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YOU will be shocked! Chipization of the Earth's population has begun! Microchipping of people in Russia will begin soon! Government regulation on microchipping people

Modern society receives high-quality education, has extensive communication systems and global information resources. Nevertheless, the formation and cultivation of various myths and conspiracy theories is far from uncommon today. Microchipping people until 2025 is a fairly popular theory today. It will be characterized and analyzed in detail in our article.

Chipization of citizens: what is it?

The founder of the theory of chipping is the presenter of the Ren-TV channel, Igor Prokopenko, “beloved” by many Russian scientists. Some conspiracy theorists, pseudoscientists and even representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church supported the idea. To be fair, it should be noted that there has not yet been an official appeal from the Russian Orthodox Church. However? Many clergymen managed to speak out about the scandalous idea.

So, what is the essence of the theory? In the near future, all Russian citizens will have a certain “multifunctional electronic device” implanted into their brains - so-called microchips. They are needed for the gradual “enslavement” of a person, the ability to control each individual person. To achieve such a complex goal, chip designers will go through four main stages.

Stages of chipization

The theory is called “Chipping people in Russia until 2025” for a reason. According to the ideological interpretation, the creators of the program will go through four stages to “complete control of a person.” The first stage is the creation of the chip itself. A certain document will be implanted into it, in which all necessary information about a specific person. This will also include passport data, certificates, medical certificates, etc. The chip will be encrypted using a special key.

At the second stage, it will be possible to make purchases of goods and services. All credit cards will be linked to a chip. The third stage involves direct implantation of the chip into the body. And this, according to the developers of the theory, is very convenient: you can call an ambulance or the police not only by phone - the Glonass system will always be in your head, and in the literal sense. The fourth stage involves “universal chipization”. Paying for goods or services, receiving a salary, purchasing goods - all this can be implemented using a device implanted into the body.

The whole theory is reminiscent of the concept of some science fiction film. However, the seemingly impossible idea at the same time looks quite innovative and convenient, and therefore its application would be the most important stage in the history of mankind. Although Prokopenko and his followers do not think so.

Theories about chipping

Many supporters of the chipization theory seriously talk about the beginning of a “global information revolution.” Representatives of the world elite allegedly want to create a planet of a new formation, where robotic people would be the norm, and the government could use high information technologies for political purposes. Some representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and adherents of the theory under consideration are calling for the abandonment of credit cards, travel documents and other electronic cards today. In their opinion, the use of such technologies is “the first step to global enslavement.”

Who are opponents of electronic implants referring to? These are Bill Gates, Barack Obama, various Western scientists and politicians. Recently there was a funny incident with Igor Prokopenko, who referred to Barack Obama’s speech. In a program on Ren-TV, the politician’s words were translated as “Every person should be chipped, that’s right.” In the original, the US President said: “Everybody is going to have to chip in,” which translates as “Every person is obliged to chip in [for medical services].” The story with VeryChip is also worth mentioning. This is a company that until 2010 was developing biometric devices. However, Prokopenko said in 2013 that chip production in Wyoming was in full swing. The Ren-TV presenter said to journalists who caught him contradicting him that he would not want to delve into any details.

Where does the dissatisfaction come from?

Every supporter of the theory of “chipping people in Russia until 2025” sees something negative, sometimes even evil, in such a fantastic idea. in his programs he once again refers to certain “world governments”, groups of Freemasons, Rockefellers and representatives of the Bilderberg Club. All of the above concepts are nothing more than “secret elite groups” plotting against the common people.

The Russian Orthodox Church views chipping somewhat differently. According to representatives of the clergy, there are references to inevitable electronic enslavement even in the Gospel and spiritual books. A simple example is “Apocalypse” by John the Theologian. The apostle speaks of a certain “mark” that will be placed on the hand or head of every person in the world. According to John, this mark is the sign of the “beast,” in other words, the devil. Next, the saint talks about the famous three sixes - supposedly demonic numbers.

Thus, viewers of conspiracy theories and believers really have something to fear. For them, there are sufficient reasons to believe in the theory in question. But are there official and more “worldly” sources talking about chipization in Russia?

Law on microchipping of the population

On August 7, 2007, the Russian Government signed Order No. 311 of the Ministry of Energy “On approval of the Development Strategy until 2025.”

The law provides a list of the main activities by which the electronics industry will be improved in Russian Federation. This, for example, is the creation of basic design systems, modernization in the field of microwave electronics, the development of quantum and magnetic electronics, the production of microsystem equipment, etc. Paragraph 10 of the Strategy passport talks about the sources and volumes of funding for the program. From 2007 to 2025 it is planned to spend several hundred billion rubles. Proponents of the theory in question like to cite frightening figures, without forgetting to substitute concepts. They call the development of electronics in the country “chipization.” With the help of a simple trick, conspiracy theorists change the meaning of an entire law.

About chipping in the documentation of the Ministry of Energy

Is there anything in the government order about “chipping people in Russia until 2025”? Of course, direct indications of something similar in normative act are missing. However, some citizens like to quote from the law, which talks about the importance of integrating nanoelectronics with biological objects. Thus, according to legislators, the standard of living in the country will be significantly increased.

Ten years after the law was passed, no microchips are available for sale. And this is not at all surprising. Resolution of the Ministry of Energy No. 311 is only a strategy. You can deviate from some norms, and some may be completely forgotten. The so-called “chipping”, which individual citizens have seized on, is, although probable, a process that is unlikely to be achievable in the near future. That’s why we won’t see a human robot in the near future.

Vaccination as a way to introduce multifunctional electronic devices

It would seem that a harmless conspiracy theory is unlikely to have any impact on the lives of most citizens. But that's not true. IN Lately The idea of ​​chipping becomes harmful, sometimes even dangerous. The reason for this is the generation of medical dissidence. Its most striking form is anti-vaccination. How does it threaten Russian society?

Particularly ardent supporters of the theory under consideration are seriously confident that chips are being introduced everywhere today. There is no evidence of this, however, this does not prevent individual citizens from actively promoting the theory about the dangers of vaccinations. Of course, some vaccines have their side effects. However, supporters of conspiracy theories deny all possible types of vaccinations. In their opinion, some kind of robotic nannies are being developed, and every vaccinated baby receives a microchip in their body. Fortunately, there are not many supporters of this theory yet. However, the fight against their ideas is necessary now.

