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"I didn't know I was pregnant." Alcohol in the first two weeks of pregnancy. Alcohol during pregnancy - is it possible to drink, the effect on the embryo and the consequences of libations Signs of alcoholic damage to the fetus

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 11 minutes


There are a lot of horror stories about the consequences of alcohol taken during pregnancy. Every adult woman, and even more so one who is preparing for the birth of a baby, knows very well that alcohol and pregnancy cannot be combined. But we are not even talking about the dangers of alcohol, but, in fact, about the fact that many consider abuse and occasional use to be different concepts. And also that the expectant mother should not deny herself anything.

Is it so?

Safe doses of alcohol during pregnancy - do they exist?

Many women have heard that a glass of red wine is even beneficial for pregnant women. Of course, this alcoholic drink has its positive properties - it can increase appetite and even hemoglobin levels.

But will this wine be beneficial for the fetus, even in such a small amount?

What facts confirm (refute) harm of alcohol to the fetus?

  • Scientists once proved that exactly Half of the alcohol consumed crosses the placenta . That is, the child automatically “drinks” wine with his mother.
  • All organisms are different. There are no hard limits or specific doses permissible for a pregnant woman to drink alcohol. For one person, half a glass of wine may be considered too much, while for another, a glass of beer is the norm.
  • There is no difference between drinks of different strengths. They are equally harmful .
  • There is no such thing as a safe amount of alcohol .
  • May pose a threat to the fetus any type of alcoholic drink .

Common reasons why expectant mothers drink alcohol

An expectant mother, for whom pregnancy is no longer a secret, but is confirmed by a certificate from a consultation and reflection in the mirror, is unlikely to consciously risk the health of her unborn baby and drink alcohol. But there are different reasons:

  • Holidays, where a glass or two for company flies by unnoticed.
  • Habit “sip a beer” on a hot day.
  • The body "demands" beer or wine (which often happens during pregnancy).

And other reasons, such as abuse (or, more simply, alcoholism) - we will not discuss them.
With any option, it’s worth first of all thinking about whether this alcoholic “dubious” pleasure is worth the health of the unborn child?

Why does a pregnant woman often crave beer?

It is a well-known fact that many expectant mothers are drawn to beer during pregnancy. Moreover, even those who previously categorically did not accept this drink. There is nothing surprising in such a desire - the taste preferences of expectant mothers change in accordance with changes in the body. The lack of certain substances causes a desire for something “sort of”, and beer is one of these whims. What do doctors say about this?

  • The expectant mother shares every sip of alcohol equally with the baby. – this should be remembered first of all.
  • Drink a couple of sips of beer - it’s not scary, but only if this desire is really so strong that it is impossible to overcome it.
  • Harmful substances contained in beer can reach the baby through the placenta and lead to oxygen starvation of a child , as well as other consequences. Particularly harmful are phytoestrogens (in hops), preservatives and toxic compounds, the presence of which is noted in all cans.
  • Nonalcoholic beer is considered no less harmful than those containing alcohol.

It is known that such a strange whim of an expectant mother as a craving for beer can be explained by lack of vitamin B. This vitamin is present in greatest quantities in regular carrots . It is also worth noting such products as:

  • Potato
  • Eggs and cheese
  • Certain species of bread
  • Row fermented milk products
  • Nuts
  • Liver
  • Yeast (in particular, beer halls)

If the desire for “at least a sip of beer” does not leave the expectant mother, then it is better to choose live beer , without preservatives and dyes.

The effect of alcohol on the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy

For the unborn child, it is considered the most dangerous and responsible first trimester of mother's pregnancy . It is especially worth noting the period that begins With – at this time, the main systems and organs of the child’s body are formed. Therefore, even a minimum of alcohol may be the “last straw” that can cause developmental pathologies. We are not even talking about moderate but constant consumption of alcohol - it significantly increases the risk of miscarriage.

What exactly are the dangers of alcohol? taken in the first trimester?

  • Toxic substances , which are present in alcohol, disrupt the balance of child development (physical and mental).
  • Alcohol is instantly absorbed into the blood , and the placenta is not a barrier for him.
  • Not only ethyl alcohol is harmful , but also alcohol processing products – in particular, acetaldehyde. The consequence is damage to the nervous system of the fetus and a negative effect on all cells of the body.
  • Alcohol also disrupts metabolism and reduces the amount of vitamins (and folic acid) in the blood.

It is worth remembering that the main “laying in” and subsequent formation of organs in the fetus occurs from 3 to 13 weeks. It is during this period that you need to be attentive to your unborn child and your health, protecting your future child as much as possible from the effects of harmful factors.
Further development, as well as organ improvement occurs from 14 weeks . Negative factors most likely will not affect the development of organs, but they can cause dysfunction of these organs.

"I didn't know I was pregnant." Alcohol in the first two weeks of pregnancy

Of course, a couple of glasses of wine drunk during the entire period of pregnancy most likely will not lead to irreversible consequences. But situations, the quality of alcohol and organisms are different. Therefore, it is better to endure once again and drink juice than to regret your incontinence later. There are situations when a woman drinks alcohol while still not aware of her pregnancy. Is this exactly your case? Don't panic. The main thing is to refrain from all bad habits for the remaining period.
What happens in these important first two weeks of pregnancy? ?

