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The meaning and history of the formation of Kyrgyz female names. Tips for choosing. What are Kyrgyz people guided by when choosing a name? New and modern Kyrgyz female names

The history of the Kyrgyz people is surprisingly rich and has five periods: Altai, Turkic, Kyrgyz-Altai, new, Soviet and modern. From their names one can clearly trace the factors that at one time or another influenced the formation of Kyrgyz names. In the Altai period, the names Kara (big), Alp (rich) and others were common.

During the Turkic period the names became widespread Turan, Leopard, Bugu. And in Kyrgyz-Altai - Bektur, Utar, Thapar. In the new period, the active formation of the Kyrgyz ethnic group took place. Folk epic of that time, “Manas” contains only 146 native Kyrgyz male and female names. The most popular of them are - Karabek, Abyke, Toktobay. In the modern period, under the influence of Soviet power, traditional names were supplanted by new formations, one way or another connected with the realities of that time.

The modern period has put everything in its place: artificially imposed Soviet names have given way to traditional Kyrgyz names.

Modern Kyrgyz names for boys

Abay- “observant.” Not a single detail will escape the penetrating gaze of the owner of this name.

Ariet- "honor". The bearers of this name know, not in words, what real masculine honor is.

Jarkyn- "light". The owners of this name are crystal honest and fair.

Zhenish- “winner”. Men with this name are winners in life, they know very well what they want and confidently follow their goal.

Kalmurat- “will be happy.”

Mirlan- “bringer of peace.”

Ortay- “energetic.” Even a seemingly complex and unsolvable problem cannot resist the inexhaustible energy of the bearer of this name.

Segiz- “eighth”.

Turat- “strong”, “unyielding”. The bearer of this name will cope with honor with any problems that stand in the way of achieving the goal.

Modern Kyrgyz names for girls

Akylai- “smart moon”.

Ayana- “charming.” The bearers of this name have an innate sense of tact.

Bermet- “pearl”.

Guliipa- "rose". The charm of the bearer of this name is comparable to the charm of a newly blooming rose.

Zhaina- “blooming”.

Meerim- "Sun rays".

Zhyldyz - “star”.

Urusa- "battle".

Choosing a name for your unborn child is a very important step. It is not without reason that since ancient times it has been believed that it is the name that determines the character and destiny of a person.

When choosing a name, two main criteria must be taken into account: the name must be harmonious and carry a positive meaning. It is not recommended to use foreign names. Names are banned bloody dictators, pharaohs and angels. By choosing one of the non-recommended names, you can invite disaster on your child and have a negative impact. Negative influence to his surroundings.

Modern women's and men's Kyrgyz names have a very interesting sound. Segiz, Turan, Ongal, Syldys, Kuluipa, Mirim - each of these words carries some kind of secret. Solving this riddle is the primary task of parents who follow Kyrgyz naming traditions. They are worth paying attention to Special attention both the sound of the name you like and its meaning. This will guarantee the child the most favorable and radiant future.

The meaning of most Kyrgyz surnames and names concerns various kinds of positive categories. Most often it is associated with beautiful natural phenomena, plants, animals, heroes national epic and so on. Many popular Kyrgyz names for boys and girls have religious content. In any case, getting to know their semantic content will bring readers many pleasant moments.

How to choose a Kyrgyz name for a boy and a girl

The meaning of Kyrgyz names and surnames is not the only thing you need to focus on when preparing for naming. Following popular trends recent years, it is also worth carrying out astrological calculations. It is necessary to find out how suitable the chosen name is for the child according to the horoscope. In the old days there was such a possibility. However, this did not stop them from naming their children according to the time of their birth. For example, a girl born on Thursday was given the beautiful female Kyrgyz name Beishek, the one born on Friday was Adinay, etc.