Consequences of chipping

Conspiracy theorists oppose chipping for several reasons. Some blindly believe the predictions of John Chrysostom, while others try to find a material approach. Opponents of the currently non-existent operation are already talking about its harm. This, for example, has a serious impact on the human nervous system, controlling his mood and well-being, influencing thought processes, causing hallucinations, pain, etc. There are even confessions of “experimental subjects” who were allegedly subjects of cruel experiments from chip developers.

All of the above sounds like a description of a fantastic work. Unfortunately or fortunately, such highly developed technologies do not yet exist in our time. Moreover, such actions as influencing the human brain or nervous system will not be available for the next two centuries, at least. This is confirmed by the simple fact that about 90% of the human brain has not yet been studied.

Refusal of chipization

What, according to supporters of the theory, will happen to people who refuse chipization? In short, intense pressure from the public. Such people will starve, they simply will have nowhere to live. The entire human infrastructure will become inaccessible to them: special types of medicine, nanny robots, education - all this will pass by people without chips. And all because some people did not want to become “slaves of the system.”

Such assumptions sound quite interesting. However, one simple and very logical question arises: “How do supporters of the chipization theory know all this?” There is no evidence, and there have been no official statements from the authorities. In fact, everything is very simple. Opponents of electronic implants refer to the “Apocalypse” of John Chrysostom and other religious books. They contain all the desired information. One might think that the information in such works is somewhat vague and irrelevant. Here the concepts of Augustine the Blessed and Thomas Aquinas - medieval philosophers who put faith above reason - will come to the rescue.

Chips for animals

We should also talk about microchips that can be used on various animals. Adherents of this theory like to talk about how testing chips on dogs and cats is only the initial stage of a global process, “training for human enslavement.” However, everything is much simpler.

There are several types. Most often, small devices are attached to the collar. They are necessary to determine the location of a lost pet.

There is also a subcutaneous microchipping procedure that many veterinarians recommend. Electronic implants are inserted painlessly, however, some animals may have an individual intolerance to the device. For now, the procedure is at the development stage, and therefore not all owners decide to carry it out. Although scientists are already predicting a great future for animal chips.

Conspiracy theories in Russia

It would seem that the Russian Federation is not among the third world countries. There is a well-developed science here, and a good education and training system has been created. But a considerable number of people continue to believe in rather peculiar theories and myths. With what it can be connected?

Most likely, some individuals want to have specific types of thinking and cognition. They want to know something that is inaccessible to most of society. “Chipping people in Russia until 2025” is excellent conspiracy material. It does not contain any references to sources; it contains many religious “predictions” and biblical quotes. Moreover, the creators of the theory do not give space for reflection: they are firmly convinced that chipization really exists. And any attempts to refute the theory are often met with hostility.

The story of chipping the Russian population until 2025 has long been firmly established on the list of favorite topics among numerous conspiracy theorists and sectarians. Such a juxtaposition can hardly satisfy any specialist, and therefore professional discussion of this issue in the public field occurs extremely rarely. The Internet is full of headlines foreshadowing the coming of the Antichrist, who, according to biblical predictions, will rush to oblige people to wear it in their hands and on their faces. The texts of the Revelation of John the Theologian are often correlated with modern technological innovations, which involve the placement of identification chips under the skin. It is worth looking into in more detail to what extent this problem can really open the way to apocalyptic prophecies and what kind of chips are being developed under the control of Russian corporations.

The whole truth about chips for citizens of the Russian Federation

If we approach the issue discussed here literally, then chipization of the Russian population is the assignment of a chip or identification device made using modern high-tech industry to each of the citizens. A standard chip is a microelectronic device that allows you to write or read various information. Such chips are made from silicon and have a crystalline structure. They are present in any computer, mobile phone or flash card used to store data. At the same time, silicon chips in memory cards or electronic computing devices are often quite large in size to be sewn under the skin and become the seal of the Antichrist, which is mentioned in biblical prophecies.

Neither buy nor sell

A careful consideration of modern technologies used for remote identification will help to understand how chipization of the Russian population will occur (forced or optional), and whether it will happen at all. It is these remote control mechanisms that most closely match the descriptions found in Revelation. It is also worth adding that all modern projects that touch on the topic of microchipping people in Russia in 2018 and subsequent years also consider a similar (remote) mechanism for their technological implementation as the main one. This means taking a closer look at RFID tag technologies and their main applications.

Video about chipping children in Yekaterinburg:

Is an RFID tag the seal of the Antichrist?

Remote data reading technology through radio frequency identification methods is the most likely mechanism for introducing chips into the masses of the civilian population. Silicon crystals in this technological scheme are noticeably different from microelectronic device chips. Their main difference is their significantly smaller sizes, which can often be indistinguishable to the naked eye. To understand the essence and scale of what is happening, just look at the areas of application of tags made using RFID technologies:

  • Consumer Product Labels.
  • Electronic keys and passes.
  • Passport and visa documentation.
  • Systems for remote control and tracking of objects.

If you look at what Vladimir Putin says in his speeches about chipization, it becomes clear that we are not talking about introducing chips under the skin of Russians, but about ordinary biometric passports. One characteristic feature of RFID tags should not be overlooked here - they consist of two components: a microscopic silicon chip with information recorded on it and an antenna that allows special equipment to read the information recorded in the chip. In other words, a silicon chip with data on its own is completely useless unless it is accompanied by a metallized antenna that allows the information recorded on it to be read. It is almost impossible to insert such a mark under the skin using an injection. The implantation procedure will require serious surgical intervention or the work of a tattoo artist whose ink will have a high metal content.

What does Russian legislation say?

The law on chipization of the population, which is often mentioned in various conspiracy theories, is very far from biblical predictions in its essence. According to the norms current legislation, modern international passports will be equipped with chips, and the chip itself will only duplicate the information contained in the document. This technology will simplify visa control at international airports and a number of other places where the presentation of documents is required. Existing projects to supplement information in passports and visas with biometric data imply nothing more than recording scanned fingerprints of the document owner on a chip sewn into the pages of the passport. It is important to remember that currently RFID technologies are being implemented exclusively in foreign passports and there is no talk yet of a total update of all documents of Russians.

As can be seen from the above, rumors about chipization and UEC spread by various sectarians and religious fanatics are far from reality. The UEC or universal electronic card could become a single document, replacing a credit card, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a compulsory health insurance policy and a host of other documents that a citizen today requires to interact with government authorities and enjoy the benefits of the social sphere. Few Russians have not had to deal with queues at various institutions and departments, as well as demands from civil servants to provide a copy of this or that document, which is often forgotten at home or needs to be obtained at the other end of the city. The project to introduce universal electronic cards is aimed at ridding citizens of such inconveniences.

