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Preparing sorrel for the winter - the best recipes! Sorrel for the winter in jars without sterilization How to seal sorrel with salt

In winter, we especially crave fresh greens. It is not only useful, but also reminds us of warm summer days. One of the first to please us in the spring is sorrel. But you can make a salad with it or cook a wonderful one even in winter. To do this, you just need to know how to prepare sorrel correctly, so that this tasty and healthy greenery retains its beautiful appearance, and most importantly, its taste and vitamins.

In fact, there are enough ways to store sorrel. Each housewife can choose the most suitable one for herself - drying, freezing, canning. And we will look at each harvesting method in detail.

However, before you can take it somewhere. Therefore, we take a suitable container and go to the country house, garden plot, meadow or to the nearest market. We bring delicious greens home and pre-process them. To begin with, the sorrel must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, and any weeds and damaged leaves that have accidentally come into contact with it, if any, must be removed. This applies to all harvesting methods without exception. But then the variations begin.

How to prepare sorrel for the winter if you don’t have time, but have a spacious freezer? It’s very simple: take washed and prepared sorrel, chop it and place it in containers. Special plastic boxes with tight-fitting lids (you can buy them in any store today) or, at worst, ordinary plastic bags are suitable. You will get many servings of sorrel, from each you can cook, for example, delicious green borscht. The greens won’t even need to be defrosted before cooking.

We figured out how to freeze sorrel for the winter, but this method, for one reason or another, may not be suitable for all housewives. For example, you don't have much space in your freezer. Then you can dry the sorrel and store it on the balcony. To do this, lay out the finely chopped greens on paper and dry them naturally. It is advisable that the sun's rays do not fall on it. To ensure that the sorrel dries evenly, stir it from time to time.

Now let's talk about how to prepare sorrel for the winter using the canning method. There may be two options here. Place thoroughly washed and coarsely chopped sorrel in a saucepan with boiling water, keep it on high heat for several seconds until the greens change color, then reduce the gas to a minimum, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, and then use the same to take the sorrel and compact it tightly into pre-sterilized jars. Add some liquid from the pan and roll up.

If you don’t want to bother with jars and boil water, we can offer another method: cold salting. Before storing sorrel with salt for the winter, you again need to wash it, sort it, cut it as you like, and place it tightly in a jar in layers, sprinkling it with salt. This sorrel should be stored in a cool, dark place. Since greens are quite salty, salt should be added to the dish when cooking with caution.

Happy culinary experiments and a delicious winter!

Many cooks prepare vegetables for the winter, but only a few decide to do the same with herbs and leafy plants. Meanwhile, having mastered recipes for canned sorrel, you will learn new and extremely simple ways to prepare healthy greens for the long winter period. The skillful housewife's preparation sells with a bang, both as an excellent dressing for green borscht and as a delicious filling for a pie.

Not everyone knows how to properly preserve sorrel for the winter, so they prefer not to take on this task at all, for fear of ending up with a brownish, inedible mush.

In fact, it is much easier than sealing cucumbers or tomatoes in jars - green leaves contain a large amount of acid, which is a reliable preservative. Therefore, all you need for the preservation process is a lot of sorrel, a little salt and... creative inspiration!

Secrets of cooking canned sorrel

On the Internet you can find a great variety of recipes that fit into a couple of printed lines. It seems how difficult it can be: stock up on green ingredients and create kitchen miracles for your pleasure! But if you overdo it with sterilization of greens or simply over-expose them in boiling water, then you risk getting not healthy preserves, but a pile of herbs devoid of any vitamins in jars. What do you need to know before you start creating a winter gas station?

  • Only young shoots are suitable for preparing canned sorrel, so set aside the large dark green leaves and select those that are lighter and fresher for seaming.
  • In almost all recipes, the plant needs to be generously sprinkled with salt. If you plan to use greens as a seasoning for soup, a filling for baked goods, or as a component of a vitamin salad, keep in mind that you will need to add much less salt to the food.
  • When pouring boiling water over the chopped leaves, do not be surprised that the contents of the jar change color. This is not at all a sign that the product has deteriorated or failed, but the result of heat treatment.
  • The only thing you will have to tinker with a little when starting to prepare canned sorrel is sterilizing the jars. Do this in any way convenient for you: hold the containers over steam or rinse them thoroughly with boiling water. And don't forget about the lids!