List of beautiful Kyrgyz names for boys

  1. Abay. Translated from Kyrgyz it means “observant”
  2. Ariet. Kyrgyz boy name meaning "honor"
  3. Jarkin. Interpreted as "light"
  4. Zhenish. Translated into Russian it means “winner”
  5. Kalmurat. Male Kyrgyz name which means = “will be happy”
  6. Mirlan. Interpreted as “bringer of peace”
  7. Ortay. Translated into Russian it means “energetic”
  8. Segiz. Kyrgyz boy name meaning "eighth"
  9. Turat. Interpreted as “strong”/“stable”
  10. Elaman. Means "patriot"

List of original Kyrgyz names for girls

  1. Aiji. Translated from Kyrgyz it means “moon-faced”
  2. Akylai. Kyrgyz girl name meaning "smart moon"
  3. Ayana. Interpreted as "charming"
  4. Bermet. Translated into Russian it means “pearl”
  5. Guliipa. Female Kyrgyz name which means = “rose”
  6. Jaina. Means "blooming"
  7. We make peace. Translated into Russian it means “sun rays”
  8. Syldys. From Kyrgyz "star"
  9. Urusa. Kyrgyz girl name meaning "battle"
  10. Elzada. Translated into Russian it means “daughter of the people”

Popular male and female Kyrgyz names

IN different time The list of popular Kyrgyz names for girls and boys looked different. Until the fifteenth century, children were often named Beglen, Berkut, Utar and Tapar. After this, names such as Abyke, Karabek, Kaldar, etc. became popular. In the post-revolutionary period, children began to be called in accordance with Soviet realities - Balshabek (which means “Bolshevik”), Madaniyat (interpreted as “culture”), Lenar, Vilen and etc. Today, there is a revival of interest in female and male Kyrgyz names associated with the history of this people.

In the formation of Kyrgyz names, several periods can be distinguished: ancient (before the 5th century), ancient (5th-10th centuries), middle (10th-15th centuries), new (16th-early 20th centuries), Soviet (early 20th-21st centuries), post-Soviet ( beginning of XXI - to the present).

Currently related to post-Soviet period Associated with the strengthening of national self-awareness, de-Sovietization, and the influence of Islam, names associated with the history of the people became widespread. The number of Arabic names, which mainly came from Tajikistan, has increased, and borrowings from other languages ​​have increased. The most popular female names in last years become:

  • Ryan;
  • Aruuke;
  • Amina;
  • Aybiyke;
  • Eileen;
  • Sumaya;
  • Aliya;
  • Fatima;
  • Aruuzat;
  • Khadicha.

How do you choose?

When naming a daughter in Kyrgyzstan, parents, as a rule, choose names derived from the following basic concepts:

Parents always try to give their babies not just a beautiful, but a “speaking” name, from which a lot becomes clear both about the girl herself and about her family. To make the baby charming, they call her Ayana. If they want her to grow up strong, then Begayim, cheerful - Gulshayir, pleases her parents and is always cheerful - Shayyrkul.

If no heir is born in the family, but only daughters appear, then they can be given names to attract him. For example, Kenzhe, Toktobubu, which means “enough,” or Zhanylkan, so that the blood “makes a mistake” and a son appears.

Reference. One more feature should be emphasized. As a rule, in Kyrgyz families, parents name all their children with the same letter, or try to make the names consonant.

In recent years, Arabic names have gained popularity, so girls are often called Amina, Fatima, Madina.

List and values

When choosing a name for a baby, the Kyrgyz are guided not only by its beautiful sound, but also by its semantic meaning, so the translation of the name is of particular importance. The main female Kyrgyz names are formed using the words ai - “moon” and hum flower.”