State projects in the field of development and implementation of UEC are currently immensely far from practical implementation and exist only at the stage of preliminary discussions. The real state of affairs in this area is that it has not yet been possible to create any unified information base, and all electronic systems if they work, then with great interruptions and still do not cancel paper document flow. It would not be amiss to remember here that an important part of this work is entrusted to the Rusnano corporation, which is under the control of the notorious Anatoly Chubais. Most Russians know firsthand how effective his style of work is and how he managed to lower electricity tariffs through the division of RAO UES of Russia, which Chubais previously led, and therefore the implementation of the UEC project is unlikely to be seen in the coming decades. Despite the fact that modern Russian realities and the level itself technological development Russia is far from perfect, and the prospects for the implementation of biblical prophecies on the territory of the Russian Federation are very vague; such a danger cannot be ruled out.

Program "Childhood 2020-2030"

Massive neural networks in the minds of schoolchildren:

USA - the birthplace of the Antichrist

Under the guise of democracy and privacy, chipping of people in the United States is now being fully implemented, which is entirely consistent with the letter and spirit of biblical prophecy. Modern RFID tag technologies are used by all major American corporations producing consumer goods. Chips are sewn into clothes, shoes, cars and much more. A person may not have any documents on him, but RFID remote reading systems will be able to fully identify him simply by scanning his clothing. Tags introduced into products of world-famous brands are not always located in places accessible to the consumer. Many may not even imagine the existence of marks on their clothes, but when passing by an advertising plasma panel, they often hear that the sneakers are outdated and it’s time for them to update the model in accordance with the fashion of the latest season. Such hidden capabilities of corporations to track consumers represent the main threat posed by chipization and the spread of RFID technologies.

Over the past 10 years, we have become accustomed to taking the maximum from the objects around us. We use “smart” kettles, washing machines and lamps, we are buying more and more sophisticated smartphones.

It has become commonplace for us that Mobile Internet The speed is comparable to home, and we are not surprised by wireless charging or NFC capabilities.

No progress has happened only with our body. But it turns out modern technologies allow you to upgrade it too.

😎 The Technology section is published with the support of re:Store

You can make a “smart” hand from an ordinary hand, and turn your earlobe into a full-fledged control panel.

We will talk about chipping - a phenomenon that allows you to improve your body by implanting electronic circuits.

Warning: The photos and videos in this article are not for the faint of heart.

Chipping is no worse than piercing

The smallest sensor that is practically invisible on an x-ray.

The essence of chipping is to relieve a person from having to carry all kinds of electronic accessories with him. Thus, many people use fitness bracelets or a smartphone to unlock car doors or door locks.

Among people thinking about microchipping, there are many who are afraid of the “operation” itself. Yes, it’s more logical to put this word in quotation marks, because the procedure cannot be called a surgical intervention

Six months ago I decided to get chipped. I’m just tired of putting my bags on the floor every time I approach the office threshold, looking for keys, aiming at the keyhole.

“Damn it, why not replace this dull ritual with a simple wave of the hand,” I thought. So I decided to have a chip implanted.

Is the procedure painful? Not at all. If you've ever had a piercing, it feels very similar. Just a few minutes, and you will forever have in your hand the key to all the doors, a travel ticket and a couple of dozen additional chips. This is great!

Ellie, one of those who was microchipped.

The procedure for introducing the chip was demonstrated back in 2015. Although the founder of the company Dangerous Things, which supplies products for chipping, claims that he implanted himself with a chip to open doors back in 2005.

Not much has changed since then.

A microchip is installed in a very thick needle-pin. It is then carefully injected under the skin under local anesthesia. Perhaps this is the whole price for expanding the functionality of your hand.

The same syringe for inserting a chip under the skin.

Such chips are called RFID chips or “radio frequency identification chips.”

Small chip with big capabilities

This baby can significantly expand the capabilities of your arm or leg.

Chips with NFC tags and sensors are placed in a miniature glass capsule. Their size is no more than 1 centimeter. But, unlike a smartphone or bracelet, such capsules cannot be lost or forgotten.

They and their owners become one. And the best thing is that The chips do not need to be recharged. They've been working for years. All thanks to the fact that they consume energy and “awaken” only when an external device is accessed.

Immediately after implantation, your hand receives several new features:

  • you can unlock any lock by pre-programming the chip with a digital key
  • get authorized in the gym by punching your membership card
  • pay the fare
  • a microchip can be used as an identifier, replacing a passport
  • send information to your smartphone with a simple touch of your hand

The scope of application of such a microchip is enormous. The day is not far off when you can use them to pay at the supermarket and use the payment systems of your choice.

Where can you find microchipping?

This little chip can open doors and activate switches.

If someone told you 15 years ago that you would never let go of your iPhone, what would you say? They probably reacted categorically, saying that “Tetris” and “electronics” have not interested you for a long time.

But today the smartphone has replaced us with a means of communication, a player, and a book. It has become a full-fledged entertainment center.

The same thing happens with chipping. It is in its infancy. After all, the first case of installing a chip under the skin was registered only three years ago.

  • Sweden is the country where chipping is most developed.
  • About 12 thousand chip deployment operations have been carried out around the world.
  • The chips do not require recharging.
  • All microcircuits are placed in tiny glass capsules, so they do not cause harm to humans.
  • The cost of implementing an RFID chip is about $30.

Moreover, the initiative to implant chips was supported at the state level, and now to present a ticket on local trains it is enough to show your hand.

There are those who have decided to get chipped in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Mexico. People with “expanded capabilities” meet regularly, share experiences, and communicate.

But the development of chipping affects not only the technological component. It exists in medicine, in image, and even in art.

For beauty. Five years ago there was a boom in the special “Polar Star” accessory. The chip was a small patch with built-in LEDs.

Fashion trend last decade: shimmering tattoos.

It was implanted under the skin... “for beauty.” The tattoo was illuminated and blinking. The Polar Star was turned on and off using tiny magnets that were placed in the fingers.

For medical purposes. The Circadia chip is installed by Grindhouse. It can track the current body temperature, but in the future the developers plan to teach the chip to monitor the heart rate and oxygen level in a person’s blood.

You have to pay for functionality with the size of the chip.