Now you know theoretically how to preserve sorrel for the winter. It's time to put this knowledge into practice!

Canned sorrel “Like from the garden!”


  • - 1 kg + -
  • 2-3 tsp each for each jar + -


You can argue as much as you like about the benefits of fresh herbs and the uselessness of preservation, but in our climate zone the only way to enjoy cabbage soup or pie in the middle of winter is to prepare sorrel in advance. Moreover, according to this recipe, the greens turn out as if they had just been picked from the garden! The family will be delighted - checked!

1. We carefully sort out the leaves intended for preparing canned sorrel so that pests or weeds do not get into the jars. Fill them with cold water and leave for half an hour. This stage should not be skipped as unimportant - we don’t want the finished snack to squeak from sand on our teeth, do we?

2. While the green mass is soaking in an aqueous environment, place a saucepan of water on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. We leave it to cool - we want the water to be just warm, not hot, when we use it.

3. Time expired? Now we chop the leaves as you please - anyway, in the finished dish, the shape of the sorrel shoots is completely unimportant.

4. Pour the slices into sterilized containers and add a couple of tablespoons of salt to each (we took the amount per half-liter jars; for 250 g jars it needs to be halved). Mix the mixture, fill it with water up to the shoulders of the dishes and roll up the lids.

Wherever canned sorrel goes with this recipe! And in okroshka, and in salad, and in pie, and in soup - everyone will find that very “own” dish that they will like more than others! And the snack is stored wonderfully - it can stand in a cold place for several years without losing even a little of its taste and benefits!

* Cook's Tips

  • Some particularly “advanced” chefs advise preserving greens mixed with finely chopped beet tops. Take it in a 1:1 ratio and repeat all the steps from the above recipe. If you believe the reviews of those who had the opportunity to try this dish, it turns out to be moderately sour and very tasty.
  • Are you afraid that the salt will settle on the bottom? You can mix it with chilled boiled water and only then pour it into jars.
  • It is not necessary to cut the leaves at all. You can simply mash them a little with your hands to make them softer, and send them whole to the jar.

Now you know everything about how to preserve sorrel for the winter so that the seaming turns out appetizing and retains all its vitamins.

Step 1: prepare inventory.

We take the required number of liter, or better yet half-liter, jars and the same number of metal screw or regular lids with rubber bands and carefully inspect them for any damage, for example, cracks, nicks, or rust. Now we decide the type of their further processing. Some people simply wash them thoroughly with a soft sponge and soda. Others sterilize in any convenient way, in the microwave, oven or on the stove; this option is more reliable. When the equipment is prepared, we place it on the countertop and allow it to dry.

Step 2: prepare the sorrel.

Without wasting a minute, put the sorrel in the sink and rinse it very thoroughly to remove sand under cold water. Then place in a large colander and leave in the sink for 10-15 minutes or until all the moisture has drained.

After this, we move the leaves to a cutting board, cut off their thickened stems, chop the greens crosswise into strips from 5 millimeters to 1 centimeter thick and choose a harvesting method.

Step 3: prepare sorrel for the winter - freezing.

The first option is very simple; it does not require glass equipment. Place the chopped sorrel on a baking sheet previously lined with baking or parchment paper (newspaper will do) and leave to dry completely. Then we distribute the greens in small portions into plastic bags, seal them carefully and send them to the freezer, where they can be stored from 6 months to 1 year. The advantage of this method is that you can prepare both first and second courses from such sorrel, but the disadvantage is that such greens lose most of their acid.

Step 4: prepare sorrel for the winter - pickling.

