Sergei, the martyr Sergius, the righteous Sergius of Svirsky, the Monk Sergius, St. Sergius, the holy martyr Sergius, the obedient Sergius, the venerable martyr Sergius of Zografsky and others are remembered. As you can see, Sergei’s name day falls at all times of the year, so it often doesn’t matter what date the boy was born, his date of birth will almost certainly be close to Sergei’s name day. Perhaps that is why this name has gained such wide popularity. But what date to celebrate Angel Sergei’s Day - the hero of the occasion better ask his parents.

The main character traits of the birthday boy Sergei

All bearers of this beautiful name are sociable and open people. Sergei's character is striking in its depth and unpredictability. Sergei’s place in the creative environment is that he easily comes up with and implements new ideas. He can prove himself to be a good leader and create his own very effective team. Working with Sergei will be good, but labor-intensive. In addition, to get into his team, you need to go through a fairly thorough selection process; he won’t work with just anyone. But Sergei will stand up for “his” people. He is not secretive, never tries to show himself better than he really is.

Sergei cannot be named emotional person, he keeps all his feelings to himself.

Any employer would be lucky to have such a valuable employee on their team. Sergei is distinguished by his conscientiousness and commitment. He will be able to easily and very effectively set up the work process, properly arrange workplace. Sergei will keep his opinion to himself until he receives a leadership position. And this is almost guaranteed to happen in the near future.

Sergei is quite touchy; any little thing can affect his state of mind. He is a workaholic and does not like unnecessary things burden someone else with your work and problems. Likes to work alone, relying only on himself. How a friend Sergei manifests himself with the most the best side. He values ​​friendship very much and will always help his friends. Hard time, will rejoice at their success. Sergei loves women and fun, but he is so smart that he does not demonstrate this to others and does not spoil his image.

Sergey is an optimist; he believes that it is always possible to find a way out of the most difficult situation. And the most important thing is that he finds it.

Being married to Sergei is not easy, because it is very unpredictable. However, he may be good husband and a father, if he chooses his wife correctly. He needs a calm, emotionally stable girl.

When choosing a name for their baby, many parents are of the opinion that it is necessary to name the child in honor of his Angel.

After all, then the baby will have a protector throughout her life. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the Guardian Angel protects a person from troubles and adversity.

Origin of the name Sergei

Every person has a past. The same applies to the name Sergei, which has a story. At one time, two versions of the origin were put forward. The first is the Roman family name Sergius. It appeared in honor of an ancient patrician family that dates back to Trojan times.

The second version is the modern Latin name Sergius. Translated as “servant”, “high”, “noble”.

Sergey is one of the most common names. It has always been popular, especially considering the fact that for each Seryozha there is his own Guardian Angel. There is an opinion that if you name your child after Divine holiday, then it will be easier for him to cope with life’s difficulties.

The baby is often named based on Sergei’s name day. church calendar. Since ancient times, it has been believed that this particular Angel will protect a person throughout his life.

The meaning of the name Sergey

Preschoolers-Sergei are sickly and require increased attention. Starting from the age of five, their body becomes stronger and more resilient. IN school age Sergei turns into a caring son and friend. Worries more about others than about himself.

Sergey is growing up conscientious and obliging. No matter how hard it is, if he promises something, he tries to fulfill it. He does not like to discuss anyone and never expresses his opinion about others.

This boy adores his parents throughout his life. He tries to behave well because he is afraid of offending his mother.

Parents are the most valuable thing in his life. Even if he was offended, he will skillfully hide his feelings, since he does not like to quarrel and complicate relationships. That is why he has many friends and comrades whom he values.

Sergei will fall in love with a homely, calm woman, without unnecessary emotions. He will never marry “beauty.” Kindness, understanding, love and friendship are important to him. This sociable person who knows a lot interesting stories and jokes.

People named Sergei - creative personalities. They always have a lot of ideas in stock. Sergei not only talks about them, but also implements them. Often such people become musicians, artists or actors.

Sergei is very touchy and susceptible, but they are in no hurry to resolve the situation. They prefer to remain silent so as not to lose friendship. They value relationships.