There is also a company that is developing a chip that controls blood sugar levels by replacing the pancreas.

A dancer with a chip in her leg listens for earthquakes.

In art. For dancer Moon Ribas, inspiration comes in those moments when she feels the vibrations of the implant in her hand. A tiny microchip signals active earthquakes. The girl feels these impulses and begins to dance.

Contemporary art is difficult to understand, but chipping has reached here too.

Is there anything dangerous about microchipping?

X-ray of the hands of a person who had two microchips implanted at once.

According to statistics, about 10% of the world's population is interested in the possibility of implanting a miniature chip under the skin. Some people want to give up a paper passport and driver's license, others dream of paying for purchases with one wave of their hand.

But any microcircuit can be hacked? Is such hacking dangerous for those who have it directly in their body?

The developers of those same chips, for example, the founder of Bionyfiken Hannes Sjeblad, emphasize that chipping is absolutely safe and harmless.

Today, the human body is a new technological platform. And the implant can be called a part of it.

We're upgrading our bodies with chips, but the real boom is in this type modernization will be necessary only in 5 - 10 years. And, after all, who wants to carry a clunky smartphone or smartwatch with them everywhere when all their functionality can be placed in their own hand?

There is no need to be afraid of hacking. All data collected in the chip is very limited and encrypted. Hackers will simply not be interested in them.

Chipping has become fashionable

The world government is still a secret power over all of humanity, a global structure consisting of various organizations and representatives of the richest clans in the world, whose main goal is to establish total control on Earth. To do this, they need to take away our freedom and directly control every person through a computer - this is where the notorious chipping will play a role.

Microchipping by vaccination - how is this possible?

It would seem that anyone would agree to be chipped voluntarily? But world government knows methods that will leave no choice but to agree to have a chip implanted. In addition, they want to present chipping to people under the guise of a technical breakthrough aimed at the benefit of people. And if this doesn’t work, then there are still more cunning ways to control the population and introduce chips - for example, universal vaccination against any virus.

IN mandatory Chipping has long been successfully performed in livestock breeding, as well as on many domestic animals. In fact, this procedure is similar to a regular vaccination, because an electronic microdevice is simply inserted under the skin with a special syringe-injector - and the same thing can easily be done on a person!

In order for people to get vaccinated themselves, the world government will artificially create a viral epidemic. It will deliberately exaggerate statistics when reporting the number deaths among the infected. A similar thing has already happened in the case of the global H1N1 swine flu pandemic in 2009: the symptoms of this disease and ordinary flu are so similar that it was not difficult for the authorities to scare people at the expense of flu patients with the impressive numbers of victims of the new virus. All these manipulations stimulate panic, and people begin to believe that the only way to avoid the disease is vaccination.

Consequences of chipping

A microchip that gets into the body along with the “vaccination”, which will contain all the information about the person and his financial assets, will become his access to all the amenities of life. This is the only way to buy or sell something, pay for treatment and other services, travel abroad, etc. And those who refuse chipization will be deprived of such privileges.

However, having a chip will give the authorities the opportunity not only to monitor your movements, but also to literally control you. By influencing the chip, you can have a serious impact on a person’s nervous system and expose him to real psychoterrorism, remotely controlling his mood, well-being, mental state and the health of internal organs, influencing thought processes, causing visual, auditory, taste hallucinations, various pains, etc. . P.

Here is a confession from one of the many victims of psychoterrorism:

Those who refuse such vaccinations will be accused by the authorities as people indulging in the spread of a deadly disease. Society will support the hysteria and will also condemn the “unvaccinated” as potential carriers of the virus and subject them to isolation. Everything will lead to the fact that it will not even be necessary to physically force the population to get vaccinated - people will go for vaccination themselves, under public pressure.

In addition to total control and turning people into obedient robots, there is a theory that the world government plans to implement the “golden billion” plan. According to this theory, there will only be enough natural resources necessary for life for 1 billion people. The rest will be subject to population reduction after undergoing microchipping! In Russia, for example, it is planned to leave no more than 15 million people alive, and the process will begin with the USA, Canada, Great Britain and some other first world countries. In America, giant cremation ovens are already being prepared to destroy millions of corpses and plastic coffins to hold them:

Werewolves in white coats

In addition to vaccination, other methods of chipping are also practiced in the medical field. For example, a doctor can very easily and without the patient’s knowledge implant an electronic chip into his body during any operation.

Also, instead of an electronic chip, a nano-tag can be applied to the body with a laser, a kind of laser tattoo in the form of a special barcode, which is visible only under a special scanner. Nano-tags work in the same way as chips, but they cannot be removed from the body when detected, because even cutting it off the surface of the skin will not get rid of the connection with the control computer. The fact is that immediately after application, this laser marking begins to interact with skin neurons that transmit information to the brain - that is, your genome will already be irrevocably “rewired.” And you risk getting such a barcode even at a dentist’s appointment - but you won’t notice anything at all.

The spiritual danger of chipization

The scary thing is that chipping also poses a spiritual danger to a person. Confirmation of this can be seen in the Revelation of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian ( Open 13:15-18), which says that “everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has it.” the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." This number is 666, and it is contained in the same barcode that is laser applied to a person’s hand or forehead. And the data of people who accepted chipping will be transferred to a global supercomputer, which will be called “The Beast.”

There is no specific date given for when this entire plan will be fully implemented, but everything is moving towards it. And will a person be able to resist the world government, defend his freedom and rally against the “master race”, or will he retreat from morality and spirituality for the sake of material wealth?

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Chipping of the population - more and more rumors are circulating on this topic. I want to laugh, but in the light of the new law, it becomes somehow sad, comrades! Beware of chips!

Obamacare, page 1004: You must have an RFID chip implanted in your body

Note: This article received unusual a large number of views and was posted long before the release of the corresponding health care bill. This story is essentially an urban legend.

The gist of the rumor:
“According to the new law, within our country, by March 23, 2013, each of us will be required to have an RFID chip under our skin. It will be linked to our bank accounts, personal notes and the ability to track all the data built into it.”

The rumor is undoubtedly false. They wanted to issue a corresponding resolution, but did not collect enough signatures. So it was stopped right away early stage In the project's boundaries. Note.

On Sunday, March 21, 2010, the Senate health bill passed HR3200 and signed it into law the following Tuesday. As stated earlier, there are many scary aspects regarding this bill, and you have probably already heard about them. Not that it shouldn't be underestimated, but this project opens a prophetic door not seen since the reformation of Israel.