The second option is also easy, throw about a kilogram of dried chopped sorrel into any deep enamel dish, for example, a saucepan or bowl, and sprinkle with a generous portion of salt, this is about 90 grams, maybe a little more, up to 100. Then mix everything with clean hands until a homogeneous consistency and leave it alone for 10–20 minutes so that the greens release their juice. After this, compact the sorrel tightly into prepared half-liter glass jars so that it is covered with its own juice, add a teaspoon of refined vegetable oil to each and seal tightly with the lids, trying not to leave any gaps. This preparation is stored only in the refrigerator or cellar. from 6 to 8–9 months. Its plus is the preparation of any dishes, the minus is the advisable rinsing before use, otherwise you risk over-salting your favorite foods.

Step 5: prepare sorrel for the winter - drying.

Now the third option, it can be done in different ways. Place the prepared sorrel on a tray covered with a cloth towel and dry it outside in the sun for about a week, remembering to cover it with a fly net. You can place a sheet of baking paper on a baking sheet and spread the greens on it. Then put it in the oven, preheated to 35 degrees Celsius, and dry it to the desired consistency, without closing the door, this takes from 2 to 3 hours. This sorrel is stored in glass jars covered with gauze or in paper bags in a dry place at room temperature. from 9 months to 1 year. The plus of this preparation is that it is suitable for preparing any dishes, the minus is that it loses color, is half acidic and crumbles.

Step 6: preparing sorrel for the winter - blanching and preservation.

The fourth option is more labor-intensive. First, bring purified water to a boil in a deep saucepan. Then put the chopped sorrel into it and blanch it for 3-4 minutes. After this, using a slotted spoon, place the discolored greens into sterilized jars, compacting them very tightly, pour in the boiling water in which they were cooked, and immediately seal them well with the lids. Place on the floor upside down and cool under a woolen blanket for 2-3 days. Then we send the workpiece to the basement, cellar or pantry, where it can be stored about 1.5 years. The advantage of the preparation is that it is suitable for all dishes, the disadvantage is that it very often acquires a porridge-like consistency.

Step 7: preparing sorrel for the winter - sterilization and preservation.

The fifth option is slightly different from the fourth. We distribute fresh chopped sorrel among the prepared jars, tamping them down quite firmly, using a ladle, and also fill a wide-necked watering can with preheated boiling water and cover with lids. We put the workpiece in a pan with water starting to heat up and sterilize it at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius: half-liter - 60 minutes, liter - 90 minutes. After processing, using special tongs, we move the jars to the countertop, seal them hermetically with a kitchen towel or a preservation key, turn them upside down and cool under a blanket for several days. Plus workpieces - storage from 1 to 2 years, minus - after prolonged heat treatment it loses most of the acid, the greens become very soft and very often boil over during the preparation of the first or second hot dishes.

Step 8: preparing sorrel for the winter - pouring and preserving.

For this sixth option, use well or spring water; we are not at all against such experiments, but if you live in a city where the water supply systems are slightly outdated, then it is better to play it safe. Pour purified or tap water into a small saucepan, put it on medium heat and after boiling, let it boil a little, for about 2-3 minutes. Then we move it to the countertop and leave it alone until use, allowing the heavy metals to settle. Next, distribute the sorrel among the jars, compact them, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt without iodine to each, pour boiling water (you can just use boiled chilled water) and tightly close the lid. Turn the pieces upside down and leave to cool under the blanket. You can store such canned food in a cellar, basement, pantry or refrigerator. from 5–9 months to 1 year.

Step 9: serve the sorrel for the winter.

Sorrel for the winter is an excellent base, which is used to prepare many delicious dishes, for example, soups, pickles, borscht, salads, and any baked goods. Its shelf life depends on the processing method, but any of the selected options is good in its own way. Cook with love and enjoy!
Bon appetit!

“Salting” method. Why add vegetable oil? To prevent mold from forming on the surface of the sorrel during long-term storage;

Frozen sorrel does not need to be thawed before use; it is better to immediately put it in an almost ready first or second course and bring the food to the desired state;

In the “Pouring and Preservation” method, ordinary chilled water allows you to preserve the color of the leaves, but sometimes such a preparation deteriorates, that is, it explodes, so it is still better to use boiling water.