  • Fabric bookmarks the unborn child and its organs do not occur in the first two weeks.
  • Egg (fertilized) at this stage of pregnancy very defenseless , and each negative factor (in particular, alcohol) acts according to the “all or nothing at all” scheme. That is, either it does not affect the development of the fetus, or it kills the embryo.

These two weeks are just before the next menstruation, and during this period the woman, traditionally, does not yet know that she is already pregnant. Don't worry too much about drinking alcohol at this time. But here It is, of course, necessary to stop further use.

Reviews from women

“I realized with horror that in the first two weeks I drank both wine and harmful canned beer. Now I don’t even go near alcoholic drinks. One consolation is that at this time the organs are not yet being formed. I read that the fetus is not even attached to the uterus in the first week. But I still feel uneasy.

- Alcohol is extremely harmful to the fetus! And you don’t need to listen to anyone - they say there won’t be any harm if you drink a little... You can feel the harm after birth! So it is better not to conduct such experiments.

— The egg attaches to the uterus on the fifth day. So in the first days, drinking alcohol will not cause harm. But then it’s better not to smoke, not to drink, to walk and relax more. Well, the doctor advised me to drink beer to flush out my kidneys.)) I twisted it at my temple and went for some juice.

“I found out about pregnancy when my son was already five weeks old. A couple of days before the consultation visit, I met old friends, and we happily drank two liters of wine. Of course, I was scared when the doctor said - stock up on diapers. In general, I didn’t drink a drop for the rest of my pregnancy. And I didn’t want to - I was disgusted. She gave birth to a healthy baby, on time, with no problems.

“When my friend got pregnant, she couldn’t pass beer at all—she was practically drooling.” I drank a glass of it sometimes when I really couldn’t bear it. Her daughter is now twenty years old, smart and beautiful. Nothing happened. True, beer was different in those days. Nowadays it’s dangerous even for non-pregnant women to drink beer.)

— I think if in reasonable quantities, it’s not scary. Not alcoholics! Well, I drank a glass of wine for the holiday... So what? Expensive wine, high quality. It is unlikely that there will be any harm from it. It is clear that the baby will not benefit from wine or beer, but when there is such a strong “thirst”, then the body needs it. You can't fool the body.

— It seems to me that there is nothing terrible if you drink something in the first days (when you still don’t know about pregnancy). Even strong. In the end, check for deviations and calm your conscience. But the nerves that will be spent over some “couple of glasses” are much worse. One friend became nervous - there was a threat of miscarriage at two weeks of pregnancy. In general, everything is individual.

— The first days of my pregnancy fell on the New Year holidays. Where would we be without champagne for the New Year? Nowhere. And then my husband’s birthday, then my girlfriend’s... And every time - a glass of red wine. Nothing happened. My child was born healthy in every sense - a hero.))

While carrying a baby, the expectant mother may often be faced with a situation where she is invited to a wedding, anniversary celebration or other special event. Is it possible to drink a small sip of alcohol in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy or should you still abstain from it? So, let's take it in order.

The mechanism of action of alcohol on the body

The basis of all alcoholic drinks is ethanol, the molecules of which are small. They easily penetrate through the vessels located at the site of attachment of the fetus to the uterine wall and through the placental filter of the embryo. When alcohol is processed by the liver, acetaldehyde is formed, which appears in the blood and easily passes through the placenta. Therefore, alcohol has an effect on the mother’s body as a whole and on the fetus.

Even small doses of alcohol help reduce the level of hormones, prostaglandins and vitamins in the body of the expectant mother. These substances are needed for the proper formation of the baby’s nervous system and its further development. They are also necessary for the establishment and development of other systems and organs, although to a slightly lesser extent. When consuming large doses of alcohol, a chronic deficiency of various beneficial substances (vitamins, microelements, hormones, etc.) develops in the female body, which are necessary for the proper formation and development of the fetus.

Molecules of ethanol and acetaldehyde, when released into the blood, cause a sharp spasm of blood vessels in the placenta, through which oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s body are supplied to the baby. As a result of this, the fetus begins to suffer from oxygen deficiency; hypoxia develops in already formed tissues and organs, which ultimately affects their further development. The baby's nervous system is especially sensitive to a lack of oxygen.

What to do when you want beer

Pregnant women's preferences often change. Sometimes it happens that while carrying a baby you really want to drink a little beer. Moreover, this happens even to those who have never been a fan of this drink. Why do you want beer? It is this desire that is a kind of signal from the body about a deficiency of B vitamins. Therefore, in this case, you can try to “deceive” the body by enriching the diet with foods high in them - eggs, nuts, liver, potatoes, carrots, cereals, etc.