This new law requires the installation of an RFID chip for each of us. It will contain not only personal information that can be tracked, but also bank account information. According to page 1004 of the new bill (dictating the timing of its installation), implantation must be carried out: “NO later than 36 months after the date of entry into force of the law. Thus, by March 23, 2013, everyone will be chipped.

And in the near future, or rather in a further article, you will see a black and white version of this law, and you will be able to see it with your own eyes, and wonder why an event of such a scale, which is no less than a seismic disaster, occurs in nature much more often, and more than silence in the Christian community.

Is your place in “prophecy” beginning to emerge for you? The question will be repeated several more times during the article, and now you will see the law itself. It was downloaded as a pdf copy of HR3200 from the government website, so you can see it in its original form, without any edits. You can even find it yourself and verify its authenticity.

HR3200 Chapter 2521, Section 1001, paragraph 1.
The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry to facilitate the analysis of safety data and background information on each chip: currently installed or previously on a patient, class of device, such as class three or class two, that is implanted for life-sustaining purposes.

What a Class 2 chip is is not entirely known, but as you may have seen earlier, the device was approved by the FDA in 2004.

The words in the law: “nanoimplantation and nanoimprint, as well as bioelectronics” make your hair stand on end!

I would like to believe that there is a spiritual Law that stands on the side of people, on the side of Truth, and not Falsehood, on the side of Conscience and Honor. Even if this is not true, I want to believe in it!
What terrible information enters my brain! Is it really going to chip people, turning them away from the Light of the Most High, from Heavenly Love?

What to do, where to run and how to escape? I called my mother today, she enthusiastically began to convince me that in the village, in the house that we inherited from our grandfather, there are many forests, there is fish and game in abundance, and it is quite possible to live there without having chips in your head. My friend, after listening to my passionate speeches, said that she had downloaded it.
How to understand where is the truth and where is the lie? Is there really no control over the dark forces? I would like to believe that the idea of ​​a chip in people’s bodies is just paranoid delusion, but what if not? What if this is the terrible reality of our days?
Juvenile justice, new biometric passport...
And what doesn't this mean? dark forces and its proponents - the Masons, if you believe the rumors? Why do they need this world domination? What's behind all this? As usual, there are more questions than answers!

THE LAW on nanotechnology and chips HAS ALREADY BEEN RELEASED!

“Goals and objectives of the strategy

1. Reforming the structure of the electronics industry, optimizing methods and mechanisms government controlled and public-private partnerships.

2. Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of electronic production.

3. Development of a network of inter-industry and industry-specific centers for the design of microelectronic components and “systems on a chip”.

4. Priority development of the technological and production base of solid-state and vacuum microwave electronics.

5. Priority development of development and production of radiation-resistant electronic components, including vacuum ones.

6. Priority development of microsystems technology.

7. Priority development of microelectronics.

8. Priority development of nanoelectronics.

9. Priority development of electronic materials and structures.

10. Taking measures to significantly expand positions in the domestic market.

11. Taking measures to amend existing legislation to ensure the implementation of the activities of this Strategy.

Time frames and stages of implementation of the Strategy

The strategy will be implemented in 2007-2025 in three stages: the first stage – 2007-2011; second stage – 2012-2015; third stage – 2016-2025”

So, we can be “congratulated”! The third stage has already begun and we are right in it! Turn out the lights, guys!

I’ve been walking around for days in a row feeling upset, I don’t want to believe in all this!

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2007 No. 311 “On approval of the Strategy for the development of the electronic industry of Russia for the period until 2025”

“Forecasts for the development of electronics for the post-silicon period (after 2020) assume the widespread introduction of nanotechnology achievements in industry.

Forecasts for the development of electronics for the post-silicon period (after 2020) assume the widespread introduction of nanotechnology achievements in industry.
However, one should not expect any significant change microelectronics technology platform. Its outlines are already visible, since the main equipment for nanoelectronics is already in the prototype stage: extreme ultraviolet (EUV) stepper scanner, nanoprinting installations (nanoimprint), maskless lithography systems, atomic pulse vapor deposition, etc.

During this period of time, industry needs to be prepared for a sharp increase in the costs of technical re-equipment, since the cost of nanoequipment complexes is several times higher than the cost of traditional microelectronics technological equipment. Therefore, for the period 2016-2025. the budget should provide for at least a 3-5-fold increase in resources for the technical re-equipment of priority development facilities for the production of nanoelectronics products.

The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the depth of its penetration into the everyday life of the population. A constant connection of each individual with global information and control networks such as the Internet must be ensured.

Nanoelectronics will integrate with biological objects and provide continuous monitoring of maintaining their vital functions, improving the quality of life, and thus reducing the social costs of the state.

Built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant contact of a person with the surrounding intellectual environment will become widespread; means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with surrounding objects, vehicles and other people will become widespread. The circulation of such products will exceed billions per year due to its widespread distribution.

The domestic industry must be prepared for this challenge, since the ability to produce all components of network systems will mean establishing actual control over all their users, which is unacceptable for many countries from the point of view of maintaining their sovereignty. Experts from EU countries share a similar point of view in connection with the global expansion of electronics manufacturers from Southeast Asian countries and the United States’ intention to ensure permanent technological leadership in this area. Therefore, in the period 2016-2025. We should expect another strengthening of the role of electronics in the life of society and be economically prepared for a new round of global competition between countries based on nanoelectronic technology.

The appearance of industrial production will increasingly resemble microelectronic pharmaceutical production, rather than the traditional instrument and machine-building production that currently exists.”

HOW LOVELY! THIS IS WHERE THE GOVERNMENT MONEY WILL GO! It’s interesting that countries will even organize a competition among themselves to see who can produce the most chips the fastest!
How to protest against this law, what to do? Head spin! What a lucky person to be born during the period of a horror film! Horrors come true!

“Priority development of electronic materials and structures.

In the field of electronic materials and structures it is planned to implement:

– development of basic technologies and organization of production:

silicon wafers with a diameter of 200 mm, technological level 0.18-0.13 microns;
structures such as “silicon on insulator”, “silicon on sapphire” with a diameter of 150 mm and a technological level of 0.5 - 0.35 microns;

radiation-irradiated silicon wafers with a diameter of 150 mm for power electronics devices;

heterostructures with a diameter of 100 – 150 mm with quantum effects for microwave solid-state electronics, high-intensity lighting devices, lasers and special matrix receivers;”

Great, now a description of all this technology is given! Lasers, silicon tiles. Everything is simple and ordinary, everything is clear and understandable. As if we are talking not about human will and chips in people, but about floor slabs, for example. Lord have mercy…
Interestingly, following this law, it turns out that our country is lagging behind the gigantic riveting of excellent, fresh chips that have just come off the assembly line, piping hot, so to speak!
Once and done! Who's new? Who will go to zombies ready?
Quickly in a row, the brave fellows want a chip in the head!