Mention of sorrel is found in ancient Russian recipes and medical books. The Slavs willingly prepared sorrel soups, pies and porridges, although they did not immediately taste the nutritious delicacy in this “weed”. And today, modern chefs even offer candies and cheesecakes made from this wonderful plant. It is surprising that sorrel, rich in vitamins, appears precisely in the spring - when the body is especially weakened. Housewives also try to stock up on sorrel for the winter, which at home is frozen, dried, canned, fermented and simply ground with salt. Thanks to the acid, oxalate preparations do not require additional preservatives and retain freshness for a long time. By following proven step-by-step recipes, you will delight your loved ones with hearty green borscht or sorrel pastries, regardless of the season.

Featured Recipes

The last notes

Is it possible to freeze sorrel for the winter? This question increasingly worries modern housewives, who now have large freezers in their arsenal. The answer to this question can be the numerous positive reviews from people who have already tried the method of preserving sorrel in the freezer. Today I bring to your attention recipes for freezing this leafy vegetable for future use.

How to prepare sorrel in jars for the winter is a question that worries all housewives at the beginning of summer. By preparing it in this way, you will preserve the sorrel with minimal loss of vitamins and in winter you can add it to soup, cabbage soup, or any other food.

Sorrel for the winter in jars without salt


  • fresh sorrel leaves – 455 g;
  • water.


Place sorrel leaves tightly into a prepared sterilized jar, having previously washed and sorted them. We compact it tightly and fill it to the top with boiled cold water. We close it with a nylon lid and put the sorrel without sterilization in a jar for winter storage in a cool place.

Sorrel for the winter in jars with salt


  • fresh sorrel – 675 g;
  • filtered water;
  • iodized salt - to taste.


So, we wash the leaves well to remove any dirt and soak them in plenty of water for about 1 hour. Then rinse again, place on a kitchen towel and dry. Now cut them with a knife and put them in a deep bowl. We sterilize the jars and scald the metal lids with boiling water. Now put some greens in the prepared container, sprinkle lightly with salt, fill with boiled cold water and compact with a masher. Next, add the herbs, salt and water again. When all the jars are tightly filled, roll up their lids and store them in the basement. We use this preparation in winter to prepare delicious ones.

Recipe for winter sorrel in jars with herbs


  • fresh sorrel – 355 g;
  • green onions – 145 g;
  • parsley and dill - 130 g each;
  • water;
  • salt - to taste.


Wash the greens, dry them, chop them finely with a knife and place them in a wide bowl. Now sprinkle it with salt, knead it slightly and leave to release the juice.

In the meantime, sterilize the jars and simply scald the lids with boiling water. Pour filtered water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil, carefully add all the greens and simmer for several minutes. Then put it tightly in jars and roll up the lids.

Recipe for sorrel puree in jars for the winter


  • sorrel leaves – 965 g;
  • fat or vegetable oil;
  • fine salt – 30 g.


We wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and grind them through a meat grinder. Then add the required amount of salt, mix and place the resulting mass into clean glass jars. Pour melted fat on top and close with lids.

Recipe for winter sorrel in jars with spinach


  • fresh spinach – 485 g;
  • sorrel – 245 g;
  • water – 255 ml.


We sort out the sorrel and spinach, rinse well and place in a colander. Next, transfer the raw materials into a deep saucepan, fill with water and place the dishes on the fire. Blanch for about 3 minutes, and in the meantime heat clean jars in a water bath. Place the greens in hot jars, cover with lids and place in a saucepan with a wooden grate at the bottom. Fill it with hot water and sterilize the workpiece for half an hour, and then roll it up.

How to hot roll sorrel into jars for the winter?


  • sorrel – 555 g;
  • fresh dill – 145 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soda.


Wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and cut them into pieces. Rinse the dill, shake and finely chop with a knife. Mix the greens in a wide bowl and pour boiling water over them. We wait 5 minutes, and then we compact the greens into clean glass jars and add hot water to the very top. Roll up the lids and after cooling, store the preserves in the refrigerator.

How to seal sorrel in jars for the winter with sugar?



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