What about non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy in the third trimester? The inscription on the container “0%” allows women to be sure that there is no alcohol in the drink, so it cannot harm the child. But this is a misconception. So-called “non-alcoholic beer” by manufacturers contains a small concentration of alcohol (within 0.5%). Of course, compared to its classic version, which contains alcohol in the range of 3.5-5.5%, this is an insignificant content for the body of an adult woman, but for a tiny fetus this is a kind of stress.

Non-alcoholic beer also contains preservatives and stabilizers, which help increase the shelf life of the product. Cobalt is added to the drink as a stabilizer - a substance that is toxic to the body of an adult, and even more so for a baby. It has a negative effect on the stomach, esophagus, and heart.

The danger of any type of beer (including non-alcoholic) is also that various salty foods are often consumed with it, such as crackers, chips, fish, etc. All of them contribute to fluid retention in the body and provoke the occurrence of edema, which is extremely dangerous for pregnant women.

Or maybe a little wine?

Wine is an alcoholic drink made by fermenting fruits or berries. There are several varieties depending on alcohol content, color and taste. Each of them contains alcohol in the range of 8-21%. It also contains glucose, polysaccharides, amino acids, phenolic substances, and various volatile acids. The recipes for making each type of wine are different.

In addition to taste, wine in small quantities has a beneficial effect on health. Even in Ancient Greece, the drink was used as a disinfectant, not only due to its alcohol base, but also the breakdown products of its coloring components. High-quality wine has many positive effects - it helps reduce cholesterol levels, normalize blood pressure, takes part in metabolism, and has an antiseptic effect.

Types of wine:

  • Red is the healthiest variety. It contains a lot of iron, potassium, copper, sodium, zinc, and selenium. Allows you to increase hemoglobin.
  • White – well absorbed by the body, helps with anemia.
  • Dry wine – compared to others, it has a lower sugar content, so its taste is slightly sour. Taking it helps normalize appetite.
  • Homemade – prepared at home, there are no chemical components.

So is it possible to drink a little wine during pregnancy in the third trimester? The baby is connected to the mother by the placenta. Everything that the mother consumes also enters the baby’s body, since their circulatory systems are interconnected. The fetus is not protected from alcohol, so for expectant mothers there is no concept of a “useful dose.” Even if you drink 10 grams of wine, there will still be harm, although the consequences in this case should not be catastrophic. But no one knows what dose of alcohol will be detrimental to the baby, so it is better for expectant mothers not to drink alcohol.

Is champagne harmful?

Some women believe that in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, when all the organs of the fetus are formed and the placenta protects it well from the effects of various harmful factors, they can drink a little champagne on a special occasion. But this is a mistaken opinion. The placenta is not a barrier for ethyl alcohol. Ethanol enters the baby's body cells with the same ease as it does the mother's. Therefore, if champagne in a dose of 150 grams causes slight intoxication and dizziness in a woman weighing 65 kg, then what about a fetus weighing 2-3 kg? Research by scientists on this topic has shown that the expectant mother shares all alcohol consumed equally with the child.

Therefore, drinking champagne in the third trimester of pregnancy is not the best idea. Some women, if they really want something with gas, buy so-called children's champagne. Of course, it is not as harmful as alcoholic drinks, but it also contains a lot of dyes and chemicals. In addition, any carbonated drinks are undesirable during pregnancy, as they contribute to increased gas formation in the intestines, and this affects both the well-being of the woman and the baby.

The dangers of alcohol in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, alcohol is even more dangerous compared to other periods. Through the placenta, as mentioned above, alcohol enters the baby’s bloodstream. Of all the harmful toxic substances that disrupt the mental and physical development of a child, alcohol is the most dangerous. It easily crosses the placental barrier, quickly being absorbed into the blood of the embryo. Both ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products are harmful to the fetus. Negatively affects the baby’s nervous system and other tissues and organs.

If the expectant mother constantly consumes alcohol-containing drinks in large quantities, the newborn may develop fetal alcohol syndrome, leading to many defects, both mental and physical. Such a child may often be born with the following abnormalities:

  • restriction of joint movements;
  • curvature of the hip joint and spine;
  • deformations of the chest and ribs;
  • various facial anomalies - underdevelopment of the jaws and cheekbones, thin upper lip, short bridge of the nose, narrow palpebral slits, drooping eyelids, poorly formed ears;
  • myopia;
  • presence of extra chromosomes;
  • irritability in infancy;
  • hyperactivity with attention deficit in older age;
  • poor coordination of hands, fingers, body;
  • disproportionate body build, low birth weight;
  • heart defects;
  • developmental anomalies of the nervous system and internal organs;
  • absence of fingers on the limbs.

When consuming alcoholic beverages in late pregnancy, children's adaptation process is disrupted. The compensatory mechanisms in them are underdeveloped, which can result in hypoglycemia and severe excitability. Such babies may refuse to breastfeed and find it difficult to both suck and swallow. Therefore, every woman should know how alcohol affects pregnancy in the third trimester, and try not to take it even in small quantities.