“The annual output of final products of the domestic electronics industry should amount to 105.0 billion rubles by 2015.”

Perhaps tons of ready-made, beautifully shimmering chips for the beloved population are already lying in warehouses, waiting for their finest hour.

Maybe this is where people's money goes? That is why prices in stores are rising so rapidly, pensions are being reduced, rents are rising, and all this is so that no one is deprived of a brand new chip!

Be trendy, be fashionable - put a chip in your head! How come you don't have a chip yet? Then we go to you!

Whether it be Svyatogor the Great or the titans, wake up from the gigantic Sleep-Work so that they can help us! What to do? Who knows where to run from this vile scourge?

Taking into account the high potential level of domestic science in the field of electronics, by 2025 we can expect a significant development of international scientific and technical cooperation and a breakthrough in the field of new technologies, including nanotechnology, bioelectronics, optoelectronics, quantum computers, etc.


A quantum computer is already being developed! Bioelectronics! Just think about it - biological electronics! There was no sadness, the devils were pumped up!

You will have to think through life in the village... How to learn to live in the village? Is it really worth running there, buying livestock, learning to plow the land, this is also something you need to be able to do in order to grow a good harvest, seven sweats have to be shed.

Hmm, it looks like my friend did the right thing by going to the village to live.

Of course, if they want to come there with weapons, but for a while they will be able to hide, and then...

At least run into the forests to save yourself! I don't want to be a biorobot! Build yourself a hut there on chicken legs and live. Alas, we are not in Thailand to lie under a bush and enjoy life. With such a cold climate and meager supplies you won’t survive long. How scary it is to imagine that you will have to make such a tough choice between life and your own soul, free will. Sadness is overwhelming!

Of course, the easiest way is to dismiss this information, to say that it’s all nonsense, but what if it’s true? What kind of biotechnology is this? What kind of miracles? Surely our half-living stove will not speak in a human voice and bake pies for us itself, to our taste and color?

Minister of Industry and EnergyRussian Federation V.B. Khristenko – This is who we should thank for our “happy chips”!

“One of the most important areas of application of radio frequency identification is the electronic passport.”

The electronic passport is on its way. Well done. the guys are doing their own thing quietly, and people don’t really know what’s going on there.

“Translating passport and visa documents to electronic technology will require about 150 million at a time and then 50 million chips annually. An additional need is provided by the transfer to the same technology of driver’s licenses, smart cards of payment systems, and SIM cards of mobile communications.

They will transfer everything to one technology. It turns out that if a person refuses a new passport, he will not be able to use a mobile phone, nor will he even have a license to drive a car, because in the literal sense of the word, the person will not have a driver’s license. Where are we going, gentlemen? Into the yawning pit of hell? So that demonic millstones grind human souls? Beware lest you be deceived!

Currently, the main and most accurate means of navigation for various consumers are the global navigation satellite systems GLONASS (Russia) and GPS (USA). Unfolding in Europe Galileo navigation system.

Total control is on its way. The navigation system is being prepared in full swing. Well done, get ready!

“Of great importance is the widespread introduction of solar energy, highly economical solid-state lighting sources and intelligent control systems for objects in residential premises, optimizing energy consumption and ensuring constant monitoring of all control items located in the premises (“intelligent home”).

Now they have already reached home! The Matrix is ​​in its prime! Why do I need a smart closet, a smart chair, I’d rather move them myself, the old fashioned way! Probably, naive people, especially people, will be very delighted with this miracle technology, completely not understanding, not realizing what danger lies behind it! Apparently, the person himself will also be a part of this “smart” home, similar to a swing or a bed. How I don’t want to believe my eyes! How I would like to think that all this is a bad dream in reality! Now I’ll wake up and everything will be fine!

Fantasy in reality. We live in interesting times!

“The range of developed SF blocks is focused on creating competitive multimedia systems,

space monitoring,


radar systems,

radio navigation,


means of communication, digital television,

cashless payment systems and


How to resist evil? Besides fervent prayers and copious tears, are there any ways? I wish I had an invisibility hat so I could walk around and destroy factories like this, for example. Oh, dreams, dreams. Maybe we have rebels who are organizing a revolution and fighting for humanity? I want to believe! Well, we wish everyone good luck in battle, who at least mentally resists these plans of impudent wickedness!

“However, despite these individual positive results, it should be recognized that Russian electronics is in a state of crisis.

ABOUT! But this is good news, maybe they just don’t have enough money for all these events to pull off this whole dark and foul-smelling business so quickly and on such a scale? I'd like to believe it! It's scary to give birth in such troubled times...

The forum recommends watching the film “America – From Freedom to Fascism.” I'll have to do it in my spare time.

Many people hope that Russia is far behind in many indicators, just as they would like to believe that this time too our precious officials will trivially cut the budget into pieces and the insidious Zionist plans will get stuck in the Russian swamp, as if nothing had happened! 🙂

But, after all, the Russian Federation can be “helped” by kind men with serious faces, what then? This story is clearly sung in the song so beloved by many, “Capital”!

Catholics are at one with the dark evil spirits:

Madhouse on the road! So much for a Christian leader!

Sberbank plans to cancel plastic cards in two years...

UEK is the beginning of the end. CHIPZATION of the population in the Russian Federation, Ukraine. SLAVERY. How to REFUSE? Chip refusal is SALVATION

It is interesting to read the thoughts of various people on this matter: To implant a foreign object into your body, whether you want it or not. Regarding the difference. Each person has an aura, an ethereal, mental body, energy fields, and so this rubbish will be introduced into your energy-information field, thereby influencing your consciousness in a way that is not noticeable to you, turning you into biorobots. - Without soul!! The soul is already ‘prepared’ after such a ‘life’ to go where it needs to go, or rather, not!

There's something about it…

“Maybe in the future the introduction of a diabolical chip will happen, but not for Russia. Because all our technologies come with a delay of several years, and the mentality of the Russian people is based on freedom. Therefore, no matter who this threatens in Russia, we are not the people who will obey any Rockefellers or Rothschilds.”