  • Agach(Kyrg.) – “white-faced”. This is what they call babies so that they become white-faced and beautiful.
  • Azhar(Kazakh) – “beautiful face”.
  • Aigul(Turk.). Ai – “beautiful, radiant”, gul – “flower”.
  • Aizhamal(Kazakh.). Ai – “moon”, zhamal – “beautiful”.
  • Aizat/Aizada(Tatar.). Ai – “luminous planet”.
  • Ayida(Arab.). Ayda - “benefit, profit.”
  • Aikerim/Aigerim(Kyrg.). Ay – “beautiful, radiant, smart”, kerim – “kind, wonderful”.
  • Aikol(Kyrg.) – “generous”. This is how babies are named so that they become generous and sincere.
  • Aikyz(Kyrg.) – “beautiful, radiant.”
  • Aimonchok(Kyrg.) – “moon necklace”.
  • Ayperi(Kyrg.). Ai – “beautiful, radiant”, perishte – “angel”.
  • Ayselki(Kyrg.). Ai – “luminous planet”. Selkie – “beautiful girl”.
  • Aiturgan(Turk.). Ai – “smart, dear.” Parents give this name so that light will emanate from the girl and she will become very beautiful.
  • Aichurek(Kyrg.). Ai – “moon”, churek – “beauty”.
  • Ayim(Kyrg.) – “madam”. Emphasizes highs feminine qualities that will appear in the newborn in the future. When adding particles to “ayym”, new names with a similar meaning are formed - Ayimbacha, Ayimbubu, Ayimgul, Ayimzhan, Ayimkan, Ayymkyz, Ayympaasha, Ayymsaadat, Ayymsana, Ayymtal, Ayymtilla, Ayymcha, Ayymshat.
  • Akai(Kyrg.). Ak – “pure”. Ai – “beautiful, radiant.”
  • Akmaral(Kazakh.). Ak – “white”, maral – “doe”.
  • Akmoor(Kyrg.). Ak – “white”, moor – “seal”.
  • Almagul(Kyrg.). Alma – “apple”, gul – “flower”.
  • Anara(Kazakh.). Anar – “pomegranate”. Given to girls with birthmarks so that they do not increase, and the girl grows up beautiful. When adding particles to “anar”, new names with a similar meaning are formed - Anarbyubyu, Anargul, Anarzhan, Anarcha. Aruuzhan (Kyrg.).
  • Aruu- “purity, beauty.” When adding particles to “aruu”, new names with a similar meaning are formed - Aruuke, Aruuzat.
  • Asel(Arabic) – “honey”. Parents call their daughter this so that her speeches will be sweet, and she herself will be friendly.
  • Asyl(Arabic) – “dear”. Characterizes its owner as respected. When adding particles to “asyl”, new names with a similar meaning are formed - Asylgul, Asylkan.
  • Baktygul(Kazakh) – “lucky flower”.
  • Balsheker(Kyrg.). Bal – “honey”, sheker – “granulated sugar”.
  • Batma(Kyrg.) – “lotus”.
  • Accordion(Arabic) – “a type of story.” They name her with the goal of making the girl infinitely happy.
  • Begayim/Begimai(Kyrg.). Parents wish their daughter health and long life.
  • Bermet(Kyrg.) – “pearls”. They name it so that the baby and her life are pure and bright, like pearls.
  • Burul(Kyrg.) – “turn around.” The name is used when only girls are born, and the family is waiting for the birth of an heir. The following names with a similar meaning are Zhanyl, Kaiyr, Kayryl, Uulkan, Umsun, Salkyn, Uldana.
  • Byrchyn(Kyrg.) – “eagle”. So that the baby can fly like an eagle and always be on top.
  • Gulai(Kyrg.). Gul - “flower”, ay - “moon”.
  • Gulbarchyn(Kyrg.) – “silk flower”.
  • Rumble– “flower”, barchin – “silk”.
  • Gulgaaki(Kyrg.) – “true flower”.
  • Rumble- "flower".
  • Gulzhan(Kyrg.). Gul – “flower”, jan – “soul”.
  • Gulumkan(Kyrg.) – “my native flower.” Gul – “flower”.
  • Guljahan(Persian.). Gul – “flower”, Jahan – “peace”.
  • Gulzat(Persian.). - “living flower.”
  • Gulnar(Turkic) – “pomegranate flower”. Gul – “flower”, anar – “pomegranate”.
  • Gulnur(Turkic) – “radiant like a flower.”
  • Daryyakan(Kyrg.). Daryya – “river”, Kan – “blood”.
  • Zhamal(Kazakh.). Jamal – “beautiful, attractive).
  • Zhanayim(Kyrgyz) – “the moon is my soul.” Jean - “soul”, ay - “moon”.
  • Zhibek(Kyrg.) – “silk”. They want the baby to become tender and soft as silk.
  • Zhibekchach(Kyrg.). Zhibek – “silk”, chach – “hair”.
  • Zhuzumkan(Kyrg.). Zhuzum – “grapes”, kan – “blood”.