So, alcohol is the main prohibition for women carrying a baby. It harms the baby's health and can cause premature birth. Sometimes women underestimate low-alcohol drinks like champagne, beer or wine. This is their unforgivable mistake, because alcohol in any quantity is harmful to the fetus. The consequences of alcohol abuse during pregnancy can be disastrous for both the baby and the entire family. This is not a short-term phenomenon, but such deviations that the child needs to continue to move through life. Therefore, do not subject your child to such tests and strictly avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

Young people regularly drink alcoholic beverages, some in limited quantities, others even suffer from alcoholism. Alcohol during pregnancy in the early stages and last weeks is strictly prohibited; this is the first thing the expectant mother should give up. The influence of ethyl alcohol from the drink has a noticeable effect on the development of the fetus, leads to irreparable pathologies, and has a detrimental effect on many body systems of a pregnant woman.

How does alcohol affect pregnancy?

Young mothers often have a dilemma: can pregnant women drink? Any doctor will tell you that this is prohibited at any stage of pregnancy and even before conception itself, if you are planning it. It is recommended that both parents give up alcohol to avoid harmful effects on the unborn baby. Below are specific descriptions of examples of how alcohol affects pregnancy. The harmful effects of alcohol extend to the mother and the unborn baby. This leads to mental and physiological pathologies of the child. disruption of a woman’s internal systems.

Harm of alcoholic beverages

Various studies are constantly being conducted that reveal the relationship between the physical and mental disabilities of a child and alcohol consumption. Alcohol and pregnancy are mutually exclusive things that always lead to negative consequences; they can appear immediately or over time. Alcohol and its breakdown products clog the vascular system, causing the liver, kidneys and other internal organs of a person to work harder. The harm is associated with its ability to be absorbed into the walls of the intestines, stomach and enter the bloodstream.

The degree of impact depends on the stage of alcoholization - this is the period of time during which alcohol was drunk and the intensity of its intake. When consumed in uncontrolled quantities on a regular basis, it leads to rapid pathological changes in a woman. On the child, the negative effect, which is called FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome), spreads even faster. Below is a short list of the effects of alcohol on the body of an adult:

  • obesity;
  • stroke;
  • dementia;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • intestinal and stomach ulcers;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • impotence (in men).

Effect on the fetus

If an adult himself consciously makes a choice, then the effect of alcohol on a child does not depend in any way on his desire. Alcohol during pregnancy is a crime on the part of the mother towards the baby. Deviations that occur during intrauterine development if the expectant mother is an alcoholic are called ASP. This term indicates the presence of many disorders indicating the influence of alcohol on the development of the fetus. They create problems in life (physical deformities, mental retardation).

A severe anomaly developed due to alcohol abuse during pregnancy - pathology of the facial structure, slowdown in physical development, growth, low birth weight. These children are difficult to teach and often suffer from behavioral and neurological problems. The main problem is that alcohol syndrome cannot be cured, which means that all of the above symptoms will remain with the child forever.

If a woman constantly drinks alcohol during pregnancy, a miscarriage may occur and premature birth may begin (stillborn or premature baby). The effect on each person is different, for example, one glass for a man is normal, for a woman it is too much, causing intoxication. During pregnancy, it is highly recommended that expectant mothers even buy cold remedies with caution, because some contain alcohol (sometimes up to 25%).

In the first days

There is an opinion that alcohol will not harm the baby at first. Alcohol in the first week of pregnancy supposedly cannot reach the fetus because the placenta is not formed and the child does not receive nutrition from the mother. This statement is not entirely true, because a small amount of alcohol entering the bloodstream may prevent cells from establishing themselves in the uterus, which will terminate the long-awaited pregnancy. Doctors strongly recommend that couples who have problems conceiving should give up alcohol long before trying to get pregnant.

Alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy is critically dangerous even when the embryo has established itself. Consumption leads to severe consequences in the development of the fetus, which cause mental retardation and physiological deformities. For a child, this stage is difficult, dangerous and important, so you cannot expose him to additional risk. Many studies confirm that alcohol syndrome develops even with 3-4 small doses of alcohol. If consumed 2 times a day, the risk is reduced. You don’t need to limit the quantity, you need to stop drinking completely.

In the first weeks

First, the fertilized cell moves along the fallopian tube towards the uterus itself. The egg is actively dividing and enters the cavity in a state of loose accumulation. Alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy can cause irreparable damage to cells, leading to the death of the egg. You can understand the process of fetal development and the effect of alcohol on it during pregnancy if you consider all the stages:

  1. The most active sperm fertilizes the egg, then the cell moves to the uterus.
  2. There is endometrium ready for implantation. Through it, the egg grows into the uterine lining and continues to divide there.
  3. At this stage, some cells create a fleecy membrane called the chorion, which then becomes the placenta.
  4. Alcohol that enters the body can penetrate the uterus and harm the egg, which sometimes provokes miscarriages in the first weeks of pregnancy.