For marriage, women with the names Agnessa, Valentina, Galina, Daria, Elizaveta, Irina, Nina, Tatyana are suitable for them. With the right choice of wife, Sergei become wonderful fathers and wonderful husbands. However, with all its positive qualities Sergei is a difficult person and it is difficult to get along with him. He is unpredictable, so no one knows what he might come up with in the next minute.

Sergei's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

Since ancient times, to be called by the name of saints is good Orthodox tradition. Many parents name their children only this way. They firmly believe that the Guardian Angel will protect their child throughout their lives.

There is an opinion that it is best to name your baby after the Saint who is remembered on this day. Almost every month has Sergei days, but only one will suit you.

Sergei’s name day according to the church calendar is January 27, April 2 and 25, June 1 and 6, July 11, 18, August 25, October 11, 20, 23, December 11.

Your Angel Day depends on your faith (Catholic or Orthodox). Each of them has its own calendar of names.


As we found out, Sergey is a common name. This is good and a kind person, but there are certain difficulties in his character. You need to find an approach to such a person. Any woman will be happy to see this wonderful and responsible man next to her.

Sergei's birthday Orthodox calendar are selected according to the day and month of the birthday.

There are 12 dates in the year when Sergeev’s name day occurs. They are only absent in March, February and September. In other months, you can choose the day that suits your child. Sergei's name day is celebrated as his second birthday.

Parents need to remember that by naming your child on Angel Day, you have found for him a true and reliable protector for the rest of his life, who will protect him from troubles and adversity.

SERGEY'S NAMEDAY, SERGEY'S ANGEL DAY. According to the church calendar, Sergei’s name day: April 2; June 1st; July 11, July 18; September 24; October 8, October 20. From the Latin language - high, highly respected. The interpretation is somewhat dubious. In church and solemn official speeches of the past it was pronounced as Sergius: Saint Sergius of Radonezh, Patriarch of All Rus' Sergius. The symbol of personality is one that celebrates life. Main character traits, excitability, intuition, intelligence. The totem plant is wheat, the totem animal is the nightingale. Sergei's name day in the summer, all day and autumn. What an interesting combination in the name Sergei of a purely earthly principle (wheat) and a heavenly, highly spiritual feeling (nightingale). Naturally, Sergei can not only put forward interesting ideas, but also to bring them to life. If assistants are needed, he always selects them himself! Living with him can be very difficult, since it is not known which side of his personality will manifest itself in this moment. Sergei always starts a job just great, but never finishes it. Perhaps because Sergei is a highly excitable person, unusually irritable, especially in cases where someone does not agree with his point of view. Among the Sergeevs there are a lot of writers, actors, scientists, as well as managers at all levels who are able to look at the whole problem as a whole. They are attracted to work where creativity and the talent of transformation are needed. Sergei is extremely sensitive. Intuition gives him the opportunity to evaluate a person at first sight. As for his intellect, he has both a synthetic and an analytical way of thinking. This greatly expands his horizons, especially in solving very complex problems. And Sergei has them all the time. Usually he does not dare to express his feelings, because he is afraid that he will be misunderstood or considered primitive and funny. People with the type of character like Sergei’s respect only what they love. His health is good, but it depends entirely on his mental state. The weak points in his body are the lower back, the sacrum, that is, the spine. In his sex life, Sergei is somewhat lacking in “hussar charm and inspiration,” as well as male determination - while he is thinking, the opportunity flies away. This applies to both work and love. Sergei dreams of living somewhere on the sea coast, in his own home, away from the bustle of society, with his family. Therefore, Sergei does not try to shine in high society at any cost. He's a big homebody. Well, if he does get ready to go on the road, he will move at the speed of a camel, in front of which lies the vast desert of life. Sergius of Radonezh, abbot of Radonezh, abbot of the Russian land, all Rus' wonderworker (in the world Bartholomew; May 3, 1314 or May 1322 - September 25, 1392) - monk of the Russian Church, reverend, founder of a number of monasteries, including the Holy Trinity Monastery . The spiritual collector of the Russian people, with whom the cultural ideal of Holy Rus' and the emergence of Russian spiritual culture (and Russian culture in general) are associated. He did not leave a written legacy, but his spiritual instructions are known, in particular, his testament to all people of the Holy Russian Land “We will be saved by love and unity.” He is also known as a representative of active hesychasm, the founder of the Russian eldership and the renewer of the monastic community, which comes from Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk. Since the 15th century, he has been revered by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint and is considered the greatest ascetic, mourner, man of prayer, and heavenly commander of the Russian land. Since ancient times, it has been revered by Orthodox and Old Believers historical Rus' as the greatest ascetic of the Russian land. He is considered the patron saint of student youth. The veneration of Sergius of Radonezh, limited until the beginning of the 20th century almost exclusively within the boundaries of historical Rus', after the revolution of 1917 spread far beyond its borders, which was the merit of the post-revolutionary emigration.[ Since 1969, by order of Pope Paul VI, the name of St. Sergius has been included in the liturgical calendar of the entire Roman Catholic Church. Days of remembrance among Orthodox, Old Believers and Eastern Catholics: September 25 (October 8) - repose (death); July 5 (18) - discovery of relics. There are other days of remembrance in the Russian Orthodox Church. In Western Rite Roman Catholic parishes and Anglican Communion churches, the day of remembrance is September 25th according to the Gregorian calendar. Dates of the name day of Sergius, Sergei, dates of the day of the Angel. (name day dates according to the old style are indicated in parentheses) January 15 (2) - martyr Sergius. January 27 (14) - righteous Sergius of Svirsky († after 1474). April 2 (March 20) - Venerable Sergius, killed in the monastery of St. Sava († 796). April 25 (12) - St. Sergius, Patriarch of Constantinople. June 1 (May 19) - Venerable Sergius of Shukhtomsky († 1609; Russian). June 6 (May 24) - martyr Sergius Tribune. July 11 (June 28) - St. Sergius the Master and St. Sergius (and St. Herman) Valaam Wonderworker (IX century; Russian). July 18 (5) - St. Sergius, abbot of Radonezh and wonderworker of all Russia († 1392; Russian; finding of relics). August 25 (12) - St. Sergius. September 17 (4) - Hieromartyr Sergius (Druzhinin), Bishop of Narva and Gregory (Lebedev), Bishop of Shlisselburg; († 1937). September 24 (11) - St. Sergius (and St. Herman) Valaam Wonderworker (IX century; Russian; transfer of relics). October 8 (September 25) - Venerable Sergius, abbot of Radonezh and wonderworker of all Russia († 1392; Russian). October 11 (September 28) - Sergius the obedient, Kiev-Pechersk, resting in the Near Caves (XIII century; Russian). October 20 (7) - St. Sergius the obedient, Kiev-Pechersk, resting in the Near Caves (XIII century; Russian) and St. Sergius of Nurom, Vologda († 1412; Russian). October 23 (10) - Venerable Martyr Sergius of Zografsky. November 29 (16) - Venerable Sergius of Malopinezh († 1585; Russian). December 11 (November 28) - Hieromartyr Sergius the Deacon.