  • Zhyldyz(Kyrg.) – “star”. With this name, parents emphasize the heavenly beauty of their daughter.
  • Zhyldyzkan(Kyrg.). Zhyldyz – “star”, kan – “blood”.
  • Zhypar(Kyrg.) – “fragrant, pleasant, beloved, radiant.”
  • Zhyrgal(Kyrg.) – “fun, joy.”
  • Zarema. Several options for the origin of the name are from Arabic. “scarlet dawn”, from Pers. the words "zar" - gold, from "for the revolution of the world."
  • Zamira. IN Soviet era from the word "for peace".
  • Zeynep/Zaynap. Zeina (tarar.) – “beauty, light.”
  • Zuura(pers.) – “strength, power.” So that the girl is bright and strong.
  • Zyinat(Kyrg.) – “beauty”. Parents wish their daughter to grow up beautiful.
  • Kalbyubyu(Kyrg.). Feces - “birthmark”. A girl born with such a mark will have blessings in life. When adding particles to “kal”, new names with a similar meaning are formed - Kaliman, Kalybek.
  • Kanayim(Kyrgyz) – “my little blood.” Kan - "blood".
  • Kanykey(Kyrg.) – “who married the khan.”
  • Kanyshay(Kazakh) – “native moon”. Ai – “moon”. Karakez (Tatar).
  • Kara– “black”, kez – “eye”. So that the girl grows up charming and attractive.
  • Karlygach(Kyrgyz) – “a bird like a swallow.” So that the baby becomes loved and beautiful.
  • Kenje(Kazakh) – “youngest daughter”. Parents do not plan to have any more children.
  • Kerez(Kyrgyz) – “left a gift behind.” They give a name when the baby's father dies before giving birth.
  • Kumushay(Turkic) – “silver moon”. Kumush - “silver”, ay - “moon”.
  • Kunsultan(Kyrg.). Kun – “sun”, Sultan – “sovereign”.
  • Kurmanjan(Kyrg.) – “sacrificial soul.” Jean – “soul”.
  • Kyzgaldak(Kyrg.) – “tulip”. The girl will become beautiful and tender like a tulip.
  • Mairam(Arab.). From Mary - mother of the prophet Jesus.
  • Maral(Kazakh) – “doe”. So that the girl is as beautiful as a doe.
  • Munara(Kyrgyz) – “tower, minaret.
  • Nan(Kyrg.) – “bread”.
  • Nurayim(Kyrg.) – “the moon is a bright mistress.”
  • Nurbike(Turk.). Nur – “bright”, Bike – “mistress”.
  • Nurgul(Turk.). Nur – “shining”, gul – “flower”.
  • Nurzhamal(Kazakh) – “bright beauty”. Nur – “light”.
  • Nurzhan(Kazakh) – “bright soul”. Jean – “soul”.
  • Nurkumush(Kyrg.). Nur – “ray”, kumush – “silver”.
  • Alboscan(Kyrgyz) – “tenacious”. They give a name if the baby is born sick.
  • Perizat(pers.) – “fairy, beauty.”
  • Perishte(Kyrg.) – “angelic”. Peri - "angel".
  • Rabia(Arabic) – “spring”. So that the girl is pure, gentle and beautiful.
  • Saadat(Arabic) – “happiness”. So that the child’s life turns out well.
  • Saikal(Kyrg.) – “brilliant”. Feces - “birthmark”.
  • Salima(Arabic) – “unharmed, whole, healthy.”
  • Saltanat(Kyrgyzstan) – “celebration, holiday.”
  • Sarsengul(Kyrg.). “A flower born on a lucky day is a rose.”
  • Sezim(Kazakh) – “sensitive, feeling.”
  • Seyde(Kyrgyz) – “happy, lucky.”
  • Songul(Turkic) – “late flower”. Gul – “flower”.
  • Syrga(Kyrg.) – “earrings”.
  • Tattygul(Kyrg.) – “sweet flower”. Gul – “flower”.
  • Ulukbubu(Kyrg.) – “chief lady”. Bubu – “lady”.
  • Uralgul(Kazakh.). Gul - “flower”.
  • Cholpon(Kyrgyzstan) – “Venus is the morning star.”
  • Chynara(Kyrg.). Chynar is “the name of a long-living tree in Asia.”
  • Chynarkul(Turkic) – “long-lasting flower.”
  • Chynarkyz(Kyrg.). Chynar is “the name of a long-living tree in Asia”, kyz is “a girl”.
  • Shayirgul(Kyrg.) – “lucky flower”.
  • Shaky(Arabic) – “grateful, grateful.”
  • Shirin(pers.) – “sweet”.
  • Ykybal(Kyrgyz) – “honor, authority.” The baby will enjoy honor and respect.
  • Yrymbibi(Kazakh.). Yrym – “spell”, bibi – “mistress”.
  • Yrysbu(Kyrg.). Yrys – “happy”, bu – “mistress”.
  • Yrysty(Kazakh) – Yrys – “happy”. Parents want their daughter to become happy, rich, successful.
  • Eldana(Turkic) – “ folk wisdom" Dana – “wisdom”.
  • Elnura(Turk.) – “light of the people.” Nur – “light”, el – “people”.
  • Erke(Kyrg.) – “darling, darling.”