In the later stages

Regular consumption of alcohol during pregnancy leads to the development of embryofetopathy in the baby. Children with deviations have problems with the swallowing reflex and refuse to breastfeed. Women are strongly advised to abstain from all types of alcoholic beverages in any quantities (even small ones) during the gestational period. The probability of developing defects is about 50%. Alcohol during late pregnancy can cause:

  1. Abnormal development of the genitourinary system, anus.
  2. Defects of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Developmental disorders of the upper and lower extremities.
  4. Hypoplasia, absence of fingers.
  5. Pathological abnormalities in the development of the nail plate, joint dysplasia.
  6. Intrauterine growth retardation: hypoxia (lack of oxygen), low weight.
  7. Craniofacial defects: wide and flat bridge of the nose, narrow eyes, low forehead - all these are consequences of drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
  8. In female embryos in the late stages of pregnancy, alcoholic embryofetopathy is formed under the influence of alcohol.
  9. Children exhibit a disrupted adaptation process, absent or poorly developed compensatory mechanisms, which leads to hypoglycemia and severe excitability.

In recent weeks

Before your due date, alcohol poses an even greater danger than before. Alcohol in the last weeks of pregnancy reaches the fetus through the placenta. Alcohol is the most dangerous toxic substance of all, which leads to mental and physical impairment of a child’s development. It is absorbed into the blood and easily crosses the placental barrier.

Ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products are harmful to the baby. Alcohol has a negative effect on tissue cells and organs of the unborn child, causing irreparable damage to the nervous system, especially the brain. There is a disruption of hormonal levels and metabolism, and the amount of vitamins decreases. With chronic alcoholism during pregnancy, the risk of having a child with defects and anomalies greatly increases, for example:

  • developmental abnormalities of the limbs;
  • poor weight gain, retarded mental development (mental retardation);
  • damage to the cardiovascular system;
  • craniofacial defects.


People and experts have different opinions about this drink; some argue that in the final stages, wine in very small quantities can have a positive effect on the formation of the fetus. Any alcoholic beverages are always harmful in large quantities, and even the most advanced doctors recommend that both parents refrain from drinking before conception and during pregnancy for the expectant mother.

All experts unequivocally state that wine is strictly prohibited in the first stages of pregnancy. During this period, the formation of the fetus occurs and alcohol can greatly affect this process; alcohol has a teratogenic effect and penetrates freely into the baby’s organs and tissues. Doctors say that in later stages, red wine can be drunk by pregnant women; the drink increases the amount of hemoglobin in the fetus.

In the early stages

At the beginning of gestation, the placenta is not yet able to protect the child from external harmful influences. In the case of alcohol, even a fully formed barrier does not become a serious obstacle. Wine in the early stages has the same teratogenic effect as any other alcohol. Each stage of the formation of a future child is very important and parents bear full responsibility for what happens to him.

If a girl drank wine, not knowing that fertilization of the egg had already occurred, then there can only be two scenarios: the embryo will not form and you will never know about conception, or alcohol will not have an effect on it and development will continue. The main thing is to stop drinking immediately after you find out that you are expecting a child, otherwise alcohol will act like poison on the child. Ignoring the ban on alcohol leads to deformity of the unborn baby.

In the 2nd trimester

The main focus of this drink's supporters is on some beneficial properties. Drinking wine in the 2nd trimester can help the expectant mother increase her hemoglobin levels, this is an important point given that many women develop anemia. Red wine promotes better stomach function, increases appetite, improves intestinal function and removes toxins. All this would matter if it were not for the alcohol content in the drink, which poses a serious threat to the fetus at this stage and can cause deviations in physical and mental development.

In the third trimester

Some doctors claim that by this time all important processes for the baby have already passed and the risk of disrupting their course is minimal. Wine in the third trimester is allowed, but it is very important to consider the quality and quantity of the drink. It is important that all the beneficial properties of this drink appear only with moderate consumption; this recommendation is relevant not only during gestation, but also in the normal state.

If you cannot resist your desire to drink alcohol, then you can drink up to 100 ml of red wine no more than 2 times a week. Separately, you should remember that this alcohol is strictly prohibited for stomach ulcers, liver cirrhosis, cardiac ischemia, and pancreatitis. It is not recommended to drink wine if you are depressed; in some cases, the drink provokes depression.


This is another popular drink, which, due to its low alcohol content, is considered not so dangerous. Beer carries the same danger for the unborn child as other alcohol. Alcohol quickly penetrates the placenta to the fetus and affects the tissues, organs, and nervous system of the child. When consumed, the child often develops the following abnormalities:

  • external deformities, defects: cleft palate, cleft lip;
  • vascular, cardiac pathologies;
  • intrauterine growth retardation, development;
  • limb deformity;
  • postpartum growth and development disorders.

Frequent drinking of beer affects the health and growth of the fetus; doctors often observe alcohol syndrome in babies. This disease cannot be treated and causes health problems for the baby: the skull does not develop (microcephaly), small height, weight. Adaptive functions are also impaired, they constantly scream, do not sleep, are anxious, and due to impaired grasping reflexes, they are unable to breastfeed the child. Alcohol syndrome in preschool age is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • strabismus;
  • underdeveloped zygomatic arches;
  • flattened nape;
  • underdeveloped lower jaw;
  • short palpebral fissure;
  • cleft palate;
  • narrow, short upper lip;
  • smoothed nasolabial fold.