Sergei - Latin Sergius - guard.

Sergei's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 15:Sergius, martyr
  • January 27:Sergius of Sinai, martyr.
  • 5th of March:Sergius of Valaam, martyr.
  • April 2:Sergius Savvait, prmch.
  • 25th of April:Sergius II, Patriarch, Constantinople
  • June 1st:Sergius Shukhtomsky (Shukhtovsky), schemamonk
  • July 11:Sergius of Valaam, St.; Sergius, St.
  • July 18:Sergius of Radonezh, abbot (Discovery of honest relics)
  • July 20:Sergius of Radonezh, abbot
  • 25-th of August:Sergius, St.
  • September 24:Sergius of Valaam, St.
  • October 8:Sergius of Radonezh, abbot (Repose)
  • The 20th of October:Sergius of Obnorsky, Nuromsky, Vologda, etc.; Sergius of Pechersky, Obedient; Sergius the Roman, Rosafsky, martyr.
  • October 23:Sergius Zografsky, prmch.
  • 29th of November:Sergius of Malopinezhsky, St.
  • December 11th:Sergius, schmch., presbyter

Characteristics of the name Sergey

Sergei grows up as a serious and vulnerable child. He is inquisitive and loves nature. He is characterized by sudden changes in mood: sometimes he is carefree and cheerful, sometimes he is gloomy and gloomy.

Sergei studies quite well. He has an excellent memory and reads a lot. He takes assignments responsibly, participates in all school events, and carries out assignments. Sergei is talented and often practices music or dancing. He is unusually artistic, capable of subtle feelings, and receptive. His relationships with teachers and classmates are smooth, he will never offend anyone, and he treats everyone and everything fairly.