Thus, it can be noted that there are a lot of beautiful, sonorous names for babies in Kyrgyzstan. However, no matter what option parents choose to name their baby, they do it with a certain meaning and a message for the future.

Women's Kyrgyz names were formed over several dozen centuries, and scientists have identified 5 periods. However, we note that in each of them you can find predominantly male names. There are much fewer old Kyrgyz names for girls than for men. This is due to the peculiarities of the life of the nation - for a long time a woman did not have the right to vote and did not make significant decisions in the community and in the family. All leadership positions were occupied by men.

The most ancient (Altai) female names of Kyrgyz women

The oldest period (lasted until the 5th century AD) - another name - Altai. The ancestors of today's Kyrgyz lived in Altai. In those times distinctive feature popular Kyrgyz female names were their basis - most names came from the names of plants, animals, celestial bodies and abstract concepts. Example - Rose, this is the name of a flower, is widely found throughout Europe; Aibika or “Mistress Moon”.

Ancient (Turkic) female Kyrgyz names

Ancient period the development of female Kyrgyz names (continued from the 5th to the 10th centuries AD), which is also called “Turkic”, is marked by highlighting the characteristics of each of the Turkic languages. The most remarkable evidence of the period can be called the Orkhon-Yenisei monuments.

Old, Kyrgyz-Altai female names

The middle period (framework of the period: X - XV centuries AD) or “Kyrgyz-Altai”, at this time several nationalities (including Altaians, Kyrgyz, Tuvans, Shors) lived within the same area. A written monument that has supplemented the list of modern Kyrgyz names for girls is the “Dictionary of Turkic Dialects” by Mahmud of Kashgar, which includes not only about 7 thousand toponyms and anthroponyms, but also the history and features of everyday life Turkic peoples.

New and modern Kyrgyz female names

New period(XVI - early XX century AD) - during it, the process of formation of the Kyrgyz people actively took place. Most famous monument of this time is the epic "Manas". The story about the exploits of the hero Manas includes 146 names of men and only 6 female names of the Kyrgyz, for example, Alykai (perhaps close in meaning to the male name of Turkic origin “Alakai” or “exalted one”), Karaberyk, Sanirabiga.

In the modern period (beginning of the 20th century - to the present day), also called the “Soviet” period, the list of Kyrgyz female names was replenished with the names of revolution, industrialization and communism. So, for example, the name “Madaniyat” appeared, which means “culture”.

Muslim female names for Kyrgyz women

A separate group of Kyrgyz names are Arabic and Muslim; their presence in modern Kyrgyz is explained by the religion of the nation (82% of the country's population are Sunni Muslims). Examples: Zamira (from Arabic “hidden dream”), Nadira (feminine form of the name “Nadir”) - translated from Arabic as “darling”.


Kyrgyz female names are mainly related to the peculiarities of the life of the Kyrgyz people, their way of life, religion, and political situation.

If you have not yet decided on a name for your future daughter, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular Kyrgyz female names below.

Dolls in national Kyrgyz clothes

Kyrgyz (self-name Kyrgyzdar, units number - Kyrgyz) - one of the Turkic peoples. The main part lives in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan - about 5,100,000. A significant part lives in neighboring Uzbekistan (600,000). In China – 210,000. In Tajikistan – 80,000. In Kazakhstan – 40,000. In Russia – 32,000. They also live in Afghanistan, the USA, Germany, Ukraine. Native language– Kyrgyz. Religion – Sunni Muslims. nbsp; The history of Kyrgyz names has much in common with the history of the names of neighboring Turkic peoples - Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Uighurs.

There are five periods in the history of Kyrgyz names:

1. The oldest (also called Altai, up to the 5th century). During this period, the Kyrgyz language had elements common to all Turkic languages. For example, in every Turkic language there are (with minor differences) such names as Aibash (ah"moon") + bash"head"), Kara(“black, big, huge, support”), Alp(“great, rich”).

2. Ancient period (Turkic, V–X centuries). Some are starting to form distinctive features everyone Turkic language. The Orkhon-Yenisei monuments give an idea of ​​the names of this period: names Buga, Esin, Chur, Bars, Turan, Alp Turan, Kushu Tutuk, Boz Kagan and etc.