During pregnancy, drinking even low-alcohol drinks leads to the birth of a child with kidney failure and heart defects. Any alcohol, including beer, is harmful to the baby, causing physical deformity and mental disorders. In early pregnancy, abuse of this low-alcohol drink leads to miscarriages and placental abruption. Beer has a diuretic effect, which creates an additional load on the renal system, which is already working at an increased rate at this time.


Young mothers have a misconception that this version of the drink does not pose a danger to the fetus due to the lack of alcohol in the composition. Non-alcoholic beer has another negative impact factor. The drink goes through a fermentation process, so alcohol still remains in small quantities. Non-alcoholic beer has its own preparation characteristics, in order to get the hue and taste of regular beer, special additives and dyes are added to it in large quantities. These are carcinogens and preservatives that can significantly harm a child.

Drinking the drink does not lead to 100% destruction of the health of the unborn child; in some cases, mothers who drank alcohol gave birth to completely healthy children. This only means that they were lucky in this case. If you really want beer, then it is permissible to drink 100 ml of this drink once a week. It is imperative to choose a brand that consists only of high quality natural products.

In the early stages

Sometimes a girl continues to drink, not suspecting that she is already pregnant. At this stage, the fertilized egg is just trying to implant itself in the uterus; alcohol can greatly interfere with this process, which leads to miscarriage. You should stop drinking beer in the early stages as soon as you become aware of the situation. If you continue to drink alcohol, there is a risk of placental abruption and impaired fetal development.

In the first trimester, the intrauterine formation of the baby's internal organs occurs. An ultrasound examination can already determine the fetal heartbeat. Alcohol at this stage of pregnancy can disrupt the process of formation of the new body's systems. The first trimester determines the future health of the baby, how well the circulatory system and internal organs will work. Alcohol from beer quickly and without any obstacles penetrates the placenta, causing hypoxia and leading to breathing problems and brain development.


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During pregnancy, a placenta forms in a woman's body. It is vital for the baby. We will talk with a midwife and gynecologist about why it is so important and what myths exist around this topic.

The placenta, or, as it is also called, the baby’s place, is a very important organ that looks like a “cake” that appears in a woman’s body only during pregnancy.

Normally, the placenta is located closer to the fundus of the uterus along its posterior or anterior wall. In this place, the placenta is safe and performs its functions better.

The placenta is vital for the child, because it is thanks to it that the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients, in addition, it removes toxins.

The placenta also acts as a “barrier”, protecting the baby from bacteria, viruses and microorganisms, while allowing antibodies to pass through, which help form immunity.

Main pests

However, remember that this “barrier” does not protect the baby from nicotine and alcohol.

“Any products that enter the placenta have their own permeability index; accordingly, the more harmful these substances are and they have good permeability, the worse the effect. Alcohol and nicotine are precisely the substances that pass well through the placenta,” explains the gynecologist, specialist Ultrasound specialist at Vita Women's Health Center Marina Stepanova.

Alcohol disrupts the functions of the placenta, resulting in its premature aging, due to which it is no longer able to supply the baby with oxygen and nutrients, which in turn can lead to premature birth or even fetal death.

Smoking mothers have a high risk of giving birth to a child with oxygen deprivation, which can subsequently threaten to delay the mental and physical development of the child.

Placenta placenta discord

Unfortunately, sometimes the placenta does not develop as expected.

“A small placenta does not fully transfer the substances that the baby needs, which is why he may be born prematurely and have a low weight,” says midwife Inese Campuse.

If the placenta is enlarged, then it begins to age prematurely and cannot perform all its functions, that is, protect and provide the baby with oxygen and necessary nutrients, which also increases the risk of premature birth.

If the doctor discovers that the placenta is not small, but rather large, then he prescribes additional examinations. Based on the results obtained, a decision is made whether to resort to treatment or to closely monitor the placenta and fetus.

Premature placental abruption

It is rare, but sometimes it happens that the placenta begins to separate prematurely. There can be many reasons for this. According to experts, everything is completely individual for each woman. Sometimes this happens due to an infection, perhaps there was some kind of trauma (damage to internal organs) or hypertension, late toxicosis, multiple pregnancy, or stress can also be the cause.

How can the expectant mother understand if premature separation of the placenta suddenly occurs?

Midwife Inese Campuse believes that every woman in such a situation feels everything differently, some begin to experience pain, some begin to have bleeding: “In such cases, the mother’s intuition works well, she begins to sense that something is happening "Not so. Pregnant women in general should trust and listen to themselves more."

Let us emphasize once again that premature separation of the placenta occurs very rarely, but if this happens, then the duration of pregnancy does not matter - it may be its first weeks, or it may be its last.

Constant checks

During pregnancy, the gynecologist repeatedly checks whether the placenta is developing normally: this usually happens before the 13th week, then at 21-24 weeks and at the 30-32nd.