Sergei has common sense and strives for a strong position. He treats his work conscientiously. Sergei has an unusually rich imagination, which allows him to become a famous writer, musician, painter, artist, and inventor. Sergey is also endowed with the ability to understand people, unite them, and guide them. He will make a good leader, psychologist, teacher, lawyer.

Sergey is a wonderful friend. He is capable of compassion, experiences his friends’ problems as if they were his own, and is always ready to console and lend a helping hand. At the same time, Sergei is reluctant to talk about his troubles, prefers to restrain his feelings, although he is an extremely emotional person. When irritated, he becomes domineering, capricious, and sometimes violent. Sergei is quite touchy, but knows how to hide his grievances and hates complaining. He tries to perceive life as it is, preferring to “go with the flow.”

As a rule, Sergei is a women's favorite. He is charming, charmingly looks after girls, does not tolerate conflict situations. He will not allow himself to be rude towards a woman, he will always stand up for her. Sergei does not marry for a long time, but not because of his love for “light” novels. He has been looking for a long time for a companion who is like him - kind, sensitive, gentle. It must be extraordinary, different from the rest. Sergei touchingly loves his children, although he does not have enough severity to raise them. He will not faithful husband, any “framework” is not for him at all. But Sergei is a housewife, loves to tinker around the house and improve his life. Even after a divorce, he will maintain friendly relations with his wife.

One of the most revered saints with the name Sergei is Reverend. True, at birth he was named Bartholomew. Mine earthly path he started in the city of Varnitsa. Various chronicles mention several versions of the date of his birth, but officially the Russian Orthodox Church defines it as 1314.
At the age of 10, the youth Bartholomew was sent to study at a church school. His brothers studied with him: the elder Stefan and the younger Peter. Science was very difficult for the saint. This upset both parents and teachers. Bartholomew himself prayed day and night that the process of learning to read and write would be a little easier. When he was 13 years old, Bartholomew went to look for horses in the field. In the clearing, he saw a schema-monk, the youth humbly bowed, but did not leave, but quietly stood next to him and began to wait for the end of the elder’s prayer.
When skhemnikh finished prayer rule, he turned to the boy with the question, what is he looking for and what does he want? And then, with tears in his eyes, Bartholomew asked him to pray that the boy would become better at reading and writing.
Schimnikh prayed and gave the boy a piece of prosphora, blessing him to eat it. The youth begged the elder to visit their home, and over the meal his parents told him about many wonderful phenomena that had accompanied their children since birth. The elder only said that the boy would become the abode of the Holy Trinity and would lead many to faith.
A few years later, Bartholomew’s family moved to the town of Radonezh. After the eldest son got married, the parents accepted Great Schema in the Khotkovo-Pokrovskaya monastery. Soon his father and mother departed to the Lord, and Bartholomew decided to go to this monastery himself, where his elder brother Stefan, who had been widowed by that time, had been living as a monk for several years.
But striving for solitary prayer, together with their brother they went to the desert next to the Konchura River. In 1335, a temple in honor of the Holy Trinity was built here. At the same time, he took monastic vows with the name Sergius.
Soon other monks began to join him, and so the Trinity-Sergius Monastery was formed, which in the future was destined to become a Lavra.
A very important part of the monastic charter was the decree of Sergius of Radonezh that accepting alms is now prohibited. The brothers will live only on the proceeds of their labor.
With his meek disposition, St. Sergius could beneficially influence even the most hardened hearts. He reconciled the warring princes; it was thanks to the conviction of St. Sergius that during the Battle of Kulikovo, all the princes of the Russian land recognized the supremacy of Dmitry Ioannovich. Going to this battle, the prince came to St. Sergius to receive his blessing. The elder predicted victory for him.
Unfortunately, not many people know that in addition to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Saint Sergius of Radonezh also founded a monastery near Kolomna, the Annunciation Monastery on Kirzhach, the St. George Monastery on Klyazma, and the Vysotsky Monastery. And his students stood at the origins of more than 40 monasteries.
He foresaw his death within six months. Saint Sergius gathered the brethren and blessed Saint Nikon to become abbot. After which he soon died.



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