3. Middle (Kyrgyz-Altai, X–XV centuries). In the naming tradition, the Kyrgyz had much in common with the Altaians, Tuvinians, Khakassians, and Shors), which is explained by their long residence in the neighborhood of these peoples. Sources for studying the names of this period are the written monuments of Yusuf Balasagunsky and Mahmud of Kashgar. You can find names in them Bektur, Beglen, Utar, Tapar and etc.

4. New period (XVI – early XX centuries). It coincides with the process of formation of the Kyrgyz people. The source of anthroponymy of this period is, for example, the epic “Manas”, containing 146 male and 6 female names: Mechdibay, Abyke, Aidarkan, Kaldar, Karabek, Toktobay etc. From this period, the history of Kyrgyz names is inseparable from the history of the names of neighbors Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Uyghurs, Turkmens, etc.

5. Modern (from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day). Researchers also call it Soviet. During this period, new names associated with victory appeared October revolution 1917, with collectivization, industrialization and other historical processes, socio-economic and cultural transformations: Azat("Liberty"), Balshabek("Bolshevik"), Kenesh("Advice"), Council, Kolkozbek, Sovkhozbek, Madaniyat(“culture”), Bilim(“knowledge, science”), Vilen, Lenar, Marlene and etc.

The Kyrgyz have many names that came after Islam from the Arabic language, as well as names of Iranian origin, often coming from the Tajiks.

Since the presented periodization refers to 1989, it is necessary to make adjustments to it. A sixth period can be distinguished – the post-Soviet period, which began in beginning of XXI V. It has much in common with the previous one, but also has a number of features noted among almost all Central Asian peoples. These features are primarily due to the following factors: the growth of national self-awareness, the strengthening of the influence of the Muslim religion, the de-Sovietization of society, the expansion of the information field about other countries, peoples, and cultures. It seems that these factors in naming resulted in the following: increased activity of names associated with the history of the people, an increase in the frequency of names of Arab-Iranian origin, penetration through the media and cinema of borrowings from languages ​​with which the Kyrgyz had no direct contact.

In Kyrgyz male names component widely represented -bek, much more often than in the names of other Central Asian Turks. The initial component is very common in female names hum-(in terms of the number of bearers of such names, the Kyrgyz are slightly inferior to the Kazakhs).

The most full list Kyrgyz names is the “Dictionary of Kyrgyz personal names”, published in Frunze (now Bishkek) in 1979. Currently, there is a great public need for the preparation of a new dictionary based on this, taking into account the development of Kyrgyz anthroponymy over the past 30 years. This is the task primarily of researchers in Kyrgyzstan itself. For my part, I can offer information on the names of Kyrgyz people currently living and working in Almaty. Many of them are guest workers, that is, their stay in Kazakhstan is temporary and related to their earnings. Often, Kyrgyz people live in Almaty with families, which is explained by the geographical proximity of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. My observations show that many (if not most) Kyrgyz in Almaty came from the poorest regions of their state - mainly from the Osh region. In other words, from the names of Kyrgyz guest workers and members of their families, one can get an idea mainly about the names of the southern part of the country, which have some differences from the names of the north of the country. These differences are mainly associated with closer contacts of southern Kyrgyz with Uzbeks and Tajiks, which was reflected in greater similarity with the names of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

There are practically no lists of personal names of the Kyrgyz people on the Internet that parents could use when choosing a name for a newborn. The lists of names suggested below may be a start to filling this gap. Although in quantitative terms they are far from comparable with the real composition of Kyrgyz personal names. The given names were written down by me when working with birth certificates for the city of Almaty for 2005–2006. Not all materials have been processed yet. As further processing extracts from the registry office archives, this list will be supplemented. Male and female names are given in separate lists. Name options are given with a forward slash.