Messages like these touch me. The people are already subservient to alcohol and cigarettes, who will tell them so directly that they need to obey all sorts of Rothschilds? Weak self-consolation. When paper money and plastic cards are cancelled, when the store stops providing service and a person cannot even pay for an apartment, because first he will not have the UEC, and then a chip, what will people do then?

There are only a few of those who know how to live comparatively well in the countryside, but what about the rest - quietly dying out on the sidelines of life?

I generally have pancreatitis, I need to eat every 2 hours, otherwise I am in danger of having an attack of severe stomach pain.

Just a few years ago I could afford to painlessly fast on the water for 7 days in a row, but now what should I do?

“There will be a strong increase in prices and pensions in order to draw people into recognizing the authorities, and then they will raise prices for all goods and utilities so much that people will not know where to go. Then they will withdraw /cash/ from circulation and make money electronic. There will be a card. Then there will be severe hunger. (Salt of the Earth (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 3:52).

- “So, in addition to what I talked about, unfortunately, we hear from some modern “Gnostics” a lot of nonsense in terms of “reason”: one says: “I will accept an identity card with the number 666 and impose sign of the cross”, and the other says: “... I will take a seal on my head and make a cross on my head” - and a lot of similar nonsense, and they think in this way to sanctify themselves, whereas this is a delusion.
Only that which receives sanctification is only sanctified. Let's say water receives consecration and becomes agiasma (holy water), urine does not accept consecration. Consequently, the devil-Antichrist, when he is on a passport, or on a hand, or on our head with his symbol, is not sanctified even if we impose the Cross.
We have the power of the Honorable Cross, the Holy Sign, the Divine grace of Christ, only when we are sealed with the Holy Seal of Baptism, when we deny Satan, unite with Christ, and accept the Holy Seal: “The Seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit.”
May Christ give us good enlightenment. Amen".

« Father Gury “was the very first to open our eyes to all the enemy’s obstacles and networks that the enemy was placing. These networks are all the forerunners of the Antichrist seal, from which the priest saved us; these are credit cards, tokens, barcodes with the number 666, plastic documents, electronic passports, Taxpayer Identification Numbers, insurance policies, uniform medical cards with holograms, televisions, computers, microchips under the skin under the guise of vaccinations. But this is not the seal itself. A seal is a coincidence (identification) of numbers: – on your body; – in your document; - in computer.
God values ​​evasion from the seal of the Antichrist alone as a sufficient magnitude of feat to grant us paradise. We need to endure a short time, even hunger (up to 10 days), but God will not abandon his people
"(Radiant Father (about Abbot Guria), p. 41).

« It /seal/ already leads only to hell.”(Radiant Father (about Abbot Guria), p. 84).

“When they put the seal on, all prisons will be opened. And the Antichrist of the jailers will put a seal on his employees, many of them will agree. Then it will be necessary to flee from cities and villages to the forest. The jailers will go door to door (1:27).
Because for the first few days the seal will be affixed voluntarily, and then by force.”
(Salt of the Earth (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 1:23, 1:27).

“If they forcefully put a seal, then you must say the Jesus Prayer, and the Lord will not allow it.” (Salt of the Earth (Film 5), Hegumen Gury, 2:23).

« The seal will fester and there will be a stench from it.”(Salt of the Earth (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 1:27).
“Stocks won’t save us, because famine won’t start right away. Every year it will become more and more difficult, harvests will fall, everything less land will begin to process. Everyone needs to try to be closer to the ground. In big cities life will be very difficult. There will be such a famine that people will break into their houses to find food. They will break glass windows, break doors, kill people for food. Weapons will be in the hands of many, and human life will be worth nothing.” Schema-nun Nila.

The first electronic chips have begun to be implanted under people's skin in the United States.

America is in full swing lovingly promoting chips to its own citizens. Children and adults are already taking them in full.

Professor Osipov claims that chips are not scary

What does future chipization threaten us with?

How I want to believe Professor Osipov! That everything is not so bad, the main thing is to look for the meaning of life and move forward in life. It’s strange, of course, that this comrade simply attacked people, saying that it’s all your fault. Ridiculous approach. Such an accusatory form is unpleasant.
But his point of view is pleasing, which claims that the main thing is the human soul and life according to His commandments and covenants.

This means it’s useless to run anywhere, hide in the village, it won’t help. Sad but true. He speaks as if he knows about it for sure. Still, he speaks somewhat doomedly.
I agree with him regarding control. Indeed, control is everywhere. This is not scary, as long as you live as quietly and righteously as possible. Live with a clear conscience.
His position is interesting. that chips here will not give anything new.
Is it worth writing a refusal to receive the UEC? This is unlikely to help; if they want to do it on a large-scale level, they will do it anyway.

This is what Andrey Kuraev, whom I respect very much, thinks about this. Smart and bright person.

He also calls for living honestly, walking in front of your conscience.

Here is his next opinion:

How to find out the truth?

It turns out that the question largely lies in finding out for sure whether it will be possible to print on the forehead with a laser or not? For example, a group of active comrades would steal this device and test it on a young piglet. So that specialists can determine whether there is a laser mark that the scanner recognizes or not.

And the research results would be posted on the Internet so that other people could find out the truth. But where can we find such specialists? Where can you find such craftsmen who are ready to do this? Or just at night so they can sneak inside the building and do their own truthful research.

How to understand whether it is a mythical horror story or objective reality? Maybe it’s really time to make a choice: bread or Truth? The time has come to choose death for the sake of the Heavenly Light, without sparing your flesh and blood. What should I do?

What if this is just another horror story? I remember how my uncle, a priest, who proudly calls himself always and everywhere to be called priest, scolded the TV and computer, calling it the product of the Antichrist, and now he himself uses this technology with great pleasure. I remember how my grandmother called cartoons the demons that run around on TV. 🙂

It’s bad to go to extremes, but how to understand where the truth is and where the lie is? So much conflicting information...

What if there really is a wave-torsion weapon? A psychotronic weapon that suppresses a person’s will and destroys the connection with the heavenly spirit. If the Almighty does not like this, then why does He allow it?

Refusing the UEC card is almost impossible.

And this is even more interesting! Lightweight and simple procedure implanting a chip into a person's tongue. All you have to do is lick the ATM and everything is fine. And the arrogant Jew declares in all seriousness that, of course, you won’t be able to eat hot food, but you won’t have to carry a bank card with you! Madhouse! Who is it that complains every day about the extreme weight of a bank card?!