If a woman carries a child to term, they again check the condition of the placenta and whether it can still provide oxygen and the nutrients the baby needs.

“The placenta is born in the third stage of labor, this happens half an hour after the birth of the child. The doctor always checks the integrity of the placenta so that there are no holes or any empty parts anywhere. If there is a suspicion that something is missing, then an ultrasound is performed. If a piece is retained there, the placenta is scraped out. If it does not come out on its own, a manual separation of the placenta is performed, which occurs under anesthesia," says the gynecologist.

Four myths

When looking for information on a particular topic, we often come across the fact that opinions differ: mom says one thing, the Internet says another, but it seems to us that everything is not so at all.

Gynecologist Marina Stepanova, at the request of the Mom's Club, will help dispel some myths about the placenta.

Myth No. 1

Sex causes premature placental abruption.

In fact...

This has not been proven. Much depends on where the placenta is located.

It can be located at the bottom or low and block the cervix, then the woman cannot give birth on her own, this is an indication for a caesarean section when she is at the bottom and the fetus is above it, in which case any physical activity, including sex, is not recommended, this can lead to bleeding and miscarriage.

If everything is normal, nothing hurts, then this does not affect premature placental abruption.

Myth No. 2

Women who are overweight (obese) are more likely to have a large placenta.

In fact...

Is not a fact. The placenta usually changes in other cases, for example, due to infections or incompatibility of Rh factors.

Myth No. 3

Women who gain little weight during pregnancy will have a small placenta.

In fact...

No, that's not true. Regardless of whether a pregnant woman gains a lot or a little kilograms, this will not affect the size of the placenta.

Myth No. 4

You should not quit smoking during pregnancy, because the baby has already begun to receive nicotine through the placenta and will be stressed if you suddenly quit smoking.

In fact...

It is nonsense. Of course, it is best to quit smoking; this will not make the fetus worse, but only better. Quitting immediately or gradually is up to the woman herself to decide.

For pregnancy to proceed well, a woman needs to be charged with positive emotions, avoid stressful situations if possible and listen to herself, because she is a future mother, and the mother herself feels everything that her body needs and needs.

“The relationship with your partner is very important, so that he supports and is always there. Do not forget about fresh air, good nutrition and harmony in the family. Take care of yourself, the child and think positively,” advises midwife Inese Campuse.

Natalya Smal,

especially for Mom's Club

Pregnancy is a wonderful, but extremely responsible time. After its onset, the expectant mother should think not only about herself. At this moment, the woman should develop an understanding that the life of her baby depends on the state of her health.

By consuming foods and drinks that are harmful to her health, she causes irreparable damage to the child. One of the most dangerous in this regard are alcohol-containing drinks.

Alcohol during pregnancy is a poison that affects all systems of the fetus’s body, regardless of how much the child gets. Even small doses of “light” alcoholic drinks - cocktails, beer, wine - can cause irreparable consequences.

Can a pregnant woman drink alcohol? There are many situations that a pregnant woman finds herself in when she is faced with a choice: to drink or not to drink? Well, what happens if you allow yourself a glass of cognac or a glass of wine? Under normal circumstances, you may not even think about this question, however, if a new life is developing under your heart, then you should not drink.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy affects the development of the child. Penetrating into the blood of the fetus through the placenta, it causes irreversible consequences. Every woman who is going to drink while pregnant should know that she will not be drinking alone: ​​for the next 9 months she has a companion who cannot refuse. The fetus will drink together with the mother.

Experts unanimously say that alcohol during pregnancy is a poison that destroys the possible potential of the child. Many mothers who already have children do not agree with this and believe that it is okay to drink alcohol. Once, while pregnant, they allowed themselves to drink, but no pathologies were found in the children. At the same time, none of them can say how their baby would have developed if the mother had not drank alcohol. It is quite possible that it was the mother’s addiction that did not allow the child to receive any gift: an exceptional ear for music or an ability for the exact sciences.

The influence of alcohol on pregnancy can not only affect the development of the baby. Under certain circumstances, if a woman drank a lot at the beginning of pregnancy, the fetus may be rejected by the mother's body. Mothers who drink alcohol are three times more likely to have a miscarriage. Alcohol during pregnancy is dangerous in any, even small doses. It is impossible to predict the consequences of a woman's addiction to alcohol. In some cases they will be delayed in time. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause not only visible changes in development, but also mental abnormalities that can manifest themselves much later.

Is it possible to drink at an early stage?

Alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy is no less dangerous than during the rest of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that it is during this period, from 3 to 14 weeks, that the fetus experiences the formation of the main body systems. Research in the field of medicine has shown that the embryo in the first weeks is very sensitive to various types of influences. Both methanol itself and its breakdown products formed in the mother’s body during its processing have a harmful effect on the fetus. Alcohol causes spasms of the blood vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord, which disrupts the supply of the child’s body with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.