Male names

Abdurazak, Abduhuddus, Abylaykhan, Adilbek, Adilet, Azat, Azimbek, Aibek, Akinbek, Aktanbi, Aktilek, Akyl, Alexander, Alibek, Alimbek, Almaz, Almazbek, Altynbek, Alym, Albert, Almir, Andrey, Arapbay, Argen, Arzybek, Arlan, Arlen, Aryslan, Asilbek, Askarali, Asylbek, Akhmet, Ashirbek, Ashym, Bayaman, Baybolsyn, Bayel/Bayel, Baynazar, Baysel, Bayishbek, Bakyt, Bakytbek, Bakhtyar, Baybars, Bekzhan, Bekzat, Bekmamat, Beknazar, Beksultan, Bekten, Berdibek, Biymurza, Gulzhigit, Gulistan, Gulbiddin, Daniel/Daniel, Daniyarbek, Dannel, Daulet, Dinmukanmed, Erbol, Erbolat/Erbolat, Erkin, Erlan/Erlan, Zhaadar, Zhaksylyk/Zhakshylyk, Zhanardin, Zharkynbay, Zhenishbek, Zhoomart, Zhoomartbek, Zhotay, Zhumabek, Zhunus, Zhyrgalbek, Zamirbek, Ilimbek, Ilyas, Iman, Iskak/Ishak, Kairatbek, Kaparbek, Kenzhebek, Kubanychbek, Kulzhigit, Kumushbek, Kurmanzhan, Kushbek, Kylychbek, Kyyalbek, Manas, Marat, Marlene, Melis, Mirbek, Munarbek, Murajon, Muradil, Murataly, Mukhamedali, Muhammed, Nazar, Nuradilet, Nurali, Nurbek, Nurdanbek, Nurdaulet, Nurdin/Nuriddin, Nurlan, Nurlanbek, Nurmukhambet/Nurmuhamed, Nursultan, Nurtilek, Omirbek/Omurbek, Ramil, Roman, Ruslanum, Rysbek, Ryskeldi, Sabir, Samagan, Samat, Talent, Talgat, Tariel, Timur, Tolkunbek, Turatbek, Tursubek, Tynybek, Ulan, Ularbek, Farukh, Cholponboy, Chyngyz, Shabdan, Shadiyarbek, Sherali, Shumkarbek, Yryskeldi, Edil, Elgazy, Emirbek, Emirlan, Erkinbek, Ermek, Ernest, Ernis, Ernisbek

Female names

Aziza, Aida, Aigul/Aigul, Aizhamal, Aina, Ainagul, Ainura, Ayperim, Aisalkyn, Aisulu, Aichurok, Akdaana/Akdana, Akzhibek, Aksana, Akyl, Altynai, Anara, Asel/Assel, Bagdagul, Bazarkan, Baktygul/Baktygul, Barchinay/Barchynay, Barchyngul, Begaim, Boldukan, Busaira, Buuraikhan, Venus, Gulai, Gulbairakhan, Gulbara/Gulbara, Gulbarchyn, Gulbarchyn/Gulbarchyn/Gulyubarchyn, Gulzat, Gulzina, Guliza, Gulmira, Gulnara/Gulnara, Gulumkan, Gulchehra, G ulzat, Gulzina, Gulnura, Gulsana, Gyuzel-Ai, Damira, Dilfuza, Dinara, Duyumkan, Elena, Zhazgul, Zhanara, Zhanargul/Zhanargul, Zhanyl, Zhapargul, Zharkyn, Zharkynay, Zhiydegul, Zhuldyz/Zhyldyz, Zhumagul, Zhyldyzkan/Zhyldyzkhan, Zhypargul, Zhyrgal, Zamira, Zarina, Zenpira, Zinaida, Ziyagul, Ziyadagul, Zulfiya, Izatgul, Kadicha, Kalima, Kanykey, Clara, Kunduz, Kyzzhibek, Laili/Leila, Mavlyudakhan, Mayramkan, Manatgul, Masuda, Mahabat/Mahabbat, Mira, Mirgul/ Mirgul, Munira, Myskal, Nadira, Nazgul/Nazgul, Nazira, Nargiza, Nargul, Nasiykat, Nimufar, Nurbubu, Nurgul/Nurgul, Nurzhamal, Nurzat, Nurila/Nuriyla, Nurifa, Nursuluu, Odinahon, Razia, Raikan, Rano, Rakhat, Rosa, Sayragul, Saltanat, Samantha, Samara, Sanabarkhan, Sashypa (?), Sonunbu, Sunamkhan, Tazhikan, Tazagul, Tandagul, Toktayim, Toktogul, Tugunbu, Tynchayim, Umut, Upol, Uulkan, Uulkyz, Farida, Fatima, Khabibahon, Chinara , Shairgul, Sharapat, Sharipa, Yryskan, Elzira, Eliza, Elvira, Elmira/Elmira, Elnura/Elnura


Nikonov V. A. Personal names of modern Uighurs // Turkic onomastics. Alma-Ata, 1984.

© A. I. Nazarov.



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