“In the first topic about the UEC light style, I said that now they take photographs on the UEC with what they have at hand (some with iPods, some with digital cameras High Quality). There is so far an assumption that the mark will be applied upon receipt of the finished card, when a person comes to receive it after 30 days from the date of submission of the application for receipt. The person may be asked to stand in front of the camera for identification, or he will hold out his hand for a card and at this time he will be stamped (through the emitter built into the window).

This will not be shown anywhere because it is main secret, the main slave-owning tool.

It’s not for nothing that there is practically nothing about this on the Internet. In theory, if there are devices, there must be its adjusters, there must be service personnel, factories and production facilities for its manufacture. But we still don't know anything concrete, other than Heatter's 1999 patent for invisible barcode tattooing on the body.

We only know from the film “Be on the lookout, but don’t fall into misfortune” from the story of one woman from Belarus, how they wanted to put a mark on her father’s forehead. She describes this device as being like a camera, square and with an arrow running on the front of the screen (i.e. it should be homing). This appears to be a portable option. And inpatient cards will be installed (or have already been supplied) at the MFC or at bank branches, where they will receive ready-made cards. By the way, the cameras used to take photographs abroad can also be said to be self-guided (Research Institute Voskhod), but nothing is known for certain about the marking when taking photographs with them.

These are all assumptions; we need specific data, but we don’t have them.”

Laser personalization – dangerous or not?

This is a mysterious thing - laser personalization! Not a single technical document. which would actually prove putting a laser barcode on a person's forehead. Where can I get the facts?

The most progressive ways to protect identification documents are:

  • Laser personalization;
  • Electronic personalization;
  • Laser perforation.

It's nice to read information that alleviates the sad state that begins so powerfully under the influence of information about chips, laser printing of the Antichrist and other things. By the way, where is the Antichrist himself then? Is it something you can't see? But the Jews should still greet him with palm branches and recognize him as their long-awaited King-Messiah?

I read the Revelations of John the Theologian in the Bible - there were many more terrible events that were supposed to happen before the coming of the evil dragon from the abyss. It’s interesting that just one third of people die right away, according to Revelation, and this happens several times.

If it's one third, then people might only die three times, not significantly more. It seems like I'm not the only one who has problems with arithmetic?

The guy writes that it is impossible to apply a mark with a laser, there must be a burn or a scar. Unpleasant sensations are guaranteed. Where is the guarantee that they have not developed a special sophisticated laser for these purposes? If only there was desire and money...

Maybe these are all true myths about lasers? It’s not an easy task to work with a laser on human skin...

Of course, oh how I don’t want to rush to the village and start preparing to live there! Okay, my sister still needs to finish her studies at the university, I can’t leave her alone or drag her into the forest with me to escape, what if it’s all a mistake? Suddenly, a lot of people were in a frenzy and panic, just as there was a lot of anxiety about other benefits of civilizations at one time?

I wonder if there are modern world technologies that will make it possible to easily and painlessly apply a mark to a person’s forehead with a laser?

Opinion of a person from the forum: “We can say with great confidence that under the influence of low-energy laser radiation it is possible to irradiate (or pump photons) directly into the subcutaneous layer of a person, and moreover, as the skin naturally thins, this laser imprint can (or even should) lights up because With the help of DNA molecules, a stable phantom photonic structure is formed; this structure absorbs light well and then emits it.

Garyaev claims that he created a DNA laser that allows you to transmit information (spinor holographic image) at the level of the genetic apparatus.
This laser is not even visible to the eye, and acts on the spin states of elementary particles (meaning the polarization or torsion component, i.e. a separate type of matter and the force of interaction in its multidimensional space (water above the firmament)), there is a hypothesis that this is part of our soul. There are rumors that some experimenters could transmit “thoughts” using the spinor connection.

At the same time, the FMS notes that paper passports will not lose legal force until 2025. But it will not be possible to have two passports at the same time - those who become the owner of an ID card will no longer be able to use paper passports.

I will not insist further (there is no clear evidence), but it seems to me that not everything is so simple with a biometric photograph-hologram, if only because it is an exact copy of the energy-information field or biofield or aura.

A patent for applying a laser barcode to the human body was issued in the USA back in 1999!

Salvation is in the community?

How to distinguish truth from lies, reality from myths, and will this truth give us anything? If it is mandatory, they will not immediately, but gradually and strictly transfer everyone to electronic passports. In the village you need to live in a large community so that you can really live, and not quietly die.

Maybe it's time to look for a good community? Tell me if you know!

On this site, for everyone who is not indifferent to such an important issue, even more has been collected useful information on this topic: http://prochipirovanie.ru

What does Revelation, a book from the Bible, say about the mark?

Since it is definitely difficult to understand something in the absence of access to information on this issue in full, I decided to look into a source that is authoritative for believers - the Revelation from John. By the way, did you know that John called himself Jesus’ beloved disciple?

There a large number of events must happen before the seal is placed and the key point is the requirement to bow to the beast, otherwise the person will be killed. It turns out that if this is not yet visible, it means there is time.

Although a sharp ax is being sharpened in the barn and its ringing can already be heard, the innocent lambs are still given time to frolic in the courtyard.

Rejoice, little one, while there is still time...

Well, there is still time, the main thing is to live according to your conscience and move forward. Let's rejoice in the courtyard, pinch the grass, bask in the sun and jump merrily while there is time...

Discussion: 3 comments

    When you watch some science fiction films, you think that they made it all up and don’t think about the fact that they are developing projects to chip people. In fact, it seems to me that if something similar happens in Russia, it will not be soon. But I have no doubt about America, they are also lovers of experiments and mockery of people. As long as our mind obeys us, there is no need to worry!


    Good day!
    Well... as for me, I believe that chipping is to some extent possible in the future for humanity. Many science fiction films have been made about this, and novels have been written. Nowadays, the use of a mobile phone, fingerprints for a passport, scanning of the iris of the eyes, an identification number that is stored throughout life. This is all a kind of our chipping in modern times. To manage people.


    If we take into account the fact that we live in a Christian country and we are no longer pagans in the majority, then everything goes on as usual - that is, as our prophecies say scriptures. Chipization of people occurs very slowly, gradually, but every year more intrusively - under the pretext of concern for health, the safety of children or the fight against terrorism and crime. Only people who truly believe in God can resist the “mark of the beast.”




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