If a woman drank alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy, then the likelihood of changes in the DNA structure increases, which can cause deformities. In addition, if a woman allowed herself to drink, then it can be assumed that under the influence of alcohol a metabolic disorder occurs, which affects the formation of internal organs. Alcohol in the first month of pregnancy has the strongest effect on the development of the central nervous system of the fetus. One of the consequences of maternal drinking is epilepsy in the child.

The most dangerous period in terms of losing a child is the first trimester. Moderate but constant consumption of alcohol at this time can provoke a miscarriage.

Let's look at what exactly is the danger of alcohol in the first trimester?

  • Alcohol is absorbed not only into the tissues of the mother’s body. It easily crosses the placenta.
  • Not only alcohol itself is harmful to a child, but also its breakdown products. Acetaldehyde is especially dangerous. It causes an imbalance in the development of the fetus, damage to the child’s nervous system and has a harmful effect on the cells of all tissues of the body.
  • Alcohol reduces the amount of vitamins in the mother's blood.

Safe dose of alcohol for pregnant women

Is it possible to determine a safe dosage of alcohol? Alcohol use by women can be either episodic or a manifestation of a chronic disease. If everything is clear with alcohol addiction, then what to do if a woman drank occasionally. Literally 20 years ago, doctors did not see anything criminal in a glass of red wine or a glass of beer and believed that a little good alcohol could be allowed. In addition, such doses were considered beneficial. So beer was considered as a source of B vitamins.

Modern doctors take a fundamentally negative position on this issue. When asked whether it is possible to drink during pregnancy, they refuse. The current state of the environment, women's health, burdened heredity of the male half and low-quality alcoholic products together make up a dangerous mixture. Moreover, in some cases, alcohol is the last straw that triggers the development of pathologies.

How much can you drink? No one can say with certainty what a glass of wine will do for a child in the first trimester. In this regard, doctors insist on complete abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy. All types of alcohol have a negative effect on the fetus. Vodka, wine, cognac, beer or alcoholic cocktails contain a certain dose of alcohol. It is this component that has a harmful effect on the fetus, no matter how much it is there.

Planning for the birth of a baby

Abstaining from alcohol also includes planning a pregnancy. Expectant parents should stop drinking alcohol at least three months before conception. Planning a child involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle by both parents, despite the cyclical renewal of parental cells in men. Women's cells cannot be renewed, no matter how much time has passed. In the body of expectant mothers, eggs are waiting in the wings from the moment the girl is born.

In this regard, a number of experts believe that female parental cells “record” the behavior program of the expectant mother and transmit it through DNA to children. Based on this, the expectant mother must maintain a sober lifestyle at the moment of birth. If a woman drank a little alcohol, then there is no great danger of giving birth to a defective child. If the mother drank alcohol regularly, then pregnancy requires special monitoring. In this case, there is a high probability of having a child with pathologies.

Fetal alcohol syndrome

A woman’s extreme passion for alcohol leaves an imprint on the intrauterine development of the baby. If a woman drank a lot for a long time, then the baby will receive a number of characteristic abnormalities. The combination of these congenital physical and mental defects is called fetal alcohol syndrome. These abnormalities are incurable and remain with the child for life. With medication, some defects can be smoothed out. However, there are a number of deviations that cannot be restored to normal.

The most common defects indicating the presence of chronic alcoholism in the mother are:

  • Abnormalities of brain development associated with the functioning of the central nervous system, including abnormalities of brain structure, behavioral and intellectual disorders, mental retardation, neurological abnormalities.
  • Weight and height deficiency. The child does not receive the required amount of nutrients. Children of drinking mothers are born small and frail.
  • The specific structure of the skull and face: smoothed philtrum, cleft palate, border of the upper lip, narrow and short palpebral fissure, flat wide bridge of the nose.

The consequences of maternal alcoholism can be expressed in abnormalities of the external genitalia, congenital heart defects, changes in the pattern of palmar folds, fine motor disorders, and joint abnormalities. The degree of their severity depends on the severity of the addiction and how much the woman drinks. Women who drink should not have children.

Pregnancy planning should include complete abstinence from alcohol for six months and a series of procedures to restore kidney and liver function.

Children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome:

  • are lagging behind in physical indicators (height and weight);
  • need constant medical support;
  • have distinctive facial abnormalities;
  • have problems with vision and hearing;
  • have problems with memory and attention;
  • learn worse;
  • have pronounced behavioral disturbances;
  • control their emotions worse;
  • often require a special approach to school education - special programs;
  • are often not sufficiently aware of the consequences of their actions;
  • capable of committing antisocial acts;
  • need social protection;
  • 90% of girls with alcoholic mothers will drink.

Despite a large number of studies in the field of developmental anomalies in children of drinking mothers, it is not clear what influences the development of the defect to a greater extent: frequency, amount of alcohol, or how many years a woman has been drinking. In some cases, there are subtle consequences: many children suffer from disorders associated with pathologies in the development of mental processes.

One of the dangerous defects in such children is the physiological need for alcohol. After the birth of the baby, due to the lack of alcohol intake, this need fades away, however, even a little alcohol will contribute to the rapid development of addiction to alcohol.

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